1 aw- 8tHty. My 30. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. OrfM 9 To Kiss, or Kill DAY MINI ; . V, ' CHilTB 10 Ilia OBWlktaTOkar wmmrtmA M.. weioh and looked at the tii.y, Uj tijui. Th.n he took the glass out of his eye. rawiiil tbS btck OB the WSd iZTS E'.JfiL11 ' Klolln . mlrtw. Bu I u tot jwi -I'll take it," Mandril tald. ' I pawnaroasr lined out a ticket and pn MandeU a card to aign when e got the money from '.- ?ft . Street ewaiu, aaanoan oougni a Ptckatt of cigarettes la a flxugatura, than Blood on the comer of iltwan Aeno. debating what to do. ' i flipping bis ckaratta lnta (ha attest, he thrust two fingers into his mouth and whittled down a "Wentworth and Trtrrty-elghtti" he told the driver. "Ill WU you where from there." A he ssttled hie bulk against the leather up Iwkuery. he added. 'And aome- woera along the line. I want to but a doz oc candy and aome Stovers." -Right," th driver tald. ' He knew his celebrities. "Say, you're Barney MtntieU, arent you?" MandeU rote holding his top- u am iae. -inaie ngni - r let Tau out nf jau, nuny -oo would term.'' tA oold wind, with a feellnf of rain or sleet In It, turned the corner with the cab. Nothing had changed. The old ona-stori run and red-brick house looked a nuto shabbier, that was til. Mandell picked up the bos of candy and the roses from the teat beside him. ' AU Ma had tot him do was to have the old house painted, buy ber a new washing machine, and stuff the parlor with a radio phonograph and a tetorauon set. MandeU climbed the tagging stairs. Before he could use his key. Rosemary opened the door. "I hoped you'd come, Barney." She smiled. "Ma read the morn ing paper. She knows you're been released on ball." MandeU stood dwarfing the small hall, his topcoat draped over one arm, holding the flowers and candy, he'd bought, "Where It Mt" Rosemary tald, "In the kitchen. Getting you a big breakfast. She was so certain yoa would come." Rosemary told her hand on Man cells arm, the amile fading from ber Iks. "But for God's sat dont ao nut door. Pat swears hell beat your brains In." The sick feeling returned to MandeDt stomach. The brtoi Lflow bed experienced faded. "Why? Why should Pat want to beat my brains lnt" "You dont knewf" "No." A small woman with bird bright ayea hurried down th hall. Ma MandeU had beard their voices, floe was wiping her flour ed hands on her apron. "Barney, my boyl" She looked at Rose mary reproachfully. "And you said I shouldn't feel bad If Barney eoudlnt coma home tfato morn ing" She lugged her big son around bis waist and triad to lift him off hit feet. "But I knew Bar ney would corns to see hit ma. And took. Me brought me rosea and candy." aha dabbed her ayes with a cor ner of her clean white apron, toughing and crying at the ssme time. "But here I am, making like an old fool. And you must be hungry, Barney. Such a big man to feedl" Clutching the roses and the five-pound box of candy to her shriveled bosom, Ma MandeU hurried back down the hall to ward aha kitchen. "Breakfast to almost ready, Barney. Come. By the table all It will be Just like old timet. MandeU walked Into me shabby parlor off the hall and (laid his topcoat and hat on the sofa. Rosemary followed him Into the parlor and sat on the arm of a chair. twinging one nylon-sheathed leg. "Who put up your bell?" MandeU lighted a cigarette and blew the smoke at the tear -dropped crystal chandelier. "A guy named Curtis." "Who's he?" MandeU tried to teU her. Be tried to teU her what had hap pened in the office and eouldnt. instead he ran his hands over his face and Just stood looking at ber. The freckled-faced little kid next door had moved Into the big time as far as looks were con- Rosemary was amused. Think youTl know ma when you aea me again?" - "I think to," MandeU said. Be tilted her chin with a crooked forefinger. "Now you look at me. Do I took eraty to you. kid?" Rosemary said. "I answered that down at the station." . "Anyway I was." ' ACROSS ' 1. Cupid I. Clumsy boat .Actual IS. Singing bird II. Untruth It English composer 1J. One opposed 18. Utility . 17.Tsvems IS. New Testa ment: sbbr. 11. Mourns Jl Near S3. Shade tree St. Tear St. Thin outer costing St. Close 12. Encoursge SJ. Biblical priest Ii. Ancient Greek portico It. Gaelic . sea god ST.Offlcisrot ancient Rome St. Bitter veteh 40. Unit of work 41. Of s muilcal sound 41 Steep 4. Pertaining te a period of time ,45. Principal 47. Scold 4f. rsrosle sheep SI. Quote 14. Japanese tithes SS. feminine nicknsme r a T r-rrr -w"-" ra tn,jr W tt trw-r w "rvTiiH--3'"" r. rlf-nTf rr , "'t i5" rr 1- rr-- ir I M M II 111 1 iLl "Woo said sol" "Or. Ofta Mania" "That agosentrla ausak." : mary told her hand on his anal again. Loot Barney. ' the doctor at the asylum "Thsy were pusslad. Tbsy went over me with everything they had! and eouldnt find a sign of a brain I injury. ut my record wi "You mean the hallucinations! you told me about this morning?! riding your raaor In the ice-cubs I treyr Hearing oeus and tow that didn't exist T Wrtnrtnc a I parrot's neck? t ft-i"- foul caught your wife In bed with an other man?" i "That's right MandeU ran bis fingers through his hair. "I never saw the cut before ar since. II couldn't Be didnt exist Bse? It was all in my mind on account of I me oavuig tssen wo ms punches." -uaie expuunaa n to your That'i rtaht," "But whv stay in aha asyluml for two years?" I "Because Dr. Harris thought it wss best He mads ud a case his-1 tory on me, and the brain doctoral out at the asylum read it an said ha wee right" Look, Barney. If yon ware a flat-footed punohsr . who took three to land one. It would be a oinerent matter. But you arent. I You never have been. You've al- ways been a boxer, ainca vou won I your first Golden Glove touma-l ment, you havent taken enough punishment to break an egg, let alone scramble the few brains In that thick head of yours. You're no craaiar man l am, .Barney. I "Then whv did I hear and seal and imagine the things I did? And why did they go away ss soon at I stopped fighting?" Rosemary's amue was wry. "Be lieve me, that's something I'd like to snow MandeU got a little hot "I tun- pose you and Fat and John andl Joe think I should have tone on! scrambling for a fast buck until I blew my top and maybe murdered Gale?" Rosemary stood up and put both nana on ms arms. no, narney. ueueve me. au 1 want, au I've ever wanted. It what to beet for you." MandeU tilted her ohm and slued her. "Thanks." Rosemary surprised him by re turning his kiss. For a moment her body wss soft against hit. - MandeU was shocked. "Rose mary!" Sobbing, she said. "You're stiU In tove with that society dame you married." She groped her way to the front door and slammed It behind ber. UandeU stood looking at the closed door. life was too complicated, i. (Te Be Centinaed) High School Plans All Set Salem high ' school's bacca laureate services and the com' mencement exercises will both be held in the auditorium at the high school. The baccalaureate) program will be Sunday night at 8 o'clock and the commencement exercises Monday night at 8 The baccalaureate sermon will be by Rev. George C. Rose berry, district superintendent of the Methodist church. Invo cation and benediction will be by Rev. Paul W. Barnett At the commencement pro gram Monday night the speak er will be Frank B. Bennett, former Salem superintendent of schools, now president oil Eastern Oregon College of Edu cation at La Grande. Diplomas will be presented the more than 900 graduates by Dr. Walter E. Snyder, city sup erintendent of schools. Processional will be played by the high school orchestra, directed by Victor Palms son and with Ray Utterback at the organ. Keith Johnson will play a trombone solo, accompanied by Karen Johnson. Marc is Lee Bryant will sing, accompanied by Laurel Herr. Invocation and benediction will be by Rev. William T. Clay, pastor of First Church of the Nazarene. IOINCJE:i5ITIE!RI I . jLIADc.NL . telutlsa ef Yestsrsss Parte M. Short Jacket ST. Diplomacy M. Explosive ts. Unit of force DOWN 1. Ardor I Have IWorthlsai lesvl:g Iftylncpsa LAstrlngsnt g.Oo up T. Sharp I. Dried grapes t.Sssesgle lartmlnina name 11. For fear thai 50. Rice paste SLTbree:, SS. Purceful 15. rstberbooi Js.Vslley. H. Biblical charsetst rs. fragrant U.rinethretd 30. Learning II. Direction S4.Tbollndei IT. Greek letter IS. Old musical sole 44. Remainder 44. Chilled 47. Decay ifcArsblsa . slseveleN garment St. Pale 51 tOOO pounds 51. Com peat Tiro sorts . , - - " - liat-., 1 f HM THC HtXM WOJJM )f tkJT IWOQt VOU STMT TO JJH VOU fsH C0MaSI9tS3NBLTitS tAS0iV3 LOCATED A DCOG61ST WWO SAW ht) , Tm -A L-V I I ikmmTlyZaZi Hi lu68 toots NfcAkTwt cujb Atour L J i ? iJ J-n5?fl D III " ' v 1 1 V H f T?JA 1 II 1- 'adaa-r.il ,1V r i a .i aw ..i-i I rtyas iTn? H'rTi J-t-f f SSfJU1 etALTMrmMMijf'j tvrejtrsvWreiev K , I . tfetjp i orumt ORPHAN ANNIE . .;--- -. . , V . "'"':., T7i'?yelLm fjgg I WWW TrgMSlJL T"l NO I VW JUST 6PMTV I I T0 Qkl tWTHUG A P0KT THPR. I adb aanaa . . , i I fXaSY WSm MAMMY. TV SWarVT BUAMoCESrTTO .. j I IFONL- NO OF OCE BACK TOTTT-MOPE DAISY MAE AMD TMCNMHS MAW FXJTURSi BAfT f. DOGWATCH OS4C DAff CASUJCSU 1 HER CHILD WILL BS HAPey " ""P TOPHaIDtAWV V HOT COULD OF HAD HEft . VO' IS S. WITH CEOL ft. D M1LDKW . VCf ?-HOIVUS4.-r IMOASED FO IT AN" THAR JEST 1 I I HAKpSOME. HONEST AN SWEET. S , TO-TWi) BUT HE'S CHEAP. A WARMT M OTHIA M rJtiT.AOCORDIN'TOTH'OODEO' 1 1 ,, OSLt AN'OMSANITAIW -" BOV AVAILABLE? V'l dfe TH" HILLS, THAR' HOTMIST40 Jtj, U - 'I UKEWfSB.MC'SBAD.XsOH I ,V HOPELESS AS A 0O6PATCH tLM- W r. TEMPERED AN r OrJlrS- . f7Jf Yft INGAOMEMT" l' J; HOPALONO CA88IDT ' : j, . . .... . , I i inTTwJru2l--i f n-tifTiir" I wnksot oortrrmm THBt we'll no m, I ouprose we tact tth I I T hmuscx I Buse on H6 himo be lif i wwt 10 take I w thb laic cents. J K 1 aseWtHCTEl5 notes, ( own me off awn? 6iDfcj nan! he oKT tw Tom newer , B r tm imnt fJnaf IV. w rterrtNLEV rr I ee hk mm hew. JL mat m mat! l II 5 tV tuvnm met to vwj a A tS- L J I It JS III 9J3PP- rl lTi 11 .111 A wiTsraraw up n M Mil li I II. IV rtT0tW II r II Mil i m i 1J JZWI I, VvixV xWJ I ,1 MUTT U IETW . - ' - - ' . J IrfjTJ T nPlSIT JVEH.BUT I A k Xuiei I tup mam ( SOI BOUGHT r. Vr: TV A NEW YTuNK r GOT WHV? ;rin Vrrb TWO OF THEM 1 REX MORGAN. M. D. . - I II I If " T I P"- 1 affvK I r TtU. W. CSg. MO-SAM POAl1 L A. SPBO-IC.' d I TM CONDITIONS SOW R7U. I I VOU HAVE A PBNSiON PIAM -jv f I IM BUSY THIS lAOTOIN-IL- .lB I PBOPUB 5SBM TO ACCEPT ,1 tHrV I I SBT UP FO? JUNE WH-N V H II UUJ ' AKM-VSKIA WCQ1L J II f Rfi-ffl Iw WITHfMT OfSTION' 1 T CV 1 I I SUB Be?nSE4 FSXMA l v I I I H'vM'sswfvUU Vmi r V: oSci m mm veaks r JIIULW Na-rins irnMJ i jrrisr-, -txmju MAST W0ETH I I ! 'r I ' tV, nitH A-0tl.l6HTFUL EXPtWtNCE. LTV1N& n lltTsUWtWMAQUITtOlfFtRENtSORTOfAfAMILV.. 11 j I Si I I MtI!eTr.AN0AHtATtNIN6 0MfJ ABIftfSMIOf I "AfATHtR AND AH IN AK)8H0OIW6tTONe MAN5I0W... ' mm f ABM Tills L l, e. .r WrjaUHIAUWWe0lff WHC4M0S4, Jlf! WWrUKWIfrv .S VTOOWN RAPMABV..! J"E1 1 I --' .. ..... . .. ...a-..,- i 1 .,-.... 43 .-si. t. W- .4 aL-. f MONDAY IKGW K0IN KEX j kSLMJ KGAE IK0C0 El ; set wac sve cas us aac isss mmd saw a. c ust us sms- f"" Staaf Jf Ith Om SMS si ana aeteaa kas tww . Km Cmmi . s J Has sss -. rwatw Cmi as tv Sfetama tmm tM Sw OmI f a, sm, WMt KktoMl ' litm ' MM. tat la CssaaS . WAV . m1. . seja (Mttn - - Baa west Lakv mm ' iiirto gS!'LJ!a "Jf-Jg" sxaav" TtSIer- " liP'ZLF'0" c4 Waaay Itaale BwM aaat lawltv ' JL wa lemrt Sm aaaerwa UK, - brtu ggg g AS-Va wSS a5ailI,, T.K" "Tv K Si-, ee,. Siri-sii7:i a" BMkaat Naanal ew oatt Ulnar -JT. r Siraaa Saaae iwa. Saw BWaT SS Sari wlas " !f " " yg?-- ' SSg a5T- ; ' awaagetf IwaPeW sTaasssaweT Bjsjij Bfejaawaaaam f IIkaaaMM - - - 4 . "? i4 assw taakTTT ,Zi M vsaTBsS, jiaaewti TtaaS o.gsMiisl. 4 TZiZ alLluiZ ! s?! g!e 5s g'a5 saayaaTisaiartr a staau Bm) mutt, ssaa. BSMaMvae I CM ruasall . MaaT E S3 wTlSl. T 1 1 lislis Saw ares fciaaaf OlaS H Km It y??B-'w " taaaaae Uaa Base. PaaM tats ' " E5r7 " ; :W Mx kWafeM oa m Ua 1r Ba ea Man . ZTT"..--rj TOw rahas tan, awlal! BM. ulTor) fMttsSlsl eTUSS etas9asTMaT .,,-.- tA gaMWtBa baaafavaaataaaaaaat tatlakamal - tTVsMPaaJelMIt aeVenBSmBa) ISValtaaatt aTVfsal Jaalav taataa Sfaaw ' ' traaS IMS m Ja Bats. WMtBaw, g thrtv . ,. v'iua'. !U ..1T. -? Ja hm rawaa sawtf . t .. . Ttart lua . :4i kJmm aaKat Mmm tw, Wlrtt n. Bi!S l,Ul5i " taSWai taMat Slari Nlekl Saw' :1S saarte ratal Vae a Warinaaat Taaa aMaal Kaaa " MWkt tame !!!! C."'ltal " Baaai Tbat I . "Wa Saas T'11 lawlliam taat - Paaai TUaa CanaaUaa WtraS Saas ! Btwa . Ctaajaav Daaaa Ttea Vaataw . . Nlakt aaac :fg U SlaOaB . raraaa . Baaaa tkaa SMaMe NUrat Saaa :SS CNr OaaaaB araaM ; Baaat Tea sfaataw . MaaS Baat '. U:4S OHy ClaaaU Maala Oaaaa Taaa ' ' 1 Wilt Baat BKtlawa OSI 'sBeat Baaai aa7la1llals Maa Istja Ml " TUBDAY AM. flMaaa Taaa iBFB Oteaaeai Shaw tjaaa Sfc-nataat IWa IsSX Saaa Tkaa Ben BJaat latBSkwra mi it lis at Waa! j Z !!! ! ram Baat Itoaa aii.Hil ran NeaT a taaa BOW Akat ram that BataraVM mat Hm M Cmit BA BOD) IkS FH BaWSaa Km BlilliS mtllilli.l'" t.nJaaaafWM Maaa M. Ai.aiMi Smtlaal aaa SaaaBtoak - fifiaeae Heva - iat Hull Oau - iktlll KaaaEkaa 4Mb tuaasae BaSattl SaS taaaa Saw tarai ' aaa,Blal l-ea OM taaaa Caa. Baaa SaaaaOaS CaaB (km iaataaa saUaak I:n 04 eaata tava VaAa Bnahtaat , PaaS akav najtaaar sBM ' :4 Waaa Baa SMaa Tnat Braaataat ' Baaaa at rtajBaaav - S i llGklaalaaVaa Oal taatat dak Baal ImBaaAr jj. ' t:SS Naaa . Baat Lata " I aa Baa. Haaa a. Brnxa - l!S I; JL ITS" 5?" haiaar m. a fits klasla Baa Bf. BHIaai Tarw u a i'in Oal Mr. Santa Baa. t:41 T. Uaautr Oats, law arms jSTSS, .! iSg SUiT I- ItiM tia, taatM ID. eataaat otaa Baaat Beak Sam !U Bavaaaa ram- ManaWwal ar ..a. . awaaaaa IS it tMk. at Hata kWakaMr Traa . ; urn sua Ba saaaa be t: Btak BH-,Biar Oa SSatr ltaa" 'araiaa aaaaaSa ll:tt Baekat at ManeaaaJwrlipnairtTHIa taw BaaB Saaaa Baia U:U "- orax aaMalcaaauatlai ueas taw a nasi M Baa h- , IkiShU sjaaaa tat. Saak saaaa Ban UlCtaatBaea Tarty taaaat Baatl aW - haaaaaaa I BlinSi MAX UBTINQ frt Af alaataf A. ILl IStSS, Baa AV taWAa Waataatl tSOS BaaaaatW tat at ilia sikia Taan 11 a. Bunts Ii ISiSS, SMaa Wnlkm isiat, Baaa wa awatl tilt, ASLEEP IN CLOSET 8tn Francisco tut The Pat rick Oreent ere frantic when they eouldnt find their VT alter, S. - , While police, soldiers and most of the neighborhood turn- Three fat One! In this pattern, an entire sun-fun etuemble for young-timers I A princess sundress with bolero and panties what could be better for daughter's warm weather wardrobe I So est-to-make and Iron I No. S3W Is cut In sites I, a! I. . else 4: Dress, bolero and panties in all one fabric require i yds. of So-ln. only I , . Bend We for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number end site. Adlress PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, WS Mis sion Street, San Pranclsoo I, Calif. ROOM BOARD NATURALLY I DIDNT DISCLOSE IDEA 70 THE CHEMIST.... AND HE'S GOING TO MAKE A LIQUID AMXTUHE WHICH WILL GIVE OFF YELLOW SMOKE WHEN EXPOSED TO AIR, BUT WONT 8URN....HES CHARGING f 35 TOR A PINT OF CHEMICAL AND THE FORMULA TO MAKE IX MYSELF AfiAM ON THRESHOLD Ail OF asT.. 1. at - -1 . . f 0 . .y. t. . . M. . Ulsa,tiasanMlliask T0 1 1 :44 AJsi. KOAC. WI i ttSl, ctaVttaaw Tkialm aita, aag tmlai tria, Bvaahw tana aan ties, slaaa. ' ,4 ed out to look tor him, 'Walter was discovered la a closet 1 the Green home sound asleep. Carol Curtis Pattern CaaL Lacv-Trlatatad Perfectly lovely tissue silk, linen or cotton "dress-up" blouse in a pastel or oars color zor aurnmer la trimmed with an elegant and easily-made satin cord, cords and nylon lace trimming seeded with, tiny rhlnestones or pearls. One side of trim Is crocheted, the one. half Inch nylon lace la just gaUi ered and sewn under the cording. Beauurui in silky wniie on pina or blue linen or shantung I Use on blouses, skirts, sweaters, Brldsf l .... i-' Bend too for the Party Blouse and Cord Trim (Pattern No. 416) sites 11. IS, It. IT. all crochet In- ' structiont, actual slse sketch, finishing details TOUR NAMX, ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER and SIZE to CAROL CURTIS, Osoltal Journal, tss Mission t street, San Pranclsoo 4, Calif. . j By Ahrea ' BEING ONE OF MILLIONS OF 60LFERS WHO LOSE BALLS. I SAY Y0UU.BE IN THE CHIPS LIKE A BEAVER,, , IF IT WORKS; THE 'eotssoNCt. GONCTwa... S0LD..-T0THI MAN IN THE COONSKM CAP. THE WEALTH UbMMl 1 1 i -w " -a - a . es. - V (ff U' - m : .!i - 1 9 -Ma "- I' M . "5 I' It' .'II I ! 1 i : V. 1 . 1 af . . .