Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 29, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pact 2
FrMaf, Majr 21. 1953
In the Valley
Edited kjr MIKI FORBES
Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Ad'
ams from Pacific City visited
at toe home of her parent! , Mr.
and Mr. James Hillingshead.
Their daughter Laura Lee and
Kay Adam, who have ipent
the put three months at the
home of their grandparent,
Mr. and Mr- Jame HoUings
head, returned home with them
Mr. and Mrs. Earl AJlen
ipent the week-end at the
home of their aunt, Mr. George
' Allen, near . Belknap Hot
- Spring. Mr. Allen returned
home with them Sunday even
ing for a few day visit She
also visited at the John wor
den home. She will visit rela
tives in' Corvalli and Salem,
Fred Vaughn had as his
gueits over the week-end, his
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
' Arthur Vaughn of Tillamook.
Mrs. Val McKinley from
Sioux City, Iowa, 1 a guest
at the home of her sister and
- family, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
' Brassfield. Tuesday the ladies
left for Fresno, Calif., where
they will visit their sisters,
i Mr. Addie Setsack, Mrs. Ada
- Crokwell and Miss Helen
- Queen. Mrs. Miry Thompson
of Portland, sister of Mr. Brass
field, will be at the Brassfield
home while Mrs. Brassfield Is
' Mrs. Willard Hartnell has
gone to Kennewick, Wash
'.where she will attend grad
uation for het nephew and also
' visit her mother, who will re
turn home with her.
Mrs. Viola Zander left Tues
day evening by plane from Sa
fe West Point, N. Y
re she will attend gradua-
' ... of her nephew, Denell
Zander, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Zander of Pendleton,
former residents of Scio.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith of
Mehama have returned to Ly
on. They recently purchased
the Xlva Xuiken property and
moved In the first of the week.
They hope to sell their home
in Mehama. Smith 1 a teacher
at the Marl-Linn school and
they lived in Lyon before go
ing to Mehama.
Mr. and Mr. Carl Smith and
daughter have rented the Bob
Fetheriton house in Lyons.
The Smiths recently told their
home in Mehama.
Mr. and Mrs.' Oral Toland
had at their guest over the
week-end their daughter and
family, Mr. and Mil. Robert
Fetheriton of Prlnevllle. His
father. William Fetheriton, re
turned borne with them for
several days visit
Mist Beulah Lewis spent a
day In Portland, where she
attended the installation and
reception of officer at the Re-
bekah Assembly of Oregon,
where she saw her mother,
Mrs. Clyde Lewis, installed as
chaplain for welcoming year.
Mrs. A. B. rulwell and baby,
of Portland, spent last week at
the home of his mother, Mrs.
Sam CulwelL . ..
Mrs. Clyde Richards has re'
ceived word of the death of
her mother In Cushlng, Okla.
Mrs. Richards left for that city
Monday. -
Mrs. Elmer Culwell of Lyons
was the honored guest at
shower held at the home of
Mrs. Ruth Bass in Mill City,
sponsored by the ladies from
the Assembly of Cod churcn.
Several relatives and friends
torn Lyons also attended.
Members of the Lyons Ex
tension unit held their meet
ing at the parsonage Friday,
May 22, with an all-day meet
ing and pot-iuck luncheon
served at the noon hour. The
project of the diy was "Color
in the Home", which was pre
sented by Mary Francis Mia
ette of Albany, Attending the
meeting were Mary , Frances
Mlnette, Mesdames Leonard
Cruson, Charles Cruson, Ivan
Smith, Glen Julian, rlaney
Scott, Charles Power, Fred
Stienfelt, all of Lyons. Guests
of the afternoon were Mrs.
Stanley Seyrill from Glendale,
California, Mrs. Lawrence Lar
mier from Mt. Pleasant, and
Mrs. Ralph Downer of Lyons,
Grand Ronde
Grand Ronde Mrs. John A.
Smith has returned to her home
here after a week spent in the
McMinnville hospital under ob
servation. ; i -
"There' good nevs tonight folks,
' good news tonight' . . . tome of
you folks will remember Chef Ed
Peters who was chef at the Mar
ton Hotel when this establishment
Angeles for its famous foods. Trav
eling men would drive til t pjn.
In order to "make Salem and the
Marion". Tourists would atoo
early or travel far In order to
have dinner here, townspeople
Just didn't consider anything but
the Marlon. We found out all
these thing when we made In-
. oulry about this said Ed Peters.
Well I started to work on Chef Ed
who has been down south and I
am very happy to announce he
haa decided to -xxne back to Sa
lem and to the Marlon. As of Frl
day. Mar J9th. folks, you will re.
eognlxe new styling of foods In our
dinlnc room, new and differently
prepared foods, you will find not
only a thrill but a great deal
satisfaction In dining at the Mar
lon. Our patrons will be glad to
hear this news and to all others
we extend a sincere Invitation to
you to come in and get acquainted
-with tMa new dining achievement.
You will become a regular patron
of the Marlon I am sure.
'Sunday would be a good time to
onng me lamuy go we Marion
Hotel dining room.
New opening time for the lounge
is is noon, eiiecuve toaay.
at Mm ITi Km Meld Merita, 3 412)
Thomas Bean is recuperating
from an accident about six
week ago when he fell from
hi tracttor while at work. He
was a patient in the General
Hospital at McMinnville for
several days.
Mr. Mile Qodsey visited In
Portland this past week and
attended the Rebekah Assem
bly meetings while there. .
Jefferson The Jefferson
Woman's- club observed It
golden anniversary Wednesday
afternoon, May 27,' The club
was founded Jan. 14, 1903.
Mrs. David Looney 1 the only
charter member of the club.
A dessert luncheon was serv
ed in the library rooms'at 1:30
p.m., followed by program.
Planning the program ware
Mrs. D. H. Looney, Mrs. Leon
ard McCaw and Mrs. Gilbert
Committees were: Kitcnen,
Mrs. Rusesll Daulton, Mrs.
Mervln MeGilL Mrs. Henry
Thiessen and Mrs. Ivan Sutton;
tables. Mrs. John Terhune,
Mrs. William Walls, Mrs. Ro
land Wall: decorations, Mrs. Al
fred Powell. Mrs. William Cal
vin; serving, Mrs. Bob Hart,
Mr. Ned Stephenson, Mrs,
D. C. Buckner, Mrs. Virgil
Bailes, Mrs. Fred Graham, Mrs.
D. V. Olds, Mrs. V. X. uoin;
staging. Mrs. Bert Person, Mrs,
Joe Rowe, Mrs. Marvin Hutch
ing; chairs, Mrs. Harold Wynd,
Mrs. Helen Cay wood; publicity,
Mrs. Les Shields.
New officers installed by
Mrs. William Gulvln at the
Wednesday meeting were Mrs.
Leonard McCaw, president;
Mrs. Russell Daulton, vice
president; Mrs. RoUnd WaU,
secretary treasurer; assistant
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Joe
Rowe; historian, Miss Marguer
ite Looney.
Mrs. Walter Kropp gave the
book review. Two accordlan
number were given by Jerry
Baile. Serving on the refresh
ment committee were Mrs. Paul
Van Scoy, Mr. R. H. Veal and
Mrs. Walton Looney.
The club member are invit
ed to attend a picnic at the
Children' Farm home at Cor
valli. May 28. A covered-dish
dinner will be served at 1
o'clock. Ladles are asked to
bring a covered dish.
A number of member of the
Marion county health depart
ment met with the Lions club
at a recent They ex
plained . fluoridation of city
water and benefits in dental
health, which the Lions club 1
promoting. Those taking part
in the discussion were Dr. John
Dyke. Salem dentist and chair
man of the Marion-Polk-Yam
hill Dental society; L G. Ler-
man, from Marion county
health sanitation department;
Vera Olson, health education;
Mrs. Etta Mae Detering, coun
ty health nurse; Wilms Young-
man and Metra Lee, student
health nurses.
The Installation of this sys
tem would cost the city be
tween S700 and 1800. . After
Installation the cost would be
around 22 cents a day.
Gilbert Looney and Calvin
Mrs. ' Henry Tate; secretary,
Marce Johnson; treasurer, Mrs.
W. L. Lensman.
Standing committees for the
year are: Program, Mrs. W. M.
Tate. Mrs. Roy King, Mr. Ver
ny Scott, Mrs. . L. W. Cooper
and Mrs. Joanna Speed. Tele
phone: Mr. Donald Feters,
Mrs. W. L. Lensman, and Mrs.
Ralph Mollet Flowers: Mrs.
C. F. Heater, Mrs. Donald Ja-
quet, Mrs. Rollin Heater. Fi
nance, Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs.
Dolph Heater, Mr. Henry Pet-
era and Mr. Howard Roger.
Farm home: Mrs. . Maurice
Heater and Mrs. John Rolow,
Mrs. Ted E. Smith visited in
Portland during the past week
and attended several of the
meetings of the 67th Rebekah
Assembly. She entered the
Portland Clinic for a few days
for observation and consulta
tion regarding a heart ailment
About 80 students of the 4-H
clubs in the Grand Ronde and
Valley Junction schools enjoy
ed roller skating party and
beach party near Taft last
week. They were escorted by
Mrs TVan TJlrhnlann. Mr. Tl-
wln Llttlejohn, Mrs. Paul Yod-; boys irom la w 10 years oi
age. Boys wismng to piay can
contact Cotman or Gatchell.
The first game will be played
after June 10.
Possible-league teams play
ing will be Albany, Sclo, Mill
City, Sweet Home and Jeffer
son. '
The Lions club voted to have
a hot dog stand at the Albany
Timber Carnival again this
Hughes are to meet with the
city council to discuss the pro
posed project .
The Lions club voted' - to
sponsor a Junior baseball team
with Ted Cotman as committee
chairman, and Frank Gatchell,
assistant The club will furn
ish Insurance for players' protection.
Two teams will be formed
Peewees for boys up to 12
'years, and Junior Legion for
Aurora Mr. and Mrs. James
G. Swearingen (Lylian Foun
tain), are parents of a 9tt
pound daughter, Karen Rae,
born Thursday, May 14, in
Hutchinson hospital, Oregon
City. .
Mrs. Swearingen J the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B
Fountain. The baby is the first
grandchild for the X. B. Foun
tains, and the Merle Swear
ingen's. Karen Rae ha two
great-grandmother, Mrs. Hat-
tie West of Longview, Wash.,
and Mrs. Letitia Swearingen of
Salem. -
A son, Trent Allen, was
born Thursday, May 14, in Eu
gene, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
E. Christian, (Gladys Johns
ton), according to word receiv
ed toy the baby's grandparent,
Mr. and Mr. Howard Johns
ton of Aurora. - The baby
weighed 6 pounds a ounces at
' Mr. and Mrs. Jame Thomas,
Aurora Rt 1, are parent of a
son born Friday, May IS, in
Hutchinson hospital, Oregon
Elmer Deetz Avalon Mea
dow Jersey were top winner
at the anual spring show of
the Clackamas County Jersey
Cattle club held at the Canby
Fair grounds Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson
of Aurora this week bought a
10-acre farm in the Union Hill,
Aurora district from Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Ayers, who will live
In their newly acquired Ri-
cord estate in Canby.
A proposed Ag. building for
North Marion union high
school district 41x120 feet in
size, is in the msking. An elec
tion by voters of the district
will be held Thursday, June 4.
The proposed building will
include, an agriculture class
room, office, storage space and
shed, and 36 lockers.
er. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. W. D
McMillan, Mn.'Loyd Clausen,
Mrs. Lewis Galligher, Mrs.
Melba Galllon, Mrs. Claude
Booth, Mrs. O'Leary, and Mrs.
Ralph Reld. -
Mrs. Ralph MacKern under
went surgery at the McMinn
ville hospital.
The meeting of the Woman's
Club was held last Thursday
evening. Installation of the new
officers for the coming year
was held as follows: board of
directors: Ernestine Cowan,
Louise MacPherson, Wanda
Walkley, and Louise Clausen;
secretary, Erma Galligher;
treasurer, Janet Murray; lib
rary board, Theo Houck, Wan
da Walkley, Fairy Neal Ander
son, Nellie McMillan, Janet
Murray, and Harriet House.
. Following the business meet
ing refreshments were served
by the committee composed of
Union Hill
Union Hill The last meet
ing of the Union Hill Woman's
club was held at the home of
Mrs, Dolnh Hester. Thursday,
starting with a 11:30 covered
dish luncheon. There will be
no more meetings until, Octo
ber, other than the picnic to be
held sometime in August. The
date Is to be announced later,
New officers for the coming
Wanda Walkley, and L ou Ise year will be: President Mrs.
Marlon Hunt; vice president,
Racing's Fun Show of the Year!
Destruction Derby
Full race program wilhoul the rule book.
Time Trials 7:30 P.M. - Races 8:30
Saturday, May 30
' 1 Kill KOITH Of 5411H ON 99E
with Cranberry Sauce
Sour Cream Cole Slaw
Mashed Potatoes and
Giblet Gravy
Hot Rolls and Butter
1170 Center Slreef
II rhsCaftiMUtooslai (safer
Utsi'i Rtwttl Rntswiaf
Monmouth The William
Hlnshsw family have moved
from the C. M. Stone house on
Gun club road to near Roieburg
where he will be employed in
logging. rae e. costeiio fam
ily from South Dakota has
moved into the house vacated
by the Hlnshaws. They have
three children of school age and
one pre-school. Costello is em
ployed at the Wade Meat Co.
In Independence.
Mrs. Susie Grazen, Mr. and
Mrs. George Grazen, Mrs. Mol-
lle Lacey and Mrs. Sidney How
ard, all former residents of Pe
dee, attended ground breaking
services for the new Pedee
Memorial EUB church Sunday
afternoon. ,
Funeral services were held
at Everett, Wash., for Frank
Davis, former Falls City resi
dent and brother of Ira Davis
of Monmouth. Davis' body had
been missini: since late Janu
ary when he was struck by a
train and fell into the Snoho
mish river while walking
across a trestle. The body was
recovered last week from de
bris under the bridge which
had accumulated during the
high, water. Other survivors in
clude two children In Wash
ington. New officers for the Ameri
can Legion post are Robert
Baker, commander; Q. L. Ja
cobson, first vice commander;
Herbert Salisbury, adjutant?
Eric Swenson, finance officer;
Clarence Tompkins, chaplain;
Clarence Grund, Sr., Matt
Thompson and Chester Bethel,
executive committee. Ermine
Gentle, Robert Baker and
Carnes Schulmerich were nam
ed delegates to the state con
vention at Seaside In June. Al
ternates are Keith Houk, Al
Bathke and Clarence Tomklns.
The post decided to send one
boy to the annual Boys State
in Salem in June.
Macleay k
, Macleay Mrs. Cornelius
Bateron was hostess at her
home Tuesday afternoon
members of the Pratum-Ma-
cleay Home Extension unit
The demonstration was "Be
coming a Good Buyer" with
Pauline Schaplowasky, county
extension agent, as demonstra
Officers Installed were Mrs.
Donald Mader, chairman; Mrs.
Albert Mantle, vice chairman
and Mrs. M. M. Msgee, secre
Mrs. Virgil Burson was m
stalling officer.
At the tea hour Mrs. John
Feldachau, retiring chairman.
and Mrs. Donald Made
This was the las meeting of
the season. ,
Members present were Mrs.
born, Mrs. John Feldachau,
Nile Hllborn. Mrs. James Hil-
Mrs, Albert Mantle, Mrs. A. C
Spr anger Mrs. Virgil Burson,
Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs.
George Haud, Mrs. Albert Mad'
er, Mrs. Donald Mader, Mrs.
Roy Merchant, Mrs. Robert
Hansen, Mrs. Archie Bowen,
Mrs. I. H. White, Mrs. James
Lauderback, Mrs. Leo Hammer,
Mrs. Harry' Martin, Sr., Mrs.
Schenk Klaus, Mrs. M. M. Ma
gee and Mrs. Bateson. Miss
Jessie Glazner was a guest
Wlllamnia Mr. and Mrs.
C W. Schukar and Carol ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Blsseli to Tygh Valley Sun
day to see the all-Indian
Rodeo. .
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zet-
terberg of Silverton visited
at the Floyd Zetterberg home
Mrs. Gordon Alley has been
very ill. Her mother-in-law
la here taking care of her.
Mrs. M. W. Rabuck was
very ill the past week with
the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Spang-
ler and family visited in
Veneta and Springfield 'over
the week-enc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toliver
and Miss Carol Benson of
Portland spent the week-end
in Odessa, Wash., at the Clif
ford Craven home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Llnd-
beck enjoyed a trip to San
Francisco last week via the
Shasta Daylight. They also
visited In Palo Alto while
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hage-
man of Madras were week
end guests at the Howard
Wooden home. -
Mrs. George Crone, Mrs.
Everett Spangler and Mrs.
Vernon Thorn will leave Frl
day for a vacation trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wol-
fer and family of Sweet Home
spent Saturday night with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nice.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Elmon Schuerch home were
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rabuck,
Mr. and Mrs. David Robin
son, Lennls and Ellen of Tilla
mook. The occasion was Len
nls Robinson's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Plnnick
and family of Florence were
week-end guests at the Geo
rge King home. '
Sunday guests at the Geo
rge Allen home were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Cook and family
of Valsetz and Robby Fowler,
and family will leave Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn
for New York State, where
they will make their home.
Mr. Flynn has been a science
and math teacher at the high
school for the past several
plans, Mr Hanson stated he
was going fishing.
Mrs. Hattle Paris will be
hostess) at silver tea at her
home on Thursday, June 4. All
women of the Santiam Valley,
Jordan, and the surrounding
areas are Invited to attend.
The tea will be under the
auspices of the Santiam Me
morial Hospital Auxiliary and
will be held from 1 to 5 p.m.
The proceeds of the tea will
be used for the "free blood.
fund" at the hospital.
Buena Vista
Sublimity Mrs. John
Frank is convalescing at home
from recent surgery at a Sa
lem hospital
Mrs. Fred Schluender Is a
patient at the Salem General
hospital, where she submitted
to major surgery the past
week. -
Another hospital victim Is
Mrs. Ann Anderson, waitress
at Falls restaurant, who un
derwent an emergency appen
dectomy this week.-
The higher grades of St.
Boniface grade school held
their picnic at Silver Creek
Falls Monday.
The Altar society held its
last meeting of the season at
the home of Mrs. Theodore Pe
ters Monday evening.
A . cooked food sale is
planned for June SI, and a
picnic is scheduled to be held
during July af. the home of
Mrs. Louise Heuberger.
Mike Nettling and Mrs. Ka
tie Hottinger were called to
Portland for the funeral of
their brother-in-law, Chris
Andersen. Mrs. Andersen will
be remembered as the former
Frances Neitllng. -
Jerry Nelsling, son of Mike
Neitllng, has accepted a posi
tion as new car salesman with
Gene Teague Chevrolet . of
Nettling was formerly with
Shrock Motor Co., in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Neitllng and
young son will move to Stay
ton as soon as suitable accom
modations can be found.
High school Pep club offi
cers elected are: Frances Stein
kamp, president; Lucille Wolf,
vice president; and Rose 11a
Wolf, secretary-treasurer.
Rev. Joseph Scherbrini is a
patient at Santiam Memorial
hospital -
Mrs. Anna Ditter was taken
to the Santiam Memorial hos
pital Tuesday.
Buena Vista Jack Wells
will show pictures and tell
of hit trip to Bolivia, Bouts
America in Rlckreall Tues
day evening, in the grade
school, at the 4-H leadership
Gilbert Loy has extended
Invitations to local leaders,
club members, and parents.
Rev. Melville Wire of
Salem, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas
Grsber. ...
Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Bar
clay and Don of Corvallls
were Sunday evening guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Short
Mr. and Mrs. Harold With
row alUnded the PUT) meet
ing in Portland Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlyle
and Scott McGowan of Cor
vallls were entertained for
dinner Friday-: evening, - also
Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Wells
at the Perry Wells home.'
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Peterson we're guests of. Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Wlthrow
Tuesday. '
S.Jm JUh.. ... XjT- nt An11 Ua ,nJ T,u ...111
and Mrs. Perry Wells were be celebrated at the next meet
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wells and I lng.
David. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Short
took Mrs. David Short and
children to Portland Sunday
and she will visit her sister,
Mrs. Earl Hoover, for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cara
mon - from Brogan spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Addle
Harmon and Mrs. Georgia
Prather. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wlthrow took
a birthday dinner to Albany
Friday to their - daughter
Charlotte. .Other guests were
Bill Bacon and Betty Lou..'
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hult-
man accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Prather Sunday
on a drive to Detroit Dam,
Briteribush springs, by way
of Sweet Home.
home on Monday evening.
The table decorations were
Miss USA. surrounded by 16
red, white and blue candles
and flags.
Prizes in dub bridge were
won by Gene Champ, and
Mack Williams.
The guest list Included Shir,
ley Miller, Tilman Rains, Bob
Miller, Gene Champ, Jackie
Kinsman, Janet and Jerry Bel.
tin, Claudia Hlnrichs, Bill
James, Joyce Hall, Mack Wil
liams, Nancy Wodtly.. and the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Wodtly. - ,
Stayton The members el
Eva Rebekah lodge held a pot
luck dinner for their families
on Tuesday evening, preceding
their regular business meeting
at the lOOF hall.
A report on the Rebekah As
sembly held in Portland on
May 19, was given by Marie
Cole, official delegate from this
area.' - . v " i
The committee for refresh,
menu for June was named, and
included Thelma Lin beck, Cleo
Circle, Otto LInbeck and Cecil
Wriaht .... . .
Birthdays for the months
u. .I .
; Gates Opaa 7:0
Shew at Dusk.
All Color Prsfraaa .
(TBara -
Victory at Seal .
gterllm Haydest '
Tonlts (Frl.) At Datk
Cartoon caralral
Stayton , ; lw-
I 111: Sf
on Mr. and Mrs. Har- ,'
Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Wodtly entertained at a
surprise birthday party for
their daughter Shirley on her
suneenut birthday, at their
Union Hill
Union Hill Elmer Lorence,
president of the Union Hill
Cemetery assoclatloon, has call
ed a meeting for all Interested
persons to meet at the Union
Hill cemetery at 3 p.m. on Sat
urday, May SO. In case of rain,
the meeting will be held at the
Union Hill grange hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krenz
end Richard Krenz were host-!
esses to the members of the
Union Hill grange community!
betterment service meeting at!
their home at Victor Point1
Tuesday evening.. Richard'
Krenz acted as chairman in the '
absence of Henry Hansen, the'
Plans were made for a tour
of the farms In the neighbor
hood the second Saturday in I
July. Also the mail box contest
Is to be completed during the
summer. This contest Is for
anyone In the neighborhood
who wishes to participate in it
A prize will be offered for the
best painted mall-box and the
grounds around it.
Stayton Thursday afternoon
Mrs. Harold Wodtley entertain
ed the ladles of the Methodist
church with a "Birthday Tea"
t her home. Those having
birthdays during January, Feb
ruary, March, April, May, and
June were honored.
Kenneth Hanson, owner of
Hanson's Grocery has sold his
place of business to Laurence
Lindeman of Silverton.
Mr. Lindeman will take over
the business the first part of
Wheh asked about future
Attend Home Games
Salem Senators
' TrKily
t Games
t P.M. and :1S P.M.
- Doubleheader I P.M.
Include Wettdeff irf Deyt
end NtjMi let HewaH
All Expense Paid
, From Salem
riwatwee swaa
v -i
Jeaa glnuaons .
Stewart Granger
Ia TechneMsr
a .
Dorothy Dandridsa
Fred diaaatarray
: Vera Kalstoa
Ia Traoolor
Rare Seroea Treat!
Bobert Taylor '
i Kttsakoth Taylor
Ia Technicolor -
, Anthony Qttlnn
Ia Technicolor
, THE 8EA"
Hey Kids!
At Neon
' 2 BIG
m, am ge .
I VrriHiaieil J!5k
UlloLfeoc a tip on whisky:
For pfeaong. codf flavor. J
call for
365 735