taie Sairs Hermiston vs. Salem Tangles with Albany b chris kowitz, jr, Oregon's annual state Amer ican Legion junior baseball tournament ( 1 1 underway with two timet at Waten park tonight Milwaukie and Hermiston clash in tht opening game at 6:30. That contest will be fol lowed by a game pitting Sa lem's defending state and re gional champions rfgainst Cum mings Movers of Albany. "First ball" festivities will be handled by i battery com prised of Salem Mayor Al Loucks and Albany Mayor Lyle M. Bain. The Salem-Albany Bight Salem Women's Golf Meet in Semis Today The semi-finals in the annual Women's Golf Championship at tht Salem Golf club are be ing held today with the tour ney ending Friday. The pairings for today were: Championship flight M r . Frank Fisk vs. Mrs. Morris Crothers and Mrs. Charles Mc Dcvitt vs. Mrs. Harold dinger. First flight Mrs. Russell Kanz vs. Mrs. Ed Roth and Mrs. Robert Herrall vs. Mrt .omas Hill; second flight Mrs. Rex Adolph vs. Mrs. Charles Musser and Mrs. James Haworth vs. Mrs. Thomas Wat son. ' Third flight Mrs. Robert Cannon vs. Mrs. Hal Davis and Mrs. Robert Ebersole vs. Mrs. Roscoe Wilson. ; In their weekly play Wed nesday the results were: Class A Mrs. Fred Bernard! with a low set ef 77; Class B Mrs. John Johnson with a 88; Class C Mrs. George Hoffman with a 79; Class D Mrs. Donald Tutler with a 7. . Mrt. Bernardl won the John son prize for the low score ef the day. West Salem Lions Remain Unbeaten in C Loop Play The West Salem Llont re mained andefeated m "C" League play by beating Fear Corner 11-3 behind the one hit pitching ef Cliff Johnson. This was their fifth straight win. In the other league game Berg's Keizer Market murdered Steinke't 17-4 at Gene Gilbert ton hit for the circuit twice. In "B" League action tonight Bishop Electric meets the Vista Merchants at Barrick and Sa lem Laundry takes on Truax Major League Leaders (Br Tht Aatocltted Prettl NATIONAL LlTAOl S BATTINO Schoendlenat. tt. Louie, .131; Irvln. New York. .314: Pnnllo, Brooklyn. .121; Blntiewakt. CtnelnneU. .313; Boblneon. Brooklyn, .311. BUNS BATTFD IN Campanula, Brooklyn. 12; Hodiea, Brooklyn, H; Ua thewa. Milwaukee. 17; lrrln. New Tork. 11; Kluaaewikl, Cincinnati. 71. BOMB BUNS Uathewi. Milwaukee. 31; BUuettwekl, Cincinnati, 30; Campa nula. Brooklyn, 21: Hodtea, Brooklyn. 14; Klntr. Chleato and Bell. Cincinnati, 13. PITCHING Epnhn, MllwaukM and lalay, St. Louie. 13-4, .711: HaddK. St. Louie. 11-4. .75: Meyer and Breklnt, Brooklyn. 10-4, .114. AH ERIC AN LEAfll'l HATTING Vernon, Wuhlmton. .130: Kll. Bo ton. .334; Mlnoio. Chlrsvge. .3)0; Ooodftitn. Boston, .317; Rosen, Cltmland. JU. BCNR VATTKD IM Bomb. Cltvflftnd. 13: Vernon. WMhtntUm, T3: Mlnoso, Chtrito ftiMl Mantle, New . Tork, 70; Oropo, Dttrott. 67. HOME mNS RoMn. Clmland, U. Xcrn.tl. Philadelphia. 22; Gtrnert, Boa ton, Dobj, Cleveland arvd Berra, New York. 17. rtTCHINO Lopat, New York. 10-1, 131: Shea. WaKhtnatoa. a. a. ,00; Brown, , ton, la-l, .700: Truck. Chic at o, 13 I, .71; Dorian, Chlcato, 1-3, .760. Yesterday's Stars (Br Tht Aaaoctawd Prcut BA"V.NG Mifktr Vernon. Wanning tin finatera, hit a. threa run noma run and two itntlej ai Wah .niton oar BAwered Datrelt. 11-1. PITCHfNO Harref Raddit. St. Louis Ctrdlntlt. trtttered aeven hlta In wln nlnt bit 13th t ami aialnet four loeaa. 1-3 aeer Pltt.bort. JUST ARRIVED THE FAMOUS FRANKLIN Fiber Glass Ideal cor fop six, deep, wide and roomy, strong and practically indestructoble Jrjwr Delivered in Salem JLI 3 Terms Available NO DOWN PAYMENT IF DESIRED OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. CASCADE MERC 1405 N. Church Jymiiioir at Watieirs Park ToirQiglh: Milwaukie; cap is expected to draw a large number of fans from both competing cities. It Is seldom that twe Lwru m close together (15 miles) get la the same state Legiea tournament. Coach Vince Genna's Salem team won the state champion ship last year, and went on to win the regional tournament at Yakima, Wash. This year's Salem team lacks some of the start from the 1952 squad, but Genna consid ers his 19S3 team a better-balanced ball club. The absence of left-handed pitcher Jack Ley will a doubt hurt the Salem team in the tournament Lor, whe It only 14 years old, was the standout hurler on the Sa lem team early this season. He was stricken with rhn matle fever, and Is bow eon fined to bed. The Salem pitching staff for the tournament will be com prised of Gary Espe, Paul; Beck, Gary Paterson and Ed; Warrenburg. Warrenburg is j the only left-hander. j Salem has won 18 straight Veeck Says Two Major Teams Will Move Soon Los Angeles () Bill Veeck, president of the St. Louis i Browns, says two major league franchises will be moved with in the next six months. One he hopes will be the Brownies and he didnt reveal his thoughts on the other. Veeck Jried unsuccessfully to move the Browns to Baltimore earlier this year. Just before leaving Wednes day night, Veeck told a report er that Los Angeles will have to move fest if it desires a franchise. And he thinks a ma jor league can operate with just one club on the West Coast. "C" LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Weet talent Llona S Jaekton Jeweler! 4 1 Lei Ion root III 4 1 Dlekaon'a Market 4 I Four Corner 1 1 Ben'a Keller Mkt 1 t Stelnk.'t I t Orchard Belsnta I f Lnal nltht'a crfla: Weet Salem 11, roar Cornera I; Sert'a Belter ktt 17, attlnkt'a 4. ret. 1.000 .100 MC Ml .400 .400 .000 .100 Done tui. "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Blahos Blectrle 4 1 Salem Laundrr 4 1 Warner Motora 4 1 Truax Oil S I Orchard HelihU I 1 Ben'a Market S 4 Vlala Merchant! 1 I Pour Cornera 4 I Tonilht'a lamea: Blehop Blectrle va. Vlata Merchant! at Barrick and Salem Laundrr ve. Truax Oil at Kelxer. IAU lamea at :)&, Oil at Keizer. The Lions jumped into a 4-0 lead at the end of one frame and led 7-0 at the end of three. Four Corners then tallied three runs on no hits to make it 7-3. West Salem added four In the fourth to sew up the game. The lone hit off Johnson was in the third inning by right fielder Gary Brunk. He singled with a man on second but the runner held at third. Neither scored. Kent Lammeri led the West Salem hitting attack ai he bans-1 ed out three hits in three trips to the plate. One of his hits was a homer and the other two were a single and double. Thornton Coffey also doubled for the win- ners. Berg's Keizer Market lashed , out 16 hits to beat Steinke's 17-4 but the hitting attack over-1 , . . . .... . ,. r. n,v eiioenon a; t;owan. nawier. jn shadowed a two hitter by Gene xamet. Mom. iB-Meim. Hawier. bbi Gilbertson. He had a no-no go- oiinerteon 1. sheidon 1, Moi 3. cow.n In. ..-en ev,. ..... i.!. H.wler 3. atelnao. Sleet Sttw.rt. ing until the fourth and last frame. Four homers were hit for the Berg't nine. Gilberton hit his two in the first and the fourth innings while Jerry Hawley homered in the fourth and Hal Cowan also homered in the fourth. Hawley had a perfect night 12 - foot Boat Phone 3-5538 Legiomi Too rime v garnet In going through Us 19S3 season undefeated, and will be shooting for win No. 19 tonight. Albany's record Is 19 wins and 4 losses. Albany looked es pecially strong in the south west Oregon tournament, de feating North Bend 11-1. Kla math Falls 27-0, then North Bend again 13-0. Ted Owens of Sweet Home, whose eligibility was a matter of protest during the southwest Oregon tour nament, will be In the line up for Albany against Salem tonight, either at pitcher or ntfielder. Espe will probably do the hurling for Salem. LOCAL UNITED PRESS Senators .019 in Close WIL Race (By Th. AttocUUd Preul The Spokane Indians ran their latest Western Interna tional Baseball winning streak to four ' straight Wednesday night and Thursday they were breathing hard at the heels of first-place Salem. The Indians clubbed Van couver 11-2 for victory No. 4 while Salem bowed to Yakima's Bears 2-0 for their second loss of the series at Yakima. Similar verdicts in Thursday night's encounters would lift the In disns out in front of the Sena tors by 14 percentage points. Young Don Carter tamed the Senators at Yakima giving up only three hits as he racked up his eighth win against three losses. At Spokane, Bob Nemes gave up two runs on four hits in the first inning, then threw at the plate with four hits in four trips. Other extra base hits were doubles by Hawley of Berg't and Pete Melin of Stein kes and triples by Ernest Karnes and Kevin Morse, both of Berg's. The two hits for. Steinke's came in the last inning when Jim Robinson singled after Me lin had doubled. They went on to score four runs. roar Corners (I) (II) WE. Llone AB B Turner.l Brunk.rf Prock.m Harme.p 8hlret.lt Lanf.at Ateer ude.l Nlcholjon.o Ollttnp.3 Plerpolnl.3 I Vealal.m 1 Luke 1 0 Brlexa.ei 0 Wulf.e 0 Llmmeri.l 1 Kerber.l I Bumelde.lf 0 Johnson. n 0 Heller. rl 0 Oreet.m Lot 1 . Colley.rl Totile II 3 t Pour Corner! W.S. Llont Wlnnlnt pitcher, pltchtr, Htrmt. Total 11 11 ... OM J 3 1 I ...113411 11 1 Johnlon; """"I bo bb Johnson Harma I 0 HR Lammera. IB Lammrre. Coffey. RBI Lammera I. Brits. 1. Burnaldt, Coffey. Bart's Keller Market (17) AB R H 4 Ntelnkee Cowan, m 4 Jackson. 1 1 Ollbertton.p 4 1 Stelnke.l 1 B Stwrt.aa 3 Dallman,p 4 Melln.3 2 Roblnaon. 1 1 W Stwrt.ll I Feller.e I Sheldon. m 0 Roblna.rf I t Hawley. K,JSSJM 4 Mor,3 J?n,n,r, Ihooo.3 ' """'' I toi.h Totalt II 4 I ..111 110117 II I ..000 4 421 ; Stelnkee . Wlnnlnc pitcher. Ollberteon: lotlni """r- "oilman loiioert.on SOBB 1 4 1 4 D"51 Ktrntt, Penrod. '' I So smooth it leaves you breathless mirnoff te anaiett vwn V0DKA fftfjfonf MtJtffi,owe 100 ftrt'te fttwrtlftiaV Stt. fttitt Smirnoff Fit. lac , Hinfor4.Cn. n Albany boasts a lineup com prised completely of .300 hit ters. Bill Cotman is leading hitter on the Albany team with .407, while Jerry Hazelwood has .389 and LaVern Bradley .385. Chuck Kerr is coach of the Albany team. - Milwaukie is considered a strong state title contender. The Milwaukie team played in the Portland city league, and the Portland representative perenially brings one of- the toughest teams to the tourna ment. Not much Is known of the Hermiston team, except that It comes from a rugged dis trict which Includes The Dalles and Bend. ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 30, 1953 Lead by Only WIL Standings IBr Tht Atloclated rreul w l ret. Btlem II IS .151 Spokane 31 11 .631 Yakima II 14 .531- 14 Vancouver II II .M0 4te Edmonton - 1 It .411 I Lewlaton 11 It .4(4 Itt Trl-Cltr 14 17 .Ml I Calearr 11 IT .441 14 Victoria II II .lit 1 Wtnalche. 11 It .411 T Wrdiiee4ere Bee.lte: elpokan. 11, Vancouver s. Yakima 1. Salem t. Victoria t. Wenatche. S. Trl-Cltr I, Lewteton 4. Edmonton 11. caliarr I. Th.redar'a Seaed.le: Lewlelon at Trl-Cltr. Ralem at Yaktma. Fdmonton at Celterr. Vancouver at Spokane. Only tamea echeduled. shutout ball the rest of the way. The Caps- got four more safeties but couldn't put them together for tallies. Tri-City's 'Don Robertson turned in anothtr neat pitching job, limiting Lewiston to four hits as the Braves turned back the Broncs 6-4. The Broncs scored three times in the first inning on four walks and a pair of singles. Robertson found the range after that and yielded only two more hits, one of them a homer by Len Tuck ett for Lewiston's final score. Catcher Dick Morgan's grand-slam homer in the first inning against ' Calgary tent Edmonton off to a winning start but the Eskimos had to call in two relief pitchers in the ninth to preserve a 11-8 Bruce Cudd Tops Northwest Open With Six-Under-Par Vancouver, Wash. W) Ore gon's amateur golf champion is i aiso me norinwest upen king pin. Twenty-year-old Bruce Cudd of Portland tnntyer) the. nrwn crown in Wednesday's 36-hole finals at the Royal Oaks Coun try Club. His total for three days of firing was a six-under-par 282. John Laneford. Tualatin. Ore. nrnfpceinnnl wee rnnnw. up, with a 72-hole total of 28S. Langford drew even with Cudd Sfhryocl.' ilfl id-Season ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT Summer and reg. weights. Sites 15 to 48; Shorts and Dacron. Broken lots Tweeds, Gabes, Worsteds. Group I Reg. to 37.50 2844 1 T SPORT COATS Reg. to 29.50 - 4.5t Yi Off! CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Winners of tonight's garnet will meet each other In the second game at Waters park tomorrow night. Losers af to night's first game will clash In a battle for survivorship at 6:30 tomorrow. The gam is scheduled for Saturday night at 8 o'clock, and one game Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock. Winner of the sUte tourney travels to Yakima. Wash., for the district playoffs August 18 21. The winner there will play in the western regional elimi nations at Hastings, Neb., for the right to compete in the na tional tournament at Miami, Fla. NEWS AND FEATURES Pace 11 victory. It gave the Eskimos a sweep of the three-game series at Edmonton. A three-run outburst in the bottom of the eighth inning broke up a tie ball game and gave Victoria a 9-6 win over Wenatchee's Chiefs. Tom Mun oz homered for the Chiefs in the sixth scoring two ahead of him. It was his third round tripper in as many games. Saleaa ( B Sabllnl.l 1 Tanaolll.l S Deyo.cf 4 Beret.lk 1 Ballardl 4 wthrtp.rt I lAieen.il 1 Kateran.o S Hemphlp S (It Tekleta O A H O A 1 1 U'Nmr.a 4 Hrnda.l 4 I White. cl 4 WUmn.lf I tNoren.lk S Lewie. rl I Andtn.l I 1 Norlck.e I I Carter. p S 1 Luby.lh I Total. Salem Y.klma ... Pitcher: Hemphill .. I 14 II Totall Mint ....... OOt OOO 000 I I 1 100 WO 10" 1 1 0 TP AB H B Bit SO BB s it i I i t a t ii I i l Carter HBP Perot br Oarter. WP Hemphill. LOB Silem I. Yakima 7. 1BH White. RBI wellman. Hernandea. Sac. Mae- Ureon. Carter, Noren. DP Tanatllt to Luby to Ballard. Tlma 1:44. TJmplrai aortnton and Btetner. Att. 1.141. LewUtoa 100 10S 1004 4 Trl-Cltr 101 000 01 t S Butler and. Orery; Bobcrteon and War ren. Caleerr 101 000 Olt I II Edmonton 411 130 11 14 Orrell. Franc (21. Schult II) and Llllard; Tiencrtt. Dnr (II, Connnt (I) and Morten. WenatehM .... Victoria Beamon and Martin. .... 100 Ml IIS t 10 1 .... 04 001 S1--S 11 I Bartolomtl; Prior and Vancouver 1M OM 000 I Spokane 001 111 II' 11 II I Myera. Maekar (7) and Ouretto; We mea and Oele. at the end of 18 holes in Wed nesday's round but csrded a 78 on the last 18 while Cudd eame in with an even-par 72. Bob McKendrick, Oswego, Ore., pro, trailed Langford by one strike and Tom Boucher, Walla Walla pro, wt next at 287. Three professionals Al Williams of Medford, Dick Lundahl of Baker, and George Beechler of Ontario tied for fifth at 289. Tacoma pro Chuck Congdon followed with 290, SUITS Group II Reg. to 55.00 3844 Group III ' Reg. to.1.0S 4844 i r SLACKS VALUES TO lO.dl . VALUES TO 12.95 6" aPR 12" cEllS WEAR Fourth Army Wins Team Event Feeble Beach. Calif. Iff) The 4th Army finished up with a two-day total of 613 points Wednesday to capture team competition ef the all Army golf tournament. The 3rd Army wat runnerup with 620. followed by the 8th Army with 829. Pvt. Claude Buster Reed, 4th Army representative from Ft Hood, Tex., shot a one over par 73 to total 148 and wrest the lead from Sgt. Kelly Kee, 3rd Army, and Pvt. Billy Max well, 4th Army, the opening day leaders. ' Kee and Maxwell, 1949 US- GA National amateur champ ion, skidded Into a six-way tie for third, with 79s to total 133. Pfc. Dick Yost. 6th Army champion from Portland, Ore., shared in a third-place dead lock with a second round 73. Prall Defeated on 23rd Hole in National Tourney Tulsa. Okla., (Special) Bob Prall of Salem went down to defeat In the closest match of the opening round in the United States Golf Associa tion's junior amateur turna ment here Wednesday. Prall lost to Keith Lopp of Women's Western Amateur Enters Semi-Final Round Cincinnati Defending champion ' Polly Riley of Ft. Worth, Tex., clashes with Mae Murray, the 1950 tltllst from Rutland, Vt., today in the quarterfinals of the Women't Western Amateur golf tourna ment over the Carmargo ,- 523-yard course. Both advanced to the t h I r d round on rallies yesterday.-The 27-year-old Texan was three down on the 10th hole to Ede- ann Anderson, the Trans-Mississippi and Canadian cham pion from Helena, Mont., but recovered her usual ahsrp- shootmg form to win with a three foot birdie putt on the 18th. Miss Murray, although lacking the magic touch she had Tuesday in setting a tlx under women t par 70 for new record here, staged a late comeback to defeat Mary Ann Downey, two time winner from Baltimore, 2 up after . being two down early Curtis Cup star Claire Doran, 29-year-old Cleveland school teacher, who easily defeated Mrs. Paul Dye of Indianapolis, 4 and 8, will engage Virginia Dennehy of Lake Forest, 111., the Northwestern coed who el iminated 18-year-old Janet Mc intosh of Cincinnati, 3 and 2. Jane Nelson, 23-year-old In dianapolis school teacher, scor ed a 1-up upset over Mrs. Mar Jorie Lindsey McMillan of De catur, 111., the 1851 western champion, to earn the right to play Mrs. Maurice Glick of Bal timore. The Maryland house wife edged Barbara Dawson of Orinda, Calif.i 2 and 1. Gloria Fecht, former pro skater from Palm Springs, Calif., meets Pat Devany of Grosse Isle, Mich., in the other quarterfinal. The West Coast girl rallied late to upset Bar bara Romack of Sacramento, Calif., the current South At lantic champion, 1-up on 20. and Cliff Whittle, La Grande pro, and Bob Duden, Portland pro, deadlocked at 292. Other scores included: Harold West, Pendleton, 294: Joe Stieger, Eugene, 290; Wen- deli Wood, Eugene, 300; Bunny Mason, Salem, 300; Don Spill man, Eugene. 310. Longs; Wool, Nylon, Rayon, Group IV Reg. to 12.50 58' 144 t r U. S. KED BOOSTERS Broken Sites REG. 5.95 . 188 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVES Y Talccs Sole Of First After The TMCA galled first place all alone ta Industrial League Softball standings last night with a S-t win ever Wolgamotts, .In other Indus trial League gamea the Postal Carriers .defeated -.the . First National Bank 17-2. The Used Car Dealers earn ed the right to meet the Salem Merchant next week for tht championship of the City League as they won the play off with Randle Oil In two games, winning last night 9-3. The two-out-of-thretj teriet starts Monday. Burgher pitched the YMCA to their win over Wolgamotts but Wolgamotts outhit the Long Beach, Calif., I up, in zs noies. Playing only so-so golf until the overtime, they shared part on the 19th, 20th and 21st holes, and halved the 22nd with birdies. ; The duel ended' on the 23rd when Prall landed In a trap and Lopp got down in par. Tulsa, Okla., Iff) The United States Golf Associa tion's Junior amateur tourna ment, its field cut to 84 by Wednesday's opening (rind, went Into the second and third rounds Thursday minus a couple of its youthful veter ans. Mild upsets removed from the running Tom Hadley, Min neapolis, and Robert Slsk, Charlotte, N.C., both of whom were making their third tries at the championship. Hadley, one of the few to break Southern Hills Country Club's 6,975-yard par 71 in practice, bowed out to 'Matt Taber, Lincoln, Neb., 1 up Sitk fell by the same margin to Joseph Grace, Detroit. , SPORTS SLATE THTJKSDAT BasebaU Wee tern lattrnetlonal Iamui: Vaveetrear at Bpoaaat. Caliarr at ' Wenetchee at Victoria. Balam at Taima, aaa lAwlatett t Trt-Cttf . Stat. Letloa Tournament: Hormtaton ea. MUwamUa at 4:14 aaeS aalata wa. Slkanr at 1:11. (All tamet at Waten rtaM). B" League Junior Bwebell: Batiio BlMtttl wa. Tleta Marefhaarll M llllleB a.4 flaleee Laundrr w. Tnaaa OU at Xeleer. (an tewatt at 4.14.) Softball i Cttr lMe-m Mu-Offt: Salem TJtael Car aiMelattm wa. lUaetM OU at VklBaw's rT:lll. The iana la tht third taani al eerlee and star aot a. slmraS af ooe ttmat hat Wfm two alreadr. nxluetrlll Lettue: Belter1 Bleetrl. Tt. YMCA at Tertll (4:t. Broadcasts KOCO ClawalaiKl Indiana ra. Hew Tork Tankeoe at M:44 aavS aaloi atausria w. Taklma Start at 1:46. ....... :' FRIDAY ' : . Baseball Watttrn International Ltani: Idmontea 41 Cwltlrr. Vletorlt at Spotaaa, I i wen.teoew. ttlon Tournament: Jtl WeUrt ritlS to xoiiew. ... I ' Softball . :.: ; s.-f Inehiairlal Leuue: Ben'e llarket n. Mayflower Milk at PhllUx's (Ili 3V. Dep.rttn.nt K. Wolrtraottt at Unit 14:301: .Del r.lter Bwtrkl wt. TMCA 44 CHlnter (l:l(. Broadcasts . ' Kooo at. LouU Brawn re. Hew Tork TankHt at II 41 an! aajaa Staliiil l. WenatehM Chlefi at 1:41. SATURDAY '' ',' Baseball " ' Wee tern Internltlonal Laat nt: Balm at WentttehMt Bdmontoa at Calsarr Oni VanesnTtr it Ltwlaton: Trl-Cltr at Yakima: Victoria at Spokane. Btat. American Lorloa Tournament at Watere ritld: Doublhcavar trlth Bret am. l 4:30. Broadcasts Koco Detroit Tie era n. Boiton Bed ana at 11:14 aad Balim Bona ten vs. Wanatch. Breree at 1:41. Television ITTV Ollrtland Indians Ta. miladelphla Athletic, at 14:14. Anto Races At Hollrwoed Bowl: W laa mala .rent. Tlma tri.U at T 34. Oufdates Mossy Oils! New Vitalis Grooming Agent is Greaseless Keep Your Hair Neat All Day This New GREASELESS Way! No animal, mineral or vegetable oil in new Vitalis I Prevents dry new, keeps your hair neat with V-7, new greaseless grooming dis covery. Never t gummy film, or "oil-slick" look. Try new Vitalis! (hvosliip 0-3 Win DtsGCTBiai, laaoua ... w 1. wm.' jn m T tf C A ............ t JU Woltamotle in a .an 1 Commercial teat .... II I .7M I Bar Woolen UUlo .... I I M 111 nr.I cnrtetlM ....... S 4 M a rtromaa w a in ' A ro Cltrkl 4 S .404 IU euer BloelrU ....... t S Jet 4 nrat meuonal ........ 4 t m f Bars'. Market 1 14 .eat Mainover MUk 1 U ' AM 114 Laat nalht'a eeoroa: YMCA S. Wotia motlal: Foil Otllot Clerks 11. SUM na tional Bank a. Tonlaht'a Kotntr Blai tin -em. TMCA at Lull. il:30i I IfrM enrutua n. raj Woolen t Phillip'. T:4t. . cur troMiw nl.v-off: Caatl cat A. toolatlon ill Randlo Oil fit. winner 4-J. Marv Hilfllcker was the loser. .,' The YMCA led all the way after they took the lead in tht) second Inning. The YMCA now hat a eleven won and two lota record while Commercial Seat and Wolgamotts each have 10-3 records. - . Salem't Used Car Dealers held a slim 6-4 lead until the seventh when they tallied three timet and Randle Oil eame back with one. The Postal Carriers scored in only two Innings as Lebold set First National down with two runs and one hit. The Carriers scored six runt in ' the tint and ended tho gam with eleven In the fifth. . . ., Lebold homered to help hit own cause in the fifth with two on. Gallagher homered in the first, also for tht winning Postal Clerks. - ' In Industrial League action tonight the league leading YMCA meets Keizer Electric at 6:30 on Leslie Field and First Christian takes on Kay Woolen at 7:00 on Phillip's. In an exhibition gam at Phil lip's Wolgamotts play '. the Used Car Dealers at 8. Oats Ctra ... , 144 nt ia s 404 434 1-4 t t Kinchin rartoa mm4 Randle on .. Jonas nel KeaJer. - , TMCA ......... WolianotU ... Bttrwhar and Oreenler. , 42S 10J 4 , 414 141 S . xuniakor I T 4 t foetal Carrlatt , 404 4 It t t "I""'""' ni J I (41004 Ari . 7 with Ibt tint tan st :S4. i V7 ; M VITAUS S1,1 . New, finer VITAUS Hair Tonic with V-7 tniuet e 8rlitol-Mtri