lip- Saturday. May 80. 1953 local Paranrapbs THB CAWTAt JOTJRNAK. faW Ortyw Walter Ptaraa tl Walter If. Pierce, former governor of Oregon and eongreaanian from Oregon's Mcond district, now living t Sola, U N yam old today. Ha haa long been con. fined to hia bom by Illness Pierce, after holding many public offices and serving many yeara In the State Senate, waa governor from IMS to 1927, and after leaving the governor ship aerved 10 yeara la con gress. Beeltal Monday The WU lamette Vniveraity Collage of Music it preeentlng an organ Claaa reclUl, Monday, at 4:19 p.m. tn Muale Hall. Thoee appearing on the program are Carol Hewitt, Joan Laweon, Tb n Thamaa. Mare'aret Huann. Phyllis Muha, Mary Jo Ewell, Anne Menu, jan uenoey, Ke becea Hang. ' Hit, Rob Reported The ear or, wnaries a. namuton, iu X. Rural atreet. waa atruck hv a hit and run driver while it wai parked tn the 100 block of South Lrbertv street. Friday morning, he reported to city police. . The grill suffered con siderable damage. Joe Carr Wins In British Golf Hoylake, England Joe farr at Ireland wan the British Amateur Golf Championship Saturday by defeating Harvie ward, d el e n a ing uuenoiaer from Atlanta, two up in tne i hnle final The 31-year-old British Wal ker Cun olaver won out In a t,nu itivl after bio win f three-hnla lead at the lB-hole mark. Ward, eeeklni to become the first "layer to win the crown twice in succession since T a warm Little eeeomnllshed the feat In 1934-39, came from be hind to tie- the match at the 19th hole. Bui tha lankv Irishman calm ly sank a 30-foot putt on the 0th to regain tne lean once nnre Another beautiful shot on the last hole clinched the match for the veteran. He hit a 40-foot approach shot to within six inches of the pin while Ward's third shot left him about 14 feet shy of the hole. At that point, the 97-year-old Ward walked across nhe green .haka hands with the lean Irishman as aome 9,000 fans applauded. Men'a hat sixes are figured by the diameter or tne neaa, while women's are gauged by the circumference. n care Ceiuae Cars "Driven by Mary T. Pugh, 1335 Har mony drive, and Grace D. Nlckeraon, Heppner, collided at the Intersection of North Summer and Marion streets about S o'clock Friday with some damaga to both can. No one waa injured, police re ported. , j ' TV Channel for i Schools Held Dnvtl mrA fAn ajfiiaatlanBl television channel for Portland waa reserved rnaay oy incor- viAratlaflt at an areanleatlnn known as Community Televl- inn . -l . ' Made up of educational and rlule learlera ' tha areanlzetlnn advised the Federal Communi cation Commission it would apply for a construction per mit at a later date. By filing the letter with the FCC, the organization reserved a channel wmcn migni nave been awarded to a private concern. - Among incorporators are Da vid Robinson, attorney; Morgan S. Odell, president of X e w 1 a anil Clark enllee-e! Mrs. "Robert E. Stearns, president of the Portland Association oi univer sity Women: and James C Caughlan, assistant dean of Portland Bute extension cen ter. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS M Im. 1 OnjanbMd Herlne Oorps Reserve rjutatNeral and Marine .Oorps Reeenre tralntag center. oroMaUMSdOhiaro; at Balem armory. nviraa MndDlea of War. Oept. George Ooohren, Mcamoutti, OrSon Mobmaato DaUon mory. . . . nwliilna etonmerwl Te- in JUT A le ie ' " " . a .riL. -ZTri officers -and three for airmen, including re servists, have Been "' a aVataai TOT Bar (Mrs included, still photceraphie, tellfeenco photo-radar, statistical ErvfceaT jwrewoel. communica tions, supply and aircraft main taW Those for airmen are sir eraft mechanic, armament tech nician and supply tecamcian. Transier rim a Announcement has been made by the bureau of naval personnel ol a program for outstanoin uaai ;tJS temporary naval officer, through toe (Trade of commander to the E JS3L -....t have women three months on acUve SuS may apply. Provided their .PPUc.uo,JW 1 by the Seir releaw from active dur. All iiUttonj. except nurses must nave a degree frornan accreditea college or SthTventhWantryW. vision In Korea Recently pro- emon a. r -t mm who arrived in Korea lor man, Aboott. a embeV of npanyk. S2nd In lanwimlnTof this division, entered the Army September 10, 1962 and l took his tralnlny at rarno Roberta with the T7th in ftStry SvSton. He is a traduate of Slem high l)ReK! alert wife Is making her home In Balem at ST7S Pleasant View L.iJr hi parents are Mr. and SlJTo A AbSott of 5590 Portland rmnfl, Siilem Strike Looms by Egg Workers Portland UJ Egg and poul wnvVAM Kiw armPAveri I strike to back up demands for pay Increases and otner Dene 8. W. Barker,' secretary of Local 131, said the workers voted 4 to t to authorize their negotiating committee to call a strike u a aauaxaciory con- bu( ! nat nntalnail. Tha laaal alaa aaked that the Oregon Egg and Poultry Deal- ra aaaoeiauon. ana omen. mrmmnHm maat af the ese and poultry processing plants in tne state, oa piaccu on m unfair lUt I The union baa asked for a 10 per cent' pay increase. Pres ent base wage is $1.46 an hour for men and 91.33 for women. Also included in demand! are improved working conditions. The present contract expiree Monday. Taff in Hospital, Reported Better - Cincinnati ttlJB Sen. Robert A. Taft (R.-0.), suffering from a hip ailment, waa reported "decidedly better" at Holmes Hospital today and planned to return to Washington next wier. The Senate majority leader, who previously had spent four days in Walter Reed hospital at Washington, entered tne Hospi tal here last Sunday for fur ther treatment ot a severe pain in hia hip. Cause of the ailment was blamed on a. 'low grade" infection. Albany Honors Memorial Day. Albany Residents of Albany and vicinity will assemble at the Linn county court bouse nlaaa Satiirdav to loin With veterans' organixatlona in the, annual local observance of Me morial day, for which arrange ments ware completed raaay. sa Ku laeal attorney. will give the Memorial day ad dress. Decoration ox a aymnouc grave will be participated in by the Ladies of the CAR, Unit ed Spanish War Veterans' aux- lllarv American LeflOn aux iliary American War Mothers. Gold Star Mothers, Daughters of Union Veterans ana veter an af Varelen Wan auxiliary. Band muale will be furnished by the Albany high school band and the Invocation will be giv- n ku tha Ha. Gaorae H. Hu- ber, with the Rev. M. L. Booth saying the benediction. . Gas Pipeline mis Rctesscd Waahlncton () The fed eral power commission hear tne on nnlicatona for natural gaa pipelines - in tne nocay mountain and Pacific north west areas waa recessed Fri day until June 8. The recess results from pre siding examiner Glen R. Law's achedule for anotner case next week. . Two employee of the Colo- rarin Tnteratata Gas eomnany testified Friday supporting the firm's request to ouua a million 3.48-mile nloellne from" Rock Springs, Wyo., to Denver. Engineer Thomas L. Pelican and accountant John Yeon- opolua talked an anticipated operating revenuea and ex- Colorado Interatate'a direct testimony la expected to be Mvmnl.tMl June a Than the Colorado-Wyoming Gaa com pany, -which wants to,' build nlneline facilities in Wyoming to handle gaa to be bought from Colorado Interstate, will present lta case. CIVIL WAR VET HONOXED BORN ctmuwoe-T . saji jj . 4 o cmnOMt, at. J. ax in n "Ju!L,'.t. nr. i Ml Mrs. Htrrr "'.'.,-To Mr. o4 Mr. Thoia a tin M, aB m. jam '.CeVSki-T.' i" .-a n. U.m Council of Churches Will Meet June 7 Ralam . f!nunell of Churches will hold its June meeting at a n m an SitnHav. June 7. in First Methodist church, Presi dent Winston H. Tayior an nounced today. The recently selected execu tlve committee la to make lta first reports to the full council. Committee chairmen also will be announced. Summer pro gram plans will be made. The aeaalon Is onen to all in terested pastors and laymen, as well as delegate from memoer schurche. . . Dallas C of C Holds Panel Discussion Dallas The Chamber of Commerce brought their week ly forums to a close with an outstanding program that was a foUow-up of the first pro .r.m In tha fall. Dr. L. A. Kir- kendall, Oregon State College, and Curtis Avery, of the E. C. Brown Trust of Portland were the nrlnclnal sneakers. The program was in the form of a panel discussion wnn m itn,ne nrincloals participat ing: Mrs. Jessy Heath, prlncl- pal of Morrison Elementary; Mrs. Geneveve Walton, princi ..i Af r.vle Elementary: Mr. rjhinin Newitt. nrlnclnal of t...i.. tush- and Mr. Carl Mor rlson, principal of the Senior Hign Cemeteries Trimmed For Memorial Day Silverton The' rural ceme teries, near Silverton are in better condition for Memorial Dav ceremonials than for many' years. . The Silverton cemetery eenerallv. haa been a nroiect of the local American Legion, nnnaorina an association to keep the cemetery neat. Jake Kaufman, who sug gested the cemetery work aa a project, has aerved aa chair man, with Reber Allen ax di rector) Clay Allen as secre tary, and F. M. Powell as gee- retar Through courtesy of Rholin Cooley, who sent cards to rei- tiwaa reananaee nave neen generous, amounting to more than $400, and haa made pos sible: the clearing of high grass and refuse from the graves. The Bethany cemetery asso ciation was formed this year through local folk and la greatly Improved. Plant are for continuous ; up-keep ox these two cemeteries. SILVERTON CANDIDATE Silverton John Mldcuemiss is the first candidate to file for member of the Silverton chanl rliitrict No. 4 board of directors for the term of five years, hoping to replace Nor man Naegell, cnairman ot in board, whose term ends on Monday, June 15. Police Report Aticc! While Making Arrests get is the patrol car and fore had to be used to get ktm tntt) City police arrested three aeparate charm of disorderly ' conduct Friday night, two of them after they are said to have attacked of ficer who - were arreatlne them on other chargea. narian xugene snort, 1373 Sixth street, waa arrested at the scene of an accident on a drunk charge after he denied being Involved In the accident Uoon being Questioned by the officer further, he allegedly swung at the officer but waa auhdued. He waa than arrested for dis orderly conduct but refused to Boy Scout Bill Muller planta a Memorial Day Flag on the grave of Civil War Veteran Jamea A. Hard, who died . T. , til tv.l aaannll laat TJnloB Vet- . tan mar. 11 - - -v , eran of the CivU War to die. Sole survivor now Is Albert Woolson, 105, of suiutn, aainn. nam naa ivu Memorial Day parades for many yeara. . Silver Creek Outing Place A work party consisting ot members of the Ts Men'a club, their famlllea and a STOUD Of junior department leaders of h wrra went to Camn Sil ver Creek Saturday to spend the weex-ena. UTWUm the eamn the froun I will place the facilities In order for tne lint oi a senee m. nui- hn Tha riimn Will M taxen aee June fl by a Broun of Presbyterian Junior high school boys ana gtria xrom m Wilamette vauey. The party tnat went to nm scene of operations Saturday or will join tne group eunuy included the following famie iimm Tan Marsoalan. Dale Biles, Dick French, Dr. Robert nri tvp 'Dan Woodard. Dr. Herbert Nelson, Bill HaU, Bob Smith, Robert urowneu, ver- ... rkeWeeae . Norman Wln- alow, Keith Rodie, Bill Dobaon, Clyde Charters, uua aioorw, Scotty Washburn, Carlton ih..- mil Barlow: . John Martin and son, Jay Blair and Harry Manning. Leaders included Paul Mc- Cloud, Bob Brownell, - Dale Banks, Bob Anderson ana ai Jones of Eugene; Kurt Engel sted of Portland and Darrel Pepper. .. Northern aoU died whU held prisoners. in Battle creex, mien., Her man flags were placed over 36 graves of Germana wno aiea as prisoners of war at Fort Cus ter during World War IX The flags were obtained xrom the Weat Carman anvemment by the Gen. George A. Custer American Legion post. In anawerine the Doat'a ap peal tor German fUga, Chan- eallar Adenuiee aala nut OV- ernment waa. "deeply moved by your intention to rememocr German soldiers' gravea." Memorial Day (OonUousd from Pate 1) medical corps and the modern thninuea. ana menicinee uiab h.M.)uhuii aava an hiidt uvea in Korea that would have died l VarlH Ware I ar II. The colonel's address fol- neraHa and earlier Me morial Day services at City View Cemetery ana on uie mar Street hrldffe. McKay Makes (Continued from Pace t "' iTVam mfsittifi at ran fhurmmm 4Kbit I 4Ka aFlaankAafarl MelrMfn (arBealf In la a 'give-away' administration, McKay declared "the- only thine wara eHwen awaw ! 1 what rightfully belongs to the I tne people. McKay aaid that he had ap nakareajH raefnM aa ftnata gvim. ImlttM Mrly this week urging i wmmuyrmnrm nr in mru mia nv I ths Hniiiai In Bnnnlini4aitlAnffi fnr The Dalles, McNary end Chief Joseph' dams. "If thaae euta are raatnred I we will not require any new oama zor tne next Duoget year,1 tha ear ta rauta in tha he again attacked the o3eer ta the rear aeat with him anal temntail ta Mak thai mitirmr driving, the officers repertod. Be also naa to oe xetxiDty removed from the car at tha staUon and taken Into na aaa tion, police reports showed. Ha was booked and held in Ilea e ball. V - '" ' Jim Wilaon, tranatant, was also arrested on drunk charge anil then a dianrderly oonduct charge as he struck at the- ar resting omeer wno waa car ina the auuon on a pouoa v.. Th. .aerleer aar tha Hwin, m TZi blow coming, be reported, anei , ducked. The lnenriairo ew feU down and then began kick. , tag at the officer, the report said. He waa subdued and taken to the station where he waa booked on both chargea and held in lieu of ban.' , M . i A third man arrested tor disorderly conduct waa Harold Arthur Smith. Independence, who, officers aaid, waa maama a scene on a downtown street. He alao waa held in ueu as tmu. ROK Forces (Oontlnued from Peee 1) : .. . v v. vahaiiuaa zor tne next ouaget aouia v ,j in I i.uu..riM twice lavanoaal year, tic earn. 1. llice wiiniaBiua - . - : ... . , " ., " ..j aa the tuna uie Bieicoicni maue recenuy I moun v - by Dr. Raver. BonneviUe ad- neared for negotiators to re- , , . .. . I . i .-4m Uanoav ministrsior, mat a new ztonne- turn to r imuuug . r viUa dam must be built each after a week-long year, but I want to add that Communlsta are expected o .1 J M a . Iba eXevaiB1 aVlBel raTlVtohei Colonel Twin SUter. area on the head Capitol atepa to hear cownei will reach northeast Into ment In my office now,- Mc inaccesaible Roman Nose andKlT M. Allied Big Guns (Oontlnued from Paae 1) COURT NEWS Circuit Court . Arr U -ItlDtlir. ! I.. .... ty. t alBOT that. M BMBUllr lupperu i u akv va Laereaea a Bkr: Driarce aawlalat, allajlaa rl . . , . - ,M.tmM.L. Aik. aattodr ot lour minor chlMrea. lit aalhlr luPTort, owBtrahla af wal ana rfneaal llarnal at WlaoatUla, Or- atPtrnMT M, im. nivA,r, cnuDUlat. alltalu crutl aad i,mimmL A,,b lion allBI l etwraiuiuea al areptrtr flaau. atatrlea at inn J"T i. jBj.nk.aH v. MajuIm JacobMa: nitloa of eiiaoar aaranau r 4lii aaai. H.i... m u anw.. n-v, TH. todr at -area aiinor couvn. Warml W. Iran t Hike rrai aa4 Ottni arret: im nrdttt tltai Plata- .tit h,H.-.Mii at i nji maftini. rar-ai aaS er-nu arret Jadiai-iit at SW ataiart r-rbel. Moving and storage across .u. arroaa the nation. .lie -- Call Russ Pratt, CapiUl City Transfer Co. The Knit Shop at Turner n anen aeain. staTtinf Mon waa w-a e " day My 25th. Please conwci atnar varn MiriaT noia IV Via aaas Va . soon as possible. Msrk down sale on all yarns. Ruth Nyberg Barber. Marrlaaa Lleaaaa 1IU Ceart trett, ane allcf tarrahn Aaiama. St. uaelr. set ante Ukartr iren. UMul. Rente s. eat aenaa aprtuar la, wj.m-i tt'HM . loot Mloa lant, im Alice RH Aaeaa. Alkiaraita J. D-areerlt. M. i aalrlep K. Blaien, IS, BrevaatlUa. er Wrnuunr, ts. ae4 MarlerM liV- rr, , ' Mt.,1 tl. ana rt-uu u Harteock. IT, Alkanr. Oecar Mimn... II, ax-reeal, sa4 Th. alllerl tmnna brouallt their dead and wounded down the htU and left "nothing ot value," a spokesman aaid. Fifth air force fighter bombers and twin-engine B-16 bombers roared over tne west ern front, dropping more than half a million pound of bombs on Red troops and tup- plies. sgm- Mia a"" damaged- Friday night when a communist wnite pnospnor ous shell touched off an am- rrunltion dump during the fighting on Vegas and ElKO, army officials said. Sheets of flame shot high In the air for two hours as am munition exploded. Battleship Bom oar as The battleship New Jersey joined the bombardment of Wnnaan turnina its 18-iDCh guns on Red coastal batteriea. The navy aaid the 45,000-ton battleship scored "heavy dam age" on defense gun and ex ploded an ammunition aump. R-2D SunnerforU bombed a North Korean dam north ot Ypongyang Friday night in an atiemnt tn loose flood waters aver main enmmunlst SUDOIT route. Fourteen Superfort hit a blc earth-fill dam at Kuwonga on the Hapchang river, but were unable to ob- aerva results. . Kaheeteta nrowled North west Korea without spotting a communist Mlg jet willing to fight. Tribute Paid (Oontlnued from Page 1) Grombez's speech. Invocation ...t KAnaittlan hv Rev. Ern- uu - - - - est Coulder, a gun salute, the sounding ot taps, offering of wreath by variou organiza tion, introduction of guests and band music. . Guests included Col. Louis n Varnawnrth. Jr.. colonel Crombez' assistant; six other officers and 16 enlisted men, all Knrean vatarana- and fiVe wounded veterans from the Veterans hospital in Portland. Xarller, brier services were held at the American Legion circle and the Grand Army of the Republic circle in City View cemetery, Other service were held on the Marlon street bridge while a heliennter rjiloted by Marine Reserve Captain, Dean Johnson dropped floral offerings in tne Willamette at part ot the cere monies. The parade, led by Colonel Crombez as Grand Marshal left tha. ranltnl Mall at 10:30 under cloudy skies that occasionally let the sun burst tnrougn. it mnved westward via Cottage and Court streets for the 11 o'clock ceremonies. Included in the parade were mllitarv ermins. massed colors and members of veterans or ganizations, bands from iesue anil Parrtah lunlor hlah schools and Salem, North Marlon and Jefferson high schools, school children, the Shrlner drill team, and members of the Sa lem and South Balem saddle clubs. aervteemea Due Four Sa lem men and two other from (hia aeetlon of the state are among those due to arrive in Seattle from the Far East Sat urdar. Aboard the navy trans nort Marine Adder win ee at. Martin F. Burn and Sfc. Jake R. Thomoaon. both of Salem; CpL Henry F. Hoff- -.,, ..j ei T-u man 91 luumnj ana at, muvh L. Juhnke of Sweet Home. Arriving on the Gen. William Gordon are Cpl. Ronald B waters of tha Smith river. The total ma,! af HA milea will cost approximately $4 million. BLM now na luna zor toe con struction of nearly 36 mile of trunk line. Otner construc tion contract will be let as rapidly aa possible. Iron Lung Student Wins Graduation Oreenn fltv UP) Slmer Whitteker, stricken with polio and piaeea in an iron iubb aleht mnntha aco. WaJ BTSdU- ated from high school Friday night. The 18-year-old youth waa not able to be out ot the res pirator until 11 day ago. But during hia Illness he continued hia studies, tutored by Mr. Elizabeth Warnock of Port land and his mother. - Whitteker plana to continue his education. Sareat Hnme Memorial service waa held commemor ating Memorial Day at tne last meeting of the Rebecca lodge. The Charter Draping service waa held In memory of Thome McQueen, who died Tuesday. H Jensen of Salem and Curtis Olson af Salem. CpL Sianllar anlefnn aervlceS were the theme for th day In ceme teries throughout the una. There avere alffna that Dast bitterness of war Is being for gotten. Individual confederate xiags fluttered over Confederate graves for the first time at Rock Island Arsenal In Illinois. These Confederate soldier burled en SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all Mads. Trass as. AMeea Inal apaerta, Elaatio H eatery, avert fitter art rate fitting v- Hi rrTi nun s -er Vadon jum'2 "We are checking that etate- Pavroll Shartened Uir . Haelareil that he found hia vast Interior depart ment greauy . oversiauea. ine department, he said, "had been hitUt an tna vrend e atvla " Re. duction In personnel are being maae, witn liuu airesay arop- neif In the reelemBtlnn hnrean and more aepa rations In other bureau are in tne oning, ne Hid. The return of McKay to Ore gon and Salem, which he raeeharf ahartlv hefnre mlrl. nleht Frlrlav. marked hia lona- est absence from the state since World War I, when he aerved oversea. McKay left Salem for Washington hut January 1. After leaving the Portland airport, the secretary and Mr. MrMTew atnnnerl far a hrlef visit with McKay mother, in Port land. . Prase Largely Favorable McKay waa accompanied en hia trip by Larry Smyth, for mer Dolitical editor of the Ore gon Journal, who is now Mc- UKt Don Warden Member of Amsrieaa OuBd cfOrganlsta . . TsnctoalriMClrial Phone MSSI leeeaeeeeaiaepppeeeaepaeeeppp ABC TOCS OOCTOR Cipilal Drug Store M BUM treat Qeraer et Liberty gall Grace glsaayi ' with Hallmark ' Father's Day Cerxcui from our complete .election wllllam 330 Court St. "HOME OF HALLMARK' CARDS" A FREE PHOTOGRAPH Sb7 Sice OF YOUR CHILD Af e 2 Month ta Year . ' FOUR DAYS ONLY Monday, Tuesday, Wednetdey and" Thanday . ; Juna 13 and 4 fnnfrnrt I M Vatviii ss BaVB I au aucn oaraa no not neceiaar- answw uvb . -7-Z I uy need to be built by the fed-1 them in secret aw"" AumUm, a,S the Tnlaelarl t , . awi . j r . Bw.v.f " ifru (uvuamfiii. mvatv pow-1 oey. . - , uougiaa aacivay nai appro va r eompaniea anouia be given t Tn neaa nvww -, a contract autnoruing coo-1 opportunity to do some dam I down at least part w- barflm nt tha l-at lee a thai Vllaa lu M . anat Vait ailaliea lTO(B Smith River timber access! Diaaaaslea Met Taleratad the Pelplng Red Radio indleat.. road, it wa announced py tne 1 rormer - controversies be- ed to some oosernn w Bureau of Land Management tween tha reclamation bureau level discussions may 00 1 regional office In Portland to- and tha -army engineer over way. day.' 1 riant to contract aam appar-iaeea vo Mes Regional chief of tha bureau 1 entry wui not oa toieratea try ujs. aipiorota Roacoe Bell reported that bids I the Hisenhower admlniatraUon. 1 of tha UK., Coinmand J u- a a 1 T JLnm,t eara, W 4ha, .rdn..r. I mmtA ta, Ve A 1b1t eeBU IB DycBCU 1H1 aw wa aw. 7 - - " . . .... ... a a, .ijl.. .t.m.H w. ...... I .... iv. vittaa rXatitb Kalieaa ouuaing ia.a mini in u v"l ' j ZZ mmA Alllael county road up the smitn nver. duj we um so mam sir-yon, w t - ' . I Ha, aaa. Baaalhla mr.A u M.a Mala1a era aariatlna eSSSS OK- uoamo uuor wrweu. yiegoa. '-.-..-." .l.r rerfor. won the contr.ctwitn a ioy, i rJT iu. I a " 7 bid of 9700,872. True waa tna ,7 i;,, T.-. tth ,). lowest of nine bids., The eon-1 wild life people." McKay aaid. Xllia O. BrlaUA ambaa- tract covers clearing, grading, .. -"r r . . . . " r 1 . : . r w. ava . I TFaT sYTflfMIII AT VnaT IflBRA l'tTTatW I ttTfiar TA Tna nVH M a a s drainage structures, tne P'c-1 --.rTJ in l,.v . Tm -hara. Ine of heavy baa rock ta the . 1 " ,rT." . . " . . .. .... a i miuinn xn Mniiniei, : inrei wim yrwmitiTain ninaiiiaiu roadway, ana tne .puuamg oi . . .ttemd naval aeacaway three nriogea. oeu saiq tn rJ v T . v. . ,. , . ,,. .a a..eae. lr.vaWlnlsl tn. - . ' t i uihi uiii cuuiuaiiv arm Dm aaLe i b-sbcuv wimi tw -r a ar - prSf i 4...-V tu. marf proximately $10 mlUlon . an- old Rhee "and haa conferred The main trunk of the road, .. . mnd -.e with him at least twice since) . . . AUied propoaal wm M lUUCf UJb aTM a.a vim -t "Wf the Communists. aklrta TakaaTwa fender skirts were stolen from hi car m.. aieht while it waa nark ed in the 600 block of Chemek eta street, John Jarvia, 311 South Winter street, reported to city police. . - i , ... a-a V.v'a allreetnr af falfovmetlajr. who said that the opposition ta McKay a Heu a unyon oeo slon, withdrawing objection ta the Idaho Power company's ap plication for permission ta build dams, wa largely cn imrmA in eaatern Oreron and some part of western Make. on a national ssat e.,1 rheetr ehnwa that M tMT cent of the newspaper endorse the . ecretary Smyth aaid (UdrNj Tan MetJIe ': -S ' . r fees ''- SeMHaJ Na Oblrfatiaa ta Bay reef sen Ukea V a ataelr Tkla atlar et a f-UK lOTOOaAM at kaeva aaaalaUat ra aalal alattarraatu. naS ta ear Itere aa m aaaretUUea at net eait Mirsaasa. Ma ertae year abiM ariaa raralar aten kears aa altuas m ke TOY & HOBBY SHOP 163 Na. Commercial St.. Salem wmm-n. ai..a... ....a a- .-a.i. I eti.eae, ea--' e1 . e " It i if HI si .(.. i"l. .s -, r. . ,...'. ' ' - I , I I