THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY- " 9 LATEST IDEAS F0.1 YCU."i rjiARicETirle FOOD SECTION ; MW by Mori Lcwry FbcKer 7 Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 30, 1953 'uollthcd TsMrsdey fob Week Many Suggestions and Recipes Listed For Mid-Summer Use G apital AjJoiarBal . '.'" 1 ,' . .J 7 1 1 J - . r i? I 'T :'"' .1 r . : Cold- Warm days and busy houn mn little time spent in the ki'etien. Summer entertain ing should be casual and ef fortless; summer family meals should be nourishing yet pre pared with a minimum of work. . A handsome platter of cold cuts nicely fills the bill of fare on a hot. summer evening. whether you re having a fam- i'y dinner in the back yard or ; entertaining friends at a porch supper, you'll find the easiest solution is to serve cold cuts. What's more, it's fun for the family and guests to - choose their favorite cold meats from an attractively arranged tray, Pictured (on : the following page) are jellied corned beef slices, spiced ham, bologna, head cheese, summer sausage, liver - sausage and pimiento loat Of course, your selec tion of cold cuts can be entire ly different, as there are many kinds from which to -choose. When selecting an assortment of cold cuts, keep these four points in mind. Choose meats which: 1. Contrast in color, as do the head cheese and bologna on the platter. 2. Contrast in flavor, as Jel lied corned beef and bologna. 3. Contrast in size and shape, as spiced ham and sum mer sausage. . . . Home Freezer Delicacies Highlighted in Cook Book We wish we dealt in magic! If we did, we'd say abracadabra and endow every harassed hos- tess with a hom freezer plus, a copy of Hazel Meyer's recently published of Home 'The Complete Book Freezing" (Lippin cott). So easy to entertain if you can prepare food ahead and put 'it In a freezer! So many ideas in Miss Meyer's book on how to use your freezer and have guests without having hyster ics! We hurry to say there's lots besides hostess-help in Miss Meyer's book. It does Just what its title implies gives you complete home freezing in formation basecon the author's own practical experience plus her investigation of sound re search. Dr. George Cook of the Long Island Agricultural and Technical Institute was one of the authorities who checked the book. Did you know you could package hamburgers by the yard? "Do this," Miss Meyer Fish Fillets with almond Cuts Buffet ITreats 4. contrast in texture, as liver sausage and spiced ham. ' Arrange the meats prettily on your Handsomest tray or platter and then -relax! The main part of your dinner is ready. , - - . . Serve the appetizing array of cold meats with a colorful and hearty macaroni' i salad! The one pictured here is call ed "rainbow salad." Pimien to, green onions, sliced carrots and chopped sweet pickle give the rainbow effect and add good flavor, too. . You might round out-the ' menu , with as sorted hard roll, one hot veg etable; such as green beans. buttered broccoli-or peas, rel ishes, iced tea, and .cantaloupe a la mode. Here's the tested recipe for the tasty macaroni salad. . Rainbow Macaroni Salad 2 cups elbow macaroni (8 or. package) cup French dressing -V cup sliced green onions (scallions) . r ; i,4 ' cup diced pimiento -. H cup finely chopped' tweet pickles !i' cup thinly sliced carrots 2 tablespoons prepared mustard Mayonnaise, salt and pep per Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and rinse with cold writes, "by placing a row -of equal - sized flattened patties on a strip ol ceiiopnane aoout 6 by 36 inches, leaving two inch es of space between each pat ty. Cover the strip with anoth er piece of cellophane of the same dimensions and fold the margins in close to the meat Make a compact package by folding the covered meat pat ties back over each other ac cordion style. Put this cello phane package in a polyethlene bag, sealing air out. When you want, hamburgers for dinner, you can merely cut off as many of the patties as you need with a pair of scissors without dis turbing the remainder. Pre shaped hamburgers take less time to defrost than the same amount of ground meat pack aged in bulk." . We were intrigued by .Miss Meyer's book dedication: "To the memory of my father, who loved his family's enjoyment of the picture-book meals he so often prepared." So we ask ed her about one of her father's gravy a freezer treat. a Sj water. Add French dressing and chill for several hours. Add remaining ingredients, using about 1 cup mayonnaise and salt and pepper to taste; mix thoroughly but lightly. Chill several hours. Serve in lettuce lined bowl; sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley and top with hard-cooked egg slices, if desired. 8 servings. Another Cold Cuts Menu Here is another suggestion for a meal- built around sliced cold meats: ' I Assorted Cold Cuts ' Sliced Tomatoes Sliced 'Cucumbers : ' Hat Potato Salad .. "f'lce Box Rye Bread '-," Fruit' Shortcake, '' " Iced Tea or Coffee Cold cuts are not limited to pretty ' platter arrangements. Here are a few sugestions for other ways to protein-lze your meals with cold cuts: In Hot Dishes: 1. Fry "boil ed ham slices and serve on toast topped with cheese sauce and garnished with fried pine apple slices. - 2. Fill fried bo logna cups ' with scrambled eggs, hot potato salad or creamed whole kernel corn. In i Salad: Cube cold cuts and add to potato, rice or mac aroni salad for a main dish. Or cut meat into long strips and toss with crisp greens and a tangy dressing. "' eye-appealing dishes. She said she would never forget their first sight of his planked steak, with, potatoes prepared four different .ways Hashed Brown Creamed, French-fried and Stuffed-baked gracing each corner of the plank! But now it's two of Hazel Meyer's own recipes we want to give you. Old favorites of our own, we tried her versions and found them Just as deli cious as we thought they'd be. Fillet With Almond Gravy : 1 pound package any fish fillets 4 tablespoons butter or mar garine ',4 cup sliced blanched al monds 2 teaspoons flour i teaspoon salt ', teaspoon black pepper 4 cup cream (sweet or tour) When fillets are thawed enough to separate, panfry in butter until golden, brown on both sides. Remove fish from skillet and keep hot. Saute al monds in butter remaining in the skillet until brown. Blend in flour, salt and pepper. Warm cream and add it gradually to the skillet, stirring constantly and cooking over low heat (do not let it boU) until the mix ture is blended and thickened. Arrange fish on platter or indi vidual plates and cover with the almond gravy. Serves 4. Avocado Sherbet 1 Vi cups mashed avocado 1 cup lemon Juice 1 cup orange Juice 2 cups sugar - 1 pint heavy cream, whipped 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind Combine the fruit Juices, avo cado, sugar and lemon rind, blending until sugar is com pletely dissolved. Pour this mixture into ice-cube trays and freeze for about Vi hour. Remove from the freezer, turn it out into a bowl and stir it well. Fold in the whipped cream. Pack In rigid waxed tub or plastic containers and store in freezer. Twelve servings. Seasonal Produce Plentiful So many good things from which to choose, as many west ern grown fruits and vegetables go into peak production along with beef, beef and more beef. frying chickens, turkeys, ice cream, small oranges, milk and milk products, fresh fish and table and salad fata, oils and shortenings. The Beef Situation Remembering all those beef- hungry years, make the most of this super buy now Beef supplies during August are ex pected to set new records for the month. Consumers find meat counters well stocked with reasonably priced to bar gain priced cuts. Watch the ad vertisements in this newspaper Look for featured items in the market If you've a home freez er, jnt in beef tupoitr now. Western Poultry Plenty of turkeys as we help celebrate Midsummer Turkey Time. Turkeys of all sizes. Many will choose the Junior size which runs 4 to 8 or 8 pounds ready for pan or roast er. Fryers and broilers are rea sonably priced. Fresh Vegetables Galore Abundant supplies of toma toes, tweet corn, green beans, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, cel ery, lettuce and all varieties of fresh squash. Supplies of po tatoes and of onions arc unus ually heavy and likely to con tinue that way for several months. Wonderful makings for daily green and vegetable salads! Fruit Bays Plenty of apricots, berries in wide variety, peaches, grape fruit, small oranges, Bing cher ries, new-crop apples. In good supply are cantaloups, Thomp son seedless grapes, peaches, plums, watermelons. , Fruits for Canning, Freeatar Be sure to talk over canning preserving and freezing plans with your fruit and vegetable man. He is Just as anxious to sell his products at their peak season as you are to buy tnem when prices are lowest. Prin cipal thing it to plan to ''put them up" at earliest possible moment after you get them home. Fresh Fish Plenty of freshly caught as well as frozen fish fillets throughout August. From coast al waters, featured items are salmon, halibut, sole, rockfish and lingcod. Good variety too from inland streams and lakes. Good marketing! Mint-Lime Parfait Pie Rates High , Among the parfait pies. lime is always popular. Lime-mint Parfait Fie 1 S-inch piecrust, to be baked 1 pkg. lime-flavored gela tin IV cups hot water 1 pt. vanilla ice cream V cup crushed peppermint stick Vi cup heavy cream, to be whipped I tbs. sugar '4 tsp. vanilla Bake - one 9-inch piecrust; cool. Meanwhile, dissolve gel atin in hot water. Add ice cream a spoonful at a time, stirring until dissolved after each addition. Chill IS to 20 minutes until thick but not set. Fold in all but 1 table spoon of the crushed pepper mint stick and pour Into the cooled piecrust. Chill at least 30 minutes until firm. Just be fore serving, whip cream; blend in sugar and vanilla. Spoon around edge and decor ate with remaining crushed peppermint. Zest for Spinach Fix spinach as usual, cook ing quickly with no water ex cept that clinging to the leaves: season with salt pepper, butter or margarine, a dash of vine gar or fresh lemon Juice . . . and a bit of soy sauce for added taste appeal. jwlJ look y rr for Vyhr tmi$ LAIIL Refreshing Dessert Chilled fruit makes' a re freshing summer time dessert. One of our favorite quickies is chilled canned fruit cock tail served In sherbet elanes topped with a spoonful of frozen orange Juice concen trate. . Give it a perky look with a fresh mint sprig gar nish. Perfect Potato Salad At often at you serve pota to salad, you want it packed with luscious flavor and Joy to behold. Here are tome ways to perfect it Start with a basic mixture of cubed cooked pota toes, - onion, salt and pepper; then tost in crunchy bits of green pepper and cucumber. Alto happy additioni are some cubed ham or bits of crisp ba-, con. For dressing use about half French dressing and half may onnaise. (Make your own good French dressing with 1 can con densed tomato soup: mix it with Vi can salad oil, ,V can vinegar and seasonings.) Final step and to important is to let potato salad chill for sev eral hours. This brings out all the flavor. Refresher During these warm summer dayt, a cooling drink for grown upt and children alike it this Pineapple Juice Refresher. Pour pineapple juice into a tall glass and add 2 tablespoons frozen concentrated' orange Juice (undiluted). Stir and serve Immediately. " - r I I U CM I When itt ClOaOX-cbanc.. Colorful Rice Dish With Peas Your children .will gladly stop their play and be ready and waiting at the table when they know that you are mak ing Rice Ring of. Mush rooms and Pimien tot, and fill ing this Rice Ring with Green Peat. Dad, too, will put away "the sport page" and will be all set to serve plates with hot and heaping helpings of rice spiked with Just the right amount of bright red bits of pimiento. Riec Treat 4 cups hot cooked rice I can (1 VI cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup undiluted Vi cup chopped whole canned plmientos , t cups buttered or creamed - green peat - Mix together the hot rice. mushroom soup and pimientot. Pack into a ' well-greased ring mold.. Unmold on a hot platter and serve with the peas in the center. This recipe makes 8 serv ings. ' v " Variations' , Fill, with other buttered or creamed vegetables as desired; or with creamed meats, fish or chicken. ; f .... mlm , CLOROX removes stains from kitchen surfaces; deodorizes; kills for e cltenr, IrtiNf, wort MnHofy MHWMfliiM kltchon... tnchid Clorox In your cltorv Ine rourino. Sot Mot romovfos .fe Mil df444 om of InftxVonti Sm tstMl fiktctloM W ffhs nofiy wtM of CtofORof Cantaloupe Baked Alaska Different Imagine the Oh!s and Ah!s when you produce this hand some surprise. Really there's nothing to it; Just takes a little daring to be different Even worth trying on the home folks. . Cantaloupe Bakid Alaska 3 ripe chiUed cantaloupes 6 egg whites , Vi teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar teaspoon grated lemon rind S teaspoons fresh lemon juice Halve cantalounei and re. move seeds. Scoop out pulp with ball cutter or teaspoon and pile back into shells. (You can also use other well-chilled fresh fruita urh peaches, bananas, blueberries or huckleberries or strawber ries.) Plate In rwfrlnratnv Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff. Gradually beat in sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Continue beating un til stiff and glossy. Fold in lemon rind and juice. Pile merinffue on too of eantaloun spreading to edge. Bake in very hot oven, SCO decreet about 1 minutes or until deli cately browned. Serve Imme diately. Such good eating! . Gay Garnish .' A colorful famish, for vour ham platter consists of pine apple slices with edges cupped in colored sugar. Ypu carft bcCLOUOXfbi: washing summer whites ! It's Msyta raster. soM MMMrwaHts to tatty nti dcciliMss whfc Qortx. For Gorex pmiots oxtri wtftoMtf.. roMviafl vh Aajiatn n4 stales, h ooo1tio,Qorox Bflkct Ilsrts lryglMica!!y deal. Nt sHmt Imms knaoVrlsf trodtct oqtah Ooroi hi f-kfl1if. ofdoocyl E specialty important in hot weather, Clorox removes mildew, and deorfor its too...leaves linens freth-imellins. And Clorox, o liquid, contains no 0'Hty particles to damage woiH - and vrether. W extra gentle on fabrics, free from caustic, made by a patented formula exclusive with Clorox. m ibm itt,i 1 assst rai ft a m m germs, tool - - i. htolifi prvMcttott. tht woritfs Qfat iff. t m JSIf vJM '' '"amil.iW v V SAFER lor fqmlly hccllht Main Course Dish for Centerpiece Did you ever prepare a main course dish that was so , tive you used It as a center. piece? Well, that's Just what this Shrimp on Parsley Rice is designed to be. Curlv nink shrimp on a delicate green and white bed of rice and parsley make a dish as colorful and at tractive as any bowl of Cow ers. This edible centeraieca is nutritious, too, as rice is an ex cellent sntirr a carbohydrates,, and shrimp is ncn in proteins, nunerala and vitamins, all the nutrients which should he nnt in ' main dish. Nobody needs to be rauumea ciiner mat tnrunp is One of Amerif ' most nnnnla foods and that rice is an eco nomical extender for all kind ox foods. . . Shrimp on Parsley Slec Clean a pound of fresh nr frozen shrimp, and cook the shrimp by boiling in a auart ol salted water 3 to 8 minutes. Drain the shrimp. In the mean time, saute y cup- minced onion in V4 cup of butter or margarine. Add Vi cup minced parsley, 1 teaspoon salt and Vi teaspoon pepper. Fold the onion-parsley mixture Into 2 or 3 cups of hot biled rice. Ar range the rice in a circle n a chop plate, or in low bowl. F1U the center with the cooked shrimp. Makes 6 to 8 servings. km ea rag , '