Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 03, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ftf t
WedAeadmr, Jom I. U5S
Capital Women
Mail Brings
To Wedding
In th nail ar tht weddiug
' invitation for to marriage of
', KM Sarah Louis Turnbull,
daughter of Mr. and Mri.
. George 1 Stanley Turnbull of
. Albany, to Kenneth S. Johnson
f Ceo Bay.
- The wedding will be an ev-
ent of Friday night, June 16,
t at 'the First Congregational
church in Eugene. The recep
: tion will alio be In Eugene at
' the PI Beta Phi sorority home.
r The bride-elect la a aenlor
' at the Univeraity of Oregon
. and a member of PI Beta Phi.
. Mr. Johiuon it gporti editor of
' the Coot Bay Tim eg.
: The bride't father for many
.' year wat with the UO School
of Journalism and la now a
' aodated with the Albany Dem
Engagement of
Student Duo Told
Mrs. Walter Shank an
no uncei the engagement of her
liter, Mist Dorothy Jane
Lewii, formerly of Salem, to
Darrell Holts, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Holts of Charles
City, Iowa.
Both Miss Lewis and her
fiance are students of St. Paul
Bible institute, St Paul, Minn.
A June wedding at the Wait
Park Wetleyan Methodist
church, St PauL Minn
planned for next year follow
ing their graduation at th in
etitute. , ,
Group Puts
On Show
Miss Shank and
Mr. Schaefer Wed
- The wedding of Miss Kath
i ryn Jane Shank, daughter of
. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shank,
; and Robert Donald Schaefer,
U.B.A.. son of Mr. and Mrs. E-
T. Schaefer of Cutler City, was
an event of Mar 28. The terv-
: foe was at 6 o'clock in the
evening tat th Chriitian and
Missionary Alliance church,
Cm Rev. Paul Gunther offid-
attag. Miss Thelma Jo But-
terfield was soloist. Mist Ar-
lane HavTland pliylng tee or
i Li (h tins th candles
' MIm Darlene PlcKeU and Miss
Marilyn Hamilton. Bouquets
at pink, whit and yellow
. snapdragons decorated the
i ssliureh.
. - Mr. Shank gave his daugh
ter In marriage. The bride
wore a dress of white satin
fashioned with Imported lace
yoke, th skirt in lac tiers and
extending into a court train.
The bride wore a sweetheart
style bonnet dged with lace,
and the Tea was fingertip
length. For bar flowers she
carried a bouquet of matron
carnations, centered with a
whit orchid. -
Mrs. Clyde Stockton was
' matron of honor. She wore
an orchid taffeta dress and
1 earrled a nosegay of - yellow
carnations and bouvardla.
- Mia Helen Jeanne Girrard
and Mrs. Julius Sever were
bridesmaid. They wore pink
and blue taffeta frocks, reipeo
' tlvelr, and their flowers were
- nosegays of yellow, whit and
. pink blossoms.
Oliver Bolin waa best man.
Groomsman were William Al
lison and Gene Hayhurst Paul
i Ountber and Henry Frlesen
- were th ushers.
The bride's mother wore a
two-piece print nimbl
' with whit accessories and a
corsage of whit and blue car-
nations. The bridegroom's
mother wore a blul print dress
with eorsage of pink carna
tions. ' .
Th reception was In the
church parlors. Mn. Henry
Frieeea and Mrs. Arthur Frle
sen poured. Mrs. Warren Hoff
man cut th cake. Assisting
were Misses Barbara Edlger,
Joyce Hansen, Evadeane Rupp,
Mary Sue Vancie, Marjorie
Vancle, Neva Woolery, Ruth
Orimm, Shirley McCann, Beth
Hoffman, Mra. Dan Sheets,
Mrs. Jo Talach, Mrs. Gene
Hayhurst, Mra, Delmar Klu
sen. The couple went to the
beach on their wedding trip,
. the bride wearing a lavender
suit with matching accessorlei
and corsage of white orchids
from her bouquet. Mr. Shae
fer It to report back to duty
at Camp San Luis Obispo, the
bride to remain her until his
return from th army, '
CHRISTENING services for
Ronald LeRoy and Mark Le-
Koy, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Tin L. Johnson of Portland
war conducted Sunday in St
Mark's Lutheran church, the
Rev. John Caubl officiating.
Later, a family dinner was
served at the horn of th boyi'
grandmother, Mra. Laura
Johnson, other guests includ
log Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clymber
of Portland, Mrs. Clymber be
ing the mother of Mrs. Melvin
L. Johnson; Mn. Herman
Bergner and Miss Betty Jean
ARRIVING th first of the
week from Chlcsgo were Mr
and Mrs. E. F. Wilkinson and
ton, Randy. They ar visit
ing for a time with Mrs. Wil
kinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. A. Brown. They plan to
make their home in Salem.
" For the past two years Mr.
Wilkinson has been instructor
at th Great Lake! naval base.
Miss Haynes
Wed Tues.
Wed Tuesday afternoon
the First Congregational church
were Miss Bernie Haynes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George M. Haynes of Berkeley.
Calif., and Garold Melnke, ton
of Mrs. Edward J. LaBan of
Richmond, Calif. Dr. Daniel
Schulze officiated at . the
o'clock rites. Pink and white
blooms and candles decorated
the church for th service.
The bride wore , a waltz
length dress of rose beige lace
with accessories to match. Her
flowers were roses. Mr. Hsynes
gave his daughter In marriage.
Miss LuDen Hargrav of
Portland was maid of honor.
She wore a drew of blue print
sink and her flower were pal
pink carnations.
Ronald Caffey of Portland
was best man. Th ushers
went George Evan and Wil
liam Blssell.
Th reception following the
ceremony also was at the
church. Assisting were Mrs.
Leetle J. Sparks, Mrs. Blanch
Proctor, Mrs. Ambri Bagley
and a group of th brtde'i Pi
Beta Phi sorority eisters.
For th wedding the bride'i
mother wore an aqua suit with
black and whit accessories
and a eorsag of whit blooms.
The bridegroom'! mother wore
navy blue suit with white
accessorial and a eorsag of
orchids. '
Th eoupl ar on a trip to
th beach, then will go to Ash
land for the cummer. Mr.
Melnke having been awarded
a scholarship to take part in
the annual Shakespearean
festival. In September, the
couple will go to New York
City, Mr. Melnke to attend the
Neighborhood Theater, a the
ater school there. . .
HONORED with a turnrls
handkerchief shower at th
Missouri club luncheon meet
ing on Tuesday was Mn. Stan
ley Braden. Mr. and Mrs. Bra
den and children, Cheryl Ann
and Jimmy, are leaving later
this month for Cheyenne, Wy
oming, where they will make
their home.
Eighteen attended, the srouo
to meet again In October.
Hibbard auxiliary, United
Spanish War Veterans, will be
entertained by Mra. E. B. Mil
lard, Mrs. Percy Pugh and
Mrs. Richard Churchill at the
Millard home, 825 North 18th,
on Friday. Dessert will be
served at 1:15 o'clock.
i. im An.
The Salem Creative
group, whoa annual show im
at the Clifford Gleason studio
this year, has hung all manner
of workt from realism to temi-
a Detract ion lam but for the
most part, offers traditional
watercoiort of Oregon sub
jects. Thee practicing artists
of th Salem Art association
include professionals as well as
"Tint timers" and painters
wun eonsioeraoie formal train
ing to those with none. It
make for a diverse show
Their tome 28 works, repre
senting about half that nunV
ber of artists, Include natural
istic watercolors of regional
scenes of th coast, th John
Day country, a covered bridge,
th church at Popcorn, a woods
seen and th paper mill. For
the extreme in potentialities
of brushing a water-based pig
ment on paper, compare the
realistic "Otter Rock" with the
abstracted "Summer Garden,1
hanging side by side. "The
Twelve Steps" is a tasteful ar
rangement of patterns in the
sbstrsct manner. Both "Stand
ing Nude" and "Seated Nude
have great strength in form
stated simply with a minimum
or drawing. Th pen and ink
sketches are relaxed and carry
motion almUar to a washed
watercolor while th two col
ored-pencil sketches state the
rustic mood of a square dance, j
Textural Quality and color
achievement mark the
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fatry HAlKy MSwwfjfc
Weodbarn Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Thomas were mar
ried May 8 at the Wood burn Foursquare church. Th
bride Is the former Joy Fay Barbo of Coushatta, Louisi
ana. The couple will be at home June 1 at Astoria. (Alyc
' studio, Woodburn.)
monoprlnts, a print medium
which produces but on copy.
Monoprlnts ar "painted" by
placing spots or color on a
sheet of glass which, in turn
ar applied to paper. Pressing
tne glass onto the paper ef
fects a subdued edge to the
color that it impossible with
direct application. The proc
ess is repeated many tunes un
til th picture It "built-up."
Th oil painting! In th show
includ a very parched land
scape called "Water Please"
balanced by two contrasting
out or rich, positive color. The
portrait "Tim" is a direct ex
pression with a few ilmple,
contrasted color masses. .
Thia ihowlns la one of the
best by this group and will
run two weeks starting Thurs-
aay, June .
DUE HERE on Saturday la
Mist Sylvia Xieldstad from
Seattle to visit over Saturday
evsning and Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Arneeon. She will return to
Seattle Sunday evening, then
will be going east, to sail out
of New York City on June 20
at an assistant leader with a
group of students on a world
LEAVING Saturday for San
Mateo, Calif., is Mrs. Cum-
mingt Raid who will join her
husband and son, Raymond, at
tneir new home there. Her
daughter, Miss Shirley Reld,
will Join the family in late
AT THE educational meet
ing for Credit Women's Break
fast club on Tuesday. Mn.
Gavin Hill conducted a round-
table discussion of "Evolution
of Present Day Credit Risks."
A guest wai Mrs. Berwyn R.
Hathaways Feted
On Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hath
away celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary on Sun
day, May 24, at their home In
t. I West Salem. Open house was
Today's Menu
reading it!
Tea'll treasure H. L. Davis
picture-packed tribute to
year state rugged, aa
iamed Oregon!
Her b Its breath-taking
aeaaery waterfalla,
monntalns, forests, and a
river gorge that dwarfs th
Grand Canyon! Here la Ma
. lush countryside where
deer and antelope DO
roam, where pheasants and
' flowers abound and where
a pioneer history Is still la
the maklngl
Be tar to read this treat
aalnte to your Oregoa,
where clvllltatloa la best
ing eat f Ita backsklna,
but still rates eeeend to
God-made tnaleetyl Get
YOUR copy of the Jane
Holiday today!
Now at Your Newsstand
th Batista ef Miple, Flares
Catits PaaHsattus
between the hours of 1 and 8
p.m. a
Approximately 78 relatives
and friends called to honor the
couple, coming from Salem, Al
bany, Shedd, Aurora, Milwau
kee, Arlington, Xugen and
Th rooms were decorated
with gold Irises, snapdragons,
daisies and lilies. Th table
waa centered with a three
tiered decorated cake, and tall
lighted golden candles.
Miss B o n n I Hathaway
paased th guest book and at
the gift table were Mrs. Wil
liam Tremain and Mrs. Mar
jorie Panek.
Cutting th cake were Mrs.
Phil Hathaway and Mrs. Robert
Hammack. At the punch bowl
was Mrs. Wilfred Weathers and
at the coffee urn. Mist Patricia
Weathers and Mrs. Lou Scriv
ens. Others assisting in serv
ing were Mrs. E: A. Dickson,
Mrs. C. A. Durham knd Mrs.
Dale Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway have
four children. All were pres
ent Mrs. - Wilfred -Weathers,
Phil, Arthur and Wesley Hath
away. Grandchildren present
were Mrs. Robert Hammick,
Mrs. Marjorie Panek, Mrs. Lou
Scrivent, Mn. W. W. Tremelne,
Donald and Patricia Weathers,
Bonnie and Junior Hathaway.
Three grandchildren unable to
attend were Carl Weather of
Redmond, Harley Weathert of
the V. S. air force, In Texat,
and John Charles Hathaway of
Minnesota. Great grandchil
dren present were Nancy,
Charles and David Hammick;
Terrle Lynn and Gwendolyn
ittim habit rant
Wh.rPrtty Women Wilk In .
Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Orange Beets
Garden Lettuce -,
Bread and Butter
Coffee Gelatin
Beveraga .
Orang Beet
Ingredients: 2 bunches beets
(a scant ltt pound without
tops), cup sugar, S table
spoons flour, Vt teaspoon salt
cup orang Juice, 1 table
spoon lemon Julc, I table
spoons butter or margarine.
Method: Pare beets and slice
thin; there should be about 4
cups sliced. Mix together
sugar, flour and salt thorough
ly in top of double boiler. Stir
in orange Juice and lemon
Julc until smooth. -Add but
ter. Cook over gently boiling
water, stirring constantly, un
til tnicxenea. Add beets; stir
well to they are all coated with
sauce. Cover; continue to cook
over gently boiling' water,
stirring occasionally, u n 1 1 1
beets are tender about 1H
hours. Makes 6 servings.
Wednesday for her home In Se
attle after spending th past
week visiting at the home of
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woolery
and children, Clarlne, Jim and
Ron. Mrs. Liggett it a former
resident of Salem.
Kay Tremain and Rebecca
Sue Scrivens.
. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway have
made their home in West Salem
for 87 years, coming her from
Iantha, Missouri. :
Mflvta irutom w n"
Your$ FREE With
xvm y las
l V i ft f- T-N
w x 'fv .urn M
fVoolooca. (rogronc vwywhra lyteni I. ' ' .
spilled wMi Kilt hondy "
otomlzef Coty off'en you I 's worth s&X '
Included o o GIFT when you purchase
eny c4 these five truly great Toitt
Waters. Pamper yourself wtoh the luxury
Cr" lproyd-o AOQrOfK sow, whK.
jhl Rtsltec) or losstl,
Capitol Drug Store
401 Stat W.. Cmr l Ubertv
Wt give Grttn Stamps
Date Set
For June 23
Th engagement and ap-
mroaehlag wadding ef Mitt
Joan Altken. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jamee W. Altken It
bem- announced. Miss Altken
will be married on Tuesday,
Jon U, at o'clock at th
First Baptist church to Dmp-
' Yarberry, son ex Mrs.
William Roland Yarberry ef
Aahboro, North Carolina.
Th Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson
will ofnclat at the ceremony
The reception will be in the
Fireplace room ef the church.
Th bride-elect attended 8a
lam schools, Willamette univer
sity where ah wat affiliated
with Chi Omega sorority. She
graduated from OCE at Mon
mouth and hat been teaching
th past two years at Lincoln
school. Mr. Yarberry attended
schools In Ashboro, N. C and
It in the navy.
- MEETING on Thursday aft
ernoon for coffee at th home
of Mra. Homer Goulet Sr. wll.
be member of th committee
arranging the picnic luncheon
for Junior guild of St Paul'
Episcopal church. 4 The lunch
eon is to be at theTtoulat horn
next Tuesday, June 8.
LAST MEETING until fall
for Pioneer pott, American Le
gion, all-woman pott will be
this Friday. Mn. J. Walter
Hewitt will entertain the
group at her horn, 1920 Belle
vue, dessert to be served at
7:80 o'clock. Miss PhyUist
Curry It co-hostess.
YWC A Silver Tea .
Thursday Afternoon
An event interesting a large
group en Thursday afternoon
will be annual silver tea of
Salem YWCA, th affair to be
at the Daniel J. Fry home en
South High.
Hours are between a:io ana
a -so n'clnck an an Invitation a
extended through the preaa to
tha interested nubile- All pro
ceeds go to th building fund
for th new ywca puns now
muWr construction on State
Sweet Sixteen
Partv for Three
The mines Sherry Filslnger,
Karen Helton and Shirley izeii
re feted by their parents
with a "tweet sixteen" party
Friday night at th Mayflower
Friends of the trio attending
th party and dance were
Anne Bradley, Marlene Holver
son. Ken Doughton, Mike Ro
low. Paula Kimple, Jim Searcy,
Loretta Orr, Jerry Neal, Gary
Neal, Danell Hamilton, Georgia
Johnson, Byron Weekly, Janet
Simmons, Wayne Youman. Also
st the affair were Mr. and Mrs.
William Helton, Mrs. Kenneth
Filsinger, Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Stall and Earle Filslngtr.
Game were played and re
freshments served during th
Housewives Delight
181 N. High St -
To Be Hosts
Dr. and lira. Walter E. Sny
der are to entertain neat Sun
day afternoon at an informal
open bout for all ef the ad-
mlnlstratlve staff in the talent
public school system.
Guests are Invited to the
Snyder home between 4 and
o'clock. Dr. Snyder la etty
superintendent ef schoola.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. John
ion are to assist the hosts In
the living room. At the doer
will be Mra. Char lea Iaom. .
Pouring will be Mn. David
Wright and Mra. Gardner
. . ,
THE NO-HOST luncheon
planned for Saturday by Che
meketa chapter, Daughter of
the American Revolution, will
be at 12:30 o'clock at the Wom
an's club house. Mrs. Charles
A. Spragu it chairman of the
event, this to be the annual re
gent't party, and members are
asked to bring a hot or cold
euth ana tneir own table
Ices.. ...
' Bettor Care Meant Longer
118 Ferry St Ph.S-8U
lives you a (
sT voCo.Y7.
with your purchase of
Shower yourself with fragrance! Sorey it
onl Let it envelope too body end cap
rare your heart T help von discover
thk art of applying fragrance, Coty in
elude a handy atomiser worth 65" FREE
ef extra cost, with eaeh purchase ef
Toilet Water. AH yea pay it $145, while
thit speciaDyprepared supply lasts 1
ThetVi also a larg iS0 siaee
It glv aBIe th snsBilt.