THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Onto Fridir, Mar 29. 1154 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor REAL ESTATE an. call (peoki ncmnixM i-etil NM BOW. .-rear-old 3-bedroom ktw. ALLAN O. JON EM IlilKia Hi . wik st, pa. nut. in. sues 0 ED UJXmtXL MHt ULTRA MODERN MOUflNOalDI DISTRICT. twt blocks tact M the n Mornlntstde KhooL lata built nulla exterior 1-bdm. Borne In. aunty tlx mala Hoof, der tenet HiiL with party rna, fireplace extra Mm. or doa. 3 -ear ear. Lie lot, Raw vtow of the valler enow-tapped sua. peeks, listed at iit.coe. SMALL HOME, SMALL LOT Uma DISTRICT. 154 E Superior m. . tomforteelo homo, luted at HIH. WW eash offer or will rent to a nolo At 111. AIM WIS rant or 1mm adD. eeet-bdrm. homo now Memorial a, to touplc 15a. Mda. one-bdrm. wot Boor 11 th Center, tt3.5e. UI NORTH BIOS AT. 1535 PEARL ST. AII1UIUM WHHM oa AH MrakV. cttalat res. nitpu nuMa uttiitr. rooMuoa tn eerpcunt. slot district, ood raltu BUY II I I tt 11111111111$ tllllllllltlll pjimttM m iiimtm uttttti n LIST 80 ACRES 11.00441 Aoroa aaluntoa, an roar . la.. delrr bara Bias twt dandr feeder baroe. sells AM. . luo. vltk otatoat floor. Imlldlaa, art : wort mora tuna too aaxiat price of iho entire piaea, At jotnlnt aena araU- aua lor anoa. A aood sound NEAR lloaterUl Boa. older .trio l-oarm. aim 7ua. aat oil dm km deelrec COMPLETELY EQUIPPED FARM Thlrtr-tltht Mm tood mil all la cultivation. Mve-neas alitor ha term, loaflnf ahed, chteken noues, eta. Pries .waladoo ail atoek d4 aulpmtot. M eowa. tractor. lirlgaUw equipment, ata. $B,Q09 Wlta ami M.IM bwn. Call Ut, Kmc. " . BUSINESS PROPERTY, COURTS, FARMS FOR TRADE Wa have a food selection of taaoma producing properties for trade far tomes, eereagss, business property. Call Mr. Fmu and ba will aka , ftnoara effort to Help rott locate execUr what rot) yaat. "FAMILY WANTED! to enjoy thU deilrabia four-bedroom Kntltvood soma, Large living room witb fireplace. Unln room, lovely kitchen, lulL.bftMtt.tnt vltb , furaaea. attract i? lot. If ro want comfort and lsnr of room, aaa tbla flaa bomt today. 1S,7M. Tents. DIGNIFIED ATTRACTIVE Tlila bomt. tiQuiiiuir aoulpvad ta artrr raatact. win vltaaa tha toal cUflcrlmlutlna bomaataktr. Kztra lana llrloc room vltb lovalf mtplaca. II x 11 dlnlna room, kltchan wltb Uabt, abaarful braakfait room, daft and tbraa padooa badroomi, craak lot vltb baautlfvl arounda. Si,M0 wltb food tarma, . HIGHLAND-ST. VINCENT DISTRICT Thraa badrooma, llrlns room and dlntnv araa, Una kMcbaa, bath, aatmant wltb furnaea, tartfa, M I IM lot Tbla propartr la 1m rarr . food aoiMllUon and rcMonabir prlead at Tama. . MURPHY & KENT : REALTORS kfortrat toani Contrroetloa Unamrrng All north Cbunh ' Phoao o-M Xm. and 8unfr: Andrraon t-lTH Kotnt 1-40T1, Knit -J7l ti SULLIVAN KINGWOOD HEIGHTS ktaat aa a pta, tbla charming l-bdrm. la wall altoatad on aa ararilxa lat la ana af Siirai baal ratldanUal ila trleta. Tha corarad patio li a Batural ta ciftkt lata a third bdrm. Tfala bouat M p.ajtarao tnrottaooos, nuaiataa aava fuaL baa hardwood floor a. auto, all furnaea, a firtplaea. 1100 a, ft. of floor apaea. Tba a entlx alop- ing lawn U wall Undaeapad wiia pienir ef apaca for a lana tardta. Tha prlca m 111.000, or tbtr wui trada for a miliar plaoa or lot la tba Kaisar dla- tncto - 3 BDRMS., $1000 VS. J ait I bloeka from Laalla and block from Baker achool - tbla aMtr tm 9adrm. homa. Tola placa U w kapt. haa oil beat. If plaatarad, and laraa 10il atUlty room en tha fround floor. T&a prtea aMo. DRIVE BY 19M Saslnaw on yatrmotint Bill tha location. Notlca tha landaeaplnr and tha nalfbborhood and then phont aa to ro throuab thla place. Htra you bava a full btuament, a firtplaea. hard wood ftoora up and down, automatic furnaea, doubla plumb lot, tiled hatha, and a wtlllandacapad and laraa lot loaoad witn anniMir with a atparata cut tins t ardaa In tha raar. Ectnv cloaa to achooia and wltb bua aarrlca prac tlealiy at tha front door, thla 4-bdrm, noma la paneei lor tna larva ar grow- mi family. Tba firat floor haa 1400 aa. ft. ab tha bouta waa complttad In 199 .wa want rom to aaa thla ont. ENGLEWOOD DIST. A plaatant neighborhood a aulet atraet add to tha dealrabiutr of thla Sofia ood home. There la a fh-aplaee oil forced air heat. Tha large floored attle la perfect to ba made into t extra oeorooma. u you need more than the 1 oa the first floor. It la kcated ocuy a oioeaa irom snxiewood achool. m almoat oa tha bua line. There la an indoor utility room a eeperata die. lag room. Tba Interior flnlab la lai tar. Tou will like this place. The price tm aiaf.wuw. IUSINES5 & INCOME Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plrood com. Aid irovth fir. klanoi blououm. Pboao I-TT11. IM AO. ooa'l. WANTED FURNITURE i REAL VALUE HERE is tbla Boat -fcodraaai homa. aontk. lana Urlnf room, kltehom aad dto atta, ou tvnuM, At I 1 lot. pba , ppralMd At ttOOI. aalllH . tar Robert B. Sullivan f". aaii.i REALTOH f I IW Portland Road n: 4-M3 f r-. 4 AW. . olfieo. UT N. HUh Pk: 4-un tn. ptu: t-ont, 4-ua, 4-M41 . elU' lat Ohmart a LABGE ROOMY HOME Soodrooma aad dra, kaMnont, pltrmbmr. flroplaot. not bow but a wall-built born, wltb lou of room, cood naldonUal ana 111,100. ONLY ONE LIKE THIS -Jut to ao thU bono will ilro roa a Ilti. UU aa, ft. floor apact, hu S brdrooma, bIm lirim room wltb flroplaoa, dlnlna room, kitekan wltk , Boot W s loo Jot, aicauant loeatlaa. mead at 111,000. MODERNISTIC UNUSUAL Yonll bo dalitbtod wltb th. Doamod eaUlnu In tbla tott dlttarant bomo, lota of redwood, lovolr laraa wlndowa that orarlook A wall plaaaod rard and patio. Baa bedroom plot doa. Prlood At llT.aoo. BEST BUY YOU'VE SEEN la a modem (large) t-bedroom homa with full baaement and flnlahed party room, t eats plumbing, I fireplaces, wall-to-waU carpeting, auto, diahwaaher and disposal, Just think, an this and mora for only 32 ACRES SOUTH m A. trawbarrltr, f A. chtrrlea, bai. grain and grata. 1-bedroom modern home, chicken house, small barn, excellent spring water, Hated at 14,000 with ooo down. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors ' ATT CnTt At. Mill - Mil ra.t Kalpb kf addr Mtu Hosrr Torraod tMM inj, Lorou MtM Grabenhorst Specials RIGHT TxywM TOWN-Oa an Industrial lei. Older type homa with 4 apta. Widow must sell at loaa because at ill health. Alley with railroad armr available. Only I7.W0. TKKU, CALL ROT FERRIS, CO-OP. Owner leafing town Haa priced homo and furniture at sacrifice. 4 bdrma Ur. rm din. rnu nook, flreplaea, full baamt. for chlldrea to playln winter, H-acre for the gardener. Koonomlaal aawdust heat, aa today, cau. pnxa b. oubxr TOUR DRKA1C HOME Beautiful Tlew, Ua. lot, dole. nlbt. full baamt., dbie, garase, I bdrma. with dble. aloaets, built-in drawers, lge. Ur, rnu with railed fireplace, 1st. din. xm kltcli-o full of bullt-las, lovely nook. Auto, oil forced air furnace. In fact, this home haa everything for convenience and gracious living. CALL J. jl LAW, fctLESUAN PlKHr-CTAS ITHOl REPAIR SHOTWn one of of Salem's bnslaafe dlstrlcta. All stock and equipment goes, Prlead fight, Peg p articular a CAIX H. K, LkYslON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS u A. t Sop PerrU 010 mtnia 4k Sunder. aaH Peter OeUar 1-oost H. K. Laraoit ,-105, Qo'oooooooooowooooo Pb. t-MTl 4. S. Lev Mill REAL ESTATE Outstanding BUY Only 9 yra. old. Two-bedroom Pisa tared borne located on paved etreet aloae to new Morn Im side echooL 1 biaek ta trans. Roomy kitchen with areakfaat bar. Hardwood floors, oil furaaea. Separate utility. An eitra room aver attached garage. Fireplace. Large 100x101 ft, lot. Nice lawn. Can paw imagine all thla for only $tftot $750 DOWN tun your sew t-bedrooa homa. Only $99H fall price. Lovely dining room. Forced air oil beat. Large picture window in living room. All hardwood floors. Lane attached garate. Paved gtu etdeweike and dlveway. Balance terma. Daylight Basement Brand new. Pull basement with targe daylight wlndowa and a fireplace for a dsn. Also a beautiful fireplace la imng room. A dream kitchen. I lovely bedroomo with large closets. Attached garase. Inside ally limits on saved street, aloes to school. A lot of soma i or oniy fii.teo. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Sooth Rich Atrial phono 1-0M9 Phono erentnet and Sunder: 41,71, lew, 4-hm, ,-uia, i.-Mi cm- REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS AXLVERTON. ORPX30H BENT BKATERB 4 rm. Ai batb, wired for ranao franao aooai. oiecme water naator. Bow bout. .In kitchen, oil atlro and barrala. TV antenna, nueni UU ,900.00 down. BI1W0O, AIM 1 acre. cIom In on hlahwav. 4 rnu. At bath, wired for ranao. oloo- no water neater, a reaiir rood bar. MOO 00 down I3A0O.OO I 11 aero, lolna cltr llmiU , tm. At batb part baMment wired for ranao. electric water heater, (arwe and chick oa bouse. Term, $4650.00 T rm. At bath, plaatered. baiement. oorner lot M'lUt', mutt be ,old to MUle aetata adsoo.oo T rm. A) bath, full baum.nL wlrod ror ranee, electric water beater, plaa tered, fireplace, etc, nice bit lot, fine location, oh thla ., 17500.00 BuelneM opportunity rjonular rec reation center, rMtaurant, fountain and billiard room. ate. all oaulnm.nL sow laraa buudint rood laau. ftKo.oo Nelabborbocd aroeorv and ou .a- uon, o rm. moaern reiidenoe for own er, good euwd .tore epace, aood oaulo- ment, reel eaUte and fixture, tcrma. MO00.0O. It, aena. all etUUrated. acod A rm. A batb. one floor. Mment foundation, wired for ruia, electric water beater, double Karate and ebon. etc. drilled well i 1300.00 V acrw cloM to SUrerton on narMl blehwar, aood rm. modern home In fine condition, cement foundation, wired for ranee, lnaulated, eto. Good barn, ahon, chicken bouaei, etc. Thla la a dandy MOOO.00 Rere'e a bur, 31 acree, nearlr ' all eultlrated, fine well-drained vaUer coll, Tr. atrMm, Irrliatlon permit filed for II aerea, T rm. bouae, barn, aood lo cation. lneludM tractor And aome ma chinery 110,000.00 AO acrM, about 43 acree culttrated. new drilled well, aood T rm. At bath, baMment, furnace, wired tor range, ate, U etanchlon barn, chicken houae. I car aaraae 10 acroa, M acrea tillable, about 100,000 ft. MW timber, 4 rma. ot batb, double ear are, barn, chick am houM. full price 47000.00 let acree, about IM tillable, 30 acree walnute, rm. houae and farm bldia. A food ralua at $10,100.00 wnrrc or call tor our new btjl- j-arnn. before you buy or BELL, CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon tut1 Look! Look .0 ExtTA Special Free Drawinf for prizes at Scotty'f Auction House " 4940 CENTER ST, SALEM ON SAT, MAT 10 . 10 AM Aj 1 Pal BIO AUCTION I I HO1U0S PTJBbTTUBI 4-pe. Blonde Bedroom Sot. t-pc Blonde Zltnlnf S.L A Oils Ruae. Linoleum Buao. aa 1 Cheat. Drawer. OU AtorM. 4-pe. Chrome Set. 5-PC Dinette Set, 0-fL Leonard Refruierator. 4 Kttato Comb. Elec. a) Traab Burner. Kanee. spaed tlaMa Blec wasner, 0) Floor ijampe. 1 aoja -jampa. a. Mew Dareno At Awltur Rocker, Coffee Tablaa, Lamp Tablea, Step Table.. , a) WaatlnthouM Klee. Xanre. 4-h.p. Johnaoo Outboard Motor. ea nflac Iteme of AU Kinds. - N.w ouuide wmto Faint, bow es.uu aL Oil aad thinner at low pneea. LIVESTOCK Chickens, Prrers, Pulleta, Babbitt, Cowa, Teals, Host. Ton set traab cash at . eootty's, for roar mereharlsel Col. Ernest E. Scott Ph. 46433 Auctioneer ddllt oooooowo''-o-ao'ooeio NEW CUSTOM MADE Wee tarn quilted doubla rut saddle, coal IKS. Asklns $iu. Sea at 3 if. hub oince noura. - claw PALIMINO leldme. 4 Tears old. $300. A07A Beck Arenna, rnono l-usi. 0138 V$& Aft VSSflSl' HEtf WANTED BAG IA TAB MOW for atrawaoerr aAaklna. acne cteaa. trwatoel pertiea, I mile I weat aad aortk from Keta-ar SeAool. joraenaeB-Eians, 411 West Bawdea Lane. Salem. Phono 4-100. ,lnl WANTED STRAWBERBT PlWKSlta TO RSOl Tm. aTAKUrr smeed, buo blos som Da. piiomb a-iiu. FtCKlMO juns A acna tmaated. Bret rear MortbwMt aad 1 acre. a.-.i..i ker nes, fcoeaie. a bun sortA ad Salem Tura weet off ef Portland blehwar HarooTlllo, ao tli mile. ,ll STBAWBEBBZ plcaora wasted. 14 aoroa. nea-r crop, aai-aiieat rtrrraa aaadt- tions. a. l. rearer, tu. a, B Phono 4-1,11. ALVIN VAN CLEAVE FARMS Are reclatertat atrawberrr Btekora bow. Floored tenia lor oampare wltb etoeee. tablos. wood, aad water. Berth aa ME ta Totem Pola, 1W mllM aoat and Vi mile Bortb on Tea cUare Boaa 2nd boom oa rumt Baata t. Boa 414. Salem. Phono 1-4141. cltr AUCTIONS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK rOB COMPLETE pain Una sarrloa. Work- manamp guaranteed. Proa Mtlmato. Call John Jensen, 12542. hI41 LIVESTOCK WANTED LAWN MOWIB and circle aaw aharpen- ing, ate, 9it M. uth. roono sV4f or e-aios. h1 LOCKIE BKEF WhlU face Hereford, Me. Locker oork. 8c nothing down, . to oar. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Heat Co Ills 8. th. Ph. 1-4S-SS. ea" TnUNG WITH Rotary-hoe. Oardan lawns, none -eu. mi aTiaiaiaeit. hiJa iTOTllXWa--lh. dMai. Middle Orove nursery, g SUrerton Road. h PETS MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets, turtlM. auoDllM. S mllM from LancM- ter on Madear road. 4-1771. Closed Wedneadara. n-- LIGHT CRAWLER, doelne, dirt Ural' In,, aradlnt. Phono 3-1110. hlle VERT PEETTT blue Parakeet, trained. Phono 417,1. Sinter OC130 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1HI McCoy. block aaat of N. Capitol 1 block, north of Uevdisoa. Ph. 3-wsn, eciu ORADINO. lereluu. beckfllllna. lawns. aruena. jsr nour, job. FbOB. 1-3041. hl2 WANTED, youm male boxer, watch doe Phone a-Ties. ecu,' CHOICE CAVABIES Price reasonable. Phono 1-43,1, 1340 cnemeketa St. ecioi- 8IAME8E klttene, 1 months old. $10 each. Phone 2-5257. 0C133. TWO COCKERS, ellalble AKC reilstra- tlon. Two rears, males. 111 teen dollare each. 13511. cell FUEL - West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 14" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DBLTVERT Pickup Wood lt Ida-water Pbona Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hemp-hire ehlcke, batched arerr Monday and Thursdsr. Our chicks arow tutor. Pore Hatcherr. 1110 state St. Ph. 3-4,m. ! CORN FED 1-5,71. fryers $1.00 each. Phone fi:i PRODUCE Asparagus Presh daily. tJ.50 per ctate. Also. cannlne rhubarb. OUtm br callon. 11.50. Prub Tooetablee and fruit. 60 lbs. good potatoes, ,1.35. Open ererr dar. Phllllpe Broa. Farm Market, ,590 Portland Rd. 1 blocks M. Lancuter Dr. 1-4513. n CLASSiriED AUntKTISINO Pre Word UmM - Uo Per Weed 4e Par WeTd. t lea . Per Word, I saeatb OB. Ho Befaade Mlaleaeae M Werde. MADEBA la tMol Newo Camo Oatr, Per Word to Meelaeoao 14 Werde Ts Kara Ad la Same) Dsri rsper, rhons t-XMM Befora 10 sjb. tmnti tlllUIMM ,mmn, rmiinii BUY "aS LIST tuattiuV M VlViMeVil ttltitll It ItMUtl Ml aara aatll ranch. IM aen. ma der ealkrauoa, lot more bae boon tilled la the peat. M aena la anenoat traaa. Two roar round areata. Pleh and deer at IAo door at oomfortabl, 1 room hoeae. Larto bara. Approi. 500 It feat ef fir and a aood otaad of oak and alder. Thla i. oieeptlonal barnln at Jatt $10,000 WUI handle. Owner will trade for small aoreaae with modern botuo. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICI: if your property is for sale. rent or oschange, Uat It with ua. We nave au aiivu of easb buyers. OTATl FLNANCI CO. tUALTORS lal aV Rltb fit ee WI RAVI evrel cash burs tor i and I bedroom homes, In the better diet. If you wun to aeu. please contact us, SEVERIN REALTY CO. til M. High At, Dial aUU. Xva. S3MS 1 OF THE NICEST I br. homea la tba city, Rpeelous living and dining rooms are carpeted. Lou of eloeet apeee, natural flnlahed kitchen, plenty of buUMns, lea, I ear garage, a nnpiacaa, dayitgnt base meat with finished amusement room , aad extra bath, gthady view. Lot la para iigns aeuug. oniy a li.oao. SOMEONE 3A tolas to ret a now bomo for leu than eoat Thla I br, boom la Waal sejom ae taken ta ea trade. 11.001 da. and our montblr perm en u. 7 APTS. All Blcotr Turn Lab ad and alvays rent ed. Cloaa in location. Vary modern bldr. will take roar I or I br. borne ea da. perm eat, Frlee 123,500. call Clearr. Walter Musitrave, Realtor UU Edsevator, Miai Xtm 1-m 01)0. BAVE BITIB for larte stock and ahaap ranch. Prater aome lrrteatton. Wbat hare rout A) lauk, ion PorUand rtoaa. rnono e-sxil. ee WE ARE In need of aood houeeo to sell, In or near Salem. If you wish to list pour property lor sale, see . ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS us a. Lio.rtr PA. 1-3471 WANTED GOOD, newer, 1 or I bedroom nome. aood location, Pbona 3 7t3 oventnea. call,1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE COAST 11 A I room houM plua room ta noemenl wltb larto atone fireplace. Approi. I BUM from Oils Junction. coorlootlnt Salmon Meer and blab war. Sprint water piped In bouM. Price ,1.750 to trade for propartr af tanai value tn Salem. C. W. RXEVB IAN Mission, l-etPt (renins', S-tSJ, rbIM BUSINESSOPTOryiNITIES DRKSi AND alter nation shop combined! latt growing bualneas district. Oood set up for lady experienced In altera Uons. Terms to right party. Phone 4-im I between M a.m.-:M pn. 01 1-tAOC evenings . rd 1 ic FURNITURE FOR SALE UAVlNQ THK IITT, Uuit seU the fur. alanines or my room home. Uect. Range, Refrigerator, Davenport and cnair. mneite set. Beds, etc. M4 A Summer At, -Ul. tflit To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 PORCED TO ArLL our 4 room houae of rurniiure. inclodins acvta aad onde Oood condition, complete, aim. 4-mt,. 1,10 Kansas. dlta. TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY at MONDAY (rENTNOS. dill Attention! BERRY GROWERS Carriers. Crates. Hal locks, Stakes. M tc E Box & Pallet Co. 490 WALLACE' RD, SALEM. PH. l-tltt 11130 GOOD SEED POTATOES Nettad Oemo, plant anr time now to July, 13.50 per 100. Phllllpe Broa.. Rl a. Boa 491, 3 mile, eaet 4 Corners on State at. Ph. 430(1. ft" HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS RatUter now. 1, acrw, 1 mile north al Salem. Kurta At Lleeelor. 40523. ,110' ANbRESEN rARM now rmuterlns etraw berrr pickers, soeo N. Lancaster Dr. Phone 41247 or 41113. tlS5 IN MILL CITY Cormvondeul for Cap ites Journal. Muel hare typewriter, aome experience. Oood par for part tlmo work, contact atlke ForbM. Val ley Bdnor, Capital Journal, Salem, ore. WANTED MANAGKB for small motel. write sot lot, capital JoaraaL si 10" WANTED Middle aaa couple to for elderly aenttomaa ta hi, 1 Rent fne. Good cardan spot watee. 4-4171. ,ltr WANTED A plealni foromaB. Man womaa And picker, for I actm atraw- bemea. J. B. Upper, RL I. Box smb. a aula aaat af Clear Lake school. tat REGIS TER1NQ etrawberrp plckara. acrM clean Irritated berrlM. I ml north oa Rlror Road. J. B. WludaB Son. Route 2. Boa 1,1 or 111. Salem. Phono 4-iees or 4-1111. tl33 HELP WANTED MALE EOl'TE MAN M uat bo neat appearlns and bare car. Phone 3-A1IT, , p.m. to I p.m. lor appointment. tall,1 FRY COOK wanted. Apply l Spot-Lite cafe, eta, s. Pacific Hub war. tallo YOUNG MAN for permanent work. Must bare drteere Iteenoo. SM Mr. Li at Commercial 3took Store. Ill No. Commercial St. aal30 THROUGHLY eaperleneed sarrtso sta tion attendant. Prefer. Standard OU eaperlenM. Walter H. SoMl Ai Co. Chemeketa and Hlsh. thlsl' HELP WANTED FEMALE KXCELLXNT opportunity for nsttr woman. Learn to sell and fit JgARia guaranteed corsets, bras and slips full or part time, oood earnings. Mo ezper. nec Training class now forming. Writs Box 107 Capital Journal giving phone numoer. gbiw BXPEBIENCED psttoU clerk. day. nour weeg, nrmanant position. Apply veers Koeouea. gbiaa WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER WORK. Bew or romodellna. ur nour or toatract. a. MansoL Phone e-2311. blS0 VERY NICE I rooms, Marlon. 1-4535. wnx CARE tor child ap to 4 months or invalid a my Mate, li. Union. hl30 LARGE 1 BOOM furnished. Boimorator, batb. laundrr. oH . Liberty. l-ssig. jpieu- baby sitter 4 dar week, rnono 20330 niter ,:oo p.m. hiss AVAILABLE JUNE L a .err attracUra our, apartment at ISO So. 17th. rooms and batb and can no rented tarntshod or unfurnished, pa. 13711. IP" PRIVATE THBEE-BOOM fumlshad court apertment claaa. Adults. $50. 35to PorUand Boad. JP12 GARDEN, FLOWER bod and lawn pr. paratlon. Plowlna, dlseuit, lerellnr. rototllllnt. Aarrlca Center. Phone 43573. hlSQ. LANDSCAPE maintenance, pra&lat, inmmint, piantlnt. lartuialnt. serr- Ice Center. Phono 4-3573. b!30 NEW LAWNS, Rotary hoc Inc. rtta eat! mates, uuana wolcott. Phono 3-3127. hl3T WIEMAX'S NUKJ EBT tale Ucenaed ana inspected, intents and older. 35016. hltte GARDENING AND lawn work, larl Cox. rnono a 73 sc. too Marlon St. hl!7 PAPER HANGING, palnUnt. Pna mtl- mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 15533. bltf AIRWAY SANrriZEB cUaner repair and earrice. net ap and deurorr. Airway nrancnes, sooe roruand Rd. Phono 1-4701 or 4-5553. hlSl" TREE WORaWTopplnt, morlnt. John Payne. trlmmlnt, re- Phone l-03tg. h TILLING, new M. B. Rotary tiller, $3.50 nour. rnono ereninta aasil. hill BOY 17, haa bad experience In eltrklnt eno oeurerlni. 3-4,33. hire. WANTED TO RENT WStJAANCC executive moving to Salem uesires 3 oedrtom nnfurnlshed homa by June 1st. Phone 4-3217 between a-l. lam FAMILY OF 4 needs furnlshsd or partly tuiaiinra aoini. smona a-ajaa. jaioW PL'rtNlRHEO Seat of Balsa, lira, Albert Metier. Phone 3-3PU. al30 FOR RENT LARGK warahousa apaca for rant or tease. Cement floors, brick build tog. Down town. Inquire B. L. Btlff Vur- nlture Co. Phone -!. r RENT Down Town 2-story concrete alley ware house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's setup. ALSO Ferry street room, for office or store. Large basement In Hotel Salem building. State Finance Co. TEL. 34121 FOR LEASE 1,0 to 300 tee, frontate on Edaewoter St, Weet Salem. Ira J. Pitta, ph.' 1,401. j. WANTEDSALESMAN HAL .UTATI Salesman. Write bog Tt, Fi,au svurnu or CtVit MISS WtWS, Broadway 4)14 Broker, Portland. W-O'TKD eStrswberries and Boysvns, Log one, Rolland Jory, tlft R. Front St. Pbona 11001, after four 3131. Salem. Ore. gi3i WANTED BXRRT PICKERS. SB50 Brooks Ave4 out Cherry Are. to Clear View, to Brooka Ave. Pbona l-stse after 4 p.m. . also FOR RENT ROOMS PL'RKIRHED roome for slMPIn, or llzht houtekeeplnt, (lulet. Beasoaablt. me Treble 81. klI3 TV, kitchen prlrUwee, $30J4 per month Phono 1-7,20, lku0 REGISTERING STRAWBERRY plckere tor 2, acme. Ptm tranaporutloa for troupe of ell or more. Group, who want traneportatloa Fb. 41174 or drlre north on Portland Rd. to Totem Pole. Turn rtcht, drlre M Lablsb Center road. Tura left and one mUe ta BUI Williamson At Son strawberrr acre aaa. Rt. 4. Box ttOB. tils STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. 3, 'acrM trrteeted. BUT crop. Oood pay. Transportation furnUbed. Reteiter at Ml S. Rltb or tall !-,30S, eljf BERRY PICKERS oa platoon, will be ready lale this month. Oood petelt. Tranaportatloa furnished. Cell 4-fJt. Mre. aiarah. ,121- WANTED Berrr Plckara. I mile from cltr limit, oa cnerrr Art, le Alder, tara rtehl to Brooka Are- thea tura latt. sita will direct t? flam. Pb. trail. L Bertmaa. 41M Brooke Are. fee booms fob elrle. kitchen pnralwee. m entire bouae. til It. Winter. 3-4172 or 3-40. )kl30 PLEASANT SLEEPING room foi lentle men. low Norway. Phone 14547. jklM FOR RENT ROOMS LOVELY FUAUYISaUa rooea. with klt ohea iacUIUm. ahaat A-A317, Tea Perrr. lk3r I DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham NICaxY rtrBRlSaTJtD, prlrata aatranM, 4 biaakt treat car oaater. SB) B. Col late. JkiJl' LAAOE WARM eleaa mneaa wall far. Itl Itllta CLEAN AXAXFUfO water. Ml B. Eltb. I raid itl33 incB ALAXFTXa roam far 1 wltb bat and add water. Bit center. 1,128' FOR RENT HOUSES I BAD ROOM boom. $M 4-M7t, lAlt , ata. Phone jmllr 4 TRAP. OLD modem, earr claaa. I tod- room bouae. a tore aad ralrararator Iwralabod. terete. atoM tt ens. la. turo 1M4 N. lib. A-telt. tar BBW s bedroom aafaralabad 4-1414. duplea. imliaa CLEAN S BOOM famished toCUta. CUU- tr room, tarata, oil beat, alee trie etore. i-arM. . 1m IM S-ROOM MODERN bouat. cletbrn alout. buut-laa, see, a-i4M. imut' COU74TBY BOD3E Modern 1-bedroom nnfurniahed , Baaement, roa. Pa. 1-2031. Jmlll e BAD BOOM cap. Cod type bouae. Bo- rrtterator and rarnlanoa. Laua etrr fadllUea. 1M3 Court St. Phone 17444. fmiae l-BOOM HOCAB tultablo fori larto tardea, water. lAal Brenicoa Are. electrlcltr. tx. fmlll DUPLEX CIom la. Au tome tie oU hMt, baaement, tarata. Pbona 4-4O07. jmlll WILL BAYS racancr Mar 30th. One bedroom unfurnished eottate. Utility room, s erase. He aeon sole rent. 4305 Portland Road. Jml2' . ) . .... I II ll ': MhllllRn I .. . Irrll I iu on g 11 u ii ; TOJ W ! sin teerteraat. 3ULTRA MICE bow 3 room duplex fnr- Blebed, butt llrtat room, creek. CIom bx 17a. lit St. Wmter. Pnon. 35 121 treamta. Jmin SMALL BJOUSE, pertly fumlehod. Ill montP. Dtulrt IOM lib St, WHt Salem, after 1:10. Jmlll' BED BOOM home, furnished And un- furnlabod. Attaobed tarata. Pbona 1-0,41. )ml3,' OFFICE FOR RENT S-BOOM SUTTB Ontoa Bulldlnt. 14114. GROUND FLOOR offlM or etoro apace for rent, cau at nits Market, ro OFTICX SPACB for rant, 3t per tncludat an atllltlee. Located 105, N. CapltoL next to Dr. affte. Phone t-Mll. ' 10138 FOR RENT APARTMENTS furnished. 1315 JplSS' BOOM furnished apartment, 351 So. 14th. Douilai AlKa. Pboao 3-0648. ipire- BOOM turnUlied for 1 or 1 adults. Prlrata entrance and bath. CIom abop- pmt center and atato bulldlnse, ea. rate. 1-75,4. 1P1301 N1CBLY PTJBNISHED apartments!- Am. bauador Apta. 550 No. summer. p NICK 1 BOOM apartment. Frlrat bath. 611 N. Church. Phone 14740. 1P130 tt.St 1-BM. FUE.V. bouMkMplnt apt. close-In north. SM Burt Pacha, 17, . Hltb SL, 1-4047. JplH' NICELY rUBNUBED rooms, bath room, kitchenette, sround floor. N. Commercial. JplIO- KEWLY PAINTED eoar one or 1 room furnlshsd Apartmant, 375 Market. JPUf CLEAN, NEAT, furnished 1 and 1 room apartments, rnone 3-taw. 3P133- BOOM furnished downstair, apart ment. Rante, refrlterator, laundrr, atutlM paid. Garatt, 140. Arallable Juns 4tb. Phon, 1-0014. Ull Haael Are. Jpl30' COLUMBIA apartments, furnished. Mod e-room. 010c neat, tarata, bus 1 br. Ha pots. 3311 sairtTands Rd. Iplto- rURNISHED OB unfurnished cloae-ln apartment, sround floor, lot, of hot water. Beautyreet mattress. A inlet Plan ron will like to lire. Adults. Bee at lit Oak St. 1P130" LABGE. FURNISHED, modern court apartment, aulet, adults. 1005 Medloon. Phone 3T76. jpiso SEVERAL furnlshsd apsrtments, tood location, intulrt B. L. stiff Furniture. Phono 1-1115. pa ROOM furnished apt. Can 1-1454 alter p.m. jp UP- DUPLEX furnished. 1 rooma, bath. Bol lywood CloM. 3-S042. 1M0 McCoy. jpllea S-ROOM partly furnlshsd apartment, $30. Also 1 room furnished, $30, Phone 1-4501. Jpl3, NICELY furnished apartments, ranao. reirlterator. prlrata bath, waab facUltlas, atUlUM Included. 45 and 111. CIom to Capitol Buudint. Phone 4-1441. jpl2 NICELY FTJBN1SHSD 1 room apartmenL Prtratt bath, CIom In. 4M So. Com'l. JP13," CLOSE IN. NIm modern furnished I room apartment. Adults. Pbona 11400. 1P12S" I MODERN COURT, appllancee furnlahed. alee yard, plenty of cupboards. Adults. 142, Trade. ipll, GOOD LOCATION Purnisbed apta., utll- ItlM paid. 141 Dlrtslon. Pbona 4-5,3. iplll I OWE 1-BEDBOOM, furnlahed: one 1. bedroom, furnished! one 1-bedroom, un- rurnlanad. 1-tOM. JP131' SALKM S FINEST 1-bedroom, new. epacious court Apartment. Prlrata tarata and util ity, a tore and refrlterator. Call 31731 to aee Mmethlnt better and different. IP12f FURNISHED til room ante. Ph. 45571. 1P12I BOOM furnished court apartment. Clean, ciom in, tarata. 1-054,. jpi3t FUBNIABED Bice 1 room apartment. Bear atato bulldlnta, utlllUM paid. Beasonablo. S-4,71. Jplll AVAIL ABLI jrjNB ITU. 1 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. LrVWO ROOM, KITCHEN. DrHETTK BED ROOM AND BATH. 155. BLAINB APARTMENTS 171 H. Liberty Jplll' N1WLT REMODELED furnished apt. two rooma, bath. Ont person. M. 330 lltb. l-tiii. pll MODERN PURNISBED or nnfurniahed I noma, 1 aoaroom apartmeat. U44 So. I3tb. Jpllf BOOM CLEAN furnished. anartmenL All atlllUM paid. CO. 1104 Mania. 1-50,1. lour- BOOMS AND batb. Cloee to Iowa and atato buudint. Phon, 1-7311 after p.m. UM10CK1HE KXAtot KWVE RBSIB IONS SHOUBHI FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN. WARM, cvroom furnished apart- BtenL Prlrata batb aad entrance. 1 or S adults. CIom to amopplnt and state bulldlnts. Ph. I-7M4. Jplll L, 1, S BOOM furnished apartments lit to -$40. UtUltlM Included. One furnished I room, prtratt batb, $51. phono 1-7111. Jpl33 CATALTEB apartmeat, alecir furnished: sew modern i roost aputment, $7,. 1177 Court SL JPU3 S NICE BOOMS furnished la abooptnt enter. Prtratt batb. 3-4SM. AN M. 13th. Jpl3t LOST g FOUND LOST LADIES' Latham wrist Vicinity lltb and Hltb oa 1-01M. 1010 Market. Reward. watch. State, kilo LOST One black and tan female fox- bound, ueenae iota, janeraoa area. Reward, call IndependenM Saiw. kin MISCELLANEOUS BLACK WALNUT tree free for remoral. II. InchM ta diameter. S fMt bolthi 4-2.03. rnlM BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDER'S SPECIAL IU Shlplap $30, $34 per M. 1-lneh lumber $31 per M. This la oil sood new lumber. Some lumber at $1 per M. 3-3043. malts NURSERY STOCK CHRYSANTHEMUM, wide aaaectlon; Iris bow blMmlnx, Delphiniums Ab tlndla, Astolats), Inland Popplee, fall Astora, Cranluma. AatllbM. ttnsaell -Luplnea. Blacks Oardens. 3370 Cba mawa Rd, ln mile oast af- reiser. Ph. Mist. mblltr POB SALE Betonlas, fnchelaa, lupine. Mrs. Archie Clatsett, 1171 Chamawa Rd. mblis COMB IN and sm our line af tardea. tuppuaa, snrubs and boddlns planta. Middle Oroya Nursery, 4,20 SUrerton Rd. Phons 44431. ' mblll FOR YOUB Knapp Acratread shoes, nt Oaorta Yooom. .71 w. Owens titer t. Phono 1-4134. mlto EkTS-HIVR TB3JCXS U-DRTVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vj STAKES TABS TXXACO STATION 411 COnRT ST, PHOWI 1-ltll PAGB STEVENSON aad AL aOCPPOBO DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-fm. AIR VICE IN MOST OASBS DR. HARVET IEMLER. DaTTTIAT Adolpb Bid,.. SUIt At Commercial Sta. 8ALXM PH. 1-3311 ESPECIALLY FOB you. Oct roar borne baked plea, cakae tad oooajaa ordered br phone, 35H7. mill AAUOt SAND Af ORAVEL COMPART Contract work oad Claaiias - Intejitas Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental ntcblnt br the Foot Pbona Dan 3-ttot ' Brae. 1-4411 or 3-7411 Salem, Ore. on BUILDING MATERIALS OakFlooriirg Itew cartoad lll.M Ply. tor Floor, 14c. N,w slab Doors t.Ti. Birch Plat panelins 1 50. Plywood for OTerythlnt. low as ts. . K tt lot, WaUboard Remodel now notbint dowa, 1$ month, to par. CIoMottt oa odd was. Ai frame,, our mis lakes, roar sals. OPEN ALL BAY SATURDAY 'ortland Road Lbr. Yd. 3541 Portland Rd. , Salem, Ore. Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. la. 11 InchM elear. $$! Bo. 3, t tnobe, dear, 14. Ho tap wood or talla. Com. aad set them. Teal Mullet. SaJem-Indopcndenoe Boaa. Fb. Salem 1-11M. 1 SALE 4-tB. plywood 4x1 atr ft. tab aomp. roofins Aabeetos sldlns Shako mould, per It. kind, bulldlnt paper New plMterboard, 4x1 Waterproofed waUaoard, 4x1.., No. 1 painted cedar abaata wltb undereourM K-ln. Grade A Mabot. ply wood K-ln. Orade A Mahot. Plywood. Ve-bk. Birch Plywood . -In. Birch Plywood Nells, per ket lite sash door, New acrMa doors .1 .1IH , S.SI . l o . .10 . 3.71 . 1.40 . 1.11 . 11.71 Al 10.71 7.M IJI New weatherstrlpped windows. completelr asMinbled I4.H StMl taraat doors, tompleu., 55.00 500 Soebee aad picture windows. CHEAP 500-tai. eteal MPtla lank 41.50 OlMo-coupled toilets, tompleu., 15.50 30111 wash basins, complete ... 17.50 N.w trade A bath tuba. Mm pie to . Kltebta alnks, tompleu 33.1$ Mt plywood It, u, 14-ft lenttb, ta atoek. low awtcea. Hew ehower cabtaeu aad all water heater, babitatr t-tn. mu pipe, erenraourt aad all alaea tale, alno BPBC1AI. loom inauiatioB, per tat $1JM I t,. It. AAJIMU cV SUNS Pb. 4-50,1 One auie N. of Kuan ma JOE PAL00KA ONE WXEK ONLY I SQUARE DEAL SPECIAL 43 OaL Collins Heater It rear euarantM tree. CUM Couple Toilets sum Cut Iron American Sou pip. Stasia Hub lot ft Doublt Hub ao, ft' SOU ARB DEAL UUlWiee rv. 311 Chemekeu St, Phone 1-1114 mailt' OKRANTUMS, F08CHIAB 15c 3 lor II. DAHLIAS, NAMED, I for 11.00. DAHLIAS MIXED, $1.04 DOS. vsuiiaej, uaun, rnuvs, suastaeunaaa, OATLLABDIA. 15c I for 1140. TUBEROUS EJPOONTAfl, for lUi. S3ULEAB, BED, PINK. LAVENDER. 4 for 41.00. BVXRBEARINO aTTTUWBXItBT PLANTS ' MERRILL S GREENHOUSE, BROOKS tub HI. HEDQE OB WINDBREAJt PTlrat, mn. L Prlyet, laur boxwood. Pb. 3407 Bollywood Drrre. mknf lfil End ot Mason talc 31 off. aim Rbodoc Camelllaa, Dwarf Box, ether erarsieen ahrubc Warlnt'a Mar aery, loll Oak H1U Arc (Turn aaat from ME at South VOlatt Term). Open Sundarc mblar WASHINGTON aeranluma. hundreds ta bloom: betonlaa, fuchstat and beddlnt planu. Kllber'a, 714 Sa lem HeltbU Are, phono 44031. mblM THE PINEST In Tuberous laetonlaa, all colors, 35o each; $1.75 a down. Also puschslsa and Try Oersnluma. Clat tett't Oraenhouac 4H mlln north of Salem oa Wallace Road. Turn rltht at the toot of the brldtt tn West Sa lem, mblll" For Sola MISCELLANEOUS OPEN FRIDAY to 1 p.m. Glenn Woodryt. Bill OOOD USED wood rantaa. 111 each. Teeter AppllanM Co, ITS Chemeketa, Ph. 3-4111. b Reduced 1 $3 per day until sold . One 18-inch Mower T " May 2Sth price, $79.98 June 1st - $64.98 Keith Brown Lumber Yard.' Front and Court SL Phone jsul Wa tire s At H orcoa stamp. b, DA VEND A HOC EES corered la rich ralour torers. Ret. 1159.50, How only 11M.50. Sm tbia at Glenn Woodrrw, IMS N. Summer. , USED WASHING MACHDYES, St.N and up. X eater APPliano, Co, 171 Che meketa. Ph. 1-4111. , GIBSON refrlierator, 7 cublo fMt, ex- ciiena ponqiHon, rnono a-rexs. niso. SPINET PIANO, alUhtly used WurUtxer, e-uur tauranteod at only tare stone Piano Co. 1310 SUU St. nl31 WE'RE STUCK I r with a nroresslonal model FRONTA LTNI accordion. New cost Mot. carry It twar, case and all, for 11,1 or miiht trade for almott anythlnt toot D030sYT ,B t ATONE PIANO CO. . I1M SUU St. Phone 1-1311 nllr HOTTED MANURE i 1.000 rarda, th, best tn hart erer bad. For tood orcanle reeulu order rotted cow manure that ron can um without fear. 15.00 per yard. yard. He. 4 rarde 135. li rarda U. Pist- tones, lara atone, fence posts, 4x4 atakM and rustic red cedar leucine. Phillip, Broa, RL I, Boa 4,1, pb, 4I0IL Salem. 1 ml. E 4 Corners, rl Organic : Fertilizer Pret sf weed Med, and odorleea. Ssck or bulk ordrre dellrered. Phono '" nils Attention Shoppers! : GOODIES MARKET -19TH AND STATE ; WILL BE OPEN MEMORIAL DAY AND SUNDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE By Ham Fisher WANTED lot sirs, jerry pickers, to mister now. A. M. Sahara. RL 3. Box 437. Pb. 41151. !. mil. ami of Totem Pole and Ve mil, couth. tllo STRAWRURT PICKERS M. McCea- a.u, 131$ dearrlew, ttl Cherry Are 1131 . 1 1... .. ii-.Zfa t fifZ YOU.' THtV "1 llffavf 'LL C4JT4A1ART V TlAHf I 1 I tSOIOULOA ATOOO AT HOMA ' TMATruSJ.' Jf -r-wr-a T4- W.RCe MORSES... 1 UTA THAT... AtORt ajiTTlI' WSIN !il P-lf Twatm 1 - w'oim ' ( a ' .' ?aasaee, , . -I o . ' - - - a.JL4we. Ma