Thursday, July 30. 1953 i Tele-Views f lag? "o'dio-Televition.- j-g f 1 B? DAVE BLACKMEB 1 1 U He's here! "The Silvery Tongue" of Happy Joe Young has arrived in Salem. . . . The talented disc jockey will ride the radio air waves at KGAE. ... Joe came to KGAE from Eureka. Calif., where he was employed by a radio station in the capacity of program director. . James Charles York of Dallas, Ore., who is presently serving in the United States Navy, will be interviewed on ! a public service program to be broadcast over KFTV Friday, July 31 at 4 p.m. i The program is on a film which the Navy Department furnishes to the various television stations in the nation. ...... . . A pocketful of notes from KPTV Barbara Angel, star or KFTV s "What's Cooking" show, has just received her S.OOOth fan letter. (Editor's Note: That's more mail than Tele-Views gets.) Toymaker, an outstanding children1 program which is featured daily on KPTV, will begin Saturday morning program starting Saturday. August The Boy Scout Jamboree which was recently held in Cali fornia win be televised Sunday on KPTV at 1 p.m. Thanks: Tele-Views would like to thank Ed McElroy or better known as Mac the Melody Man, for the fine support he has been giving this column on his midnight to dawn show. Mac spins the platters for KSLM. TOl'RS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY Huntlnf and Flihlnf Newt, :J0. Rudy Lachenmeler brines news of interest to ihe outdoor fan. - Dragnet, 7:30. The report ot a woman whose life allegedly threatened by letter and anonymous phone calls Investigated by Detective Sal. Joe Friday, played by Jack Webb. Ben Alexander is featured at Officer Frank Smith. The Unexpected, 8. "House of Shadows" start Phyllie Avery with Ross McClure. A young lady comet to a strange city to become the secretary to her boy friend. She becomes party to strange happenings in her rooming house, an old mansion ruled over by an imperious widow. Ford Theatre, 1:30. "Protect Her Honor'.' stars Lloyd Nolan and Jane Wyatt in a story of a woman Judge and her estranged detective husband who are thrown together by dangerous circumstances. Ethel Barrymore Theatre, t:30. "Lady Investigator" start Gene Raymond and Bonita Granville. A lovely school teacher inherits a detective agency in New York and becomes involved with jewel thievet set on killing her. Wrestling from Hollywood, 10. Danny Savich vs. Warren Bockwinkle Main event: Baron Leone vs Sailor Fred elastic. YOURS FOB THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Matinee Theatre, t. "Hoosier Schoolboy" with Mickey Rooney. Anne Nagel and Frank Smith. Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings tales to delight the young of heart. Cisco Kid, 5. Cisco and Pancho manage to foil a kidnap ping for $15,000 ransom but have trouble exposing the gangster. - Hoffman Hayride, 7. Last telecast. Live show starring Taylor Morris and the Country Gentleman features and square dancing. You Asked For It. 7:30. A day In the life of noted Jockey Gorden Glisson will be recreated. Also featured will be: Rudy Docky with his basketball-playing dogs Emil Corsillo, promi nent Hollywood wig maker Johnny Bobbins and Vince Bonno will do their unique wrestling in slow motion. Doorway To Danger, I. Smuggling ot narcotics Into a Federal hosnltal tor treatment ot addicts brings agent Doug Carter (Stacey Harris) on the scene. Raymond Bramley plays Carter's chief. John Randolph. The Goldbergt, 1:30. Jake negotiate! to buy a house in the country after 14 yeari at their Tremont Avenue address in the Bronx. Portland Wrestling, 10..' Live remote telecast originating . from the Portland armory. . ,Nite Owl Theatre, 11:45. "Mutiny in the Big House" with Charles Bickford and Barton MacLane. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only protremi aehoduled ta adfaaaoi I TROUBLES? t N. ItlUf kal f M.k. rati a I tv stt Im km, fj ) Blara MB ra. Fi X II tartar CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 42icoun-ii20(Dna xavasDAT iv uiai vw aw a uutvi ivw 9:19 Lore of Lift 1:49 p. m. Tor maker 4:00 pm. Howdr Dead 4:19 P.m. KM Uil 4:49 p.m. Variety Roqadup 1:09 p.m. Ranse Rldtr p.m.-Newspaper af Air 9:49 p.m. Time lor Beany f:M p.m. -Candy Theater 9:19 p.m. HuDtlni and Pishing : p.ak Jewa CirHU 7:09 p.m.- Or ouch o Man 1:10 p.m. Oruntt I N a.-Thi Unexpected 9:S9 paw Ford Theater 9 90 pm Martin rne. DeteeUre 9:M p.m. Bthol Bsrmnere 19:99 pm. -Hollywood Rsssllna 1109 pm N1t Owl Theater TELBTsn mv$ IMSTAUATm I sV Moloftti, Dimwit, Hsffswn, IU Valley Television Center J3M Fitrarwiixh Id. Ph. 21913 Saa Ui Bf.r. f .a Bay Ik DmI ra Ta- tartar? YrafaM TnIimImi Om Valll tm. Ball SIMM lunttl raiBti IS a. What CoeklMl It O I BHW DUf.l 11:0. la-n hnll 11:11 a.m.W.kama Tr.Tl.ra lt:eo ... -On Tour Arewrat It w r aw LdiM exotet 1:M . Dauala ar Htthlaa I M rav-mko ll Rich 1:00 m. Matlna, Th.aMr S:li fl.irra for Toorrow S to a at Lara al Ufa I t p m. Toym.r.r 4 00 . Trrrr aod flralaa l N.wpapar al All I U . Tt. lor Brut 5 00 Bporu Krai to p m naprar4 la taarla a.. Nrwa Caravaa I t a m Hoi Inau HarrM, JO ja. You Ar.a for It 00 a.m-Doorwar u Daniaf - to p.m. OoMbrrf, S 00 chaoca af 1 10 p ra. Boa OoiuMint 10 00 t ayVinlilu 11 00 a m. U.duoa Muaro Oarata U;i t-sw mi. on Dodge Family Holds Reunion Aurora The descendants of the Dodge family met for their annual reunion at Island park, Canby, Sunday, July 26. Among those present were: Mrs. Jessie Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rltter, Mrs. Daisy Mains, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Cattley, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loe, Miss Carol Loe, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. George Crumps, Juda and Nancy Crumps, George Nel son, Mrs. Effie Nelson, Mrs. era Sigler, Ray and Eleen Sigler, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pat tie, Paul and Philip Pattie, George Pattie, Margery Eg bert, Mrs. Mabel Clenenger, Mrs. Alice Herrchler, Mrs. Anna Ken Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kelly, Miss Peggy Kelly, Mike Kelly, Mrs. Gra- briel Charriese, Joan and Jim my Charrlese, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein, David and Dennis Hein, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buckner, Miss Charlen Buck ner, Tommy Buckner, Leo Buckner and Edna Buckner. Recreation Favored On Reservoir Top The city park advisory board has referred to the city council the matter of placing the top of the city reservoir in condi tion so it can be used for ten nis courts and other recreation. The board's recommendation is favorable and it asks an ap propriation of $3000. Some protest from nearby residents has reached the board, objecting to noise, traf fic and possible floodlighting of the reservoir. City Manager J. L. Franien told the board ha would look into the condition of South Village Park to see what can be done to improve it. Joe Tompkins and Sidney St. Clair asked tor better maintenance ot the park. The park board offered Sa lem Rotary Club a location in Pringle Park for a Boy Scout hut lnalaH nt Hilar P,,4iim ' Park location as requested by the club. FCC Gives Green Light To Salem's TV Station Salem television took a long siep toward reality at KPIC Channel 24 was given the green light Wednesday to start its television station in Salem. Joseph Brenner, vice crest dent of the Lawrence Harvey television orgapizntion, dis closed the newt to TELE VIEWS Wednesday afternoon. Brenner, who livet In Beverly Hills, Calif., informed the Capi tal Journal that the Federal Communications Commission had "approved the new tower site In the Silverton Hills and also the directional antennae." Brenner didn't know whether the company would wait tor Harvey to return from Europe before breaking ground. The traditional ceremonies will take place within the next two or three weeks Brenner said. The station hat set early Oc tober for televising date with a 1-kw transmitter ... An addi tion unit wiU be added in Feb- 10-kw. ornisn exporu In 1933 were auoui ou per cent above Building plans for the 300 'those before World War II. Salvation Amy to Collect Clothing foot tower and operating build ing which are to be located on t 1118 foot promontory five miles southeast ot Silverton are in complete form. The Ultra High Frequency transmitter 1 being built by RCA. "which promised the transmitter to us in Septem ber," Brenner said. "Many are being delivered early at the present time and that is what we hope for." This will be a powerful an tenna as it will permit a reflec tive radiated power of 168 kilo watts in over all direction and 200 kilowatts toward Salem. Brenner would not commit himself on a network affiliation I and the managerial position of 1 2-0346. tne station at this time. "I didn't expect the action this soon," said Brenner. Bren ner and Harold Jury, chief en gineer for Harvey TV, are ex pected to come to Salem to iron out details In the next few weeks. A call for more used and discarded clothing was issued Thursday by the Salvation Army Thrift shop. Especially needed it cloth ing for men and children, of ficials taid. Demands tor tuch clothing from the needy and by transient workers and chil dren to whom it it told at low prices have depleted stocks considerably. Money received from the sale of part of the clothing is used by the Salvation Army in its social services. Other cloth ing it given to the needy. Donations of clothing may be turned in to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop at 237 State street, or it will be pick. ed up if the donors will phone rede starting at 6: JO p.m.. The grand parade will be held at T p m, Friday. Saturday wiU feature the Lttourettea, an all-girl aerial acrobatic act at 3 p-m. and I n.m.. a bean hole feed at the civic grounds at 6 p.m. follow ed by the Bean Hoppers' ball at the civic building at 10 pjn. with Stubby Mills orchestra. The peripatut is believed by some scientists to be the "miss ing link" between worms and insects. LEGALS Program Outlined For Bean Festival Stay ton The children! pet parade will feature the Stayton Bean Festival pro gram Thursday, with judging storting at 6 p.m. and the pa- NOTICE TO COWTftACTOKS cowntocnoM op ch rune it a CTRCIT BR1DGB OVIB MILL CJUUC attUM propoMss for furnUMm ni t rials and cotu tract lor SU bridft H1 l rKwirtl al the efflc of lb City Minutr. City HAIL . Oregon, until 3:49 on. ob Mondar, A mutt 10. 1IU, an will pubilclr opened at 1 CO pa. on tha aama 4aia by lha CUj araa aitr at hi affica. ThU rjct teeludai th fotlowlnr approxlaiata auaoUtlM of saalanala, U lac: PuraUh Ml Lin. rrteut PUas Drift SI PUas 119 Cu. Tds. Claaa "A" Conertta SO .109 Lbs. Mttai Rtlnforcemanl 141 Lts. Tl, Mttal HandnU Roiooval of blitlBs Zrldie Plans, Specifications and oihtr 4oeu niDU raauirod for blddint may ba tn apactad at tna affica af ttaa City En- atatar sad copies may aa obtained by Qualified prospective bidders upob a o poill at 110.90. wiilch amount will tx refunded la ease the document are ra- wrneo. out otherwise win aa retained Attrauoa tn Uddera is dlzacted to Aee- tloa 91-103. O. C. L. A. prorMlni for pre-auallftcatlen. Alt proposals must be noon recnlsr blank forms furnished with the specifi cations, aad must be accompanied by a certified check br bid bond for s amount aaual te r exceecUos fla fr- . akf lha tAUj bad. at 1004 eorparste surety bond will be required te uaraaiee la leiinnu pwiwiaoa toe eeniTAct, toettber wittt laauranee ta such sum as may ae aaeasssry te pretext the City aiaiast las ar demaie by reason, af Injuries to perso at "tm 'Jit-hl to roaerted by the City to reject any er all btds. ar ta accept the proposal wAlea appears most advan- ALTRITD UUNDT, City Mecardar July 19. 1IJ3. , MOt IE MOW NO Lev Una. foundation work. Pun -J" penenea. Prea esitmataa. Banded as!l leuvurad. Pa. S-CaU, S-lta. . EXCAVATING Be Otiea Boa aicsfatin J gradtna. tand cleartac. Pa. .9aa eiaa PTBKACE CLEANIVO Ellis Furnace Cleanlnc. Alt full tjtaraateed. Phona S-1S4A. im the riKcrrr covbt or the STATE Of OBEGOS1 FOR MARION COUKTt wsn-iWA-ra nePARTUENT Ib toe Matter af the Estate or rxtma C. SERRUHIZK, jjeceaseo wo. Mattta is tlven that the underslsned. awutAr mt tha astau of Plor C. aVrrur- ttr. deceased, has filed Its final account and petition for distribution in tha Cir cuit Court af the State af Ores on for Marian County. Probate Department, and that Monday, Uie 3 Lit uy oi autusi, 1MJ. at 9:19 a.m. at the court room of said court has been appointed by said eAurt ea tha lime Place for uie neanna af abjectlana thereto aad tha settlement thereof ..... Dated and mil puaiiinao juiy w, isu THE FIRflT BATIOKAU DAna w PORTLAND. ORBLHJM. sntecutor. Brt W. Henry 10? Wood Is rk Bid., Portland a. Ore. 1 July . Aua. 9, 1 S9. T, 15) DIRECTORY ADPINO MACHINES All Biskes used machlnu sold, rented. repaired Roea. 4M Court Pa 1-977X BLU.OOE1NO BulWoilna, roads, clear. n Vlnli Huskey, 1019 Fair view. J-J HI. tefth. phone olM DRESSMAKINO Altera Uons. bemstltchtni, b a 1 1 o o s, buckles, covered, buttonhole. Mrs. H. M. AUender, 3-9911. 194 Work 19 Insulation, west her stripe, aluminum eer eerie. Prea estimates. T. Pullmsa, pnone 1499a. albs MATT BESSES Capitol Bed din a. ran orates Puu ie pew mattresses Ph 1-4099 OFT ICS rtENlTl BE s StPPUES " DeU chairs, (ties, nilu suppUaa. safeZ duplicators, aupplle. desk lam pa, tfp. writer stands Pfstz. Ct Court. SEPTltf" T A.B ' Kernels eervtee, 3-T404. sepuc tanks cleaned. Una Guar an teed work. Phone eaejB Wlke s Septic Service. Tanks elesned. D1 rooter cirana aewera, drains. Phona , J-ta oiu Sewer septie Unks. drams cleaned Ro. ta-Rooter sewer SerTtoa Pbaoa S-aS3T. SHARFENING B EPA IB Lawn mowers, aawt, eta. llth n S-4411 Free pickup. Fast, efficient repalra, tin all makes. Cell 4-9PS1, a.m. to 9 p m 975 Market St alts TTFE WRITERS Smith. Corona. Rem In rt on. Royal Da derwood portables AD makea at4 machines Repairs rant Roan. 4A Court I-977J. a WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanera. Industrial floor wax'ni bousecleanins. Pboaa J-usi. 147 Court a Wa a m a war star utw w g j ULJ -k Specially Priced for This Sale Only! 9.2 CU. FT. COLDSPOT "Tb. F.ul' Wid,h Fr"' Chest Stores Frozen Food m X So, Be,ow Freei'"9 Temperoturei . k n mnuMv n, u ..a. u nw- rw xi- J4aXH 11 Vniia VII I Mt s..,.Y HI II I ! ,tLt' rf- A ll I '.J CU. It. jBjjBjBjrjBBmjwpsBBBjpBtjBj t Re,r9era,or SBs i l fm&9fsTA I fl 13. I WAa I b: if rSS5Jty 1 II I t Erw-,7FN-i-Y'iaTi 111 in IK keu. i n risir 1 1 1 .. :S 10.00.1J.90 s I ( ' r"wWW Save 30! 11.1 cu. ft. Coldspot Refrigerator Reg. 349.95 31995 10.00 down, 15.00 mo. On Seort Easy Payment Plan Thermo-Matic Detroit 2 Servi-Shelves in door New 1953 Color Ton Interior Exclusivt "Butter Ready" """W'Mi 550 N. Capitol, Salem Ph. 3-9191 r