Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 01, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Monday. Jot 1, 195S
Yau-e ai cvicpcuiM t
KM FORD 1-door, HA 41 assise.
Phono 4-1041.
l rou t ham coupe. 4
ourr Mtw, dual plpee. 1111.
Phono 1W
bt FnrrATS fabtt
It Carrsmr J- 4-door eedaa. Fewer
stearins, unu am, m lew miie-
OSS. UUt be 1MB tO 00 appreciated.
Con be mb by appotatmoat. Bait
attar eter tiroo. mo if dairM.
on lsiei suea. m
PLTMOUTB auhwrboa. vary clean.
ww uuiensu, m mar. emu eurer.
I tea
DODOI 1-roM pick c. flat tad. rs-
sous Berter, sooa ruaeer, van. Arrow
Motors, no St. bub.. pnone 41441.
pontiao i-iooa
RAH. hr-
re, apodal law prtoo
Arrow Mo-
tore, too H. nut
tOBD CUSTOM todor Mail. RA-H
aemelal low arloa MM. Arrow htotare
Too H. HUB. Miobo 4-1443. all
at rtn 1 Ini Iiii AS
llki to hfcTO
1 Sadm lemt 4-ttr.
ootrr but a no a pcu
Whora Chsmsksta Gon , to Ohurelt
opan 1 cm. to a p.m. alio
TBBT CLBAH 1MI Cbar. Bolld, rood
motor. tito. mil: 30303. m
SAKS to on IMS atiidebcker Cnem
! Plea. 3-tmte hard tap. All extras. Ban
MM. Take snag. Call 4-4441 office
noun, 34494 svenise. am
DeLsxs 4-door sedan, radio.
baatar. eorero, ass owner, parlaet
condition, prlead tor slek sale. Phone
HIM - alll
$ for $
1 You Can't
Beat Our Cars
For Value
'91 SMtlOB Wesoo. Hrdrs, RotH 3M5
il Sedan. Brdra., H 1UI
'40 sedan a -dr. Brdra, RAH ... lwt
'44 Sedan. RAH 1141
'W Badas Cpa. Hydra, BAB ... 11H
'41 BadaB. RAH 1001
'4TSadaa Cpa. RAH Ml
T Sadaa, custom. RA8 ' U
Sedaa. Better
Club CPt. RAB
.1 MS
.1 4M
.1 1M
. at
. 1H
. 140
Chtvrolet 4 4
Chevrolet ,.,
660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113
U41 HASLET It O.H.T. Lola aitraa.
Phona 1-1041. eell!'
Motor Co. experts will aalfa poor prob-
lems and ssrs poo aionrp Prat siu
matss. apaadf aamea. Center at Lib.
M CHIT. ton pickup Driw cab. 4
apaad. Baa at 410 rtrrr. Phooa 4JII1
batwaaa f-t. adiio
DODOR 1 ton truck. 10 tt. aluminum
ran. It til. dual tlrea. Ph. 43S04. odlll
aal aateU atoruaaaa aontraeta
State Finance Co.
Ml Bo. Ritb It.
Fb. 1-4111
in Soutk. Church
FarklBl a-Flaatp
. t-tUI Ua. Ra. U-1M. B-Itt
FRITATI MONET to loaa aa rial
Phooa 1-0714. "'
it thai WAY1.'
Ua. B-U3 aaa 11-334
aar Top Tradai
U M Datrp KALM 13N Ka.
LOAHS Uo Ba. Cwaiajaralal t. TaL 1-41(1
la Jwtt arovad iho aoraar a4 aa ara
am with MOMaTT to aalra potor prob
laaai. mopap ka aaap araathlp hutall-
B-314 Phono 14131 M-733
147 So. Hlah at. Baanw. Orasaa.
UP TO $1500
aa Barnirara, Farratara, Oar
AT F3BU04IAL fcYa "paa" proBptur to
1-nalt loaa . . ahaaa ttnt.
Too aoMot bait papaMBt data.
Phona, wrilo or ooaaa ta TODATI
Personal Finance Co.
State Uaonaa Km. a-133. M-iat
Loana am M04 ap to lltoo and ap to
ao tooBtaa to ropar maoa or raraonal
FlaaBca Co. of Marlon Oountr tmdar
tbo Tswaatrlal Loaa Coropanlai Act ot
Orotoa. rin
SI FOOT trallar houia, alaapa four. ox
oauaat aoadiuoB. raoao s-ataa. uui
TRADE IQUITI ta Bodara traUor houo
lor araall hotua. oldar trallar or Soot.
caah. Phona W03S. Ullt
FOB SALS, Thra A Millar portabla hop
oiounc aaonjaa. xnaulra F. 1A Fa.
aalaoaaa, p. o. Boa STt, HaaJdibun
Calif. rl31
WAKTBD A ttda to Otrnola. Waah..
Jana a. Plaaao call Aa Baraaa, Fhana
s-naa. xim
Uima FOB Indlsnerolle Juno Ira.
pioom roc 1. antra eaveaea sad drie
tna. Fhana 3-S33I. 11 so
AH makaa aaad machlnaa aold, rantod,
npawad. Roaa. 444 Court. Ph. 3-rns.
Bulldoauit, road elaarlnc taath. Vlrsll
Buikar. 1010 Fatrrlaw. Ph. l-Sltt.
tnitant dallrorr of aaw RCA aaah
raaiitars. AO nakaa, aold, ranted, ra
nalrad. Roaa. 444 Court. Fa. 3-4773
Altcratlont, bamitltchlns, b a 1 1 o a a,
bucklaa corarad. buttonholaa. Mrs. B.
IS. AUaadar, sxtu. olll'
Laara ta drtra tha -Raap Orlra" War.
Call ar aaa Mr. SaaUbu, Tallap Mo
tor Co, aaloB. Phoaa l-lin or 4-1014.
Baa Otlan A Boa aacavatlns A sradlns.
Land elaarlas. Ph. 1-3040. out
InaatatloB, waathantrlpa, aluminum
aeraana. Frat saUBStaa. T. Pullman.
Phono S-tt4I. alls
Capitol Baddlna. raaovataa. Poll Una
aaw aattromaa. Ph. 1-4044
Daak ehalrt, flloa, filing aopnllaa, aafas,
dapltaatotra, aupplloa, daak lamps, tr pa-
writ ar stsEdt. Rooa, 4M Court.
Hamal's aaptlo tanks tlianad, Una
airrlea. Ouaraataad work. Fbom
I-T404. oltl
Sever, aaptla tanks, dratos elaanad. Ro-
lo-Rootor aawar aarr tea raoao s-asir
Mlka'a aaptla aarrlca. Tanks cleanad.
Xrrootor olaaas sawars, drains. Phona
1-4441. aur
Smith Corona. Ramlnctoa, RoraL Ua
darwood porUblas All maku and
machlnaa. Rapalra A roat. Roaa.
Aetna Window Claaaars. todastrlsl floor
wina nrtnaaniaaninai raoao '.
ill Conn.
Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F. &
: a m wri . Juno b. sutea
Communication, 6:00 P. M.
Korean Vefs Offered
Scholarships at L&C
TSnrtlanrl QJ.B Lewis and
Qark college will olfer schol
arships to all veterans of the
Korean war who enroll for
full-time study under the GI
bill. President Morgan S. Odell
ssid today. '
The (ISO scholarships, which
begin net September, will s-
atlarf KrirMII veterans who are
r,ot provided by the government
with the same amount t edu
cational help as were World
War II veterans, I
Oregon Holiday
Death Tolr5
' Ojp Tho Aontlotid Froai)
Plv persona, thrw of them
'chUdren. were klUed la Ore-
ton in toe long Memorial Holl
( day week-end.
Gene D. Harbiion, I, eon el
Mrt. Juanlta Harbiion, Port
land, waa iatally eruahed un
der the wbeela of a freight car
Saturday aa he waa chaiing
pigeona in a railroad yard.
One-year-old Marvin Pruett
waa killed at Medford Satur
day when aa automobile being
backed out of a driveway at hi
home, ran over him.
John Ralph Erickeon, t,
drowned in a gravel pit pool
near Portland Sunday when he
stepped into a deep hole while
hunting for tadpoles with two
companions. . v
Sherman Jensen, 16, of Port
land, waa injured fatally when
his automobile ran off a Low
er Columbia River .Highway
embankment early Sunday. Po
lice said the youth apparently
fell asleep at the wheel.
Mrs. L. Cass, about 60, of
Portland, waa - killed when
struck by an automobile as she
crossed an Intersection at Eu
gene Friday night
West Stayton The West
Stayton Women's dub will
meet at the home of Pearl
Choate, . Tuesday, June S at
7:80 pjn. Those having things
for the rummage sale are asked
to bring them.
wtaaawtfe aV BtWl
iomh A. Rtaat, Mar St. at a ratal
hoapltal at th aaa ol 43 raara. Forraar
raildant of Labaaoa, Routa I. aunrlrad
br wlfa. Anna RtaaL Labaaoa: aaa,
Lawranoo Rtaal. also of Loaanoai aad
a daurhUr, Mra. Maxlaa Abnar. Lans
lola. Or a.: hrothara. Fotar 1. Btaal Baa
llBltri Ma W. Btaal, startoa: Oaoraa
Btaal. Dallaa, aad Aka 1. Btaal. Port
land; four Brandchtldraa. MaBbar of tho
Cathotta Charah. Boeltatlea at tho Ro
aarr wUl ba haM ta tha BMall-Borardt
Chaaal Mondar. J una 1, at 1:34 u
Maaa at at. Joaapb'a Church Tatadar.
Jana 1. at 10 ta, with "tJtai
aaioroat saaaanai ran.
Prad A. Moore, at tha raaVdanoa at
SS01 PJ. Rlrar ltd.. Mar tt. Surrvrad
or win, am. jaannatto Macro of BalaBi
nlacaa. Mra. Kolth Robaru af Portland.
Mra. WUIlaB Paarion of Tumor and
Mrs. Oharlaa L. Mink, Mrs. OUla Win
lama and Mm. Oaorsa Balranoa. all af
Balam. Faaaral aarrloas win ba hold
Wadnaadar. J una 3, at 1 p.m. at tho
cwusa-Barnea cnaaaL XBtantaat
Bakroat Mamortal Park.
Oaorto A. Morris at tha family rast.
danoo, lit. 3, box 144-A. Juno 1st, at
tea aaa oc as rtara. surrlrad ap wlfa.
mra. tara aaorria ac aaiam: dauahtor.
Mra. Barniea Loo ot Balaa: throe aoaa.
Jamaa Arthur Morru, Los Anaalas,
vaiu ana uuana noocrt Moma
Ror D. Morris of Indenondanea:
sutan. Mrs. Bra AraakaU ot Balam and
Mrs. Mahla church of Iowa. Aloe IS
eranaehlMren and twe erect arand-
onudreo. Member of Church af Ood.
Announcement of eerrieea later br tbo
Howeu-aawaros CBapel.
Jaha a. ahatler
Joha X. Bhutter. at Ml M. Cottaxo.
June 1st, at tho are af SI rears. Bar-
rind br Bother, Mrs. Hannah Boaster)
two brothire, Arthur and Bdward Shat
ter, all ef Coos Bor. OrosOB, Annoanoo-
ment of aameos later br the Btowen-
Bdwards ChapeL
lafaat Peserak
Infant Pekarek. tea of Mr. aad Mra.
Louis T. Pekarek af Oerrals, at a leeal
hoapttal Mar M Surrlrad br pareata.
ana sister, ratneia. and arotaer Thorn.
ea, both at home. PrlTate eemcae wis
be held or the Howeu-cdwards ChapeL
Brawn Earl siiiea
Browa Earl aiasoa. late resident af
IMS B at., at a local eoaTelooeent heme
Map IL Bunrlred bp wife, Mrs. Oaa
MiaaoB or aciem; aausatara, Mra. oor
don Benaet of MeMlnnllle aad Mrs.
Chariot FUttoB of aalemt tea, wtuiaa
Blaaoa or Lebanoa; ale tars. Mlm Ba-
talla Blaaoa aad Mrs. Edna Dow, both af
McMtnnvlllei srandehlldrea, Jcalos aad
Joanna Bennat af McMtaarUta, Charles
N. Fllttoa IS of Belem aad William
H. Bluoa of Lebanoa. Bemeaa W1U aa
held et the Tlrtil T. Oddoa Chapel
Wedneadar. June X at t a.m. with Dr.
J. C. Harrlaoa otfwlatlna. SBteraaBt
win be at Belcarett Memorial Park.
Uoaa Wmalfrot Rlakardaaa
Leon a Wlnnlfred RlehardsoB. lata
raildint of uto MorBlnttlds Dr, at a
local hospital. Mar 11. Surrlrad br
daushter, Mrs. Dolls M. KUeror, Salem;
stater, Mrs. Xarll Mors art. Portlaadt
brothers, W. H. Weaver af Dallas. Ar
thur Wearer of Independence aad Prod
Wearer of PuraUup, Waah. Bemeee win
be bald at tho Vlrsll T. Ooldaa CBapel
Tueedar. June lad at lot pm. with
Dr. Ltord T. Anderaoa officio Una. In
terment Cltr view coBeterr.
Dr. Seth R. aattastea
Dr. fleth R. HunUnttoa, Iota resldeat
of 3T7t Pack Are.; June lot, . at the
residence. Surrlrad br wife, Mrs. Bona
Huntlnston of Salami two death term,
Mrs, Julian Kaiser of Chlaaao, and
Mrs, Marshall Stephens, Pacific Cltr,
Mo.t a son Seth M. Buntlnston of
Tankton, S.D.; a inter. Mrs. C. M.
Jackson. Battle Creek, Mich. Also sur
rlrad by als srandehlldren. la Ilea ef
flowira, frlendi mar contribute to fund
for lit CentreeatlonBl church la Belem.
Serrleea will be held Wedneadar, Jana
3rd. 1:M o'clock In tho lat Censresa
tional ebureb ar tho Cloush-Barrtck
Mra. Roaa Wetter Caamborlta
Mri. Roae WaUer Cham bar Un, at the
reildenre. ttl N. Llber'.r St.. Mar M.
Surrlrad br aorta J. Welter Caemborlla,
Portland, and Martin Hollaiter Chamber
lla. Lee Ansiles, Calif.; iiater, Mlaa Blma
Waller. Salami alio eereral aleees aad
aephews. three BTaadchUdraa aad four
sreat-srsndehUdren. Serrtosa win aa
hi Id Tueedar, June 1. at 1 p.m. at the
reildence, set N. Llbertr St., with the
Rir. R. J, Holland offteleltns. Inter
ment at Cltr View eameterr under diree
tloa of doush-Berrlck Co.
CnffarS Farmer
Clifford Farmer, ta that any June I.
leu resident of lost Baclnaw. Aaaeuaee
ment of funeral sartloss lator ar the W.
T. Rladon ehaaoL
Bewerd Rsiaelds
Bowerd Remolds, la Portland, Mar
M. leu reaMeat of Til Canter at, Bae
band et LaRoa Rarnalda of Salem, aad
brother ef Mrs. R. A. Potter of Meaoa
Cltr, Iowa. Member of Blks elab and
Maion cltr Mooes Lodes. Bmplorod or
Bantardi Feod Co. of Sea Jeea, Celif.
Announcement of eerviees later ar the
w. T. Risdoa Chapel.
Dealel (the Colteraa
Daniel EUU CoUeraa. late resldeat of
140 Chemekcta St.. at Portlond, Jane 1.
Huaband of Bertha J. Collaraai father
of Denial aad Joaa CoUeraa, af Belem,
Thomas aad Jamaa. both of OR. Armr;
brother at Rtehelaa, Freeear, Wash, Ter
ra nee ead John. CRlcaee. aad Jeaec
lewai Vary CoUeraa. KaubaU. ID. aad
Bitter Mary Benedetto. DC. of Alham-
bra. caw. aemeoo wut oe weaneeeer.
Jane 3, i s a.m m St. Jeaeph's Catho
lic church. Recitetloa of reoarr win ba
Tueedar erealna, s P.m. as chapel
of w. T. R'sdoa Ca. with eoacladias
ssrrloet si Boasrast Mamerlal park.
The Institute for nurses being conducted here by lead
ers of the profession from the east and from the State
Board of Health waa carried to Salem General Hospital
today. Seated, from left. Miss Marian L. Fox, American
Hospital Association, Chicago; Mora C. Lalor, Oregon
State Board of Health, Portland; Mlas Margaret Glffin,
National League of Nursing, New York City; Mra. Sex
Kimmell. Standing, Elizabeth Mcintosh, director of nurs
ing servile, Salem; Dr. W. Bennett, Salem General Hos
pital medical staff; M. L. Meyers, honorary chairman of
hospital board of trustees ; Miss Lillian McDonald, superin
tendent of Salem Gectral.
Many Class
Campus at
Students from aa far back aa
18B1 were on the campus Sat
urday when alumni of Willam
ette University returned to re-
Dew friendships.
In addition to various class
reunions held during the day,
more than 200 old grads as
sembled at the Marion hotel for
May Rainfall
Over Normal
Rainfall for May waa 1.83
inches above normal, a total of
3.76 Inches being measured, the
monthly weather report re
veals. However, there have
been wetter Mays In past years,
the total precipitation being
more than 4 Inches several
times, the weather bureau
records show.
Only two clear days were
listed for the month ust com
pleted, and there were 27 clou-
ly ones and two partly cloudy
The greatest 24-hour precip
itation waa on May 22-23, .69
of an inch being measured at
that time. There was a little
hail recorded on May 25 and
there were five thunder storms
Aversge temperature for the
month waa 64.1 degrees, or 3.1
degrees below normal for May.
The mean maximum waa 64.1,
the mean minimum 43.7 de
grees. The highest mark for
the month was on May 87
degrees: and the lowest was on
May 11, 33 degrees, Just one
above freezing.
Prevailing wind for the
month waa from the south.
Mid Willamette
Mrs. Robert Dixon
Unionvale Mrs. Robert
(Ore Stoutenburg) Dixon, 87,
a native of the unionvale dis
trict where she spent most of
her life, died st her home at
7 p.m. Thursday, May 28. She
was born at the home of her
parents, Cornelius and Dora
Branson Stoutenburg, Dec, 19,
1896, less than a mile from her
late home. Death was due to a
heart attack.
She is survived by her wid
ower; two sons snd two
daughters, Marion of the Fair
view district, Norria of Amity,
Mrs. Roy Johnson, Dayton, Mra.
Wilbur Chandler ot Grand Is
land district; 12 grandchildren;
six brothers, Kearney, The
Dalles; Elmer, San Francisco;
Wilbur, Unionvale; OrvaL Carl
ton; Marion John, Salem; Har
old, Unionvale; three sifters,
Mrs. Lester Holt, Unionvale;
Mrs. Bert McFsrlsne, Powell
Butte, Ore.; Mrs. Joe Gisler,
Funeral services in charge of
Msey s, McMinnville, were held
at Hopewell Evangelical Unit
ed Brethren church at 2 p.m.
Monday, June 1. Burial waa in
the Hopewell Pioneer ceme
for Wolfkiel
Stayton Earl R. Wolfkiel,
66, Lyons, died in a Portland
hospital Sunday, May 31. Mr.
Wolfkiel waa born at Beloit,
Kan., Nov. 12, 1886.
Surviving is his wife, Mrs.
Lilly Wolfkiel, of Lyons.
FunersI services will be at
2 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, at
the Weddle Funeral Home In
Stayton, with the Rev. Glenn
Vernon officiating. Burial will
be la Fox Valley cemetery.
Reunions on
a dinner meeting Saturday
Dr. Morton E. Peck, profes
sor emeritus of botany and cu
rator of tha herbarium (hat
bears his name, was the honor
ed guest at the banquet Also
recognized waa Prof. Ray L.
Smith, who retired from Ills
position aa lecturer in law this
spring. x
Otto Wilson of Salem was re
elected by the Alumni associa
tion to a position on the board
of trustees of Willamette. Sen
a tor Paul Geddea of Roseburg,
also was elected to the board.
Br. Richard Uplohn of Salem
waa named to a position on the
alumni's executive committee.
Members of the pre-1900
classes on the campus Included
Mrs. Mabel Adair Lockwood.
Salem, 1891; Dr. Frank Brown,
salem, '88; Mrs. Hetta Field,
Salem and Charles Atwood,
Des Moines, Waah., both "97.
Mrs. Grace Brain ard White of
Hawaii, came the longest dis
tance for the ceremonies.
A dozen members of the class
of a half century ago asaem
bled for a reunion. They wen
Dr. Mary Purvlne, Lela Lee,
Nellie J. Clark, Harry W. Swaf-
f ord, Mary GUe, Elma McAllis
ter, all of Salem; Hallie Hillsap.
Gates, ore.; Richard B. Wil
kins, Fresno, Caul; Sophia E.
Townaend, Portland; Minnie
Sheldon, McMinnville; J. G.
Patterson, Klamath Falls and
Nellie Grlswold, Eugene.
Hobby Attacks
New York M Mrs. Oveta
Culp Hobby, secretary of the
Department of Health, Educa
tion and Welfare, charged to
day that any system of social
ized medicine "threatens" de
mocracy and is "unsound from
an economic point of view."
The newest member of the
Eisenhower cabinet spoke be
fore the American Medical As
sociation's House of Delegstes
at a aeasion opening the asso
ciation's 102nd annual meet
ing which attracted more than
16,000 physicians from all
parts of the country.
Mrs. Hobby said she and
millions of other Americans
are in good health because of
the "spendid medical care un
der a private voluntary medi
cal system."
Mrs. Hobby said socialized
medicine would be expensive
'for when the government pro
vides a service the cost of a
round trfp ticket for the dol
lar from the taxpayer to the
government back to the tax
payer must be paid."
Auto Mishap Kills
Aurora Navy Youth I
Aurora Friends have
learned of the accidental death
of Bobby Allen Wimer, 18, aea
msn, U. S. nsvy, son of Joseph
Wimer of Meridisn rosd, Au
rora, and husbsnd of the for
mer Trinna Fay Long.
Young Wimer was killed in
an automobile accident near
Pampa, Texas, last Frldsy.
Besides his widow, father
and stepmother, Bobby is sur
vived by two brothers, Ernest
and Henry, his grandparents,
Mrs. Hsttje Wimer of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCoy
of Broadacrea, Aurora, and two
stepsisters, Annie Lee Long and
Da Lyla Long, at home.
1 t
Year Ends At
All Schools
Dr. Frank B. Bennett for
mer superintendent of Salem
schools, will deliver the ad
dress at the Salem high school
graduation tonight
The program will begin at
o'clock in the high school
auditorium. : The invocation
will be given by the Rev. Wil
liam F. Clay. ,
Following tha invocation.
Keith Johnson will play a
trombone solo. Karen John
son will be the accompanist.
Dr., Bennett's address will
be entitled "Ufa Make It
Commencement' Dr. Ben
nett Is now president of East
ern Oregon College of Educa
tion. After his address Mar-
cia Lee . Bryant will sing a
Dr. Walter Snyder will pre
sent the diplomas and the ben
ediction will be given by Rev.
Clay. ,
The Processional and Reces
sional will be played by tha
Salem blgh school orchestra
with victor Palmason
Salem Junior High schools
will have their commence
ment exercises Tuesday. At
Parrish the program ! will be-
win mt in. is ....e:
net and Jim Backstrand wllllomxao bobjubs nr
give the class addresses. At
Ie.ll. r..r,i. wit, J...e
; e-ai iiauuar-
fhg about 263, the program
starts at 10:30, and Stephen
Little will give the class ad
dress. At those' two schools
the programs will be in the
school auditoriums.
West Salem Junior High
will have its commencement
program at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
graduating 87 students, in the
gymnasium. . '
Sacred Heart Academy
graduating 87, will have its
exercises Monday night In the
auditorium ef Farrlah Junior
St Joseph's parochial school
had its eighth grade gradua
tion Sunday night In the au
ditorium of Oregon School for
the Blind, with Rev. Leo J.
Linahen giving tha address.
New Packing Firm
Opens at Woodburn
Woodburn Three Seaside
men, Philip Hlngston, R. A.
Henningsen, and A. F. March
and, have organized the Ore
gon Farm Products, Inc., and
are taking over processing and
packing at the Woodburn Fruit
Growers Cooperative associa
tion at Woodburn.
The firm plans to start pack
ing strawberries Monday, June
1, and will continue through
the caneberry season. Tom
Gorman, Jr., will continue as
plant foreman as in the past
few yeara and between 10 and
12 people are being employed
now and more will be added
to the force later.
Cambridge, Mass. 0?) Har
vard University Corp., Mon
day announced selection of
Dr. Nathan Marsh Pusey, pres
ident of Lawrence College,
Appleton, Wis., to be succes
sor to Dr. James B. Conant,
who resigned aa Harvard pres
ident latt January to become
U.S. high commissioner to
CompBed from reports af Sclea Sislsrt
.lot the nldoaeo ef Oopllal limatl
Bete a Feed Prteeei
Babbn r.llata tl.M
lie- tV oesl.
04tt-tt (104-lt. baa I.
Est Maah It 30-1 10
Dalrr Feed II
St. bast, IIM WI.I.
realtrr Bartno miee Cltorad rrrora.
Slct eM roosUra, lee: oolertd fowl, Ste;
leehera towL I4ti roaa tare, He.
Be rei
Bartas Ban. AA. ttct btfaa A.
ee-aeci meoiem AA. tacl
41-ltet smell. He.
Whaliiela Frtaae Sea WBotaaele arteea
feneraUr o-la hither thaa tha prtoee
a bore. Lane arade 4 aenerallp oaolod
I ear: maoism, eat.
Bolterfal Burlrte arleol Pram ram ea.
lie; no. . ti-tset He. s. see.
aaitw whom eio srada a pare ma sat.
I Bp Tha iBiiuttl ttoati
Wts Cbshaen . .......
imerteaa Slrttaoa ,
tseerlsaa Peosr A Ua..
tBsnita Tel A Tal ....
.. el
.. I
.. tl
.. tew
Elites Atrstaaa Oe.
oars weraer
Barrows Addlas btaaah.
Call! era to sseatas . ...
Jaaedlaa Paellta
Oaaareuief Tractor M
Celaaaee Cerperettea ..
L Carraler Corporattaa
. 11
. It
. is
. s
. Slit
CeaeeUdotad Belioa
CeaaeUdeted Valtas
Jreva Selleroaeh
Curttas Wheal ,
Ooaslae Atrerert
Da Peal do Nemours
11 tt
Oeaerol BMetrlo
Oeaoral Poias
Oeoeral Meters
Oeema roe. Plrwul
Qiedriar Tire
Bemeateke kualaa Co.
Entente ueael HerasstB .
Dthtraauaaal Paper
Jertta MobvuIo ...e
E alter Alemiaaa ..............
Banaacott Capper
Uker MtRsU
Leekbood Aircraft
Locoes raoerporatoi
Laos Rett
14 ante amen Were
. 11
, SI
. 00
. I4e
i 40 tt
, Ft
, St
, sett
, so
, Sk
. i
, u
, B
, 11
, J
, S
, SS
Hash Rerrmaeer
Bow Tork Caatisl
Hertbera Paetfls
Pactfte SBerteoa Path
Peetfie Oas A EJeetrle
Peetfle Tal A Tel
Packard Motor Cat ..
Penney. J. O '
....... M
11 tt
, It
pennsylrenle R. B. ....
Pepsi Cola 00.
PhUeo Radio ''
Radio Corporation
Raronter taeora.
Raranler taoerp. PM. ....
RepuaUs Steal
Remolds Metals ...
RlahfleM OH
aafewar ateree lac
aeett Paper Co.
Been, Baebaik A Co. ...
aoooar-TaouuB OH ...
Southern paslfls
Standard OH Cellt.
Standard Oil M.J. .......
atadabaktr Cera. .......
... ISMj
,.. M'l
,.. V.
... 43
.. II
.. St
.. t
Swift A Oe at pens
TTaneamartca Carp,
Twentieth Oaa lory Pes..,..
Duma on oamaasr ......
.. 10 to
.. 14
... MS
Oaloa Pselfls .
Doited Airlines
Dotted Aircraft ....,...,
uaitoa tCTpereww .
unites ate lee riroood.
, SSVi
, SS
Doited etetes Steal ............
Werner pfckerea ..............
Waters Oaloa Tot.
WaeUashewe Alt Brak.
.a.......... arm
woottaa aoaas Biatrial
Row Task leV-The steak atarkot aa
ad lower MsaSar with esorrlar tooro
bur oe arteea SiBltaid
xa the nrea rear aoasu, SSMss assrn
wee bsiiiIiI ta aa
mlinom. Oa Frtdar, tos ett aharea trades
la tho sbtwosl mine af the
Chieaso tin BuppUis Bedersts, akv
Aaa lotT-etow, Baraat ostu.
Traak aafVi (tt U. a. 1 an!
staled: Artaaaa Till aw Bitmaaai a to
l-tnch aar LWl teusklal salas eWrrcred
tobotas atreet eaaJe Berth Taxaa orpstai
waa s to l-tnah asuiouimaee aar US.
atroot talea (at oe.): Tsaaa Tallow
Bcrmadaa S ta S-heth lsa-l lt. s-hath
aaa tarter aeose xaa arena
t-laah aad tarter lAe-l.Tt; errata! Waa
Ohteaaw essteaa "
S ta S-toeh 1.T4-1JS, s-htth aad Ursar
lew SMB-utti Artaaaa Tellew aotiuBodaa
I to S-taeh 1; Oraao l-tneh aad
larscr 1 w-l.os: Crpstal Waa 1 to I
Inoh I B-t ot ; M-ttt. sacks White Bon-
en few 1.M-1JII CtttUorale Oraao
i mm om imt i.m-M
I m The ftret miaotamtiai
lenarmas as rrmamene oauer otraw-
Hrna swMiree aero anis
brousht la atoadap ar srowers from
the caatr aad tmshaa eUetrlcta.
est MsntieUo sokt wholesale lor ft to
a erete. top aueutr praretasas straw
bertres aold tar St. Maamwhua. retailer.
peaa sa as ror tao post tTatuaraia
FortleaS Oreta
Portland W) Ooarae mlas ua pastil
Wheel (bid), to errlre market, belle
No. 1 balk, del reared coast: Sort white
in: soft whits (escladlar Boa) IJ1
trhlla aluk 1.17.
Moadar's ear raeelota: Wheat sit Wr
ier 1: floar.ll; aora Mi oaM Ti Bill
teao a. w
Cbtloara Orala
Chleato trt Wheat, eora and tats
aold et new Iowa ilnoe lsts B a sharp
price decline sa tbo board at trade
Prleee tumbled eereral easts B an
Its pits as falrtr hearr aantaa aanni
ed aa estremelr thai ted lesaand. Rrekere
saw Bothbar new ta the arete picture
Honoap, put pouted ta larse suppliers,
limited storete room aad reduced ex
port demand el fatten behind the
What at one time said et
Pries efneo March st, ISM,
low luce Aus. It. 1S44 and aaa as a
tow etneo Apm re. ipso.
wneet ctoaad It tt 1 eonta lower.
July 1103-. aora IW-lw, lower, July
ll.U4.-1t. aau -lt lower, July -.
rer 4(4-4 lower, Julr HJt-. eay
beana aaehaased to Its tower, July SS.M, and lera s oente lower to is
eeau a hundred pounds hither. July
Ckleoow Uaotteek
tThieecc vtv-Frleas oa Bee lets stared
s another St to Tt ernta a honeh-ad
pounds Mondar la top tt the hie heat
pea since Oct. L lttl. One lood at
sit.M pushed to the new record tor
recant rears.
cattle were tho wast aumeroao f
a month but maintained a noeUr etoscty
appearaaos oaapared with lam ereaks.
oloilna trade. Sheep were steady.
Llthtwalihl hntoher hsaa attained the
Procter price adreataac The seaeral
""a was from to t3t.Tt. Sewa
feu wihla a 130 31 to til It bracket.
Cleerenee was lood oa the attimttod
l.soo host oa tele, few eat for a X'ettdar
la a month.
Oood to orlSM ateera aold omM. i
130.01 ta til 44 la aertw V.i
rood to prttM heifers from lists to
133 to. One load of heifers reached lit to.
Cows topped et HI M. Bulls at UM.
ad realen et til 00.
Two loede af chotos akt-srop eh am
lambs want at 034 tt. bet there wesa'l
murh else ot oualltr at aar elect.
Ritlmeted arrleala tnelnA. aoaaa
cattle, toe earns, snd I, SOS shssp. '
Fart laid Urtelaok
Fortlsad ttst-aiaoehtar etaert aad
heifers were sold frmo sa .
doner hither at the opeatna af tha
worth Portland Urea took market lodsr.
ceiia aalatli 1400. Market tatrlp ac
tire an small sapplr steere. Caws alow:
ores so per coal af aapptr eowa. Few eowa weea buhi about etoadr.
stoeksr aad feeder elaaaee essree. Fin
leedt hlah toad te ahoaaa aaa to taa-m
tlsnrhter stem P4-B; lood Ml Sa, ei
otter prmei lew email lots oaataerelal
to lew ' lood atom 1414-3314; eeelter
trts still tr ta lew anoeniif . tH (a-
M: one lood toed ITS-la. elaalhler kelf
ert Mi eommerelal aad lood helfera lt
31; tew atuitr downward te it: few
atllltr aad eoamerelel eowa ta.ts ao
omen tot editor eowa 11: tow atuitr and'
eommerelal hunt 1140-11; ae hearr
buiu aid early.
ceiea salable two. Moderately eetlre
early aelaa atoao. a.a i
ead ahetot IUM slsuahter aalra and
sealers n-Mi add heed Mi a time os
oommerslal sradae It-13.
aoss saleele Ma. laoderatelp ectrre
herrewe and IHU aoatlr .Tt hlehar;
eowt at hither. Bulk ahem let-334 a.
eumnen pi-ST.Tti few Sot to M4-!e.
.t-ll, ehoKo MS to MS-. tews1
Bheep lttt, aiaushtar aowtao kak
opeamE JO te 40 hie nor. other oleeea
teear w wees; tew choice end prime
01 to ltl-R). sprtnt Ilea h tor M tt-M at;
rasa lets load sprlaa lambs 14 tt; few
mas food and ehotee eld crop shorn
tombs with He. I end I eelta te, Hi
few can end atuitr ahera sUashttr
iowus aaa
Dorsey R, Saspell, fire- ,
man, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fran. E. Caapell of 832
Bieber street, Salem, Oregon
who Is serving aboard tha
destroyer escort USS Wist- -man,
operating with the V.
6. Seventh Fleet In Korean ;
waters. Prior to entering the '
Navy In July, 19S0, Caapell -attended
Salem high school. '
TJ. 3. lftvy photo)
poutlanb ntowvcw usr
Ralterfat Teoiatleo. euUeet ta tav
Ba4iete ehanse; Premium aaalltr. bsest
toum M ef eae per cent aetdltr de
Ilrsred m Portland at-lla Ib.t ttret aab
llr S1-7t,; n nod woalltr. 44-41 a Velar ,
routes and country potBte. I eeats leas.
Baltaswwhciasalo tea. ours cubes to
wholesale, Erodes aa. of ssera, tie;
A Erode. IT scare. See; a N score, tee:
C, M seers, S3 a. Aeon prloaa atrteuy
Ckceae Seined sties ta Portland
wholesalers, ' Oroaoa etna tea. 43-teei
OresoB s lb. teal, eUA-tlttc; brlpetta,
IMe etas thaa alaslae.
ana to Wtetoieisri candled ana
eoatalalas aa leas, eases IBalttaod Lea,
Parti and. A (rode terse. ItH-elTe: A
trade medium Il-t1l a erode lante.
rarttaaa parry Baraaa
print. Ilat A aarlaa. He: A prutta, flat
eartoat, Ttet R prtatt, las.
Bsaa to stiSaiiee Candied L a. k.
Partlaad: Uaaraood larse. etc ekuvi
arade AA lane. Me daa.1 A urn ua dee.
saosisB sas nee.: A areas i
aaa. A Erode assalla aimlml
41 -43c: A larae It SSi: AA R
oast A miniam. si-tec; a
Me. Cart ape l oaa to odifWoaol
Orasaa etna tee. -toa. t-Bt. laarea,
f l-tsc: trtpiots. ISM Mas than tta
staa. praauaa annas sraaisa, oceaoo
L, Stc FitilMtt Aatartoan ahilia.
t-lb. Mares as retail, 4IVb-44a B. -
Lera Htlibiaa Ota. I
olanfa.1 Prrers. Itba tke. 11-lSe
Ba, Si-Wet roaiton. 4m Ba. tad tart,
31-tSct hoary bans, all wolshta, 3t-ata
utht hens, all wetshm, M-Stai eed rooat-
ers, re-isa.
retaUare. Prrars. breUere. 40-414 B.
reaiteis. aa wta. ee-aiet nant nana.
M-Mej hearr bona, ttai ems-op tryota,
aa wte, ee-oia bm waats en we, es-aaa
Riltsa ATaraaa to arowerm Lrea
whites, 4-4 ats, al-Slel t- tbe-, St-lle
la.: aoloroS edta, 4e m. under: old
does, 10-144: few hither. Fresh dreseed
fryers to retailers. ts-41ej aal ap, tt-slt.
Coaattp BHIed MeoM
Veel-Tep oualltr SS-Mp aV.1 reach
beerlee te-sse.
Ushl so-Sfe. -
lossbb Beat, 01-444 SM rearllmsa.
M-las m.1 caa-sUlltp,
nt Dttttar aows. ro-rso rvi linear- -
cutters 14-sm: ahella down la Sis. , .-
tt. 00-41. H; lood. tT.M-40.Nl commercial.
le.ts-ll.Ni atuitr. rsAO-SSCOi eowa. .
ooiuutersiai. n.BO-31.M. atuitr,
M.00; eannar-auttera, 3t-fle-3S 04,
ear na (onetoe stoenu. onotd
auartsrs,; rouBda. 4l.N-4J.oe;
fuU loins, trimmed. W.N-W.N; tn
antlea, so.M-l3.eo; fore-ettartare; Hoo
ts. Mi ah ticks. 11.00-41401 ribs. 44 ea-
le. 00.
Veal aaS Carraa Oood Ihtaee, lie-cot
eommerelal, 414-44, .
smaaee tyiMtos-prrssa, aa-ea me., see ,
: saoc oprlms laatas. en one
prtma. 044-tL
mat teat uooa enotoe,
Perk OutaLelna. Na. L 1-11 Dm. MS. '
Mil ahoutdara, is Ike, 140-41, opera
rlbe, to4si fresh heme, 10-14 us.. w
pora cereesaea, lso-lTl ma., lie-as.
aaaai Rams Sklaned. tal -44, Sta-
naed lard at drama, 413-14. to, elab keo-
Oeeery Oak Sal trala, l-lw, doe.
t3 34-4-1S. Pew oa 14.40, Ore. SSJSe '
13 M.
Oaloas M Bt, aaeks Wat Orasaa pee.'
lews, mid. Bo. la, 3.34-3.00; i-ia. Bis.
8.44-4.041 aemmerolsl 140-1.001 Telle
errstal was, I.K-l.oe; Tsasa iraaas, 1.34
Tt: Oallf. red Oloba. mad- 4.44-311 mi-
laws, mad, t N-Se.
asieiiis orossa araaana res 1 a ea ,
TI: same kraada 4A4, u rba, ata A.
1.34-14; is lb. maah. 44-toe; lootl Ruo
ats, Re. 1A, 1.04-3401 Calif, leas whites,
Na. IA. t .04-3 Ml Oallf. lens whltee. .
Re. 1. I.TI-tJI.
aar w. t a sreea airaira, aa.
hrared oar arts Lea. Portland, aomraal.
ly Mia tool Betttle, E30-M.
wan qraa oasis, winsawa was.
tine end half-blood. ee-43. WUltmatta
Veuer lamb wool dSst 11-month wool,
Mitali el tie lb. as U-menth Brow.
th, f o.b. aoantry ahlpplnE potatt.
lla Frednoers pertaf price rot.
Portland, eslf skins. 11-331 lb. accord-
tne to eoodltloBi ireea alps 11-lSi lb.:
sreea oow htdea, t-lls lb. aeaerdtas
to wiuni ana ausutri ecu niose, 4-ea
lb.; Hoe hldea. M per aeat below arteea
for ebon elames.
FUaorte Wholesale eelUne arlaa. Ha.
I Bedlam Beraeloaaa, St-IM . ohaU
ed. ts-tie lb.
Waiaau Wheleeela aal 11 no ajrteaa.
first eualltr lone Pranonettee, tl-roa
la.i shelled, Usht amber haltee, PS-Tee
m. eani asirae, re-ess la.
Partlaod Slat aide Merest' "
Portland Itstpirat rati priat tat Np
WUlemette roller atrewberrlea tare Mar- .
ahella from tha Cuabr aad OreehaB
dutrlcB tho lead oa the Portland Base.
stoe Farmers martit today. ,
Marahells aold lot U to a 13 -coal flat
lor top aaalltr aad Nardil ua
at H it to II. The Mason's tlrrt locoo
berna brousht M oente a pound.
Suprlla ef load sreea talons wan
limited aad went to wholeealon for N
rente doeen kuaoha: eabbase from the
BM-Colambla ana weat a wholesalers
et M.W-l.Tt. pea from the asms 41a
trtet MM tor ta.M-4.TI tor te-pound
boaoa aad lettuce want ta retell en at
aeaur Bi.0e-e.1s.
lew. I T Ua, RJX Or. V Ohaa a
Cpwaaara, Ml Novth UkBlj
Offta saaa Batwraae onir m bj
la I am. I to 1 mm. OeaoolteRaa.
easoa prssoara aaa artaa teem art
free af oheree Praetleed etnoe nil
' rev -i.r,-are -.
e 4 .4oev.t
t BawV4
- -e-v a a . m .
4. a -1 j '.1
"i :."
-4,4, ej 1 it.t 4 v ej..a pt