,-f Pat s ' ' Monday, Jum i st, TH CAPITAL JOirRNAL. Kale. Orerosj I " T ' : . .... H - . In the Valley E4lte4 ky WKI FORBES Sfverfon Silverton Mrs. Mike Star ruste if at the local hospital for treatment of fractured hip which (he sustained In a fall at the fainily home. Friend! of the family called inf ormaUy at the Z. Jay McCall horn oa Oak St in observance of Mr. McCaU'a birthday an niversary, Sunday evenlna-. - Mr. Perl Bye entertained at a coffee hour for her mother, Mn. . L. Stewart, ai a birthday annlvertary affair Sunday eve nine, with the gueats Including Mn. Dalsey Wood, Mn. Mary Riley. Mr. and Mn. K. M. eye, Mil Irene Boubal, Mn. Mar caret Terry, Mrs. Flora Hob- litt, Mr Helen KuU and Mrs. Johanna Schwab. . Jeea llin ' I Unit Onager la TacfcatUlar ' 10VNQ WjV , . Denthy OcadrMge "BRIGHT IOAD- Now( Ref utar Pricet! W ' is J el sT aaal Mat Dally treat 11M. BNDS TODAY! "IVANHOI" "CITY SEN2ATH SEA A" Tomorrow! AftOAJN MATINtl 50c TILL I F.M.! e.-Cflr e.i! TicHNiCOUORj AUDIE MURPHY Swan CABOT PataKIUY Swcef Homo For a "girl friend' reunion party at the apartment home of Mrs. Mary Kleemro, now of Albany, were: From Silverton, Mra. Jack Morton, Mrs. Orlo Tbompeon; and of Salem, Mra. Matt Hall and Mra. Letter Mor ris. The group met an evening later at the Morrie home In Salem to bid farewell to Cloy' deen Mattbewa Harper, who in leaving for Wheeler, Ore., to make her home. Mra. Agnea Booth, Marion county superintendent of schools, wai featured speaker at the formal banquet program of the Junior High eighth grade graduating claai of more than 70 students, the faculty and echool officiala, Wedneiday evening in the dining roomi of the Eugene Field building. The atata farm employment branch office of Silverton ia to open Monday, June 1, in the Washington Irving building. Mra. Lewia A. Hall of Silver ton la to be In charge of the office from I a.m. until noon daily. Bert Day la reported con valeacing at St. Vincent'i hoe pital in Portland following furgery to which be submitted during the part week. OAC Frank K. Roemer ar rived home Thursday from Sev an months' service in the Far East, wearing two ribbons from activities In Korea and United Nations recognitions. He Is on a 20-day leave. ' Mn. Roemer (Lavonne Tno- mas), tbeir son, Steven, and her mother, Mn . Lewis Thomas, drove to San Diego to meet Roemer ana were ainner guests aboard the aircraft car rier USS Bataan, of .which Roemer la remaining a mem ber, Tuesday evening. Mn. Roemer. Steven and Mrs. Tho mas remained in southern Cali fornia the week preceding the arrival of the Bataan. Two other men from Silver- ton were on the Bataan and ar rived home for leaves. Dr. Francie Johnson and Joseph F. Tomminger. Mra. Tomminger (Jeanne Illiott), two of their children, Christine and Mary Louise,- and Tommlnger'a fath er, Joseph Tomminger, - Sr., to San Diego to meet west Home Two Sweat Home girls will be candidates for queen In toe Albany Tim ber Carnival to be held July t, I. 4. Betty Jo Hyde, high school senior. It the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyde. She ia 17 and is t feet, inches and has black hair and brown eyes. Arlyse Pulver, II, with black hair and green eyes, la also a high school senior and la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cass H. Pulver. Miss Hyde is being sponsored by the IOA Grocery store and Miss Pulver la spon sored by Hub Photo Studio. Rebekah lodge members will honor state president Mn. Lola Oiburn of Sllverleaf lodge No. 203, Portland, at ft dinner to be held June 10 at the IOOF hall. Chairmen appointed to arrange the affair are general chairman, Rose Marie Swager; dinner chairmen, May Ingle and Margaret Ulbergr dining room service, Agnea Vlgue; Ethel Wills, courtesy commit tee; Celeste Pappan, cones ser vice; Marcella Middleton, ta ble decorations; kitchen com mittee, Oenettie Farlow; ham cutting, Ira Rinker. Tomminger. Fruitland Fruitland - Mrs, Larry Wagnor, Mn. Cecil Miller. Mn. Carolina Cernlck, Mrs. Harold Bishop entertained the Wom en's Circle Thursday afternoon at the- church annex. After playing some games-Mn. Wag nor was honored with a gift shower. Overnight guests at ' the George Xleen home Thursday night were Mrs. J. N. Allen (Grace Kleen), Mrs. Vernon Byers, Mn. Walter Byen, Mrs. Bod Thedford, all of Modesto, Calif. They were on their way to Fort Lewis, to visit relatives In the service. When Italy's president. Lulgi Elnaudi was a professor of law. one of his pupils was Palmlro Togllattl who became head of the communist party In Italy. Mn. Henry Edgcmon, Crow foot, with her daughter, Sally Jo, were visiton at the Bill Reed home on Thursday, Mr. and Mra. Peter Byrne, Foster, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom V. Reed Thursday. Mrs. Walt Howa and Marga ret Anne and Mn. Clair Me In tyre were In Eugene Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Boat- wick and Tommy are spending the week-end In Hood River. One hundred and fifty chil dren, parents and teachers en joyed a picnic in the Sweet Home City park, Friday. The group was from the Lacomb grade school and spent the en tire day enjoying the facilities of the park. ' - Don Carton's fifth grade spent one day last week on a field trip in the City park. They were collecting Insects tor sci ence study. They had their lunch and play period In the park also. A special meeting of the Sweet Home-Holley extension unit will be held June S In the Timber line Manor. The meet ing will begin at 10:30 a.m., and will feature work on tex tile painting and preparation for making footstools. Pot-luck lunch will be served at noon. Illahee IUihee Mn. Ellen Martyn and son, James Martyn, of Paris, France, where they have lived the past five years, are visiting at the Ben Brandon home in this district Jame Martyn It employed la the department of state in U.S.A. - They are dividing their time between relatives in California and Oregon Mrs. Martyn ia Mrs. Bran don't mother. Mra. Martyn will be remem bered as Ellen Jackson. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bene- field and children, Tommy and Barbara of Vlaalia, Calif., an spending a two weeks vaca Stayton High Honors Given Stayton Eighteen students were honored with awards dur ing the graduation exercises Friday night, at the Stayton union high school. Sally Studnlck was awarded a cup for an outstanding achol arahla record, a new award oreeentad tola year for the first tuM. Miss Studnlck wat also awarded a scholarship val edictorian's medal, and a cer tificate for outstanding work m commercial studies. Other seniors and their awards ware: Sherry Spanlol, the taluta torian't medal and the Dan forth foundation award. Shirley Mlnten. an honor itudent medal for third echol utle atandina: a Girl's Athletic association award medal and a scholarship to Oregon college nf Education at Monmouin. Deani McDonald, a dramatic medal; a journalism medal ana a scholarship to unxieia col lege in McMlnnville. Janet Huffman, an honor student medal for fourth schol astic standing; a certificate for outstanding newspaper work and a medal for outstanding grades In music Sean Branch, a medal for ood citizenship and a certifi cate tor outstanding war on the annual yea. book. William Morgan, nedala for science and language and a scholarship to Linfleld. Dick Heater, a medal for out standing work on the student council. Clarence Hlnricha, leader- ship medal at student body president; science medal; the Girod sports plaque awarded to the boy who mada the out- j standing athletic" contribution during the year, plus a $28 check; the Farwell baseball trophy for the highest batting average; a scholarship to Lin fleld college and the Danforth foundation award. Carl Batch, the Farwell baseball trophy for the highest batting average during 18S0. Dave Van Handel, the Far well trophy for the most track points of the year. Gene Small medal for out standing athletic activities and an athletic scholarship to Linfleld. Phylis McCarley, a medal for commercial training. Pat Shields,, librarlanshlp medal. Sheldon Titus, the 'Arlon foundation award for outstand ing music ability. Carol Courtney, certificate of merit for year book work. Paul Duman, certificate of merit for newspaper service. MT. ANGEL SOCIAL Mt Angel Mrs. Emil Wolf will be hottest chairman for the St. Anne's sponsored. card social to .be held Wednesday evening, June I, in the St. Mary's tchool auditorium, starting at 9 p.m. Dayton Dayton Mr. and Mra. Rex Carey and eon of Tillamook were Sunday guests of her father, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Em mart Mr. and Mrs. Claude Em mert of McMlnnville also were guests ia the same home. ' On Sunday, May 11. follow. In the morning servicae, the congregation of the Christian church will have a potluek din ner at the Maud Williamson park, weather permitting, th ere; lea the dinner will be held at the church. The occasion It the farewell for the minister and his assist ant Mr. and Mrs. Kaith Wat- Una and Richard Perry. The Watkint will graduate from the Northwest Christian collate at Eugene In June. Following the International church convention In Portland they will go back to Butler un iversity at Indianapolis, Ind., for further study. Richard Per ry will ao to Alaska for the summer and return to Eugene this fall. . Mn. Mae Barnard left for Mason City. Ik. where the will visit her brother. Mrs. Barnard la a former Dayton resident Recently she has been living in McMlnnville. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Louis attended part of the radio con vention held in Salem Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last week. They attended the ban quet Sunday. - John ' Mcintosh waa home moat of last week due to rainy weather. He is employed In con struction at Drain. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Will were dinner guests; of Mr. and Mrs. E W. Mandlago recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkin son bad dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lorenxen Sunday. Other gueats went her parents, Mr. and Mn. Ersel Gubser. Kenneth Trammell home again, having finished 22 months and 16 days In the army. Fourteen months were on duty in Korea. Mn Addle Weill of Milton Freewater visited Sunday and Monday with her sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Will, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Will. Mrs. WelL had coma west to Dallas, where aha attended her daughter's' 29th wedding anniversary (Mr. and Mn. Richard Van de Bosch) Sunday, May 24. Roy Will, Ivan Hedgecock and Vernon Thompson attend ed a meeting of the Ninety and Nine men's meeting In Carlton recently. The next meeting will be .held in Dayton in July. The' Country Garden dub ex hlbited a 'Living Picture" ar rangement at the Sheridan Garden club flower ahow In Sheridan Saturday, and won a blue ribbon. Mr. ard Mrs. Cecil Will and twin tons, Larry and Kenny of Gnnd Island, had lunch with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Will, on Monday. Mr. and Mra. Huston Calley and nephew of Salem visited Monday with Mrs. Rose Dicker son. t Mr. and Mrs. Dale Massey and family, and her mother, Mrs. Ed Hartman, went to Til lamook to visit Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hartman and children. They also visited Mr. and Mra Charles Been. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beers have moved to Tillamook for the summer, where he Is teach ing at the naval air base. They will return' to Dayton next fall to resume his duties In the school system here. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Trammell and ton, Larry, had dinner in Corvallls Sunday with her sis ter, Mr. and Mn. Letter French and family. Mn. S. W. Richardson on the Neck Road, entertained members of the Peninsula club on Thursday. Msy 21. with 21 ladies and tlx children present. ' Following the business meet ing, it waa decided to have the next meeting at Champoeg park with a potluek at noon. The highlight of the after noon was a game and the pre senting of a baby high chair tc Mra. Wayne Owens. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Guests of Mr. and Mn. S. W. Rlchardon on Sunday for din ner were Mn. Wallas DeWitt and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day of Portland. Mr. and Mn. Carl Mitchell went to The Dalles Saturday on a business trip. . Mt Angel Mt Angel Mn. Leo Barr left Friday for Sublimity, where she will spend several days visiting at the home of her titter, Mn. Ed Doerfler. Sunday, Airs. Barr and her five listen were honored at a family reunion dinner at the home of a lister, Mn., L. J. Boedigheimer, at Stayton. Covers were placed for Mra Barr of Mt. Angel, Mn. Ed Doerfler of - Sublimity, Mrs. Charles Zielinskl, Salem, Mrs. Barbara Gehlen, Stayton, Mr. and Mn. Leo Doerfler, Salem, and the hostess Mn. I. J. Boed igheimer, Stayton. i Donald Donald Beverly 01 lie l, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Gilles. and a pupil of toe Priscllla Wiltsey Studios in Sa lem, has been playing in a band for various entertainments. Other memben of the band are Mary Menton, Shirley Doerf ler, Judy Pleflnger, Beverly Hammond. . Mr. and Mrs. AI Rlchter of Monroe were visiton in the Rsy Gilles home last week. Mr. and Mn. Erral Stewart oi New Kingston, Pa., are vUlt ing Mn. Stewart't brother, William E. Long. They had not seen each other for 46 yean. Sunday, Mra. Irancie Long cave a dinner honoring the couple. Other guests were Mr. and Mn. Oscar Long and fam ily of Clove-dale. Donna Yergen, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Norman Yergen bad a slumber party at her home recently. Those attending were Naomi Westwood, Sandra Eppers, Myrna Foltz, Rose Ma rie Florles and Delores Hllner. Marlon Feller was there for the supper in the evening but was unable to stay for the evening's festivities. . Raymond Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Erb, is home on a 30 day furlough. He Is a ma rine and is stationed at Paris Island, S.C., where he must re port next Monday. He has been getting in a lot of fishing while he was home. Donald grade school closed Its year's work with a program Tuesday evening. May 26. What started out to be a small surprise farewell party for Miss Vincent, who will teach In Monitor next year, snowballed into a real surprise party including the primary teacher, Mrs. Massing. The up per grades and Mn. Hailing had planned a tmall eurprise. and' planned to have pop and cookies, but some of the moth en heard about it and it ended up by both teachers receiving many gifts and later the chil dren and mo (hen ailke emZ ed Ice cream, an abundant?!: cookies, jello salad andVwJ In addition to the poj? Betty Balr, dauahw .. and Mra. Ralph Balr. hadZ; distinction of belna tkT 7 one In the Donald school 2 year with a perfect attindta record, and aha was nmJ a book from her teeeC Kissing. - with Mn. Ballston Ballston Mrx. j-jjjZ"" Hamilton wat honored wia handkerchief shower on t birthday, May 18, at thTfca!! of her daughter, Mrs. HewSl Kilmer. Following garnet the felrtx. day cake was cut and retro. menU served to Mn. Hn Coffelt, Mra. Melvin John,? Mn. Robert Brooks, MrsTcw let Kadell, Mn. Norman Tm! ford, Mrs. Stacy Kilmer lb. Ezra Kilmer. Mra. Clark IW Jr., Mrs. Rodney BowaJ Mrs. Ralph Kadell, Mrs. IW Andrews, Mrs. Fred Neils the honored guest, Mrs. Ban! ' ilton, and the hostess, Mrs. gjj, mer. ..,.. Mrs. Robert Scharf wai t.v ' i en to the Good Samaritan ho.: piiai in ruriuiia usi week tor observation and treatment 8U ia somewhat improved. ; A bridal shower was riy at the community hall Tuesdu evening honoring Miss Jm, KadeU, bride-elect of Fred Vl. cent of Amity. , Mra. Leroy West and Kn ' Clark Moon, Jr., were the hos tesses and guests wen presto) from Ballston, Amity, Ptm. dale, Sheridan and Wulandm.' Mn. John Focht, son Johnnie,- and Mrs. Jerome Bete were Portland visiton Moods?. Starting 6:45 - Dean Jerry Martin Lewia "THE STOOGE" . Flu Veronica Lake . Zachary Scott "STRONGHOLD" llsfflATlToPENaa I at - 9ian OPEN 1:N SHOW AT PUBK ENDS TUESDAY In Teehnlealor "THE CRIMSON PIRATE" Plas "GIRLS IN THE NIGHT" ' Gkmda Famll 1 1 ,lfeE.ma, 1 1 tlon at the Ace Johnson home. - Mr. Benefield, a disabled veteran of World War II, was recently released from the hos pital. Mn. Benefield it Mn. John son's sister. ACTION! CO-HIT! nAJunrENTiex: hllattdwlMri )uTtf ttw rultt I P I. ft -trrrnLOR. 1 f j HP rMM HOT MMff WITW -l " Colaf Carteon Lata News J - " ' " "-' vwr mm m I -. '. W ma 11. i ' J Tl. , . t 1 ?u r- 5tan;:wieliams -.1 V! ft 1 H Stan Wllliamt, ttar of stage, Kreen and television, former Fred Altai re ttond In and head of Fred Ajfoire tap department at 487 Park Ave., New York City, New York, teaching a Summer term of instruction at the . . . $on- Iflflar 3)ance Studi 677 SOUTH COMMERCIAL IO SUMMER. TERM. STARTS. JUNE. 18fh, we him on the Big Jon-Mar Dance Revue - Jum 24 Salem High School Auditorium Mr. Wllllame wlU be with ear ttnaie permanently. Per aafertaatiea pheae 4-4tl STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 1st 10 SAILS! AT I REDUCTION W There have been record sales before -but never one like this! Think Of It Complete LP Operas - 45 Classical & Popular Al bums Long- Play Classical And Children's Records and With every single record (45 or 78) purchased, you receive another free, from designated regular stock. With every 78 album purchased, you receive one of equal value FREE. SALEM'S GREATEST RECORD SALE AT 428 Court - Phono 4-2271