Pitt I . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SJ. Onge Satnrdar. Mar SO, 1951 Church and Clu b Groups Active Woman' Society of Christian Service of the Lesli Methodist church wiU BMt for dessert on Wednesday alter Doon at 1:30 In the church parlors. Hostesses art VI ra. E. A. Rhoten, Mri. ' Edwin Thorn, Mrs. Earl Strode, Mrs. Clara Siegfried, and Mri. R. R. Rumui en, Mri. Ernest P. Goulder, secretary t spiritual life for the Oregon confer ence of the society, and newly elected president of the Salem Council of Church Women, will Install the new officers and ' conduct the devotional service. ' .. . ' Miis Elizabeth Beat wiU speak on youth activities of the YWCA and Mrs. L. L. Bristow, who directs the social service program of Falrview home will tall about her work there. Mrs. Ted Hobart is In charge of the program. Missouri club members will meet on Tuesdsy at the home of Mrs. Margaret Willis, 883 North Fifth, for a no-host luncheon. Assisting will be Mrs. Lucia Keyt and Mrs. May Noll. This wiU be the last meeting until October. . There will be no 'June meeting for the Yomarco group of the First Meth odist church, the group to meet again in July. Members of Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will observe Fathers ' day at their meeting Tuesday. There wiU be Initiation, the group to assem ble at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Forrest Pratt entertained past presidents of Sedgwick chapter, worn an's Relief Corps, at luncheon on Thurs day, her daughter, Miss Florene Pratt, assisting. The group made plans for a bazaar to be in the fall. New officera elected at the meeting were Mrs. W. J. Beard, president; Mrs, Blanch Stuart, vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Walker, secretary-treasurer. In addition to those named already. attendlngthe meeting were Mrs. Goldia Kyle, Mrs. Clarence Town send and Mrs, Mary-Aekerman. Mrs. w. u. Walker will entertain a a no-host noon luncheon for the next meeting on Thursdsy, June 11. ' Annual Mother and Daughter ban quet of the Leslie Methodist church will be an event of Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the church dining room. Fol lowing the banquet, Mrs. Mason Bishop . will act as mistress of ceremonies for the program. An address of welcome will be given by Mrs. C. F. French, Miss Jan Smith giving the response. ' The program includes vocal solos by Mrs. Robert Anderson, a skit by Misses Sally and Ruth Hoffman, and a piano number by,,Miss Nancy Otto. Pictures of their recent trip to Mexico will be shown by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stacey. . The committee In charge of the pro gram s:e Mrs. V, E. Burson, Mrs. Collls Blair; .Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mrs. Everett McRae and Mrs. Garrttt Templeton. ' Meeting at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the American Legion club will be Salem chapter of the American War Mothers. Oregon Crape camp. Royal Neighbors of America, will meet at 8 p.m. Wed-( nesday at the Veterans of Foreign Warj hall. Jason Lee Wesleyan Service guild Is meeting next Monday at 8 p.m. at the horn of Mrs. A. E. Utley, 898 North Commercial. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Utley are Mrs. O. R. Whltaker, Mrs. Mark Wicber, Mrs. E. P. Goulder is to have charge of the program, presenting a panel on youth. - .' "Vacationing in Oregon" will be the theme featured at the Christian Busi ness and Professional Women's dinner on Tuesday evening, June 9 C. W. Jordan of the state highway depart ment will present the program. Miss Betty Thurman, national city missionary, will be a special guest for the evening and will be the speaker. The dinner will be in the Marine, room of the Marion hotel at 6:15 pjn. All women of the city are welcome to attend. Decorations will be arranged by Mrs. Rose Alexander. Reservations should be telephoned to Mrs. John Brun ner 23088; Mrs. C. C. Edwards 27378; or Mrs. Jack Quiring 24660, by Sun-, day, June 7. The following circles of the Woman's Association of the First Presbyterian church will meet on Wednesday at 1:15 o'clock unless otherwise Indicated Circle 1, with Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, 292 South 17th. ' Circle 2, with Mrs. A. RvMcConneB, route 1, box 798. Circle 3, with -Mrs. C. Green, 685 . Dearborne avenue, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, co-hostess. . Circle 4, with Mrs. C. S. Prstt, 585 Tillman. ' Circle 5. in the church parlor at o'clock for salad luncheon. Mrs. Leo Reed and Mrs. Fred Wright are eo-bos- tesses. - Circle 6, for 12:30 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Allen Fletcher,; 1465 Wallace road. Circle 7, with Mrs. Earl McGlaufliri, 2604 Hulsey, for a picnic at 12:30 p.m. Transportation will be arranged. Circle 8, with Mr. Carl J. Wendt, 631 Manbrin drive. ? Circle 9, in the club room at the church for luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Mrr. Blanche King and Mrs. Harvey Tay lor, co-hostesses. Circle 10, with Mrs. C. E. Illidge, 1165 Belalre drive. Mrs. W. B. Robinson is asssitant hostess. . . Following the business meeting at 8 o'clock on Thursday, Klngwood unit, American Legion auxiliary, will meet with the post in the Legion hall for the annual "strawberry feed" sponsored by the men.; t Past oracles of Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will meet at 8 p.m., Monday, with Mrs. Sarah Pet erson, 235 West Wilson. ' General meeting of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service, West Sslem Methodist church, will be on Wednes day, members to meet with Mrs. John Simmons at her home at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Laurence Walworth will present the program , . ' On Tuesday, Mrs. Gavin Hill will pre sent an educational program at the Credit Women's Breakfast club. The group will aasemble at Nohlgren's at 7 ajn. Past presidents of Capital unit, Amer ican Legion auxiliary, chose new offi cers on Thursday, Mrs. Robert Wyatt to be president beginning in the fall. Mrs. B. M. Bennett Is vice-president and secretary-treasurer Is Mrs. Don Madison. - Mrs. W. W. Woodruff is chairman for the summer picnic, the date to be announced later. A picnic is scheduled for the Salem Writers club on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheon to entertain at their home, 1065 South Liberty, at 8:30 o'clock. Degree of Honor Protective associa tion will meet Wednesday at 8 o'clock at the Woman's club house, A flag day program la planned and Mrs. Wes ley Zellner is In charge of refreshments. Mrs. Lucy Llchty, first vice-president, will preside at the meeting of the Amer ican Gold Star Mothers on Thursday, the group to gather at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall at 8 o'clock. Meeting Wednesday for the last time until September will be Ainsworth chap ter, Order of Eastern Star. There will be Initiation and a social hour following. Guests attending the Thursday din ner event, for the Dabblers club were Mrs. Joseph Franko, Mrs. R. P. Rath bun and Mrs. Donald Rasmussen. "' Entertaining Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans, on Thurs day will be Mrs. X. B. Millard, 923 North 18th. Deuert will be served at 1:15 o'clock. ' . ' . A memorial day observance will be conducted Wednesday evening when the Pythian Sisters, Centralia temple, meet , at Beaver hall at 8 o'clock. District No. 8, Oregon State Nurses association, will sponsor a no-host pic nic for member and families on Mon day evening at 8 o'clock in Bush's Pas ture, weather permitting. Each family is to take its own table service. M. I'. Wed in May Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McEuen (Patricia Powers) were married May 9 at Fairmount Presbyterian church in Eugene. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hall of Salem. Mr. McEuen is the sun of Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas McEuen of Grants Pass. He is now serving in the navy. . . . . Many Valley Students On List for Graduation Willamette University, will confer 177 degrees at the 111th commencement exercises to be held at McCulloch Stadium at o'clock Sunday afternoon. The degrees will be confer red by President G. Herbert Smith while Major Norman W. Campion will present a num ber of commissions in the U. S. air force in connection wUh the campus ROTO program. Douglas McKay, secretary of the Interior, will give the com mencement address. Salem students who will re ceive Bachelor of Arte degrees include: . v.- -" - - JUO dub, drill teem of the Neighbors of Woodcraft, will meet for practice and election of officers on Thursday, June 4, at Mayflower hall. The group will meet at 8 pan., a social hour to follow. Mrs. Vernon White and Mrs. X. C. Charlton will entertain the Copettes on Tuesday at the White home. Members will meet at 7:30 o'clock to make Fourth of July favors for patients at the state hospital. There will be initiation when hew members of Hanna Rosa court. Order of Amaranth, meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple. Mr. and Mrs. James Birrell are In charge - of the social hour. Balloting tor new officera will be the main business of Capital unit, American Legion auxiliary, when the groups meets Monday at the Woman's club house at 8 o'clock. Miss Diane Burkland, contralto, will present a vocal recital at Calvary Bap tist church, Friday evening, June 5, at . 8 o'clock. Miss Carol Svinth, organist, Miss Evelyn Andrus, pianist, and Mbs Gaynelle Metheny, accompanist, will be the assisting musicians. Teachers to be represented In this program are Miss Lena Belle Tartar and Mrs. J. N. Francis. . Invitation is extended to anyone who wishes to attend. On Wednesday at 1 p.m., the Women's guild of the First Congregational church will hav its last meeting of the year, a picnic, at the country home of Mrs. J. S. Beck, route 6, box 16. Transpor tation has been arranged from the church. In case of Inclement weather, the meeting will be held at the church. A summary of the accomplishments of last year will be given by the presi dent, Mrs. P. L. Calvert, followed by In stallation of the new officers. The hostess committee is headed by Mrs. Ted Gordon and Mrs. Fred Bradley, Barbara Frletchle tent, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War. will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at the Vetekans of Foreign Wars halt Puzzling Lights Bring Query From Baffled Residenters By J. BUOB FRTJETT (Aitronemer, Bxtonokoi Mvtataa. Otsm Klther BduenUoa Sntem) Some topics, although not strictly astronomical, are sure ly of Interest to those who study natural lights at night. A few years ago I received a report from a rural home that before daybreak several persons were "watching a put' to koop fit! zllng eight. Little balls of light now and then roae from a decidedly swampy surface north of the house, floated short distances in the wind and then flicked out. Quite likely this appearance was that of the wiU-o'-lhe wisp, or ignis fatuus, that myi terious little light whose ex .stance still lies in the "misty borderland between supersti tious fancy and attested fact." Boggy plaoea are its favorite habitat; the believers in ap paritions ' its ready victims. Even the unfearful and inquir ing are not too certain regard ing its real nature. I have re ceived many reports on these objects since my publication on the subject seven yeara ago. A New Yorker reported that one evening as he was going through a boggy woodland, he encountered five of these luml nous globules, each about the size of a 60-cent piece. They were undulating In the breeze. He had heard of similar lights in cemeteries. A most interesting account of the Ignis fatuus seen over a desert region of Nevada has been given by M. Luckiesh. He was tramping alone on a January-night shortly after a heavy rain. Coyotes were mm worn ,., mi m nam r ate Bakaro a amm an mm mm Now York City en1 . Washington All Expanses eld for Two from Selem. Tour of Both ' Cities. ' t WottH This Popor for Further Details howling in the distance. Cer tain depressions in the ground known as dry lakes were hold ing water for the first time in several years. At about 3 a.m. these weird lights began to ap pear. Luckiesh thought he could first see them as they rose through the water toward the surface. Hundreds, floating in the air a little above water, were often vtsibleat one time. He seemed to be unable to es timate their distance from him. He saw the lights during the entire hour he was crossing the region and recognized them as the wlll-o -the-wiip, although he had never seen such be fore. The Ignis fatuua is likely due primarily to gases rising from decomposing matter in or un der water. Some believe they are bubbles of methane or hy drogen sulphide or phosphlne burning imperfectly when they contact the air. The brains and spinal columns of decaying ani mals would provide an abun dance of phosphorus. Some at tribute the light to swarms of phosphorescent bacteria in the filmy surfaces of gas bubbles. Msny bacteria are luminous. An old story tells us there once lived a man by the name of WiU who was so incredibly mean that when he died and applied successively for en trance into heaven and the un derworld, neither would have him. The devil sent him back to earth with a wisp of burning straw and condemned him to ebanori Hospital Has Many Patients Lebanon The community hospital had an occupancy last month of 62 per cent aa com pared with 67 per cent the pre vious month, hospital officials announce, - During the month a total of 1178 patient days were spent in the hospital. Of this number. 219 were maternity cases. An average of 89 persona were in the hospital daily dur ing the month with average stay of 3.8 days. A total of 66 operations was performed during that, period. It was pointed out that an occupancy percentage of 65 per cent is needed to keep the 50' bed hospital from running at a loss. Confirmation at St. John s Church St. John's Lutheran church will confirm into its member ship 11 members Sunday. The Junior class members are Law rence Aaron, Arnold Andrea, Marylin Miller, MarJorle.Pap ke, Marylin Rehm, .Marjorle Slmila and Elsie Strong. The adults are Mrs. Dorothy Chla puzio. Miss Doris Rlssel, How ard Eggman and Mrs. George Maske. Special services will be held at St. John's Lutheran church at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Gross officiating. Special music will be sung by the conflrmants and the choir. On Wednesday evening- St John's choir was host at a re ception at the parish house for the adult group. Lutheran Women Will Hold Rally . With a final rally at Oregon City on Thursday the Lutheran Women's Missionary League of the northwest district closes its spring rklly season. In the last two weeks Mrs. William Fisch er. president,1 spoke at Rich' land, Havlllah, and Vancouver, Kenard Wayne Adams, Mary P. Fames, Tomra H. Pickles, Robert L. C. Weichers, Byron Lynn Fortsch, Robert Dillon Wilson, Robert W. Atkinson, Franklin, Warren Blank, Jr.. Ralph Wendell Bolllger, James Cherrington Bradshaw, Rollin Joseph Cocking, Robert John Dyer, Richard Lewis Isaak, Douglas McLeod, Caroline Ber tha Matter. Jack McLoughlin Miller. Beverly Jane Osborn, Marilyn Annette Quamme, George Ren ner, Ronald Rentfrow, Philip Hamilton Ringle, Jr., Hellmuth George Schreima, Jame Fred erick Sproule, Alyce Joy Koch, Jpaeph Dennett Formlck, Nan cy Carolyn Hen he, . Deen George Paulus,, Don Earl Rob inson, Elmer Lewis Scheelar, Joy Black Wood. Douglas Evans Coe, Robert Edward Pattison, William Carl Butte, Richard Dale Mate, Richard'Fredrlck Ruff, William Thomas Baldwin, Peter Carl Cowan, Arthur Allan Franzke, Jame Allen Wood, Joann Lee Bunnell, Dorothy Arlene En glehart, Jamea McHale, Loren Willard Ranton, Elols Arden Roseberry, . Raleifh Dale Carothera, ' Jack Lee Kiekel, Dorothy Ida : Shoudy Judd, Thomas Maynard ScheideL Other mid-Willamette valley students include: Ernest R. Duvall, John Carleton Hande, Armand Lee Rlveness, Donald Raymond Holm, Mavis Ann Bjorke, all of Silverton; Keith - Douglas Lawrence, Kent . Dixon Law rence, McMlnnville; Donna Jeanette Sebern, Donald Scarborough, Woodburn. Bachelor of Science degrees: Juris Krigens, ' Douglas Fred erick Dougherty, Salem.' Bachelor of Music Education: Herbert Jamea Brower, Salem; William Wallace Covert, Jr., Stayton. ' Bachelor of Science in Law: Curtis Leroy Ludwig, Salem; George Richard .Duncan, Jr., Stayton. Bachelor of Laws: Charles Duane Burt, John George Mc Loughlin, Glen Edgar Seidler, Robert Charles Wall, Salem; Dale Thomas Crabtree, Stay ton; Lorin Max Ricker, Turner; Keith Duncan Evans, Inde pendence. Master of Education: Charles Loren Mort, Delmar Andrew Ramsdell, Saletn; Henry Mat thew Ercolini, Canby; Benja min Franklin Schaad, New berg. Master of Arts in Education: Lydla Ruth Graham, Salem. wanter continuously there In swampy places in an attempt to find his way out - Hence, "wui-o'-the-wisp." Salem Men Saw A-Gun Shoot T.. marl from this section of Oregon were among Army men witnessing the nrs firing of an atomic shell from ti. a riant eannon at Camp Desert Rock, Nev,' this week, i - ' n tma iur Muter Sit. El lis K. Relber, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Reiber of Dal las anil Cnl. Frederick R. Warmbier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Warmbier, Route 2, Box ISA Canby. Rihar. whs la a radar re pairman in headquarters bat talion, at Fort sui, enierea w ten. 887th field artillery bat- Army in June, 1941, and is a lormer Oregon state couegc student. His wife is with him at Fort S1U. Entering the Army In Sep tember, ibsi. Cnl. Warmbier ! nAui atatiniuMl at Baltimore. Md., with the 89th anti-aircraft artillery battalion.. Prior to en tering the Army he was an ac countant for the Wilson Meat Packing company at - Albert Lea, Minn. His wife is' making her home at Odenton. Md.. while he is stationed there. Jet Airliner Makes Record Ottawa V-The CAF's first Jet airliner, a three million dollar Comet, touched down at Uplands airport at 10:87 m. PST, Friday, completing flight from London that is believed to be the fastest trans-Atlantic crossing any transport plane has made. - First pure Jet airliner to fly the Atlantic, her 10 hours of flying time compared with the average of 18 hours for such a 3,545-mile flight by the RCATa North Stars and 18 hours, 15 minute by Trans Canada Airline planes on regular fllgata. On Television. KPTV (Channel V) .oai mai'ictW la ' S:M :M 4:M S.W :M S:t S:N : t:M M: sartiaM MUIi Sanaa i m.m. enaanaaa cak aba al p.au ait Para p.m. JukM OUaaaa . naaiwai aukrramt , p.m. WtmUIu aaadUaaia a.au Otalh Valla Dan riajUxm at atar f.m-MT. as tin. Hank lau Naa Tbaatar Wash., and at Oregon City. The northwest district now has a membership bf 3,200 and is an affiliate of the interna' tional league which will hold its convention in Portland on July 38-29. An anticipated at tendance of 1500 will come from throughout the United states, Alaska and Canada. The convention will be held at the municipal auditorium at Portland. WEDDIKG Annaunrementa A InrlteUeas Wally's Print Shop Mmnla Fa. 1-tau SALEM nun CHUMH OF THE NAZAREKE Canter at Thirteenth SUNDAY, MAY 31st 10:50 "Something to Remember" 7:30 'OJnto the , Uttermost" 9.45 Church School. 6:30 Youth De- votionol Hour Tat Mc h hnrft" . Sotem'i Sinflftfl Church WM f. Oil, 1 Vocation School Friends Church, Vacation Bible school at South Salem Friends church will start Monday, June 1, and close Friday, June 12. "Crusad ing with Christ" will be the theme throughout the school and will be complete with cas tles, damsels, squires, knights, ladles, a Jester, and even a treasure chest. Boys and girls from 4 to 14 are Invited to at tend. The beginners will be taught by Mrs. Webster Smith and Mrs. Frank Moravec; the pri maries by Mrs. Forrest Smith; the Junior department by Mrs. rrank Haskins; and the inter mediate department by Mrs. Wallace Joslln. A film, "Basket of Blessings" will be shown at the demon stration program the evening of june li, ,wnn open nouse ioi- lowlng. Four Corners Four Corhers The dally va cation Bible school committee of the Baptist church met Wednesday morning in the George Van Leeuven home to formulate plana for the school that will run from June 8 to 10 inchistve. General chair man la Mra. George VanLeeu wen. There will be classes for all children in the Four Corners area from 4 years and older. The hours are from 9 to 11:45 a.m., five days each week. Eldon France is in charge of transportation. - Phone 4-5867. MSgt. LeRoy Willig of the air force, stationed at McChord field, Wash., visited his moth er, Mrs. Fred Buckner, this week. , . ' Capt. D. L. Gosser of the army air 'base at Shalimar, Fla., paid his mother, Mrs. Phillip Loveland, a surprise visit Wednesday afternoon. Capt Gosser was piloting a B-17 and is a guided missile pilot. From here' they will go to Chicago and then return to Shalimar The Gossers plan to leave Shalimar by car on June 3 for a vacation trip that will bring them here again en route to his new as signment in California. TV TROUILIS? 1 Ha altar skat I I , auaa taSIa at I J TV M Taa kata, I f ; awawt ai r. F salr II aMtar. , Q SSCa aim f 1 CALL 4-227! H EIDER'S 42icoT-ii:otBna SUNDAY 11:11 a.ot. Candr Carnival 11:00 .m. TbH U Lite " U.t p.m.SUQdir etar Tlaw 11:10 a.m. Hr Ualaatr Mm Ohms IS: IS p.m Hour of Dcclilaa , 1:M a.m.;oronit!aa Proa raat , 1:00 p.m Thrt Ouauai , 1:11 R.n-Art UakMtur t:IO .bl It How -i 1:04 p.a Kukla, Proa a4 oille 1:10 s.ak PrlraM aontar 4:00 p.ra Comdy Hour 1:00 p.m.-Fre warlat r . . ft 1:10 p.m. Mr. reopen 1:00 p.m. Bed Skeltaa :M a.B Wbat'o Mr Mas HO bjb. studio Ona S:f p.au TV Plarhauao , S:a p.a. The Doctor t :0 p.bv Tho Wok 10:00 .. sporti scholar 10:11 pjov-HeadUao Parade 10:10 S.BW Horn lUTlew 10, p.m. Quick at Pluk 11:11 p.m. Teiej Wru.Uaa ' MARR RADIO ; and - TELEVISION INC galenra Meat Cemplete Television Center 2140S.Cont'l : Phene Day or Night v 2-H11er2-472t Motorola TV MONDAY i 10:00 ,m. PamUr AlOum S:M a.au Whet'e Ooaklast 10 :U a.m. . Morning Hon 11:00 a.av-Blf Parol! ll:ta a.mfe WeloaiM Traveler 11:00 neon Kate Sn-'th 1:00 p.av Douole or Nothms 1:M p m. Strike n RKk 1:M .bw Matinee Theater . 1:11 p.m. a arch Tom error; l:M p.m, Lore al Life S:0S S.PL Tomakor, Hslorsii, DrSa.HsffsWLlU' Valley Television Center 2303 FalrgrMMdi Id. HkMIt) Boo Vm Befera Tea Bar Par Ike Beet Deal la Term ' laetarr TralaaS TeekaWmaa 4:0 4:10 1:30 1:4 1:00 :M :4t 1:00 1:10 1:00 1:10 :00 10:0 11:1 fusriaao j p.m. Wl Bin rnokaek Hopalon COAeMr S.aL-JTeeBoro - lor Boaar Youna Bho. Clue p.m, Hei Caravan p.m Clurron Theater ' ' . p.m-aoio at Plrartaa p.m. I Lore Luor .ra.rted Button! Show ' p.m. Room Mosteomirr p.bu Arthur Murray Sanaa .Sk-ana Plar Baek BETHEL FC MEETING . BethelThe- Farmers Union meeting for June will be held Monday at 8:15 p.m. at the school. Ralph . Wilson will show his pictures taken on his trip to Denver to the national convention. Mrs. Jess Mclllnay honored her son Ronnie Monday after noon when she waa hostess to a group of his friends, the oc casion being his ninth birth-' day anniversary. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Ernest Walker. Attepding were Dougla Gordon, Dick Shrake, Randy Pierpont, Joe Walla, Ted Rickman, Bobbie Duni gan, Alan Scott, Mason and Jon Burnham. Grace Lutheran Church SaiMTvitw md limine; Aft, LW.ntta,ajjfw Invites You To Its Services Sunday Schol 9:48 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 a.m. Hannover Conference Report, Miss Arna Njaa 8:00 p.rn. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM West End Heyt St Salem Vault Entombment and Cremation Service Crypts Niches Urns "Indoor Memorials In Marble and Bronze," (THE TWO BETTER WA7S) Coder Direction f Lloyd T. Rigdon, Prct. Salem Mausoleum ft Crematorium, lac E2H