Saturday, May 30, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm, Orfe ?t It DENNIS the MENACE I showed Mrs. Nessit My rubber BUILDING MATERIALS OakFlooring Hew Carload. 118. M Plywood lor Floor 14c. Netr slab Door 9.75. Birch S.0& fine Panellni 128.60. Plywood for everything. low si Sc. S. at 10c. Wallboard 1.40 Remodel no oothint down. If tnonthi to pay. CiMout on odd was. & frames, our ml take, your tain. OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY Portland Road Lbr. Yd. J54S Portland Rd. Salem, Ore. Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ho. Si. IS Inches clear. 15; No 1. I tnchea clear, $. No nap wood or alia. Con and cat them. Ted M tiller, Balem-Independeoct Road Ph-. Salem 1-119. mi SALE -4-m. plywood 4xt per ft. ... .18H j-tab cotnp. roofiits i Aabeatoa sidint Soaks mould, per ft .10 1 kinds building paper S.7S New plasterboard. 4x1 1.49 Waterproofed wallboard. 4x4.... l.ia Mo. 1 painted cedar shakes with underco'jrae 10.1k li-ln. Orada A Manor ply wood 4 JO Via- Grade A Maho. Plywood.. .41 Via. Birch Plywood M A, -in. Blren Plywood 51 Naila, per ket 1075 1-ltta cash doori T9o New screen doors . New weatherat ripped windows, completely assembled 14 .St Steel sarase doora. complete.. O0 500 -Satbes and picture windows. CHEAP 00-tal. steel septic tanks K M Ctwe-coupled toilets, complete.. 33.50 30x10 wa&h basins, complete ... 17.50 New trade A bath tuba, complete 09.50 Kitchen sinks, complete Boat plywood 10, 12, 14-ft lenithi la stock, low prices. Hew ahower cabinets and all water heateri BAROAIN tln. soil pipe, oranaeburg and all aizea sale, pipe ... . .SPECIAL Loos Insulation, per bat $100 C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. One mil K. of Kaiser mi ONE WKEK ONLYf SQUARE DEAL SPECIAL 42 Oil. comas Heater IS year cuarantea .,.,....,...172 50 Close Couple Toilets S3 4 95 Cast Iron American Soil Pipe Sincle Hub oc ft. Doub.e Bub 0c ft. SQUARE DEAL HARDWARE CO. 161 Chemeketa St. Phona J-3934 ma IS! BUILDER'S SPECIAL lxS Shlplkp 30, IK per H. 3 -Inch lumber 12$ per al. This Is all food new lumber. Some lumber at I IS per U S-2043. mal49 No. 3 Boards S1S2E l" i if 1" i Borne r A 1" WCLA Oradeel SURPLUS ON ARY ORDER About .0O0' while It lists at Ml M Coast Range Timber Pro. Co. MS Basset St. W. Belem mailt' StRPHS 1TFMS Mill price. Coast Rsnie Mill, 5 Basset St., West Salem mal' NURSERY STOCK CRKYSANTHFMl'MS Wide ielectlon. Iris now bioomins. Delphiniums fln cludln Astolsts", Icelsnd Poppiea. fail Aitora. Cerantums, Aatllhes. Russell Lupines. Blarks Oardena. 32tfJ Che aiara Rd, I1 mlie east of Feirer. Ph. mbl30 FOR SALE Bftronlai, fuchiaa. lupine. Mri. Archie Classett. 3175 Chemawa Rd. mt13 RKDUE OR WINDBRF.AK Privet, laur el, rameilia, conifers. bowood Ph lJlf(2. 27 Hollywood Drive. mbn A2A1.EAS -End of season sale. 25 off. Alio Rhodoi, Camelilas, Dwarf Bof, other evrrireen shrubs. Warlnt'a Nur sery, 1025 Oak Hill Ate. 'Turn eat from S9E at South Vtnara Taverni Open Sundays. mblSS' liRTIU WASHINGTON seranJumt, hundreda tn blnom; beronias, f'tchta and twddlnt pianta. Kiiber'a. 11 Sa lem Heiehts Ave., phone 44A23. mbiU THiTTiNrsT "in TuVermis Beaoniaa, ail eolort. 2fic each; 12.75 a doffn. Also Purhalas and Ivy Oeranluma. tett'a Oreenhouse. miles north of Salem on Wallace Road. Turn riant at the foot of tht brldtt In West tsa For Sale MISCELLANEOUS booh I'stn wood rancee. tit each Teater Appliance Co., lit Chemeketa Ph. 1-4SU. Reduced $3 per day until sold One 18-inch Mower May 25th price, $7998 June 2nd - $61.98 Keith Brown Lumber Yard Pront and Court Bt Phont Jlllt We sire I A H Oreen fttsmpe B' DAVEVO A BtK'KIB cotered in rich sioor Ret. t! How "! tlltlt. , thl, at Oiena Woodrre leffli N. Summer. L'tED Al() trHlJ, tS and up. Teater Appliance Co.. 1" Che siekete. Ph. t-tlll. f OIBaoY reirnctator. 1 tumc leet, cellent condition. Phone t-Ki n." APBTrXT HT.T. burner Onl"r,' olectrte rente. I rear, old Perfect condition. Phone l-0i tilt PBIliltXtftP dr.rr T' ellent condition. Bouts i. Bot J 8yKetcAomUVTOMOiillS uzarr She hpht uke it. For Sola MISCELLANEOUS ROTTED MANURE I.0OO Tarda, tht beat t hm weep aw. Per food arsenic results arcjtf rolled cow manure that pou can tu without fear. tt.OO per pars. 4 perns tit. t rami tla. It para, IW. rat atonee, lata Itcrae, fence poets, IK eteltes and riutie red cedar feoctnf. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5. Boa 4ft, Pb. 43&81. Salem. S ml. B. t Comers, a Organic Fertilizer Free of wed aeeda mrjtf odorless Back or bulk orders delrrered. Pbone 1-SU7. mil DEEPFBXEZI home fleeter.. Teater Apoltaaea Co. XTt Coemak. Ph. J-li. CIEVED 11 A M ST E a and tvtridlas Iroai Baiem'a old court noufts. so. 1-szse. Bill- aXCOHOLIrt ANOKTHOUI. Oroup Kc I. 1DU N. CommerclaL Pk, 1-4617. B14I BLACKSMITH ANVIL, IX lbS.. Sad power blower, both new. H 11. Slat, Salem. Phone 3-S5S1. aMC I'SED BCFaUCEatATOBS. let.M aad tip Teater sppllanea Co.. 171 coamextl. Pa. J-4111. MeCClXOCB CHAm BAWt, BM Edto watar. West Saleat. fiaiaat Loesl&a finp. pi;. Pa. 4-1S41. FLASTI -BOTE reoulres as as ins. Por pour floors or Uaoleuaa. Teater Ap pliance Co, 17S Chemeketa. Pa. 1-aill. ISO ALLOWED for pour old water beater oa thla bcw 41-tailoB aulostatie slec trle water beater. Tester Appliance. . 175 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-UI1. a I'SED ELECTRIC BANG1S. HI M sad up. Teater Appliance Co t7i Che Btekets. Ph. J-4S11. a TOP SOIL ftlrer silt sad fill dirt, prompt e llrerp. Phone J-I7. a HOSPITAL BED for aals or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone t-tltS. a CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles. fence poets, bean posts sad stakes Phillip, Brat., at , Bop. 491 i utiles east of 4 Coraera Ph. 4-S0tl. a ELECTRIC CLOTHES DBTBB, two Salp, 15.5 each. Teater Appllsaos, lit Cbemeketa. Ph. S till. a NEEDED Old aewinp machines. Up to too or store for pour old aewint ma chine oa a aew free Westinchouse aewinr machine wltb s tt-pear suar sntee. Teater Appliance. S71 Chemek eta. Ph. 1-4311. a HOWARD Roto Hoe, 30-lnen blades. 1J51 model, 1S0. ft. P. alobier, liu B. mth. t-7231. B12- NATIONAL CASB rrtister. Rlrws to HOC 00. Onlp 15C SO. Caaesdo Ifere., 14M N. Church. Bllt COMPACTNESS of S tptatt With tht tone of an ttpricht. Owner ieaelns town, afust sell studio spriest. In the best sf condition. 1419. ItW B. Com mercial. (-. Bin LIKE NEW. electric raass. Varp reason sble. M0 N. Ith St. nll- ONE TAB sarace for tale. Call JKM ar i-too. nle Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBI WANTS Pi an 04. Pboo, 1-Sllt. as LOGS WANTED Btad Mill Leattht r I" w IP r. Diameter f to If Sawmill. Lrattha lr and toater Oiamttsr s ts to" Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. plums 11 s PI ANOS IN trade on Kepiheoa teleelllon Trader Louie. Phono Mill. nail,' ELECTRIC 1-Sllt CANOES, vroodrp's. Pa. aa AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S SEDAN DELIVERY iMJ Cfttv. Spotlesa condition, Tsdie, heater, esculent tires, a rare oppor tunity ll. WILSON'S BUICK SPECIAL t?4eammt blacli M aedan in food tondltlon. Radio, heater, economical to run t HM. WILSON'S OLDS. 88 Hrdramatlc, radio, neater owned bp local buemes, man, carefullr mala tamed 4-door t aedan H3P1. WILSON'S CHEV. AERO t with onlp it5J Biilop end 4 tremelr clean. Oalp tn. WILSON'S PLYMOUTH CLUB 41 De ! Coupe, late aeries, flat sondiiKta and s r'sl opportunlip st onlp t. WILSON'S Commercial at Center Phone J-3623 (Mi MtBt-iat tiub coupe, radio, STerortee, white well tint, esceptteaal it tood. lilt Starlit Dries toff Caa- tU. Psoas Jptlt. til raiAf IIJKWOIHTO ltit Owe. ceuas. OooO shape, ett. rtnt -i5t, e l it. iw roo j-ooor, mb. : most, liu Phone 4-tt4t. TBADt 41 Butct fur enullr modfl. Asr eg. So. t-lll 1 later sllt tl rOBO I Pessenter Coup. U at,r turr raoter, sual pipes, tilt, wfcoae I-IMt site- SPECIAL IW CBIV. Belalr power tilde. Tadio. heaur, ,te. Bstra cleas. Varr low taUeatt. Priced to aeii. Jayhawk Trailer Sales M4I Portlaad Xd. ST PKtVATB PARTT tl Carrslar T-l t-daor soda... Power oteortat. tortus Sri,,. RAM. low ssiie ato. atutt be se.o u bo tppreclatad. Ca. bo aaea be appeeasaaeat. Boat otter oeer I17M. Tarsal U Retired. Call 1-Ii7 Baleaa. .Ill Pel iNTIBNAnOKAL paaai. lilt K,a- raska. Phone l-tt. ! fl PLTMOVTH Buburbaa. eerp eleaa. low tnlliste, oao owaor. Call Bllver tea -7S7i. all!' '64 NASH Btatesataa. 4-door. Like acv afust pell. Ml n. Ubortr. Apt- I nsoi. em LKZ CBBVBOLET Bei-siro 4-dooT. Im maculate. 1.060 atliee. Radio, Boater, B-Z-sje, bis diKouat. -. : tees BQl'lII la 1M4 Csrrslar club coupe for eale for tide. 1-0454. .114 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1M7 B ABLET 74 O.B.V. Lota SItrat. Phone 1-1041. eellt AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BATING BAOIATOB TBOUBLIf Tallap Motor Co. oxperu will aoleo poor arob ieme sad taeo poo money Prop ettl aaatof, apaodp aareies. caatsp at Lib. ortp. see TRUCKS PS CBIV. 14 too pickup Delui cab. speed. Bee st fit Perrr. Pbou iSISl betweea t-S. ' odllfi BOATS rom EAST and Paulina Lake. 12 foot car top boats, t models of burebcraft, lass par and other Also, ear top racks. Salem Boat. Bouse, 100 Cns meketa. J -MO). 194t JOHNSON 19 hare power out- board motor. Excellent condition. 4-5S78 stter 00 pm. Mill FINANCIAL IX 178 FOR PARU, CTTT OR ACREAOE MANS BEST OP TERMS WE BTJ? JUal attate ssortcaces 4k aoe tracts State finance Co. in so. Cast, at. Pn- S-4121 AUTO LOANS SnLLAMETTB CREDIT CO. 1st Souta Church Parkins a-Pleotp Ph. t-1417 US. Ko. H-IH. s-ive Lie a-iii sad K-lSt sad BOT B BIKUONB OISITRANCB AND LOANS Bear "Top Trades 11:04 Dell? KSLIi list Ca. GENERAL PINANCZ CO. LOANS tit as. Commercial St. Tel. 1-1141 STATE FINANCE CO SUMMER It lust tround the corner and so are we with MONTY to aeiee pour prob lems, ftepsr in sssp atoathlp fnstsll- meata. S-314 Phone Hill W-221 M? So. Hiah St. Salem, Or con rll-! LOANS UP TO $1500 AT PERSONAL it's "yet" prompts to employee men w wwibd 1-Tiiit loan . Phone first. You aelect best payment data. Between payday loans. Phooe, writ or esma in TODATt Personal Finance Co, lftft S. BlOH ST, SALEM Stat Ucenas Mas. S-112, ItMS Loans orer 1300 up to (IKKt snd up to 10 month to repay mad by Persona! Finance Co. of Marion county under the Industrial Loao Companies Act of Oretos rlW HOUSE TRAILERS R FOOT trailer house, sleeps tout, - eeltent tenditttw. Pfton taist MACHINERY rot! BALE. Thre At Miller portebi, hop plcklat maehlae. Inostre P. . Psa aalacoua, P. O. Eos 31f. Heaidsburc. calif. ' e!3S TRANSPORTATION LEAVING TOE Zo-diarispoHt June 3rd. Room for J. snare expenses ana -amir, f. Phone ittSQ DIRECTORY DDIfQ MACHINES All makei seed raacblnes acid, renteX repslred. ftotn, 4 Court. Pb- J-fT?!, Bt XLDOZISO BtilJeltwlnf, TOSJ elearlns teeth. Vlraii Kuikey, Wis sTalrTte-T, u, J-SH6. 147 CASH REGIRTF.M Isrttant dell-rary of n RCA ease retlitera. All make, sola, reotert, re psired. Boan, 4S Court. Pa. 3-I7TJ 9 DftCKSMAKINO Alterations, henitmi.ii5S, out ton a. tuck! rovereti buttOBhoEet. Mrs. H if Al!enler, M.II. oi' Dtt I VI SOINSTH tTTIOM Learn to drla the "Tmj Drl y Call or se Mr. BRmns Valley Mo aor Co- Sale to. Phone l-JKT or e-JOT KXCAVATINO Ben OUen M iVs escsfstms cradins Laivtt eieartne. Ph. J-J0S0. olW Infill at ion. veathritrips. aitisiseurr. screen. Tr ssttniata. T- FUmn Ptior.e 61tt' MATTRESSES Caottot Rctidtrttt. renoeatea Pali tlee sev anattrasses Pb- i-tots o Desk thbtra, flies, fillet soppliea, asfes tiiipi.catoUa. avppiiea. tfekk lamna, type vrltar ttsiuU, Roes, M Co-art. a" X1PTIC TANKH Kamel't septte tsska tleaned. Use errtc. Ouaranti vork. fhone t-704. iii ever, set-He tank, tfreio eleaned. Ro-W-RooUr Cevar avtrvlc. Pbooa l-as:? Mike's -Septie eerele. Tanks tleanetJ D rooter deans aevertv ttraiBSe Pheo I -mm oiiff TTPtmifTERt atlUv Cornea. ReBinctc-.. fioyai, Jb tfteevootf fjetUblM AU makes ej naerhlna. Renalra rasa. Rocs SM Cos rt a Acin wmlo cieanera Ir.-1itrlai f."ey vaimt houeec.esiUfic. Pboss J-33J7 at Covt. a LISALS ; KOTICB OP SALK Op BtAt PBOfUTt etatteo it aerebr arkea tbal the wsdet slsaed at adaslautrator oi tao Xstate .( lerrtla Heater, deeoaaed. bp Ttttua of as order dure issued out wt the Cireall Court ot Marios Oouatr. Probata Oe partaseet oa the 1010 dap of bier. last, will proceed to sell at private or public sale for cash or (or oredlt at tao of fice of i. Unities, B torts. Md orar idt .. Baleaa. Or esse, Couatr of atarloa, from tad after tae llrd dap Sf rfuae. teoe. at the boor of 10 04 A . of aald dap. t the klabest blddar. all the rlcht. ti tle aad interest of tao Kststd sf the said deredeat. afrrtle Heeter, la sad to tao fsliowtu described real propertr. t-wlt: Los 4. Block sad Lot It. Block Broadwae Additioa to tao Clip sf Baleaa. atariea Couatr. Orecoa. Btid sale shell bo asade eubleet to the coatlraiallos of the Circuit Court. state of OrtiM foe atariea Coustp. Pro bate Departeaeat is the aaatter f sac aetata sf lbs said aiprtlo Hosier. . coasod- CLTDB V Adattaistrator of tao Batsts of Urrtie Muur, dec. a. e4- J. Wlllieco Btorts lot Orar B.oa. Baleaa. OrecAO Attoraer st Law Plrst PubUcauos liar It. Ital. ubjieatla Juno 11 IPat, star . JO. oaao o. Nortci to rarros Kftttr is brftbv Ta that the Bder elcmad has twB avMpiAtad by iha CtfCtttt Court tor the aVata Oraaata for tha Oouatr af Mario, sittint ta rrmie. ctw:uurr at Hm utat af Coral C Esiltascr, ociMi and has ir auau- (led as such executor: aU persons ast inM eisima aaslnst, said ssUt are bt- by tMAtfled to present t sams, mu verified as by law reaulra, to tas iiiMteuleatad at Koot Ml Orscos Bulld- mr, Salam. Oresoe, wttmn aim from the data of this nodes. Dated as Salem, Ores on. aa rtrss published this rd day af May, 153, OTTO ORONKE, Executor of astsis of Coral C. Bslilnscr, Deoeasad. RONALD C. CLOVER, Attorney tor Executor. 30ft Ores on BuUdins, Salem. Oraaon., JURee.t4re NOTICE TO CKCBITOU On War 4. 1935. The Plrst National Back of Portland tOracott. was duly ap pelated executor of tits ssut ( Sears A. Ulnscamler, deceased, by as order of the Circtut Court for Marion County, Orecoa. AU persons bavins claims ssalnst said astsu ar hereby notified to watts, such claims In due form to said executor t til rvoeeer Trust Buildlcs is Ssienv Oreson, wltstft tlx months from tht data of this no tice, ttvwlt: alsy f. . THE FIRST NATIONAL SANK OF PORTLAND tOREOOM) as such Executor, John A. Hcltsei. Attorney for Executor. Pioneer Trust BuUdiat , Baism. Oraaon. afar 9, if. S3, So. June NOTICE OF BALE OP SEAL PSOPEBTT Neties it hcrebp tivea that the anderaltaed a, tuardlsn of the Es tate of Itadalino Af. Uaaeoa. sa lit comnetent person, bp eirtuo sf sa: order dulp issued oat of IBs Circuit Court of Marios Couatp, Probata Do psrtmeat oa the S3ad dap sf Afsp. 1911. will proceed to sell at pete etc or public sslo for cash or for credit at tht office of J. WUilssa Btorts. sot Or st Side.. Sclera. Orecoa. Ceuntr of Marlofi. from sod sftsr ths Itth dsp of Jane. 1P51, s( thehour sf lOitv of said dsp. to the his ft est bidder, all the riant, litis and Interest of she Estste of Ihesatd llMdaleao af. Haaaoe. la sad to tnefollowlBS dsacrioed real propert. . towil: The southwest cjuarter of lbs South east saurter and the Booth St acres of the Northwest suarter of ths Bontneset suarter of Section s. Township t South. Bsnae t Weal of ths Willamette Ucrtdlaa, 1st APsrioa Coustp, Orepoa. Said isle ahali so made subject to the coafirmatioB of the Circuit Court, State of OTWta for bfarioa couatp, la the matter of ths suardlanehip estate of the aald bfadaleaa Af. Bassos, SB In competent person, RALPH RANSOM, Ouardlaa of the Estate sf afadaiene At. Hanaoa, sa la competent person. S. William Storts 203 orar Bldt. Salem, Orepoa Attornep at Law First PublieatioB Mar . Itll. Last Publicatloa June 33. IPM. Map 31. 30. June t. 11 CAMPUS QUEENS FOR GIRLS STATE , '. Owl.' "''tJ, Vf. wewa .' .7ee--e.iyef.erl"; -P twaay I Jipaws tcst.. 'i-. tu -7tr fern k: mm V .-; ......-CV . ( These iirli re evea of eight ehoiea from Wi!UeS! University by the American Legion Auxiliary tc repretfn Utive t GirlB State In Sliem June 8-14. Photo thowf girl at Capitol building before taking part in Memorial Bay parade. From left they arts Shirley McCauley, Gayle Blush, Ann Meeker, Beverly Stonebrook, Marne Chria-tianten, Kathleen MetcaLf, and Carol Randall. Mid-Willamette Obituaries John F, Isom Albany Joan Franklin Isom,: 78, resident of Halaey for many year, died Thursday at Tillamook nursing home. Mr. isom was born at Halsey and lived there until 1828. He married Vera Lusty, at Harrlscurg, Sept. 29, If 09. Mr. Isom was employed by the iorest service at Oakridge after leaving Halsey. He re turned last year from Big ,.eeefeeeeee.eeeeeeeeee,eeeei LEGALS SCafMONt ix the ciTtcurr codwt of rH BTATS OF ORBOON PC THE OOtnrTT OF MARION JUKI A- TBSEt ) PlainUtf, i a DIVORCI TS ) MARTDf ALEX TVSTI. HO. aw.tM Defeadanl. 1 TO MARTIN ALEX TKBKX, Defendant: Is the Bams of the stats si ores on, TO srs Btresp rasuirod to sppear sad answer las Complaint filed ssslaat post la ths soots entitled court sad cause. a or before ths last asp or ins time wreaertbod bp ths above satiUed Court far ths publication e! this Bummoas, to wn, the sth dsp of June, IPil; sad If Too tall pp to answer. ior wans snereen Platatiff wta applF to ths above en- eiu court lor aas petm praTset sot la hop Core plaint as file herein snd aervbp asado a part hereof, natoelT the dissolution af the merries, contract sztstias between Plaintiff sad Dei, ori ent and such further relief sa the court deems lust, meet sad osultabie. That ffremmona It eerteo spaa Ton ap publication thereof fa the "capital Journal', a newspaper sf senersl cir culation printed snd publtshod st Bs-l,m- afarioB Countp, Oreeoo. once I week for a aerfod sf four vacst. to-wti, set Seturdar. Map it. Ittt. snd on each soccsstlT. Bsturdsp theraafter for the said period sad en dm, with ths Issue thereof cl the sta nap or June. os. sursuant to sn order for Publication of Summons entered in the above entitled auit bp ths Honorable Joseph B. petton, Circuit -Judge of Marlon Couatr, Ore- con, the 13th dsp ot Map. 11S. CKARLI6 W. CREIOHTON, Attorat? lor Platatiff, lit North Liberty Street, Salem, Ores on. First publication: Map It. ItSI. Last publication: June t, 1051. Map It. 31. 50, June t. IPtl. Capital JJournal V, Creek, Idaho. For the past thre weekt he hd been in Ttiiamook. He It aoirylved by two sec,: James Prentice, Big Creek, Idaho; and Vyron T., Albany.; brother, Elbert, Halsey, and: sister, Mrs. Kova Robbiett, Portland, and two grandchild ren. The funeral will be held at the First Christian church, Fredericksen chapel In charge. Chas. H. L Crover Lebanon Charles H, L. Crover, a resident ol 284 Third street, died Thursday morning at the Mary Ellen nursing home. Service in charge oi the Jost-McHrnry funeral some will be held at 2 p.m., Mon day at the Methodist church. M. Lee Grove Albany M. Lee Grove, S6, a native of Creena-burg, Kan., a resident of Oregon the past 30 years, died at a Eugene hos pital Thursday and wUl be buried in Willamette Memorial park cemetery Tuesday follow ing services at the Fortmiiler- Fredericksea funeral some at 2 p.m. Mr. Grove had lived la Shedd before coming to Al bany, He married Nellie Huffman in Albany March 20, 1943. Surviving are the widow, Ills stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. A, McDowell, Eugene three brothers, Orley, Seattle, Wash.; Leonard, Florence, and Willi Grove, Springfieid; !, , wsvTc, stepsister, Mrs, Elton Owens, , , , . ., ' Eugene; and two stepbrothers, LC tj),::) V Harold McDowell, San Jose, Calif., Bad Roy McDowell, Boseburg. ofm Wodtli Sweet Home Funeral serv ice will be held Monday, June , for John wodtli, who died at his Bom is the Fern Ridge are sear Sweet Home, May 27, Mr. Wodtli was a native of Switzerland coming to the United States when 12 years old and to Oregon is 18S5. In terment will be at the Nye ceinetery. Services will be field at ll m. in the Huston Funeral Chapel in Sweet Home with the Bev. WendeU W, Milii of ficiating. Survivors Include his wi dow, two sons, Wallace Wodtle, Sweet Home, and John Earl Wodtle, PortlBBd; two daugh ters, Frieda Forster and Ma rie Wodtle, Sweet Home, a brother, Gotlieb, Foster.; four sisters, Mrs. Kose Wilson, Can- lw, aAV Anna .fnr1zpr' t?nafevr-. Mrs. Lydia Spaark, Olytnpit, Wash., and Mrs. Emma Yost, Copersburg, Pa.; nine grand children and six great grand children. DEATHS Ta .v. mm jf4vf?b ,v Xdasi. Ma? a. ri ftsMBttsl at the vs t years, fttraver ntifrjit f lASaW,tn Bouts s. arTiae br rtf Asaie Kavti. unrnttimi LiSraBt KdsaL Jbaao. nd a. xmhiT. Mrs. sCsxlns Atonrr. Lns- loisv or.: trotiiera. peter J. wau euo 11ns 5 1; John W. SdaeL Staytoa; Qeorct lend: four arandchlVdreR. Merritwr el tht sureh. JsVnjsoitseemaBt f stt- vaxds evotspwany. sTFett Su Mese Trad at. Moore, at v -wkemot t tt&l yt, Jtlyar BA, Mr , Surrted ? vUa. Mrs. iannetta steer ssaan Btecaa. Mrs. Keith RotwrU ot lortlfctlL Mrs, Vfililtm FaarsoB Turner and svarse CharUi Ik Mink. Mrs, Out visa Uiei aad Mnt. Oeors Xstvarsoa, ail ot Siaint ABBtnincemest of serrlees will b KatU by ina ClAusn-BsTrick cAftpai. AVeasw W. IfcOop Ashbp W. McCor, a focal noepliaS, : acsT pa. ashs reetoens Qi pes a, rata el. j"' .f01 i?jf' iSsiem: thre soap. Wsiisce w. afoCor. i,ia; Paioh a. McCor. Portland, end Whatever You Have fo Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chanm me y5ilf fmi someone who Is looking for ssf flrerf very thing through the Capital hurnal classified columns. Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" AH Breed Dairy Shaw Monday Albany increased partici pation on the cart cf dairymen is foreseen for the second an sua! Linn-Benton All-Breed Dairy show to open for a two day showing Monday at the 4-K fairgrounds east of Al bany across highway 88E from Waveriy lake. At last yftr't shew, the firrt of lis kind In the WUlsroette valley, more than S00 animala were entered, They represent ed the five dairy breeds com mon in this area Kolstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Milking Shorthorn and Ayrshire. With many entries being made this week, Ted Sidor, tiiisurtt county extension, agent, said Friday he expected the numbers of animals at the show to qusi, If not exceed, the size oi last year event; Activities Monday will cen ter around junior class en tries. Judging of 4-h and FFA cattle will get underway in the morning and continue throughout the day. Climax of the first day will be the banfjuet set for ? p.m. in the dining nail at the fairgrounds. Open class cattle . will be judged Tuesday starting; at 16 a.m. Judges will be F. B. Woiberg, Oregon State col lege, and Walter Lets, Delias, former Folk county extension agent. ebanon AviofoF ipred In fall Lebanon Ralph Scroggin. a member of the elate board cf aeronautics, fell from his plane Wednesday, and not only lived to tell about it, but it walking about with nothing In a sling but a broktn right arm. Scroggin had climbed up ts have a look at hU gat supply when ni foot tlipped and be tumbled all of three feet to the ground. Be admits it was one of the poorest landings he ever made, and pilot friends are ad vising him to strap on his para chute during future gRsing ac tivities. JUDGE DIMOND DIES Anchor Alaska 4PS An thony . 4 Binsond, ?S, federal Judge for Alaska Third Divi sion and former delegate to Congrett from the territory. died TEurtdey. Ooraoa A. eSeCcr, Hr Tori Cltr. H. t.s two dathtera, Mrs. lorea Aroaaoa, sea fsr, Cr-, and Mr. Lonins Woods, PorV iss, Efanddauehfer, ixnite Aroiuon, JSeavtp. Ore, sad a titter, Mre. Lela starrr, ItoardoB, Wash, eervfees will as held la the Vireii T, Golden CJiaoel, Meodap, --us i si 1 p w. with liiter meat st Belcrest Memorial Park, Ber. Louis White effivietine. tn. 22406