THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oram Thursday, July 30, I95J In the Valley Edited by MIKE FOBBIS Jefferson Sweet Home Sweet H o m Fourteen Rile bow Girls, accompanied by Mm. Maymon Calvert, Mr. William Heseman, Mlu Bar bara Hoy and Mr. Marjorle Kikel of Sweet Home, and Mr. rneit Miller of Holley, tpent two dayi at the lummer home of Mm. Heseman a parents, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Cummings, at Yahats last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rezek and children returned from a week's vacation at Reno and Carson City, Nev. Recent out-of-town visitors having a picnic In the park en route to other destinations were Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Suther land and children of Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cal vin Sutherlln and Sheila of Wheeler, Ore. A picnic was held on the Rice home place on the Calapooya river Sunday. Those attending the all-day affair were Mr. and Mrs. Royce Hinton and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Calster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Rice and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Row ley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cline and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Maymon Calvert and family. The Eastern Star and Masonic lodges held picnic in the city park Sunday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. GraybiU of The Salles; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Southard, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Caswell of Holley, Mr. and Mrs. Al Logan, Mr. and Mrs. K. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pet erson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Blair SmUh and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Groves and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoy. The primary department of the Baptist church held a pic nic party in the park with two teachers supervising. T h y were Mrs. Harvey Conrad and , Mrs. Kenneth King. ' Children attending were Vi ola Mae Thompson, Gary Lee Thompson, Joan OeShaxer, Vio let Price, Chrystal Pierce, Chuck DeShazer, Wayne Car roll, Joyce Morgan, Jackie Mc- Farley, Betty, Charles and Shirley Stockett and Michael King. A birthday party honoring Ava Harris, Retha Ma John and Betty Engen was held at the city park recently. . Attending the wiener rout affair were Mr. and Mrs. Rob- art Smith and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cots, Mr. and Mrs. Milo John and Duane, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and son. The Ivangelican United Brethren girls club held a pic nic meeting in the park under the supervision of Mrs. A. M. Black, Mrs. Ted Perry and Mrs. Jerry Wooley. ' Girls attending were Maxine Kaufman, Martha Bryson, Mary Slemlller, Etta Mae- Bryson, Ethel Miner, Geneva Lawrence, Joanne Kaufman and Marian Black. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall and son of Eugene are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and family. Gervais The perimeter of the Antarc tic continent Is 11,000 miles long. Gervais House guests of the Robert Ramaeys are his father and hi sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Messick. His mother, Mrs. Ramsey stayed in California with the daughter, Audrey, who is 111. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stcger honored their daughter, Ns dean, with a birthday dinner Sunday, July 6. Guests were the Robert Ramseys and visitors. Mrs. Frsnk Houlobek, who has been in ill health for some time is somewhat improved and has as her house guests her brother, Edward Stuber, and his wife and son of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Folker from San Diego, Calif., are vis iting friends In tihs community. The Folkers used to reside near Gervais. The Junior Women's club held its July meeting at Mrs. Kenneth Brown's Wednesday evening. The birthdays of Dor othy Cutsforth and Faye Hood were noted. Prizes for the eve ning were to Iris Chn and Faye Hood. On Saturday eve ning the Junior Women honor ed their husbands with a weln er roast at the Kenneth Brown farm. Jefferson Joe Bennlnahori. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beaninghoff of Portland, was one oi 23 seniors at Willamette university making straight A's aunng ine past terra of school Joe has one more year at Wil lamette before be begins teach ing. Ha makes his noma with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs Joe McXee, while , attending OCIKKU. Larry Tilly received a bra. ken wrist when he fell out of a tree recently. Sherman Koker visited his brother, George Vail, and Mrs. VaU, at Toledo Sunday. Here ports Vail is feeling better. Sunday guests of Mrs. Wal ton iooney were Mr. and Mrs. Isom Bridges and son. El win, of Oregon City. Bridges 1 a orotner of Mrs. Looney. Aurora Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Otis Nelson and ' granddaughter. Miss Lonnie Kelson, returned to their home in Longview, Wash., Sunday evening, after spending 'the week-end with Mrs. Nelson's sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wur- ster. Earlier Sunday, they at tended the Dodge reunion at Island park, Canby Ronnie Nelson is remaining with his uncle and aunt in Aurora, dur ing the week. Aurora's physician. Dr. B F. Giesy, is about the streets shaking hands with well-wish ers upon his return home from Good Samaritan hosoltal where he was confined for 19 days with an attack of nneu- monia. Ronnie Wirth also was able to return home from a Port' Lyons . . . . i uvwb uuiii as. i ui - At the regular meeting of land hospital and is steadily Smithfield UM MtDlMIWWatJ Ji V Gain Open t:N g Show at Port 1 1 A NOW! fjl ejS la Technicolor M -snows or T 1 KILIMANJARO f Grftory Peek ,1 Sawn Harwarg Mi Z Are Gardner Ml VS Ah M 1 THE SILVER WHIP" I Dale RohrUan ff Smithfield Rev. and Mrs. John Giesbrecht and children, Richard, Carol, Darleen and Sylvia, from Sioux City, Iowa, were bouse guests several days last week at the Lloyd Stouf- fers. They have been spending about two weeks here and at Dallas and vicinity visiting par ents and relatives. Rev. Gies brecht is pastoring a Presby terian church at Sioux Ctiy. The Geisbrecht family were the honor guests at a family re union at the Dallas city park last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wall and family were Sunday dinner guests at Walter Jantx home. Joyce Ediger, together with Myra and Valdean Friesen, spent Monday evening at the home of Shirley Quiring pre paring material tor next lairs athletic activities. Frank WaU has installed his sprinkling system and is irri gating his pasture. James and Bertram got their hay in on Saturday. Ernest Ediger spent the week end at the coast with the M. L. Hopkins and the Richard Hopkins. Delores Wall accompanied Mervln Flaming to Portland Sunday afternoon. The Sol N. Ediger family attended a birthday supper in the Dallas city park honoring John P. Neufeldt on his birth day last Wednesday evening. Others attending were Mrs. Ssm P. Neufeldt, Susan, Sylvia and Cinday from Carlton; Elis abeth Rempel and Jacob H. Rempel of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Quiring, Shirley, and Freddie Lee of Salem, the hon or guest and Mrs. Neufeldt. Mrs. Dave Relmer is slowly recovering after three weeks of dog fennel poisoning. Her daughters, Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Buller, have been helping her with the house work. On Mondsy evening Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neufeldt took Joyce Ediger along to Salem to celebrate C t n d y Neufeldt's birthday at the Alfred Quiring home. LEAVE FOR EAST Fair-view Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crannell, Richard and Colleen of Falrview, left Sat urday by automobile for Wy mote, Nebr., to visit his moth' er. AT KEOl'LAB PRICES Ptas las far Viewers TT CAME FROM l-D Short Saejttt the ML Jefferson Rebekah lodge, a picnic for the Rebek ahs, Odd Fellows and their families will be held 8undav. Aug. 2, at Wilson Lake, east of scio. Mrs. Nettie Hawk was elect ed Theta Rho adviser, with Mrs. Dorcas Dunham assistant. The officers of the noble grand were presentea guts by noble grand Llllie Alberson. Mrs. nazei rieicners name was transferred from the Albany lodge. Following the meeting refreshments were served bv Mrs. Lillian Smith, Mrs. Patty uarnes, Mrs. Carrie Glasgow, Mrs. Llllie Stearns and Mrs. Stella Hart Members of the Jefferson Garden club held their picnic supper at the city hall Monday night Mrs. George Mason, Mrs. C. M. Cochran, Miss Vir ginia Mason, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hall served on the hospitality committee. During the business session. the president, Roland Wall, ap pointed the committees to serve at the annual flower ahow and ice cream social, to be held Fri day, Aug. 7. Ice cieam, cake, pie and coffee will be served. Those planning the classifica tions for the show are Mrs. Hel en Caywood, Mrs. Gilbert Loo ney and Mrs. Bob Hart The show will be open to the pub lic at 2 p.m. Anyone having flowers may enter the exhibits. The club voted to take bart in trie mint festival which will be held later in the summer. improving from his recent ill' ness. Ronnie is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs Merrltt Wirth of Aurora. Detroit Dallas Have You Been toP.D.I.? (Nicknamed by the Kids) PARADISE ISLAND Salem's finlv r.rr.,(lA. h a..L.t.. minr, aancug. Boat rides, soft ball, horsi pony riaes, rerresnment stand. bona shoe, 3 Miles Out Turner Road IsNrnftM fcr Urn pknka (a 4-5422 Dallas The members of the Dallas Episcopal church had their annual covered dish sup per in Dallas Park Sunday evening. Members of the Mon mouth Episcopal church were guests. - Mr. and Mrs.. Tracy Savery from El Paso, Texas, are in Dal. las visiting friends. They've been here for about three weeks. They have visited Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Mulr, Ed. Bohle, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bevens and Mr. and Mrs. John Nachtlgall. They had planned on returning home the first of the week, but decided to re main on learning of the Illness of Henry Savery of Delias, brother of Tracy. Mlu Mary Jane Nesby, the First Christian church secre tary, after working here for three years Is leaving Satur day to work for Charles Ad dleman as a secretary in the state office of the Christian church in Oregon. A party was held in her honor Sunday night after the evening serv ice, featuring entertainment and the serving of refresh ments by the ladles of the church. A recording was made of the voices of all present telling Miss Sesbye goodybye and wishing her Godspeed. Mary Ellen McCleary, Mau reen Rogers, Luviella Fitzger ald, Rita Rogers, Judy Fet and Judy Arrends are attend ing Camp Kilowan, Campfire girls Camp near Falls City, this week. A large group is planning on attending the last of the aix-week camp session next week. The Dallas Christian church young people went to Jantzen Beach Sunday for a day's out ing. The group made up of high school age youngsters swam, made use of the marly rides and enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach grounds. Mrs. Marshall Huntley held a birthday dinner for Mar jorie Hendrlckson Tuesday night. Detroit Sunday visitors at the Guy Moore residence were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Morris of Scio, Mr. 'and Mrs. Rodney Moor and daughter, Becky Jane, Sweet Home, and Dr. and Mrs. Harold Peery of Eugene. Avon Denham. Portland, as sistant regional forester in charge of wildlife and range management; Laurence K. Mayes, Portland, assistant re gional forester in charge of op erations, and Robert W. Apple by, Eugene, staff officer In charge of timber management on the Willamette national for est, spent last Thursday in the Detroit district on a general in spection tour. On Monday, Mr. Denham and his nephew from Milwaukee, Wis., Bob Appleby and his son, Gary, Howard Dean and S. T. Moore and son, Michael, left civilization behind on the start of a three-day pack trip along the Skyline Trail, routed past Marion and Duffy lakes and ending at Hoodoo Ski lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Otis White and' the home of her brother Lyons Mr. and Mrs, Clif ford Christenson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Little of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ly ons of Eugene were host and hostess honoring their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Owen Mlnich of Portland on their Golden Wedding anni versary, Sunday. July 2 at the Christenson home in Corvallis. A large decorated table was placed in the garden at the Christenson horn. Relatives from Lyons at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindemann, Richard and Lin da, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ran som, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hi att, Mrs. Martha Hiatt, Mrs. Cora Jenner. Other guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill, Bobby and Stewart of Mill City; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glsler, Sharron, Joe and Famelia of Marlon; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma, Mr. and Mrs. Rochard Thoma and Dale of Lebanon; Mrs. Harry Elmer and Gain of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Maurice and Jane of Wald' port; Mr. and Mrs. Burl Graves from St. Helens; Mrs. Bessie Sailor, Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Gunn from Alameda, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Lorls Trask of Stayton and Edith Poe of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cham' berlain and Mr. and Mrs. Ra mie Martel and sons Timothy and Tommy, attended a family reunion at Cham poe g park Sunday for the Chamberlain family. Mr. and Mrs. Alwood Aron- son, Ray and Paul, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson at Dextor, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left Sunday for Paulina lake where they will spend a 10' day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry spent the week end in Oregon City where they were guests Mr. White's mother, Mrs. White, have returned from a week's vacation, touring parts of Nev' ada and California. The Whites, accompanied by their son, Mar lowe, left Detroit Saturday, July IS, and made their first stop at the C. A. Boulton home in Oroville, Calif. There they left Mr. White's mother, who spent the week as guest of the Boultons. From Oroville the travelers drove to Yosemlte via Reno and Virginia City, Nev. While in California they visited ' with their daughter, Marlene, who is working with a home missions group of the United Council of Churches this summer at Men-dota. Returning, they drove through Monterey and on to Pittsburg, where Hsrlowe re joined his unit at Camp Stone man, from where he will soon leave for overseas duty. Visiting In Salem at the home of Mrs. Hulda Maves, Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean and children, Terry and Penny Lou. Mrs. Maves is an aunt of Mr. Dean. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore were Lt. and Mrs. Lauden Beam and children, Susan and Joey, of Bremerton, Wash. Lt. Beam Is attached to the aircraft car rier USS Essex, recently re turned from Korean service. The Detroit Civic club will meet for a potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Cal Schlador Wednesday, Aug. S, at 1 p.m. Each member is invited to bring a guest and table service for herself and guest Grand Island Grand Island James Mal dern Asher, son of Mr. and Mm. George Asher of Grand Island, left Friday for Fort Lewis, Wash. He has joined the army air corps. He has been a member of the naval reserve for nine months, taking weekly instruc tions. Harvesting of early peaches was started Monday morning at the Clark Noble orchard in the Grand Island district. The orchard was formerly owned by Schlndler Bros, of Sslem. and family. Mrs. Frank Kesegich will leave for her home at Cleve land, Ohio, Wednesday, after an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Al Duman. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker entertained with a dinner Sun day honoring their daughter, Mrs. Earl Hampton on her birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hampton, Douglas and Margo Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Baker and Arlene; Mrs Norman Johnson, Chris and Curt of Salem, Elmer Hiatt and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo deker of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duman are returning to their home in Lyons after spending some time in Seattle where he has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crouch, Vernie and Bobble will return to their home at Escindldo, Calif., after a three weeks vis it at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Helemn and brother Earl Helemn and family. Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Normsn Johnson, Chris and Curt of Salem and Mrs. E. L. Roye were Monday afternoon visitors at the home of Mrs. Laddie Pesek of Lebanon. Rev. Swanson from Salem was in charge of the morning services at the Lyons Metho dist church Sunday morning, replacing Rev. Dodge who was in Seattle. Mrs. Norman Johnson, Chris and Curt of Salem, is spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo deker, while her husband, who is with the state police, is at tending school at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg were among those spending the week end at the coast Her nephew Ray Negstad of Port land, who is spending the summer at the McClurg home, went with them. BENBOW INN 6S' OiNleJrasTl0l...4UNIlrMSiM Located on tha Eel Rivtr In tha heart of Beautiful Redwood Empire. Swimming . . fishing . . golf . . boating . . riding . . hiking. Cocktail loungt. Barn Dancing Nightly. Delicious food. MOMJ $1.00 U Q DAT FOt TWO. NIYITI UTIMAUtttM. Owned and Operated by George T. Thompson. M. till. ID STARTS TOMORROW EMS TODAY tail srrt "Dm fcsilisat'i Udr" tsrbori SUmrrdi "Jsapardj- ft WaWAYBE-DosnaREEO I 1 it CHAm coamtN 1 1 ( ALSO JANI POWELL . FARLEY GRANGER "SMALLTOWN GIRL" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR ) Coming Aug. 24 In Person OnOurSfage! ' At 7:00 MOM. si U1U All Seats Reserved Prices $1.80-$2.40-$3.M Mail Orders Taken Now! Make Checks Payable ta Capitol Theatre. Specify First or Second Show! ML Angel Mt Ansel Mrs. Raymond LeDoux, Wood burn, is a surgi cal patient at tha SUverton hos pital, and Frank LeDoux, ca lm, is at the Salem Memorial hospital, where he underwent surgery on Wednesday morn ing. Mrs. Raymond LeDoux is the daughter-in-law, and Frank LeDoux is tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. LeDoux of Mt Angel. Miss Elaine Uhlng is a medi cal patient at tha SUverton hos pital. She is tha daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Uhlng. and t. employed as a telephone op- erator here. Crg. Schmmt rernr bis borne aiwr - - - h e Iverton hospital a week wnere he underwent surgery. Peter Burger is sm - . . h.v ne suf- h:irt.iuckonMmor- ial Day. Wheatland T"7 .a u nrl Mrt. Wheauano -"h..t. James Clevenger of jhe , Wheat iaH rfi.trlct entertained for Sunday dinner at their home, Mr andM Arthur Baker. nd four children of Hopewell, Mrs. Ira; Car It Jsnst Ulh HOUMNI" la Techaieelsr Ue Gena Dea Tsytor , "THE CURLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND" la TechnicoUc lsssaiSss"s' Sow Showing - Opta "NEVER LET ME W CUrk CsMe - Gsne Tlerney Technicolor Co-Bit OT-ur rTHFINDER" with own Monlromery Ij&gggjg Cora Hilton of Grand IsUni Mrs. Hilton is a sister of u. Clevenger and Arthur Baker k' a brother of Mrs. Clevenger aijjj4jB53 ? GATES OPEN 7: S SHOW AT DUSK I NOW THRU SAT.I I Two Color Hits a Mitsl Gaynor Scott Brady In Damon Bnnyon's "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY" Also Rod Cameron Brian Donlevy Ella Ralnea In . "RIDE THE MAN DOWN" j HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! LAST DAYS! FINAL REDUCTIONS '21.643 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S SHOES! CHILDREN'S SHOES! MEN'S SHOES! HOSIERY and HANDBAGS! VP 9 SIIEERLITE NYLONS! II DINIIR. II AUt)I MAftie SUM OR SUMLISS IRMAULARS PROM ONE 0 AMERICA'S MUST IRAN DID LINES. IMPERFECTIONS SO SLIGHT Wl CAN IARELT FIND THEM. WILL NOT AFHCT IEAUTY Mr TMIM ir THE OOUH I REGULAR IRAND SELLS FOR $135 FRENCH XALF HANDBAGS ValNis to SI35 $00 WMtMlUtsasMrasisrs vrowrs LADIES' HUARACHAS $00 llalTII (UilTtTT HI LADIES' SLIPPERS $00 , iMttuiTuniait BOYS' t GIRLS' LEATHER SANDALS m Vilai $1100 u sol Breve. araNo. t u liu t to t. Hsrrr est mtVI MEN'S CREPE SOLE OXFORDS EXTRA WEIGHT FINE DUCK UPPERS! f . MAM CUSHION INSOLE! LIGHT IOUNCY CREPE SOLES! Made ese a tats eessfry'i fese-laf msssfecrsrers. REGULAR M.50 VALUE SJ33 176 N. LIBERTY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. i