Friday. May 2t, ltM THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Haes, Furccl Lcsa Western ! St Louis (V-Freddie Haas and Marty Fursol. showing un- aeern for Beuerivsrs stub V born par TO, led the field Fri- day as the 80th annual Western Open Golf Tournament moves into second round play. . Haas, a New Orleans pro who double a a maker of golf clubs, and Fursol, the 1951 Western winner from Lament ill, nroae par with 8s, giving them a one stroke lead over Art WalL Jr., a youngster from Ponoco Manor, Pa., after Thurs day's first round competition. They were the only players to get the best -i. Bellerive's hilly, narrow, 8.578-yard course, although nine entries tied for fourth with par-match x"...( . .. . . ... ing 70S. Rough Day on Ulcers of filsjor League Managers . Br CARL LTJNDQTJIST ' Mew York UJtt It wm (Mi tbM today to watefc car tel Major Leafs snarisrsrs IomIt to prevent snlcld Th water of the last river must have looked tempting to lo Durocher of the' Giants when he went home over the Brooklyn bridge after another maddening defeat to the Dodgers, 7-6. And Eddie Stanky of the Cardinals might have felt like jumping in front of the train instead of board ing it for St. Louli last night after a 10-10 tie In Cincinnati In game they ahould have won nearly an hour before It was. halted by a curfew agree ment Al Loom might have felt aier with bar on hia hotel window at St. Louis after his Indians blew a 7-5 decision to the lowly Browns because eastoff Bob Elliott went wild and drove In six runs with a grand slam homer, a single and an infield out Ditto for Lou Boudreau in Philadelphia where he watch ed Mel Parnell finally lose to the Athletics, 6-1, after beat ing them nine straight times. Fred Haney at Pittsburgh couldn't have felt too chipper when his Pirate couldn't win All the By BO 8AIN8BTJBT Indianapolis, CJJtt BUI Vak OTiek said today he plans to "stay in front all the way" when he goes oat for the 50 sail ' Indianapolis Speedway Championship that eluded him test year by only 10 minutes. Only radio station in this area to carry a broadcast of the complete Indianapolis race Saturday will be KFDQ, Portland, (00. keys. The broadcast will come direct from the track, beginning at 7:45 ajn. (FST), and will continue for four hoars or longer depending, of coarse, oa the time it takes to com plete the race. Sid Collins will be at.the mike. The front-running daredevil and his race car last May 30 slammed into the wall of the Indianapolis speedway only eight laps short of victory, when he was 25 seconds in front of the field. Minimum Stops Vukovlch led the pack of 33 race cars for 150 of the 192 laps he covered and tomorrow when the race goes on again before an expected audience of 175, 000, he wants to do the same thing for the full distance. "I'm going to try to stay in front all the way, If possible, be said. 1 don't plan on many FAN FARE Major Leagues 9 (B The Aaatehvtcd Mai - W , b tet, Mev- Vet i 11 Mi Ohlett ........... XI H .ft Cleveland .......... is ' U JVA Boeton M If M Washington is IS jea- Fhlleaelphla ....... IS IS .4M .......... 14 SS Ml IS XT JTS Beer Taik T, Weehhteloa a. niladalphla A. Beaten U at iMk 1, Omlud S. Ool7 SUMS achoaBlO&. - MATIOIMI, LAAOTJS . ' ' .. W L MUweakee ......... SS - II an. Loale .......... 11 IS Breokljn .......... SS 14 Philadelphia ....... is 14 Hew Tori ......... IS IS mtakarsh ......... IS SS Chisage ........... II SI Olaomnetl ......... SS Ml JM Ml jtn J14 Ml S. FltUknh I. Brooklm T. Mev Tort s (IS Sanaa Cincinnati IS. St. Letat IS ISM, called end at lth to allow St, lMi t sua a train). Only games ochiffalod. ' witli 15 hits against Jim Kon- stanty, who struggled to a route-going t-S victory for the Phils. There was woe again for Bucky Karris at Yankee stadium, where he is used to It a Bob Porterf leW, bidding for his sixth straight victory, was pounded instead for., his fourth defeat, 7-1. .. The other teams had off days, sparing their managers frustration. " - Aims to 'Lead Way in G pit stop. Two at the most' Vukovlch was rated a stand out favorite In the fastest field ever to reach the starting line for the annual sped and endur ance test ' He will open the scramble from the inside position In the first of the 11 rows of three cars each, earning the favored spot by bis qualifying speed of lSB.sva Dines per nour xor iout , A .11.. .1 W.1 lap, or 10 miles, on the asphalt and brick oval. -Fast Qualifier The qualifying time was the second fastest in history, and 100-Mile Race At Oakland Memorial Day Oakland (UJ9 Top drivers from Seattle to lios Angeles will compete tomorrow in the West's own Memorial Day clsi sic; the 1953 Pacific Coast 100 mile Big Car Championship. Twenty four of the fastest cars will race at the Oakland Speedway on the banked, five eighths mile asphalt track. Favorites for the 180-lap grind are Don Radbrook, 1951 champion from San Francisco; Jack Flaherty, San Francisco; Joe Gemss, Pasadena, and George Amick of Seattle, Pad' flc Northwest titlist At Legion Practice American Legion team la pat throagh its paces by eeaek Viae Genoa, la apper photo, some of the 69 boys eat fer the Legion team watch as Bob (Lefty) Foreman takes a practice slides The boys in the lower photo are too yeoag for Legion baseball, bat they are on hand every night, any how, to pick np a few pointers. From left they are Sandy Atwood, I years eld, 1545 Jefferson; Keith Stra.n, years old, 1595 Jefferson; Dob Garrett t years old, 1715 Baker; and Kent Garrett, IS years eld, 1115 Baker. .: . v . . Victoria Tyces May be to Drop From WIL Victoria OUttJ The Victoria Trees will probably be forced to drop from the Western In ternational Baseball Lei rue anleas the team raises Sit,-, at through ticket sales by Monday, President Art bar Cos said today. The test-ditch warning that the Trees were en the verge f a fhuactel collapse came after an . attendance drive failed to attract mere tans to the dob's heme gaaaesv ' The money is needed to carry the slab threarh its preseat financial difficul ties," Csx said. "We've done oar best to keep baseball In Victoria, and the calibre of ball has been of the highest'' Business Manager Beg Patterson said. "New it'a ap to the fans to shew whether they want as to carry on." Minor League Scores . (Br The iaaecltled I-reee) ' UnXU ASSOCIATION Oeramane A, IndlenopoUo 4 (II ran.) Toledo A, Charlenen I. Sa. rani S, Minneapolis t. ! BiisaiiAtiowAi, usaon Ottawa 4, Soring Mlo I (M Attala 4, arraoaee S. Boeheeter S, Toronto A. r; i u a. aieiumore a. WBSTSSW LAAOUS Cltr i. Lincoln s (IS Coiaraea Spring, S, Denver t (IS San.), mehlo a, Pee Molaaa 1. WUttUa IS. Omaha S. TEXAS LBAOVB San Aatanla T. Houtoa s (IS taints). Sauaa A, ouaheme city 1. amreveaert a Boaameat 4. Tttlas a, Part Worm s Cf -Inning bt). nownw uasin Salt take Cltr IS, Oreat SABS S. Ovdta 11. BUlmga S. Baua at Hatlo ValMr aa Uabe ram at raeataua, mltnann, rata. Kg Race he set it on the first day of trials. The full field qualified at an average speed of 138.435 mile per hour, compared with 135.504 for the 1952 list Due to injuries suffered last summer in a crash, defending champion .Troy Ruttman will not compete this year. Only two former winners will be in j the field, Bill Holland, return- m after a two-year suspension ! I .. . . . . by the contest board of the American Automobile Associa tion, and Johnny Parsons. OCE Loses to Portland State In Title Game Portland W) Portland State won the Oregon Collegi ate Conference baseball cham pionship Thursday on the fly ing feet of Third Baseman Orv Adams, who stole home in the ninth inning for a 9-8 victory over Oregon college or. eau cation. The playoff game, twice de- layed by rain, was deadlocked when Adams singled, moved to third base on two infield bouncers, and then raced home ahead of a pitch. ParUaBd Stata ... tat 114 IS1 II I o. o. a sis mi loo is s Aaua, Koakala (I) and AMaran: PalAMalat, Slltaar (1) aa4 Oaaualau. y WaH Ditsaa These are typical seeaes at Baker field every evening as the Salem An average of only 101 fans went through the turn stiles at the Tyees' first 14 home games for a total at tendance of 14,100, compar ed to 25,019 for the same aamber of gamea last year.- The fifth-place Trees re mained la the league last sea son only after a "save base ball? drive was held. Left-Handed Hitters Take " Over Swat Leads New York () A pair of left-handed ' hitting ' veterans have taken over the . major league tutting races. - Mickey Mantle, whose only .300 or better season in 1948 brought him the American League title with a J53 aver age, is out in front in the American League at .381 and Johnny Wyrostek of the Phila delphia Phillies has Jumped back into first position in the National League with J70. Vernon, the Washington Sen ators' steadiest hitter for years. got 11 hits in 25 times at bat last week and vaulted from fourth place to the top. He displaced George Kell of Bos ton, who fell to second this week at .358 after going only "8 for 23" in the week. Aver ages are through Monday night's games. Vernon also passed Pete Sud or of Philadelphia, who drop ped to third at .345, and Cleve land's Al Rosen. Rosen fell to fifth behind New York's Mickey Mantle, a J38 batter, when his average dipped to .300. , ' Wyrostek belted seven' safe ties In 18 tries, leaving him seven points ahead of second place Red Schoendienst of the St Louis Cardinals, who had 263. Roy Campanella of Brook lyn, meanwhile, had only six hits in 28 times up and plum meted to fifth place in the standings at .338. He lost 28 points and fell behind Richie Ashburn of Philadelphia, third with .358, and Jim Greengrass of Cincinnati, fourth with .349. 53-Pound Bass From South Coos Coos Bay Wi 'a 83-pound, 2 -ounce striped bass was caught In the South Coos River this week by Mrs. Blanche Naugle of Bunker Hill. That was Just one pound under the all-time Coos Bay record for ban. The record fish was landed last year. " Yesterday's Slars (Br Th Aitoclttcd Prtu) Lritchinr Whltor Ford Hew York TsWktM, woo bli fourth itrahft.1 taunt tvDd proMrred hU record of Dvtr hivlnf lost m tftrtr m bo held WithlAto& to flvt hlU. New York won, 1-S. Battlnr Bob Elliott, t. troala Browtu, homtrod with tht htsM lotvdtd tn6 droro la two other rtjiu te the Browni' T- vktorr over Cltveioad. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c run (With Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open DaIIt, t:U ajm. . I pn. SandATS, I ajn. . 4 fas. 13S N. Commtrciol Les Slattery, Jr.. a 28-year- old St Louisa n, led the ama teurs by posting a TO that led for a while. Then Al Besselink of Grossing er, N.Y, Ed Furgol of St Louis, no relation to Marty, ' Csry Middlecoff of Memphis and Dutch1 Harrison of Ardm6re, Okla., moved in. Blair Gets Bend Job Bend W) Stan Blair, former Lewis It Clark college athlete, will be football coach at Bend high school next fall. He suc ceeds L. K. Robertson, who be comes football' coach at Eu gene high. v LEGALS notics or nmimoN to nomovs TAFT ITAtTf nones JURIST n oivzm ihai u Common Cornell of tha cltr at Salon. Oregon. Saorat It nacesearr and axpa dloat and kerebr ooalaraa 1U purpoee aaS IfiUotlon to laprovo TAST STRAIT, from tha north, line of Madlios street to the norther lr terminal of TatfStroet, no eitv . of eaiem. Marlon count. Oregon, or orlnitns aald portion at aald ttreel to the eatabluhed sraoa. srorldlns dramas,, eonatnwttns eemont eonereto eurae, oonatmetlns aloevaUu oa the oaat atde acly, and pa rise aald portion at aald street vlth a 1 teen aashelUs oonereta RaTemant St foot vide, at too moo of tao antuns and adieemt aartr. aseopt tha etreet and alter tntaraaetlona. wnlah atpenaa U1 ha aa- eajaed 97 the altr at Sale, and assent tha atdewaliA. which vui he oonatnetad at the eeet af the aantuas-snsartr r. aa tat ananrnSnfia with the aiana and apeoinoaMane therefor which vara aaostad a (ho Cemmiia Ceaaell Mas 1L tee,, vaacn are new an roe m tne amoa af the eftr reeeidei and which ar this Theea plana and apeelfwetlena mas anammea at anr aatareeted sartr. The Common OouneU horeb ooalaraa ta snrpoea and Intention te make tha above deeerlbod Imnravomant hf and Ihrouah tha etreet Improvement depart ment. The Common Cesses has declared He Attention af ataklns I llTS GREENE SrOtlTINi -SHOP . YOB... CTrNKUDI . OLD awamaaaas oanwman nTT KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 410 ewns I saaas lr.C, FULLY AGED Oregon's largest-selling . straight THIS WHISKEY IS 4 Glove Ccdr.gctHb welterweight dlristea, eentsmplatea th left gleve f Je Mleeli a Joe threw en at aim la th second reaad of their boat at Detroit Bat Johnny has a right going la to Jo' nose, just te va things np. Saxton wea a ananlmoaa deeisloa in to fight that went the fall tea roaads. (AP Wlrephote) -..... . v ,-;viss- Imnroraaiant aeon In the laas of a r motutranoe. hat abieeUona to the' mak ing af each Improvement mar nererthe loei aa made In writing and filed vllk the eltr roeordor at an, thee wlUim lea dart attar thn final nabUcaUan of tale notice, and an Jane a. latt, at 1:N o'clock. ,a. In tha eltr hall, the Com mon Coancll vlll - bear any neraon do alrins to appear asAlaet tha making at auch Improromenl. . ' Br Order af the Commas Conn ell Has II. 1MJ. Ojnm Homt. Cltr lUoaroer Data at final nahUaaUon: Mar la. tsel. . star is, ss. SS MOTHS or SCBOOf. SXSCTION -. Xotlct herebr It slran as aha' legal mien of School Dlatrlet He. tool,' Mar- rum counur. oreson, mat tha annual aleouon for aald dlatrlet via ho held aald dletrlel tram tha haws . at S o'clock P.M. to aha hoar at S o'clock r.M, Feelfle Standard Tuna, am Men der, Jane la, mi for the purpoee at aieeiug ana . aireeanr aa. aarvo nr n term af five rear,. Tha polling slaeaa via ha as tollavt: School roactlon Praabxt Ho. V aiaa- land achaol Keeth ath a HlgWend Aro- nnei Isston School, list Lanelag A venae School BMetlan Preclaet He. s-oranl shoal. Market north CMtasa anreotai mm Phcni 4-1451 195S.Ccrr.:rd:l bourbonl YEARS OLD S fROOf l?ava Johnny Saxtea (left) . aa- beateB) in 49 eeatosts la th vaad aahoal. Neoraakn Kerth lath traelai . Schcol Bectloa Vreetnct Ho. S Taalla School Office Balldlns. OSS Marth BhA Slreeuj ' School SueUoc rroeuct Mo. S-SUca- M School, ruahmoad and Hill streetas School SleaUoa rreetncl Ma. S Uella Janlor lr School, south Cottaaa S Bovard Streete: School Election Vroclnet Ho. S Silem a,llkU School. MM Libert? Aoe4; School Sleeuon Proeiael Ho. S Un eeln school. Snath Una Beck Aniiani PICK Y0U9 CREDIT Easy Cretlif-Akvays! "r. 'v r-.-i.'.',.-".-' 'J-' Toko yowooM frow aeets s4aen-w4i e aewittdton ojf tf9tA9tA fn0& ptflsMp H2r youl ssTvJy fM sas amfptjmmt er. v ShsaaAnSJBaananaAaar natanaloBBonaBa1 anfA Aft ajBAjsan nnhSBaaSaSnaSaSaBn oTmanjmnamnnmBnnmnn anannmmmmnnmnnnj enmj nmv ""erOeT JJQ aS.D9VfiE; CosnplsteTlr elarvka) WALTER H. ZOSEL CO. High ChssMkete (Oppasite Citr HaJl) Fh. ft-HU U BOURBON WHISKEY w r ' THE OLD HERMITAGE eAAejJpfJOj) oavlOOttOOJ aTVOOAefdWst eVft, 9eVBVrvnvW aiom school, hit mm street! art? School, an Libert Bead. Dated at Salaat, Oreson. Shis SSSk ar af Mar, ISal. . OAXDaraa xxtrr ' , i Chairman, Beard of DfeacteeS COHNAU. C. WAHO Matrlot dark. ' , , Mar St, JuaoS, II Journal Want Ads Pay PLAN rroat Wheel AHsitAent BRAND COMPANY, fRANKFORT, KT .4 s w , . . . I , , . . f-v r-vw. x.: . . a - v'