Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 30, 1953, Page 20, Image 20

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Turkey Always a
Ore oa ranks fix in the na-
Uon in turkey production. Tur
key! and poultry mike up the
third largest agricultural ln
duitry in Oregon; exceeded
only by meat animals. Lait
year's crop value wat estlmat
ed at cloie to flS million and
this year's is even bigger,
Turkey growers have shown
Increasing interest in breeding
the smaller or lunior-sixa tur
key; others are successfully
marketing the large-type
Bronze turkeys at 1Z to 14
weeks when they are a good
size lor broiling, trying, barbe
cuing as well as for roasting.
Whichever size you choose
. and however you choose to fix
them, turkeys make fine, eco
nomical eating as well help
celebrate National Mld-6unv
mer Turkey Time this week,
Spit Boasted Turkey
. Many a man is building
chef's reputation as an outdoor
turkey roaster or barbecuer,
so why not let your particular
"genius" do the work like this
Choose a 4 to 8 pound tur
key, a pounds being the max!
mum for most outdoor spits.
Start barbecue fire early to
have cods burning well for
low, steady heat. Rinse bird in
cold water and pat dry. Place
on spit adjusted 6 to 8 Inches
above coals.
For barbecued turkey, paint
with a commercial glaze or
your own favorite sauce thick
ened a little more than usual,
You may use a pastry brush,
small paint brush to paint the
sauce on, daub it on with. a
cloth tied at the end of a long
stick or use a spoon
For spit-roasted turkey, brush
en melted butter or margarine.
or cooking oil and season with
salt and pepper. Allow 20 to 23
minutes per pound cooking
time over low coals. Turn fre
quently or if you have an elec
tric spit, your cooking Is slm
. pie. Faint turkey occasionally
with more sauce or butter to
keep it moist and it will be
golden brown and supremely
Fried er Broiled Turkey
For trying or broiling, a 4
pound turkey Is Ideal. Proceed
just as you do with chicken
fryers and broilers except that
cooking takes a little longer.
Many prefer to finish fried tur
key in the oven, baking at 325
degrees for an hour or so, after
frying a crisp golden brown.
- For broiling, place broiler
pan about 7 Inches from heat.
Broil for 40 minutes, turn,
brush with butter and broil on
o o JTorxtf o o o o o
taring corn en the cob It something the average
person really takes seriously. In fact, they're "up to
their ears" In it before they realixe it. To be good,
though, corn mutt be fresh and picked at the right
MASTER I BEAD it alwayt fresh ... any time
you want to pick it up at your grocer's. It comet
froth from the oven EVERY day with all its bakery
fresh aroma and flavor sealed in. Squeexe a loaf
H's alwayt toft and note how it springs right back,
because it't thoroughly baked thru and thru. Worth
tking for every time!
Year-Around Favorite Turkey time Is sny time as Oregon
growers produce and market turkeys in all sizes for frying.
broiling, barbecuing, roasting
other side 20 minutes or so
until done.
Barbecued Small Turkey
Select 8-7 pound turkey, dis
jointed and cut up. Coat with
1 cup flour mixed with 2 tea
spoons salt and brown in but
ter and lard, shortening or sal
ad oil. As pieces are browned,
arrange in casserole dish or
baking pan. Pour barbecue
sauce over turkey, cover and
bake at 32S degrees approxi
mately IVi hours or until ten-
Sweet and Simple Dessert
For you gals who like des
serts sweet and simple. "Peach
Brittle Ice Cream" is the an
swer. There's no cooking at
all. Just blend mashed canned
peaches with a little peach
syrup and sugar. Freeze in re
frigerator tray, then turn Into
bowl and combine with whip
ped cream and crushed peanut
brittle, and freeze again. Kasy
and delicious!
Peach Brittle Ice Cream
4 to 6 canned peach halves
Vt cup syrup from peaches
3 tablespoons granulated '
sugar '
cup crushed peanut
iv ii mm vi " rr
PopuHokWMi ITS
or for doing out-of-doors like
der. ,
Barbecue Sauce
Saute H cup chopped onion
in 2 tablespoons butter until
clear. Add Vt cup ehopped cel
ery, Vi cup chopped green pep.
per, 1 cup catsup, 1 cup water.
2 tablespoons Worcestershire
sauce, 2 tablespoons brown su
gar and H teaspoon pepper.
firing to a boll.
Good eating to you and a
happy National Midsummer
cup whipping cream
Mash or sieve drained
peaches to make 1 cup. Blend
In syrup and sugar. Pour into
refrigerator tray, place in
freezing compartment with
control set at lowest tempera
ture, and freeze until firm.
Turn into chilled bowl and
beat with rotary beater until
smooth and fluffy. Fold in J
brittle and cream whipped un
til stiff. Return to freezing
compartment, and freeze to de
sired consistency. Reset tem
perature control to normal.
Makes about 1 pint.
Get the man of the house
into the chefs apron with this
quick and easy backyard par
ty. The main dish is barbecued
chicken with Pimiento Barbe
cue sauce. The sauce's flavor
is custom-made for all poul
try and meats and Is just as
good right from your own
oven if husband isn't the
cooking kind.
Red pimiento rolls brighten
the bed of rice that catches
the wonderful Pimiento Bar
becue juices. To make these
gay, delicious garnishes, cut
whole, csnned pimlentos In
half, lay sprigs of parsley or
watercress across them, roll
up and fasten with toothpicks
and white pearl onions. Keep
In refrigerator until time to
Barbecued Chicken
For four people, season I
pound chicken, which his
been cut in quarters, with
salt and pepper. Brush all
aides with butter or margar
ine, and from here on the
cooking is up to your better-
half. Have the Pimiento Bar
becue Sauce ready for him.
u this is an inside lob, brown
chicken in your broiler and
bake in oven (323 degrees)
lor ltt bourse basting fre
quently, or until very tender.
Pimiento Barbecue Sauce
1 medium onion, chopped
1 4-oz. can pimiento, chopped
n cup sweet picaue, chopped
(or reush)
cup cider vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons prepared mus
tard Combine all ingredients.
bring to boiling point, and sim
mer gently for S minutes.
Round out the mea' with
avocado salad, bread stick and
what could be finer (or more
economical) than ice cream pic
for dessert.
Gravy Sandwich
When there's roast meat left
from dinner, fix double deck
sandwiches for the next meal.
Glorify sandwiches with hot
gravy (using 1 can of beef
gravy). For each sandwich,
place slice of meat between 2
slices toast and top with more
meat Pour on the hot brown
gravy. Each can contains IV
cups beef gravy, enough for 3
or 4 sandwiches. Garnish sand
wich plates with cold crisp cel
ery, carrot sticks and pickles.
man, tnat's a meal!
ftf ftfi U$t$
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(of I
0iaa aaiiujj tuuawiuuic Mittta uiuuuif w m -
it's made with tongue and chopped vegetables. Circle salad
with crisp lettuce leaves. Have salt sticks to nibble.
Star performers at your
summer meals are the cool,
Jewel-like gelatin salads. For
the richest flavored salads.
start with condensed beef con
somme as the base.
As basic recipe for consom
me salad can be made with
either chopped chicken or ton
gue. Both a joy to eat. Try
one, then the other. You're
sure of two delightful summer
Jellied Consomme Tongue
1 envelope unflavored
Vt cup cold water
1 can (1 Vi costs) condensed
beef consomme
2 to 4 tablespoons lemon
Vt cup diced tongue (smoked,
canned or cured) '
Vt cup minced cucumber
2 tablespoons sliced, stuffed
1 hard-cooked egg, chopped
Soften gelatin In cold water:
then set container of gelatin
in pan of boiling water until
gelatin is dissolved. Combine
gelatin, consomme and lemon
Juice; chill until mixture be
gins to thicken. Fold in re
maining Ingredients. Rinse a 1
quart mold or loaf pan with
cold water (for decoration, ar
range slices of tongue in bot
tom of mold so they form a
pattern on top of jellied sal
ad); pour In salad. Chill un
til firm. Unmold and serve on
crisp greens. 4 servings.
Consomme Chicken Salad
Follow recipe for Consom
me Tongue Salad, except use
Vt cup diced cooked chicken
Instead of tongue. And use
the 4 tablespoons lemon juice.
Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half
ssasm u picnics
JTSS, Hams n. 57 - rr
"" Vt or Whole . .
T-Bone Steak STTn" RIB STEAK
u 69c Beef Roast . JT Lb 49c
Ground Beef F,SCHERS C0TTA6E
.35c Aged Cheese . Ml cmZ
None Better 0ur Fan0tt 0d chtMt J Pint X3C
;r 29c apricots j0NS 35c Bggg.. .. 25c
LOCAL 12-lb. lug.. 1.39 ICE COLD CELERY
PEACHES lelb lu9 M.49 Watermelons w
3.b. 0 Ff Buneh
Bikt. 4JC as-ib. iu9.. 2.59 Cantaloupes
2?. 29c 2.... 27c u.89e
strawberry Instant Coffee TUNA A,PI,Cf 15
preserves 69c iii',29c 25c
12-oi. 25 s ChoM Sanbor" Van Camp't or Cotfaga Wt
RrvCArrc 3 " 25c 49 2 lb-45c
BEVERAGES Playfair Bring Jug Sweet Sixteen
dont forget "SdS11 Broadway and Market St. , .
OUR COUNTRY BREAD Store Hours t a.m. till t p.m. Every Day
FRESH EGGS lZ" D"r 4 " N UmH ,by An Yoa wo
J" tV3V33 tP Tue. & Sat. PrieH Good" Fri., Sot., Sunday
Try This Picnic
Loaf for Family
Accept the inevitable, Mom.
The family will want to to on
lots of picnics in the days
ahead. If you're wondering
what to serve on your next
family picnic, here's the solu
tion for a hearty main dish. It's
a fine flavored meat loaf which
is as good, sliced cold as it is
hot You can chill the loaf be
fore picnic time and serve It
cold, or you can wrap the
fresh-from-the-oven loaf in
several thicknesses of newspa
per to keep it hot until eating
Picnic Meat Loaf
lli pounds ground beef '
Vt pound ground pork
V cup finely chopped onion
2 teaspoons salt
Vt teaspoon pepper
Vi teaspoon sage
1 tablespoon Worcestershire
2 eggs
1 cup tomato juice
4 slices bread
Combine meat with onion
and seasonings. Beat eggs and
add tomato juice. Cube bread
and soak in the liquid mixture;
beat well. Add to meat and mix
lightly. Pack into a 9x9 inch
meat loaf pan and bake at 350
degrees F. for IV hours.
come in oftexv
for q tiVsMhefif glow
cf draft OfyvnptQ
K (Htptayinflrhebiuo A
For Salad
Compliment colorful fruit
salads with a well-sessoned
dressing. Arrange your choice
of fruits on a large platter and
garnish with crisp, cold salad
greens. Sweet or tangy fruit
dressing can be served in
separate bowl.
Some excellent fruit salad
combinations are: canned
pineapple chunks; fresh or
canned apricot halves, or
orange segments, or strips of
cantaloupe or other melon
i-hnnki ,if Miid hanana. or
strips of peeled avocado; small
Duncnes ox seeaiess grapes.
Visn f-.n tf rmirMi. convert
nrai-ttr.llv inv nlt salad
small or large into a tossed
bowl saiaa ana vice versa.
Fruit Cream Dressing
4 cup pineapple juice
Vi cup orange juice
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 eggs
Dash of salt
Vi cup sugar
Vt cup evaporated milk,
To whip evaporated milk,
chill it in refrigerator tray in
freezing unit until fine crys
tals form at edges. Put lnte
chilled mixing bowl and whip
with rotary egg beater until
stiff. Combine pineapple, or
ange and lemon juices in top
of double boiler and heat over
boiling water. Beat eggs
slightly; stir in salt, and sugar.
Slowly stir a little of the
If iwwtwft Ainh
Thursday, July 30. 1953
hot fruit juices into beaten egg
mixture; gradually add to re
maining hot mixture, while
stirring constantly.
Cook -two ' minutes longer
over hot water, stirring con
stantly. ChiU Just before
serving, fold in whipped evap
orated milk or cream.
"jLarterl 1
l JUST Mil Win!
(Oil Mllll
t 0 POT
&, TO wm
toe ucuca ftAmi-aicAMi&
WMui-B mam unt-st tntor rui
lean ym thirsty...
Fnth, clean Uut at you drink Squirt...
Freth, clean latle after you drink Squirt..
Never an after- ihintt
1095 N. Liberty St.
Phone Salem 3-6116