-ir Pge 4 SECTION III Wednesday, Jon 8, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OtcgM TT O 0 if ? a O o o o J rCICDDATIUft AMATUCD VE A B Itvl TUIC I ' ?BCT "ITV i CELEBRATING ANOTHER YEAR IN THIS L. GREAT CITY rcfPTfnY? v l )f 1 II r A 7 O - ADJUSTADLE! Our Finest Compare With Those I Quoty i4fry ,Se,,in9 UP t0 13.00f I III x 88 nK X : - TrA Itt AA . k Ah I z r : 4 mi ARiMitViA riinm if Pvi wl 1 tT..t.iMt,.,,-!,,,.!,,;,,;,!,,,, 'i'liI'iiiiiiaaMMwrlj DfifiD FfYM UU III -r - - j enameled : -3)3 With mere features than 111 BUKCHER U those selling for 29.95 - Reg. 29.95 . t . in III 1 Oncc-A-Ycar Price Cut On Our Finsst Quality HARMONY HOUSE wamt FULL 5-YEAR GUARANTEE! 3J.91 . . .00 Jm )i te Dual eontrol! Full die, res. 41.00 DIAL YOUR WARMTH! : y ; ... Smart, new "Nlte-Glo" control dial flows In the dark! Uniform warmth all nifht lone automatical I7! 80ft, 100 wool face; 75 wool and 25 cotton Interior. Dependable, t - thermostat protection. Washable by hand or machine. Twin or full dies. Ik l I (OLD PACK CAM J177 WHh Rock J Coverall Holds 7 Qf.'Jen - tVi Q. Capacity 7 Qt. Insert They're Brand New at Scan) Oct all the featarea ef mora ex peniire fryera pine exeluaiTe Kenmara extra thenaeatat and FlT-GoMel UL-apprarad. . Save Nearly 4.00 ... Outdoor Dryer! KEG. 19.50 VAUJE Holds up to 20 ShettsT Banf hearlest Unens, balky slothes on svery lino steel braced arms fir perfect sap port Heavy steel center pott revolves clothesline comet to yon. Opens Uks an ambrella. Metal (round box, 159-tt. clothesline. Harmony House FITTED SHEETS Regular 2.39 27 NOBONMI Sise 72x108 Sixe 81x108 Pastel Sheets Goad Harmeny Boose Mmllni "12.47 Caters U harmanlse with blankets to make bedrooms a VIxZSUi Inches, ' For" hours sjmphany of color, SlzUS-m. ............'...177 PlUowcaaet 57o FOAM LATEX PILLOW - 6.9S V : Air candlUsaed, adorleas, Uitinjfr durable, eompietely maihpnofi Bhw plump comfort, at .a .bud(et-sllm price. SaTe at Sean! Buy a pair! ""T'0 : . . J1;',l,l"ll If ' ;,', 'J,SV?. ,jh onv... V .57 Noiooanos Hake bed. making time, laundry time a shorter, easier time with bndcet priced fitted sheets. They're the busy homemakert newest necessity. Choose Harmony House muslins, that wash and wear. Get them now at sale Savings! Years of Service for Less Money! Sale Priced Kenmore Portable Sewing Machine Mont Sent lor Free Demoiulrilion Reg. 86.95 $5 down Hat Imprand aewlii( head; adjustable aids . tenalea. Numbered sUtch refutetar. Automatic thread dtitrtb otinc bobbin-winder. Wal aat partabla baaa with and nut bent weed eawr. Black crinkle finished head. . . . Grieat AtUchmentel . , 1 J ' in. Sport'H Ploy Denim Reg 65c yd. WASHFAST SUKFAST Sears exclaslvs S(-ln. sanforised denim In wonderful vat dyed pastels and deep tones. Perfect for dresses, sport wear, drapes, slip covert or spreads! CAREER SUIT1KG Reg. 98c . PRINTED SEERSUCKERS Reg. 59c . . . IT a Yd. 48 om ttottey fact J 01 AU MORE TOWEL y r,$iJ.- ;1 4 I towel are. than atandud X tqC.ly , y else towels 'at the leweet f -MSsj,' yj&l?:' V' priee we're erer offered! "-TvfHgjgvVK-aS AZ'fjl aw ' VW " '5;r H ?;.u"sar;a Qwose matched or controstod color towel sets now and outfit your bathroom with outstanding bargains. Neat self-tone triple borders . . . terry that feels so soft! ' Reg. 1.19 Harmony House Bath Towels U U Hand Towels Wash Cloths t iniuuNTtoiMa Deep Sunahlae Teflaw Medium Pacific Blue Cherry Red Ulht Mint Green . Badiant Pink Deep Green 550 N; Capitol, Salem Phone 3-9191 1