Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 30, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    . '
Thursday, July 30, 195S
Pact it
19 Tracts O&C
Timber to Sell
Th Bureau of Land Manage
ment announced today at Port
land that 1 tracti of O&C tim
ber comprising 20,427,000 i
Doara feet and live tracti of
' public domain timber com
prising 880,000 board eet will
be effered (or tale dijring Aug
ust The O&C timber it located
in Polk, Benton, Clackamas,
Lane, Linn, Douglas, Coos and
Jackson counties.
The first sale of the month
will be held on August S, at
Roseburg where one tract to
talling 255,000 board feet wiU
be offered by oral bid.
Xugene will have nine tracts
ready for sale on August 6,
seven by oral and two by seal
ed bids total volume 8,040,
000 board feet.
On August 7 Salem will in
vite bids on four tracts to
talling 10,183,000 board feet;
three tracts by oral and one by
sealed bid. On the same date
Coos Bay will offer by oral bid
2,310,000 board feet in two
, mv Portland -Mosqultoes ap
bids on three tracts compris-',, ... J7, iZi ,Vl!j i.
ing 2,628.000 board feet. One ,gSr VA Sl2f fnJS?L?
,. f, , ... . DDT, and the citjrs Insect con-
v ' I "V,!2 vT, ,trol bureau Is trying out other
chemicals here now.
Officials said DDT spraying
of alack water areas around the
city is killing only about 40 per
bid one tract comprising 100,
000 board feet Western Wash
ington will invite sealed bids
on 274.000 board feet In on
tract The Umber Is located in
Stevens, Ferry, and Whatcom
counties, Washington, and Ida
hod county, Idaho.
Ship Captains
Form Union
New York A crouo of
ship captains and officer engi
neers has formed a new union,
the united Merchant Marine
Officers Association, Ind.
In a statement Issued Wed
nesday, tha new union charged
that seafaring labor groups
were being controlled by "dic
tators" who are not men of
the sea or ships."
A spokesman for the CIO
Marin Engineers Beneficial
Assn., contended the new
group was "company sponsored."
Mosquitoes Don't
Mind DDT any More
bid and two by sealed bid.
Public Domain sales will be
held at Spokane, Bend, and
Western Washington on August
21. Spokane .will have three cent of the mosquitoes,
iracu avanauie lor seaiea Dias : a. ri ' vi
total volume 608,000 board ported mosquitoes building up
feet Bend will offer by oral I resistance to DDT.
Haines Family
Reunion Held
Stayton Residents and for
mer resident of Stayton gath
ered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan-el Wright In Mil-
wauki July 11 and 12 for the
fourth annual reunion of the
Haines family. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Woods of Milwaukie
assisted the host and hostess.
More than 90 guests attend
ed the celebration. The ban
quet was served outside and
folk dancing, horseshoes, cro
chet and out-of-door games
were played.
Attending were the parents
of Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. John Nightingale,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyton Rice, Lau
ra and Burdette, Mr. and Mrs.
Sumner Knox and sons, Mr.
and Mrs. Grover Haines and
family, Mr. n d Mrs. Mike
Adams, Mr and Mrs. Fred
Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Ricks
and son, and Everett Nightin
gale and children, all of stay
ton; Lowell Nightingale, on
furlough from Travis air base
in California; Mr. and' Mrs.
Murley Larimer and family.
Molalla; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Haines and family, Klamath
Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wells
and family,' Medford, and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wood, Mil
waukie. .
It i believed that not even
bacteria can develop in the
heart of the lifeless Antarctic
continent, says the National
Geographic Society.
You Can't ,
Fool Those
Old Timers
Waynesburg, Fa. Un Old
timers her war am "I told
jra " xprasia today.
It rained her yesterday,
as it has dsae rrery July 28,
with the xceptl of eeves)
years, sine 1171.
AFROTC Officers to
Leave for Maxwell
Three officers In the
AFROTC department of Wil
lamette university will leave
this week to attend two-week
Instructor courses, scheduled
at SO colleges throughout the
country by Air university,
Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
Maj. G. H. Charters has been
assigned to the University of
Washington; Maj. John W,
Thompson will register at the
University " of Portland and
Capt Theodore M. Veld will
enroll at the University of
Purpose of the air fore
workships Is to develop an un
derstanding philosophy and ob
jectives in each of the subject
matter areas and to correlate
the relationships of these to
the total AFROTC generalized
course of study. ,
: Capt. William A. Kirkman
will be acting commandant
during th two-week period.
Rail Express
Rates Raised
Washington (V-Th Inter
state Commerce Commission
Wednesday authorized the
Railway Express Agency to
increase its rate an average
of 15 per cent Th ris is
expected to bring the agency
about $55 million dollars a
Th Express Agency had
asked an average Increase of
about 23.5 per cent.
The commission based its
estimate of $55 million addi
tional revenue on th assump
tion that there will be no loss
of volume. '
In scaling down the request
for higher rates, th ICC said
an Increase of 15 per cent
substantially equals th aver
age increase in railway wages
Albany to Have First
Outdoor Band Concert
Albany, Or. () An out
door band concert will be heard
bar Thursday night for the
first time in 15 years. The new
ly organized 40-plec Elks band
will play on the county court
house steps. Othr concert arc
Berlin ) East Germany's
Communist armament minister
was fired from the cabinet
Thursday for "defeatism" in
th fac of th Jun 17 work
ers' revolt Th minister, BernJ
Weinberger, waa demoted to
leader of th Soviet Zone Re
parations Offica third-class
governmental post
and coats, and other prices
and income levels, between
1850 and 1853.
Jets Collide in
Mock Battle
Fountainebleau, Franc (e
Allied headquarters said a U. S.
F-86 Sabre jet and Royal
Air Fore Meteor jet collided
in th air during a mock battle
Wednesday over Germany, kill
ing on U, S. and on British
airman. ,
Th collision raised to four
the number of planes that have
cracked up in air exercise that
began July 23 over much of
western Europe.
Committee Works
On Volunteer Basis
Th governor's committee on
children and youth will con
tinue its work in Oregon on a
voluntary basis. vn though
th state legislature refuse to
provide any fund tor it pro
gram. ,
This was decided at a Mat
ing Wednesday at th state
capitol when 25 members of
th eommitte heard . Gover
nor Paul L. Patterson laud th
work of th eommitte.
Tha eommitte was origi
nally appointed to carry out
recommendations of th Presi
dent's conference on children
and youth. .'
Mrs. Saldi Orr Dunbar pre
sided at tha meeting, which
it wa announced will be fol
lowed by further meetings
later In th year.
:1M VI' i
'ME' 4')iKn '1:1
Make Your Family's Vacation Safe and Enjoyable
iwin 1 1 1 I
so Tore
The tire that earned Its name "Life-Saver.". It seals
punctures, protects against blowouts and now defies
skids, too! Costs less than regular tire and blowout'
protecting tube. No charge for mounting.
6.70-1 S
plus to
nd your
old tiro
As low S400 few.
puts a sot of LIFE-SAVERS m yotr car
SIC 95
f The tire that comes en
aew carti funeral B. F.
Goodrich Silrertowni
(ire extra ufety.greatef
comfort, mora mileage,
Be pait trade bow.
BFG Recaps
Her is high quality at
low, low coit. This
ruffed acofiomy tire Is
backed by the famous
B. F. Goodrich lifetime
The meat la safe, neW
mileage for the leait
expenditure- Sihrertown
tread, full width, tough
lont-iata'nf cola rub
ber. Factory method.
WITH NIW TRADI-IN TISTIR Now you can tell at a glance when your
tire ar in the Safety Zone, Trade-in Zone, Danger Zone. You can take
advantage of top trades before your tires are in the Danger Zone and
lost their alu.
T0U UN SAU61 1M Y0URSIUI Cam la today for Fill trsdsl tetter.
Open Evenings Til 9
Phone 3-9600
1 a -
Corner Center & Church Sts. J
Prices Good thru Saturday
Reg. 13c M. D.
Toilet Tissue
for Four
Reg. 89c Car
Wash Nop
Hose Attachment Fittings
12-ln. Aluminum Handle
Reg. 59 Lady Eva
Bubble Bath
. Mm Tea
SO snort Ml fragrances, each
ana a Stakes to new batnlnf
luxury. Juit sprinkle your
favorite fragrance Into your
bath . . . and relax In a
mountain of warm, sweet
scentea bubbles.
Tetletry Stctiotu
Make Canning Easier!
Reg. M.95 7tot
Cold Pad:
Mod of oVoblo
rll rslr
Comploto with handy Mt-cut wtr. rock to
handling of hot jan.
. Variety teeuVae
25c 3 in One 15c Pocket Tins Tobacco Reg. 29.95 1
cigarette prjnce Albert or coflS
CASE Half and Half r.loUcr
V Choke 3 for 25' Attic $31M
For Cigarettes. ',
Matches and Ash Trayi l Toiletry ToUtry
$3.95 Plastic 1 10c 6AIA BOBBY PINS, card of 30 5c I Reg. $2.69
Wading 49c MP0RTED RUBBER GL0VEi 14c 2 27c Alarm i
Pool 79c NYLON HAIR BRUSH 49c Cloclc
40-Inch $99 $1.69 American Optical Sport Glasses 49c $98
'Ze variety 1 19c SINGLE ROW CLOTHES BRUSH 7c I
ox. I7e
ox. 9U
nottle lottU 1U
TtUttrt Stctiam
S hem eUon ond fr-t
ysMK mouth tote nftqiDiyl
Candy Bars
2 ,o15c
12's Regular, Super, Junior
48's regular
Toiletry Recti en
Regular 39c
Fred Meyer Drugs
'01 tMtirrr lunn saf
We Reserve the Rlfht to Limit Quantities
Rl . It
Chewing Gum
6 19c