-t - Thursday, July SO, 195S THK CAPITAL 10VRNXU Ubm. OMft Par 17 DENNIS the MENACE JJjSaESSSJJ enwwnawetBwBwne.-. oaoearaeaa 'BUT. DENNIS. 0OM3U THINK D-0W Ml (WWMDU TO N0 W PtCTUtt TO AUTHfi UX6CV SO.Dl?S IN KOREA? IUILDING MATERIALS Knotty Pine r.DtUnt 1 W. thtlTlnr Illl.W. ma hogany plywood 4xl o ft. It'i nice. Fir plywood V low ii (A Mo. Ply wood lor ut Job out to rout ilw. Hardboard l.Ti, wallboard 1.40, ldlnia IS9.M ap. Flooring priced right. Cedar i or ttneo wt-vo 11,00 to 15.00 M. Very attract!! crens u4 urttD door, rooflnc. oodar .hinilct, oak tin. e rytblng lor rour Job. Fret delivery tnd Mtlm-tlnf service No down pay ncnt - 10 montii to pay. Fin lUt f cArpontcis to rocOfDmend- Com o ta tad vUltl Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard OPHH ALL DAT ATOBDAT H Portland Rd. Ph. 4-443 Remodel, Repair, Now Bava your caah tor a rainy day a ton payment, 19 month t pay Epping Lumber Co. 114 SUverton Rd. Ph. m ALL DAT BATURDAT SALE Wall, MTload -qpPlT M.7S Camp atdstr uMd window 16.00 F-latod -h-Jcea with -ndarooarM $10.7S Dnpointod cedtvr hke 06.00 Kw 4x1 pl-sttr botrd $1.40 W M-bofnr plrwood -0c A" M-ho-ny plrwood ..43c Colored bstb U, cotnplt..BARaAIN Toilet, wtsb bLnj, kitcben iDk. wavter bitter CHKAP Waat moi dim 70c 4" oolld erni-burt PlP Me Hew bth tub, complete $69.80 600 L Uel ceptle Unk t1M UetaJ bstbk door. complt..ttA.00 WktTProo( wail board. 4x0 Vw Orde-A acreen door ... W-w fl 1WM limlll .....02. 50 Flrwood. all Hind Wthertrlpped window Loom tniulation. per batr J1-00 Mo, 1 oodar hlnle WJJ Mo. cedar ihloflc Com P. roollnc. tltat tr-do C. G. LONG ae SONS Fh. i-IMl On D-.ll H. ef KJ1JJa FT. OP aawar plpa with I way y"a and loni y'a, Irraiular ya and I floor dralna. and V." waiar pipe. U" concrete tue. Phone 4-17I4. malll Keith Brown Close-Outs Rcaular Bal. Ill - t-l o. 4 Comrr, AM.OlM IV9.00M Carrier Load lou JM 4iS . r to 10" Rouih Car Stake. .U ea. 3-0 IMI1N no. ea Acreen Door 1x4 a. cftbtr. M-O Ploorlnff U4 . 4-1 c&btr. VO Ploorlm 1 Sh.per 7 " 1 Drill Pree. " 1 Toilet I Double Oompartment Sink. I'4 1 Roll (30 rod) Pleld Pence I Rolla (10 rod rolla) Barbed wire U- 1 Oeneral Electric Pana . I4.U ISO 114.00 134.00 40 S3 40.U MOO 11.11 11.01 111 J4.31 SOME fiATHROOM FIX TURES & AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LEFT AT 50 OFF. 10-Llte French Doore -0 X 4-1 1-4 a 4-1 " " i i x o-i ; 1-1 X 4-1 Band Power Toole Plumb! Toolj at la off. 1 . 40-ft. No. 00 Eiuniloa Ladder 4-44 1 . ll-ft. No. 00 EaWnalon Ladder ' I . ll-ft. No. 15 Eiterulon Laddera 1 . JO-ft. No. 100 Kxtcnalon Udder - 4.1 10.34 10.41 10.40 . ia.fl. stepladdera no. IS 1 . 14-lt. Stepladder No. 15 33.40 1110 ALL SALES ON DISCOUNT ABLE MERCHANDISE FIN AL - NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Keith Brown Lumber Yard PYont Court Street Phone l-lll Wl OIVI B&H GREEN STAMPS POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OT'S BIKE, reel bur. Woodry. 1005 N Rummer 13 50. Olenn nleo' wm.i. afzR white butane aa ranee. -.Mni.(. tuhmc and 3 tanks, one fuU and one Va full. 170. O. . Brookj Orand Ronde. Ore. Phone 3301. nllO' rnn. inLUWAT a mettreal. Eitra ood. a.SO Complete. Olenn wowdry 1005 N. Summer. BlED WASHING MACHINES. B and ap. Teeter Appnanw meketa. Ph 1-4311. "J 4 PC. MODERN bedroom eet. Like new, Only OI 00. Olenn WoedrVa. IMS N emrv vraaTr.aN itock aaddle. Match, In. bridle. Martlneale. 1150. Phone 44100. " ! MEAKPASI SET. I1.M. O. "'. niso tja ALLOWED for your eld water heater, M.4. nr rAndiuon or maitA ob a new weettnthouee automellc eleetrle water heater wnn a le-rear .r... Teater AppUaace. 171 Chemeketa. Ph. S-4311. OOOD BEPRICtBATOR. S0.00. Woodrr, loos N. Summer. Olenn BlM' IJtFD BEEBIr.EBaTOBS. 141 50 and ap Teater Appliance Co, 175 Chemekete Ph 1-4111 mm-. r. rn. a. re. la Barn By Ketcham MiSCtLUNious r I as"-a I aieutri BaMtaahlsi MtlU MA. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DBCrrUEZE bom ITttMrs. TUr appuno c, S7B oumeket Fb run. . o BOUND OAK table, 4.M. Bar sin Barn, mi. it. saiem. nlto Xlt GAB AOL Eut to move. Ha wooa iituni. inmiie toor. no floor. Priced rtebt. 105 Patterton Av. Phone 2oj titer p.m. niw DOZENS OF Cheita 'O Drawer At J3est', now in our aiocK. oiena woodrr, 1005 N. Summer. a WO BABY BUGGT, apartment six ga itov rnone eie7o. ite rerry at. alio UXIt LIVOLRUM rugs Mot if a. but .B. Banain Barn. Ml M. 4 mil. alio BEO U INCH i53 Trim lawn motOT lwa mower. Cost 311.50. Condition Ilk new. flell lor $10.00. Call 4M4I. Bve. 3M95. nlOO DATE NO BALK, Glenn Woodrr 'a.. nlSO MeCULLOCa CHAU4 ItWB, Ml Idaa- watar. weaf Balara. Baiaai Loactna Bup ply. Ph. 4-1ML a FACTORY CL08EOUT. Rei. iO.Dt arm chalra, Rpc. whllo thay last. iy MM. Olenn Woodrr a, HOI N. Bumarr. nllO OSED ELECTBIO EANQES. Ill.U and ap. Yaater AppUanaa Oo. Ill ?ha mekfla Ph. 1-4311. a REBUILT PLOOB lampa, na abadaa A bowls. Bpc 4.PI. Olana Woodry a, loot N. Summer. niw PLASTI-BOTB raqulrea no waitnc. Por your iloora or llnolanra. ycatar ap vllanoa Co. Ill Chamakata Ph. 1-4311. PAINT, IM ial. Barairn Barn, niw TOP SOIL River gilt and fill dirk Prompt de livery. Phone 3MT41. n SPOT CASH paid tor anything of value. Bring to uienn wooorra. va n Bummer or Ph. 35110. niw1 NEEDED Old nwlna taachtnoa. Dp to tso or mora for your ad aawlna ma chine on a now fraa Wastlnchouaa aewlnr machtna with a SO-year auar antte. Teater Appliance. 171 chamek- ta. Ph. I-431L n- SEE OIR chrome aela before D buy. Lane aelectlon. Loweat pneea. Traoea Terma. CAenn Woodrr, 100S K. Bummer. nl Reduced $3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD One Office Doak with Glass Top and Chair BTARTTNO PRICE JULY IRD - 4"! JULY 31st J $60.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT COURT ST. PH. Mill "We Olre MB Oreea Blampa" titn a patio furniture, lane variety. Every piece offered at loweat poaalble price, to eolae out. Oleoa Woodry'a. IOCS N. Summer. nlM napiTAL BED tor aale or rent, B. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-414. a" YOUTH BED a mattreaa. Bleach birch. nnw u dl aiann wooory a. im r. Aummer. nlM trm hot Point Electrle Ironer food condition 100. Palace Theatre. Btlverton. al'1' 1 TEAB CRIB 70S. Baby acalaa 1.50. Olenn Woodrye. UOS N. Summer. n!M . SPECIAL New Blnier electric, walnut cab inet, aewlna machine. Round bobbin, aewa forward and teverae. Free aewlna leeona. Only 1153.50. Sinter Bewlne Center. 131 N. Commercial. nl!3' TAYLOR TOT, 4.50. Barealn Barn. nllO OABDEN TRACTOB and all attach menu. 1350. Terma. Phone 3-1853. 1335 bo. 35th. nlM ANTIQUE BEDROOM eet. marble topi. Baryaln Barn, 4 ml. N. Salem. 0OE nl00 S-PIECE DINETTE eet; 17-lnch Zenith TV; cheep. Phone 4-3M0. nlll OLEVN WOODBT'8 furniture, open week dan I to 0; Prl. till a p.m. iev r. Bummer. PlOO aprrn oi-ken waxhlna machine, email- er tub, no pump. . yeara dm. omr 3'4 yeara. Very Rood conaiuon. 1-1231. Ralph Wrckolt. Bill 4' DOOR MIRRORS. 1.4a. Olenn Wood ry l. IMS aummer. CIT C1LADH. lor aale. Call a:ter i w p.m. 3-7M1. eaiinaw. "'V 8PFXIAL UMM Cloieout Sal of USED Wearier All waener in uooa nwia- In Order: Ree. Special Thor , loi Sprin 3105 1015 Dry.. .. .IS S 49 90 105 39 OS 3105 35 00 40 95 1191 I 94 14 00 4191 19 95 1493 19 95 39 9S ill! Zenith Zenith a I Thor Automatic. Maytal Weatern Beacon . WeatlnehouM ... Thor Automatic . Kenmore E.ay Spin Dry... Weatern Beacon . Zenith Kenmore Thor McDonald A-E-C ...10.01 ...54 95 ...70 03 ...49 95 ...14 00 ...3005 ...34 50 ...41 50 ...19 OS ,. .14.50 ...14 50 ...34 00 ,.. .00 95 ,...1995 ...39.00 ...34 50 it n 1305 11.01 tair 41 05 ri.rri MVRrHANTJlAE MART 311 S. Liberty Phone 0-M71 Termi of Ooarie Bill 'SPECIAL BALE ON BEPRIOERATORS Rei. Special Frl.ld.lr "J" M W Refer "PS 59 9S Prltldelre Refer 09 95 49 01 Refer.. Leonerd 49 91 39 n Coldapot Refer 09 00 55 00 New O. t 0 c. ft 300 ! Conelend Refer 01 00 79 9. Midwe.t Refer leoos 13111 AU In Very Ornd Wnrkine Order USED MERCHANDISE MART 7I a Liberty Phone 4-1371 Terma of Courae nlll' ATTENTION SCHOOL BOARDS AN-n nRtHA MAKERS am... wwlne machine, drearmeker head, table model. 1150. Phone 1-4541 TUROUOIfE derenoa, 15; areen d.ven pnet. S3 Oood rendition. Phone J.JMI. 530 N. 14th. lll NIC E 3 room furnlahed apertment. H-l ST. 4th Street. Phine 4-3510 310 incuL electric wuiu eowtni m .niae ,mi nwi, -1 mhim iiiuim4 Omlr tat. Sewlaa Machine, 114 a. CimmlH am AlrSGEB featherwelaht portable. Uk. pew. for the annata hiim eanaar awtaf Omit. IN H. C atcrclal. Ill ELECTB1C CABINET eewlat Baeehta. Round Dobbin, and tBUlil et e at tKmnu. Only im M. SJaaw Ktw Center, lit B. Comraerrtal. alii AMD NEW Hamilton Beech Mine. tut. n a Specie! 1300. DUD anaCHAHDiaS MART ITS . liberty nam -m Terras at mm. aiai' ant BUTE a Ha aseertmeal al Bahr Beds. Pie Pea. Stroller. used uiRCHAHDiaa mart n a. uaartr sl rasaa o-oti coil SPRTNOt I dara tood chape. VrlMI " art .1 man. a..-.' CHAND14E MART. Jit 4V liberty. phon. 4-4311. nW MlTilLI IBONTWn BOABD C-J OBKD MKRCHAMDI8E BULK I, Sil Ubertr. phone 4-011. twtw am has aarlzuu and mAttrea. U. H. af. epoetai at enir eie-aw- yixnuNDiu MART. 37$ V Ubertr bone 4-4111. Term of conn. l$o WAMT A IfBW t-pc. blond dlatng mi that Hlla anvwliatr OlM IOT 9M9.W9. lor enir ISMJOt Com In And m x lutn TRCMANDIaB MART. J10 av Ubertr. ebOM 4-V.fl. Term ef ceure. 1' FOB BAH Locker cAtena, 1 ob. ftOO lor $4-M; ao wax paw rolL No dealer. UNITID OROW BBB. IMC. 471$ UbTtr Road. HW COMB. BKCOBD FLAT14K radio rocorda). allTrar (-mwi, 9mmm aith nhntofi-jn. utaiuloa ladder. acme aander. aw. curtain Uether. mirror and lot or nueci , eiee. rovr tia mm at lit Ma. Commercial Apt. nlU LABOR RF.KMORI .lactrtc lun utft- malle unuol. Clia; I'oiaaye, "'.. rator. Ui. vary food concUUoa. j.int rociay II.. fMS Rrooaa Aw. h.iMK id . m. Ui l D m. aay day. Dill DINWO BOOM an. aid aprtnt and natlnaa. Call rranlnii. I-Wn. MB TWIN am BED Brand aaw. Year chain of kookeaaa Baadbaard ar flat iitadbaard O. M. M. ayaciai. . DSID HXRCHAMDIB1 MART. J1 Llbarty. phaaa 44111. Tarau of couraa. n.v.vniT awn CHA1B aetA. a XJ. M. aloatont. from .t OBCD MBB- CHANDUSE MART. 70 nhnni 4-4371. Terma Of OOUrM. BlM' EBB I ttal baraata A aew aiapla cobblar'a banch frora a wall known yaanufaeturtr. lUa alaawhar. tor 447.T9. Our factory to yon prtca only mu TIRED MERCKAND1BB MART. o a Llborty. Phona 4-ajll. Tarma of eonraa. niao . B. AFT. SIZE ranea. ipeclal price it at nn UVRCIUMDlftB MABT, 370 8. Liberty. Phone 4-0371. Terma of eourao. utov COMPLETE naad aawduat furnace with control, aai n. m ' f.i WB ABI OVERSTOCKED on uaraioi AMD NKKU KUUN. ' ... f an raainnabl Offer C A.Dfrl Prices atart at 4.M. USED MERCHANDISE MART. AV U6T- a- .v.H A-t.il . Tmnaa Of 4MUre, "" nlM Phone GIRL'S JUNIOR bile. $27.50. nlU' MU7, navn ar wi .vtm iTOX rairueravor, Bra mo, apruwa nit n lath. niw Drita bath. 430 fl. 30th. JPIM wnalia vafTlaarataOr. BOOd haP. 14. Ma nennla St. BlM? Wanted MISCELUkNEOUS WANTED TO BKY-OOOd lUMAle "- mm WOODBI WANTB Ptaaaa. Fhoaa -lll WANTED Traah Burner motor. Burnett L. Cole. City, Ore. ImaU I 403. Mill nam' Logs Wanted! Top truck acale prleea paid for aee ond irowth fir. Cheek our new prlcaa. Ph. salem e-jjai - ' WWBT SALEM LUMBER CO. ... aalem , aalll ILBCTBIO BANQES. WoodrfA, Fk. 3-1110. . . .L.n. .uKBiriN Fiver 311 acale, track, iwltchea and equipment. Call naiai jjujiwnrr"' PERSONAL t.w . .inn., wvarvtnina aetuca. b,.- it. ... leilM Central ar call 4011 Cooa Bay comet. Love Edna, pill I'LL NOT BE reapomlble for any M1U .th.. than my own. Mra. Buelah Albert. aaaa. JEAN, pajchlc reader, Ulla your peat, preaant, future. Can help over - . h..,.t. that keep you from health, happlneaa. Tip Top wan Aa. CommarclaL Hy ME. Apt. 1. 0-1- -p-'j? AUTOMOBILES $$FOR$$ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value! P0NTIAC 'SO SEDAN. Hydra. RAH 49 SUDAN; Hydre.. RAH ... 4. MZIAN. Heeler '41 SEDAN CPE. RAH 47 SEDAN CPE. RAH 41 SEDAN iSharp) BAH .... CHEVROLET 31 SEDAN. RAH STUDEBAKEP. 50 COUPE. Heater DODGE '47 SEDAN. 44 SEDAN. RAH RAH BEST FOR LEijS '41 POPD II PLYMOUTH KELLY OWENS Co 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 0.113 $$ CASH $$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ALL MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors list Broadway Phone I-M13 AUTOMOIIUS SURF 'n SAND GO HAND IN HAND WITH THESE VACATION VALUES The finest selection of A-l Used Cars in our history. - 6 MO. - 6000 MILE GUARANTEE IN WRITING, 1962 Cue I em Petder Bda. 13.0M mile. bealar, radio, wferosnv. toav paint red and adppet tarn. Clean a a bow car. $. 1951 Cuataa Sda. Radta, heater. A-l conditio, s ae alt. lido wall Ureal 1947 Plymouth Do Luxe Sda. Radio, heat. ar. CaVar, blue. Low coat trouper. tattea. Brand aew ureal A real ear- Valley Motor A-l Used Cars With Phone 33147, or comt In CENTER AT HIGH W. L. Anderson, Inc. QUALITY .USED CARS " This Week-End SPECIALS - 1950 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. Heater, seat covert. , . 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Club Coupe. R&H, very low mileage, a one-owner car. . ' . . 19S0 Ford V-8 Pickup. Heater, 4-speed transmission. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-door Sedan. Heater 1950 Mercury Sport Sedan. R&H, overdrive, low mileage, very clean. 1948 Plymouth Spec. De Lux Club Coupe. R&H, seat covers. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Club Coupe. Heater, a one- owner car. OPEN FRIDAY NITES UNTIL 9 ' . MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM - DeSoto - Plymouth 554 N. LIBERTY W2 ARE OPEN EVENINGS BEE Ut FIRST SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty a Chemeketa Ph. 17111 Across from First Natl. Bank a- POST A DTI SALES OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 .140' SIGN DESTBUYS 52 BUICK SUPER CONVERT. . . . . ...$2695 Apache Red. black top, nar row whjtewall U. 8. Royal Matter, black leather, Eaay Ere glau. Drnaflow, auto matic wiDdowa, H..M mllea. Thla one ! a dream car in perfect condition. 52 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 2595 Apache Red with black top, Ea-EYe !, Drnaflow, Klerk nlon interior, 3173 mllea. A beautiful hardtop. 50 DOaDGE CORQNET. 1395 Orro-matte lrle. radio, beater, covera. very rood looking and 111 excellent eondition. A iiane bowa car ha ba good car. 49 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1395 Drnaflow, Immaculate In terior, radio, heater. Allen dale green, 41.171 mile. 50 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 1395 Radio, heter. Terr clean, good condition, two-ton grejr flnuh. 51 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1450 Cranbrook. li.Mt wjII. how excellent care, one owner. ttugrfabettaUscar . .Vdit, a tattle Ptalef OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Cemmerelol t Oenter phoa. 3-1433 .in1 intRP. CLEAN 14 Hudaon aeden Heater, overdrive, hrekee rellned. rood ttr, new muffler ant tottery I ,NC SOUARE p only its. Phone Biivartoa s-eioi. 114 AUTOMOIIUS 1949 OMc. SI Club Cpe. Beau., healer. Hrdraeaotle drive, new brakee. coaa plet overhaul, t aew whit, atde was Ureal Color, Mue. A hay. 1949 Mercury Sport Aon. Radio, beater, verdrlv.. A-l motor. Very clean. Llthl sreea. New Ureal Wall, aide walla. 1951 ford Custom Bdn. Radio, heater, clean- One-owner car. Color, light grey. Hew tlrasl TBI t a real value. Used Car Mart a Personality for demonstration. , SALEM. ORE. PHONE 4-3492 TO ALL AUGUST . . USED CAR BUYERS "participate in our volume CASH 'SALES REFUND THE MORE WE SELL THE MORE YOU GET! STOP in and see us now! MARION MOTORS Center at CoaVL l-34 dial RON'S USED CARS OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ALL MAKES & MODELS 13t BROADWAY PHON1 I-IS0I Second Trade SELL OUT!! '47 Nash 600 4-dr. Sdn..$545 '47 Nash 600 4-dr. Sdn.. 495 Needs repair '46 Nash 600 4-dr. Sdn. . 445 '46 Nash 600 4-dr. Sdn.. 395 '41 Nash Ambassador... 95 '40 Plymouth Tudor ... 95 39 Chevrolet 4-door .. 95 '39 Plymouth 2-door ... 75 '40 Nash Lafayette . ; . . . 45 ALL GOOD TRANSPORTA TION MARION MOTORS ECONOMY LOT 141 Unloa Ph. 1-1044 qlJl 15 CADILAC ill). Loaded with all eatrea. Muat cell Price 13-in. leva Baker. Phone 3-49S3. 41S31 BIO DISCOUNT 153 Brlelr Chevrolet. Immaculate, low mneate, ruiiy equip ped. 3-413. 13' 41 PORD V-4 Btetloa Weeon. 13.00 mllea. I ood condition, oruinai owner leavlm. 11395 for eulck aale. Oliver. Rlfkreall. Phone I-1S1 3J FOB SALE or trede IS toot Iretler heme. one ton 4 wheel drive pickup, 1S41 Mercury. 1140 Chev, 1141 Pontiae 1903 studebaker pickup. 1155 Hort. .113' 1-nnoR 1S50 Chev. Mait.r DeLuxe IMia. Actual mlleate. 11.411. Seat covera, radio, perfect eondtton. Phone 1-405. a 1 13 4 PLTMOllTfl special deluia 4 door Md.n. RmIIo. heeler, seet cover, erl elnal flnuh WMU tlm. Only 115. I3O0 down Tr.de end term. Weitern Motors, 1313 Broadway, Phoa 3413 ill 41 CHET. 4 door, cheap. 171 West Brown- Im. 015' 14! Bi Din MnM-A-i. radio, heat er, aveidriv.. 1391. Term. 1-4411 AUTOMOBILES 465 CENTER auto AWtcB .... TS WSE 70 &WA GtPWWTSED USED CARAT 1953 Dodge Coronet 4-dr. Sedea 13991 1931 Plymouth Cranbrook into 4-dr. Sedan , 1950 Pontiae Streamliner 11190 Sod n't ... 1949 Buick - Super Convert, cpe. ...1111 1948 Dodge - De Luxe 4-dr. Sedan I lit 1947 Pontiae - Streamliner Sedn't. I 111 1948 Dodge - Custom t-dr. sodas I 590 IS rw-Tr 465 CENTER B UY O N UR EW OR USED E CONOMY S TUDEBAKERS T E ODAY. ND YOUR SHOPPING TROUBLES HERE. "fv verybody will be happy when you . Learn - just how easy and convenient our terms are. So... Come in todsy. Extra specials on some good "cheapies" $95 and up. Be ture to ie our "Cad." De Ville hardtop beauty at $3595. Bonesteelejs New & Used Cars 370 NORTH CHURCH ST. PHONE 3-9277 465 141 AUTOMOIIUS 1952 Olds "98" 4-door Sedan, power steering, new tires, 16,000 miles by one owner, just nicely broken in. Will accept trade. The price is only $3195. CALL REIDY OR BERGLAND LoderBros. PH. 3797$ 1I0 9 1 1952 Dodge Meadowbrook lint 1951 Stude Landcruiter 4-dr, tint Cranbrook HIS 1950 Plmouth Cha. 49pa 1949 Plymouth Concord tot 3 -dr. 1948 Chrytler Windsor ci. cp. 1947 Buick - Super ,.it 1946 Chrytler Royal , -ar. aedaa I 44 3tei I DODOEI 1951 HUDSON Hornet 4-door Sedan. Neat as a year Double Eagle premium white sidewall tires. All the de luxe equipment It's a $3900 car for only $1895. CALL REIDY OR BERGLAND Loder Bros. PH. 27973 , 4144' 1951 Olds "98" 4-dr. Sedan - It has everything -best '51 Olds, in town - low mile age slick as a whistle a sharp buy at $2100. CALL REIDY OR BERGLAND LoderBros. CENTER PH. 27973 AUTOMOBILES 41 BU1CK SPECIAL. iM Malppad. ISM. Phone 4-40IL alio m-TON 1044 aodel Chevrolet Cm el wheala. rnr pletforra. I ft, rack. El client condition. UN laeKlaln. Weolbara, Ore. . tilt S4 NASI BAMVLCA aoavertlble. Blaoa. neeUenl condition. Ilrea, BPP3. Ill lUla St.. DallaA Ph. 1344. 1M 141 OOOD CHXT. deluxe club coupe. Badlo, keater. 144 If. WIS. 4-401. .IBS EOB IMMEDUTB SALS 1140 - ar coupe. Chevrolet. New tlrea. new radiator, food arekee. drreettoaU Dante, very clean. Prlaed al 4104 tor oulek aala. Call 11700. 4110 BEAUTIFUL IMS Old'. "44" Holiday coupe. TOO actual mtlee, HTM. WU1 take lata model liaht ear la brad. 104 Oax. Phone 41734. 14o 14 CHEVROLET oedaa. Many extra. Very clean, 1 owner, til Nehraaka. Apt. No. 1. ellJ- OOOD CLEAN IMS oldaraohOe 4-dooe. Radio, neater, hydrnaietic. tnra aia aala. Orlilaal awaer. Call 3-4441. 141 1M1 cur. I-DOOB sedan. Oood con dition. 1331. Phona 1-3SM aitec 0 0. p.m. 130 N. 42nd SO. 4111 141 CBBTOLEB BOTAL 4-dOOr. acet- lenl condition. 130 xvorireea. a-aaea after :00 anjj 101 Ian PONTIAC, Redid. Heater, toot con dition, call 0170 ar lanap. ai- 41 FORD "4" Ptokap. Bcaaoaabla, 4-13 after t p.m. oil 1951 FOBDOMATIC 4-door, radio, heat er, all the ex trie. Boo It and vouU emy. 43.45. us Dodeo 4-door, radio, heat er, ell the extra. Come out and sea It, 11,174. 113 Wallace Bd. 4-4141. dot BEST OFFER TAXXS OdamobU Club Coupe. 141. Kadra, Teater, ate. See betweea t end t at 441 Iran Ave. Cell S-031. olll 144 CHEV. SEDAN 4-cUr, lop ebepe. Ill- 907 MllL Phone 3-6440. TAKE GOOD LATE MODEL oar ta trade for Patrmount view lot, Writ Eos 114, Capital Journal. am 141 DODGE BEDAN Radio, heater, aaw jnotor, brake, Urea. 114 O afreet. In dependence. 413 14 BTJDION "Wap- club coupe. Low mUeece. Llka new. white tide wall. PUeaoaable, Phona, 1-A313. 1000 N. loth. al SEU OB TRADE EQl'fTY Leta aerlea 10 "ir Old. XxcepUonal, loaded. I -door aedanette. Will oonalder I ood '14 to '47 model for 100 Multr. leav tnr ataU. must aeB this week. Total prtca lis. Phone J-S1S4 eventoea. .130 ...... a. exwaeeea MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS MOST SELL 1145 '41' Harley-Davldaoa. Bell to beet offer. Inquire mis-, or phone 4-033. celao ta..................... AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO BADIATOB TBOUBLBf VaBeT Motor Ca exnen ami eoiva pony area, leaaa and cava psa money. Pre eat, ate, epeady aarvloe. Center at Ub ertr 4r .....................e'.....i FINANCIAL 5 RVAL I8TATI LOAHS tip to a rr. AmontuttoR. Quick Serrlce Ulntmoa Charge .Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans 44 He. Church Fhoaa 4-333 s na for farm, cm on acbbaob) LOANB BkflT OP TratMB . WB BUT . meal aetata mortsem a eon tree. State Finance Co. UT to. Blah Ba. Pa. S-41M Lbs. B-Ul ant H-3M t tad ROT H. B1MVON8 INSURANCE AND LOANB Hear "Top Trad ev il CO Dally KSLM 1300 Ke. OXNBRAL FINANCE CO. LOANB Ut So. Commercial at. , Tel. 1-4111 AUTO LOANS . W1LLAMETTB CREDIT CO, 111 South Church Parkins a-Pleaty Fa. t-Mit LI. No. M-11. t-IS4 LOANS UP TO $1500 , ea Slmatura. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL If -yea" Promptly employed men er womea. t-vtilt loan . . . phon. nrat. Toa select heal payment data. - Betweea payday loaaa. Phoa. writ ar com la TODATI Personal Finance Co. tot a. snoH ar. salem SUte License No. B-133. It-lit Loans over 1300 ap to 1100 end op at 30 month to reper mane by. Personal Finance Co. ef Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Compaaie Act f rtr.enn. fill PRIVATE MONET to loan on real eatate. Phon. 1.0794. ".- STATE FINANCE CO. -3i FIVE loan wrvices to fill your need for money quickly 1 -Anto loan. 1 eifnatur loan. Su-rurnltur lona. tl Conjolvdalion loan. t Par meat-rtslucln loan. Don't wait - Come in todayl Phon 14133 - Ml ait TRAILERS WANTED TO BUT OOod lOHUe trall- Pbon 1041. ( U-POOT TRAILER for haullns. with 11S4 tarp. See lass Larson e.iii..'eeei.iei".' HOUSE TRAILERS It FOOT 144 model, aaceuena rona tlon. electrl area. ri. -'"-1054 or time. IS Ind Bt. talM 10-IT. MODERN trailer home, will ecu or trede eoulty for equity na novo.. -. at son Portland Rd. trailer park Vlllaae. H. E. orehara.- tale FACTOBT BUILT aluminum tear-drop camplna trailer, aoie jieoreia. No. 1. tain; 14 ELCAB trailer. Hot water, refrl. orator, touet, anower. Been. alrect. fill TRAILER HOUSE cheep. 1M N. CSPItol. U1SS Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Llttla Worry Bat, fit, luh eneeaa without .... of inaecure false teeth droppln. allpplni er wobbllni. FASTEFfH hold oletea firmer and more comionaoie. Thle pleaaant powder he no anrnmy, eooer, paalr tait er reelint. uoeane ceuae aeuaea. It's alkaline (non-acldl. Chocks "plate ador (denture breath I. Oct PABTEETH at any drat atere. ur I T Lara. N D. Dr O rmea mj DRS. CHAN LAM CHINESE NATGROPATBS CpaUlra. 341 North Liberty Office nea Saturday only it am te I a.m. ta a Coneuiutloa. olood preaanre nd arm teeta are free ef eharee Practised etnoe 111 wnu tor atUMtiv aia R. abii eauoa- tilt talU- . . . 1(. I Veep' th