Pat II Tuesday, Jum 2, 1US THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 81, Oregoa To Kiss, or Kill ly DAY KEEN! ia hmuaini v CHAPTER 12 Maodell looked at his friend. our i. -wnats toe wear" "You wouldn't know? "No." UuxleU draped hi top. oat over the back of a kitchen chair and laid hi blood-aneared hat on Um teat. "Rosemary aayi you re going so oaa in my Drain. wny?" uoyie indicated a coair, -Bit down and I'll tell you." aiandell aat on the edge of chair. ' "Could be I'm mistaken. B u even before you had yourself put away, It eeenu to me you were Mint pretty lush, weren't you Barney? Not much time for old friends, eh?" Mandell defended himself hotly. "OX. So maybe I got a little big-headed. I wonder why. Maybe Because, until I ftariea cutting in on than bis Dursee. the matt money I ever had In my life wai tne aougn I got in in Army.' Doyle wasn't Impressed. "Look for old timet aake, here'a a tip, Barney. Take some of that dough you (ot put away and let youraeii a good lawyer. The Department let. that guy Curtle get away with springing you. But under protest. And Carlton and Rose have come up with some new (tuff. So dont be surprised if your ball is re voiced any minute and you're yarned dscc to we Bureau and Danced tor nrst degree. Rosemary began to err. ' ' Mandell realised he was sweat lng again. It was the sweat of fear. He had to tell someone that Mr. Curtis was dead. He had to tell someone about the shots that had been fired at turn. "Loots, Pat" he began. Doyle continued coldly, "Why try to lie out of It, Barney? They tell me Inspector Carlton's new evidence does everything but pull the switch. Bo If your nose Isn't as clean as you've made It out to oe, ii you nit Mr too hard by mis take" Mandell got to his feet. "I didn't." ; . ., .., "Someone did." "Alright. So someone did. I dldn't.,r Mandell's eyes felt hot and gritty again. He'd taken all he could. He was tired of being treated like a moron. He picked nis topcoat irom tne chair. "I'm sorry I cam in. I wish I hadn't. I thought you and I were friends. What's eating on you, Pat? You Jealous? You sore because a guy irom the neighborhood got a few good breaks and married a girl whose old man happens to nave a little money?" - Doyle gripped his glass so hard sis knuckles turned white. "That's right Also, once upon a time a long, long time ago, you gave your ma a nine-hundred -dollar radio phonograph combination and a sixteen -hundred -dollar television set. But for the last two years your old lady has been living on home relief and what us neighbors have chipped In." "I beg your pardon?" Mandell aid. ' Doyle stood up and faced him. "You heard me. For tne last two will you, kid? Ted her t forgot to drop w on. And tnang everyDooy ror ma, jor Ming so good to ner, while I well kind of forgot." Pat looked at him thoughtfully Rosemary caught at his arm as ne started lor tne door. "No, Bar ney. Walt." Her lower Up quiver ed. There something very wrong here." . Mandell used his middle finger to flick a tear away from under one oc ner eyes, -un-un. uareiui. Or Pat will smack you. too. Re member?" Then he was out in the cold again, alone, leaning against the wind, walking aimlessly through in streets a me on neignoor- nooo. - He tried to think back two years. As ha remembered, on the aay oeiore ne nau commiitea himself he had made certain that Ma would be well taken car of. He had drawn his money from the oanx, some tnirty-eignt tnousana dollars. He had taken a thousand for his own use. Hed given tne rest to Dale to put into her check ing account with Instruction to mall his mother a check for seventy-five dollars a week until he was well again. Oale bad kissed him and promised she would. Then where had the money gone? IT se ex-awn acq j Hughes Appointed To Atlantic Council Washington ) President Eisenhower Monday nominated John C. Hughes, head of a New York textile firm, to be U. S.I representative on the North Atlantic Council with the rank of Ambassador. Eisenhower also sent to the Senate the nomination of Rob ert Henry Fogler, president and director of the W. T.I Grante Co., chain store firm, to be an assistant to Secretary of the Navy. To Call for Bids On Basin Projects 8TEVI EOPER OOtfT THINK THE OiPAPTMBTr ISNT teRATEFUL.MR. ROPER YQUV6 HELPED US SOLVE A LOT Of PROBLEMS RADIO PROGRAMS years your old lady has been llv lng on home relief and what us neighbors could make her take. And why? Because you're yellow. Because when the first really big prooiem in your me cam along, you turned chicken." . "That's a lie. A dirty lie," Man- : enu saw. He swung a naunearted rignt at uoyitt netd. ' Doyle let it slide over his shoul der and sank a right and a left into Mandell's stomach that sent him reeling back, gasping for breath. Doyle followed him, flat footed, landing blows almost at will. "Dont come that stuff on me, Barney. I handle a lot tougher guys than you every day of the year." His back to th wall, Mandell cocked the lethal left that had won most of his fights, then held It. He didn't want to hurt Pat He didn't want to knock him out. All he wanted to do was to go some where by himself and bawl. It was all he could do not to bawl in front ot Pat and Rose mary. No wonder Joe hoped he'd get his lumps. No wonder Pat despised him. Back of the yards, there was only one yardstick of conduct. A man took care of his own. He could get drunk seven nights a week. He could be on the horses or shoot craps or play poker. But he showed up for work Monday morning, U he had to show un on crutches, or steal It. but he saw to It that there was food on the table. And he didn't blow his nav check until th rent and gas bill were paid. : , , Doyle cuffed him lightly. "Now get out of here, Barney. And dont ever come back. We aren't friends any more." Pat looked across the kitchen at his sister. "And that goes for you, too, Rosemary. If I catch you walking the floor nights or bawling about Barney any more 111 smack you, too. . "O.K," Mandell said. Til go." He turned .down the brim ot his hat so the bloodstain wouldn't show. Then taunt the money he'd got for his watch from his pocket, ne peeira oil a twenty dollar bill and pressed the rest of the roll Into Rosemarys hand. Rosemary looked at her broth er, then back at Mandell. The cor ners ot her mouth turned down. "what's the money for, Barney?' Mandell closed her fingers round the bills. "Please. Rose mary. For old times' sake." His smile was too quick and tight and twisted. It save him the appear ance of crying. "Olv it to Ma, Denver (A The Reclama- tlon Bureau said Monday it plans to call for bids this month on two more large sections of I the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project. The first Involves construc tion of more than 23 miles of - the West Canal on the Royal slope of Frenchman hills. It will deliver water to more than 80.000 acres from the Columbia river to O'Sulllvan Dam. The second Is for 70 miles of I laterals and waseways to serve more than 19,000 acres north west of Pasco and southwest of I Eltopla. 2 ii I SIZES I k II l 12 44 I Vrlrl Exeltln Figure-Maker! The crisp feeling you want for sum mer Is promised by this princess styled fashion with full flared skirt and soft scalloped outllnel Easy-to miu, tool No. KM is cut in else 13, 14, 16.1 is, at), ss, 38, to, 42, 44, 46. else 18: yos. se-in. or 4 yds, of In. Fabric. Send SOe for PATTERN with Name Address, Style Number and dim. Aaareas kattekn Bu. REAU, Capital Journal, S1 Mis sion street. Ban Francisco 5, Calif . ROOM BOARD By Ahrenl ' .. AND I'LL SELL IT FOR. 75t A B0TTLE...M PRICE OF A GOLF BALL WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE 6ET LOST ...ANQ SAY... HOWS 1HIS AS A MAME FOR THE PRODUCT.. B B T 'FIMn PA 1 1 IKKTANTLV. j ....CLEVER, EH 7 WHY DONT YOU WAIT AND SEE HOW THE STUFF WORKS. f IR5TY..TOU ALWAYS BUILD UP GREAT EXPECTATIONS ON YOUR INVENTIONS, THEN USUALLY HAVE A BIGGER LET-DOWN THAN A LANDING CRAFT. BUT OFFICER. I HAWE JAUNWCE, AND I THOUGHT THE SIGNAL LIGHT .WAS YELLOW' Mis ' 3-DIMENSWNAL NO MONEY DOWN, AT A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. I I GUESS UF6 4 FvOUVg SOT TO SOLVE A 1 f WCLL SKIP THE DICTsyiON TOMMJfesj IITSKSV bSS"MKM? J n , - , WIDNESDAY P. M. ' T ST nmi Ul V ' yMKfl -silLJK A 'r J(Y.. MjW IVWin fM iwaft itwb iwvw J - . A laf Fll I ' 'fl.WIfmj '-iJf li) R I UA aaa k m CM UM rtc list arse I ua su. I mm lm teSPFTTiaia imwi mssm- m b te. faster te . mz:i . : , , ,. . . " lit ot. ' hi.i rr r otrti mmu ' . bfwto tWZSTlft KW'k ASkM mL & -EasSs 5S &3- i .m i u ibWs-3fefl wssir-r. iwj, ..v 1 TiT stw. w. ... sss-t- ORPHAN ANNIE rurlM U.M.ltwr " U . . BawbaH uaruAW awms, . . ....... , .K Ktm.Tmi Wk.iiar rrnii.mii Mute a.s.u I - rrr? i . I All csjdcI rsjPJNa TH ktWl T 1 1 BTM tV-TT a. WtlifAf THE GAHIB 1 Slat Slul nasi liltUa Mm Starr BaHbaU " jH W"MEfT fl Jftllj ,1 J WAFOOL-Q0T5 I AND WIPED OUT A HVBNMM L ZlZiZ aT.M..i ClHT o" H.rn s'.Vi ! " II I l- JjEVS ROeCTra EfiCM OTHER? J FV LOST IN THE JUNQLE ( B OOIBI OR MORE BW aWN-TT WA6 A p - M..-F "mi.i..."- H r dE&Jl-y H A. NEARLV WLLED J C- IGLSiPJetXAS, 10 HW? PLEASURE T3 BE OF liR SSS 5-5 . o. VZ M.JSZ SJS H;J , ,X I.C ) I II StPtvEp gj THAT SOME SMALL 0 I ;I:Sj ci,c. Mute BmHiiiWi , ni.ubu I'il Aa- Iff S If f "V 11 I I II ' I .., I 1tSf f!Mn Iwa-u. Dhm Vfi M-If ... . . . I S V J9 rS 1 l , nT' i. I sf ' W V II ; WJSL -MS 7 i t - J Trader Louie Does It Aooin I TW v II M I fHT llVHir lil 1 H if!f'iW.""',"??.".,P . l M I f If 171 II x1 ll U llll lLMr ery one Ber a oeaumui .. .... ' - " . .sgn si '7my'v . , lSSSar sSSfe SSTi'JSsPsaj sssfKfl -S4Bi -""JM1"'" ; Zyr HggwSE. SffMlP n . - vv l: - 1 s . r 1 m rii'- i a ?w y , jvi.?c. 11 . m l vf I J :.r JLr. V I I M- 9r. 3 -. r I KCJ YWA ' 1 1 r-'-' - -.ay.V-A fl ?S".li I v?- r&ZF-'j x . l.'cvL xsrr rjiRui 'hsMU--vV'fn l gs7issAiB T" RiJ5VN1lT ll5ISBI Vrff sSC-l IL55-is n 5tAVI imf'A ' :-' .1 ni-JgSSSSSf tMfes v .' urn v -t- imm m BgiaiM . . ss.c- HOPALONG CASSIDY . . . ' ', .. ., ,, . , . ., . ' ' . MMM'''','M'sgji .. .." - i l i i " j I .un TT TiTTf T'T ilf'fnrT II I HWE.'TH' LANP ASENT THREATENEP1 I WELL.d'RSJE YOU TRY IMA6IN1N' WHAT at ' - , - V inermnicoi i i 10 csruac touk um i lc rtiotT i i n ouin wimin inoouru P I I r VOU DV k HICf JOB OF TutNlM TM l kw lAlilKr inpa J I aupwp An vm kii icn , I 1 &c II HEWHI)at6ET0FF6OrFRE,PIPK'T f" M-.t'l HIH,r-nN'0N HTJU'RE I TTKZTTi J IVYfiUy HI44 W6a f WHAT3 BEWE OF JEUIStfN? 1,7' I FRArllN' fF FOR W IMA61NIN6 I J VySm ' r3 f lf ST' I 'lira I Ir?i1 iSJl-sTil i HIV. I,' 1 m Vi tWSJKSJk f I' rAAr W.s..r MWii 'P m S'' Vsv MUTT 6 JEFF , . " . iLT iHM i I TsiVg MEH rEFF'' WH-WHV? I I WENT DOWN TO 'jEfF.HONey If X I A SPECIAL. I jit WAITING U 3 ' HES GONE' J (TSf,v2T-rArF LETS PUT OUT 1 P I fW OELIUERV I ? , """V BLIV SOME STAMPS I f ! THE LIGHTS IL I AIRMAIL ' jEFlV ' V T FOR THE yVT . IUg jfy '' REX MOBGArC M. V)T . ' " .. " v ' "V8- fOu Tfl5iZJ ii i" but iVe beenN f vou seem to 1 resent rrr never.' iS anp i dipnt waste mv "5T .- NB W VOu . RESENT THE . COJLP NEVER THANK ' TIME THERE.' I LEftRNEP T I Ll 5P7B PATIEJr,' POCTOR.' FACT THAT I VOU BNOUSH FOR hAVINO I PSYCHIATRY. . MUCH MORE ' - rSVpTl O'1- V0U REMEMBER TRIED TO HELP A-r MS COOPED UP IN V THAN YOU'LL FIND IN THI5 BOOK.' L FLBFTl HAVE 45 V HOW VOU ONCE SPENT YOU, VAN.' jf V A 5NAKB PlT.' trntmi m WOULP YOU UE B TO -VT PATIENTS TO Jffl lPAVS TRYIN8 TO CORRAL fll . VW -tZll IT? ANALYZE YOU ANPJUNE T -f 'tS flj L 8ab'vto th S6nd '5.cCTtil IITtSw I pSSisWL0 MOegANJ) ljENTARETRp C jlfPM. J KSTTlr T A.n tffir$rfc vn i.rm lm 1,, w n m I V f 1 I'll-. I atS-i52Jt-:5 A-J L T. 4rHflfll I lli'-V-J DONALD DUCK ' 5 . ii i i . . I I j .' i. . . i i ' I 5fl ,V V.'VXP i JlJ OONALO DUCK. PON T VOU J (-.BANKRUPTS ME TO GET rf.. ' 4 ra invu nr- rrRv-ra JU9 MARV WORTH - " tV-aESir itfl i Ifl! I t THQH6HT IIWIWAN AWfT OLORXX.. I I VOU MOON AROUND ABOUT ACAREtR. IN THE "rHEE-A-TUH-.' 1 3 IlB ZJr I I Ui!T CGt WHEN I HEARDy 8UTtM(oTO VERY WELL, IF YOU CAN EARN IOOO ONE MONTH'S 4tW f BAIWBV! ftJSLfC I I fT.DAD! 6ivt YOU ONE FIN AL r AUOWANa-. IN TWO MONTH4--IN THAT IDIOTIC ALWH g:SDavWMt KOIN Klacfe Or. Sana Niwt Brkfa w If !' g:15DanHM4 a.r.B.. On On. hta Pin lati NMk W KMmm I: IP D.t. KM KOIN Klwfc On. ram Nn ImklM ran Km 1:4' ran turn KOIN KlMk Or, ran Hawk Tin NWk W.w, :ar Cnatrr M. K0" " Pint Ullwa 8luni ImUm MIUIUmJ ' ; jr litan Wllb Nn . M. Araukr snakfaM NMk lOCO KM 1 ;jf Nm Nira Bk OamS RrMkfut BMaklaal KOCO KlMk 1 :4' K. Mtr H. sakkitl Kaw 8i Haw Nk loco KlMk Ot Sran Vcwi . Brtakfart PmU BrMni Jim DaaSy Ntwl gits 01 San Hwwt '' BrMkfart Pa Slur Jim DaaSr KOCO KImb gljfi Mmm Baa Stem Tnal BraakfMl Bnnill llm Dr KOCO Kk g; Man Baa Oar Oal Saa BmklMt Him mt K llm Daar iwi S:M 1 U aa Ediitoi Km uk Wmut Ifnaa'i ft) :lf Mailt Sn Ma Pwklas Iaari StanHlr MllaM Mam (:I Mailt Baa OoeMalaaa Tara U . PartaHl Call Baek rm n. r.t. .. E:' V. Llalaai Oil. Ulk rrita Bar. Cmlli MattoM Dlaak In M:f B. Bnaalla Mr. Battea D. Garaaar Qtoa Har BatkhaM Ban U:l.' Braal r. Hmmj - 0. aaltor Tal Twt MatlaM ln " it;r Striba H riilNata Draka Tnm Starr MaiU ' Baek tun Ba'n It!' rlk W ml Brlabtar Dai Traa SHcr Man MallaM lank' ll:r DM aa Niu'oml Slaa Wklnarla LaSlM Back fun Bart U;lr DM m Natk.Kamaarr OIK Marrlaa tatlM ralr MatlaM Bmt Fhranran Hmm Frtf V. Lhtalakr Oa. far Dar Baak fua Ban Bk Bm naaa Partr Varan KmvQ. far Dar ' MatlaM .. Sanaa'.- Tm Mat.l KOIN IS LI, a.ak ta IS BXZ X S u S : DIAL LISTING KOAC. SSt a.ai5:at, call Tktalari :, Cklaata BaaailaUai t:U, Nnta, Waalkari t:f. a . MaaUi :, Mtallallaaal 1:IS, Off. VftkC nrar a.. ii:. Km, IWA e,.uiri l:ls, rar Waaim 11 :M, Stkaal af Sin ll.-l. CmmK Bali Kn, Ntwi, Waatkari 11:11, NMa ram ar: 1:M. Bla Tai CawbaTl 1:1. Sakaal af Alri 1:, BaakikaUi , rw WaaiMl . i:m, laaainaa Maalelaaa, Nine Premiers Meet in London London (U.R) Prime Minis ters of all nine members of the British Commonwealth were assembled here today for the coronatoin of Queen Elizabeth II and the Commonwealth Con ference this week which offi cials said could be a curtain raiser for the Big Three talks at Bermuda. Last of the Commonwealth premiers to arrive yesterday was Indian's Jawaharlal Nehru who said he had not come to London "to attend banquets." "I have, come to meet and ex change views with important international personalities as sembling in London on this oc casion," Nebru said. To reporters at London air port Nehru made it clear that' the Korean peace moves were uppermost in his mind and of ficials here said "Korea and its related Far Eastern problems" would be a top subject for dis cussion by the Commonwealth' statesmen. , r-,- DUCHESS JEWELS STOLEN, London, (UP) The Duchess of Sutherland discovered to day that thieves circulating among the thousands of coro nation celebrants last night had broken into her home and stolen Jewelry valued at $84,000. Most domesticated animals derive from stock which runs in herds in the wild state. ' ACROSS L Wager , 4. Baffle t. Child's oapkla 11. Seaweed 13. Gas 14. Card with a single spot 15. Jail keeper 17. Tried It. Resume II. Feline JlVan . 24. Poisonous - snake IS. Melodies 29. Leading irialef character SO. Self 11. Ourselves 31 Rubbers IV Artificial Ungual SI Permit 41 IS Fetntnin uaium S. ThOM 41. Hamper 41 Nonprofes sionals 41 Old card game 45. Turn Inside out 47. In abundance SO. Religious compost- tie 53. Fuss 54. Sedat M. Night befor 57. Seat in , church Solution f Yesterday" ussl SI Csins by labor H.Uncookee DOWN 1. Form of greeting 1 Epoch 3. Great fear Ft I Ut I M 1 WY I" gtr Ijr-- 3 lt mn syt ppsr ft 5 ttM mwr 5 STif iT nf sit 47 T w V ST sa 3T l-JT fe" ST JJ S ;H " 4 Important happening S. Narrow rosd .Higher 7. Dowry & Builder . Fight 10. Frozen dessert 11. Resting place 18. Thick IS. Took a chair 20. Grapple 11 Blame 23. Part of a stair 25. Expanse 28. Heron 27. Spacious 29. Dislike . Intensely U. Feeling of guilt 14. Begin . 17 Kind of candle 40. Here 42. Cry of cattl 41 Gives for a time 40. Conceited 47. Opening 4. Fruit drink 41. Greek letter. SI. "Utile - 51 Cry of a eat SS. Metric land ' measure OPTIMISM ess?s52i-.uuii.u . .iirvga ', ' " ' "