Saturday, May JO, 1958 Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FOR SALE ACREAGE AUCTIONS FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PRODUCE AUCTIONS Pacif ic'Highway Frontage M Aorae of ground located mllee south of cseleia. Ideal property tor buslneei development and gubdl vision. Lge. trnfmlahed bona with full baemL, and garage, well and pumping arstem already ineualled. Owner transferred cut af atata Prlcad to sell. You ata it. Yog Ilka it TOO. buy It. TOR APPOINTMENT CALL ORABFNHORBT BROS. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS itt a. LiMru at. rn. t-im FOR SALE HOUSES True Bargain at $21,500! Retiring professional man win sacrifice lovely $ bedroom homa located an tha West aide. Perfect plaea for children; grand for entertaining. Largo Jiving room with artlstto fireplace, eeparate dining room, gug room, recreation room, dan, outdoor living araa, S hatha. tVtel hitches ablnete. Dishwasher, automat la dryer, deepfreeee. Man bullt-lna. loads of atorage ipaca. Very prlvata on 100 ay 100 corner laL Pull Printline intern, flower, ahrube, frulu talora. Muet aea to appre ciate. No agent or curiosity eeekerg wanted. Por appointment, write Box 101, Capital Journal. all , OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1953 2 TO 5 P.M. 175 AND 185 CULVER LANE 9 bdj-mi.. batrat., 3 fireplaces, dole, garage, auto-oU heat, cloaa to all services. Owner wiou offer. Other homes la area to ahow from $14,900. If you need a lancr home, don't fall to aeo theee. Oo out South Commercial to Culver Lane Turn riant. CALL BOY PTRKIS, CO-OP ROKEH GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 3-3171 Evenings and Sundays Call peter H. OeUer 9-9968 - J. r. Lew H. K. Laymen 1-9459 Roy Ferris 3-0010 FOR SALE HOUSES Open House Sunday 1 p.m. Till 5 p.m. tWS CHEMEKETA STREET. The COf ftest 4-room home you could hope to find, all on one floor, yes, 3 bedrooms, aitra nice bum-In bullet In tha din ing room. fireplace In living room. dandy baaement with aawduet furnace piped to each room, Fuu price aaooo. Clean aa a pin throughout. y. Omer Huff. Realtor 1410 Broadway - Ph. 35001 or 32524 am1 frEW f BEDROOM home, hardwood firs., attached garage. 3 miles eouta on 6un nyslde Road. 4-2471. al3' ftr OWNER, modern 3 bedroom home. Large lot. good location. Oak treea. flowers, shrubs. SIS) Center. Phone 3-7371. al2fi FOB IAI.E or Exchange. 772 15th. fiea alde, Oreg. Nice rood, house, 100x112 lot, greenhouse, db. garage, lath home, for rental or small acreage In Kor near Salem. al0 WANT A VIEW? Suburban 3-bedroom home, close to trade school, on 4. acre, clean Imlde and out. Lota of flowers, shruba. Buy from owner and save. Price 07600. This Is a give-away, but we want to sell. Phone 3-QQQ4. aiao t BEDROOM HOME, 3 years old. 01500 down. Priced 110.000. Drive by 3333 liberty Rd. , ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR I S31 N. High Ph. 35838, Eve. 39048! BEDROOM, Baker-Leslie district, 3 full baths, basement. Must aea to ap preciate, 3-0627. a!29 BEAUTIFUL D ST. HOME Visualise, If you ran, a homa with bird's ere maple floors. This Is wonderful buy. ideally located, close to schools. Including St. Joseph's, ahurches, stores, and hue tramp, at your door, on a street of all very fine hornet. You will realise the eharra nd beauty of this home the moment you enter the apaclout living room and den combination, with twn fireplaces and built-in bookcases. There are 3 bedrooms and a lull bam on first floor, nice large, lit rit kitchen, with many buut-lna. Alto, a knotty pine aun room on the back. A charming open stairway leads to three mure bedrooms uDtalrn. with huge cedar lined closets and faullt-tn cheats, full bath and an extra larae play room. This house Is alt newly decorated, floors reft nulled, and haa lull base ment, with laudry facilities and lots f storage apace. The yard is attractively landscaped, With many lovely flowers, rote arbor nd fruit trees. We are very proud to show this lovely homa and will be happy ti make appointment with you to se at any time. FRANK LOCKMAN Hon It or 3017 FAIHOKOUNtW ROAD PIIONKS 40353 OH 4 -6 JO J aiao1 BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, large living room. Pull basement. Trees and shrub. Close to schools. 3404. al3: ST OWNER: 3 bedroom houte. li acre. lose to schools, bus, stores, under 10,000. 3310 Duncan Ave al3S arOl5TH VluUVilWyaerT 3 yrar old roomy 3 bedroom, forced atr furnace, in tide utility, . drver, doubie gaiaee. fenced yard, patio, ciosa to new achool. park. PlfA terms Quick pew- eession. 03 K Ewaid. 3-574V ai3o Cottages S-Br. prefabricated cot Uses that re ideal for viat beach cabin you prire rou can nd delivered. I hava always wanted at a afford. Knocked down and delivered. (1300. Complete with found at ion. plumbing, wiring, elec. rante. elec re frig, and alec, wa'er heater, at Jut 0317b. Also 3 and 3-br. models able for very livable homes, piiont 3-4061. ali- WlLL TAKE; late model car. pickup or lots for eoulty In home in Hollywood district. Living room with rrep'.acr, dining room, kltrhen. two larrt bed rooms, full baiftnrnt. floored ante. Houte needs some repairs. Full price I7.0M. balance at fi 00 per mo. Call Mr. Kent, 3-3 7 So Mter 0. a!30 HOPtTRN J. bedroom house, double fire place, automatic best. z.l. fio.ftoo I-0K2. el: CLAIM:D AnVbRTIIlINU Per Heed llejo. IV Par e.d 4. Ttt vt'.ed, I llsaas In. Par Herd. I month an. No Refabde-Mlalsaaea lb ftordi llll-li Imrtl New, C.liain Oblp, Pee TA.rd le Hlnlosam II VI era. T Plan) Art In Samp Dat'i Pipe-r, Phone -I40l Bcfora 19 am. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES 1 BE I) BOOM, almost 1 acre. Newly In terior decorated. $4500. 500 down, 140 per month. Inquire 3130 Brown Rd. alll sir OWNER, 3 bedroom home In West Salem, attached, natural wood i utility room, wall to wall carpet. New paint Inside and oat. 1730 Btarllte Drive, (off Cascade. Phone 3-0920. am WIDOW MI ST sell Immaculate 13 year old 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, large attached garage, beautifully land scaped, fenced back yard. Insulated, atorm windows, weather atrlpptna and wninge. 010.0M including new wall to-wall carpeting. Open noon till dark. 136ft Pearl St.. Enelewood district. hiso BY OWNER Saijm Height school dis trict. J bedrooms on one floor, large living and dining room, fireplace, breakfast nook Id ideal kitchen. Auto matic heat. Double garage. Beautiful yard. 12x10 storage room at rear of lot. 3947 Stanley Lane. Out Liberty , Road to Browning, west ona block. alSl MOT HERE IT IS LEASE OF TAVERN Just what yon hava been waiting for. Owner of good paying tavern Is willing to lease building, equip, and upttatri living quarters with two bed-, rooms to responsible person. This tav ern is one of tha cleanest and most up-to-date operations In Oregon. No license trouble In aeverai year of op eration. MOTOR COURT A good paying motor court with t rental units, and large living quarters for owners Is available tor aale due to 111 health of present owner. This is an exceptionally clean court and In the best of condition. 100.000.00 with terms. It will pay you to look at this If you are Interested In acquiring an eicej.em Dullness. FRANK LOCKMAN Realtor 3037 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONES 4-0353 OR 4-1303 al29' t YEAH OLD houte. 00.350. 3 bed room t, hardwood floors, attached garage, lot 7uino, 0650 down. Phone 44030 after 0 a 130' one bedroom modern house, newly uecoraieo, near an op ping center, stoves mrnunea. Adult. No pete. 4-3435 a 139 11 V OWNER 4 lario bwtrooms. fire place, dining room, basement, eawdust neat, clothes dryer. acre nuts, fruit near achool, excellent condition sii.voo. win atu furnished a sacrifice. 2-0331. i LOtr.l.Y 3 bedroom view home, hard wnod floors. 3 fireplaces, full bae ment, radiant heat, suburban. 3-1326 eUO' OWNER WILL accept small down pay mni on iwo oeciroom house o acre adjoining city limits south. 26605 FOR SALE LOTS IIIHI I T LIH'ATED lor ALL acbool, & pi.vsround. 100 ft. Iron! with TREES. On Jerri, Are. lust wt of Itlih Ph 3-WB, Walt Boeolotskr, Real Catste aani CHOICE KINGW00D HEIGHTS VIEW LOT ON Kingwood Dr. SACRIFICE FOR $1,950 ' PHONE S-4830 REAL ESTATE 1 OF THE NICEST 3 br. homea in the city. Specious living and dlnlna rooms are carpeted leots of closet apace, natural finished kitchen, plenty of bullt-lns. lee. 3 ear aarsie, 3 fireplaces, darlleht base ment with finished amusement room and aitra bath. Shady view. Lot is para neni setting. Only 017.000. SOMEONE ta going to get a new home for les than eot. This 3 br. home In West Salem was taken In on trade. 11.000 do and easy monthly payments. 7 APTS. All nicely furnished and alwara rent el. Clote In location. Very modern b!g. will lake your 3 or 3 br. home as dn. payment. Price 933 500. Call Cieary. Walter MusKrave, Realtor Ull Edge water, 33100 Xvea 3-N33 ll A FARM WITH A FUTURE tl Acre on Little Pudding river About half of acreaia U virgin soil, aome beaverdam. Abotit 0 acrei of strawberries. Pamllr orchard. Oood 3-bdrtn. homa with basement 4k oil furnace, plus unf. upstairs. Poultry ho oat. FronW on pavement. Owner let. Tier state, asking Hi 000. Terms. COURTESY TO BROKIRS. A. A. Larsen REALTORS m a Huh at. p.ioo. utn K. Sun.: A I. JS1, Audi Halvorten 171U. A. Wells 11731 bl2" BY OWN a. 40 mi farm. Clou to Sa lem. AU In cultivation. Crop, Bulldlnu. Irritation possibility. If In phon. 43.0?. biso REAL ESTATE "WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTTNOS: Homes, Parma. Acreage., Buiineawee, Motor Courts, Taverns. What hava your WOULD YOU LIKE A wall built older type home? In the bet of condition. Wry clean. 1 bed- room. Full Air basement. Oil fur nace. FlrtP.eee. 4 walnut and aevcral fruit trees. You couldn't spend nickel on thit one. 1 bik to bua. Pvd. St. Fine location. Pull price only 09400. LESLIE DISTRICT Haa a baaement. Living and dlnlna room hava wall to mall carpets. 3 fire- places, in tha best of condition. Oreen houae. Terms. Full prire 113.000. HERE'S YOUR HOME In Orant arhool dlit. 3 bedrooms and full basement. Fireplace. Automatic furnace heat. Owner leaving city. rery food repair. Corner lot. Pull price 11,000. Terms. $1000 DOWN A verr cute almost new home In thr beat of condition. Oil heat. Large tlor aae space In garage. Insulated. Offer ad for sale to close estate. Att. ear ace. Pvd. St. Very close to school, bus and atore. Full price only APARTMENT BARGAIN Income 1260 per mo. 0 rentals. Rents very reasonable. About 10 blki. from down town. Near Mill creek. Property Incl. extra lot. Full price only 121.000. Terms. BUSINESS BLDG, Past growing location. Suitable for aeverai kinds of business. On very good St. For rent at 1200 per mo. For sale, 23,000. 99E FRONTAGE 400 Ft. frontage on 99E plus frontage on cross rd. for exit. This Is desirable location for moat any type of buei- nesa. Owner will sell a portion and ground lease part If desired. Full price 110.000. 2 ACRE TRADE Oood modem 0-rr.-old 3 bedroom home. Verr modern. Pull basement. Barn. Chicken house. Good variety of fruit plus walnuts. Will exchange for city home. Full price 10.900. Owners equity $3900. 14 ACRE with modern 3 bedroom hooae. Only 0 mllee frcm tSalem. Bam, chicken house. Oood well and soil, some ber ries. Pull price 14950. 7 ACRES MINUS and a Terr good property. Extra modern home than can be made Into 3 bedrooms Terr easily. Almost new. 3 car garage. Chicken house that it new. Very best of soil. Jutt outside city. Stone throw from achool. Very good well. Pvd. Hlwy. Suitable for sub division. Full price 014.850. Terms. LICENSED IN OKSCION. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Por Business Opportunities and Homes call for MR. KIOOIN8, EVE. PH. I 4-5494 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. j 4-6020 or DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH. ! 4-3533. For Farma Only call for MR. LEAV ENS. EVE. PH. 3-4735. If no enewer call 4-2341. MORTGAGE LOANS 20 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office phones: 4-3311 or 3-7620 3030 PORTLAND ROAD Bve. phones: 3-4739, 4-5494, 4-3533. 4-5020 or 3-3558 It no answer, phone 4-224S . cl30 $6250 Where can you beat this? 16250 buys 3 -bdrm. home In perfect condition for only I10OO down. Fruit A nut trees, good garden apace, buement. large living and dining room. This le a wonderful home to live in for min imum cost. Shown by appointment only. IVi ACRES If you want elbow room and a well kept modern home, you eltould see this suburban buy today. Complete with all the extras: Ftth pond, pallo, French doors, spacious love able kitchen, living and dining room, fireplace. Floe loca tion fo rkeeplng riding horses. Priced to sell at 012.500. 3-B.R. $11,500 8ee this fine view home at a sacri fice price. Situated among better homes on a shady tree-covered lot. itarowood noort. iirepiave. attractive ly decorated living Ar dining room with dratet to metrh. Paved street. Oood bus service end we have the records to show owner la actOaliy lwlng 12000 for quick sale. This 4-yr -old bantam won't laxt, to call for your appoint ment Utj Phone 4-3390. Eve. 3-99S0 199 Paircrounds Road $50. Per Mo. Neat 3-bedroom home on large lot. New bathroom, new hoi water tank Lou of fruit and nut trees. Paved etrcet. Close to school. Small down payment. Only IMOO. 7 ACRES Oood 3-bedroom home, built for a large fsmiiy. Oood barn and chicken, house. Family fruit. On paved roadi elota to school Oood place for I ur ge's, limy ggeoo. 3 BEDROOM About 1 yr. old Win sell for PI! A aporaitsi or 910.M.W. lovely rsnrrt ype name witi a beautiful kitchen. Large living room. Oood district or West Salem. TRADE Inccme proterty close to new Meier A rrank ahopi'tng center Will trade for a term of about equal vaiue. Ill 000 Income 1200 per miMi.h. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 ftouth Hub street Ph. l-ftjol Phone Pernios and binder hb JLUifeviCtJ I 4-14U . 1IIM . t liil . 4 JJ.I . I COMPLETELY EQUIPPED FARM Thirty-eight acrea good eon, all I cultivation. Five-room older homa. barn, loafing ahed. chicken heme etc. Price Includes all stock and equipment. 30 cows, tractor. Irrigation equipment, ate. 133.000 with amy 1100 down. Call Mr. Keeoe. BUSINESS PROPERTY, COURTS, FARMS FOR TRADE We hava a food selection of income producing pro pert lea for trade for homes, acreaaee, business property. Ceil Mr. Fene and ha will make a sincere effort to help you locate exactly what you want. FAMILY WANTED! to enjoy thie desirable four-bedroom En le wood home. Large 1mm room with fireplace, dining room, lovely kitchen, .'ull basement with furnace, attractiva lot. If you watt comfort and plenty af room, aea this fine homa today. $11,70. Terms. DIGNIFIED ATTRACTIVE This home, exquisitely equipped In every respect, will pleue the most discriminating homeieeker. Extra large living room with lovely fireplace. IS a II dlnlna room, kitchen wita light, cheerful breakfast room, den and three spacious bedrooms, creek lot with beautiful grounds. 12. MO with tood term. HIGHLAND-ST. VINCENT DISTRICT Thr bedrooms, llvlni room and dlnlna area. Ur. kitchen, betb. basement with furnace, umi, M I 120 lot. Thu properly U U verr oo4 coodltlon bad rcuooiblr vrtfi bt Ttnu. MURPHY & KENT . REALTORS UortlUb LObiu Cootimctlon FlnibClnf 451 North Chureb Pbon. -UM Em. bbd 8undi: And.ritm 1-lHI, Kwu 1071. Ktnt a-7W ,11 Grabenhorst Specials THREE BDRMH DEN All on on. fir. sow tKisb built. Itt Ut. rm flreplbc. din. rm.. dbie. urMi. uti:ttr room, btortg. room t th. tmitlnilr low Pile, of 1 500. Pick rour own color,. CALL PETER H. OEISER. RrvTR BZTTINO Oood bdrm. hoir. with full b.smt., butooll, llr. rm.. Ue. kitchen bnd nook ovr.rooktnk th. Wlllftm.ttt. Db. itua tht lo hai lull burnt. An ben bt rlrer front. Tree,. Ill, MO. CALL 1. I. LAW. APART5fET Ixcelltnt locbtlon . until plus owner', bubrttm. Completelr lurnuihod. Verr food condition. Term,. Por further In. formbtlon CALL H K. LAVMON. EAflT-BUBrjRBAN Q.ndr 3 bdrm. home, bpprox. 1300 sq. ft., nlc. ble lot. Lawn and Ihruba. Uom. U I Jit. old lll.. CALL ROT PERKtS. CO-OP BROKER. WAREHOUSE At OFKICT SPACE Por Mle or leb Approl. 4000 ... ft. Cliu "A" offices, blr-condltloned. Ideal for contractor or wholt bllb I7P bualc.U. CALL C. L. C-RABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 a. Liberty St. Ph. 3-3471 Evening! and Sundays Call Peter H. OeUer 3-9008 - J. T Law 3-5113 H. K. Laymon 3-S490 Roy Ferris 3-8010 New Haven Addition T.ilt la the time Ut buy the best home value In Northwest In a new growing district, only l'i rolls from capttol building. 3 -E ED ROOM 08,250 V S-EEDKOOM 07.600 G.I. AND F.H.A. FINANCING Prom 0500 to $650 down Including all finance charges. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Out Mission 32nd, turn South on 32nd to Rural and Electric General Realty Corporation 2295 ELECTRIC ST. PHONE 4-HC9 or 3-7a9S WANTED REAL ESTATE FARM WANTED W have b part who bai tlO.000 caab to lnveat In b farm near Balem. Prefer feneral farm wltb modeit Improvement,. Powewlon thti fall will b, acceptable. Thll partr la ready to fo. o let ui hear from rou at one. can 4.3331 or 4-M44. Ask for Mr. Wllllimi. CLYDE PRALL. REALTOR 1J4 a HI OH WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with ua we hava all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 & High St. ca WE HAVE several cash buys for 2 and 3 bedroom homna, In the better dlst. If you wish to sell, please contact us. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 335 N. Hlltl 81. Dial 45(43. Ere. 23495 ca- HAVE BL'YER lor large stock and sheep! ranch. Prefer aome Irrigation. What hava you? Al Iuak, 303t Portland Road. Phone 4-3311. ca" W .t ARK In need of good houce to sell. in or near Salem. It you wish to list your property for sale, gee ORABENHORcTT BROS . REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Ph, 3-2471 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE mm mitt mum utiiitt bitiiiiiste tttumit imtmii tmitiiu tit tv iftitsmisitim v TCT CUI tmimimu "a iiiiiumimtmm Milium ii immiti itititii it mitiii mil m iiiiii t MS acre cattle ranch. 120 acres un der cultivation, 100 more has been tilled In the pait. 20 acres in per marten t grata. Two year round creeks. Pith and deer at the door of this comfortable 7 room home. Large barn, approx. 000 M feet of fir and a good stand of oak and alder. This Is an exceptional bargain at 135 000. Juit 310.000 will handle. Owner will trade for email acreage with modern houte. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR Phone 4-8133 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DREAA AND alternation shop combined. In fast growing business d lit rift, Oood set up for lady experienced In altera tion!. Terms to right party. Phone 4-1001 between 3:30 a.m. -0 30 pin. or 3-0500 evenings. cdlSO FOR RENT, a garage or m amine shop. 4 ml. no. of Salem hiway 90. Phone 31133. cdni BUSINESS & INCOME Canitol Lumber Fuel Co. Piv wood cores, old growth fir, planer trimmings. Phone 3-7721. 191 So. Com'l ee FURNITURE FOR SALE LEAVING THE t ITT, Mutt sell the fur nUrtlngs of my 0 room home Elect Range. Refrigerator. Pa vert port and chair, Dinette set. Beds, etc. 3045 S Summer St. 9-3143. d!29 FORCED TO OEI.L Our 9 room house of furniture. Including odds and ends Oood condition. Complete, 9050. 4-.MT9. ie-0 Kant li:- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Mte rtKTOH M4.IIE Weetrrn aullted double rll saddle. CAM i:3S. Asklni lit). Be, at 131 N. Huh olllc, hours elSO- PtllMIVO aeldln,. 4 rear, old 1700. 4071 Berk Avenue. Phon, l ull em I REAL ESTATE IM. DOWN. 4-vear-old 2-bedroom borne. Suburban I)3a0. ALLAN C JONW SrAI.TOR WANTED REAL ESTATE i WANTED FURNITURE LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face .iereftrd. 28c. Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down, 0 rooa. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1330 6 3:-th, Ph. 3-488 ea PETS MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets, turtles, auppltea, 3 mllee from Lancas ter on Uacleay road. 4-3773. Closed Wednesdays. ec!42 VERY PRETTY blue Parakeet, Sinter trained. Phone 41790. ecl30 WANTED, young male boxer, watch dog Phone 3-729S. eel2t I t'lioit E CtVAHIEH-Prlce reasonable. Pi.oue 3-4384. 1340 Chemeketa St. eclSl- siMl..E kittens, 3 months old. $10 each. Phone 2-5:S7. ecl32 TWO KM KERsrelIgtbleAKCr7egittra tion. Two years, males, fifteen dollars each. 23503. ecl20 HOI J.Y WOOD AUl ARU M 1950 UcCoy. one block east of N. Capitol, is blocks north of Madison. Ph. 3-0097. eclS4- FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 10" CLEAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood lift Edge water Phone Salem 9-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY tiOLDEN RROAD and New Hampshire chicks, batched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State It. Ph. 3-4969. f JOE PALOOKA r" tATa -x-sa- i i I'lr. u 3 rjsjf . 'vv .'z-i Asparagus Presh daily. 13 to per crate. Also. canning rhubarb. OUvaa by gallon. II M. Preen veretables and fruit. M lbs. good sMatoea 013. Open every day. Phillips Bros. Farm Market. 0590 Portland Rd. 3 blocaa it. Lancatier Dr. 3-4313. ft' Attention! BERRY GROWERS Oarrltra, Cralaa, HbllMkl, But,,. M & E Box le Pallet Co. Mb WALLA CS RD. BALTal. TH. HIM HIM' GOOD HID rOTATOKb N.ltM Genu. plant abr urn. now lo Juir, u.b per loo. pniuip. Bra... FX . Boi i. t Bile, cbel 4 Cornbta o Biaib at Pb. 43011. ft HELP WANTED TBAWBEBBT Plt'KEBS RHUUt bow. If acres. 1 mil. bortb af Bal,m Kuril at Lmiler, Men. nn- ANDKEia 'ABM now r.iuurlb, itraw- brrr plekera, 4M0 N. LncMt.r Dr. Pbono 41217 or 41171. fl LN MILL CITY Correspondent tor Cap' ltal Journal. Must have typewriter, soma experience. Oood pay for part time work. Contact alike Forbes, val ley Iditor, Capital Journal, Salem. Ore. WANTED Strawberries and Boysens, Logan. Holland Jory, Wi N. Front St. Phono 31001. after four 21533 Salem, Ore. g!36 WANTED BERRY PICKERS. 3850 Brooks Ave., out Cherry Ave. to Clear View, to Brooke Ave. Phone 3-6666 after p.m. gi3b WANTED Berry pickers. 1 mile from city 11 mi to on Cherry Ave. to Aider. turn right to Brooks Ave., then turn left. Sign will direct to field. Ph. 43003. X. Hart man. 4100 Brooks Ave. 0144 WANTED 100 strawberry pickers, tc register now. A. M. Zahara, Rt. 3, Box 427. Ph. 4 ml, 1 mile eaat of Totem Pole and V mile south. g!30 STRAWBERRY PICKERS M. McCon- neil,. 1310 Clearrlew, off Cherry Ave. gl33 RXGfHTER NOW for strawberry picking. a acres clean, lrlgated berries. 1 mile west and north from Keiter School. Jorgenaen -Evans, 011 Wejt Bowden Lane. Salem. Phone e-l06. gl20 WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS TO REGIS TER. STANLEY 8NEED, 3520 BLOS SOM DR. PHONE 2-3148. PICKING JUNE I. IS acrea Irrigated, first year Northwest and 7 acres Marshall ber ries. Located 3 miles north of Salem. Turn west off of Portland highway at HayeavlUe. go mile. glJl STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. 14 acres. neavy crop. Excellent picking cond). tlona. H. L. Pearcy, Rt. 3, Box loo. Phong 4-1010. g- ALVIN VAN CLEAVE FARMS Are registering strawberry pickers now. Floored tents for campers with atoves. tables, wood, and water. North on 00E to Totem Pole, l mllee east and H mile north on Van Cleave Road. 2nd house on right. Route 3. Box 410. Salem. Phone 3-0165. gi2fl WANTED MANAGER for small motel. Write Box 100, Capital Journal. gi30 WANTEIt Middle age couple to care for elderly gentleman In hie home. Rent free. Oood garden spot and wages. 4-4971. gl20 WANTED A picking foreman. Man or woman and pickers for 3 acrea straw berries. J. E. Lepper, Rt. 3, Box 294B. U mile east of Clear Lake school. gl32 REGISTERING strawberry pickers. 26 acres clean Irrigated berries. 0 miles north on River Road. J. E. Whelan s Son. Route 3, Box 103 or 311, Salem. Phone 4-1040 or 4-1215 ai32 FR Y AND PASTRY cook. The Sra. 382 State. frl31' HELP WANTED MALE FRT COOK wanted. Apple In person. Spot-Lite Cafe. 44 SO s. Pacific Huh war. gal J0 YOUNG MAN for permanent work. Must bar, driver a license. Bee Ur. Leeper bt Commercial Book Store-. 141 No. Commercial St. sal30 THROUGHLY experienced service ata- tlon attendant. Preler Standard Oil experience. Walter H. Zosel & Co. Ch-mfktta and Huh. ehljl" CHANCE OP A LIFETIME Due to promotions, we have opening for an aggressive, self-made mad. If you meet our qualifications we will Invest from 12.600 to $3,000 per year to supply you with a continuous flow of prospects. This Is a one-pitch deal that requires approximately 45 min utes per call. Our average salesman enloya an income of $150 to 0200 per week. Front money plu $3,000 to 15.000 annually in bonus money. Bon aflde leads free. There la definitely no canvassing. To make application write Steve Ellis. 15903 B E. Oml field road. Portland 22, Oregon. eai2fl Teww4w44ba4 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXCELLENT opportunity fir mature woman. Learn to sell and fit CHARtS guaranteed corsets, bras and slips full or part time. Oood earnings. No rxper. nee. Training class now forming. Write Box 107 Capital Journal, giving phone number. gb!30 EXPERIENCED parroll clerk. dar. 40 hour week. Permanent position. Apply , Searl Roebnck .hi 7a. ' WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE Salesman. Write box 19, Capital Journal or call Miss Welch. Broadway 4333 Broker, Portland. g130 ACT NOW If you are Interested In a better in come and more secure fu'.ure lor yourself and family, rou can't afford not to look lntj this wiilch we oiler, an opportunity to join a tartre na tionally known Corporation, a Job tiiat la always exciting. Interesting, and never dull. If you can meet our stand ard your Income will be from !4f0 to 1000 per month with excellent promo tion opportunities. See Mr. Ludlow at Hotel Senator. 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sharp Tuesday. 2nd. gg!30 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER WORK, new or remodellne. Br hour or contract. H. llunael. Phone 4-2531. hl30- WILL CARE lor child up to 4 months e- invalid In mr home. Ml Union hlSO" TOR COMPLETE palntlni service. Wor manshlp fuaranteed. Pre, estimate, call John Jansen. 232. hill- LAWN MOWER and circle saw sharpen Inc. etc. Ill N. llth. PBona 2-4I14 or 4-IK3. b- ROTOTILLING Ph. 44433. Middle Orove Nurserr. 4120 BUeerton Road. h Y&iS:'Z tM&Mz) NOJX 4-UNIT COURT GATES, OREGON 2 MILES EAST OF MILL CITY locate lb an Ar,a WMTr.n..nJou. "lt'&l''Cl SUNDAY, JVNt TTH 1 P M. OH THR COURT rnnlbl $120 MONTHLY INCOME D.icnolKm tl prop.rtr: On, bullolb, tontam, 1 bourt apartmtnu and utuitr room. Racb unit ha, IllMl Nobra. wi iaa eooklM and beatln, loa nlc. klKb.nb omblnl wlla lln room, on, bMroom bnd Bulldln, U bbout 4 r.. bid bbd w.U bum. Odd dlm.nMon lot about 1J4IW. room lor bbotbtr bom. on lot. Vbrd la In touin ahtpo. control b.lant. li 37o.oo. parabl. bt ts monlh lncludin lnt.rut. New purer can auumo contract. Will be ao.d eubject lb owner, approval, but air.e la advanca to accept 11000 00 tor Multr U mat amouot li bid. Term, at .ale: Caab lor adult, over U70bb Reaibn lor BeUIni: eed Cub lor Mew Builneo CLAUDE KILGORE REAL ESTATE PH. 4-0063 Salem WANTED POSITIONS TUXINO WITH Rotary-hoe. oardeo lawni. Pbon. 1-1329. 339, Bvarareen. hlJS' GARDEN, FLOWCB bed and lawn pre paration. Plowinf. dUclnf, lerelloi, rototullnf. Bervlcb Center. Phone 43373. b!30 LICiHT CRAWLER, doilm. dirt leerl. ln, iradlnt. Pbon, 3-li30. bl CKAuTnG, leeellnl, bickllillnt. lawna, fardcni. Br bour, Job. Pbbb, 3.3041. bl LANUSIAHE maintenance, prunln,. trimmlne, planting, lertUlilnf. Berv. Ic. Center. Pbon. 4-JS7I. hlSO- NEW LAWNS, Rotarr noelnt. Freo e,tl matea. Duan, Wolcott. Pnon, 3-1127. hl37 Hll.MAL-8 NIHSERT Stat, Ucenard and liupected. Inlanta and older. 25015. blto- GARDENING and lawn work. Ibrl Coi. Phon. 37324. 450 llarlon Bt. h!37 PAPER BANGING, palntlni. Pre, estl. mates. Don Lucero. Pb. 33522. b!49 AIRWAY SANITIZER cleaner repair and .ervlce. Pick up and delivery. Alrwar Brancbee, 3033 Portland Rd. Phone 3-4701 or 4-3352. Mil TREE WORK Topping, trimming, moving. John Payne, Phone 3-0395. TILLING, new M. E. Rotary tiller. 13 50 hour. Phone evenings 30333. h!30' BOY 17, haa had experience in clerking and delivering. 3-4823. h!29 DEPENDABLE TOl NG girl wants Job In house In good home assisting work and children. 3-4049. hl20' MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run easy. 2-0314. h!34' FOR RENT LARUB warehouse space for rent lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire n. L Stiff Pur nttura Co. Phone 3-9105. f RENT Down Town 2-story concrete alley ware house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's setup. ALSO Ferry street room, for office or store. Large basement. In Hotel Salem building. State Finance Co. ' TEL. 34121 in,1 (OB leass im to 200 ten frontai. on soiewater st west Bauero. Irn J. Pitts, ph. 3H03. J WANTED TO RENT INSURANCE executive moving to Salem desires 3 bedroom unfurnished home by June 1st. Phone 4-2297 between js 120' FAMILY OF 4 needs furnished or partly mrnisneq nome. Fnone 4-0304. Jel29 Ft'RNISHED East of Salem. Mrs. Albert Mader. Phone 2-2F12. Jal30( FOR RENT ROOMS I'L'RMMIKD rooms for aleeplni or light housekeeping. Quiet. ReaMnable. 1110 Tride St. jklJJ V, kitchen prlvlleiei, S20.S0 per month. Phono 27420. JklSO ROOMS FOR ilrll, kitchen prlvaleies. use entire nouee. 64S N. Winter. 2-4372 or 3-9440. Jkllo LOVELY Ft'RNISHED room, wltb kit chen facilities, phon, 3-4317, 75t Perrr. Jkl2l NICELY Fl'RNISRED. private entrance, . block from cltr center, in N. Cot taee. Jkl31 LAROE WARM cleen rooms, well fur. nlshed. Clos, In, reasonable. (53 N HUh. jkl2t- CI IAN SLEEPING rooma. Hot and cold water. 461 N. Huh. JX132 PLEASANT SIXEPING room for entle men lo.MI Norwar. phone 347. Ikl34 00000000000000 FOR RENT HOUSES t bedroom house, $55 month. Phone 4-5D79. 1010 Fames. )ml29' 4 YEAR OLD modern, very clean. 1 bed room house, stove and refrigerator furnished, garage, dote to bus. In q u Ire 10 40 N, 5th. 3-7 430. J m NEW 3 bedroom unfurnished duplex. Phone 4-1030. I'm 130 WILL HAVE vacancy ' May'" 30th. One bedroom unfurnished cottage. Utility room, garage. Reasonable rent. 410a Portland Rood. Iml29 EXTRA NICE new 3 room duplex fur nished, huge living room, creek. Close In. 075. 510 Bo. Winter. Phone 35120 evenings. Jml32- SMALL HOISE, partly furnUhaa7M5 month Inquire 1086 Sth St., Weit Selera. after 5 30 Jml33- 1 BEDROOM home." furnished and un furnithed. Attached garage. Phone Jail 39 MODERN FARM home. 13 mlieg north of Salem on Wallace Road, call eve nings or week end. Joe Beaty, Rt. 1 Box 500. ,rnl30 9 BEDROOM. -nfurnUhed, like new. garage, good location, bus line. 3080 S Rummer )ml2B OFFICE FOR RENT t-Rttnv, bt ITl Orecob Bulldlu. Pb 34114. l0. QROUND FLOOR offlc, ,r ator, space - - ? - J P1-. " Market. o FORRENT APARTMENTS VERY NICE 3 rooms. Merlon. 3-IJ3S furnished. ii n 1P113- CLEAN, NEAT, lurnlshed I bbd 1 room apartments. Pbon, 2-I2M Jplll AUCTION! AUCTIONEER 300 S. IaANCASTER DR. FORRENT APARTMENTS LARtiE S ROOM furnished. RTfrtgerator. bath, laundry. WO N. Liberty. 3-4815. J130 4 ROOM fur mt bed for 1 or 3 aduite Private entrance and bath. Close snop ping center and state buildings, a rare. S-,604 Jpl30 AVAILABLE Jl'NE 1. a very attractiva court apartment at 310 So. 17th. 3 rooms and bath and can bt rented furnished or unfurnished. Ph. 33715. Jp PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults, $50. 3560 Portland Road. )pl20 NICELY FURNISHED apartments. An. bassador Apts. 650 No. Summer. jpa NICE 3 ROOM apartment. Private bath. 588 N. Church. Phone 34746. jpi30 S.' j.rm. Fl'BN. housekeeping apt.. close-in North. Sea Burt Plena. 370 N. High fit . 3-4047. JpI29 NICELY FURNISHED I rooms, bath: 1 room, kitchenette, ground floor. 094 N. Commercial. Jpl30 NEWLY PAINTED cosy one or 3 room furnished apartment. 370 Market. pl29 3 ROOM furnished downstalra apart ment. Ranee, refrigerator, laundry, utlitles paid. Oarage. $40. Available June 4th. Phone 3-9034. 3281 Haxel Ave. Jpl30 COLL'MBIA apartments, furnished. Mod ern 3-room, elec. heat, garage, bus close by. No pet, 3311 Fairgrounds Rd. lpi30 FURNISHED OR unfurnished close-in apartment, ground floor, lota of hot water. Bee unrest mattreaa. A aulet Place you will like to lire. Adults. Sea at 330 Oak St. Jpno LARGE, FURNISHED, modern court apartment, quiet, adults. 1005 lAadlaon. Phone 27790. jpi30 SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire B. L Stiff Furniture. Pftone 3-om. 1p 1 ROOM furnished apt Call 3-8850 after P.m. Jpi2i" DUPLEX furnished. 3 rooma. bath. Hoi lywood dose. 3-0042. 1900 MrCoy. Jpl29 9-ROOM partly furnished apartment. $30. Also 1 room furnished, 320. Phono 3-4505. JP120 3 NICELY furnished apartments, range, refrigerator, private bath, washing facilities, utilities included. $45 and S35. Close to Capitol Building. Phone 4-3403. lpl2B' NICELY FURNISHED 3 room apartment. Private bath. Close In. 890 so. Com'l. JP129" CLOSE IN. Nice modern furnished 3 room apartment. Adults. Phone 38490. JP129 MODERN COURT, appliances furntthed, nice yard, plenty of cupboards. Adults. 1429 Trade. Jpi29 GOOD LOCATION Furnished apts., util ities paid. 340 Division. Phone 4-5930. JplSl ONE 1 -BEDROOM, furnished; one 2- bedroom, furnished; one 3-bedroom. un furnished. 3-8500. Jpl3 1 NEWLY REMODELED furnished apt.. two rooms, bath. Ona person. $45. 3.10 8. 14th. 3-9239. Jpl29 MODERN FURNISHED or unfurnished 4 rooms, 1 bedroom apartment. 1140 So, 13th. Jpl38 3 ROOM CLEAN furnished apartment. All Utilities paid. 40. 3005 Maple. 3-5093. JP129 3 ROOMS AND bath. Close to town and state buUdlng. Phone 3-7270 after f p.m. . t, 3 ROOM furnished apartments, $25 to $40. Utilities Included. Ona furnished 3 room, private bath, $55. Phone 3-7310. JP132" CAVALIER apartment, nicely furnished: new modern 3 room apartment, $75. 1177 Court St. ' JP132' 3 NICE ROOMS furnished in shopping center. Private bath. 2-4080. 490 N. 13th. JP129- 3 APARTMENTS, close to state houxe. shopping center. One 3 room furnished and bath $45. One 4 room furnlihed and bath $55. J. E. LeClerc, 3-3255 evenings. Jpl29 TEACHER'S FURNISHED apartment available June 3. l's bedroom. 23793 . JpiJl ONE AND two bedroom. Low rental. Salem HouMng Authority. 1210 S. 16th. Phone 34521. Jpl54- 3 ROOM apartment. furnished. Phone 3-4112. !P1C LOST & FOUND LOST LADIES' Latham wrbu watrn. Vldnltr llth and Huh on State. 2-03W. 1130 Market. Reward kl30- LOST One bleck and tsn female lost nouno, license 1640. Jefferson area. Reward. Call Jndependenc, 2S1W. 4 y000t00002. MISCELLANEOUS BI.4C K WAI.M T tree free for remov.:. i. incnes in diameter, f feet heliht. .-: ml30" FOR YOIR Knapp Acratread .Som see Oeorie Yocom. 175 W. Owens alter Phone 2-liM. ml3o BER-H1VK TRUCKS O-DRtVa MOVE YOl'RSiXF SAVE 4 PICK CPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. pnrws ...... PAOI STEVENSON bbd AL MEPFORD ; m . CEVrAL PLATE REPAIR -BR. SERVICE IN MOST OASa DR. HARVEY Rm.l-a nrvrtn, Adolpb Bid,.. Stat, commercial ata. . SALEM PR. .3in . SALEM SAND th GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching y the Foot Phone Lays 3-9400 sTves. $-4417 or 3-7411 Salem, Oregon By Ham Fisher 111 M. Hub at, Pb, mil. A... lMj elll-