Part IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ealcm. Orcroa Thursday, July 80, 1953 'Copter Pilot Falls to Death Portland VP) A helicopter p'Jot crashed to hit death in the Columbia river Wednesday ait' tr running into a power line. It was a Bonneville Power Administration helicopter, re turning to Vancouver, Wash., after delivering some electrical parts to Portland. The pilot, John D. Shield, 38, Portland, was killed instantly. Witnesses said he apparently did not see the Portland Gen eral Electric power line run ning from the Oregon shore to Tomahawk Island. The heli copter tipped over and fell 75 feet into the water. Shield was a World War II veteran and in 1948-49 was re called to service as a lieutenant-colonel at Ft. Lewis. The widow in Portland and his mo ther in Los Angeles survive. East Salem East Salem Sunday, Aug. 3, Is the date for two family pic nics which are planned annu ally for members of clubs, one In Middle Grove and on in Swegle communities. Members, of the Amitie club will hold their picnic at noon in Dallas city park. Swegle Woman's club dinner will be held this year at Sllverton city park. Two baby daughters have been born to mothers who have been Swegle community girls and grandparents are neighbors on Lancaster Rd. Born Thursday, July 23, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown (Norma Jane Conklin) was a daughter who weighed 7 lbs. and 9 oz. and has been given the name Kathleen Jane. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Conklin of Swegle community; Mrs. P. L. Bland of Salem and John F. Brown, Sr. of Talbot. The Browns moved from Swegle to Ever green Ave. Sh Is their first child. The other daughter ia, that of Mr., and Mrs. Verl A. Klampe who live on Weather St Their daughter was named Susan Kay. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe of Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Smith of Swegle and great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Quinn of Swegle Rd. and Mrs. Berta Bloomfield of Couer l'Alene, Idaho. Sh Is the sec end child of the Klampes. Mrs. Warren Millar was hostess for a Tuesday morning coffee at her Fisher Rd. home. In for the hour were Mrs. Lester Orton, Mrs. John Mc Crea, Mrs. Fred Smiley, Sr., Mrs. Dale Malllcoat, Mrs. Rob ert Brown, Mrs. Don Maus, Mrs. Virgil Miller, Mrs. Fred Smiley, Jr., Mrs. Jerry Horn and the hostess. Another home in Swegl community that ia being re modeled this summer with the addition of on room and a double garag is that of the Melvm LaDues en Hollywood Dr. DRIVER LOSES APPEAL Albany An order denying the petitioned new trial of Glenn Albert Brown was Issued Wednesday by Circuit Judge Victor OUiver. Brown was con victed on a drunken driving charge In city court Dec. 11 1952 and appealed to circuit court, where he was found guilty May 11, 1953. LEGALS NOTirt to cuorroas IK THS CIRCUIT COURT OF TKS STAT1 OF OR BOON FOR TH1 COUNTY OF ItUIIOH. rRORAT DIFARTMIT Keu4 U bortbr ilron thl tho ttrjotr aUaatf baa boto appolattd oitootor of tho MUM at KlUltlllll WtlMnlala. 4b- M ,d. br tht Ctreult court at U etolo c onto lor tho couair ef Morion. 4 koa muufud. All aoraona IutIm ololmo asolaat aota ooUto aro haroor otlfloS to rrtml tho mm duly Tori no M o lw rotalrod to tho mdrr- nM it 111 Muceta Bulklhu. oJaaL Oroaoa, witua mi airatht from tho in aorooi. Data and tint pttmhoal t aolaa. eroaaa thla Mr! or of Jvij, ltu. Anton J. WiiHafiM Kiorolor of tno Satoto of Kathtrlao WalaaalaM Joaoa Loo SMonn for atnntor SIS llunli BulWlUs , , Ar. a. it, m. in. TRIANGLE JI-TRA ICG PRODUCER Brings Greater Rtturni in EGG PROFITS A kayer Beads earum smtrients to tekitara food bodily eonditrat.., and re product tt. Triangle X-Tra Est Produce! m a hill mrtrl ant balance buik Is supply yeur kyen with exactly whit thy Mtd for bodily btilth and maximum tt production, Try this carefully bit anced feed now. Prove Its effective1 en far yourotif...witfi mere iff. TRIANGLE MILLING CO. p$44 N Ylttontvt'kf Pwftaa pvt toWfMeySy WHUMETTI RED i Umi 0. A. WHITE t SOW na de wits t sow, it. i j i Keep ler 4lve labaliaf Hollow $ttm Deer Goblets Holoa Ml kettle er see, leaf tl-es, Sttel VI I T f 1 I W I VU 1 a. I . Iff k- h II M 1 U HI I II II I If 5 A rV. NIW! loby Cor P SAFETY SEAT J JORDAN Sef ALMONDS fel Teory sweats far yoar MTT CiLfW I leiy tea e er tread. Ml its J to 'A C im- I 'CUE1 $1.00 VALUE! Exotic TEZA COLOGNE Famous 0 Raymond fra grance makes an eicirinoj gift toleajne. Leng-lastinf scent for your ewn per fume wardrobel WM waaks lal 3 . leW u.Uae Cartlt SPRAY HETI LtaaM aalr keeps aaa kswaw ' !7l la ptacal 1 lrfy Marlow NORMONI HoneJ Crtom V -f7c I CAeromy Frolic DUSTING POWDER Q- Ckarias AM llqald CrM CUAMPOO wHh 2 SOAP UaoHod twtotty TTlgroUT kirk fawdor iaw Ion thia II prlca. Harryl $1.10 Valaeli NOW WiN Ty LasHi AIR fTAIL TABLETS 3 -10' ASPIRIN - 15' REFRIGERATOR BOTTLE 13' ALUMINUM FOIL 2V METAL DUST PANS '19' FRICTION TAPE - 225' 24-oz. DECANTER , 21' BOWL COVER SET '-SI- 19' HERSHEYBARS"- 3 -10" PEPSODENT- 2-69' 3"P0WDERPUFFS"m'-"'3-12' CUTICLE PUSHER'- 3' EYEBROW PENCIL 29'' SUNBURN CREAM" 49' BATH TOWELS- 3-89' No pans needed , . . cook right en the grill! Fire pan adjusts to 4 positions. Wind- I L ' .. I f, yuara man rr ipan-MTet Hid, MCUl BARBECUE GRILL - a"cl Picnic Stove 98 Ceiorfaf 2-Oaice PLASTIC TEA APRONS tirffly aia tyaa aaraai la oiiortoi aalan a dotlf ail ICED TEA GLASSES Jporklift, cryttof-cUif him- blort for old rlnki. Cor 1 1. flostlc 2-29e A6-23e PLACE MATS AirfofJ Joint A eelonl 39e for Polished Aluminum YACHT tnMii 7MWV,V,.,' ilh weaprooffd. arms; non-.. wnen H aontes to Ukin, ft n . eliti by men 49 'SSSS I aVi. ooro" '..ifOWDER 7.." ?I5e a 10" Wastfa GRILL PLATES laWy enrf Calanl kerkac. ' 9QC Ml ar 4 tar 1.00 Hl-Orade Mttol Handl CAR MOP velea HOUSEHOLD SPONGES Hoaaiiild Ipaaae. Sat Ipaata ft DMrwejfcar. Z 69 11.11 Vali AN 1 -89( OVER 12 OFFI POLAROID SUN GLASSES .America Optical Sketterereef La.' J Kattod roaiploi tar ttarf tla-ail R. SI.49 e-fiilNajiajpf 0 Ubthr Metal fraai LAUNDRY CART fiaaraiLU t I --W "tiri JBSTnaJtB f' PMkof. Fr.M,. AaJak W Save i9c! Jambe Calaa PIGGY BANK Spottod parlor maiot a docara. rood iim yoor orri aMn(o daily and tivol f. $.fl 1 29 VL Approved Modern DESK or TV LAMP Heeded tar lilaatltla UvaHajgl liiafiral aiatollit ftnlihot ia krm, krana or alvmmum offoH. A tuoor-avT. Ref alarly $4.49 CUB' JualeP CoaniiJ. Aetomatit Repeetlaa) WATER GUN J98 Tommy aaa roplical Shooti oor 40 "l It ia. Ian, SPACWIT Water Pistol r Palm Site SNEAKER Beth fire 150 ahoti a. wltheut relesding afyC CharmSnn COLONIAL FOOTSTOOL Hardwaod with ,, oor. iml.e htrm lor patio , parti. Fino TV PorcK far fha kid djoil lag. H.f, Piia or 1" COLGATE AmiMnlittd lag. 27c 20-Pc.Jel-Will-oMhe-Wiip DINNERWARE leoutiful PeHern Permenently urtdergleied! oYu sot 4 earh run ooiii.. ers. salad and dinner plates pius arsien atsnes. uor Keoinly colored "Jonl Or iginal set. Owl-lew Price VETO DEODORANT 50c IVORY SOAP 2 . 21c E 2 13c CAMAY SOAPS 2 21c 2 13c BURMA SHAVE 2. 33c MILK OF MAGNESIA - 29c HOT WATER BOTTLE 2-Ousrl lilt . . 89c CASHEW NUTS Reg. 79c l11-oi. beg. MOGUL PEANUTS Reg. 49c 39: MIXED NUTS U AlUi. beg Reg. 79c ll-oi. bog j FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 5c I 0S5Q (MVm GSGSi7Q57 Gay Plaid TRAIN CASE 1179 U 1SSS Mirror lid. r.. movable make- 2 tin l..i c... hardwire, lock and key. tt.19 Value! LAWN SPRINKLER Whirling Type Adjustable Brass Fittings Only