Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 29, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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Pit II
frUay. May S3. IKS
Parolee Held
In Dallas Jail
Dallas Hnchl Pardee,
44, of Kewberg, Ore, Is being
held by Polk count authori
ties to appear Mora Circuit
jiuln Arlle a. walker on a
charge of parol violation.
, Pickens wss brought to the
muntr lall. Wednesday - by
atate do lice oa &arge of
strivine- while under the influ
ence of alcohol While he was
waiting to appear before a
utile of the peaoe a etate
parol officer coma to the Jail
eci other buelnaej and dUcov
red that Pickens wae one of
bis paroleei. ,
Jutice of the Peace Kenneth
Shettorly fined Pickens 1178
and eoita on the drunken driv
ing charge. If Judge Walker
should revoke Plckena parole
the present charge and fine
will be dropped In preference
to the mora eevere sentence.
Plckena to married and the
father of alx children.
Wafer Rationed
Waodfcorm Alternate use
. f water from the Weodburn
water works for laws and gar
den spinning and irrigation
between the east and west eee-
tions of the system will g into
effect for the summer next
Monday, June 1. .
That regulation, baaed en a
its- ordinance, will be In af
fect from am. each day until
Midnight .
Residents of the area oast of
the Southern Pacific railroad
may use water for Irrigation
n the odd numbered days and
those on the west side of the
tracks on the even numbered
days of the week, "roe only ex
ception to this schedule is on
George, and Tomlin streets
where even .numbered houses
may us water for Irrigation
a oven numbered days of the
week and residents In odd
numbered houses on odd days
of the week.
The regulation . covers all
users of the system both inside
and outside the Woedaurn city
limits, A fine of from S to $18
Is provided for violation of the
Final Assembly Given
By High School '53 Class
The class of IBM presented
the final assembly of their
high school career Thursday
afternoon. The title of the pro
gram wae "we Love our Aima
After the processional, Fred
Butler, senior class president
for the past year, welcomed
Ml. Angel Plans
Memorial Day
Mi Angel The annual Me
morial day services will be
conducted In Calvary came-
tery Saturday morning, with
the Mt Angel American Le
gion and Auxiliary In charge
of the arrangements, to which
the public Is invited. .
The Rev. Cyril Lebold. OSB.
pastor of St Mary's; will offi
ciate at the mass at 9 am. at
th outdoor altar In the ceme
' la ease of rain. tb mass
and memorial services will be
held u.St Mary's Catholic
church. ! 1
Special tribute will be paid
the fallen servicemen and the
usual rifle salute and tops will
be given. Memorial poppies
will be placed upon the
graves of all veteran and of
the gold star mothers.
All veterana of the commu
nity arc asked to turn out for
the services and to be at the
Mount Angel Hotel by 8:30
am. to gather for the pared
to Calvary cemetery. The fir
ing squad, la full uniform, will
meet at the Legion Hall at
8:19 am.
Auxiliary membara will
march. with the Legionnaires
and should meet at the hotel
at 9:19 am. The Gold Star
mothers should likewise be at
the hotel shortly after 8 am.
They will follow the Auxiliary
In a car driven by Mrs. Clar
ence Ebner and chairs will be
provided for them at the cem
etery. , . ...
Following the services in
Calvary cemetery, the group
wll march to the old St
Mary's cemetery to pay trib
ute to the veterans resting
Ciuaaaakl mi U fM Plain Salk
Mh mrt I 1Mb Owi aa Jobs
Darlai am awor aa - OataaMralal
Clik vaat to Barkara Xtmit; tat OMe
ciaa nut w mm
Ringnaldo i Places in
Mathematics Conks
BUI Rlngnalda. Salem high
school senior, has won- third
pise in a state wide mathema
ties contest. In the school divi
sion Salem was seventh.
Rlngnalda competed with 1
019 students from 48 Oregon
high schools la this contest
sponsored by the Mathematical
Association of America. Tb
winner of the state contest was
Richard Cowley of Tlgard with
Patsy Ann Williams of Spring -
oeia the runner-up.
In the team division Tlgard
.was first Central Catholic
second. Springfield was third.
Parkroee was fourth, Modford
was fifth, McMlnnviU sixth,
and Salem seventh.
the students. Principal X. A.
Carleton presented the awards
and scholarships.
Tk. tniaaa Mnrtal aralah Mat to
aralra Aatrat aa Blaaar WUaon; thai
Mora X. Alkarl him to Mia Dt1;
u uiri to Shhs aa lal to Ma
ImmM Kalaaa SmUI ertoatt awar
to tool Omw S CheY raar to
Dm Johaaaas la Otrl 1MW Ota
nia to naw inmi Mat aaaa
Tartar avar to KutU Lm Bmati
Scalar ana's awar to DM Mwk
lb SnMf OraBaakre inH to Lea
Uaki Soalar CMl awar to Sat San:
a ware srroa ar no aatnaia lanta
boom) tbc oirla tiMsw awar to Battr
Zaharai Bona amomlw awar to Pat
Ararat: aa MathtauUlet awar to
winiaa aintaiuisi Swath nut to
Front row: (left to right), Marian Burton, Janice Dab
ler, PatrlcU Oainaforth, Judith Woods, Carol nicker,
Judith Panther, Osyl UBranrho, Hols Corey, Sue Ann
Watson, Joanna Rak, Jeannette S prong. Second row:
Tather Joseph .Vanderbeck, pastor; Thomas Heinxle,
Thomas Hal, Richard Lefor, James Burke, Joseph Kndres,
Dal Rock, Jackie Pong Chan, Dennis Haener, James De
mon. Third row: Dorothy Bupp, Janet Larson, Jacqueline
Doerfler, Adrienn Bower, Sally Joseph, Janice Merrick,
Gloria Koch, Helen Lsmbertus, Victoria Schmidt Fourth
row: Glenn Morris, David Guzman, Joseph Schlleski, Don
ald Wemli, James Fliflet . Donald Burton, Donald Nor
done, Richard Fisher. Absent: Larry Hamilton. ,
Albany School
Budget Ready
Mary Carleton,
Lebanon, Dies
Lebanon .Funeral services
for Mrs. Mary Cizabeth Carl,
ton, 91, wh had lived in Leb
anon for the past 69 years, will
be held at the Huston chapel
bar on Friday at 1 pm. Bur
ial will be in the pioneer
Providence cemetery.
Mrs. Carleton. who died
Tuesday, was' a native of
Sheldon, la., coming to Ore
gon at the age of 11. She was
a retired school teacher.
She leaves two brother,
Alex Brewster of Lebanon,
and Fred Brewster f Crab-
A Inn mas of Malm has eoaaptos
tthtltnblro to ooDort an aarraraMoa,
Thar art Sal Data- aa4 eUr Ortls to
u unlrtrut f oratoa a caa Motntri
nidi OJarla Stolk to la OniTarattr of
Oram Olarla woo aa VUa Uatti-
rtaUa to Otoiob atatoi Dorathr Km-
Ontor u ceo oa tao mi cia avara;
are Llaa to WUlaatatto Oal-oraW oa
Uu notary ataolanhlai Saa XIbhi, ft
UrsoaV oa raMala SkHMt to WO
luHtui Marion Kroaoar to Orana
CoUao at MtMMoa a la ITS aahatar-
ahln ml outre Xtarr. Dml I at. aai
Sarorlto mat to OCX atarUra laaak
UaflM CMlwo; aram aaarat to Lav
rial oa Iho AaurlaaB Baatlat Obbtob-
Uoa aaarei WllUaaa Blinaald to m
CoUon at rorUaadi Jaala CMaB to
Saaaaal Xotmttol to atoer aanlas oa
th Allrata avarar caartotto Oraktr to
Saaltl Paainai Karlorl Olar aa Matt
Cwrnlnaa .to llorUnrtn Kaawaa oti
lat la Idah; Mabar Wtlaaa to ataa
tar aa tbo Stan, taa athaUnhlo;
Lara aunt to oaatral waminitoa CM
lort at adataUaai aidar- Krtaaar to
aoSiBa CoUon la ItorMai Dalona riaha
to OaUlarala Sahoal of Flao Aru; Bar-
aara Asa moo. aunt- BraatBar, SBar
oa OaUlaa, aa acaatUao Moat art
raotrrlaf ih Ob-la Laata awaraat Vlr
tuu Unli tba oirlf Lattar Olak award;
ama masaa aa Ton aaaarwaia iba
Uallt atatta Katloaal Baak al rrt
laa KhalarthlMl nulla aitahar to
Wait rttnu oolaaa Walah to Cat tar Cel
lar aa aa awar a? Ilia Satan FBO
anartara: noita oanaaa to raaint
Uarrahttri as DUaa SarUaB raaalr
a aa offar at a atbelarahto to Llanal
ftatardaf at are tat: aaaaetaa appalBt-
ai to smi aoatt. ,
After all th awards Bob
Barnes played several numbers
on bis accordion. Then came
th skit "We Love Our Alma
Mater". Th skit was a TV
show with commercials, sing
ing, clowning, playing of in
struments, and wrestling.
The general director for the
skit were Pat Deney. Ernie
Drape la, and Eileen Lange. On
the assembly committee were
sally Urig, John Davis, and
rrea .sutler.
Th stage committee consist
ed of Gary Weber and th
stagecraft group, whll Gary
Wsber also had charge of th
program cover. Oliver Taylor
had charge of make-up, Tom
Sauerwtln the records and
costumes, with th cast of all
seniors. '
Th assembly finished out
with .the presentation of th
senior class gift by Fred But
ler, th recessional, and the
traditional move of th sopho
mores ana junior. The
lor gift was a directory to be
placed In th main hall at th
entrance to th auditorium.
Th Class of 1951 will have
Its graduation Monday, at 9:19
Albany Instead of In
creasing, th Union high school
district No. 8 operating bud
get for th 1991-84 fiscal year
has been reduced by S22.4S9
under that of th current year,
it was announced through the
office of -County School Sup
erintendent W. H. Dolmyer,
acting clerk of th board.
Th new budget totals $415,-
988, in comparison with $438,
4S0 appropriated for the 1951-
58 year.
Th new budget includes an
99,980 appropriation for a sup
erintendent's salary which was
not in th current budget but
missing ar 880,000 appropri-
St. Joseph's
St Joseph's Catholic Paro
chial School will graduate a
class of 88 from th eighth
grade in commencement ex
ercises Sunday night starting
at 8:18, at the .auditorium of
Oregon School for th Blind.
4 ,
Th class will be addressed
by Rev. Leo J. Linaben and
diplomas win be pros an ted by
Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck,
Dsstor of St Joseph's church.
Th program will be given
entirely by th graduates. The
class will sine two numbers:
The Galway Piper and "Hall
Holy Queen." James fliflet
will play a piano selection,
"Romance." by Sibelius. Jac
queline Doerfler - and Hois
Corey will play a duet "Span
ish Dance," by Monti Moe-
Those who will receive di
plomas are: 1 .
Marlene Burton, Janice Deb
lar, Patricia GsJnsforth, Carol
Flicker, Judith Woods, Judith
Panther, G a y 1 LaBranche,
Zloise Corey, Sue Ann Watson,
Joann Rak, Jeannette 8 prong,
Thomas Heinxle, Thomas Hale,
Richard Lefor, James Burke,
Joseph Zndres, Dal Rock,
Jackie Fong Chan, Dennis Hae
ner, James Demers, Dorothy
Rupp, Janet - Larson, Jacque
line Doerfler, Adrtenn Bow
er, Sally Joseph, Janice Mer
rick, Gloria Koch, Helen Lam
bertus, Victoria Schmidt
Glenn Morris, David Gusman,
Joseph Schlleski, Donald Wcr
nll, James Fliflet Donald Bur
ton, Donald Nordone, Richard
Fisher and Larry Hamilton.
a tad currently for capital out
lays and site improvements,
and a $48,000 appropriation
for architect's fees. This does
not mean, however, that th to
tal levy will be lower this year,
for Included is a $118,201.50
item for bond interest and
sinking fund. . '
Cit.!k!I - (fYj!!
(By Browning Bros.) '
TiTsrtyRoad & Browning Aymbi
May 29, 30, 31 Opsn 2 P.M. Dally
HOCHM Dwilisnat at JerrfB hrt .
g0930ta IT S fa Um Satarsai Ciasnir at Ciamirn
Showers on
Day Predicted
I aetata m Oiisatanal
rain la fnetslly aaadteted
far eareaattea day, Jaae i, te
Tba air salalstry Friday s-
eaed tela rseetal leag-raage
-Weather fa likely to be
oaiarecaU, with mssleasl
rate ar skewers at ttaaea, par
ttealariy ta the east a4
aartk, Bat teare will ale be
sea brifU aarieas.'
Tkas the wealearaua held
eat he that TtMsday may
have dry perUds daring
Qaeea Elisabeth's preeesslen
to and - freea Westsslaater
Abbey. ,
Rebel Flags to
Fly, Rock Island
Rock Island, m. 3-Confed,
crate flags will fly over the
graves of 1,880 Confederate
soldiers at Rock Island Arsenal
Memorial day. '
Arsenal authorities said the
1.980 flags will mark th first
time massed Southern flags
hav dressed a Northern eama-
Th row after row of atone
markers always hav received
a Memorial Day salute, along
with Union dead and soldiers
of other wars, who are buried
in th national cemetery on th
Arsenal Island, a half mil
from Rock Island in th Mis
sissippi river. A single Confed
erate Sag usually has
flown at th cemetery.
RaasatosSba v
wiviairu -
k Masai .
9$ Mrtf MnH d Iibf
; M SaVtevsVattl PMbI staff
all eatertaiasieat aa eae
i .
LoVOoarll' eroB...Toaa.
Coatraflo tiillsnlhiae eawl
aatOBMtlt recerd eBaager.
ifxabs Saserfewr eaasait
...aastooorW tar Wesem
rtttatita, Uiary arrltog h)
Tradltieaal Mahagaay,
Fhsa PlitMaesI Ca
fiaita, Asjeriaaa Colonial
lUala, Modora BUaeaOak.
OOtar tlalakaot taaM.
For a limited tun a free bom)
trial la offered by Warren's.
No obligation to buy and noth
ing to pay if you return the set
WDassette Valey .
Osoa Friday Mfht Til 9
e "'a FOB baa
eam inaii mSmTwmSmimSSi
(buy City
819 Orasaeketa
rsaat 3471
TLJiniifiedL IEPeiMirii o
Jory Packing Co.
985 N. Front St.
119 athr wMi purpose) . . pottwd for action . .
Iti Hn Bow smoothly . . . nothifrg out of plo
a..nodrots, no usajlaxs weight. Shr ond gjoowoi
wtovgh sculptvrd from a singU span of sttol.. a
This h Motxury with UnifWd Dosign for 19531
' Bontath its advxinco-styltd Jot-scoop hood th
puis and powor of a now stoppod-up V-8
ongino invito yog to a thrilling road tost.
Why day-dream of tho somoday whon you'll
own a car liko this? Visit our jhowroom now I
Cot tho facts . . you'll go for Morcury I
iwtW:Tiart 0 aas
1 1 awo at at saw
aaaaBi aaaagai , pat
M to SBtoai a ntntol
U0 No. CaMmarciol S.
Slff Oft
SJI.? kuTi Tea' elaaisii'
a .
V .1 . .. .-
stos atom
. ,n i. . .. w-. . , yr!" . 7.'