-FROM- Peg Jn Washington -SI Washington, D C. May 25 : DMr Maraat - Secretary ( the Uteri and Mre. Doaglas McKay have bad another busy week, terminating with day at Baltimore at guests of Governor and Mis. Theodore McKeldia at the Preakneas at Pimllco track. Luncheon tor the cabinet of ficials and their 'wives Who were guests of the McKeldins ' preceded the afternoon at the track watching Native Dancer .Justify his preponderance of backers. The Secretary spoke at a luncheon meeting last week of the. National Conference of Newspaper Editors, attended the ceremony at the Capitol for the presentation of the Marcos Whitman statue from the state . of Washington, and on another day attended a luncheon ' of freshman senators at the Cap itol. On one evening the McKays were ranking guests at a for mal dinner party given by Am bassador and Mme. Bohemaa at the Swedish Embassy. Mrs. McKay reported that she was especially impressed with the lovely Swedish silver - that graced the dinner table where 18 guests were seated. .Beauti ful footed bowls, a large one in the center of the table and smaller ones at each end, held pastel pink and white carna tions, and the candelabrum! along the length of the table were lovely examples of the silversmith's art.. On another evening Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand, visiting from Salem, entertained the McKays at din ner at the' Mayflower, with much exchange of Salem and Washington news enlivening the occasion. The Brands and James Pol beams, Portland attorney, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Fisher at the University Club: Friday evening, but Coos Bay news formed the chief topic . for - discussion In this group as all five previously lived In Coos Bay. While that 'was out of my realm, Kate Fisher and I were University Of Oregon students about the Miss Ford, I Mr. Silva Tell Troth - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ford of Independence announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss- Macel Laverae Ford to A2c Abel J. Suva, son of Joseph Silva of Benicla, Calif., and Mrs. Margaret Borges of Tomalec, Calif " ' No data has been set for the wedding. . .. VISITORS at the horn of Governor and Mrs. Paul X.. Patterson for the week-end Ja his mother, Mrs. Ada Patterson of Hlllsboro. : On Sunday, the Pattersons' son-ln-laW and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Smithson of Portland will be here for the day Mrs. Ada Patterson to re turn north with them. Next week, a young visitor at the Patterson home for few days will be their grand' son, Tsd (Paul L. Patterson III) from Eugene. FOLLOWING two months tour of the United States. Mr, and Mrs. Lynn F. CronemlUer are due home this Saturday, This past week, the Cronemll- lers visited at the Mark Twain boyhood home at Hannibal, Missouri, visited a cousin In ' Denver and later stopped at Salt Lake City and Boise. ' HOME from a stay In Pen dleton and Boise are Dr. and Mrs. George S. Hoffman. Mrs. Hoffman had been at Pendle ton for two weeks, Dr. Hoffman Joining her there at the week. end and the two going on to Boise. ! ( .. VISITORS here for over Me morial day week-end will be Mrs. Paige Benson of Long view, Wash., who will be guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson. Today's Menu Saturday Breakfast Chilled Grapefruit Poached Eggs with Ham Tidbits Pecan Coffee Cake Beverage Poached Eggs with Ham Tidbits ' Ingredients: 1 cup finely diced lean ham, 8 tablespoons butter or margarine, 4 eggs, 4 slices buttered toast (.Method: Brown ham In but ter in skillet, stirring often. Meanwhile fill a shallow pan with two inches of water; bring to boiling. Reduce heat to hold temperature at simmering. Break one egg at a time into saucer and ejuickly slip onto aorface of simmering water. Cook S t S minutes, depend- Iqf gVsBBcas desired, Re-B-re eggs with slwt-a pancake -r or swoon; sruo well Ji, sow atlce of buttered toast i tarn rrta ka tidbits. it ALENI (PIG) FHlLUri- time, and we Injected some University tidbits into the midst of the Bay chitchat The University Club has a spacious building for Its headquarters and the Fishers are frequent hosts at the Club, which lea tuxes excellent meals. - At a nearby table were the Chief Ceansel for Secretary of Agrl allure Benson, Karl toes, and his young attorney son, and during introductions they were chuckling over the witty sal. lies on attorneys that Secre tary McKay had made during his talk to the District Bar as sociation! dinner and then stressing the serious "meat" of his talk of which they appar ently approved. ' Until one hears the noise of hordes of 17-year locusts in an area heavily covered with trees, it is unbelievable. Dur ing the week I was a guest at the Chevy Chase Country Club, a lovely spot not far from the center of the city but surround ed by such expansive jrmiiids any many, many trees si.d shrubs that one seems miles from the rush of traffic. Over head the cicadas were going full strength and it sounded as though a half dozen big electric saws were droning. It is continuous noise, a constant heavy overtone, and no mat ter how stimulating the con versatlon. bow delicious the food, or how beautiful the sur roundings, you are aware of the unusual cicada accompani ment ' Salem Masons will be inter ested to know that Secretary McKay was the speakei at the Masonic Memorial auditorium at Alexandria George Wash' ration's lodge last Friday eve ning. Since Masonic members of the Interior Department ar ranged the program, it was designated as "Interior Night' The Memorial is a mecca for all Masons who come to Wash ington and many Oregon grand masters, including Salemltes Mil ton L. Meyers, Bex Davis, and the late Earl Snell, attend ed sessions : at the Memorial during their terms of service. More later. " Peg. ' Christening On Sunday Christening services for Kar tcn North Hazelett two months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson R. Hazelett, have been arranged for Sunday,- May 31, at 4 o clock in the afternoon In the chapel of St Paul's Epis copal church. The Rev. Even R Williams of Eugene, god father of Karaten'a older bro ther, Stafford, will officiate, . Godparents will be Mr. and Mrs. Dean Barnhart of Port land, and Dr. and Mrs. J. Ed ward Huffhell of Fresno, calif. Karsten will wear the lone chrlstenlnc dress and can with heirloom lace that his older brothers, Stafford and Marcus, wore at their christenings. - After the service a reception will be held at the Momlngside home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hazelett for all those attend ing. - - - -t Present at the - christening ceremony and reception will be the following relatives and godparents of Karsten's older brothen: Grandparents, Mr. snd Mrs. Frank N. Waters, and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Portland; great grandmoth er, Mrs. Frsnk W. Waters; great-great aunts and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Waters. and Mrs. George E. Waters; aunts ana uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Waters, Daniel, and Donald, Jr. and Mrs. Donald Parker and Sharon and Stev en Parker of Portland; godpar ents, The Rev. Evan Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Poulson, Mr. snd Mrs. V'llllsm Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Desn Barn hart, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Webber. Jt and Mrs. Horace Conrad of Salem, Miss Chloeann Owens of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Jack son Hazelett and Karsten's old er brothers, Stafford and Mar cus. Family to Leave For Islands Soon Mrs. Samuel X. Carpenter and her children, Keith and Gall Anarde, leave on June for the Hawaiian Island to Join Mr. Carpenter who Is stationed there with the Navy. The fam ily wiu do gone a year or longer. Honoring Mrs. Carpenter, friends have arranged a fare well party for Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock at the country home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Cover, Mrs. Carpenter and children will leave here on June 2 on the Shasta Daylight their ship to go out from San Francisco on June 4, HOME THIS week from three-weeks trip to California are Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Young and daughter, GalL They visit ed with Mrs. Young's sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Griffith, in San Bernardino, and front there went to Palm Springs, Lake Arrowhead, Los Angeles and Los Gstos before coming to Salem. -4 AL Unit: ; Elects New Officers ' Electing their new officers on Thursda) evening were members of Salem unit, Amer ican Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Carroll Robinson will head the group this year, other officers being Mrs. Jerome Hansen, first vice president: Mrs. Way ne Perdue, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Harold Streeter, recording secretary; Mrs. Ellis Crake, corresponding tary; Mrs. Mllo Aeschllmann, historian; Mrs. John Cattrall, treasurer; Mrs. Kenneth Tay lor, chaplain; . Mrs. Mildred De Armond, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Jack Johnson and Mrs. Leslie Beard, executive board members. Delegates to the state con vention were also chosen, Mrs. Jack Slmkins, Mrs. - Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Jerome Han sen and Mrs. Jack Johnson to represent the unit. Alternates are Mrs. Walter Wood. Mrs. Edwin Maerz. Mrs. Mllo Aes chllmann and Mrs. Bert Walk er. Annual reports were given by the standing - committee chairmen. Mrs. Ellis told about the memorial day parade in which unit members will par ticipate. A reception for dele gates to Girls State is being planned for June 8, Mrs. Dow Lovell reported, Salem unit to be in charge of refreshments snd decorations. Mrs. Bert Walker announced that two hospital beds are available for home use. ' In terested persons may contact Mrs. Walker. Post No. 138 will sponsor a spring mixer and carnival on June 6 and auxiliary members who will assist are Mrs. El- wood Townsend, Mrs. Linford Buren, Mrs. Wilbur Lytle, Mrs. Jack Johnson,' Mrs. Carroll Robinson and Mrs. Jack Sim kins., V The sewing group will meet Monday with Mrs. Jack John son at 10:80 o'clock. Final meeting' for the executive board will be on' June 4, Mrs. Slmkins to entertain at her home at 8 o'clock. Table decorations for the so cial hour last evening featured a lace cloth with red satin rib bon threaded through It In the shape of a cross, daisies pinned along the ribbon. Bouquets of red and white flowers were also used. Pouring were Mrs. Jack Slmkins and Mrs. Harlan Judd. Last meeting tor the group will be June 11 when officers will be installed. . Friendship Event For Star Chapter , Silverton Friendship night was observed at the . week s meeting of Ramona chapter, No. 88, Order of Eastern Star. Escorted to the east and nonorea were Mrs. Harry lu- cas, grand representatives of Connecticut, a member of Sa lem chapter, No. 182; Mrs. H E. Smedley, worthy matron, and Lowell Shlnn, worthy pa tron, of Ainsworth chapter, Sa lem No. 178; : Mrs. Mildred Thurston, worthy matron and Irvine Wright worthy patron of Euclid chapter No. 70, of Jefferson; and Mrs. Otho Eck- ersley, worthy matron and Carl Snyder, wothy patron of Salem chapter No. 183. During a recess intermission. Mrs. Cordell Woodall directed a dance presentation by a group of her physlcsl educa tion girls clssses of the 7th and 8th grades. Numbers were from tke annual Spring Seren ade, a class completion gesture given previously at the Eugene Field auditorium. Miss Betty Montgomery, re tiring worthy adviser of the Order of Rainbow for Girls, Ramona assembly, who was honored at grand assembly In receiving the grand cross of colors, was again honored by the Ramona assembly In a de gree at the meeting, with Miss Donna Jackson, recently in. stalled worthy adviser, and Mrs. W. P. Scsrth, mother ad viser for Rsmona assembly, presiding In the east. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale LaMar were hospitality chairmen. So cial committee during the re freshment hour included Mr. snd Mrs. Harlan Loe, Mrs. R, A. McClanathan, Mrs. L. M. Sanders, Mrs. Ronald Aiboe, Mrs. Henry Asboe. Mrs. LaMar was In charge of decorations. Ramona club Is to meet Wed nesday, June 3, at the Harry Riches home for a 1:30 o'clock dessert assisting hostesses to be Mrs. Elwtn Wood and Mrs. E. A. Flnlay. e Is Bride-Elect Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Emll Nelson of Woodburn an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Arlyss Evelyn Nelson, to Dale Harris, son of Mrs. Vera Harris of Turlock, Calif. An August wedding is plsnned. THB SMART SHOP FOR VANITY PAIR ' LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mm, Otmm ... -. .i,:... 1j Valley Edited by MARIAN gfoaitaa Classes To Start At YWCA Beginning in June, summer classes In bridge, ait, swim ming and tennis will be offer ed by the YWCA. Registrations are being accepted now and classes are limited, so interest ed persons should contact the YW immediately. Intermediate bridge wiu be taught on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 o'clock beginning June 9, by Mrs. Arthur Lewis. The Sam Gordon system will be used and classes last for five weeks. On . Saturday, . June . 13, classes in oil painting, water color and sketching will com. mence, Carl HaU of the Wil lamette university faculty to be the instructor. Weather per mitting, these classes will be conducted outside, starting at 10 a.m., and will last for six Saturdays. . , . Men are welcome to join both the bridge and art classes. No lessons are scheduled for Saturday, July 4. Those wishing to take be ginning swimming lessons may enroll in a 8-weeks course to start on Saturday, June 20, at 0 a.m. Information about upcoming tennis classes may be obtained at the YW. The starting date has not yet been determined, but the time has been set for 6:30 o'clock in the evening. Pre-Dance Party Among those entertaining groups before the Salem high school Junior Prom this eve ning is Miss Jane Barlow, who has Invited 25 couples from the Junior class to her home. Tne party will be between 8 and 8 o'clock. The Junior Prom for mal is at the high school gym nasium this evening, the final big dance of the school year. Boots & Spurs Because the weather was so terrible last Saturday several' oi the members drove over to Scio to make a snowing. enjoyed the big feed put on for them and the show put on out in the drizzle. The Jean and Cotton dance was a huge success. Man mem bers and their friends attended and everyone had a good time. Fun night was put on by Marie McKinny. Ervin Ward helped her down in the arena and Graham Sharkey announc ed. Mrs. McKinney also served the coffee. Monday night coffee was served by the Sharkeys after the regular fun drill. The drill team practiced Wednesday night and then were served coffee by Art Mar tin. The drill team has been ask ed to parade in the Memorial day parade this Saturday and they have accepted. . mm 1 . II I - - mwsasKsiiasaWa Si i , ? V, Women LOWfcY FISCHER ' . Some Notations.. By M. L F. It was a party "In .the pink," the coffee given Thursday morning by Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson and Mrs. Keith Brown at the Wilson home atop Fair mount Hill ... A large group was invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. . Outstanding decor featured the party . . . The coffee table was set against the wall in the dining room and was covered with a pink frosted organdy cloth ... Ar ranged in the center at the back was a large milk glass compote filled with pink roses, a smaller milk glass bowl at either side also filled with the roses . . . Pink rhododendrons, long stemmed pink roses and other garden flowers featuring the pink accent were arranged about the rooms . . . And es pecially was the party "in the pink" because the sun came out brightly, highlighting the col orful decorations and showing up the beautiful gardens down the slope from the house. And many guests stepped out on the front patio to bask in the sunshine and enjoy their cof fee and visiting outdoors . . . The gloomy skies and rain have brought despair to many hos tesses at beautifully, arranged parties recently, so Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Brown were happy at their "luck" via the weather gods .'. . Not In a long time have we seen so many attractive stoles blossom out at one time as at this coffee, all colors yellows. pinks, blues, rose ones and many white ones . . . Among those glimpsed among the guests around the noon hour were Mrs. George H. Swift Mrs. Tom H. Danham, Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mrs. Wll Ham L. Phillips, Sr. Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs. Linn C, Smith, Mrs. James R, Phillips, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mrs. William H, Hammond, Mrs. Walter Soco lofsky, Mrs. Charles R. Mc Clelland, Mrs. Jerald S. Back strand, Mrs. E. A. Brown, Mrs. Robert Prentiss, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. Ed ward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. James B. Linn, Mrs. L. V. Ben son, Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Ward R. Davis, Mrs. Kenneth Perry, Mrs, Frederick 8. Lam- t Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mrs. R. Hendricks, Mrs. Har- old Hank, Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Lester F. JJarr, Mrs. Steve Ta baccl, Mrs. William J. Bnsick, Mrs. James R. White, Mrs. James L. Payne, Mrs. Edwin Keeeh, Mrs. Lewi D. Griffith, Mrs. Charles - D. Wood, Mrs. A. W. Laacks, Mrs. Hubert L. Williamson, Mrs. Homer 8mlth, Jr., Mrs. Bertram Thomson, Mrs. Philip W. Allison ... ' Chapter Meets Beta Sigma chapter of Ep silon Sigma Alpha was enter tained on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Clifton Boehmer, Mrs. Elvin Hakan son as co-hosteae. Plana were mad tor a card party to be given on June 12 BETTER CAKE WEAR Cleaning Restyling UCHEUI'S 1S4I Ferry St Ph. 1-8814 Li J i N I H J .RdLOXucR, Vm Jf - U--iK New PJI.O. Chapter Installed An event of the early week was the installation 'of a new chapter of PJS.O. Sisterhooi In Salem, Chapter CQ, the group being the sixth chapter of the order here. The new chapter is made up of members who have moved to Salem to make their home. A large group attended the organizational meet ing. - 1 ' Above is a scene at the tea table following the meeting. Chapter BQ, the sponsoring group for the new chapter, also was in charge of the tea. Left to right: Mrs. E. ,L. Peterson, president of Chapter BQ; Mrs. William C. Perry, president of the new chapter, CQ; Mrs. A. E Gllmore of Portland, first state vice president; Mrs. Dolph Phipps, i Medford, state organizer. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) '' Party for Bride-Elect . Miss Joanne Hendrie, who Is to be married on June 21, to Lt Richard Panian, was hon ored at a surprise shower given last evening in Corvallis. Hostesses were Mrs. Bailey Brem and Misses Shirley Ritter and Mary Trlpplett, the party beine at the home of Mrs. Brem with .guests including Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters of the bride-elect-' Mrs. D. A. Hendrie, mother of the bride-to-be,, and- Mrs. Richard Hendrie went over from Salem for the party. ' Mrs. Ruscher Heads Committee on Dance Mt. Angel Mrs. Ray Rusch er has been named chairman in charge of the. dance sponsored by the Mt Angel American Le gion auxiliary, to be Friday evening. May 29, in the Legion hall. Furnishing the music for the dance will be an orchestra from St Paul. At the meeting of the Legion auxiliary Tuesday evening, plans for the dance were com pleted. On Saturday, the unit will take part in the Memorial Day services arranged by the Legion. Mrs. R. T. Bisenlus, president elect reported the three Girls State scholarships were pre. sented to Mt Angel academy Juniors, Rita Hauth, Anita Wilde and Laura Schmitz. A report was given at the meeting that 21 children were examined at the well child clin ic conducted Tuesday and ap pointments had been made for 27, but all could not be taken care of; and that 9 Juniors had met at the home of the presi dent Mrs. Gene Hotter on Sat urday where they were in structed in methods of conduct ing a meeting. Mrs. Fred Lucht, poppy chair man, reported $240.86 collected for the poppies. Halt of this amount will be sent to the Vet erans hospltaj and the remain ing half to a child welfare fund by the local unit to be used ex- clusively for the benefit of the families of needy veterans. Mrs. Peter Uselman was In troduced as a new member of the unit The unit voted to hold In stallation of officers in Septem ber, and by going along with the local post In holding only one meeting each month during July, August and September. at the Mayflower halt Also, fall projects were discussed. SWEET DESSERTS with 76 LESS CALORIES Loos pounds while you enjoy luscious, sweet pudding, caa aod fruits, tangy salad drawings, and other tasts treats. Taatl-Dlat Dietetie Foods an sweet with out added sugar, ha to ud to 76 leas calo ries. Developed by Tillie Lewis, most famous woman in roods. 9V tofjt tfrtmpaaj ggBBSjfga yvm mm Mt whil ym Urn MBmi wrww- iwnt lot mm Bra, mesrVMam, fWllglfti UapjC NaV4 TASTI-DIET "roSr AT YOUR FAVORfTt FOOD STOM i T ' V . . : Baptism Event for Michael Chamberlain Baptized at a service on Thursday afternoon was Mi chael Alton Chamberlain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Cham berlain. The baptism took place ic the chapel of St. Paul's Epis copal church, the Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Sponsors for the little boy were Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzmaurice and, by proxy, Lt and Mrs. Robert P. Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bry an Richards giving the respon ses for the latter two. Among the many guests present were several relatives iqcluding Michael's grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cham berlain; his great grandparents, Mrs. Carey M. Ramsby of Kla math Falls and Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Nelson; and his uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. David Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. El lis Sanders and Lawrence Chamberlain. - - The other grandparents, un able to attend, are Mr. and Mrs. T R. Gillenwaters of Denver, Colo. Jorgensons Are Anniversary Feted Silverton -Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson were honored Sunday, after morning worship at Immanuel Lutheran church, at their home at an observance of their 48th wedding anniver sary. C. E. Jorgenson and Miss Bertha Gunderson were mar ried in Decorah, Iowa, May 25, 1905. They have lived in Ore gon since 1918. Their children ere Howard of El Cerrito, Cal.; Mrs. Gladys Ordal of Klrkland, Wash.; Mrs. Beanca Nyman of Olympla, Wash.; Iver Jorgenson of Walriport, Ore., and Mrs. El sie Henjum and Ruben C. Jor genson, both of Silverton. Guests during the week-end and for the Sunday dinner and evening were: from San Fran cisco, Andrew Norgaard and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pierson (Lau ra Norgaard); from Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Nyman and David; the Rev. and Mrs. Ar- nold W. Nelson and Miriam and V.ark, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jorgenson and Douglas, Chris tine and David, Mr. and Mrs. H B. Jorgenson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Overlund, Mr. and Mrs. R C. Jorgenson and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henjum snd Dick, Bob and Donald, all of Silverton; from Portland. - m c i Avvwsr:V 'M Hn tht high coat of bring prmnnd yoa from gtttiog i things you want end attar A cash Iota wilt Brandt tht t money to ttkt aoVaaugt of cash pu renins snd you can j stltct f root nany payment plans tht oat to at your budast, j j CASH LOANS I $25 f $1800 In 1.T1IH I I IViot int, mt "how mdt" anl I "wtm. Coaslnt at loaa wfcea yotamcomm. tN.iirrMnn.skM.s4SM I A BL WUITM M Fr-toy, Mar 29, Wl Miss Moll MrWiper : Are Engaged The engagement of Miss Pat. ricla Moll to Robert X. Wiper was announced recently, the new being told at a party pro. coding too Delta Gamma sor ority dance last week. The prt dance party was at the noma of . one of the bride-elect's sorority i sisters. Miss Anita Tonning, vurai too pony, one ox the sorority members sang the Delta Gamma sweetheart song and scrolls were passed out to guests, each scroll tied with pink roses and blue forget-me-nots. Miss Moll is the daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Boyle of Hood CanaL Wash. She attend. ed Willamette where she is a member of Delta Gamma and is now cmpioyea at raulus Brothers cannery office. Mr. Wiper is the son of Mr and Mrs. Earl E. Wiper of Sa ' lem. He is a graduate of Wll. lamette and a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Ha is now doing graduate work 1 on the campus. No date is set for the wed ding. . ;.-. i ..... O. . O . Mr., Mrs. Kihs Honored at Party JeffersonAbout 150 guests .' called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kihs Sunday after, noon, honoring them on their 50th wedding anniversary. Re ceiving at the door was Mrs. L. E. Stettler, daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Kihs. The serving table was covered with a gold and lace cloth, centered with a three-tiered cake decorated! with gold colored flowers, Miss Helen Kihs served the cake and Mrs. S. R. Hofstetter served the punch. Pouring were Mrs. J. J. Moessner, Mrs. W. F. Gulvln, and Mrs. Hartman, a sister of Mr. Kihs. Mrs. George Kihs as sisted about the rooms and also helped Mrs. John Kihs in ar ranging the gifts. Miss Carol Stettler, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kihs, passed the guest book. A program, planned by the missionary society of the Evan, gellcal United "rethren church," was presented including songs by Deloris and Claud Meyers, Gladys and Carrie Hatmaker and Lawrence Rehfeld; a read ing by Dale Hofstetter, and a guitar solo by Dwayne Hofstet ter. Frieda Moessner of Meno monie, Wis., and Karl Kihs of Durand, Wis., were married in the Lutheran church at Hen. om0nie. May 23, .1903. The Rev. Martin Elckman read the marriage ' ceremony, Shortly after their marriage they came to Oregon and located a ear Jefferson where they have liv ed on several farms since. Among the guests who at tended the wedding were J. J. Moessner, brother of Mrs. Kihs and best msn at the wedding, and Mrs. Moessner of Meno. monle, Wis., Christ Kihs, brother of Mr. Kihs, and Mrs. Hartman, Mr. Kihs' sister. All of the honored couple's chil dren were present for the oc casion Including: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stettler, Donald, Carol and Ruth of Che. mawa; Mr. and Mrs. S, R. Hof stetter, Dwayne, Dale and Ken neth of Pratum; Mr. and Mrs, George Kihs, Carmen - and Datrel of Marion; Mr. and Mrs, John Kihs, David, Linda and Bobby; Miss Helen Kihs of Jefferson; Walter Kihs of Scio. Relstives from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart man, Mr. and Mrs. John LeeL Mr. and Mrs. Will Roehm, Miss Gertrude Hartman of Portland, Chris Kihs, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolman and son of Ss lem, Friends present included Mr. and Mrs. James Hague, Merle and Bobby of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rehfeld snd family of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rehfeld of Frultland; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stowe and daughters of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Salem; Mr. snd Mrs. A. E. Bashford and Rose Bashford; Mr. and Mrs. Wyllis Bashford and family of Cor vallis, the Rev. and Mrs. Oliver of Corvallis, and many other friends. Miss Thelma Jorgenson and E. Hapwood; and from El Cerrito, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jorgenson. , I 1 V tt-it.i.t.tin . ' - -ss- m tw-s-WWK Jk !. - t