ill t Y. i ! . Tnl LArlTAIi JUIKHAH sate, uragaw , A bj.W A , . - - 1 W .. and Saturday. May SO. 1953 I f? Valley IdlUd SJ MIU FOKBES Silverton High Sllverton An elaborate tmmm bu been arranged for commencement exereltet at the Silverton high scnooi si pjn. Wednesday, June I. Dr. Arthur C. Hearn of the University of Oregon will five , the address. . , Snnartntendent Howard Bel' dentone will present the dl- . ftlnmaA. . TUrralaureata icrvicef will be in the high school auditor ium Sunday, May II with toe Rev. Joseph Luthro giving the unnon. ' . ....... kmmm Tlvl HUtl AB Puar FlaeliK. Brr Lm rub. JKwm mm rM liucli. Bttll Frr.nllA, oa- An Hutu. At " JwnMla, cYTol DtAM MilM. BUr.AA.Ui Trmu aai ba em ha Mu Mm DM !-. rt BJKA wo, toe. Btrwlr 'hmi Otaus, M "..VoW oI amith PWwwAjkwA aBiSlTa!, AiiM eiMo. baaim if. aniJl. Arm KoktrM sua. abuw M amn. Mm baiba tiatmn. tnrio. iw Dtrrctur Wataab, Bola jabia WhtUAktr. Muwl BaIm WUM font VMim Writ. Jolm T. I". "- arl B. BolUAar, Bbnr O. Burr, raen ' 1? J. SiiSr'K-rMta F. BABB. JtTf . Rmii. am Aid . bauu. aiiab . Id, a. IMA BttOAH BAUktA auwimuia. rui a. Labium. ou BMat. UMwr. IM W. McCamm, m out in iwta mb ou. Bowtrd O. FomIaWb. BafmS CwKlr miekM, aoMrt aubom , own auus "iuj. rut ataim a. Mt ToM, JUMrt a. WUM, DtAB W. Wat. Sweet Home state park, Florence, In June. In July to Crater Lake, and in Aug uett the Century Drive in Bend. The fall meeting! will begin the fourth Tuesday in September. Mrs. Junta Lyon and Terry, Mn. Mote Kearni and Mn. Ray Lundt were on hand to witness the graduation of Mrs. Lundt'sj grandson, J sea nuennwyw, from Roseburg high school on Monday, May 38. The group re turned Tuesday evening bring ing Jack and his mother, Mrs. Frita Katxenmeyer for a abort visit Maxwell Bay less was injur ed in a logging accident at the Howard James logging opera tions Tuesday in crswioras- vill. He was taken to Lang mack hospital and is in critical condition with Internal injuries caused by a log hitting him in ths stomach. Falls City . Sweet Home A cradle show er honoring Mrs. Hubert Points and Mrs. Bob Mayer was held In the Carl Reid home, 1113 R St., May 28. Co-hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Cal Raid and Gladys Reid. . Refreshments were served to Mesdames Arthur Wonderly, Orville Moyer, Royce Lang and children, Nat Looney and son, Roy Armstrong, John Postal, Glen Burnett, Claud Palmer and Ruth, and the guests of honor. Sending gifts were Mes dames Guy Womack, -Alwin Blankenship, Henry Blanken ahio. Tom Reed. Bill Reed, Les ter Stoddard, Jack Whltcraft and Lloyd Jacobean. Helptnf to celebrate Conrad ' Reed's ninth birthday were the third grade room of the Long St school. Cake, favors and ice cream war served to 34 chil dren, Gregory Reed, the teach er, lira. Oral Child and Mrs. Bill Bead. W. Bankey, Sweet Home city councilman, was taken to "the Veteran hospital m Portland tor treatment following an Ul nesse of several days. Jim Hosmer. Corvallla, free lane photographer, showed several sets of color slides deal ing with mountaineering in the northwest cascades wun em phasis on photographle tech nlques and the problems in. ' volved in photography. The last spring meeting of the Shutter bust also Included plant for three Held trips to Honey-man COLONIAL ' a hastier EBQlTCOMRm til S.L 112rh Pefttemd, Or. PheMTAIlM --....eBeaaaa-AalrSaVjVjVjVjMrM Hi 1 . . I PAYIUO 9 HAKICP li a '-TIJ.TwT.m D ! lMl7s WTaleaH af tjat by K LYU AND HIS ; M WimUNAlKK g . ii-St r. at. Rl Falls City Miss Norma Wise of Salem attended the bacca laureate services Bunaay eve- nlna. Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Parsons and Warren Frink were in Sa lem Thursday. - Nadlne Pierce of Anchorage, arrived the past week to spend the summer with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jos lin. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle lorunor and aona had Sunday dinner with their aunt, Mn. Lizzie Bis ael of Balls ton. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grlppin and family and Jay Bucklew were birthday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ixiwery in Dallas. : Saturday evening. The occasion waa the birthday of their son, Ray. C. F. Wilson of Dallat nas bought the Caster restaurant Mr. and Mra. Jonn neei ana family have moved to New Mexico. The Polnsettla club met re cently with Mrs. Jeanette Marr in Monmouth. Mrs. Vlrall DavU and Mrs. Margaret Loftut attended the Rose Society meeting in aaiem Thursday evening. Mrs. Lillian Kitchin waa hos tess to the1 Past Noble Grands club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Eva Teal and daughter, Mrs. Hubert Taylor, enter tained the members ox tne Neadlecraft club at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon at their home recently. A committee was ap- DOlnted to amend tome of the old by-laws. Also the mem bers plan to enjoy a day at the beach July 4. Mrs. J. L. Pal mer was a guest Mr. and Mra. curxora hod- lnaon and family spent tne week-end at Longview, wain., with hit brother's family, Mr. and Mra. Delmer Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marr and son of Thorn. Calif., were visiting friends In Falls City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doyie uonmor and sons visited Mr. and Mra. Harvey Marr Tuesday evening. The district quarterly con ference is to be held at the Free Methodist church, begin nlen Friday evening, June at S p.m., with au-aay sessions June 8-7. Also at this time the church will be dedicated. ' The high school baccalaure ate services were held at tne Free Methodist church Sunday venlna. The graduates are Joyce ana Lovce Muroby. Delores Frink, Patricia Ames. Barbara Martin, Duane Dunaway, Mantord Fern, William Vogel and Jer ry Bowman , The high school graduation xerclses were Thursday eve ning at thn high school gym. Visitors of Mrs. Bertha Har rington were Mr. end Mrs. Frank Calumet ana aaugmer end Mrs. Cordle rox, au oi sa-lem. PTA at Turner Helps Library ' Turner For the 1DS2-S1 school term the PTA had at a project a library in and for the grade school, helping to nlan it helping to catalog books and repair old ones and bought curtains. At the last meeting held in May the PTA gave $50 to be used for the purchase of new books for the library. During the school term the PTA gave $49 to help pay for the new movie projector pur chased for the grade school. . The PTA bu sponsored the Cub Scouts of Turner in the past and is planning to sponsor them again this fall when they iwnrBAnlu In Sentamber. - The PTA discussed a school safety patrol at their last meet ing. : v The subject will be discussed again at the first PTA-meeting this fall. In the past two yean the PTA has taken in $473.10 and paid out $444.75. New officers elected for the PTA are Mrs. Robert Waldorf, president; Mn. John Coleman, vice president; Mrs. Luella Rob ertson, secretary; Ben Brandon, treasurer. The PTA also made corsage for the eighth grade gradua tlon. , . ,. ... . Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mn. Frank Finnicum and family at tended the graduation of their daughter, Miss Delores Flnnl cum, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 24, from the Pacific nuniverslty at Forest urove. She received a bachelor of arts degree in elementary ed ucatlon and will teach a rural school of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade near - Shelton, Wash., not far from Olympia. Immediately following the graduation a dinner was serv ed at the Finnicum home. Attending were Willard Wl zeU of Shelton, Wash., Mlssl Elizabeth Swarthout, who was also a graduate with Delores, her parents, Mr. and Mn. John Swarthout a brother, Mynard, and a sister, Janet all of Pas adena, Calif. The marriage of Miss Del- ores Finnicum to Willard Wi zell of Shelton, Wash., will be an event of Tuesday, Aug. 11, at McMlnnviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worth- ington and son Floyd, of Grand Island who left here by auto mobile Friday afternoon for a surprise visit with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. James Worthlngton and little daughter at Graton, Calif., re turned home Wednesday morn ing. . ' Mrs. Clarence Rockhlll vis ited her mother's relative at Turner recently. Larry and Kenneth Will, small sons of Mr. and Mn. Cecil Will, are recovering from the measles. ' Mrs. Etta Wiley, who has been residing for several years at Salem, hat moved to the home of Mr. and Mn. Worth Wiley. Latter N. Bone spent Sunday at Buttle Lake fishing. . Mrs. Edith Manning went to Vancouver, Wash, to visit her children over the week end. Mrs. Oscar Jensen took her small granddaughter, Colleen Kelly, to her home at The Dalles. - - Mrs. Jensen Joined her hus band at Portland where he had been attending the LOOT. convention and they returned bom together. Donald Chesley, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Cbetley. who was home on leave, left Sun day for Portland from where he it expected to be tent to Pt. Barrow. Alaska. Donald was recently transferred from the navy to the Sea Bees. The Turner grade school soft ball team played Staytoo in a championship game May 25, and won .with a score of $-5. The Extension club met May 30 with a pot luck dinner. Offlcen elected were: Car Icon Oswalt, chairman; Thelma Pflug, vice chairman; Arlene Machaelson, aecretary-treatur-er. Mr. and Mn. Hugh Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Miller drove to the coast Sunday. ML Angel Legion Has Annual Election Mt Angel The Mount An gel Pott American Legion, held election of offlcen ft the meeting Tuesday evening and re-elected Gene Hotter at commander for a second term. Other offlcen elected in clude Leo Traeger, vice-commander; Clarence Ebner, ad jutant; Joseph Faulhaber, fi nance officer; Ira Herrifbrd, service officer; Thomas Bock elman, chaplain; Maurice Hammer, sergeant-at-a r m t; Peter Gores, Fred Lucht and Harold Bourbonnais, executive committee. Installation of offlcen will take place at the first June meeting. Raymond Schmaltz and James Scott, students of Mount Angel Preparatory school, chosen for the Beaver Stat scholarships. Award (light Independence The gradu ating class of Central high school will hold "Class Night" on Tuesday, June 2, at g pa . The program, which Is or ganized and arranged by the class for the presentation of honors, awards and scholar ships to the various class mem ben, will be held in the school gymnasium. To avoid a lengthy com mencement program, the pre sentations are given on a sep arate night Gerald Reynolds, class presi dent for 1953 will preside. Fac ulty members who will make the various presentations are: John Chamberlain, Sam Bell, Joyce Garver, Bob Thompson, Alvin Leach and Henry Tete, superintendent. The Army Signal Corps let contracts for approximately $1,300,000,000 worth. of elec tronic items during the past year. Whales, which are mammals, still bear vestlgal limbs. Unionvale Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Demsray and sons, Richard and Milton, moved from the E. M. Coats apartment into their new brick veneer .house Sat urday..'. . Mason will work on the fin ishing the house and be em ployed part time by Dean Johnson, commercial plane dus ter. Mason it a World War II air veteran. Mrs. A. C. Stoutenburg and ton, Orln, of Portland were weekend guests of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. Clark Noble. They all went for Sunday dinner with an aunt of Mrs. Stoutenburg. Mn. Rena Court ney, 8, who resides with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. Eugene Taylor, on a dairy farm near Blodgett. After dinner they wen guests of Mrs. Will Branson at 'Delake. . DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTQ Ada. Tax Ine. Dick Johnson's OreB. tit Cenrt at. Ccencercsnt Set At Women's College Mt. Angel Rt Rev. Dam ian Jentges, OSB, abbot of Mount . Angel Abbey, - will award diplomat to 34 Mount Angel Academy and Women's college graduates at the annu al eommereement exercises to be held Friday. June 5. at 8 pjn. ' , , Medals for the highest av erage in raliglon and general scholastic achievement will be given at the tame time. The winner of the Future Teach ers of America tuition scholar ship will be announced also. Admittance to the - exercises wiU be by ticket only. The Baccalaureate Mass, at tended by all tne graduates in cap and gown, will be said Fri day at 9 a m. by the Rev. Se bastian Terhaar, convent chap. laid. At the breaktait follow ing the Mass, graduates will be received into the alumnae by Mist Theresa Debler, president of the association. ' Ludwlg van Beethoven com. posed his Ninth Symphony, on of the few such works combin ing a chorale with the orches tra, while totally deaf. THE HOLLYWOOD THEATER . will ,-. REOPEN SUNDAY Uade, Itt Former Operator, Mr. ad' Mr. J. HatMnsrab Turner Turner George Godwin and daughter, Mn. George Nelson, who have been staying In Portland, spent last Friday in Turner. Mrs. Godwin it report ed well but under doctor's care. Emir E. Ball and Robert Ball Fairview Attend Home Gsmes Salem Senators TrMity SATURDAY, MAY 30rh S Games I P.M. and g:lS P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 31st Doablehnader t P.M. WATERS FIELD Fairview Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley of Fairview have re-i turned home from an auto trip that took them as far as Berk eley, Calif. They took Donald Marley, E.N.F.N., and hit wife at far1 at Berkeley. j tSJH leCiMiirrlil as it s 1ls week andln Is food time to bring family to my place for Chi nese dinner cooked Just riant. I strvt family style, too. Or if you are travsi person and art atttlng m bote! or motel or ttnt when readln this you ask tor some directions and corns to my place. You will be glad you did for 1 earre best Chinese food in world end prices are very low and also reasonable. V you do not have special dish which you always eat you Just tell waitress or me to fix our selection and you will i I am sure. YIESINfi (that's my sure) Picture not of ma this my . cousin Frank Sunday Dinner Virginia BAKED HAM mi Sweet Potatoes wft. Raisin Sauce Soar Cream Cal Slaw Hot IlKBrH and lattar SPEEDWAY Restaurant 1170 Cantor Street At tha Capital Shaaalnf Cantor Stawaai S HIHtJtl atfJaaWflaBv' 1 1 : ; ; 1.1 JirMal w y jjS n run ti ., " "' . 1 To W Tomorrow! -"r Regular Prices Nmtajo . iV - ., r V I r I -rJ-tfW e " HT.iT an umvt-iii iiitAiiib fi ii Pin i in bTmiii i i i TpJaf I A DAY IN THE COUNTRY f END TOWtTl (tatT si Ft : NewttWeyjMIISSt. L AB CUr Prtrui 1 . fo&agV1 T THl BID HEAD 1 JVV Em r.u. Akavl ara ;l .1 I .n - III II I tfrUBt Hayaea 11 vJl LIS ? fTn TBTTBf r? Bart Lancaster f T ' M" X 3 W 1 fL anu IN I II I I M THE NIGHT" , I I I I L J- Oteada FarreO I I II jr W 1 &m to Zlm 1 ami i n 1 ' ' ' V; (if usisaff Continuous Shows I fftf , v V'6! From 1 p.m. at GJ3lEB$ CapitolTrond ' gjjfe dfe) n 0 JeaaSbuswee Jj 1 if..,-.J ' 'Sk lU "iSreajfiels?-. 1 "CITT 1IH1AH Ul Tin ' ' I r ibba I, . ii 1 I opdcuudic nnno aata ay F.M.Cseley. 144 , J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliance and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliance Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners AVIIIMGS-TEMTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT I AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description ' ' '"ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER ' BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplace, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED - CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 .. CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. : Specializing In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Food Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 . MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th I E. HOYT t Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks . Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1185 S. 12th ST. . Garden Tillers Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers Air Com pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets - Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STITTLER SUPPLY CO. Ill 0LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whae. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAFITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 53T COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND - OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-415'! ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater St WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-37(9 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING ft HEATING Repairing ' SSSChemeketa - Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial 24 HOUR savici We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES IN S. Ukerrf JtO (sari, Dtwttewi 2440 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 PM. 110 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 PM. to 9 00 P M All Sundays and Holiday PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 Ph.3-3137 MetVal (taM Radio Repair ow a Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radlo-Teltvlsion 1880 Stota , Motorola Dealers for BT General Electric . Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION t 39S N. HIGH SERVICE INSTALLATION - SALES Bam and Auto Rsdio and Television Soeclallsts In the Willamette Valley for 28 Year i $!