Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 30, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    n a a n n
Pat 10--8Jb, Oraron, Satirrdsv, May SO, 19SI
Molly HovI Slates Jalopies
Bri Full Race Card Tonight
Salem, Tri-CHy Play
Split Doubleheader Today
ItH have vsey littl
Matte to Indluapolk, bat 8s
lem wlU hav Memorial day
aato race might, ia the form
f a fall-el Jalopy natk.
About SO jalopl will
pet In th slam-bang evening.
scheduled to set underway
with the time trial at 730.
A full evening of beat racet
and two main eventa wi!'. be
run by the jalopies. En route,
they may eraah Into each other
. any way they aee at, except
By the time Pie main eventi
end, Hollywood Bowl track la
expected to have overturnea
Jalopies atrewn all over It
. Jest to ntaks sura that an
an get banged up, there
will be a free-for-all ntaah
ap derby after the mate
errata. AU can that are ftiU
Cherry City
Rifle Club
Defeats ROTC
The Cherry City Junior Ri
fle club defeated the Willam
ette unlvertity ROTC team,
14-864, Thuraday night at the
Izaak Walton League of Ameri
ca clubhouse.
Each team entered ten men,
with each man (hooting ten
eboti from prone position and
ten shot kneeling. The live
high scorers for each team fig
ured in the team ccore. ,
Individual score (prone
core listed first, followed by
kneeling score and total score):
crasY cm
Loooord Ban ST-tl llli ChMk UM
tr-M us; Ja IfllloT SS-SS-uti tow
ouoa m-o n; Botbr Kmi it-m
itii Jorrr Foddo ts-n mi Vora ror-
Tla M-11 1M: nuk Oknth tS4T MS:
Jimmr Johnrtok 11-4 IM IUU1-
ooa Tt-Tl 144.
Bok Whltotor SS-lt tttl Bok CkSlMB
ti-Tt-im Tii emita m-tt m: bui
McKttnr 13-TS 1U Wall VIM tt-
tt im am uord tt-n 111 nut
Look M-71 1441 Urrr Mortis SS-SS-
to running adttl at thai
ttrnc will cater the Jaieyy
atnash. The last car running
la the free-for-all shall be
declared the Winner. .
. Driving the Jalopies in the
merry mlzup tonight will be
the some drivers who have
piloted the hard-tope In previ
ous racing programs at the
bowl. . . , ,
Yesterday's Sters
(Br Tk Anoclood Brut)
TXJfO Bok BUlott. kt. Lnli
ram doaklod twin utlart Di troll
to Mm tu Mtuloi oo tb Mir oetlro
Stenr wttli 1,000 oil or loono hlto.
HfUUJIS "Cuil Blooui, Vbllkda-
Bhla BhlWoo, Mtnek nl olrbt, nlkod
Iwk kftd kUowod ulr Too kite to oris.
um est w sun. is-a, n
Sterling Lfnsup
lint row Bill Vukovich,
Fresno, Calif.; J?ed .gabash
lan. Albany. Calif.: Jack Mc-
Grafan, South Fasadena, cam;
gieoar row Minim Ayuio,
Los Angeles: Andy Linden,
Loc Angeles, Tony Bettenhou-
sen, Tinley Park, nl.
Third raw Jerry Hoyt, In
dianapolis; Johnny Parson,
Sherman . Oaka, Calif.; Bam
Hanks, Bur bank, Calif.
Fourth row Rodger Ward,
Los Angeles; Art Cross, La-
Porte, Ind.
Fifth ww Gene Hartley,
Fort Wayne, Ind.; Walt Faulk
ner, Long Beach, Calif.; Don
ald L. Freeland, Redondo
Beach, Calit
fllzth raw Chuck Steven
a, Milwaukee; Paul Russo,
Hammond, Ind.; Travis Spider
Webb, Dayton, O. - -.
Seventh row Carl Scar
borough, Clarkstown, Mich.;
Ernie McCoy, Readme Pa.;
Jimmy Daywalt, Wabash, Ind.
Eighth row Marshall
Teague, Daytona Beach, Fla.;
Mike Naxaruk, Frteport, N.Y.;
Pat Flaherty, Glendale, Calit
Ninth raw- Jim Rathmann,
Miami, Fla.; Duke Nalon, Chi
cago; Duanc Carter, Indianap
Tenth row Bill Holland,
Indianapolis; Bob Swelkert,
Indianapolis; Carl Niday, Cul
ver City, Calit
Eleventh row Jim Bryan,
Phoenix, Ariz.; Jimmy Da vies,
Van Nuys, Calif.; Johnny
Thomson, Lowell, Mass.
Alternates Eddie Johnson,
Cuyahoga Tails, O.; Johnny
To Ian, Denver.
They laelade Clarence
Smith, Bob Ferter, Dick Oa-
beary, Den Oath, Walt
Maghaapt, Kenny Dean,
Diek Braniff, Lucky Glas
eeek, Jiaa Beakh, Arnold
King, Emmett V inning, Cecil
DaHea, Stan Diets, Walt
Waktrea, Bad Cavett, Liatoy
Fleck, Art Watts, Bod Love,
Larry Gardner, Cecil Wright,
Dea Porter, Art Pfaff, Bad
GraoL Orin Bechtold, Wally
Larsea, Dale Nelltoa, Fred
Ceanett, Clarenec Behmitt,
Don Klam, John Keteham,
Bed Moaanaa, Arnold Mil
lea, Jan Davis and Bad Bee
be. ,
Minor League Scores
(Br Tb AiMelattd PrMl)
racmo coast ixaoui .
SMtumoU 4. atu S. .
nrUuS'S, W OMn S.
UlrtW T. Let Annlw S.
au miKim a ouiis .
ICcBttMl T, SDrtnffUM I.
Bsauur 4. otun a
Otkn im poUxd.
ahsbicam assocunoa
ToMa a Indlanwolto 4.
OkarlMUa la Colombo, s.
St. rMI a MlaBMpolU t.
Xuu CUT 11. LoolnlU, 1
nzas uaoi'i
Buomoot 4. au Anionic 1.
BoiuM a Shnnport J.
Toiu a DkUH S.
Ikrt Worth a Okluoou Cltr L
Baarar T. Dm Moism a
Ooloradk aprlna a Oaua S
rMkto T. LIbcoIs I.
Slou Cltr T. WlehlU a
noma laaoos
alssa's thtrd-alaea Seaators
retam to Waters park today
after a leag read trim, to oyea
a week-end series with the Tfi-
Clty Braves.
. Salem and Tri-Clty meet at
1 o'clock in the afternoon por
tion of a split doubleheader,
with the night contest to get
underway at 8:15.
A. Murray CFlynn, former
Western International league
player who now clowns pro
fessionally, will provide pro
genia entertainment for both
the afternoon and night game.
CFlrnn's act starts about a
half hour before game time.
. Salem sad Tri-City play
another douMeheeder Ban
dar, starting at 8 e'eleck.
Sunday's twla bin will act be
divided betweea day and
night The second game will
follow Immediately after the
first .
By the time Sunday night
rolls around, Salem and Tri
City will have played each oth
er the equivalent of an eight
game series. The two team just
ended a four-game series at Tri-
City (Richland-Kennewlck -Pas
co) last night Tn-Clty won
Salem and Tri-City gave a
repeat performance of . their
Thursday night oratorical con
test in which two players got
the bounce.
Jim Hitchcock got the thumb
last night after a heated argu
ment with the arbiters In the
The game, a hit and error-
filled donnybrook from start
to finish, was largely decided
in the fifth Inning, when the
Braves scored six runs to
take an 11-8 lead.. The 11
walks fanned by two Salem
barter and four Senator bob
bias afield helped the Tri
City cause along. ,-
Two Salem rookie pitchers
were victims of the shelling.
YcnJtcos' Specialty- ,
Coming from Behind to Win
Well, the bowling season has come to an and at last and we
are very happy to see it concluded. This will be our last Journal
istic effort on bowling until the fall but dont en wav
tjmo in the future we will be dedicating our effort to the
sport of golf.
Several playoff this last week, lncludlns two on TumtU
alto at the Capitol Alleys. In the Major league playoffs, the
Brennan Tree Service team, first half chamtsiona uraa fmm
behind to win the Major league title from the out of town
Northwest Poultry gang in one of the closest lean rollnffi in
many a year. Captain Tom Brennan led the assault with a big
615 series including one of the finest clutch game thl writer
ha ever seen, a big 838 the last nmi which all fc,,t inh.rf
the title. Brennan' won by the slim margin of 87 pins. Other
core were Larry Oslund 887. Benn Valdn sna. Tm, tj..
dente 871, and Swede Anderson 478. Harold Ryal waa high
for the McMlnnvUle gang with 5B4. George Glodt backed him
up with 038 and Marty Myers had 848. Amounts to the first
. ume wis season that Brennan' managed to beat the Poultry.
men, who held a big 11 to 8 declsionover them in regular
league piay.
oa wek were the two half winners in
the Capitol Mercantile No. 1 League with Valley Oil losing to
the Sean Homart sauad. alia hv th iim
Wels led the Homart bunch with a 488 series while Don Vestal'
xired a big 814 for the loser to no avail as they were hand!-
nrara puis a game and it proved too big
I never thought I would live to1 tee the day when some
printed word of mine would be twisted, misquoted, etc. but it
seems so. So, just for the record, maybe I had better set
Brother Brownie straight Wo do not want to bar any veteran
who can etUl carry an average because thy have proved many
times that they can still (hoot in the dutch as Don Poulln
proved by winning the City Singles Championship. We still
maintain that there are too many bowlers in the league who
do not belong and Pinky Hartwell, Don Poulln, and a few
other are very definitely NOT of that group. Pinky had a great
year, and averaged right at 180 in every league in which he
bowled. However, in case Brownie has forgotten, Mike Mer
rell carried the high average In the city, a 181 In the Tuesday
nita league at the Capitol and a member of Brownie's own
team, John Glodt, carried a 180 at the U-Bowl so Pinky. aU
credit due him. very definitely did not have hleh v.r...
the city this year. We will continue to give you nothing but
ww wiu we wouia uco 10 reiterate again that we have
rival here in the city, but absolutely no competition.
Bee you all toon as a golfer? We hope.
New York JJ9 Champions
coma from behind and champ
ions win the close ones. Those
two axlems of sport made the
causa of the Yankees look
brighter than ever today in
their quest tor a fifth straight
In the last 10 victories by
the world champs, they have
coma from behind.- What's
more, they have trailed the op
position during 28 victories
this season. And a for the
close ones, they have seven one
run victories and have lost but
four by a lone run.
Champ Requirements
Champions also dominate the
league and aside from the Chi
cago White Sox, the circuit is
strictly a cake-walk for the
Yankees thus far. They are
8-0 against Cleveland, 7-8
against Moston, 7-8- against
Major Leagues
w x. ret. vim
mivukl HUMS, York IS IS Mo
sciani SI IS sn fitkknk U S4 Ml
Brooum SI 14 Mm Chtouk 11 SI Mi
Phiuiohk SO 14 Mi CtMlsul IS Si JU
nvurk BMMltk
PbUM41pbi IX now Tort t,
Bnokln 1. FltUkgnb 4.
at. tali it MUwukM t,
cmitniitu s, ctucMk J.
amaicAM uuova
W L Pet. W IM
ihvvatk a 11 .ia Wuhita so i iu
ctuewk n is JkS nudlpht is sa
ClmluC 30 14 MM St. LooJ IS II Mi
Bootoa SS It M Dttrolt W IS J4J
H Tork IS. Hilluttohl. f.
St. Lavlt 11, Dotmt S (11 tBnlwo).
Ctenlutf S. Chlooco 1 (Btokt).
Death Claims
'Inventor' of
llf .s
rro rvresTiing
Norcross, Ga. 8U0 Tabu-
lou "Man Mountain Dean,'
the clorful bearded giant who
put the "act" into wrestling,
will be given a full military
burial Monday.
The 800-pound "Man Moun
tain, whose real name was
Frank S. Leavltt, died at his
Georgia home yesterday of
heart attack. He was 83.
Dean wrestled 6.788 matches
18 in one day during a long
and varied career that includ
ed football, acting, politics and
the Army.
Because of his love for the
military, Dean wil be buried in
the Memorial Cemetery in
Marietta, according to tenia'
tlve plan. Mrs. Leavitt laid he
had requested such a burial
and that the wat awaiting
word from relatives to cm-
plete arrangements.
Dean had not been HL HIs
wife said he told her his heart
was hurting "and a few muv
utee later he was dead."
He and hi wife they had
no children lived in the
quietness' of their country
home her after Dean retired
from active sport.
Dean served five term in
the Army. He served on the
Mexican border under Gen,
John J. Pershing and was In
two wars under Gen. George S
Wa DRmb
WIL Standing,
SI S .IN TWrt 1 jm
IS IS MM Sill II k IS IT jm
I U JSS nt-Cttf SSIS.4M
M ! Mi WoBMfe II IS M
Wokolnkts l Turn, fkMMkkS,
Trtotr IS, stUa a
VotkM IS, VkMrtk T.
Ouwrr f, SkUH a
asuiiw loaotu t
SjknMi Sum
MM mt Bikiukki
Tonik mi TMtovtk 111.
Skitini M Calttiv U).
Trt-ow auam (I).
Wautw T ooooo for ft).
They were Jim Peterson and
Dick Btrombacb. Peterson, who
was unoa during Tri-Cltr's six-
run outburst in the fifth, was
cnargea with tb lost.
Gen Tansellt cave one of
the best ooe-rame hitting exhi-
oinons oz Hi baseball career By
banging out five hits, Including
a home run. In six times at bet
Washington, 8-8 against Phila
delphia, 2-0 against St Lout
and 8-1 against Detroit That
1-4 minus record against the
White Sox leave them only
even defeat against the other
seven clubs.
Yesterday. In a typical come-
trom-behind performance, they
spotted Philadelphia a 4-0 lead
in tne llrst inning, then went
on to win 11-7. Starter Vk
Rase hi was knocked out In the
big Innings when Gus Vernial
hit a three-run homer, but Bay
Scarborough pitched six-hit
ball thereafter.
Elliott Hits Peak
Bob Elliott got the most
memorable hit of his 15-year
career, his 3,000th, and it also
helped win an 11-lnnlng game
for the Browns, 11-8, at De
troit The blow, a double to
left highlighted a six-run in
ning in which Dick Kokos sin
gled in the first two tallies.
In American League n 1 h t
games, castoff Johnny Schmltx
won his first start as a Wash
ington Senator by beating the
Boston Red Sox, 4-2, and the
Cleveland Indians edffed the
inicago wntte Sox, 2-1, on Al
ltosen's sixth Inning homer.
Brooklyn made it six in
row In the National, winning a
- decision at Pittsburgh.
while Lefty Curt Simmon
pitched four-hit ball to give the
Phils a 12-8 victory at New
York. Cincinnati defeated Chi
cago 6-3 with three runs in the
eighth and St Louis chilled
Milwaukee, scoring la runs
in a wild fourth.
The Spokane Indiana were
wondering Satardayfast
what kind af hitting power It
takes to win a Western Inter
national Lsaga baseball
The Tribe hit five home
run. Including three in the
eighth, Friday night-yet they
dropped a 7-8 decision to Cal
gary's Stampeders.
The Stamps put five run
across In the third and added
single tallies In tb fifth and
the eighth for t ha win. The
Spokane circuit' clouts were
registered by Eddie Murphy,
Will Hafey, Carl Bush, Stan
Polys and Jim Command.
Rocky Tedesco homered for
In other game. Edmonton
downed Lewiston' Brone 7-1
and Yakima whipped Victoria
Wenatchee at Vancouver was
rainea out
Th first five Yakima batten
hit safely to start a five-run
rally for th Bear In their
gam with Victoria's Tveea.
Three runs came In and a Vic
una error allowed two more
to com home before the flnt
xaxima batter waa retired
Three runs, including Herman
Liewir two-run homer, in the
nintn gave Yakima the victory.
A three-hit Ditching nerf orm.
ance oy Edmonton' John Con.
ant gave the Eskimos their win
over tb league-leadlna Branca
After Mel Waaley'a single and
Larry Barton' trinle in th
first, which produced Lewis-
ton's only run, Conant limited
th Broncs to one hit the reet
of the route. Th loss went ta
Gordie Tench, hi first In three
VukiUU t 1 s Vknlr l
Ukr.l Sits Boeoolo.1 llu
Baltus sail LTrta.1 t 1
S1IS WuraU 4 S
, SSI Font, S
CToMr.l f M I sit
wiumpu lt Corals Its
MMtaB.0 t e I 1 B.Trooj t t t
FtTMn.o t 1 1 Carats, t 1
atrmkw. tin
-noirai i e e
i stk.
Totols 41 10 S4 IS ToUlo nisir
unmw mi lor atronkwh la
ojom OM ooi An . 1.
Tri-atr sos sa oia-l is
fcoouor kUohtr: Fomtmb.
ntonor To Ak M B XrSoBb
.......O IT I II I .
.....o H k k 8 k
BBTOmi oi 1 . . . .
UlTltW: Tumi, Font kr rottr-
OBw Brroro: donSo. Worn o T.
f tr. a. Trmn. aosu mm: Tu
SSh I?"! kiu: Conot. Tvo-bou
hiu: Watt. a. Tru a WltlMmxxn.
"""r S""" ,ud Vim I, Tin
" U S, Corrol 1, uootonok. Bono? Dm.
7. . f . Tr Bocoolo, aok
Ukl Vonnl I, anrdar. BMrinooi: labr,
BsMir. Donblo pun: ciordr uouutod!
...... .... iHmn, OHOinO, U, Mrtw
Til, ohottooo,oo.
Tcpa R:tcrfi3
rtuMiix, Arts. Cfl
fcenr-Uag Up rsssHmg f
the Irnf' F Spuds'
hva that the toaf af peed
sag ears stay iwas an t
mt driver freaa a f t
B.rr'.-' y eeaaa.
The tap recording I to
he played at th bsstt
Behfey Ball af nmmix. tm
mat f"- tUvar who
woo utarad at a saldgtt aato
nee at Bard sat, Calit, Jan.
4 and ha
Dr. Jean Eltsaksia, Bam
phyatclaa, gave toatative aaw
Treval to to anaaaal treat,
taeat th theagnt that tha
(miliar rear of tha track
may provide eaoagh t4ima.
la to restore Ball to ce
seieasness. BaU finlahed fifth ia the
18S1 Indianapolis race aad
drtppsd oat ta th early ga
lng with ear troabla fat test
year' race. .. . f r.
Poppe Led ND
Hitters; Dean
Of OSC Second
Pullman WV-StatUtlcs re
leased by Washington Stat
CoUege Friday showed WSC
Stan Poppe led Northern Divi
sion batter with an average
of .370 In 84 trip to th
Oregon Stat' Jay ' Dean
was right on Poppe's heels
with a .887 average. Dean
topped th field in tb run-batted-ln
. department with
nine, one better than Poppe.
Idaho' Brace Mcintosh was
third in batting with .338 and
Bob Richards of Wsshlngton
was fourth with .357.
Pop stols fiv bases to lead
th division In that depart
ment . .
Dc j7cr$ Enp!cd3 fcr Thrco
San Dlef ( The Frt
?T axYtoded tor
tare ran ta th alath taalag
tost alght to all iny w
Deal Baa Dtog Padra. ;.
In th tibreaaing xniuna.
th Beavers' arena ahiuu
walked and Eddie Baatniki
bunted him down. Then Pineh
kiHoo. Ham Raieh walked and
Jsboale Heard ran for him. Al
Benton replaced starter CUff
Fanning and pitched alngtos to
Flatehar Bob aad Hank Arft
(coring Austin aad Heard.
Th victory n a is . me
Padrs win streak at three
Jim Ruascllr infield out
scored Bobbe.
Fannin allowed an unearn
ed run in th fifth. Charley
Grant walked, Baainski singled
him to third. ' i
Grant cored on Al reder-
ofi" wild pitch to first in an
effort to tag Glenn Elliott
Elliott didn't allow a nit tor
four innings. In th fifth, Dick
Faber, Jack Merson and . Earl
Rapp singled for th Padre for
run. Red Mathlu'i fly to right
field acored Merson.
Fannin; lost hi third game
against a many win. Roy
Welmsker who cam In In th
seventh, was th winner.
Soma 8,100 fan saw th
contest Bob Kerrigan 1-B and
Willie Lun 6-8 start for the
Padre today against Red
Adam 3-8 and Fred 8anford
Saa Frandso UX If tha
boy ha vent been aeparated
from the men yet la tha Pa
cific Coast Leagn struggle,
th ernahinf sehadnl of
tw straight days of double
headers which opens this
Memorial Day should do It
On club particularly on
th cpot 1 Seattl, which 1
holding first place over Los
Angele by 3 game but
having a rocky time of It In
car Okriotat
ow rti,
ooottio ajsjaitki, aii!2
UkAkHk SSSS aMMoooTto M M w
'""' . aokouo a
m Br, mm e oakiu i.
Bourwook LmuMmr
lo tk Sortoo tkkk - .
aw rrikoink 4. ookiooai l
"n aiMkZTtT
A9eT IjOUTS 4140 TO
gst upom tub canvas.
.ro knock our 7avy,
..otMisai is u t
..SSI oooaoo o ,
1 korto. Bias (I) u Borlek! DUO.
M kutlo.
las I
rw. nomoo
kM UBortL
..lwiookjk-sii t
.POO IIO 01 0 T I I
ono skkttoi Oma
fn 100 0M00O1 t
Bdmonloa tat m on. it m
TnMk. BTMUMF (41 OAk Cuawmm Mm.-
mi ooo oioross.
k VkBeomr, acoUKmod.
VMM tor tan, OTotM Sll, MSS
(CoaooOot kr C Cooo4 US Olllllll
Sartor, rvrtlus, Orooom
tUr Risk Wolom Vow Witm
TIM Btllbt TtM Bllol
SS 11:11 IO. t k 4 k.kv -l.t
l it o.ov. 4.T 11 u.
tl 1H lo. S S S:M O-M. -1.1
I 11 kJo. 41 S:M IO. S S
t I Ho-m. s r k ao.rn.-14
4:11 . 41 I N .to. M
I i i. as . is tr kjk. -i s
it M. 1.1 U:1T O.M. St
I S 44 O OL I T It M k.lo. -t t
lm. st un rat. m
44 IWL II U:M. at
:I4 to. ' S S
t S ll O.B. 41 II M kJoV .t
t nya. ss IS M rm. at
t:4T OK. 41 S:1S on. S t
lom. IT l.ttBtk, 1J
7 1:11 I O. 41 I 14 O OL .l
S N t I k t il r m. l.t
10 St k.ov 41 4 M O.O. -T
14 m, t i i it at
t 11:11 O.ov IS t
It: It II t t 4 It kkk I I
It 11 t om. 4 T t it lo. -l.t
1141 l o, T 4 S tk I o. I t
It l lkko. 41 ( II u.d.1
ll:tt.o. tS I kM. tt
tt I t IO. 4.S t 14 k.ov .14
1 ST .o. 1 1
II II St IO. tt t It kov -11
1:41 IO 41 t St IO. SS
It 1 11 kov St S t O.H. .14
ib m. a s:tk kov as
Bandon Coach
To Lakeview
Bandon UJ9 Harry Ther
kelton, director of athletics
and head football, besebtll
and baaketball coach at Ban
don high school, (aid todav ha
has resigned to accept a coach
ing position at Lakeview high
Hi resignation is effective
at tha end of th current
echool year.
At Lakeview, Therkelaon
auccecd Al Negrattl who mov
ed to Cleveland high school
in Portland to take ever
baaketball coach.
Perez Hammers
Out Decision
Over Flanagan
New York OJJD Veteran
Glen Flanagan of St Paul,
Minn., had five stitches in hi
left brow today to remind him
of the licking he took last
night from 30-year-old Lulu
Peres before 3.171 at Madison
Square Garden.
Perez, Brooklyn's classy
young featherweight prospect
gashed th brow in th sixth
and eighth round with light
ning right crosses a h out-
speeded Flanagan for a unani
mous 10-round decision.
Their bout wat televised and
broadcast nationally.
Peres won a definite, though
not too impressive a victory
over the veteran "eutle" from
St. Paul. He faltered and lost
th last round.
Flanagan, 28, had advan
tage in weight and experience.
He scaled 1294 pound to Lu
lu' 1284. Flanagan suffered
hi 14th defeat in 81 profes
sional bouts, while Lulu won
his 30th victory in 31 pro
crop and hi 30th consecu
tive triumph.
fights Last Wight
Bill Berens
Decides to
Quit Baseball
Salem Senator pitcher Floyd
(Bill) Bevena, who mad base
ball history by losing a one
hitter in the 1847 world series,
yesterday announced that he 1
voluntarily retiring from base
ball. Bevena has a record of no
wins and three lone with Sa
lem this season. Ha has finish
ed only once out of (even
Bevena waa with th Yan
kee from 1844 through 1847.
In his last year with the Yan
kee, he lost a 3-2 one-hitter
to Brooklyn in a world series
gam. A sore arm troubled him
after that and he drifted west
finally landing with tb Salem
Senator In 1851. .
Bevena won 20 game for
Salem that year, and was
drafted by th Cincinnati Reds.
From there, he went to San
Francisco, where he had a me
diocre season in 1992.
He came to Salem on a mid
winter trad for Ray McNulty.
Bevena nas not announced
any definite future plan. H
and hi family operate a small
chicken farm at 3490 Sunny-
view Ave.
Sacramento. . Th Sla
thumped th Suds i- . '
tost night to tax. oTiT t!5
in th terle. .7.
Schana Wis Anl
A two-run outburst i- m.. -
eighth InnlnoT r. ok. m
their winnfnv
Charley Schanx ihiiv
hi fifth victory.
Th sentimental in, ...
niht was Bob Munchlef, who
ha known greater day when
" urroa in relief with the
world champion Cleveland In
dlana of 1948 n. .
with th San Francisco Seals,
nd sporting an ugly 0-8 mark
until last night, th Big Okle-
uuououi cunea nl first tri
Oakland! M lcto,7 W
Muncrief want all th.
he threw a six hitter at th
Acorn. Bill Howerton spoiled
" w a anutout with a
olid bom run in the fourth
inning. San Francisco platter.
d Jet Flore for four run
in th first three Innings to
cinch th game and hand th
rcicran xwirier hi third; set
back. Three Star Homer
TO Hollywood Stars omot
notic they war finding th
rang again as they blasted
Lo Angele 7-3 with the aid
en belted on with two on
while Tom Saffell and Monty
Baagall each bit bate empty
elouts. Dick Smith kept tha
Angel aire with a three-run
nomer or nis own to. th first
frame. Then Frank Kelleher
tripled Batffall home In tho
fourth to put th Twinks ahead
ior in mgnt Red Lynn got
his fourth victory and Jo Os
trowiki hit second loss. .
Th Portland Beaver raid.
ed three runs acros th' plat
in in una inning to defeat
ban Diego. 8-3. and link tha
Pad Into seventh place.
Tn loss was hung on starter
CUff Fannin, but ancient Al
aenwn aciuauy tnrcw the dis
astrous pitches. The Bevos got
two men on baa in ton ninth
than Fannin gav way to Ben
ton. Fletcher Robbe and Hank
Arft each bopped Benton for
run scoring singles. Tb third
tally cam on an lnfteld out -
s msuMori
Roa tin
t t t Prorata 4 s k
oift,i lit irotOTM set
Bojuatt 4 14 1 Alotoa.1 4 Ik
Buuiait t e i e rkbort t i t t
Rolmon.o 4 1 t S KmoeJ 4 1 t 1
Orant.1 illll Boom S 1 S t
"MM S 1 t t L-BIOM.U t t t e
B0IIIMl.t I S t t kUUlll.O tttl
BUIott, 1 t 1 I ruatkj IM
0- Kolokr 1 t t I BostkU
w.lomkr.i t
s-Boich sett
1- BMI I I I I '
Word. Mil
TotlH SI SITU TotoH llISt"
Oroondod out Tor BUlott m ttk.
k WolkK for WobBkkor o ttk.
i Boa tor Boloh tk I to.
"S'" Ststlttn-
.li """.Sll til SIS-k
Son Dlooo mi oat lll-t
hmi lot tot att
ntcbkr tt ii araksk
fUBla .. Ito Ik o a o
Bokoo .... 4 8 S 1 1 m ; ; j j ;
wtlniktr .....s t 1 t 1 1 t
Word i t kill
WP Wolmokor. U Potmta.
nobko, Aiutla I. Orant, Kurd. Ttm.
Mirwo, MothU. B-Bodnotir LnSIl
"ru" a u Dloto . IB-noolnoU.
SB-IBlUo, Bopp, FonBln, BuiiukL
tort, ABoko, atmtoa. A S.1IS.
Al ohortaoaroo
Son Irwelm
mw Voaa-LaM Bono. ISKi. Brook-
trm. ooorotatoS Oma rsuoku. Ill So.
et. mi. is.
ooouMt atu. aokkr Ma
koa Aktottlk. kotpoikkot CfcMk Boon.
wi. rti, on, tk.
Jory Packing Co
985 N. Front St.
There are about 70 wild rel
atives of our preeent-dy culti
vatod tobacco.
F. . t. Uk. ia Dr. o. eku a
Ml Nerta Uurtr
omk mt onror m, m
"."- ia Curoltktko.
wou prooom nl irtM twto or,
fro o ckorr, toc4 bm mt
wto tor ktlraokn out. o n.
.etissMS-4 t
110 .la . Z
rtoroo, DoBkkor (3) ud Stool: ltow
m kn4 Tarw.
" ieiiMio-s k m
kocroBonto mi hi trt j rj I
Kbduotbor, on nock (I) us CkMn
onoso, roruu ill ud Bitchor.
oQrWOOd OSA Ono AM. . .. .
Loi Aanlok MOOMno-l i I
una n ona iruni todn.
"Wo (1), Oktmnkl (l), ood ftutu
0 YOUR... i
f Storage
DIAL 3-3131
889 N. Liberty
Torm gEcrrrr