Pan IS THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Monday, June 1, 1953 , McKay Plans Secretary of the ' Interior Douglas McKar plana to spend his vacation at hla Neikowin beach cottage next Aufuat Following a governor'a con- ference to be held In Seattle I in August, Secretary McKay and Mrs. McKay, under pres ent plana, will come to Oregon and hope to spend two weeka at the beach. The secretary will leave for Washington Wednesday, but wiU return on June 8 when he will speak at a Republican ral ly at the Benson Polytechnic school in Portland, planned to I begin at 8 pjn. On the following day he will visit briefly the USS Helena, the same ship on Which be and other cabinet designates con ferred with the then President elect Eisenhower while the ship was enroute from Wake Island to Hawaii. On June 10 the secretary will be the principal speaker at the dedication of Detroit dam. af ter which he will return to Washington, D. C Chefs De Gore Have Election The annual meeting of past Cbeis de gare of Voiture 133, , 40 et 8 Societe of the American Legion was held at breakfast Memorial Day morning at the Cold Arrow. Dr. Verde n. I. Hockett was elected president for the next year, although he could not be present because be is stationed at the Navy medical center in Crane, Ind. O. E. Palmateer retired as president. Waldo Mills was elected vice presi dent and George Averett was re-elected secretary. Ted Bra bee, the 'immediate past chef de gare, was initiated into the organization. - Those present, and the year in which they served in office, were: ' " Robin Day, 1924; Charles J. Johnson, 1926: O. E. Palma teer, 1938; George Averett, 1941; Chester Zumwalt, 1941; Ira Filcber, 1944; waiter J. Kirk, 1943; Charles H. Hug- gins, 1947; A. J. Feilen, 1948; Brazier - Small, 1949; Luther Jensen, 1930; Bert Victor, 1951; T. J. Brabec, 1952. iPlRRlRIMm! MPW W(d)W I r - : v rwi u j i i w w i s j w IMtLUkW. S-U- tt . II 1 1 I I ill l r i I w I I . W w w East Salem East Salem There are summer vacation guests in East 8alem homes and vacation trips are being started each week now. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H albert Kemper on Lansing Ave., axe her brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rings, Jr., and children, Vernon II, Michael and RuaselL from Wild Rose, N. D. Coming down for a family dinner on Sunday ware their - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rings, Sr., and daughter Kay, from Banks. . Mrs. Clyde ColweU was hos iers for the Thursday after noon meeting of the Merry Minglers club at her Bieber Ave. home. Present for the luncheon and social afternoon were Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Carl Synder, Mi. Albert Fabry, Mrs. Allen McCain, Mrs. Ernest Buetler. Mrs. Harry Sprick, Ms. Robert Fromm, Mrs. J. B. Wittington, Mrs. Wade Carter, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs. Anna Jess. Mrs. J, Irving Wagers, Mrs. R. Gordon Scott the hostess and her spe cial guest, Mrs. Kenneth Van Cleave. The special gift was given to Mrs. Fromm. The club . will have two more meetings before summer vacation, with the June meeting with Mrs Earl Mattn. This is rally week for the membership of Evangelistic Temple at the corner of Mar ket and Park Ave., as they have a new paster who started his ministry with the church on unday Rev. L. A Larson, Wednesday night, June S, he . ana am xamiiy are to be wel eomed with a reception at the hurch. Supper will be served at 8:30 p-m. and a get-acquaint- td nour will follow. The regular meeting of the Grace Lutheran church Ladies Aid will be held Friday after noon, June I. in the church parlors. GEN. WILLIAMS DIES Pasadena, Calif. 1") Funer al services today were sched uled here for Mai. Gen. John F. Williams, 68, World War II . chief of the National Guard. He succumbed Saturday to cancer. r.r- :-T2t- n. 4-uu tu YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE! FREE PARING! SHOPPER'S CAR PARK S. High a Ferry MARION CAR PARK , ' , So. Commarciol and Ferry Ask yoar alas parson' to validate your perking ckeck fori hour FREE. m in ii'im i y IP- v S J'.'SV', V V 'j,'- it f?t naaemm mm itVim m win Imi m,i nmiii?L.,ii t: : iHtMuJmii THICK for dbsorboncy ! U in tm .life CLOSE-WOVGN for wear! mm n BEAUTIFUL in radiant shades that belong to summer! SUN GOLD PINK LILAC LIGHTNING PINK RADIANT ROSE ROCKET BLUE FOREST GREEN GREENSPRAY WHITE f : Lucky you just when extra rammer baths and showers call for more towels Penney' offer them at special savings. And what towels! Fluffy Cannons, lavished whh thick deep- loops for lovely texture, wonderful abaorbency. Buy them in every aiie, in every color, team thenrinto ensembles. SAVE NOW! 16x26"... 36 12xircloth......l MEZZANINE SPEND A CAREFREE SUMMER WITH CHENILLE SPREADS You'll like their colors, ond fluffy texture! But most of oil you'll like the way they make life easy! Nap on them they're hard to wrin kle. Wash them, dry and fluff , no ironing. Yours in 1 1 decorator Colors with matching fringe. MEZZANINE TWIN OR FULL 00 STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M. '-y r -4 DREAMY PASTELS! av. . k Meaa PENNEY'S HIGH COUNT PENCALE SHEETS S39 Yellow, Green, Aqua, Pink, Lilac, Rose . tt"xtor 72" x 108" 3.19 CASES 73c MATIOiUVIDE SHEETS 259 Green, Maize, Pink, ' Orchid, Rose, Blue 72"xi08"2.39 CASES 55c I But this is no dream! Petal-soft, flower-pretty these luxurious colored sheets make our Penney customers feel like millionaires! But at Penney's prices they don't strain your budget! Stock up now redecorate your dreams with colorful, silken col ored sheets! . i . .' MEZZANINE . j 7 f OUR OWN PENCO FITTED SHEETS i, . in ,. ... , i r PENNEY VALUE! FIT OVE2 YQy2 MATTRESS I I WONT PUU OUT, RUMPUI I ' i 1 1 IN HIGH-COUNT MUSUNI Twin The bottom sheet made for the bury homemaker! ' Once on it staya on till yon are ready to uke it off ! And yon can get fitted sheets in Penney's fine Peneo qnality-the snper-mnslin, that's heavier, itronper. with linen-Uke smoothness. FULL .... .. 2 59 TOP SHEETS . ,. 2.98 MEZZANINE KgQgrfl GOjgy qct Enrenn