I7M mm i4usss j Dim i r ! vv- - Screwball A. Murray U'Flynn, former Western Inter- national leasee turned to baaeball elownini and he is man who thor oughly enjoyi hie work. O'Flynn will perform hit reper torie of ran at Water park Saturday afternoon and night O'Flynn'e.act wlU start at l:l and 7:45 o'clock. IVidmar Wins Seattle; Dovos By SCOTT BAILLB : San rranetaeo MB At Wld mar, aca pitcher with the Seattle Rainier, waa half-way toward hi sexond straight M rictory aeasoa in the TCL to day and the Suds again en Joyed a Stt-game margin ever attend place Los Angeles. Seattle Al became the first hurler in the open loop to win 10 games this year when he baffled the Sacramento Solon but night with a five-hitter (or a 2-0 triumph. Bamberger Shines Another sparkling perform ance was turned In by Oak land's George Bamberger, who Hve-hitted San JTanclseo 1-0 tnd : turned off the latest Acorn losing streak at four itralght. Jo Mulr outhurled Bill Koisan in the night's third mound duel in to Angeles as Hollywood dipped Los An geles, 8-1. That marked the third gams of their present troaitown rhubarb that has been settled by a 1-1 margin, Wet grounds forced postpone? Kent of the Portland-San Diego game in bordertown. The only Solon who could solve Widmar's prancing knuckle ball was Bob DIM cer, who slapped two of them br singles like the .100 batter Be is. . Powerhouio Walt Judnlch figured In all the Seattle scor ing, as usual. In the second tiling he singled to center, to lng in Leo Thomas, who had gone to second when loser Ken Gables made a wild throw n his bunt. In the ninth fudnlch crashed a Mllo Can tUnl serve for a triple , and Ico red en Merrill Combs' out- MARION MOTORS We'U bet doUara to dough nuts you can't beat our gen , eroui allowances, or our fine ' selection of highest quality 1141 NASH 100 SEDAN, original ahinlng black fin ish, weather-eye heater, ra dio, foam cuahlons, 4 brand new white aldewaU OIC sJWVW haseball player, baa now 10th for Rained Out PCL STANDINGS , (Br T Aaeeeieted Press) SMttlt M I . La Antelee ........ as M . Holljwood ......... MM. Portland .......... M M . 8U DIM ......... St n Sb ftaaelao ..... Sf at Sacrament ' M a Oakland SI Si Fet. .00 Ml Tasvaaer' mmmi wartlaod at a around. Seattle a, Sacramento . KollrwMd I. Lao Aneeloo a, I, Sa rMHHC a. field fly. , aables took the loss, his sixth. Seals Helpless Bamberger gave up four in field singles plus a bloop one bagger by losing Pitcher Bill Boemler. Outalde of that the Seals were helpless. The lone Oakland tally came In the sec ond after the bags were filled via two singles off Boemler's shins and a pass. 'Len Neal then skied to left field to score Pete Milne from third. Dale Long of Hollywood, ruined a pitching duel be tween the Angela' Bill Molsan and Joe Mulr when he belted seven inning homer to give the Stars their 3-1 margin over Los Angeles before a substan tial crowd of 13,743 In Wrlg- ley field. Bobby Bragan's thesplans were trailing 10 going Into the fifth. Then they tied it when Bragan doubled In Long, who had singled, and tallied himself on Muir's blngle. This set the stage for Long's crush- er in the seventh. FsrUud Sw DM, aoitpoaMl vck trouadi. Ocklurf , i Me too-1 a . w aw m a Uk FTUMlMO BMawnar 4 ..nail aofmLir tat TorMr. SulU OM toe Ml I f Serkmto 000 08 000 0 l WMmw ud OrUlot OtMM, CumUoI ih mwntr. HMirwo4 ooo 0M loo I i UM AnillM 101 000 oool 1 Mulr M Brttoln; Molita bnd Ptden. TIDE TABLE TIOM Im Tatl. onm-an, MM (CM kr It. s. CmiI u (MMk rarllui, orwrmi) Su Huh ailm Low Woun Tim HillM Ttmo Htlfht M 1:01 .. . 1:11 a.m. -1.0 1:11 la. I.o ft !t:M ii. I t TM a.m. .1.0 . r.n a.m. 4.T im . i.o M . 1:00 a.m. 0 0 I H a.m. .1.1 1:31 a.m. 4 1:01 a.m. 1.0 t 1: a-m. o.r a n a.m. -l l 0:11 a.m. 4.0 t oo p.m. I t i S t:tl a.m. 1.1 10.01 a.m. .1.0 l a a.m. (.1 10:11 p.m. 1.1 I w a.m. I.T . 10:01 a.m. -o.o : .m. 11 .m. 1.1 , 4:M a.m. t.l 11: am. o.o ' i am. .i : 0:11 a.m. 4.4 11 M am. 11 . no p.m. 01 II M .m. 01 S 1 T a.m. 4.1 1:10 a.m. 01 o oo a.m. o i i n a m. i t i f 0:11 a.m. 4 i:u a.m. 0.1 W a.m. 1.0 I 1J p.m. 1.1 S 10:11 a.m. 4.1 4:01 a.m. -0.1 0:14 p.m. t.l 1 11 p.m. 11 I 11:11 a.m. 4.1 1:00 a m. -1.1 , 10:11 p.m. 1.4 4:00 p.m. 1.1 10 11:21 p.m. 4.1 1:41 a.m. -1.1 11:01 p.m. 1.4 0:00 p.m. 11 II 1:1 p.m. 4.0 t il a.m. -I I 11:40 p.m. 1.1 1:4 p.m. I I M I M p.m. 4.1 1:11 a.m. -I I . . 0 II p.m. t.l IS 11 II a.m. 10 1:M a.m. -I I l:U p.m. 00 1:M p.m. 1.1 'JH-.tmvviMkm Most Cascade Lakes Open Up On Saturday IB, Tils Associated Print ' Oregon's trout season will be expended Saturday with the opening of most Cascade Moun tain lakes.'. The State Game Commission warns, however, that many of the high lakes still are snow bound or caked with ice. It ad vises anglers to contact the Forest Service or the Highway Department before entering the mountains. At. Bend, it's reported that most Central Oregon high mountain lakes are iced or snowed in. Fishing probably will be limited to Crane Prairie Reservoir and to Wickiup Reservoir and Deschutes River spots, all of which are open and easily accessible. Under .1093 Oregon fishing regulations, May 30-September 30: is the general open season for lakes, reservoirs and their tributaries within national for est boundaries in the Cascades. College Playoffs Start Today Los Angeles W Southern California, San Diego, State and Seattle university clash at Bovard field today In a double elimination tourney to deter mine who will meet the Pa cific Coast Conference north south baaeball winner. -.. At the same time, .Stanford will be playing Oregon in the north-south PCC playoffs at Stanford In a best two-out-ot three series. Fiahis last Wight Wt Tha AawelataO Fnu IdlrwMi Calif. CRarMr Oratn, 11 14. Loo Anoalai. ootvolntad Baau rardl. nan4. I01H. San Franolaoo. 10. - mi can ooaMa, 114. aaiumon. llopimd Dan Bolllnj. 111. Dttrolt. I. Nwark. H. J. BobbT Pntr 111, Htw Tork. outpmntad JlmmT Walklu, ir. nan, Htw Moaon, conn., o. PCC to Use Own Method of Picking Rose Champaign, III. UP) The Big Ten waa set today to extend the Rose Bowl contract for an other three years, but it want ed to use its own method to determine which conference team shall compete. Faculty representatives voted yesterday, presumably by the anticipated margin of 6 to 4, to accept the invitation from the Pacific Coast Conference to renew the contract. However, apparently be cause of requests from Illinois and Purdue to change the method of selection of the tesm, the negotiating commit tee selected to iron out details of the contract was directed to attempt to secure an arrange ment whereby each conference picks its representative on Its own terms. The current contract re- Why Suffer Any Longer Than Mlitra fall, as out Chtnaa mtadlaa. Amaaina aaoaoai for oooo raara m China. Mo mattar IU what allmanla m an afflletad, aiaartfora, lanattm, kaari, loata, Hvar, kMiwa, oaa. mtutlpauom. ilatra, OUaaatta. rktamalUm, tall ana Ua40o forat, Ma, famal oamplalal. CHARLIE CHAN enrnsoa neaa Oa. Otflaa Uaora 0a S Ta. aa Sal am It IM N Oamamlal rkaa nam saum, oaa. 30-Minute Free-for-AII Sparks Game at Tri-City (Br Tm Aasoeleted ITeeel The Salem Senators, combin ing 17 hits with a heaping measure of oratory and fisti cuffs, whacked Trl-City, lt-7, la the feature game of the Western International Leagae baaeball schedule Thursday night Although only two players got the thumb, the knock-down, drag-out contest gave tno fans, as an added attraction, a so man free-for-all In the fifth after Nick.Pesut twss bit by one of Jack Hemphill's offer- tngi. : . Salem and Trl-City play again tonight at Kennewiek, Saturday the, two teams move to Salem to renew their bitter rivalry In a Memorial day split doubleheader at Waters park. The afternoon game starts at t o'clock, the night game at 1:15. . Pesut. Tri City backstop. stormed to . the mound and started throwing wild punches at Hemphill. The rest M the two squads joined in the party and the donnybrook hit full stride until the umpires, tir ing of the mayhem, called' on u iaw w oreajc up uie name, Peaut got the gate, to loin Ray Tran, who was chased in the fourth for protesting too long ana two loua over a intra called strike. . The Senators scored ' nine times In the first to get all the rune tney needed. The free-for-all at Kenne wiek came on the heels of an edict by League President Bob Brown banning profanity on Mai-son Tops Field in Sixth Army Track Meet Fort Lewis, Wash. ( Ollie Matson, the fleet, ex-Unlver-slty of San Francisco football star, tops a field of three Olym pic stars entered by Fort Ord, Calif., in the Sixth Army track and field meet her Friday and Saturday. Matson, who ran the quar ter-mile for the U. S. Olympic squad last year, will be teamed wiut Olympic Broad Jumper George Brown and Bob Mc Millan, Olympic Javelin throw er. Also on the Fort Ord team is George Roseme, national Javelin champ from the Uni versity of California. Another top-flight perform er to Da on hand is Willie Mack,' the national AAV mile champion from Michigan State. He will be running for Madl gan Army Hospital. Perex Meets Glen Flanagan New York UJ Lulu Perez, a - fast-rising featherweight from Brooklyn, makes, his big time debut against ring wise Glen Flanagan of St Paul to night in a 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden. Promoted into the national rankings only this week, Perez is favored at 13 to 5 for the fight, which will be broadcast and televised nationally. Bowl Team quires that no team from either conference play more often than once in two years. Under the original five year contract the Pacific Coast lent its cham pion annually while no Big Ten team could compete more often than once In three years. Both Illinois and Purdue fa vored the "one in three" clause and hoped to write it Into the new renewal of the agreement Hear Complete Reports INDIANAPOLIS RACE Beginning at 7:30 a.m., KGAE Will Present an Exclusive Report Direct From the Speedway nun wi tru mm WIL Standings Or no SHoalotoS rraml w l lewutaa .... at .... to ii .... i .... io 1 .no 411 victoria ........... J : Camarr ........... a 1 amoatoa ......... " Taklma .'1J Waaatehaa II ' .411 .411 .411 Tknara BaaaMat Salim II, Trl-Clt . Caliarp 14. Saekaa a- . Takim 10, TUwrla a VanoMTac I, WauUkao Uvlaum a. BdmoBtoa -. I rtMar'a Oamaai aja at Tci-Cttr. Lawuua at SdmooUav Taklma at Vloaarl. . Spokaa al catoarr. Waaatahaa at Vaasoanr. the field of play. Brown said he had instructed aU umpires to give players using off-color words the nesve-no. Explaining his stand, Brown said: "I would much rather see one ball player take a punch at another than swear at him. Action around the rest of the circuit wss considerably mild er. with Calgary bopping Spo kane, 10-9, Yakima wnipping Victoria. 10-3. Vancouver snaa. ing Wenstchee S-t and Lewis ton taking a 4-3 verdict over Edmonton in ten innings. The Vancouver Capllanos Jumped off with three runs in the first frame to get all the runs they needed to defeat we natchee, the ninth straight loss for the Chiefs. Wenatchee put two runs across in the sixth but the rally faded before any damage could be done. . Lewlston's win over Edmon ton, was credited to Manager Bill Brenner, who limited the Eskimos to six hits In going the distance for the league-leading Bronct. The game was pushed into the extra Inning when Sam Kanelos boomed out. a three-run homer in the last of the eighth to knot the score at three-all. An error by Kanelos and a triple by Ken Richard son gave the Bronci their fourth run in the top of the 10th. Victoria's win streak was halted at three by Its loss to the Yakima Bears, who com bined 13 hits and three Vic toria errors for the win. Jack Rial, who went the distance for the Bears, held tne xyees to seven safeties, including a two run homer by Nap Gully. Calgary had little trouble with Spokane. TheStampeders pounded out 28 hits off two Spokane pitchers as Jerry Lewinson went tne route for the winners. Calgary put the game on Ice with six runs in the eighth. There were four homers, by Charlie Mead and Jim Melliger of Calgary and Bill Sheets, Stan Palys and Wilbur Johnson of Spokane, (in 41) Trt-Cttr H O A BOA TaaioUU I SVaam.it s i a Lufir.Tb iaaoia.i l is l s Bmitn, Piravu ILTranJ swataa.1 4 Dtro.ef rant.e I I Clarar.lk Wlthnp.r lfiUnn, Hrmphl,p lHCMr.lI 0 caroler lR.Tran.0 I 1 STannr.p a S s aaoimt.r SafcMm.p S noif.p l a-Hdnk a-Dbrnlo X Pdmat, S Blooms S ShraxU S 1 Total! 04 11 It 11 Totato 40 14 11 I lilim PM ooo 100-11 11 1 Trl-Cltr 101 Oil OOO 1 10 I ntehar: V U H I n K 1 Hamptun .. I 40 10 1 1 I s Tanaar .... I 4 1 S S 4 Plaamoat ..011100 Bloom .... In S S I 1 a S MIohaalMa 4 IS 1 1 4 S 1 Rolf S 1 S S t HBP Puuk. auuil Buccal, L. Tran, Olartfr, Morwood 3. Kit TanaaUI. MlehaaUoa. IBH Smith. 1BH Varml, Hoekaoar. Warraa 1. Clara. RtmphtlL RBI par I. Dtro. Claror. Wltkoraooon. Uutaraon, HamphUI a, TaaaolU 4, Boo- oaia, Hotkaaar I, rant, amita, Hietiaal. on a Sao. SakaUiil. DP amlth to Lukr to ciardr. Umplrat eoroaaoa and SUInar. Alt. 1,10a, Spokaaa 100 000 HI I 11 Calf arr 100 111 II" 14 II Romto, Carter () and. Shoatal liaai. toa M uuara. Taklma 10 al No-1 II Victoria 004 100 loo I 1 Rial and Hoilck; BolUar, Colllu (4) ana mania. WanatebM M 001 0OOI 11 I Vaneotrrar IM 100 00- 4 4 I Monroe and Bartolomoli noachar and undtam. Uwutca . ...... M ooo Bdmoatoa too 000 Bnanar and Cameron! aarat ll aa4 Proattoe. M0 14 I 0 - S Wlaoar, TU- zm as'ia mm LOCAL UNHID PUSS Part 8 USCFavcrcdto Vinl3thStrci;ht PCC Track Crown Pale Alto, Callt PV-flcoith- ern California's unbeaten Tro jans are favored to win their 13th straight raeinc . vean Conference track and field championship at Stanford Sta dium this week-end. . Qualifying preliminaries were scheduled Friday in the sprints and hurdles, with all finals Saturday. Two of VSC's brightest stars are world Kecora-oreaaer Parry O'Brien in the shot put and Huge Sim Iness in the discus. Iness is still hindered by a knee injury, making O'Brien a probable winner in both events. , The meet will be a farewell to sports for Stanford's two- time Olympic decathlon cham pion, Bob Hathlas.. He is entered in both hurdles, the shot put and discus. . . Mathlas, the- world's great est all-around track and field competitor, will be married soon, then go Into the Marine Corps. UCLA's Rod Richard, with 9.S in the 100 and' 31.1 in the 220, is a probable double win ner. 'His toughest competi tion is expected from Bob Gray, Washington State, and Mervin Brock, Oregon State, both 9.8 sprinters, and Jim Lea of USC, 21.1. The Trojans' Irale Shelton and Washington State's How ard McCants both are capable of 6 feet-7 In the high Jump. UCLA's Len Ellen . 14-foot pole vault and a 24-foot plus broad Jump by USC's Verle Sorgen have not been equaled In the conference this year. East Lake Road Is Impassable . Bend. SJJB Snow has ran. dered the road to East lake im passable to opening day fish ermen, the U.S. Forest service reminded today. The forest service said the lake will be "shut tight" this week-end. It reported the four mile section from Paulina to East lake was impassable to an vehicles. rauuna laxe will be acm- sible over a one-way road. But anglers were warned camping lacunies were almost non-ex-istant Chains and shovels are required equipment on the trip into me isxe. Hon lo tha look, bp dmtrlcta: Hcrtkwaat aft. BTnod ana tlnoa hit, turbid with poor Brocaoct. w wuiamvtie vane? ctraama awn, moddr: proiptota poor. Fiihtna alos on MeKeniM and Willamette Sinn, fair at Doren Raaerrotr ud Trlentle Lake. Willamette Rational Purut lakae ahoald be rood If teeeeelkle. Improred iianuia on eoaatai nreama and lake. Beatawocl Central ud South coaita) vatera are hla. tmrtild. and pnepecu poor. Outlook tarn lar Rorae and Ump oaa areas. Ccatrat-PBlr to aood proapeeti oa ae oeailble Ukn abd atreama. Nertkeait Recent heaer rates ban raised ud muddled moat atreama. kit the kflnam ud Upper Umatilla Rivers at clear. Soma ood catches ban been made on the Upper Orande Rondo nieer and at Wallowa Lake, but nthlaa ten orallp hae been poor. aeatkeaaauilln has keen poor be cause cf storms, but If weather remains ra? oraoio. streams should be clear enouab to produce fair results this week-end. liMIIH:(.'l ilTIilTl ir ASSOCUTtfj ntSS Salem, Oregon, Friday, May Scoring fhs Hard Way the fifth inning at Chleage en Minnie Mlnoao's perfect , threw to catcher Sherman Lellar, bat tne yeamg Tiger amahes into Lellar, kmecklmg the ball Iran hit hands and ' seared. That tied tt all up and the game ended after II innings in a 1-2 tie. (UF Telephote) .. . Portland to ; Leyy City Tax On Dog Wagers Portland 0J The city of Portland was legally prepared today to begin collections of per cent of bets waged at Multnomah . County ." Kennel club's dog races. : -. Jf , Coundlmen yesterday ap proved a 1H per cent tax in the form of an' ordinance, which became effective 'immediately, but date of actual collections was notkuowil. " It was not known whether the tax would be challenged in the courts. Murray Kemp, man ager of the club, said he had not yet conferred with the club's attorney; and -would not say what action the group will take; Kemp said he Is in sym pathy with the city's financial problems. The city stands to gain some $190,000 for the current bud get through: the tax. It would go for "undistributed salary ad justments." . Jefferson Wins City Meet at Portland Portland, OJJD Jefferson' dominated the Portland Inter scholsstlc League's -annual track and field meet yesterday Csjrg' Washed in Minutes. nekap-DeMTerr ClaiwtsrWtia a - rbem 4-11(1 mm . This Week's MASTER PLAN Bndget Special NEW -; 1953 Remington Shaver , Contour Model V No. S2 ; Regular $21.50 Can FJow Be Ycurs for Only $14.00 and Your Old Shaver Roflordion of Condition Budget Terms $1.25 Down $1.25 'or Week (On Approved Credit) Z?C Green Sromps m SERVICE STATIONS INC. NIWS AND FIATUKQ Z9, 1958 ' Detroit pitcher Art Hoatte , was out fey a anile in by raking up 87 86 points. Grant was nexj in line with 3SU and Franklin had 11. ' WE BUY..; V I Y THE CAJUjOAD! YOU BUY ' FORUSS! iRfentsb Fcna Slcrt AU.S.STELWIftE PHOOUCT ALSO STEa POSTS MAItS tSALVANIZEO fWt INTERSTATE TRACTOR "Caterpillar" John Deere 8 tore SS5S SUverton Road Salem Phone 2-4U1 , n. 4-uu MS N. Commercial . . f fc Jll 1 fteK.x . i.ir -e e ..4. I r