MISS JOANNE MISS DOROTHY Wedding June 13 ' A wedding of interest to many friends will take place in St. Paul's Catholic church at St. Paul on Saturday, June IS, when Miss Margaret Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Smith, wiffi be married to Ted McKilllp, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McKlllip, Sr. AH are of St. Paul. The service will be at 10 a.m., the Rev. James Maxwell officiating. Miss Patricia Gooding is to be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be three sisters of the bride, Mrs. John McKil llp, Jr.. , Mrs.. James Ernst and Mrs.. Jack Merten, and a sister of the bride groom, Miss Joyce McKillip. ; John McKillip, Jr., is to be best man for his brother. ' ' i The reception following will be In the St. Paul Community hall. ' ' Friends honoring Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blair at an open house this week in cluded Mrs. Walter Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wincheomb, Mrs. Cora Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Smalley, Mrs. Velms Teeson, Mr. and Mrs. pmi Andregg, Mrs. Alice Watentaugh, Mr. , and Mrs. C. B. Shaw. Mrs , Pauline Clark, Mrs. G. W. Edwards, Mrs. John Ingram, Mrs. Grace Gordon. Miss Pearl Bairey, Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeil Miss Flora Jean McCracken and Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott. - Mrs. Ralph Dobbs Is to present her pupils In recital at the First Presbyterian church, Sunday, May SI, at 5 o'clock. " Those participating will be Leonard and Sa'rah Beth Anderson, Ellen Wtl liams, Janet Chisholm, Sandra and Joan Smiley, Billy Murphy, Peter Maltby, Cllarle. Wardle, Karen Meier Marilyn Sparks, Delwyn Schulz and Rosemary Gilbert BUNNELL - , ' , --irrm nr iirfii i i n rum, m-ihhi n iiim mmmt i y yt y i n niy - a ENGELHART Mrs. Frank Burlingham i presenting a group of students In recital next Tuet- day evening at 8 o'clock at the Roberts Studio, 505 North Summer street. - Assisting on the program will be Glennis Allen Buehning as accompanist. . The interested public is invited. -. Taking part In the recital will be Flor ence Medford, Glenda McCormick, June Damaske, Carole Warren, Nancy Owens, Beverly Hamman, Marion Giese, De lores Juper, Marne VonOtterstedt. Honoring Mrs. Gordon Hamilton of Coos Bay, formerly of Salem,. MA. Chris Kowitz, Jr. and Mrs. William L. Cray croft entertained at the Kowitz home with a party and shower this past week. Guests included: Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. William H Craycroft, Mrs. J. F. Rau tenkranz, Mrs. Norris Radclift, - Miss Geraldlne Radcliif, Mrs. John Rex, Mrs. Harley Miller, Mrs. Wesley DeLapp, Mrs. Allen Kampstra, Mrs. Willard Vincent. Miss Ruth Bedford will present piano student in retital Tuesday, June In the Carrier room of the First Methodist church at 7:45 p.m. They will be as sisted by Kenneth Hansen in vocal solos, accompanied by Judith Hansen; Freddie Pugh in a cornet solo, accompanied by Shirley Pugh; and Susan Reed in vocal solos, accompanied by Velma Reed. Piano students playing will be Jodelle Gunther, Kathy Friesen, Florelne Tom lin, Marlene Anderson, Judy Barlel, Sharon Kimmel, Nancy Noffsinger, Dar lene Wolfe, Velma Reed, Bruce Davis, Janice Brown, Jerry Davenport, Willy Park, David Bradshaw, Judy Seely, Cheryl Fleischman, Moreen Sahnow, Clela Friesen, Lorin Anderson, Mary De France, Teddy Loewen, Janet Teague, Judith Hansen, Naomi Fast, Barbara Davis. The interested public Is invited to ttend. "... it i-a ' 4 V"; '' ' 4 'i. ,i ,-. a ' ' " ' ,., ,r . , " 1 ' ' ' '' ' " ' J" Wedding Party Announced by ; 1 Miss DeSart Announcing plant tor her wedding this VMk-wd U Mat Pebble DeSart. ttractlv brid-lect of ftichard Arthur , Hodgson, v ,i Ibi ceremony is planned lor O'clock the evening ol Monday, June 13, at the rirat Congregational church, V Dr.'" Beth R. Huntington officiating. Robert Walls of Oregon State coUege b to be aoloUt, Jean Hobton Rich to '" play the organ. - Mrs. Jon V. Straumfjord, Jr., of Port- land will be matron ol honor for her ' aister. - - s The brideimaldi are to be Mrs. Jame ". Zwaschka, Miss SuMn Perry, Miat Joan Menegat of Forest Grove, Hiss Toni DeSart, the latter a cousin of the bride. Young Miss Danne DeSart, a cousin of . the bride, is to be flower girl. ' . Lighting the candle will be Miss Mary Ann Lubich of Portland and v Miss Delores Thompson of Klamath ' Falls. . Edward Hodgson of Redwood' City, . 7 Calif., is to be best man for his brother. . , The reception following also will be ' t the church. - , Miu DeSart is the daughter of Mr. " and Mrs. D. G. DeSart and Mr. Hodg ' son is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hodgson of Dhahran, Saudi, Arabia. Willamette university president Dr. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Smith are to " .. entertain at their home. University . House, Sunday evening at a buffet sup , per to honor special guests and jdignl . tarles taking part in Willamette's com . mencement, Sunday afternoon. : The supper will be at 6 o'clock and ; about 40 guests will attend. , -' ': a"'-' 'Arriving Friday frdm Kansas City,' Mo., for a fortnight were Mrs.: T. J. Gravetter ' and daughter, Mrs. John Terry, who will be guests of Mrs. Grav etter's ton and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gravetter, MRS. DOROTHY JUDD Rgthgl PnnS ' wu I n.i 1 1 4I M 1 1 15 1 U 1 1 U 1 1 Ul 1 An event of' Wednesday evening will be the public installation of officers for Job's Daughters, bethel No. 35. The ' ceremony is to be at 8 o'clock at the Scottish Rite temple, members of the Woodburn chapter of Order of DeMolay for Boys to conduct the installation Miss Barbara Cone Is the new honored queen; Miss Susie Youngquist, senior princess; Miss. Judy Eancroft, Junior ' princess; Miss Sharon Long, guide; Miss Jan Roberts, marshal; Miss Janice But ton, chaplain; Miss Betty Coe, musician; Miss Kay Knickerbocker, recorder.; Miss Martha Klaus, treasurer- Miss Sharyn French, librarian; Miss Marcia Mosolf, first messenger; Miss Ann Lowery, sec ond messenger; Miss Susan Jenkins, third messenger; Miss Sue Rasmussen, fourth messenger; Miss Barbara French, ' fifth messenger; Miss Lamona Collins, senior custodian;' Miss Charlotte Norby, junior custodian; Miss Phyllis Reimann, inner guard; Miss Betty Aston, outer guard; Miss Mary Lou Starr, assistant recorder; Miu Lynne Witaiberger, lady of lights; Miss Beth Horn and Miss Car ol Stolk, pages; Miss Nancy Weeks, his torian. Committee chairmen who will take office are Miss Msrilyn Reaney, hosp- , itality; Miss Loretta Orr, philanthropy; Miss Sharon Byers and Miss Mary Ar nold, decorations; Miss Sharon Bourne,, program; Miss Marcia Humphreys, tele phone; Miss Patsy Snider, .nstruction. Junior bethel officers re also to be Installed and serving this year are Miss Jacklie LaDue, chaplain; Miss Judy By ers, musician; Miss Ramona Calminen, treasurer; Miss Samara Ramp, recorder; Miu Julie Peterson, librarian; Miss Llla Burger, first messenger; Miss Llla Dally, second messenger; Miss Linda Fournier, third messenger; Miu Lynne Johnson, fourth messenger; Miss Pat Weaver, ' fifth messenger; Miss Nancy Atherton, AST meeting of the year for Sa lem Garden club until October, , will be Monday afternoon, June 1, at 2 o'clock at 8alen Woman's club house. v " v' ' '- .The program will honor the 11 new members of the club. At the basinets session, new officers will be elected and Installed." Mrs. Richard A. Meyer it tea chair man and on her committee) are Mm, C. Lester Newman, Mrs. W. I. Martin, Mrs. Eileen Sheldon, Mrs. Mae West, Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Mrs. A. I. Soft Mrs. Claude A. Kelts, Mrs. L. S. Cross, Mrs. Lloyd Fleener; Mrs. R. H. Parks, Mrs. Frank Whltte more, Mrs. Hugh Stephens, Mrs. Paul C. Hansen, Mrs. Harry Sappenfield, Mrs, Rollin O. Lewis. '. . . A meeting to organise new guild In the First Presbyterian church Is planned for Tuesday at the home of .Mrs. L. V. Benson. Dessert will be served at 1:15 o'clock and the organ ization session conducted. Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Bjarne Erlcksen and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer re co-hostesses with Mrs., Benson for the meeting. ...-. Being announced this week is the mar riage of Miss Lucille Shorn of San Fran cisco to Kenneth Van Cleve, son of Mr., and Mrs. J. B. Van Cleve. The wedding was an event of Wednesday, May 30 in San Francisco.-For the past two years, Mr. 'Van Cleve has been studying voice at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music : ! . ..;-.!.t r: r ?,.,.,,....,,- . ? Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Faught, Jr., and daughter, Kelee, arrived in Salem Thursday where they will visit during June with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Faught and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ; Evana. ';(..: - Mr. Faught recently ' was graduated from Harvard university's 1 graduate ' school of business administration where he received his master's degree. - The family will go to Detroit the last of June where he has taken position with the Lincoln-Mercury organization. senior custodian; Mist Pamllla Morrison, Junior custodian; Miss Kennle Ruth Carlson, inner guard; Miss Carol Car others, outer guard. ' . , Choir members who will sing during the evening are Misses Nancy Weeks, Jackie LaDue, Samara Ramp, Julie Pet erson, Sydney Weeks, Jean Roth, Ann Robinson, Diane Graham, Ramona Sal mlnen, Marilyn Reaney, Marcia Hum phreys, Toni DeSart, Lila Burger, Pam llla Morrison, Lila Dally, Marion Hauler, Sharron Noland, Lucille Bacheller, Sal ly Tontz, Diana Boyd, Geraldine Thomas, Judy Query, DeAnn McClaughry. Miss Edna Marie Hill will arrive Sunday from an interesting year spent in New York City as a student of Juilli ard School of Music. Opportunities for the gifted student at Juilliard have been varied. Recently she was offered a position as an accompanist for a singer over television. The program, lasting one-half hour, was for five days a week with a remuneration of f 2,000 for a three months' engagement. Miss Hill, not being a member of the musicians' union, the opportunity had Jo be re fused. Her original baroque dances wer enthusiastically received at a recent musical and recommended for publi cation. Miss Hill also enjoyed the marvelous concerts so essily available. Her visits to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Niagara Falls and with relatives in New Jersey were the highlights of spring vacation. Miss Hill will be visiting her mother, Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, here. St. Agnes guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church is to meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. William H. Butg hardt, a no-host dinner to be at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ethel Parr, Mrs. Olive Currey and Miu Genevieve Morgan art on the commute with Mrs. Burghardt '3d r yi.1 n mn n in. YWCA Silver Tea Home; Uoll Collection Interest - Circled on the social calendar for many next Thursday afternoon, June 4, is the annual silver tea of Salem YWCA, the event to be at the South High street home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. , Another means to help in augment ing the funds for the new YWCA plant now under construction on State street, the tea Is being planned by a large group of volunteer workers. Hours are between 2:30 and 5:80 o'clock. AU Friends Invited - Invitation is extended through ' the press to all interested friends of the YWCA and its program to attend. A feature of the afternoon will be the display of dolls from all over the world, collected by Mrs. Fry during her travels. ':; Special music for the afternoon will be presented by the string ensemble from Willamette university, the group including Dr. Willis Gates, violin, Sally Bolliger, violin, Ethel Lou Stanek, cello, Victor Palmason, viola. - General planning committee for the tea includes Mrs. G. l Herbert Smith, Mrs. James Armpriest, Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett, Mrs. Willard Thompson ,Mrt. A. A. Schramm. In the receiving line will be Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, president of the YWCA board, Mrs. Fry, the hostess, and Mist Gertrude Acheson, ' executive di rector of the YW. - ; ' 7 ' ' Invited to pour are: ,' ' Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Mrs. Earl Sne'l, Mrs. B O. ALEM club, Daughters of the Nile, plans its final gathering of the season, Monday, at the Masonic temple. K Sewing will be at 10 a.m., the luncheon at 12 o'clock. , , On the luncheon committee are Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mr. B. W. Btacey, Mrs, Donald Braxie, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. R. A. Morrison, Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mr. Benjamin Martin, Mrs. Glenn Burright, Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, Mrs. France Scroggen, Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mrs. J. S. Lochead, Mrs. Lloyd Relnholdt, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. W. C. Ram bo, Mrs. Earl, Snell, Mrs. L. D. Lambeth, Mrs. C. W. Prigge, Mrs. Mil dred Angle, Mrs. C. Ward Davis. Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs. George Hubbs, the latter two of Silverton, Mrs. M. D. Looney left by plane the latter part of the week to spend two . weeks in the mid-west and east. St: Paul's guild, Ct. Paul's Episcopal church, Is meeting on Wednesday tor a no-host luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the parish house. . . n V Two Salem women will be attending the Oregon .Women's Golf association three-day event in eastern Oregon next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The event is being staged at LaGrande, The Dalles and Pendleton. Mrs. Fred .Bernard! and Mrs. Fred Anunsen are the two going from here. Miss Roberta Sears and Miss Barbara Anderson will present , a Joint,' recital next Wednesday evening, June 3, in the Roberts Studio at 8 o'clock. Each will appear in piano and vocal numbers. The teachers represented are Mrs. Har vey W. Gibbens and Miss Lena Belle Tartar.-' ;, ' ' '.. The accompanist for the evening will be Miss Laurel Herr, student In piano with Mrs. Victor Palmason. The Inter ested public is invited. . , a i t J r. , r-.V a 7 1; i i t ' i'?4 IKanixll-EUU stasia sunn) MISS ELISE SCHROEDER , : ' AVNOtrNCEMF.NT tut week at a tea was the eng acement ef Mht KUtt tfeluta, ahev. ef Balraa te Jaha M. WUliaaatM ef Bagcne, the wedding t ke ta the late amtaater. Thursday at Fry rs Schuckins, Mrs. A. D. Woodman, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg. In charge of the guest book wffl bt Mrs. Chester Lot and Mrs. Arthur A. ( Atherton. ' ' On Committee ' - On the hostess committee for the af ternoon are Mrs. Charles H. HeltxeL, Mrs. A. D. Woodmantee, Urt. Rusjel E. Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Wlrth, Mrs. C. Ronald HueV klns. Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. Ilmar O. Berg, Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mr. Harold Buslck, Mrs. Reynold Allen, ; Mrs. Daniel Fry,-Jr.. Mrs. June Arm ton, Miss Elizabeth Beat. ' Members of the refreshment commit tee are Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Mrs. R. D. . Blatchford, Mrs. Ira Darby and assist ing are members of the Y-Wives group, Mrs. Glen Fravel, Mrs. Marvin Brown, Mrs. Harold ' R. B. Hutchinson, Mrs. Warne Nunn, Mr. Marvin Humphrey. Mrs. Robert J. Scale, Mrs. Franc X, Albada. . - , . , . 4 ., , Other Aide Lbted ' On the committee of arrangement are Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mr. John R. ' Caughel), Mrs. Robert W. Gormseo, Mrs. Robert D. Gregg. . ' A group of high school Tri-Y girl are assisting in greeting at the door and ' In serving, the group Including: Jan Moorefleld, Barbara ; Bostrack, Judy , Bancroft, Relta Gilman, Joline Mat thews, Kay Ruberg, Sandra Carter, Jan Barlow, Mary Lou Hastings, Gail Ash by, Anne Tarem, Carol DaMetz, Jean Lidbeck, Glenda McCormick, Carolyn Meyer, Flo , ' Bergennehter, Barbara Fuhr, Lenore Nietwander. ' ' DAR Event June meeting for Chemeketa chapter. Daughter of the American Revolution, next Saturday, will be the final one for this season. Mr. Charles A. Spragu and her committee have planned a no host luncheon, the affair to be the an nual regents party Assisting with ar rangement are Mrs. Carey Martin, Mr. " James Lugenbeel, Mis Elizabeth Rut- , sum, Miss Edna Mingus, Mr. Marjoria King, Miss Gertrude Kincaide, Mr. Da vid Wright. Place and time of the event are da pendent upon the weather and will b announced later. Vt 7,r .'...- v-yv :..;;:.' ' . At his studio on Market street Fred erick Wilson will present the following piano pupils in a series of three recitals, the first on Sunday afternoon May 31 and programs on the evening of June I and the afternoon of June 4: . - Carol Mercer, Judy Page, Jan Staata, Merita LeFors, Marian Brandli, MadeU Poole, Judy Frantz, Beth Goodman, Ra- mona Kewaygeshlk, - Beverly -Jackson, Sandra Calaba, Ann Strain, Judy Lu Kil mer, Wyetta Caps, Patricia Pierce, Jud ith Ohmart, Deanna Dierks, Janice Cat : pell, Carolyn Jean Mason, Juanlta Chris toff erson, Jean Chrisman, Patricia Got chall, Sandra Everltt, Diane Dependeh ner, Daisy Lee Crenshaw, Sharon Mul ler, Martha Moore, Doris Ahern, Betty 'Warren. . ..." David Yeo, Keith Strain, Jack MuUer, David Chambers, Kent Herbert, Conrad Tull, Donald Taylor, Lynn Jackson, Car lysle Haas, Kenneth Holler, Robert God- -dard.. :',,,'..;.. .. ;v;.; ,, ; Speaking at Chemeketa Toastmlstres club on Thursday at the Golden Pheas ant will be Mrs. Dora Howard,' Mis Nancy Stuart and Mrs.- Paul Gilmer. General evaluator of the talks is Mrs. B. L. Trelstad.and the Urn keeper is Mr. W. E. Brown. - - Mrs. Edith B. Swartsley is to be toast mistress and In charge of table topic is Mrs. C. E. Jaqua. Hostess for the 6 o'clock dinner event Is Miss Hattie Mrs. C. E. Jaqua. Hostess for a 8 o'clock r It. a a 1 1st 1 i i J --js-', -..- --v ...-.. i ... ..,..t..:: .