Eatrcay. May J 0,153 : THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salm. Otob fry i '(T II- 1 .A BRADLEY'S BICYCLE SPORT SHOP " Fotiuerly Mooret SI1.K.HUfh;.s Ph. 1-3844 cimoLomci equipment co. Typewriters . Adding Machines Accounting Machines f ' . Cleutatori . , electric cleaners IN Highland Ph. I -4821 ft L. RLFSTBOM CO. - 280 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY Inetmnce - All Types HIM. Capitol . . - Ph. 42201 ' (.,."', ' ' ' Y.T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 08 & Cominerdal Ph.42287 i "V.'.'i -(f.'i'' i "'-.' ',. " . HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP . : Thlaft Pbotograpbie 481 State St Ph. 34508 - '-,. v 'HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 ajn.-9 pja. Special 11 JO Sunday Oinnat Noon Till pm. owxll-edwards funeral home , Across From Sears HI If. Capitol MOXIXLOP MAX ESTATE Phone 83820 40S Canter at High '::"v'': :"v-.,v , , ALLEY TRACTOR COMPACT Port Tractor Salaa A Sanrlea 1W SUvertonRd. ,' . v ii;v-. v. SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Ownad A Opart ted by L.H. Campbell 880 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-1888 TWEIDIE FUEL OIL! "Oil to Burn" Ph. 1-4181 ' 1174 Idgewater . West Salem . BECTLER-QUI8TAD LBR Ce. , .Everything to Build With" M WaUaea Rd. Ph. 1-8181 HTJTCHION PAINT STOBI Palate-Vamiahaa-Wallpapar Ph. 8-8487 , 182 N. Commercial taater DeLay Traaatar-ltonaa "Local and Nation-wide Movers" Ph. 1178ft . , 1118 M. Commardal SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS PROVERBS 15-15-16: A toft onswtr tumath owoy wroth, but grievous words ttlr up anger. THa tongue of th wise uwth knowledge aright; but ' tho mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. S 1 y j THE MOMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT Fear mlautti to ion bj tbt CJupoi clock. Four yeara of effort now crowned with eacceee. This is the moment of achieve I " ' . jjEST'C" "n l Three mmrre to lour. The Ulosioa beeint to fade. Here, out aide the Uy-orared walla the Sature looms more important than the past. Two minuUt to tour. A aenaa of fear. Can a diploma guaran tee happinaaa through all the yean to come? On minuto'to torn. Futility! Education can't insure happl neaa. Life is a succession of uncertainties. ' Font soemu ttroket ot tbt Cbpl clock. The Cbtpel clock! There ia life'a one Certainty . . God! And with divine Lore .' rewarding human faith, who need fear the uncertaintiaa of life or doubt to fad happiness under God. Years of education are no substitute for minutes of spiritual search- 1 . I . . 1 . . . . 1 . ng, uipionw are imparuun. m am aiacovery oi rum ii wm reu moment of achievement. . . L " tuUdiJ lJ-t facto, WXl-I J ca i. WlUHrtt " upporl ft. 7ia w,nd on why tot. 7. rorhi. -kiu flr,7 t7. T. RIGDON CO. Puneral Directors 888 N. Cottage Phone 8-8171 CAPITAL TV SALES A SERVICE Motorols A Strombarg-Carlson Television Sales, Service, Installation by former i RCA Engineers Ph. 4-8408 1430 Broadway DICK METER LTJMBEB CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1778 Una Ave. Ph. 8-4888 Y ALLEY PACB3NQ CO. .The Home of Famous Cascade Hams, Meats, Bacons" 1808 Valpak Rd. Ph. 8-4188 LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PCLP A PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front A Parry Ph. 8 -1421 BOEN T I FE WRITER EXCHANGE Business Maehinea 488 Court St Phone 8-8778 IADS ROOM for BSATJTT Complete Beauty Service Open Evenings by Appointment Phone 8-8888 1872 State St MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales A Service "We Qlve jkoC Green Stamps" Phone 8-7877 1880 State WJXTSET MUSIC HOUSE Koehler A Campbell Pianos Accordions, Guitars, Marimbas Instruction Rentals Phone 8-7188 I860 State MASTER BREAD Brought to You fresh Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 38208 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoes 178 N. Commercial ' PAY LESS DRUG STORf "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 Statist ' Phone 3-3684 ROBERTS BROS. Department Store SRARS ROEBUCK A CO. Senator Hotel A Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court A High Sts., Salem Ph. 84181 THE VI8TW MARKET Complete Shopping Center 8048 8. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Hsinore Capitol Grand Liberty State Diive-Ia COAST-TO-COAST STORES "11 Big Departments Everything for Home and Car" Byron Cooley, Owner 838 N. Commercial Ph. 8-7887 BLUE LAKE PACKERS, be. 878 Patterson Ave. Salem, Ore. P.O.BEPINECO. We Go Anywhere Any She Job IMS Portland Rd. Ph. 8-4788 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buick Sales-Servios 888 N. Commercial Ph.2-3821 THIS IMIO OF ADS IS IIIrM PUIUSHIO EACH WEEK UNDER THI AUSPICES Of THE AMERICAN IIIU SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST Of ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED IY THESE PUBUC SPIRITED mm A A a S)av aaaveaie atiiaifc taaa a a kk.