Pag 4 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Stlcm, Oregoa Thursday, July 30, 1953 3 Summer Menus via Refrigerator During the warm dayi of cummer the refrigerator 1 a particularly vduable ally in planning lor dinner! that can be served quickly. The mother who want to enjoy funny sf ternooni with her children cbooiei menui in which foods can be prepared in the morn ing, then refrigerated. And the working homemaker. iceui tomed to organizing dinner the night ahead, relief on her re frigerator for storage when high temperature! make it un. wiie to leave certain foods in the oven all day for the timer to iurn on. Here are three plan-ahead meala that can be ready in 30 minutes, with the refrigerator lending a helping hand. Choose the beverages that your family likes. (Editor'f note: All times given are based on a pre-heat-ed oven and refrigerated foods. Oven temperatures and bak ing time are based on a com plete menu going into the oven at one time, so if you want to use recipes individually, de crease oven temperature by 25 degrees.) Menu Number 1 This is almost like a party meal . . . iff so delicious. If your family insists on not lik ing curry, omit it and substi tute cup grated cheese in the sauce. Curried Ham Rolls Frozen Broccoli Brown-and-Serve Rolls Snowball Dessert Advance preparation: Pre pare the Curried Ham Rolls and place in food compartment ol refrigerator. The Snowball Dessert should be made the night before and placed in the refrigerator so the flavors blend. - Just before dinner: Allow 10 12 minutes for cooking the fro zen broccoli. Do not allow fro zen vegetables to defrost before starting to cook. Put the brown-and-serve rolls in the oven about IS minutes before serv- ing time. Whip the cream for Snowball Dessert, cover little cakes and roll in grated coco nut Put the coconut on waxed paper for easier handling. Carried Ham Rolls 8 slices boiled ham (not -too thin) k cup dry rice 1 medium onion, grated Vi cup finely chopped parsley 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine, melted Vi teaspoon salt hi teaspoon curry powder 4 hard-cooked eggs Curry sauce (see below) Cook rice in two cups boiling water until dry and fluffy. Mix rice, grated onion, parsley, melted butter or margarine, salt and curry powder together. Place about 13 cup of this mixture in center of each slice of ham. Roll up ham slices and place seam side down in a fl inch square pan, or a 7x1 1-inch utility dish. Cut the hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and place cut side down on each ham roll. Pour curry sauce over ham rolls. Place in refrig erato. Bake in 400 degees oven fo 30 minutes. Curry sauce: Melt v cup butter or margarine in sauce pan. Add M teaspoon curry powder, Vi teaspoon salt and 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour (or 2 tablespoons cornstarch). Blend well. Add 2 cups milk slowly, stirring all the time. Cook on medium heat until thick. (If you do not use curry powder, add Vi cup grated sharp cheese just before remov ing sauce from heat.) Snowball Dessert 2 cups dates, chopped (or 1 cup dates and 1 cup prunes chopped cup water Vt teaspoon salt 13 cup sugar (optional) Vi cup nut meats, chopped 24 vanilla wafers 1 cup cream, whipped 1 cup grated coconut Cut or chop the fruit, add Canned Salmon For Buffet Dish Salad is more than a aalad in this beautiful array of ingredients. The hostess provides the fixings and each guest assembles hit own salad by selecting favorites at the buffet table. Some will go for accent of cucumber or green pepper or hard cooked egg, but all will dip into the canned salmon to highlight their personal creation. Canned salmon makes a won derful summer main dish salad. It's ready to use the Instant the can Is opened ... so hostess easy. It combines well with vegetables. All in all a summer salad treasure. Salmon Buffet Salad 1 1-pound can salmon 1 large cucumber, scored and sliced H bunch celery, cut In 2-inch pieces and fringed S small green peppers, cut in rings 1 bunch radishes, sliced 1 bunch scalllons 4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped oarDecue reiisn Salad greens cup mayonnaise cup chili sauce Drain salmon; flake, keeping pieces as large as possible; mound in center of serving platter. Surround salmon with scored cucumber slices, fringed relish and green pepper rings. Arrange radishes, scalllons, chopped eggs and relish in sep arate dishes. Arrange crisp sal ad greens (lettuce, chicory and endive, or any other desired combination) in salad bowl. Combine mayonnaise and chili sauce, serve as dressing. Guests will select whichever ingredi ents they prefer and mix them in individual salad bowls. Yield: 4 generous servings. water and salt One-third cup sugar may be added if a sweet er dessert is desired. Cook over low heat until thickened, then add broken nut meats. Put be tween vanilla wafers, and pile three or four wafers high. Let stand in food compartment or refrigerate!;. Just before serv ing, cover with whipped cream and roll in shredded coconut. Red cheries, grapes or other fruit may be used as a garnish. Menu Number t This casserole main dish pre sents nutritious liver in an un expected and satisfying new way. Macaroni Surprise Tomato Salad Corn Muffins Spanish Cream Advance preparation: Pre pare the Macaroni Surprise. Cool slightly and place in food compartment of refrigerator. Crease muffin pans and, if do ing the advance work the night before, sift and mix dry ingred ients for muffins but do not mix with other ingredients un til morning. The muffin batter will keep 8 to 10 hours in muf fin pans in your refrigerator. Make the Spanish Cream, Dip tomatoes in boiling water for a second or two, then return them to the refrigerator. This makes it easier to peel the to matoes just before serving. Macaroni Surprise 1 cup uncooked elbow maca roni 4 slices bacon Vi pound liver, cubed 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt Vi cup sliced sweet onion 1 can (10 ounces) mushroom soup 1 Vi tablespoons steak sauce 1 cup whole kernel corn j Cook macaroni according to ! directions on package. Drain ! and rinse. While macaroni is cooking, fry bacon in skillet until lightly brown. Roll liver in flour which has been season ed with salt. Brown liver in skillet. Add onions and cook until onions are slightly ten der. Pour soup into a mixing bowl, add steak sauce and stir until well blended. Fold in the macaroni, liver, onions and corn. Pour into greased casser ole and top with bacon strips. Place in refrigerator. Bake in 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. Spanish Cream 1 tablespoon unflavored -gelatin 34 up cold water , 3 cups scalded milk 3 eggs, separated Mi cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla ' Soften gelatin in cold water five minutes. Dissolve in scald ed milk. Combine egg yolks and sugar. Add gelatin mixture and cook over low heat five minutes, stirring constantly un til sugar is dissolved. Cool and chill until slightly thickened. Add vanilla and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into mold. Chill until firm. Remove from mold and serve with chocolate or caramel sauce, i - Menn Number 3 The humble and hearty com bination of corned beef and cabbage is given a muffin top ping in this casserole. A tangy molded salad adds color and taste contrast to the meal. - Kelly's Casserole ...when you open the doer will thtrt refreshing Olynpla litr fair nfrleenter ikiHf Stock tWoy! r In) Is Is! mm sums FOR THE KIDDIES AT 3045 SOUTH COMMERCIAL FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY Cherry-Grapefruit Salad Custard Pudding Cupcakes Advance preparation: Pre pare all the Kelly's Casserole except the Lucky Muffin top ping and place in food com partment of refrigerator. If you arre cooking the night be fore, measure muffin ingredi ents. In the morning, mix muf fins and place on top of casser ole mixture. This will take about two minutes if dry in gredients are sifted and mea sured in advance. Make salad in dessert tray and place in freeze chest Make custards the night before (try a packaged mix). Grease muf fin pans for cupcakes. Use a prepared cake mix that can be mixed while oven is preheating and bake at same time as cas serole. Kelly's Casserole 4 tablespoons butter or , margarine 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour teaspoon salt Dash of pepper tablespoon prepared mustard cups milk tablespoons vinegar 1V4 cups corned beef or one - 12-ox. can 4 cups coarsely cut raw cab bage Lucky Muffins Melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Stir in flour, salt pepper and mustard. Gradually add milk, stirring until thick ened. Stir in vinegar. Add corn e beef, which has been diced into inch cubes, and cabbage. Mix well. Pour .into greased casserole and drop spoonfuls of Lucky Muffin batter around edge. Bake in 400 degrees oven for 30 minutes. Lucky Muffins:Sift together Vi cups all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder and Vi teaspoon salt Combine one beaten egg, cup milk, 2 ta blespoons melted shortening and 13 cup chopped green pepper. Add to flour, stirring only until flour is moistened. Drop by spoonfuls around edge of casserole. Cherry -Grapefruit Salad 1 envelope cherry-flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water 1 cup canned grapefruit , Jui'.-e - 1 cup canned grapefruit sec tions ' Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add grapefruit juice and grape fruit sections. Pour into mold and place in food compartment of refrigerator. Chowder Uses Tuna, Macaroni As Basic Items From sunny California comes this reciDe for a hearty chow der that is a meal in itself. Macaroni shells and canned tuna are the basic ingredients for this delicious treat that's especially suited for Saturday luncheons or Sunday-night sup per. Crusty rolls are a good ac companiment California Chowder (Makes 8-8 servings) 3 slices bacon, cut in small pieces , . 2 medium-sized onions, chopped 1 stalk celery 1 bay leaf 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 7 cups chicken stock' 8 ounces shell macaroni (3 cups) 2 7-ounce cans solid-pack tuna, drained 4 cups milk Dash cayenne In a heavy soup kettle, cook bacon over medium heat until lightly browned; add onions and cook until tender. Add cel ery, bay leaf, green pepper and chicken stock; bring to boil and gradually add macaroni so that stock continues to boa Cook, stirring occasionally, un til macaroni is tender. Add tuna which has been broken into pieces with a fork, milk and cayenne; cook over low heat 15-20 minutes to blend flavors. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired. Stock may be made frrom chicken, bouillon cubes dis solved in hot water. Creamed Chipped Beet Cream chipped beef on toast becomes very special when served in individual toast cups. Trim crusts from bread and press into muffin tins or cus tard cups. Just before serving add dark shiny wedges of ripe olives to the creamed beet. Looks fancy and tastes delici ous. N r A harty, dtlMovt trtot, packed with tht good ness of sweet com at th peak of flavor-perfec tion. Just add milk and butter, heat and serve. Try it Tafcy! .1 iiMi rcpmaf 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 QIVUS YOU Buy Locker Beef Now! We recommend the purchase of Fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at this time because the price is definitely right and the quality is good. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends your storing of foods for the freezer for the same reason. We accept and pass on to your the recommendations of theU.S. Department of Agriculture because it is sound judgment to purchase your meats and other foodstuffs at a seasonally low price and store them for use at a later date when the market might normally be higher. We offer you this opportunity to buy meats not only at a seasonally low price, but with a large whosesale discount besides. Whether you wish a quarter or a half of Beef or any number of retail cuts, we know we can save you money. Our price, quality consid ered, is the best in the State of Oregon. The weight is guaranteed to be honest and you will find our service to be courteous and helpful. Any of our retail cuts double wrapped for your locker Free! Plan to buy a week's supply. Shop Randall's Market and Save! NEW LOW PRICES ON LOCKER BEEF Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down - a full year to pay. Half or Whole 2sy2e Front Quarter Hind Quarter ROUND LB. . . . IB. St TEAK BONELESS NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK ... Ib 53' BEEF TENDER LOIN ..... u W FRESH BEEF HEARTS a2B COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE Fresh Ground Beef u.29' Fresh Ground Round u. 49' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef BOAST u, 3 Baby Beef LIVER Lean Short Ribs. . ,.517' Lean Beef Cubes . a. 4f Arm Curs Blade Cuts Rump u.. 39' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef STEAK u43 -Done Kib steaks Fresh Beef TONGUES c U. 29-