Women's Army-Navy League Barn Dance Gala Affair for June 6 A gala went tor next Saturdny eve . atng, June 6, will be the barn dance tor Salem Women's Army and Navy league member and their husbands, the event to be at the country home of Mr. and Mra. Carl Cover. - Guests are aaked to be at the Spring Valley school, to be taken from there by hayride to the Cover barm. - An open barbecue supper la set for. f :38 o'clock, dancing to be between 9 and II o'clock. Id Syring i to play organ mutic for the dancing. Attire lor the evening la to be jeans, cottons, plaid shirts and straw hats. ' The dance is to be the final one of the season for the league. Reservations are requested to be in by next Thursday, June , telephoned to one of the following committee mem bers arranging the dance: Mr. John R. Wood, chairman; Mrs. Cover, Mrs. 8. D. Wiles, Mrs. Robert White. Mrs. Beth P. Smith, Mrs. Robert Brownell. On June 9, the league membership ' will stage its final meeting until fall, a picnic being planned at the C. A. Schaefer home. Attendants at Bissell-Newbry Wedding Told - Prominent on the mid-June calendar of weddings is that o.' Mlu Shirlee Newbry and William E Blssell, the service to be at I o'clock the afternoon of Sunday, June 14, In the First Con gregational church. . The bride-elect U the only daughter of Secretary ef State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry and Mr. Blssell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Blssell of Ash land. - Dr. Seth R. Huntington Is to officiate ' at the service. Malcolm - Campbell is to be soloist, Maurice Brennen to play the organ. ' Lighting the candles will be Misses Joan and Suzanne Barnes. '-' MUs Shirley Damon of Ashland is to be maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Nancee Blssell, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Marjorle Williams of Medford, cousin of the bride, Midi Ann Williams of Coos Bay, Miss Mar garet Wagner of Ashland. Ronald Newbry, young nephew ef the bride, Is to be ring bearer and the flower girl will be Carol Ann Shupe of ' Eugene. V Louis Langer of Bend Is to be best man. .; - Ushering will be Lyndel Newbry of Ashland, brother of the bride; Larry Smith of Vancouver, Robert Stewart of Turner and Jamea Garrett of Port land. ' The reception following the service Is planned at the East Rural street resi dence of the Newbry. - Among affair honoring Mis Elise Schroeder, bride-elect of John M. Wil liamson of Eugene, will be. the party for which Mrs. Hall Lusk la to enter tain on Monday evenlnc at her Fair mount Hill home, friends of the bride-to-be being Invited for dessert at 7:30 o'clock. " On the evening of June 8, Mrs. Mary Thomas. Mis Echo Veater and Miss Eleanor Stephen are to entertain for Mis Schroeder at the home of Mr. : Thomas. , ., Mr.' and Mr. Melvln 8. Lord, who are visiting In Oregon from Washing ton, D.C., are In southern Oregon and at the beach at Seal Rock this coming week. They have been visiting at the home of Mr, Lord' aunt, Mia Elizabeth Lord, and will return here following their beach atay. . i Mr. and Mr. Chandler Brown are to entertain at an open house next Satur day evening at the Falrmount Hill home In honor of Mr. and Mr. Lord. Close friend of the Lord are asked between and T o'clock. LEAVE MAVWO 0 '; ' ' ' vV v . 'I - $ ) 5. ... A -i ly MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER SIMPLE service is planned for the wedding of Miss Margaret Irfim anil Rnm K. Smith on June 16, the bride-elect telling plans for the ceremony this week-end. . The couple will be married at 4 o'clock that date In the First Congregational church, the Rev. C. F. McCall of Forest Grove officiating. Soloist Is to be Robert Bain of Port land, Jean Hobson Rich to play the or gan. Miss Lois Archibald Is to attend the bride and best man will be the bride- . groom's brother, Myron Smith of Berke ley, Calif. Ushering will be Charles Wimp of Alhambra, Calif., and Jamea Hatten of Portland. The reception alio will be at the church. - .. . .- The bride-elect Is the daughter of Mr. . , and Mrs. Paul H. Acton of Salem and Mr. Smith Is the son of Mr. and' Mrs. LeRoy Smith of Berkeley, Calif. Invitations were out the latter part of the week for the wedding of Miss Les lyn Burdette and James A. Rock, the ceremony to be solemnized the evening of Friday, June 19, at 8 o'clock In St. Paul's Episcopal church. The reception following will be at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Bur dette, 620 North 14th. Mr. Rock If the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Rock. Among affairs planned to honor the bride preceding her marriage will be a linen shower on June 11, planned by members of Mrs. Burdette's bridge club at the home of Mrs. Ellis VonEschen. On June IS, Mis Nancy Miller and Mrs. Richard A. Lee are to entertain at the home of Mis Miller at a party for the bride-to-be. Honoring Mr. Charles 7. Fearing, ' who is leaving in early June for Merced, Calif.,' Mrs. William A. Lenhart I en tertaining next Tuesday evening at her home. Guests for four tables of bridge have been invited. ' In the group will be Mrs. Fearing, Mrs. Charles Kappler, Mrs; Fred A. Da vis, Mrs. Millard Ramsdell, Mrs. Donald L. Rasmussen, Mrs. Wallace Cowen, Mrs. Ted Ogdahl, Mr. Dwight Parsons, Mr.. ' Joseph Matujec, Mrs. Charles E. Greg ory, Mrs. T. N. Morris, Mr. Robert Carey, Mr. Charles E. Gregory, Jr., of BUmnrck, N. D., Mrs. H. D. Ronne, Mrs. C. L. Neal, Mrs. P. J. Blake and the hos tess. .. .. e Mr. Fearing and tons are to join Captain Fearing who is stationed at Castle air base at Merced. Among those out-of-town for the Memorial week-end holiday are Miss Echo Yeater, Miss Elolse Ebert, Miss . Elise Schroeder, Mrs. Mary Thomas and daughter, Susan, and Mrs. James La Id law, the group being on the Metoliu : In eastern Oregon. (JtilM-MlUw t4. ttatart) FOR HAWAII W TsIaK tmm nHkll estin fcv fall-. fWlk. SP It- a aa V '" ':'" Y-- v,?": - . ... ! i i ' V j f' ' A V MIST MARILYN QUAMME , - ' ( ats shotot Vr Arts tadl Willamette Commencement . . . ' It's commencement week-end on the Willamette university campus and the eap and gown are familiar sight these days. , Graduation exercises are to be Sonday in MeColloeh Stadium with Secretary of Interior Doagla McKay, farmer Oregon governor, a speaker. Among Salem young women receiving their degree are the six above, left ' to right ea top row: Mia Marilyn Qnanune, daaghter ef the Stanley Qtiammes; Mia Beverly Osborn, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Main; Miss Joanne Buna ell, daaghter of the James Bunnell; la the lower strip, left to right: Miss Elois Ardea ' Rose berry, daaghter of the Rev. and Mr. G. G. Roseberry; Mis Dorothy Engel hart, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Engelhart; Mr. Dorothy Judd. Coronation Party Salem folk In common with people ' throughout the world will be watching television and listening to their radios Tuesday for the coronation day event 1 In. Great Britain. '-'.;,:,'. I . ' ( ;' Among those entertaining groups for coronation parties are . Mr. and Mr. ' Merrill D. Ohling. Guests will include ;, member of the study club and the drama class, of which Mrs. Ohling is a member, and their husbands. - . The group will assemble for a no-host " (upper and watch the television show lng of coronation activities. Some 35 ' will be In the group. ' . i - Expected home Sunday from a so journ, in California are Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ebersole. , , v FROM. Peg in. Washington f Washington, D. C, May 26 . ' Dear Marian: l It has been a busy week again, but Interesting and it has been fun. Another Embassy tour attracted some of us Oregonians last Saturday and with Mrs. William B. Chandlee of Hillsboro, my guest, we visited the English1 and Japanese Embassies and stood in line for more than an hour to enter the state ly Georgian residence of the Arthur Gardiners, where Mrs. Elsenhower and Mrs. Nixon alternated in receiving the guests. The President's . wife had left before we reached the line, but Mrs. Nixon was gracious In greeting the hordes. In the line at that time, too, was Mrs. William O. Dourlaa. whom Salem Alpha Phis recall as Mildred Riddle, of , La Grande. Once before I visited the Japanese Embassy on a similar tour and mentioned to you Its beautiful paintings and art treasures, including magnificent hand-embroidered screens. I wanted to go again for one picture more than anything else. It is "Pine Trees on the Beach" by Taikan Yokohama, possibly the most famous of all Japanese paint ers. I can't do it Justice in description as it must be seen to be appreciated. While we didn't have time to cover the other four embassies, the tour of the British and Japanese and a visit to the famous Mosque now under construction as an Islamic Center were sufficiently satisfying for the time available. The Mosque is dazzling white with light blue inlay over the entrance. The Brit ish embassy, one of the most magnificent in architecture and apointmente, was built in 1930. Royal portraits of kings and queens In their coronation robes are on the walls of the staircases; beautiful black and white flooring Is a specialty of the architect, Sir Edwin Lnytens; - lovely gardens and trees and shrubs are on three levels surrounding the resi dence; antique British china and fine paintings grace the dining room and - drawing room; and most r.agnlficent of all, the ballroom with large mitrors In a gunmetal tone, three fabulous old crystal chandeliers, beautiful furniture with soft peach and pale green damask upholstery all combine to make i room that Is impressive but somehow not overpowering as some ceremonial rooms might be. A special feature' in one room was a huge band-tooled, color ful leather screen depleting the battle with the Spanish Armada. Oregonians were many this last week 8EVERAL members of the P.E.O. Sisterhood chapters in Salem will be in Klamath Falls during the 1 mid-week to attend the annual state con vention of the organization, June 1-4. . Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom from Chapter G here goes as state recording secretary, - Local delegates include: Mrs. R. L. Porter, Chapter CB; Mrs. Harold Jory, Chapter BC; Mrs. Glen Brledwell, Chap ter AB; Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, Chapter G; Mrs. William C. Perry, Chapter CQ; Mr. Ervin L. Peterson, Chapter BQ. , Visiting briefly In Salem this week were Mr. and Mrs. Vic MacKenzie. Sa lem friends will be Interested to learn the MacKenzies will be In Oregon for the summer, having an apartment in Portland. . BY ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS which, of course, adds to the pleasure . of working In Interior. . Ivan Laird and Fred W. Adams, Oregon' legislators from Coos and Curry counties, and C. W. Brooks, of Sixes, were members of one group who visited the Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Peterson, of Coquille, were in on their way to Copenhagen to visit relatives and to make a pilgrimage to his brother's grave in the Meuse Argonne section. It Seemed natural to see them coming into the office as we saw them rather frequently at the State Capitol since Mr. Peterson as a county commissioner had considerable busi ness with state departments. Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton brought greetings from Salem. He mentioned that during the time he served as As- i slstant Solicitor in the Interior Depart-' mcnt he had never been in the Secre- . tary's private office but on this trip he was given the "deluxe tour." Among other visitors were: Senator Joha C. F. Merrlfleld, of Portland; Representative Joe Dyer, Astoria; Jap Elliott, former i superintendent of Warm Springs reser vation but now with Army Engineer, Portland; Mr. and Mr. Lowell Kern, Portland, well known as former Salem residents; Miss Jessica Longston, editor of the St. Helens newspaper; James Mc Donald, British consul in Portland, en route to the Coronation with Mrs. Mc Donald and their three children; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ballentyne, the Utter a Sec retary of State's office employe, visit ing their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Holman, who are here during his Navy assignment; W. A. Bnrdlck, Gold Beach, former member of the State Board of Pharmacy; Berkeley A. Davis, vice president of the Rogers Canning company at Milton and Pen dleton: W. L. J. Davles and George A. D. Kerr, both vice presidents of the U. S. National of Portland, enjoying a visit with Secretary McKay. With all that list for a single week you can understand why it doesn't seem so far across the continent Of course, . in addition we saw the familiar faces of at least a dozen public and private power officials from Oregon, here rela : tlve to contracts and for conferences scheduled for them. The General Fed eration of Women's clubs this week will bring more Oregonians to Wash ington. Don't you think it is time you joined the paradeT MISS BEVERLY OSBORN ; r - - J i MISS ELOIS k Ame D4.J.a.i IVlrS. ratterSOn To Be at Home On Wednesday An at home afternoon is planned by Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Oregon's governor, for next Wednesday, June 3. Hours for this time are changed a bit, friends being invited to call between 3 and S o'clock at the Patterson home on North Winter. The Pattersons have another busy week ahead. -- On Tuesday evening they will be in Eugene, for the Rotary club'a intercity dinner. On Friday the Governor and Mrs. Patterson will be. in Roseburg to attend a republican event there. Governor Patterson is to address the state Elks event in Grants Psss on Sat urday and he and Mrs. Patterson will be attending a dinner that evening in Medford. The governor is to dedicste n airport at Medford at 1 p.m. Sunday. At 3 o'clock that Sunday, Governor Patterson is to give the commencement address for Southern Oregon College of Education at Ashland, and on Monday will address the state Grange at Med ford. The following week-end, June 12-14, the Pattersons will be in Eugene for commencement week-end at the Univer sity of Oregon, Governor Patterson to attend the 30th reunion for his class, the class of 1923, this group Joining with the class of 1928 tor a joint open house the evening of June 12 and a jctnt reunion dinner Saturday evening of that week end. Alpha Psi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is meeting for its postponed session on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. Howard Post , 1 u K v tt ' . ",vr it ARDEN ROSEBERRY ' ' , , . A MONG mid-June brides announe 'A '" numbers the wedding' nnrttf t Mi.. fVillo.. UUal1 who is to be married on June 14 to James Houck. .)'.' " The ceremony will be solemnized at 'i 3 o'clock that afternoon in the Calvary Baptist church. C Miss Marilyn Blakley is to be maid of honor. The bridesmaid will be Miss Mary Sundet, Mrs. Robert Seam--ster, Mrs. Leonard Mllligan, Miss Ber-( nice DaMoude. The bride' young ' sister, Cecelia McNeil, is to be flower gin. ;. Roy L. Houck, Jr., is to be best man J for hi brother. - : The reception following also is to be , at the church. The bride-to-be is the daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McNeil and Mr. . Houck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy . L. Houck. Honoring Miss Colleen McNeil, bride- fl elect of Jamea Houck. Mn Piihrri Me . entertained Thursday evening at a ml- ' muiicuiu inuwer. a late (upper was served. ' r. Feting the bride-elect were her moth- ? er, Mrs. C. L. McNeil, and her sister, -Miss Cecelia McNeil; Miss Rosalie Cof- ' fel, Miss Valjean GosneU, Miss Betty1" Rose Nelke, Miss Jeanette H11L Mis Marilyn Blakley, Miss Bernlee Da- ' Moude, Miss Eleanor White, Miss Donna Vcgt, Miss Lou Carlisle, Miss Colleen Martinson, Miss Norma Schwit chenber. Mlu Ptrii- u-ik ui - Gloria Cuff and the hostess. . , The postponed twilight event tor men ' ana women of Salem Golf club will start next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, mixed foursome to play nine ,. .oies. . t.