lnudy, July so. MS "KKTSAXTHOUSEV Looking for a New Home? 6 BEING COMPLETED II.OM to 111.004. Ou of Silem'l aeweet aad atteel dlttrteta. m Hons Oat. eddllloo, IIM Keck. Portland Rd., Ml. Curb, aad HIM UimI Include. IB aale price. Individual builder, ZUMSTEIN - 3-8547 I E. SEAMSTER - 4-3589 I. V. EPPINO - 2-8474 PAT JARVILL - I-858B T ALLEY - J-7520 OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT THURSDAY, July 30, 7-9 p. m. L oil OHMART STRUT I bdrm, , oil heat, drape, to, eloaa M ecboola. Lou el houae lor the atoner 111.714 ft tIM M. Hit STREET-l bdrma. den. run lumt. nu. plot, pari-iike eettint dii.teo , I. tin N. Itth STREET I kdrm.. Full bunl. with tain bdrm. Owner deolree Immediate Bale. I13.IM. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS IK a. Liberty At. Ph. Mill Beealaie at Suadan Mil J. I. Law l-llll (at a Perrle Mtll . K. Uraaoa l-llll (III FOR SALEHOUSES I SB HOME. I rra. old, II. WO do. Price 10,000. DHe l7 1133 LlMriT IUL Allen C. Jonee. Realtor. Ill M, HUB. Phone l-SlJt. (re. 1-1141. 7M WALDO AVI. Out of aula ewnar win lacrlllce tnla trsetra l-bedroom heme at IfJOO. Clcee to MrKinler aehoel. OaU A. M. Roetblta, Brokar, J-U10. Ill Weat Lincoln, alio IT OWNER l-bedroom ranch alrle hone, eoutb. Sit raara old, O-I. er r-H-A. prion, a-erra. ai fcY OWNER 71 It. blfhw.r frontaaa, north. Cleea, elder trpe l-bedroom home, alee fireplace. I earaaea and plentr fruit and ante. Price II.M0. Call 1-331 evea. all ffr OWNER, Dew Horn, 1 bedrooms, knotty plot den, mahtvxany living room, birch kitchen, ruffd In for automatic waaner ana oryer. coyote eras with overhead itorai. Located I block Math and X blocks west of Kclser eKbooi it 470 Elisabeth. Pad and Kno Sulkier. Pben er 11414. till .TJVBACBES and mtll modrn bouse. Tak coed house trailer oo down virnnl, Rt. I, Boi 41, on milt out .unclear road. all ZbAB THIS QUICK. Best buy la Ss m positively ton off market aui. 1. Ptlrmounl H1U 3btdJoom oottag. U' vtluablt lot, new pa lot, insulated, last, heat, 7S0. Term, S6S0 1owii! I7it rainnetint at. alii Kw BED BOOM bom located 100 M. llta, Block iroot hish aehool. Law rooms. Loti of .builtlns. Hardwood floor. Fireplace. Bind barf furnace. Paved UtttL will oonaidar car or 1st m trd in. for appointment call owner and buttcftr. 1-100. alls ItM.M DOWN will bur thla attractive i-B R. horn. Very clean insula. Well kept rird and aarden epac. BEE TUB TODAY i IT WONT LABT LONO. PRICI MS00 OO REALTOR "Ss Ph. t-MOl va. I-IH1 alll" kr nwxil. M.UO 1 bedteowi kouaa. lane corner lot, pared etreru, clote ta atirraa, bua. achoole. I-MSI- alll WSBT SALKU t bedreoBU, llvlnv room, dlnlnc rm. full baeamenL auto, all forced air fur. neee. A dandr little hoaee. Bui rliht br the ooor. avoiro. J. X. LeCLIRO. TtSALTOTI leaf n. capital si. Ph. t-mi alio ITlW 1-BaTDBOnN and l-badraom, will a O.l or PHJL Br Owner, phime IMI7. aiaj' roacxD TO lACBirirK nlcalr etarted ranch trpe l-bedroom home. Jill Had ler atreet, off Bllrertcn hlihwar. Make reeeeneble offer. Phene IX 1 1, Dart nn. alll k-BEIXOOH, madam, oil beat, flre- plaee. Verr email down varment, an Hannrm Drtre. a-saaa. a tea $500 DOWN PO thla on BO TflcX l-room home as ereek lot, UKOO. Vt of land allt aoll with berrlee t fmll. qklt lliaa. $1200 DOWN' PO ?m NIOB S-bedroom anm wn ark lot wtri400. Oarage, work ahop A. ehleken heuee. Wonderful aarden D t creek aero th back. JULL PJUCB aSOOO. $1500 DOWN WTU. BUT BOTH OP TUB ABOVI HOUBB BIDB BY MnB. RXKT ONI OUT TO UAKX THX MOHTKLT PAY MINTS an davb lazimbt, in. n. tion DE LUXE 2-B.R. I hi adrma. with wardrob cWvst, paneled den. llr. rm. be mtrbi fire plac. din. rm., kit. and nook, laild attlitp rm, double aaras. It let. lM xk ox un nonve tor oi,7w. LESLIE DISTRICT Just .tated. thla tin horn hj. all th xtra roQ tr looking tor, B R.. din. na 1 bathrooms, party rm. wua fire pi see and bar, all on on nr.. wall to-wall carpet, dlhi washer, garbac dupoaaL awatnu. many other extras. Cr. lot tn nice neiihboThond. Pull prlco 114.30 with r.H A. term. $fiP50 Attrtetlv l-f R. hen Just I rrt Old. legated near Btsi hMplttl. ha dtn. rm . att. sarair. oil heat, w-w car pel Imrluded. Tht little tern t a ileal at Mto. $700 DOWN Berth ta itr. hdwd. firs., ell turn., pie tard. The mod. horn is la tip top cord It leu. PuU prlc nlr Msoo. Burt Picha Vt n. nith m. o;i : immt i tv.: Bob Cenktta. l-ei al OnVb mIVKUL nlnThome snort dutanr from Balem. ft eaten for eHl In. Illness. Nice home tor couple. Will grll furnished or antarnisbed. 4-7T 1 iw ; KRUFR tilltTRirT. Modern t bedroom home. Attach, garace. 1 ten. tl.Te Phone 4-iTO. alls tLllllD APVtlTISrNO Far Herd. 4 llmee IU Per Herd 4c Per Deed. I time, la Per Ward. I ajanth CO, No Rrreeda Mlnlmae, 10 Werda XAflkBa la Uil New, dame Oalr, Pee Wd ettntaam II Werda. To Plaro Art In Samp Mar. Pipwr, Phono J-24U4 Brfere II ttja. Dial 4-4494 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES OR TRADE Owner ha been traniferred to lu nt. MuAt U or wlU trad for 7- k. nouee in KuteD. OdIt 4 rear aid. oicatnionaur weu oarad for. 1 bdrme. Ian Uvlm room with flrenlatM. adio lot room, kttchea wiuh aook, Jniid uiUUr. attached laraaa, lovelr lawn, ahrub and tree. Located la Baat xniiewood ia Bniiawood acbool dta trtct. Tfile bom I Iniulatod and weatherstr taped, alum) Bam window acreena. Oil furnace. Price 1 113.000 ana vu vorta tn prf. can ua todar. AJRA UB, BODRLANO BXINNBB 411 Ifaaonla Building BealBatat Inauranea MorUaae Loam Of lee .Mull Ire.: J-eiot or l-isai alll "A RARE OPPORTUNITY" To and bur almotk new lovely t para. nome. nrepiace, air cond., ell heat, excellent landwaplnc. Corner lot, cloaa to Lealla aehool. Onlr ItJ.MO. Bura, this la good. , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1500 Do. menthlr parmenta laelude fa- leraat. saxea ano lire Inauraaeo. Oalr I reara old with lane lltlna room and bli kitchen with eatlna apace. Hard wood floore and all beat. Ineulated. larae. lot, paved atreet. Cloaa to bua and aehool. Price M.eoe. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor MM Portland ltd.. Ph. 17IU Xve. sunt or ta alio FOR SALE LOTS LOT (7iloe located north U irova lane nra. rnone i-u. aalll FOR SALE FARMS FARM BUYS 14 ACRES WITH CKKMK, aa paved road, ft A. timber j PMtura, I A. la ult.. 4 A. orchard. 1-bdrm. emiraodern bom. Lovely rrd shada, bara, etc., plus her, om tool A tors. Poiton at one. Prlc I MOO. ONLT 1M down and 4 per month. , 5 ACRES WITH NIC! 1-bdrm. modem kern oa pavement. All ta oult.. om or hard, arac w nn h. All this for tro. 13000 do., r TBADI POA 10 ACfUB XORTH. COUNTRY STORE WTTH COLD STORAOI LOCfKRS and l-bdrm. lovelr home, atara blda. and about S acrea. TH1B IB A OOop BITDP FOR BOMXONB AND PLFNTT OP MONXT CAN Bl MADI BXRX. TURNER HOHRS to trade far Salem or aell for low down parment. SEX T. T. ANDERSON, Cva. ph. 43714 FOR SALE ACREAGE IF hold iMMtDlAtriri one acre with new ene-bdrm. bouae en Akrllno Bd. Oeod wall, earrlflce for 11100. BURT P1CHA n H. mih at off.: l-toir Xvei.: neb Conklln. 1-1MI. bblln REAL ESTATE Choice 5 Acres Attractive l-bedroom bom, etc cl ient ondltloa. hdw. floera. dlnina room. Iireplac. oil furnace, double carats, .aria enieaen noua. eleclTlc water mtem. Variety of fruit, berrlei and filbert. Beautiful place to live profitably now. PTlred at I14t.n. Terme. Be Mr. Johnion for partku lera and showing ED D. POTTER, Realtor lie S. Huh St. Ph. I im or inn clll' NELSON LOT - NORTH A load blda. lot 7 I IN. Ideal for rerin trpe borne, aurracad clnet. IIM. la dn. Call Mra. Woollen. WEST SALEM Attract!- l-bdrm. home, llvtn rm. IS a 1. dining rm. 7 i 11 1. util rm. lasui., ii, V. blind, let M x 1, fruit tres, tie to school Bt bu. prd t. Approx. U rr. oid. Price 11.00. Call Mr. Wosttea. Are You Buying Another Tor lh aUndlord? Ton know th money poo. pay the landlord let htm buy another homo the on that should p your. Take a look at this excellent l-bdrm. home located fin t down town. Pull price l. Oet that tnarveloai fwllnc of being an owner. Call Al. Watts. l-Tils. 3 BDRMS. - SOUTH Idl for family, lot 10 i 100. for play area, shad trca. 1 bdrm. dn., 1 up. basement, dbl. aarage. pvd. cioi to crad achooL Prlc lllw. 5-Unit Apartment Use. Apart. rata in tht fin apartment houa are always rented. Why Be cause ther are ermplrleir, nicely furf auhed, hav individual gara. tmi cood In penmen I for ateady monthly Income can bo had for UI.0O0. Call Mr. aVhmidt. NELSON & NELSON SPFCIALTZIBO BIAITORS 111 N. Buh St. Ph. I-XM aiM K REAL ESTATE Smith's Best Buys $750 DOWN Twe-eodreeat home. Uvlaf ream with dining area. Fenced back rero. Two blerka U acheel. ooad new M-ft-weu. pun price at. lie. Completely Furnished (mall, but anlr i klocka to bua. Ual-ft. let. Ilectrla ranee and re frlearator. Llat of ether furotehtaie In Bmllha office. Oarden a pot. alee lawn. Oalr UK. Teresa. Suburban North Two-bedroom home. W-ft. llvta rat Beparat dinette, Bendis vwbor etavi. Th beet of MIL, food welL and loveiv view. Lara lot HOilM. Priced at t.tb. Owner will take law modal car r good ttaUr botuo a part payment. 3 ACRES Lot of triad make thla bom a real paradlae. U-ft. livlnc room with urn picture whmow. separata aiMtte, two ale bodroome. Wall-to-wau car pel Inc. XnaVd utility. Hardwood fire, fireplac In llrla room. Lara bick a bout, good well. Lota of fruit, gar den I pace. Lovelr flower and ahrub. Owner will trad for two-bedroom horn la Bim. Thla aereae la lo cated dei to Cwrval and priced at oalr tw.&M. 7-!- ACRES Thre-bedroom heme, living room. Mparat din In room. Cnlckea bouaa and barn, all land la cultivation. BUT at M.TM. 44 ACRES Between Balem and Bilvertoa. th beet f aoll, border oa Puddlag river. Bom Mareroam uncleared, uraia and paatur, timber, berrlee tnd gar den. Bom clock and ltkl John Deera tractor coe with aal. Oeod thrc-bod-room bom. All kind of family fruit and garden. Priced l 91T,00. Term. Owner will trad for imalj acre and two-bedroom home, aouth. 20 Acres, Northe.ast Willamette aoll. good ali-purpoa farm, all-rear creek on place, deep well for lrrtatKn. All Irrigation oquipmeat too with aal. Pour-rr-eld three-bedroom bom, with at tached garni, barn and hlakn bouM. Pamily fruit tad garden partly fened. 1MI berry crop was over li ton, rrlc 1 14.0M. ENGLEWOOD DIST. CIoh to vrrthlngt Thre bed room. Nic living room, planter mp aratina II vim room from dinette. Modern kitch a with plantr built-in and Bettdix wacoer. oat and beau tiful back rad fenced. All kind of flowtr. ros arbor and com fruit tree. JUkiaf prlc 111. too, terra. Owner will trad for small acre with three -.d room bom. NEW SUBURBAN Beautiful ahavd, No. 1 oak flooring throughout. Th beat of oll, . cood well. Two-bdTootn home, lovelr liv ing room with dining area and fire place. Dflco forced air oil heat. Inaide utiittr, attached rarac with lot of storai space. Oarden, and priced at 111.000, term. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN SMITH REAL ESTATE ltl Portland Road Ph. I-MOT elll WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WX NBED LISTINOS: Hemaa. Parma, Aereaaea, BualneaHa. looter Court. and Taverna. What hare rouf WHY PAY MORE? When yon caa bur a hem with all the feature f a luxurious horn. Bur rounded br fucctaaful neighbor, Bp cious rooms. Btonn window. Patl. Insulated. Owner forced ta aell- 1 Cherry and and S Walnut treaa. 14 br 101 corner lot. Blacktop trt. Pull prlc anlr l00. WILL SELL PRONTO aa th owner ha been traniferred. 1mm. poss. Only 1 mo, old. 1 bed rooms 3t den. Location 1 close to Bt. Vincent and Highland. Warmth-t Ivlnc fireplace. Insulated. Wired lor dryer and washer. Deleo forced air ell heat. Spacious living room, ruu ptic 111.100. Easy terms. Compare It For Price 1 apaclous bedroom. Bton' throw from oEnclewoo dschool. rt replace. I week poss. Owner leaving city. OU heat, cosy and any breakiast nook. An Ideal family horn. PuU prlc U7M Terms. TRUE VALUE - Aa a matter of fsce, w consider this a barssln. 1 bedroom on an floor. Blornt windows. Automatic oil heat. Oarden spot plus a nit yard. 4 bike. to school. 1 blk. to bu. Owner iev- Ins-. PuU prlc bt ba reduced to 1 10,100. GARAGE, SERVICE & SUPPLIES Tw, this 1 Mulppcd for all t. Lara well built bid. Texaco ia. Part. AccetsoTies. Pin lana horn adjoining. A vary rich community. Everything gre for I31.IO0. Owner will accept aleabl property up to 10,000 a part payment. Terms. BEAUTY SHOP Well established. Rent en bid, anlr 14 per mo. You wouldn't hav to spend a nickel on this builneis. PuU price for equipment, tram. 2 ON ONE LOT 1100 down. Tea, 1 modern house en on lot In a desirable location. 141 br 114 lot. Almost new. Blacktop t. Near school and bu. PuU price only lino. Mighty Neat Motel In a verr aelect location. In th beat of repair. Completely furnished. Extrt apt. in the modern living auartera. T unit. Pvd. driveway. Lot of neon Owner mar conder a duplex as part payment. PuU prlc onlr 131,000. Term. 36i2 ACRES With 10 under cultivation, t-podreem house. 44) by 40 barn. Oar- Chick on house. Paved blfhway. 1 weld. 1404 down. PuU prlc 114.00. 4 ACRE Modern 1-bedroom rottw built ta 1I4T. la food condition. Borne berries. Chicken house, lo-ft. well. A ale UUl horn priced at an.y imm. 17 ACRES PLUS eery lood modern home onlr t antloe from Salem. 10 br aa ehleken hetue. l-car aaraee. I A. atrawberrlee. same walnuta and cherrlee. Pvd. T4. soheel bua. ruu price eclr HUM. For Bu.lneaa Opnortnnltln and Borneo. call for mr. kiooins ixve. -a,94i. er MR. CRAWFORD lire. I-I0M. or PAN WAAK iXre. 4-FMI), or BAT oRiMMrrr live. Per Acrrara onlr. Cell far MR. LXAT- xns lire. i-;m. Lirrnem in orioon, washinoton AND IDAHO. - MORTOAOX LOANS N-Tear MaluHtr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonea: toil I or l-'ill tie Fhonr.: 14115. Illll. I-M10. 1) or 1-7171 3011 Portland Rood If no an..wer. phnne .)),! B USI N ESS OPPORTUNITIES FOP LEA.c. remodeled malor all com panr aerrka itatleh. Oeod leoetton. Call 44H. 041U umtm REAL ESTATE . HOME WITH A MILLION $ VIEW Thrwv bedroom home ran win be prtud to own. UM a feet Cor apice, deubi plumbtag. deubi art, plenty shrub aad flower. Lot at s 111. Per a beautiful hoaae with aomfort caiev, tall aUbura far appeiataiat u . ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Larg twe-drom bom with fireplace, full eUaiaa; ream, lastd util ity, forced air beat. Verr well hrbod tad taaaU froeahou fr the tardea levee. A district raw will be proud to be a pari of. Call Tlbbett. KILROY WASN'T HERE! But Ui later tor decorator was. aad waa a left tbl twebedreaai heme was a clean and ahiaiat a a ilvr dollar. This heme buy t worth seeia. We wiU etak ur repute.. oa this being a eeund bom Investment for m lucky family. Located city on auiat eoel atreet. Priced ia U uukiy at M.wo oo. CaU Mr. Rarbura far appolntmcal 2-BEDR00M, BSMNT, HIGHLAND DIST. t-bedrem heme completely redecorated lastd. a eat as a Ha. Ntee basement, supply f wood for Cure. PuU prlc onlr tl.OOO M, i uenely low dowa payment ta right party. Pick up th Ulapbsn and t U Cbet aew. ENGLEWOOD DELUXE Be.uttful f -aedrMv heme an- a tor!r landaeaMd earner la a beau ' tlful eoltlu to Xaalewoed. Pull price onlr la.PM. Oeod urau. CeQ Cbet hew. HERE'S ONE THAT'S A HUMDINGER Almeee aew t-bedreeta heme, oloae In auburban. Claaa to acheel anal . bua. Mice let with aood aarden. Hardweod fleore. all furnace. Owaer-i baa mared and U reaUp read to aell. Owner eare aaaka offer oa price and terete. BOY! IS THIS A BARGAIN! XRX IB ONI TOO OANT AFFORD TO PASS OP. N1CX PXNCID LOT. IAWN. PLOWIRS. aHRUBS. FRUIT TRIES. THRU NICI BID BOOMS, riTCUIN RAHOI OOCS IN BALI. N7CI AFACB BIATIB WITH THERMOSTAT CONTROL. IMMIDIATB POSSESSION. ONLT I4.M0.M. WITH liol.M DOWN. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) tool . Capitol ,ofca l-Mil at d.7l aTranlhf Phonea Tlbbett, I-14M tm I-M7I Chel (-nil Dale Rarbura l-Nil ROY TODD, WILL Tf rea waat plenty of cloaet space, yea will Ilk thl m-yar-old hem. 1 ale bedroom with dbl. wsrdrob, Nie it, living room for TV. Att. gar. Cloi to aehool a atora and you wUl cave dollar aa tbl eat, Oalr two. CtU Mr. Bimpcea. talesman. BRAND Thl 1-bedroom hem au ea a hardwood floor. Oil fir. furntc. CtU Mr. Bueh. lalwmaa. FAMILY It a llrae to think of acheel apenlat. Utra claaa alder hou.e. auto matic heat, I bedraemi, baeement. Aeroaa Uriel from acheeL Prlaa ll.TM. CaU Mr. Ullnier, aaleamaa. 30-ACRE FARM Burer iota Va of trap. Claaa la countrp llrlnr. f welU. Modern 4 kedreom heme. Verr larae barn. Chicken houae. Owner will treaa far I or a-bedroom hauae. Price iilko. Caa Mr. Todd. ROY TODD, Realtor Mil (lata Street Office pham l-llll Iranian, Sundara and Belldara, Phone: Bilinear 4-1111. Slmpan l-IJll. Ruah 1-7111. Jodd t-int OIH- , Grabenhorst Specials BU BURBA N LOT BUYS Clot In East, aft X 100, excellent buUdlnp He. IM0 pr lot. Easy down parment and monthly payments. The pro ICUIH fUt, CALL ROT B- PIRRlfl. CO-OP. BROKER Bt'llNEAt OPPORTUNITIES NEIGHBORHOOD OROCERT A good location. Highway frenUr. Orocerias. meat and two ft pump. All neceRry equipment, ft-yr, least availabl. Last year act approx, lisdo. prlc 1600. Oeod term. BHOE REPAIR RHOP In on of Salem's busiest district. All itock and .uipmftt iocs. Terms, OOPPBB BHOP An Ideal location. Be a tint tapaclty 4M Bscilleat equipment, Prlc HP50. CALL H. X. LAYMON - POR PURTHIR DETAILS HIOHLAND DIBTRIOT Cloe to Bt. Vincent. Lovely 1-bdrm. horn with finished tik. liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rat- kitchen, full both, lie. let with lot of trait. Oil froced air furnace plua electric heat, for added convenience. Attached trace and etr port with add'l shower itall In irag. Shows br appt. onlr. CALL J. X. LAW ENOLBWOOD BPECIAL -rm. ranch etyl home onlr 4 year old tnd has been kept In new condition. Thl horn ha individuality, 1 well constructed and nicely planned. Beautiful fenced back yard, with out side firaplac and patio, CALL H. K. LAYMON NIW BOMB ALUOtVfr COMPLETED Pin est Vocation, I bdrnu. Plus playroom., oil forced air heat, hdwd. ftrs., fireplace, dble. carace, briek front, lnilde utility, flee one or Salem's finest buys. A real good vtlu at 110,300. CALL ROY B. PER RIB, CO-OP. BROKER NOTICE! 1! Thl Is whtt rou hart been waiting for. Pi rat time on market era these two beautiful terete home In wooded itovc. Word can t express either. Prlc II). WO tnd 114.500. CALL O. H. GRABEN HOR8T, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Ubartr SI. Phoni 1-1471 XventnrJ and Sunder. Call Ror S. Forrla l-Mil J. I. Law 1-1111 B. K. Larmon l-llll IM REAL ESTATE FAMILY GROWING? OWNER WILL TRADB this IH-itory l-bdrm. home, full basement, sawdust heat, open stairway in livlnc rm., fireplac, separata din. rm.. for maller l-bdrm. horn on email lot, 8KB MRS. OOLESBEE, ph. 1U7I $50 DOWN ban email home inside eltr Umtt. It touch aad needs om work, but it' Urtbl. Panne nu only l per me. Miniature Dude Ranch If yen lor to have riding horses and tome stock cattle, here 1 your op portunity to hav tn tverr day vaca tion from noise and crowded city liv ing, yet be doc cnouth tor ell city aecemodtUoae. A lovely, leu-but It larg 1-bedroom bom with fireplace. Double tarata. Also your stock will hav the best ef firms for a home. Beautiful tting at i of city, li teres la aU, or wtu ll with acre, $1000 DOWN A brand new l-bedroom heme with a Ian floored attic lor extra room at your family trows. Ltrit kitchen with plenty of eating tree. Beautiful hardwood floor. Porrea til oil neat. Attached aarace. Paved St., sidewalk, eltr sewer. BuUt ta meet P H A. re ejwirement. REIMANN LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Biih Phone 11301 Phenea, er.nlr.ea: 41111, 4llal Mill. I4I7I elll RESORT PROPERTIES BRACB CABIN 11TB Beach aeatn altw aear lake eb aaeea Street. Ilahta. water. Bit double lot two. Ttrma aa lew aa 1M down, pa furlher parment for I rtar. Lumber at 110 per Uouaana to build wllh. M04 I eel at will build a lluo eabla. Manr ether tmprored and un improved prepertlee for aale. Nead euarter, for eoaet btutaeee epMrtuat. tlaa. writ, for fre. brewhure. Boa 111, Delaka On. Phoao IIU. Beat. Bead, Bre.ee. oalM Dial 44494 MS REAL ESTATE Real Estate GO G. I. NEW 71x111 lot. Mice 14x31 living room, 14x11 att. ferece. Price in.no. HOME REAL ESTATE REDUCED PRICE NEW 8IX-R0OM BUBURBAN Two bedrooms and beautiful large dea or three bedrooms , separate dining room, wdh .dfloors thruout, fireplace, forced air eU heat, utility room, attached garage. Near aehool tnd stores. On Cjulet street. Hot sonar feet tn this well-built, nicely arranicd home. It ts EUY at th cut price of tll.600. Monthly payment like rent. 4'2 ACRES NORTHEAST on Dared road. Pire- room home, barn, poultry house, deep wen with l-inch casing, plenty 01 water for frrtiatlng thl fin ctrden soil. Variety of fruit, nut and ber ries. About 4 acres In crop. Prlc lo;oo. 14000 down, balance no per month. Center Street Realty 17M Center at. Phone l-llll Ire. pha.: Olei 1-7111, Brunt l-ui el7, WANTED REAL ESTATE WB ABB la need el aood houfla to aell. la er neer Salem. If ran wlab to tut rour propartr for aale. ere ORABENHOfUIT BROS . REALTUHS IS, S. Llbertr Ph I-I47I ca afOTlcKi tf rour propertr ia far aala, r-nl er eachanta, llat II with ua we beo all blnda ef eaab bnrera S TATS PTNANrl CO.. BIALTOBS 111 S RUh at c- WILL TBADI 1141 K.laer aa . dowa parment aa email acreaie. I-IIIS. ealao HAVI ll.aee aa down parment en rea aonablr priced l-bcdroem houae. Phone l-eoei calll JOE PALOOKA JM7rYtS...T00 BAD 'mem. TvrH votrvt airfaov t bovtfwvtrr r Aiftneo75foToii ti. V 0Ot MAfcXjRCVE f EXCHANGE RIAL ESTATE d-L'BIT MOTEL In rerr alee lec.uoa wlthta the dtp llmlta and aeod tnrM broam been, wlta double bath, aa... 000. owner will teko email farm, llft.aM ta IM.Ooa. aa part parment. OP-AND-DOW N DUPLIX-1 bodroome oat each fleer, wlta fireplaae ea let floor. PuU baeraMot wltb .ateaialle ou far. ex.. ntee r.rd. will ue ale. haa. la trade. Priced al lll.aoo. i. M UCLBRC, BXALTOR MM B. Capital St. Pa. -inl caial TAB! TBAILSB houa. er IIM da. 4 FT. eld I br. heme, M.1M. Alloa C Jeaea. Baalter. Ill B. Blah. Paeae MUt It. 1.M4I .. WANTED FURNITURE I i'frw?Ai'TTraiami'Ti AUCTIONS Auction TONITE - 7:30 O'CLOCK Leu of food uaM furnltJTa and atlee. East Salem Auction Hit Lancaatar Drl,e. a Phone 4-1.11 ddllo- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION 5a PROVED SIRES I """ j; I Il'a aale, eonrenlent, ee- aaaBeaaaar aaamlcal. dlieaae free. WX WILL SIRVICS TBI PAMTL1 COW OB LAROKBT DAIRY BIRD ONLY $8 Ofa abarae far repeat eenrlee) CALL COLLECT WOODPURN 4181 - OR ALBANY 2488 WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCXIB BHP White face Hereford. 14c Locker pork 4... Bothlnf down, a moa. to par. Cuatom kUHht. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Ca. 1131 S Itlh Fh. I-4KI ea' PETS CHAMPION BRED BOXES pupplea. av- arr pup potential champion. Moon Tropical Pun. parakeet. Turtle eup pllaa. 1 mllea from Laneaater on Maelear road, a-1771. Cloaed Wrdnea dar. O01I4" atAMISK KITTENS RellaUred. reaaon- ablc. Phone 44118. eeiaa- HOUYWOOD AQUARIUM llol McCor. ane block eaat al B. Capitol. 1, Mocu north of Madlaon. Ph. 1-IH7. aclio ROBI-HAIBED BITTENt Rt. 4. Boi 207. South ea PIE to Drlre-m Theater, turn rleht. . aclll BEAUTIFUL WEIMARANEBS PUPPIES Your ahelce, 1M. toil srertreen arcnue. eclll POB SALE Collie pupa. Trl-color, reen tered. Phone aaiem wn. ecina FUEL AND PICKED 11" alabwood, S cord 114. Phon Anderson, 3-771, e-cni. eell4 FOR SALE POULTRY DRESSED FRYERS. Ph. 41U90 fito WE ARE batching New Hampshir Oold- en Broad tnd Arbor Acre whit Rock, verr weak. Special prlea to year around fryer growers. Pox's Hatchery, SI30 Mate St. Phone 1-4I60. f DRESSED FRYERS. Ph. 4-1244 tin CORNISH GAME CHICK, acclaimed the true fryer at tomorrow, now avautaie. Commercial fryer growers find this dominant Corniih White Rock Cross products outstanding; fryers with firm whit succulent meat. Processors pay premium price for this broad double breasted fryer. Outntltltc limited and It unavailable, trr the next best, our first generation Arbor Acre White Rocks. Year-round hatches tvtrr Thursday. Alio. New Hampshire. j LEE'S HATCHERY llll Center Street Ph. 1-3H1 fin- PRODUCE CANNING APRICOTS, direct from Ya kima. Chole cote thru aeaaon. Crop ta abort aa don't wait. Also raapberrtet. boraen. loian and rounra now In eeuon. Tranaparent applea. peacbea Boon. We will hare overrthlni aa It " comeo en direct from farm to you. PhUlloe Broa Perm Market. IM0 Fort land Rd. Fnone 1-4J13 ff TILTON APRICOTR Another load, thla time from Yakima. OR UN APPLE MARKET 1 mile, north on hitbaar FIE. mil CANNINU .nd treralni c.rrou. Phone noona or evenlnia. 3-1337. fflB3 fJ-FICK Wiu.mett. reapberrtea. H mfe north Clear Lake icbooL K. Dunnlcan. 1-1131. mn BALED ALT A FESCUE bar, Ireen and leafr. eicellent hora. hay, 114 per ton In field. Rt. a, Boi II. Phona 1-0047. mil- HELP WANTED BEAN FICKEBP Reelaler now. Ptrklnt .bout Aui. let. Watch thla column for apedftc date. Clarence Herr, Rt. 1, Boa 111, Sllrerton. Phene Sclera 1-1107. SHrerten 1-411. I, mile eaat and north Central Howell aehool. a BEAN and cucumber plekera. atari about Jul. II. Trailer apace arallable. Phon. Sllrertea 1-4702 er aee L. W. Theck err. Rt. 1, Box 171, Sllrertea, 4 mtlej et of Totem Pole. .Ill SEAN Plf'KF.BS reilawr now, H. L. Fearer, Rt. i. Boa 1.0. Phone 4-1111 alll n..UT..Ml SOLD ME A PMCOIY PIECE A NOTNIM'...fT AW! WORTH A PLUG NICKEL H ELP WANTED. BXANitixBa. atuntloa. WUl atari pxklaa aat Auaual U. O-4?."4 15. ph l4. at BU'onaa e-tm- BSAN PIIBIBJ. r-later new. 1 1 aUea Dorlh.a.l B.lr ea Lake Ljbub. Start pleklaa abaut Auaual Ird. BalPb a.l.loe. Pkaae t-OMI. BXAN-PICBEB. WANT.D-14 aj I Jjjjj; Traaapeetatioa ''""'", Vf,,. lader. Mra. Comer. I-IM7. a. "A HELP WANTED MALE BODY MAN Muet be leuraermaa. aood warklna aendlllaa. Ilth St. Bedr Shop. ,a. a . i,.k ...CO BABBEB WANTED. Blakler'o Barber man. 1M1 Tin Bd. SAlam. lalt? THIS la TBS moal amaalna mener mak tn. appeetualtr erer oflared Ihrouah thla er ear ether aewe paper. There lo aa lareatmanl ae a. aiperieace w aulred. We finance pea. Maintain . .Mice for roar uao and prertde trala- ' lo. If roo are honaat. a la letur td wllltna to work herd Phene 1-I1M i.ui h... carl. lalM NEW CAB SALE1MAN Permanent peal- tlea. aeet eei ia naulnd. Write Boa 171. Capital Jour nal. .... "li" HELP WANTED FEMALE ITINO O.neral efflca, eicellent eel err. 4 dar, tranaportttlaa aeceaaarr. Fhaae Aumarllle 104. ablll WANTED Coup,, to lle ta country. PurnUbed l-todroom houae. Women to do homework lor rent. Balra par for babr alltlnl. Write Boi I7L Capital j.nn,.i Iblll I.IITtfnER SECRETARY Permanent poaltlon for hllh trpe ,lrL Muet teka aberthand. InroUIni eiaerlenee helpful. Foe eppolntmenl. aak far Bllea McParland, pbana 1-4111. ablll BOOKKIIVEB aluat be .tnerleneed. Bieellent worklna eondltlena. Perma nent poaltlon. Reference, reeulred. Write Boa ITf. capital Journal. cam WANTID Woman, to to 40, la care for partlaltt paralraad aiaa. Alio, llr M houuwerk. 4-1114. Iblll" XXPEBIENCID wallreaa. Applr Cherrr'a Plantation. 1111 S. Com'l. Iblll Ol'IBKIIPIB to lire In. board, room and weiea. I I famllr. Call IMJl after I pm. ablll WANTED SALESMAN HELP WANTED APPLIANCE SALESMAN wanted wbe la aliroaalra and ambl tloue for future adraaeomeat. Muat be capable of aelllna both to tnalde and auutde proenecU. Liberal com mlaaloa plan. Applr Mr. Derle. Mont tomerr Ward. Salem. ...?; WANTED POSITIONS BOTOTILLING Idlddle Orora Ruraerr. aa,e Mil.rtBa rtd. Phone 4-4411. b PAINTIMO and paper haailna, dar or contract. Phone l-llll. "! TRACTOR WORK ai. a. worki bar and trace paewlne. Phone 1-1041. hill PAINT INQ AND deeoraUnl. 14 reara el- perlenca la aaiem. rre ,.nar. hlM Una- CRAWL u. doalnt, dirt lerel- In.. mrAinw. Phone 1-1320. bill1 PAIKTINO, paper hernial. Free aill mataa. Don Lucero. Ph. l-llll. hill LANDSCAPING, DEIIONTNO Free ea tlmatea. Ouaranteed reaulta. llalnten anca work. Phona 1-1571. bin BOTO-HOEING, plowlnl, dlaelnt. ler .llnt. lawn olantlni. Scrrlc Center. Phon. 4-3111. Bill' LAWN PLANTING. Weekly eara. Pence. aprlnklera. enruba. serrlca CenUr. Ph 4-3173. hi"" RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will t. dar. or nlihta. pnon. t-aa.,- n.w- PTNISHED carpenter and aablnat man wanta work. CaU 1-1711. hlio PAINTTNO Bruah, apray. Waterprooflnt. Satlafae tlen tuerenteed. L I. "Heat" Nat ion. Phona 1-430T, 31343. hill CUSTOM HAY or etraw ballnt. twine tie. O. Strand, phona 1-4411, Sllrerton. hill CHILD CABS Xnalewood Dl.trlat, 1000 N. Ilth. Mra. sertlc jonnaon, zseea. hill FOR RENT OFTICE SFACB Inoulre al lot S Birr, Phone 1-4111. I LABGB warchouae apace for rent or leaae Cement floore, brick .ulioine Dowa town, laaulre H. L Stiff Fur niture Co. Pbone l-llll. J FOB LEA lb 140 to 100 feat frontaae on Sdtewater St. Weel aaiem. Ira J Pitta, ph imoj j WANTED TO RENT DENTIST need 3-bedroom home. Will consider 3-bedroom. Phont 1-1371 tnd ask for Doctor Srnowskl. Jtlll1 WANTED 1 or 4-bcdroem unfurnlihed hous. for teacher and family. 4-32S1 lain WANTP.D TO rent 1 bedroom unfurnish ed htutt. Itafcrencet furnihd. 14111 la 181 t OR I BEDROOM furnished house. Du plex or dowmtatr's apartment. In vicinity I (Mnior hub. rnont -sisi, ext. 136. lalU FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM, dole to aula bulkllnia. 3t N. Winter. 11113' SIFtriNO BOOMS, 7M N. Church. Phon. 14111. IkllO CLEAN, well furnlahM. prlratl entrance. Reuonable. 451 N. Hllh. Ik 110' NICK SLEEPING .nd llrht houaekecptni room. Lady. Ill N. Church. Hill- BUSfNESS DISTRICT Nice eleeplnc room with hot and eeld water. Ill Center street. IkllO' BOOMS for alrla. Kitchen prlrlleiet. uae entire houae. .41 N. winter. Phene 1-4171 er I-I4M. illlf lR(1TleaV room for 1 or 1. Ilai N. Capitol. .1)1115 FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom lower duplex. Lovely lari roonis. Heat furnished and garace. Clew In. Phon 41111. jmllO CLEAN, OLDK l-bedroom home, full bsaement. sawdust furnac. 40 per month. Newer 3-bedroom, 163.50 per month. Located north, suburban. 1 bedroom, northeast, 1M per month. Older l-bedroom. located very close In. 160. Rawlins Realty, 10U N. Cap itol, 4-1741. Jm I t'N FURNISHED house, 1 furnlihea apt both clean. Ph. 3T7I7. JmllO OLDER IIOl'SE Suitable for I famllle. near Bear. Phone 4-1 JmllO 1 -RED BOOM almost new modern houe Por Information, call 11491. Jmiu UPSTAIRS PITLIX Clean, very larte. 1 rooms tnd bath. 1 4-9 per month. Con t set RawUnt Realty. Ph. 17li er 1-4664. Jm ALMOST . NEW 1 bedroom unfurnlihed duplex, Electrl beat. III. 1411 Court atrcat, 3-l0. J ml to t BEDROOM heme, automatic heat, full bait-meat, tt per month. Phone l-llll. jn BUT YOU B0U6MT ft LESAll.V,lR. VALSH...IT rVAS A eONA-np SALE . ' ...tr uniKK WK IllPi I riw-...- . . i--Touax. 4M " fc'"1;: at 1M N. Ith- rBOOBTiOLM. W. Wlatot. Lir, month. Uacala eabeal dul. V:r..-a-. l-.Br.ad; "S sir- Pi-iSa. . J5iujriotiX, claaa. " llabed. Ml So. Hllh. J-iii, ISraBoaTlulal- - .'"t l-llll after P m. . HSSiaTirS SSinSBBOOR I furnUhM aoaaoto. jmlll roruano - - - MoWNifANIba":" waanm,n ---- - mll3 In. water. r. - r.iMoVM ...... ...b ; V.r.7i: ill III caltarlln at. erator. bend- jmll 1 IVt. rvie-w CAB OIMT CBOUND lOB ofMc. "J io rent, CtU at PUtjrkt w .-a. antvAi Phon I-T134. 'V". por RENT APARTMENTS iTBEDBOOM lurnUhod, Jupla apart- meat. aaun. n""" ' " i7BtUKOOM upstalu ,ItB,B.5,U',f: " r . i iMi, Unnttr aehool. N objection to children. UM a1 JPaaTlF CLEAN WILL furnlehed apartment, prl- rate batn. eteem --." ."k1.".; P-urlor. " - , wall .arpata. wou.u. .. - - j-je LABOX WILL - PIBXIIBID prV. apartaeni. eouth Lead Bu.ru """' j lnaulr. Ill Bellarua. er aaU IMTl IJtOOM turnlahed apartment. Rite and clean, uuutiaa. t-t - -1 4-BOOM PUBNIIHID, prlrate irwr. laundry laellltlM. aU atllltlae. 41 Alee lllht bouaekeeplnt room. Adulta only. Ill S. Cepllel. phone 1-4341. '"1 MODIBN PUBNIIHID 4 room. I k ..artmanl. 1141 So. Ulh. IPIW NICELY PUBN1SBTD .p.rtmentll Abt- . naaaoor note, w. BIVEBAL furnlehed apartment!, jaoel location. Ineutre . t atui Phona 1-1115. " D4 TCBNEB Modern fornUhed l-bedroom apartment. Phene Salem a-3417. IPlM DESIKARLX MODERN l-room and bath. unfurnUhad apertmenl. Hot water heat, modern larace. III. Ph. 1-1411. Iptll FUBN1SHID .ourt .partment, I reoma and tarate, newly decorated, cleae la on North Commercial. Pbone l-lltl er I-HI4. JPiSl- NIWLY PAINTID 1 bedrMm uafurn llhed front court apartment. In.ulra 1SI So. 13th. Iplll CLOU IN. Nice modern furnlehed 1 room apartment. Adulta, Phone IIIM. Iplll COOL I BM. fun. apt. automitla beat, convenience,, reaaonablai 1 or I ladleal 411 N. Capitol after 11 noon. Iplll KNGLXWOOD dlatrtet, furnlehed I room and bath. Lou of aloraia apace. Mil Nebraaka. JP1I1 CLEAN, SMALL, furnUhed apartment, newly carpeted. Per employed ledr. 1M ' 6. Cott.ee. iplll HOUSEKEEPING BOOM for ladr. Dtll. Itlea paid. H block to atatohouee. 31. 12N Court St. 1-4114 arenlnta. iplll l-ROOM furnlahed apartment, private bath, heat. Refrlterater. Ill B. Hllh St. 1P1I1 l-ROOM .partment, prlrat. b.tb aad entrance, clean, due la, furnlahed. 412 S. Hllh. 1P1I4 l-ROOM furnlahed ept. Bear aapltoL Very clean, modem, conrenlenl. III IO. Utllltlei paid. Ill N. Ilth. 1-IIM. Ipiwa art N. ll'MMER Nice, clean I roema and bath, lurnlabed. Prtvate Mtnncl. Verr nice yard. Iplll Fl'RN. Bach., 1-1 men. Inc. nil!. Clean, cloaa In. Ref. Ph. 41101 before 1 p m. JplU CLIAN AND nleelr furnlahed I room baeement apartment. Ill for 1 perron. Ill so. ilth. Ipin I BOOM furnlahed lerate apartment, weter and larbate dlapoaal paid. Elee trle heaL No drlnkera. 110. Call 3-111 after - 1P1I3. PI'RNIshed apartment, oloae rate bath. Phone 4-5171. 0, Prl IP1I3 NEW I BOOM, auburban court opt., un furnlahed, electric ranaa, refrlaerator. Employed couple. 1-5311. Iplll 1 BOOM. bath. Upatatra, Mollrwaod 41. Irlct. 131 per month. Phona 4-1353. ipllte LOST FOUND LADY'S WRIST WATCH, aear MPltOl bulldlnt. Reword. Phone 2-013 even Inra kill FOUND Xlrrcle. Can be had by Iden tlfnni .nd parlnl for ad. Phone l-3Js nai e a ...... ............e MISCELUNEOUS Bn-BIVI TRUCKS U-DXIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE t CAB RENTALS PTAKES . TANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST PHONI l-llll PAOB STXVTNSOR and AL MXFPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SEXV7.CI IN MOST CAS BP na bt.bwv ... Adalpb Bda Stau At Commercial Sta. oil,..-. rrt a-ajll m SALCU SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY mtr.e, wort Boad Claarlnt - DltchtM Sewer and Baeement Boulpmral Reatal Dltchlnt br the Fool Phone Dare 1-I4M tvaa 1-4411 er 1-1411 Salem. Oreeon BUILDING MATERIALS I.TTUnrn .rtn . . . flood jhlplap. 35 p., u. ilraltht. No. I. 4. no. 1 and aetur ua l-ln lumber, 111 , M end ap. Ph". mam By Ham Fisher