. . . ., WcmmUt, Jut 3, 1953 THI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sal. Orf Ptr u Schedule Set For Farm Tour Businessmen and fanner elike will take a food look at Marion county' food basket -Thursday whan tht Salem 'Chamber of Commerce hai its .'annual agricultural tour, jt Tha tour itarta at 9 a.m. "from tha Uptown Drive-in on Horth High ftrect. Ownen of lib Drive-In will serve coffee rto early arrival until 9. j! T. R. Hobart and Chet Loe, a grlc vltur al Jieldman and ,,County Extension Agent Ben ,)A. Newell have five farm J.vlslt for tour travelera -tween 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The tio-mile trip - will progress through Keixer, Mlation Bot ' torn and the Fairfield, Gervsl 'area. - A June dairy month lunch will be served at noon at the Frank Gratsinger farm at Ger Vals. Gratslnger won the Chamber of Commerce award for top dairy production In 1959. Fi ..man of dairy activities In June 1 .a J . ,7 "I .? " " " . , dreten'i , Arden Farms, Deluxe Ice Cream, Safeway Stores, (Pike and Cherry Lane Cottage Cheese arc some of the Salem J folk providing the dairy i lunch. . ' ' Name 4-H for Summer School 11 Dallas Polk county 4-H i s summer school delegates have 1 1 been selected. The quota of 45 i has been filled from applicants ! (reviewed by the county com iimittee appointed by Gilbert HLoy, 4-H leaders president. J ? Summer school is June 19-26 at Oregon State college. i The boys and girls chosen 1 and their sponsors, follow: V Pamela Baker, MonmMta. Polk eovn Ttr elan; David Booth. WUlanjlna, TTed Weitr, wmaaiinas pear Borle. la- UiMAn SMehlaad fBU'l Clob: "Jim Bruooc, Lincoln, Lincoln. QseeWUl T reive; Raw wnhi, euctuaau, . i ypotuuT Co.; Denel Catea, Monmouth. ' Pomona Orante: tt Ana OUne. In I -jfaependenee, Buene VUte Parmere Onion ) nxl lull VUte Women", elao. oare cooler. Delia, amis special: rMMi. Til tfanmoath- Polk eountr nnsm union uocv. uu jtoni.i i-'LTlo Robert Lfleaeaaoa. Serine Veller ' UUDIM OIH. -.Bean, iiwn, WWi.i . Valle Tractor Co. ul Brtdieport Com -fmunltr oluki Bernlee Dnuhtf, Ami. Alrlle 4-H club uid AlrUe-eoeer Homo -. dob; noreneo A. Batter. Perrraele, A Perrraele Hardware lmnttment Co.; octroi Feriaeen, Braen CoUmo. Snub - OolKie Helpere; Jeee Pareueoe, Pain ACltr. Pella cur Hono BeanUIIeetloa I .. elub; audita Poneeoa. pella oit, Daiiae t'-"CIW book; lfaalne Flcltel, Bum Vteta. LtV. a. National bank. Monmouth; Ann t Plomint, Rlckreall, Delia. Cooneretl.i LSwarehouee; Mary Jean out, Oei Pete.., ( tlPranea I. Orund; larrr OtUon, Mon jBouUt, Monmoath CooptnUTt ware- '"j.'Slot Boh. Betuten, Balutea So . ?u4 aotlal olnbi Son Ann BHbonthol, I L TMllU, BOIOWOT BtSTH IDCI JOhlOl . 5 BohMn. Orond Bondo. Buoll Oraut; 1 - Aca XoitoabMb, BnlUtoo; BoJUUn . CoambBltr dab; Prueot Lono, indt I IrtMtoneo, Ibit Batlonol bonk. Iivdo llTiMnaeMO; Bkhne Loodohl, Oikd.lt, , OokdoM Commanitr chib; Ann Uormu,. ! "J Boon Tu, Boou VUU PTA: CoHton 'r LoimU. Won adorn. FoUoratos Worn on1. I't eolb; Dick lor. bdovondoneo. aut, rnirl Borbtr Uollor. Okk PolBt, Ot ,Polnt, ok Point ochool toclotr; Blo '"Mubranu. Dsiuo. auu Plr: D. Mien ! . Ml MlcooUoa. Ornad Baodo, Van PM '' To. UtUdonn LoHlai Co.; Orloa (Bonn, i OUos, Oian Hondo, Xlln UttUlohr Ooone kandaU. Wait Salom. Wort aalti : '"Otauo: Bobort Schmld, OakdaK. Por. " land oonoral Etoctrte; Mrrna Simmon.' .BkbroaU. Rlekreall Cranio Homo Br enoatlea club; Violet Small. Sheridan, Sear Roebuck; Allan Smith, aherldan, O. a. Batlond baok, aherldan; Delora: atapleton. Parrrdala, Ulloll Peed Ai Sood, Perrrdale; Ruth Tlliner, Dallar, Dnllaa Cooperative warehouae; Irl Truoax, Brklaoport, Erldtiport Cob nunltr club: Janet wade. WlUamlna, Caatal Lumber Co.: Lee Wade, Willi Dint. Poreit HI" Marr Jane mine, Porett BlU Ormiel Marr Walt. Blckrea... i. .. ..atlonal bank, Weet Salem branch. PROPOSED FIRCONE COUNTRY CLUIHOUSE St AtetaatM an a. i . 4 a A k . in: ' jfeftV Hammericben to . Head Albany Lions ' Albany Mark Hammerick sen was elected president of the Albany Lions club, during the organization' regular meeting at the Albany hotel. He, with other officers, wiU be installed later this month. To serve with Ml. Hanunerlckssa are: War ren Staffer, first vice-president; Robert Vagt, second vlce-preii-dent; Kelly McKeehan, third vice-president; Wendell Tomp kins, secretary; Fred Miller, treasurer; Ray Robb, Lion Ti mer and Charles . Battln, tail twister. Retiring president is Gilbert Harger. Italian achoolbook histories have a 28-year blank because a government commission has not yet decided what shall be written Into them about Fas cism. - r Above is an architect' sketch of the clubhouse which will be part of the plant of the Fircone Country Club, to be established, if successfully financed, on the McNary farm north of Keixer. The organization will act out to raise 9400,000 by membership subscriptions by August 1. Hesdquarters for the drive will be at Orval's Used Car lot, Center and North Church Street. i , Cameron, Stevens Go to Convention Two staff employes of t h e State Unemployment Compen sation Commiaslon will repre sent Oregon at the international convention of the Association of Personnel in Employment Se curity at Milwaukee, Wis. next week. . David Cameron of Salem, president of the Oregon chap ter, and Chandler Stevens of Portland, Immediate past pres ident, will leave Friday to take an active part In the group's proceedings, which will be de voted this year to "fenployrnent Keystone of Human Rela tions." Stevens, assistant mansger of the Portland office, will be panel speaker, -while Cameron, contributions supervisor, is on the IAPES legislative reference committee. , Other Oregonlan on the in ternational (roup's organisa tion Include Gordon Shattuck, S.U.C.C. personnel officer; Guy Lang, manager of the Eugene office, and George Bailoni, vet erans employment representa tive at Portland, Turpentine was on of the first export products ' of the Jamestown colony in Virginia. Four Corners .Brooks BrooksMr. and Mrs. Pete Sproed spent the weekend at Laurelwood, where they at tended the graduation of their son, Bob, from Laurelwood Academy. He will attend Walla Walla College in the fall. Another son, John, also attended the Laurelwood Academy as a sophomore last year. Mr. and Mrs. William Pfau had as their house guest, her sister, Mrs. Edward Ruclle of Camas, Wash. RAINS FLOOD MANILA Manila W Heavy rains flooded Manila streets Wednes dsy as the season's first ty phoon roared along the Philip pine northeast coast with 140 mile winds. Giyc Your Feet An Ice-Mint Treat ? Deal anna ahovt ttred, barnlnt feet, voa't avoaa about eeHoueae. Got bner and eh Uieai aa leo-Mlat treat. Pool the ontalartta. assthka lonbieaa of loo-Mlat OYMaa" eat aerr baratae . . . aehlns ttradneaa. Rob lee-Mlat oear thoee lr, bard old am aad aall-ueee, aa directed. Sao how white, awdleated lea-btfat wltb oeetala laeoHa adne eoftee theei aa. Oat Seat kaaap tode tea lee-Mlat war. t em,i, Four Corners Four Cor ners will again have an out door vacation movie program. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scott, who opened the outdoor enter tainment a community service last year,' will again open on Friday evening, June S at 7:49 p.m. and continue six nights a week through the vacation period. There is no admission charge to those who walk in. Entrance is on Pur bin avenue In the 4200 block. ' - 1 The last session of the Four Corners Woman's club will convene Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in the Community halL A secret auction will be In cluded In the program. I S:!em II:: jilts Court of Honor lalem Height Court of Honor , for troop It of Salem Height was held Friday eve ning at the Salem Heights hall, with about TO attending. The Explorer group was In charge of the ceremony and Ivan Hanson waa Invest ured Into 'the troop and presented hi tenderfoot rank. Second class ranks went to Bruce Hanson, BlU Townsend, Ronald Hulbert, Ivan Hanson, and Gall Wright First class, Robert Boers, John Kinney and Elmer Thompson. . Vocational exploration ex plorer award was awarded to Gen Wlawonn. Merit award Elmer Thompson, in woodworking, angling, automobillng, and horn repair. David Howell cltUanshlp In the home, first-aid, reading and cooking. Robert Miller scholar ship, public speaking, cooking and first-aid. William Rector public ipeaklng, (cbolarshtp and cooking. , John Kinney home repairs, cement and .woodwork, cook Awards In troop participa ing and public speaking. ' tion: First, Danny Elawcrth, second; Lane Olson, third; Gene E is worth, fourth; Dennis Olson, fifth; Jack Elsworth, sixth; Richard Lott, seventh; Irvin Tvarsnn and alatith- Kant Townaand. - David Howell, Gan XI. worth, and Lane Olson were given recognition award for bugling service for public oc casions. . . v The chapter waa presented by Don Nash, district conunla- Slonar. Othara rimaantad , George Stroiut and Xinmett mcason. Motion pictures were shown the group after .the ceremony. Kcre:n Wcr Cost Amy $15 Billb Washington, () Secretary of the Army Steven told sen atora Tuesday that the first three year of the Korean war have cost tha army "about 18 billion dollara." Steven offered this estimate to a senstc appropriatlona sub committee. He said the army's request for 91l,e7;,0v0,00O far the new fiscal ko,i-i. July 1 Includes $3tt billions' to continue in war for another II months past July 1. Tha aacratarv aalH tku i k, first time the army budget aneclfleallv ineludeia fmwia - carrying on me caorean war, bi'-'ill1 "r eas apevaa V..ilaia.(j Fifty-three man war f'Mt- ad this waatk br II at Ike 11 national aoeial frrtarrnitlaa aa I the University f 0i9m mb bvs ai so cioa as in pnng term open rush period. - . . Balam man el4i Delta Upatlon, John loraaa, ' in son ox aar. ana Mrs. Joe C Burcham; Kappa tism, , Jamas A. MatMaann- thawaaa of Mr. and Mr. AI Mathidwon, it Kingwooti dm, anc Kay Stumbo, the son of tar. Bar bar 8. Elotfon. 910 Taaaxaaar trt, , ,i '..(.i All men are jraduate at Salam high school. Burchani u a junior m Duslnass adoMay. iStntlon at tha unhreraitw - Jama a fraahmaa la busts, ana o nun do a junior' la His Diaper ficrf) aaaa. -dV aawaami aaaBBea sa taarMbaaaal aT r BTAaaBalT. Bjaaa BOB. "a? Ml MialSsM , Be fore You Buy .. . Made a on the Wonderful Feature-by-feature Comparison at Voodrv's - ....... w ; , m MP:;., New Westindiouse aaaav a 30 inch Etango Yet Needs Only 30 Inches of Floor Space KING SIZE OVEN Big 24-inch Miracle Sealed Oven is banquet size! Bakes 6 delicious pies, 10 loaves of bread or two 15-lb. turkeys at the same time. Perfect too, for even your smallest oven meal. "LOOK-IN DOOR" LETS You See What's Cooking Now you can watch your food bake or roast to perfection without wasting oven heat.. Super Corox Unit Gets Red Hot in 30 Seconds Fry, delicious bacon and eggs in just 3 minutes from the turn of the control. That's real Stop Watch Speed! ' . Built-in Surface and Oven Lights plus Automatic Oven Timer Only HM PAY NO MONEY DOWN on out xmovtD CttMT 95 I CP rou cam oo SUnG.e.iaiTb oase liberal Trade-in on Your Old Appliances Why Not Ask Us. About Yours Todiyt Open Friday Night Till 9 p.m. EASY TERMS NOW YOU CAN IUY THE ATtUANCES YOU NEED ANO USE THEM IN YOUt HOME . WHtLl PAYING ON 0U LONO, LOW. EASY TERMS . . . APFIIAKCI REPAIRS Fh. 2-5455 UNITED REPAIR CO-MS N. UIERTY Authorised i Repair en All Major Appliances , and AB Iraall i ' AppUaawaf-iWiitet Serv rfe AppUaneea . Ivsn Royse nd Walt daus. Owners ' r AVllir:GS.TOJTS-TA!.FS Fh.W7C3 UUMTENT AWNINaCO.72 N. UIERTY : CMO)0d0awryrailiiiiai - , ' ' "AXYTHINQ MAD, TO TOTJH OKDTV CIIIKISE FOODS Fh.2-65:j : CHINA CAfi . ROSS FAIRGROUNDS RD. ap-iaauiglnnilnat Aaerlesa Featuring "Oo4 rood . Wen ptwparr . Bring ttMlteflr MOVING & STORAGE Pk 3-8111 CONCRETE SEPTIC TAKICS Fh. 37324 MORTARUSS ILOCK CO. 14th RE. HOYT -V . In Pumice or Coocraie . Alao O'mnwy I Zrvjr ' Equlp.-nc.it SalztJttztoh Ph. 3-3645 HOWSER IROS. lltSt. IStkrr ' Oardea Tiller . Power Mowers . Paint Sprayers . ' An- Com. Pressors Sander Plumbing Tool Power and Hand Mower , Sharpetting-Repairs on All Small QwaBtai ' ;' J FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-551 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117S. HIGH ST. ' . AmrIIf f Cooalaum-Kalrn-Aphalt and Rubber TO oeawnusi, uimmereiai installation Bag and Carnal JEstlmataa Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26033 , STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1110 LANA AVI V, Water Systems Deep Wall Turbine t Aluminum and Steel Irrifatlon Pipe f Galranlzed Pipe and Fitting WATXR WILL TESTING Complete Serrlce on Any Pumping -equipment ' - RED STAR TRAfWER ' SALXM-POHTXAND MOTOR FBXtOKT -A Complete Shipping Serrlee" Office 1110 W. Liberty Wha. IM I. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-55S4 Typewriters, Adding Maibli CaleuUtora. Aeeounttsvg Machines SALXS SXRVICX RXNTALS ' -CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., S31 COURT' ' 1 R. W. "KM- LAND OIL TO CUN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD , 1174 Xdgewater St OILING WRST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS ' STANDARD OIL DEALER OR S-S74t ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON RROS. PLUMIINO A HEATINO :?; Repairing. SIS Chemeketa Contracting 1 -R Ir1nrial Commercial - Industrial ' . ' -r PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 241 savn W ajy Pennr Savaw Rtamna THE QUISENIERRY PHARMACIES Pk. 1-1 lir' IMtUktrl- 111 tMrt. lewtitwi 2441 fcter. MaaVs) (mM 14-HOUR &ERVICZ . Senrice for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily A :00 A.M. to 11:00 PJI. , 110 S. Liberty Store Open 11:00 to 10 PJ4. and 0 VU. to t:00 PJI All Sunday and Holiday Radio Repair W V." Green Ph.3-7577 Give' MITCHELL'S R.dle-TeleWilon 1 S80 State Motorolo wt DMlcrt for ' General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 H EIDER'S RADIO A TELEVISION 395 N. HIGH SERVICE INSTALLATION SALU Bom and Auto Radio and Television 8eelallt In tha . Willamette Valley for IS Year