Fridmr. May 29, 1153 . raw imit. tnmvif I o.i - - - INSTRUCTING NURSES I Here to conduct Institute for nurses at Salem hospitals in cooperation with the Oregon State Board of Health re two specialists from New York and Chicago, -Prom left. Miss Nora C. Lalor, R.N, Oregon State Board of Health; Miss Marian Fox, R.N, American Hospital Association, Chicago; Miss Margaret Griffin, Rjf, National League for Nursing, New York City; Mrs. Fae Lefor, R.N, superin tendent of nurses, Salem-Memorial Hospital. Nurses From East Here To Conduct Miss Marian Fox, R. N.. urslng specialist of the Amer an Hospital association, and kiss Margaret Giffin, R. N., of he national committea for the bnprovement of nursing serv be, arrived in Salem from Chi- jago, Thursday, to conduct two tuning institutes for local hos pitals with Miss Nora Lalor, R. I, nursing consultant for the firegon State Board of Health. I The njrrslng institutes are be kg held as a result of a pilot kudy on "Nursing Problems in Small Hospital," conducted October at the Hood River immunity hospital, acordlng Glenn Howell, administrator rison Association ilecfs Spaulding ' Portland UJ9 Bruce Spauld ing, Portland attorney, was lected president of the Ore gon Prison Association at a in ee ting here yesterday. The session commemorated the group's 50th anniversary. Association vice presidents Wre William N. Russell, Eugene; (William J. Jones, McMinnviUe; peorge H. Corey, Pendleton, Sd Harold C. Holmes, Port id. : " . j T. Lawson McCall of Port land was elected secretary- treasurer. I Mid-Willamette Obituaries kom McQueen Sweet Home Following a ong illness, Tom McQueen ied Tuesday, May ZB, in tne ary Ellen Nursing home in anon. Funeral services ere held Thursday in tne weet Home Chapel of the uiton Funeral Home with iGeorie Simons officiating. (Graveside rites were held by the Sweet Home IOOF lodge at the Crawfordsvllle Ceme tery. Thomas McQueen was born May 5. 1881, in the Holley area and lived all ox nis we in wis neighborhood." His survivors are two brothers, Robert E. and Charles L. McQueen, both of Holley- a niece, Letha Cow- llz, ol California, ana a nepn ew, LeRoy Van Fleet, Salem. Mrs. Mary Paxton Sweet Home Concluding services were held at the Poole- Larson crematorium in Eugene for Mrs. Mary Jane .Paxton who died at her home on the Clark Mill Road, Sweet Home. Mrs. Paxton's body lay in state in the Huston Funeral Home in Lebanon following her death Tuesday morning. Mrs. Paxton was a native of Sweet Home and. was born March 12, 1885. She is survived by her husband, Ira Paxton. Sherrie Bartel Independence Sherrle Bar tel, five months old, died at the tamiiy residence, 880 Nortn Main street. Independence, Wednesday morning. May 27, after a short illness. She ws born at Albany, Ore, December 27, 1032. She is survived by her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bar tel, Independence, and lour brothers. Gilbert. Doyle. Thom as and Daniel Bartel, all of Independence. Funeral services were held from the Smith Mortusry chapel Friday, May 29. at 2 P.m. Interment was in Hill Top cemetery. Rev. John Law ler officiated. Lena Victoria Groth Independence Lena Vic toria Groth, 08, died at the family " residence, 18 Third street. Independence, Wednes day, Msy 37, after a long ill ness. Mrs. Groth was born In Iowa . , . . ; Fax 11 " a .c..n, . . Institutes of that hospital and president of the Oregon Association of Hospitals. In the small hospital, the supervisor and nurse must be capable of a wide range of ac complishments. How to attain this wider range and at the same time maintain the proper standards is the subject of the nursing institutes. One institute waa conducted Friday at Salem Memorial hos pital. Another is to be staged at Salem General hospital next Monday, June 1. Sessions are between S ajn. and It o'clock noon and between 1 and 5 p.m. The institute la for the nurses at each hospital, and sitting in on each will be two doctors and two lay people. . SALEM MARKETS Complied frewa rawee ef latea efeelerg malar. (BtriMC gaily.) Retail hcaj rrieeai Babbit Pelleta 3H tit- Ik. Uffl lis.40 uoo-tb. bui. Msvaa u.iMjg, Dairy ml II4M.W (M ft. bat), I4.3B-5.00 (100 Wt.. reutry Bariu mm earned xrrerg. 37e; om rooaure, ue; eatona iowi, aoc itinera iowi. Met reoatera, sh. KfaTtl Barlaur Prtuee Ml, AA, etc. large A. N-Nei BMUBB AM, MI UtOlVM eft. 4I-4ac; email, lo. tTheleeaie Prleee tea wbeleeeJe w generally Me hithtr then the prteea abort. Larct grade A generally eueted at te: medium. Me. Battarfat Buying prleai Prcmtua. TO- tic i we. i. tn-Mci ho. b, eee. - liar w& oi asaM grade a mmbsbii ih m,i niMu, in on May 24, 1888, and has been a resident of Independence for 31 years. She is survived by her hus band, Carl F. Groth of Inde pendence. . Funeral services will be held from the Smith Mortuary chapel, Independence, Monday, June 1, at 1 p.m. Interment will follow in the Dundee cemetery at Dundee, Ore. Rev, Walter L. Nyberg of the Meth odist church will officiate. Eliza N. Troxel Independence Eliza Nelson Troxel. 86, died Sunday morn' ing. May 24th, at a Salem hos pital after an extended illness, Mrs. Troxel was born July 5, 1868, in London, England, and came to the United States at the age of 10 years. She has been a resident of Independ' ence since 1011, when the fanv ily moved from Idaho. She was a member of the Methodist church of Independ ence. She Is survived by a daugh ter. Mrs. R. M. Smith of Bor ger, Texas; two sons, Herbert F. Nelson of Independence, ana George R. Nelson of Toledo, Ore.; two step-daughters, Mrs. Ida Breshear of Salem, and Mrs. Lillian Troxel of The Dalles. Ore.: a step-sister, Mrs. Ben Mills of Jefferson, Ore.; and several grandchildren and a-reat-crandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Smith mortuary chapel, Independence, Tuesday, Msy 26, at 2 p.m. interment ioi lowed at H1U Top cemetery, Rev. Walter L. Nyberg offictat ed. DEATHS Aahbv W. McCop ,. . ...k. w iiwiar. al a local hocpttel. Mar 1. bll resident af m s. Ilj St. Surrlrea kr wire, mra. """ ...... wi weleee w. McCor. .k.: r..:on n. pteCor. Portlend. and Cordon A. McCor. Tork Cltr, H. T.; two deuihtori. Mi Dom Aroneon. -rer Ort.. 1 uti. Lortint Wooa, Fort Una, iniKkUiMMor, Loiloi AroMon. Btortr, or., rxl uur. 11.11 umr to'dos. wub. stmo U kt n.ld la ht Virtu T. ooldto cbipoI. nut BHerort SUmorul Urt. ""j!?, Coolar. it tho mMion, m camtttu n, mof u. aorrt.t4 tr o iiochl.r. Un. 0trtrd. WtwOtri. oaa toa. Orooa a C001.F. saltan amr Ml Klat .... MMn i Moot aaa Soa of Ma- aliaaTUla fat atmcai ana tauraMit. Ashby McCoy Rites Monday Funeral sevlces will be held at me Virgil T. Golden chapel Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Ashby W. McCoy, resident of Salem since 1043, who died at a local hospital Thursday. Interment will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. . McCoy has been ill for sev eeral years and had been hos pitalized recently. Born in Foristell, Mo, July 23. 1885, McCoy was the son of John and Julia McCoy. He waa employed for some time by the George E. Waters com pany in Salem and then farm ed in northeast Oregon for sev eral years before he retired and came to Salem to reside. McCoy waa a member of the Episcopal, church. Survivors Include his wife the former Edith Hogg to whom he was married in Camas. Wash., February 24, 1043; three sons, Wallace W. McCoy of Salem, Ralph McCoy of Portland and Gordon A. Mc Coy of New York City: two daughters, Mrs. Doris Aronson of Beaver, Oregon, and Mrs. Lorraine Woods of Portland; a granddaughter, Louise Aron son of Beaver; and a sister, Mrs. Lela Merry of Lowden, wasn. Patterson Dedicates $3 Yi Million Ship Base Portland (ff) Portland's new 3 million dollar snip re pair base was dedicated Thurs day by Gov. Patterson, who said tne new facility would im prove Portland vastly as a sea port - - - - The new unit centralizes re pair faculties. A 1,067-foot pier and two 15,000-ton drydocks are at the repair base on Swan Island. STOCKS fBr TBa AAOotUtod Staaal Admiral corporation StU ail lad cnamual Allla Cnalaiara Aaarttaa Alrllnaa Ajaarwan Fowar fjgt.. ...... Tal a Tal Aaarkan Tobacco ... OH .... at ... u '.'"1st ... nu Anacoaaa Coppar ... 7U Alaalaoa Banraaa ........ ... tJ ... aiva BoUMbam atoal Boalng Airplane Co. ., Bora Waraar Barroaa Addlna laachlt .... iva ... lite Calirernla ."acalna ; Canadian Faclila OatarpUlar Tractar Colanaaa CarporaUoa Chrril.r Corporation Cluaa Samct ConaoUdatod BdUoa ... 14 ... 17 ... M ... lift ... ... ... u ... nit ... M ... IV. ... iw ... atlt ... ... 13 ... Iltt ... SI ... IIM !!! sTa ... tTV. ... ntt ... tik iT ... P5 ... ... MH ... IIS ... MS ... MH ... II ... ua ... 11 Mtt ...m ... IH ... ... II . ... 1S ... ... US ... SIS ConoolKlaloa Voltao Crowa Zallarbaan ..... Curtlaa Wrttht Doatioa Aireralt Da Foot aa Mrmann Saitmtn Kodak Emtiaoa !adlo oaaaral Blaetrla Oaaaral Pooda Ocntral APotora Oaortia rc. rirwood ooodrtar Tlrt HomtalAka ulritDt Co. rntaraotloaal Harrcitti f Zntarnatlonal Paptr . Johna Manrllla Kauar Aluminum Konnoeeu Copper .... Ubbr McNeil Loetliaod Aircraft Loaaaa InearporataS BtU Moattomarr Wars Naah Kalrlnator Ntw York Central Northern Pecllle Poalfla Amerlcaa nan Pacific Cat Sletuia PaellM lal ai Tel Packard Motor Car Pvnn.r, J. O. Poonirlvaala SU B. ... Papal Cola Co. . Pnllco Radio . Radio Corporation .... Reroaler Incorp Raronlor Inoorp. Pfd. , ReptiblM Steal t RerneMe afetalt RIcMleM OU tafewop Stcfoa taa. .,.... Scolt Paper Co. Seara, Roeoack B Ca. .... Bocoar-Vacaaa OU camera Paclfla Standard OU Calif. Standard OU It J Stsdebeker corp. , Bunahlno Mlnlnt , Swift At Oompanp rraniamerlee Carp . H4 . M . U7t . MS . SS . II . WV . SS . IS . 7S . II . US . Jt' .IMS . ITS . S7S . IS . n . ua ; i . 87 S . Tw.nU.lA Ceaturp Poo. Onloa Oil Company Onion Poclflo Doited Alrllnaa Onltod Aircraft United Corporation .. United Statae Plraaod United Btatea Steel Warner Plctaraa .... , Waalera Onion Tel. Watttnihooaa Air r.rak , Waatloahoaaa Blaetrla a , WeoloerU , Staek atarket New York wry-The ttoci market ai allthtlp hither PrUep with Uadlat auiet. sou taint aaa Maaea were rrectleael. seldom did a ahaatt aatoani to aa math 1 a point. Veleme Awtadlod at tkt 4ar won an and come to around a million aharat for the enure dap. Taaradap'a total waa ua m aharaa. M'A R K E T QUOTATIONS lUartat-TiaUUfa, lata thaaaa: namai aaaHtr. aaai Jt al oaa arr aaat aaMttr aa Ufand to raruaaa tt-TIa au ttnt eaaa. Ur (1-Taoi aatoad aaaiua. ta-Sla. VaUof taatai aa aoaam aalaaa, S aaata oho. vaalaiola. arMaa AA. aS A araaa. SI aoora. aaal Si I C. aaara, ata. aaaaa attaaa atrtoUl aholoaaloia, Oram otoiwa. allaaai Oraaaa S la. laat Sa4ltaH krlaMa, tiaa toaa ua too to W aoaulaaa aa loot FartlaaA A sraaa laaaa. Mta-allai A araao ogliua Ma-siai ansa lama. o.w-oaia rornaaa aarp onaaaa stiai. Tloi a carta, not A aria 14, tit; aaru, tSai anata, aaa. Sua la atoaaooro CaaOaS L a. a. SarUaaS: UaaraaoS larta. Uo aa.i raaa AA Una. S4a aaa.i a larta Ma aaa. aa Bouaa ua aaa.; a staat laalaai. aoa. A arado amalla aaaUaaL Ita to S.lallAT. nroao AA. toraa. l-iai A larao H-ato: AA ai.alaa M oal A B Ml urn. tl-SMl A aauS, - canana I aaau aaaiuaaal. aooaa niaa to latoiiara. SWOi Orotaa atatlaa. aSaaai a-at. toana. luutte: irlpjtu. ista laaa thaa Ua- . Praaiaa aranao otosiaa, ssM . aa. rraeaaoaA Aawtlaaa akaaaa. wafat u rotau, Ula-aM Bv Uea Cklekeaa (Ha. I aaattt. fAa. nlanta.1 Prpera. 1S-S Baa. n-iaa: 1-4 lba. 11-llai raaatera, IH lha. and arar. ar-iect .aeavr nana, au wamaia. tea; tttnl hena. all waktkla. n-Mai aid raaaa era, 10-iaa. oteeeed CMokaaa Wa. 1 dteaeaS to rotauFra, prrere, kroUtra. aa-tie re rooatera. all via., aa-aio: Uaha kaaA e-eoo; oearp nena, aaai aaMta irpara, au ata, M-tta la.i vholo draws, Sl-Mo 1. Bakalta Avrreta at arawanri Ilea w hi tee. 4-1 taa. -Uel 1-4 tat, Sl-Ue lb. 1 colored neltn. 4o nt. anoOri old doea, 10-ltci few hlih.. Preen dreeMd frren to retallara. oMlai eat up, 11414. Oaaalrp Killed areata Teas Taa auautp aa-iaa rvi ant aeaelaa ss-IOe. ta aleekera. SMaai . awam. Utht 10-Me. umka Bait. aa-Ua m i nunia. lo-ISo to. . . Mutton ,i Beat, ll-lia Bli AnlUnUm s-in. ' .7 Beef TJtlltt aowa. lo-Ila tk-i oAmv. cutura It-He; ahalla down to 114. rretk Dreaead MeaU Wbalauiara to ntallarai Dollara aaa awt.i ' ateere. ahatoa taa aaa Bm M.M-41.N; food. I1.I-I.N oommtrclal, si.M-li.oo; utillip, tl.M-M.IOi aowa. oommental. rt.eo-ii.oo: uuutr. M.M M.00; caaaer-cattera, SS.OO-Jt at, Beat Calt Choice ataaial. srnJ tuarten. M.M-M.M1 nanda. 4a.oa-U.Mi full ulna, Vlnunad. trt- analet. 10.M-U.M: fora-auArtan. nao. M.Mi ahatkt, rr.M-41.Mi me. euo- I.M. Teal aad Caleta Olod-ehaioa. aat-aa: oomhierclal, 134-44. "a" raalca-attma. M-M aat, M4 li too IU-4LM1 anrtaa tomka. ----- prime. 141-11. malum Oood thatea. 111 04-11 M Park TTI- Intni Ha. L a-la n. aaa. Mil ahouldart, 1 Ike, 440-41, amnre sua, aao-tai tram kama, 10-14 taa. ata. a. park lPo-lTt ma. ua-ia Bile I I t.i aa w- fined jard In drama, IU-U.M: alab kao- on. MS-at. PorUand UllnStailta . " ' cetera cat Oat arato. S-SIA Sea- .M-4JS. Paw to It-M. Ota, SM4 41.10. Oalano-M-ln. aaaka Watt Oraaaa wak loan, mod. Mo. to, LIM H: I-la. mln- 1.14-4.031 aommeralal IA0-I.M1 Taaaa crntal au. 1.M-I.M1 T.zaa tranoa. Ml. i.; warn, tea Oloaa, mod. 4.M-MI pal. lowt, mod., I w-n. Potateoo-Orvtoa Itateeu Na. 1, I PI TS: name Iran do 4.U. u Ika. ama A. 1 .PS-It; 19 Ik. ataah. 44-S0e: laeAl Baa. attt, No. 1A, l.M-I.Mi Calif, loni whltaa. No. 1A. Oalu. laas whltee, na. e. - - Bee O. a. No. k erreea ArraHfA- Beared tar lata f.c.k. ParUand, noeamal- ip aai.00 toni oottio. ise-io. Tool Oraaaa paek. WIUaanMa Tal Itp medium. 10 -13a U.I Baatcm Orapon fine and half-blood. M-tM. mnametle mier lams wool, 4iti u-aaonta wool, ee-Duc M.kalr M-eTi lb. on ls-mo&th trow lb. f o.b, country ablpplna palata. Hideo Producera pasint prloe f.a.b. Portland, calf atlne. 11-Ilt u. aMard. Hit to condition 1 ireen klpa 17-lla lb. traaa cow bldat. l-lle lb. aeeordiht ta weltht and aualltpi butl bidet, o-le lb.i Hue bldea, M par cent below prleai tor aoovo ciaaaet. piiberta wholeaalo acfflnt price fro. 1 medium Barcelona II -14c a.; ahtu ed. 41-slo lb. Walaata wnoieeaie eelllnc arleee. nrat oualltp larta Praaauattea, 11-SOe lb.i thoiled. lltht amber baltea, 1-Tee iD-i utnt aeiTea. iv-oao la. Portland laiteMe Mertrt Portland aun Tradint aontuood farr- rp aetlee and moat prleeo were ateatfr o Tina in rortiarw wnoieeaie prooaea dap. On tne XaetaMe Panaora' market. kuachod oniona ware aaoatlv ae-at oenti and reduhae ca eentt. The flral mM-Colamkta tprlrat aabbaao vat rtcelred bp B. T. Produce aoapaap from DaUeepen. waalu and waa auoled at a crate. Cll. ape Oaleaa Chlaato ajAatppiiea moderate. mans eood, ntarket firm ta allthUr ttronter. . Track lalea M Ibe.t: U.S. 1 an atated: Arbtona Tallow Bannndat S to 1-Inch 4 cart 1.70, t ear I.Wi Callfor. nla Orane I-rnch and larttr ear 1.03 fair ear MS: Tazaa arena 8-lnea aad larter tar l.o!. Street talot (PD Ibt.l: Taiaa Tenow Bermudaa I ta I -Inch 1 M i ls. 1-Inch end larter l.M: Orano t-lnch and lart er I.70-1.I5I Crpital Waa I to 1-Inch 1.7I-1.II. l-lnch and larter (ew 1.71; Arliona Yellow Bermudaa S to S-lnch 1.70-1. TV California orana l-inea and larter 1.71-l.n. Cbteaeo IJreeteek - Chleeeo " ReeolDte af beat from the eountrp over nllht fen far below trade hopeo, Retultt were hlthlp Irreta- lar In Prldar'a market. Barrowi and t Ita lumped 11 eentt to ll.oo in actirt traoiai. out aowa were alow and only iteadp to M cento hither. At their new lerea of m il and below. butcher welthtt wire tha nllheat tlnee Oct; IT, 1141. Moil butcher weltht bote told rrora iz&.oo to ana aowt irom 11171 to 111.00. Cattle and iheep were iteadp to weak t a low-trode market. Oood to low-choice item and rear- Mr, ri told from 1110 to MS.W. Cow topped at HIM, balla al III.M, aad rcalera al 114.00. few head f arlma annnt lambe toarhed ISO M but tood to cholee klnde broutht III.M to MM for email lata. Keumated lelablo reeelrta totaled 4.- ooo hoe i. 1,100 cattle, sot ealrea and M0 iheep. PeHlead Ureetoek Portland 4l Tradlaf In cattle and talvee waa rather alow durlot the week the Portland mnrket with Prleei In manp eaaea I N lower. Hot prtaoa were about M acnej hither. Cattle for week .lMi trad tad rather alow. calm tor week M0: market ilea. telle l.M tower thaa lata loot week. note for week l.TM: market ooeaed Mo hither aad held iteadp for balance of week. Sheen for week. I.OMt ileathter twrtttt lamba is-Ma hither, ether timet an- chanted. Cbleara Grain cnicata uv-Wheal and corn tank to new towe tinea 1PM and then atated a mild reeoverr oa the hoard af trade Prldap. Tha laeeeorr did aol til prtooe back ta tha arevloat eloee. aorbetnt acted tadeoendentrr firm Uirouthout Iht aeaiton. talolnt nround I cento at Umea. whllt oeta held auiu ateadr. AU ire contractu tumbled to new eeaaonal lowt. wheel eloeed !-! tower. Jalp II M I4S. corn I la IS tower. Jolr I1.IIS- S. aati anchanted to S hither. Julr ItS-S. rrt S to I tent lower, Julr 1.4IS-S, torbtana H-IS hither. Jalr li.iTM'. aad lard 1 to M eenu a hundred pound! hithtr, Julr III.M. Partitas Ore la Portland (1 No eoerM prata btai. Wheal (bid) to erlre market, bull Nt. 1 bilk, dellnred eeaat: Baft White ISO: Soft White (eieladiat Jtoi) tM. White Club I SO. Todor't oar reeelptti wheal in bar- Hp it now Si torn 1; mill lead 4. . oaa aaaaa a aooro, eia aaara. Sat Funsrd for K'avy Man Set Woodburn rvneral lews will be held at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon, June 1, at the Rinfo chapel In Woodburn for Bobby Allen Winter, II, who waa frilled In an automo bile accident at Panta, Texas, Hay It. ' Eta home , was Boute S, Aurora.. Rev. Xdward Hastings of Hubbard will be the minister at the service, and Interment will be in the Hubbard Ceme tery, The younc man waa born in Woodburn May 13, 1039. At the time of his death he was in the Navy, stationed In Te ai7ti He was a member of the Congregational Church at Hub bard. He Is survived by his wife. Trinnl fay of Aurora; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wimer of Aurora: two broth era, Ernest L. Wimer of Wood' burn and Henry Wimer of Au rora; two step sisters, Anns Lee Long and DeLila Long, both of Aurora; and grandpar ents, Mrs. Hattia Wimer of Portland and Mr. and Mra. u J. McCoy of Aurora. LIGALS sracui. icbool hxxtino ironca m kunaxnY nine .... letal nton of School DlatrlcU No. S4CJ (Selem) of Marlon and Polk Coan uea. Stoto at Orewoa. that a apaclal aehool oloeUoa tor- aall dutrlet wut ka halt In taeh af tka aaaa pouint placoo named far the annual aehool election, which will kt held tlaultanaoualr, on the llth dap af Juno, 1M1, horn 1:00 o'clock p.m. to S:M a'tlook P.Jl, par, for the fouowina MlocUi Te auomlt to tha total Totora af told dlitnet the ajueettoa af the ecaealldattoa af School Dletrlcti Mo. MCJ (Salem), Marlon and Polk Coaatlaa, and Ma. 121 (Halla Perrrl. Marian Countr, Oratoa, at reoalred bp law, with una preelaloa that all antattnt bonded aad athar daM af the dlatncta taraad be aaaumad and retina m the aontalldated dutrloii aad with the further srarlatoa that the ttx-mUl aerial toa arrp aatherlatl bp th irtal Tateea M School Dtetrlel Ma. SeCI, barton aad Palk Coan Uea. Oreton. ea tn II. ltea, bo loaled aaalaat nB swopartp wtthm taa MSdetod dletttet far aaeh ed alaM paara basnmUaa with tha UM-M fletal Dated that Slit dap af afar. INS. . Jadia Baa BarUep. Chatrmaa Aenee c. Booth, Baeretarp Marlea CoaAtp Daatrlct BeaadArp Al'ISBl: .. OaJUPNTJI KKaPP tThatnaan BoaiA a rjtveaiAM oomrsu, c. wabo D4a trial Clerk Map M, June S, 11 ADnrnniTUTanr ptxil Norma Motion la harehr alvaa that MAHr-fA k. aiauTXa aa admmlitratrut af tha aetata af Bthel L wrltbt. dinaaid. hat men nor naal Aoaaut aa each, and bp order af the Circuit Court af the state 1 Oratoa tap tha Coaatp af Marloa, tha Nth dap at Jane. nil. ta lha forenoon at taM dap haa beta find at lha Urna. aad tha courtroom at aald eourt haa beta fixed at the place for the heartnt af ablecUona M oald final aeeount and tnt eettlement af told attain. Dated aad flral published: . MARCIB K aOLMSR Admlnntratrht af the Betata af A i ham, i. WAionr, poceaeen. KBtyiTUf, PtKOTXN Jt SPBSJISTBA 110 Pioneer Trail Bids. Attorn era for Admlnlstrattit hi ar II, , June s. 11, PINAL MOTICa NeUce It herebp tlrea that the ander, alined hat filed In the Circuit Court of tne auto or oreton, countr af Marlon. Probate Department, bit final account aa Admmiairator or the citato af Bdna C. BUloll, detected, aad aald Court haa fixed moo car the I in dap or juna IMS at 1:11 o'clock a.m. In the Circus Court Room la tha countr courthouae at Sa lem, Oreton, for hetrlnt laid final ae eount aad all aolattlofia thereto. Sated Map 0th, IMS. . JAMBS I BLUOTT. AdmlaUtrator at the Batate af Bdae c. Slllott, Doeeaeod. CBABLBS W. CHBIOHTON. JSV, Attorn er for the AdmlaUtrator, 111 North Llbertp Street Belem. Oratoa. Da taa af Publication! Map S. IS. . ana je. jant a, lots. Date af flrat publication Mtp a, IMS. Sato af tail publication Juno S. till. Map a II. n, M, Jane I SPSCUL SCTIOOL MTTTTNO NOTTCB BJ KKRPBT OIVXN to the letal retort af School IMatrlct Mo. 14CJ rm af Marten and Polk Counties. State af Oreton. that a ipeclal echod election tor aald dmrtot wlU ka held aeh af tha eleven nolllns nlaoea named far tho anaual tchoet tlectlon which will bt held almultaneoualr. the llth dap af June. IMS. from I 00 o'clock P.M. to 1:00 o'clock P.M., F for tho followtna objects: To tubmlt to the tatol rotert at told district the qoeotloon af tho eoneolldatloa of School Dletrlcle Noe. leCJ (Saleml, Marlon and Polk Counties, and No. It (Mountain View), polk Countr, Oreton, at required bp ltw, with tht provision that all ex latlnt bonded aad other debt of the dla trkte ooneerned bo aesumcd and retired bp the eonaolldated district! and with tho further prorlsloa that tbt slt-min aerial trx leer authorlted bp the letal rotert of School Dlatrlct Mo. IICJ. Mar lon and Polk Countlet. Oreton, on Juno II. 1110, be lerled atabial all nroptrtr within the eonaolldated district for etch of tltht pean bwlnnlns with the lass ie flaeal rear. Sated thla lilt dap of Map. till. Judtt Rep Rartler, Chairman Atnee C. Booth. Secretary Marloa Coaatp LHstrlct Boandarp Board , ATTBST: OAJIDNkB knapp, Chalrmaa, Board af Slrttton CONNBIX C. WABO Dtetrlel Clerk Map M, Jam a n MOTICa OP INTUITION TO thTPBOrS POBSIT BILLS WAY MOT1CB HBftnY IS OITSN that tht Common Council af tho altp af Belem. Oreton, deemt II aeeoorarr and tanedlent and herebp declare, ite purpeoe and In- teailoa to rmproro PORkaT hiuj) WAY, from tht aorthetlp llae af Lontrlew Wtr to tho weeterlp tormlnut lino of HUH War, ta tho titp af BAlem, Polk Countr, Oreton, bp Br In cine eald portion MM l treat to the eetabllehed trade. nroeldlns train are, aonetraetlni eemrat coaereta tarba aad pennt aald portion of aMd ttrect with a IH taeh aiphaltle eon. rate partment M feel wide, at the etpenao af the abuttmt aad adlteeat propertr, creep! Hit ttrect tad allep tn teraectloal which ex p. nee will ka aa turned kp tht cltp af Salem, aU In ae oordaneo with the nlaat aad speclflea tlont therefor whleh were adopted bp tho common Council Map 11, 1PSI, whleh art now aa fUt ta tht effice tht clip recorder and whleh bp thtt referenco thereto are mode a pert hereof. Theeo plant and apeein cetlons map bo atamlned br nap later rated partr. The Com moo council bero br declarM Its purpoae tad Intention to meke the abort deeerlbed laproeemont br and tbroath tha a treat tmprorement department. ownen M Propertr nebit for Iht aoet r maklnt auch tmprorement map file written remonotrenee atala Iht tame with tht altp recorder al anr tiao within ten den alter the fiaal publica tion af this notice. Bp Order ef tht Common Council Mar II, 1ISS. axptud MDmrr. CUP ateeordor DaM M final puc-OceUoa Map IS, till. aw u. Ik, M roxUiiHOum I BSfrBOOM. almatl I aara. Maalp m- pet month. teauDe ZUS Brewa Bd. till' Bf eWMam S-keartam haeaa, TM Tnampaan. Bnalewoad da trie t. Xa aadlata peaeeiiioa, rata 1-1141. eltf NSW s-BIBBOOat home, kardwaad tin., allaenad taraat. I aolaa Mwtk aa Sua aralde Bond. 4-1411. alll BY OWNBB. modern s badroom boaie! Uraa lot, lead kMAtlaa. Oak treaa. fie want, aaraba. 11U Canter. Phone 1-liit aiw POB SALS ar Kxehaata. 771 Uth. Bea alda, Ore. Mlea aoed. nouee, loeilll a4. steaahoaae, da. tare a. laUi. koaaa, for rental ar Oman annate at ar near aakna.. arM WANT A VIEW? trade anneal, an 41 aara, clean luaede and eat. Lea af ftowore. abraat. Bup from owner aad aara. Price ITeoo. Thu tt a tlra-awap, bat we wane to . atM S BSDBOOM BOMB, I puara aid. S1M0 own. it icon fM,taa. om tt m aaeertr ae. AIXBM C tOKM. BBALTOa Ml K. Bilk . ph. JMU, Bra, a JeVJJJWMOHUabeB, .. arauuua. aaaer-iAano an.tna full bathe, brtameat. Mutt taa to ap areelato. 1-eeTT, altp. 700 DOWN A tood. aearlp aew 1-a.R. homo. vvu-euoei rooeaa. paten adwa. ore. au heat, plaetered. dbto.-alaad ail terete with bit atltttp rm, lie. part na awe at anraaa. norm ra a"r, aared aa, twwart, eta. PuU price OIUVB BY SIM KURTratO ST. Mew I B A, aU heal .hdwd. fire.. J" -tar aaa, at altp. Pull prloe our ALSO Mm BY . Mrt AaRAlu AVt, North ta dtp. at eood tondltloa. Woe fenoed pard. price I7MI. Mtahl wa aw mourn car. Burt Picha ITS M. Kith SI Off.! S-404T - , Brae.: Bob CoakUn l-iut alM $500 Down , 20 YEARS TO PAx em bow S-aodraam keaa XrtaiBt rosea, au beat, pared ttrael, onrh, aldewnlkt. tower. 1-14M. . el(. mad'' ami BEAUnruie D ST. HOME TUualae. if pea can. a kaoaa wlU VtreTa era aaanla floora. Thla to i wiamerful bup. Saeallp loaated. alaaa abarchec otaraa. and bnt trnntn. al roar door, an street af all Terr flap banraa. Yoa was recline tha aim aad aeaatp of thla homo tha moment pea enter tha anaelaaa Uri&a ta ana dea combinations, with two tttealaooa ana Built-in oooneaeea. Tntra are Hdtaemt and a full bath aa first floor, alee larva, llahl kltehon. with maar kuUt-lna. Alan, a kaottp pane nana mean oa ua naea. A aharmlnt open etalrwap ltadt three mora bodrooma upetalre, with haaa coder lined alaaota aad banuin ohettt, fuu bath and aa extra larta plap room. Thu heuM it an atwtr thwaratod, flaotl roflnlthod, nnd haa full baae- ment, with landrp faelutlM and Sou ert atoraee aaeae. Tht pard It attraetlrelp landeoAnod. with aunp lorelp Oawart, toot arbor ana trait treat. Wt art Ttrp proud to thow this . wrarp noma ana win oe aaapp make nppolnlmenl with pan to - AS anp tuna j ' FRANK IXXTCMAN Resltor SOJT PAIRO ROUNDS JtOAD . . raONBS e-tSS3 OR i-ISOS alM DIRECTORY ADDING MA CHIMBS All meku uted mtcblnct told, rented, repaired. Roen. 4M Court, Ph. 1-4771. BUU.DOEINO Bulldotlnt, road cletrlat teeth. VlrtU ssutter, uio pairriew. Ph. i-iiti. Ollla CASB BSOMTBBa laatant dellrerp er new BCA i retlatert. All mtket, aald. rented, re paired, noon. 4M coon. Ph. I-47TI a DBKISMAKINlS Alteratlona, hematltoblnt, bat taa a. auckiea Borer au. auttoaaolea. Mra. B. ML Allender, l-Mll. oils- DKrVINO tNSTBllCTION Learn to drlro tho "Beep Drlre" war. Call ar too Mr. snelllnr, Vallep Mo lar ca. aaieav raaaa a-nn ar a-uis. EXCATATINO Boa Otl.a At Aon etcaratlnt Aj tradint. Land cleartni. Ph. I-SOM. oils loaulatlon. weatheratrlpa, aluminum tcreens. rraa eaumelee. T. Pullman Phone 1-IMI out MATTBE8SBS Capitol Beddlns. ronoratet. PuU line aew mattreaaee. Ph. 1-4041. o OPTICS rcBNTTtiaB SOPPLRS Deik ehalra, fllea, flllni aupnllea, aaf.a, dupllcatotrt, tuppllea, desk I em do, tppo wrlter itands. Roen, III Court a StPTIU TANKS Hamel't teptlo tanks cleaned, line Outrantaed work. Phone cm tervlce. 1-7401. Sewer, teptle lanka, drttnt cleaned. Ro-to-Roour Sewer Semoa. Phone J-Ilsi Mlke't Septlt Serrlco. Tanks cleaned. D'roour eleene teaertk drama. Phone l-ltll. one- YTPSwamas Smith. Corona, Remlnttoa, RoraL Un derwood portable!. All aaaaa need in ecli I nee. Repair! Aj real, ttoaa. cm Court. a WINDOW CLBANINO Acme Window Cleanera, Induatrlal floor tint, houaeeleanlna. Phono 1-11)7. Ill Court. e LEGALS IN THE CIRCDIT COURT OP THE rrATS op oiutooN port nis COUNTY OP MARION PROBATB DEPARTMENT In tht Better of the ealate at JOHN D. WILLS. Deceetrd. MOTICB TO CRSDITOBS MOT1CB IB HEREBY OIVXN that the andereltned. br an order af Iht Circuit Court of tho lute or oreton, for the Countr af Merlon, dull made and en tered aa tha lib dap af Map. Mil. were tppolnted executrla end ttecutor of the eetett or John D. Weill, deotaeea. and hart dulp outlined aa taeh. AU neraont harlnl clelmt atalaet uld oatete trt her.Br notified ta preaent the same, dulp ..rifled aa reoulred br lew, and with the proper rouebert, to tho andereltned etrcutrlt and eteeutor at Selem, oreton. within ill m on the from the dttt of the flrat publleauon af this aotlee, eeld flrat publleauon bolnt Bade in tht Ith dap of Mar, lilt. dorotht burroughs d. w. burroughs Btecutrlt aad Bsecutor af the Kitatt af John D. Willi, Deceased. . w. Hcainiaat Attomcp for Katato , Belem, Oreton. piriit PUBLicATioti! utr Ith, imi. LAST PUBLICATION I Juat a IMS. Map I. 14, n, Ml June 1 Journal Want Ads Pay Kt SALE HOUSES 1145 N. Open for inspection 2T05PX Saturday and Sunday i PRICE $10,750 r ,- : Brand aew SI Bedroonul Pullp Blattered Larta lrrlnt room Plrepltoo 4) Brkht dlnlnt roc a) Verp alea kitchen Uite af buut-ina Hardwood floora ' William HOME 1540 OUve St IP TOt! PLAN TO BOY OB BBLl A BOUS. PABM OB INVAimiATfr PROrUTT . CALL SEVERIN ' Realty Co. REALTORS , si Teare tt ' aaOafattorp Serrlco j PARK TOR CHILDREN . ' ' "v f - , s . . Btiperelted plaptrannd within n block of this attractive weTJ.bullt rear , bedroon home, located oa lorelp Blm treat la Wott Salem. Orade aad Jr. hlth within S blocks. But al corner of Rceement. Llrtnt raoaa, dlnlnt pace aad pleasant kitchen with corner link. UlUltp room, a complete , hatha and l-car araao, You wont find anrthlnt batter for 111, Sua, O.I. loan tan be aaaumad at 4 or ownora mlrht tontlder telllns an contract as thep are leertni Salem. Yoa authl area bar tha furniture nt n Dentin. Another aioluttra with ; s ' . .. . . i ' . ' . ' " Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 True Bargain at $21,000! Bethmt pmtetalantl men win eacrUlot hrrtlr t-bodrocoa aoau loaAlod ' '' aa tha want tide. Perfect plat tat ahOdremi araaa tor aatertabuaa. ' Lata trrtat room With aruatla fliaaiaaa aeparato eaakas laean. aaa .: , tanas, recreatlaa room, dea. aaUoar arias araa. t bathe. Steel krtahtat -eaktntvk isiibwaahar, auteoaata eBTtp. aeapfrieeo, Maar baUt-hae, . " Mada of eSaraaa apnea. Ttrp prtrato aa IN bp lot oaraar M, PuB . aprlnkllns era team, SawtM, ahrnbt, tmtto taloro. Muck sm to appre , olata. Mo attnta or aurlceltp aeakart wenUd. Vat appointavont, wrlta aoa 1U. Capital JaumtL . ' SIM FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNKBt S bedroom, larao llTlna room. Pull baeement. Treee and ah rube. Cloae to eehooli. KM. ant MODCBN PABM homo. 11 auloa north al Salens on Wallace Stood. Call eva ntnaa ar week and. Joe Boatp. SH. 1. Box ISO. alll BY ownbri ) bedroom nouee, H aera, close ta tehoola, but, . ttoroa, under 410,000. 1311 Duncan Aro. all SOUTH VILLAGE Br owntr, 1 pear old roomp I neoroom, rorced air mraico, Inaldo utllltr, drrer, double ttrtte, fenced rard, patio, elaar to aew aehool, park. PHA tonne. Quick noe- aeealon. Ml . Bwald. 1-S74S. tllO Cottages 1-Bt. pnfabrleattd coKmm Hut r tdeal for thtt betveb obla yoa Hart iirtri wanted t a priet ron can afford, Xnockad lown and ajellTr4, 1200. Com pie t i to fountlauon, plumbtiift wlrlDf, tlto. ranf a, alca. refrlr. and tlM. vatar HaaUr, al Jutt 9217. etaiM s im s-br. Bodcla avail abla tor vtrr Urablt bomcaa Pbona 3-40S1. al3 WILL TAKK lata model ear, pickup ar jou ror vqniir in noma in noiinrooo dUtrlcb, Living room with faraplaea, dlnloa room, klteban, iwa larta bad- rooma, fail Daitment, floortxl atUe. Hoaae nmda nmt repair, rail prloe I7.8W. Daianea at 3N-00 par no. caji Ur. Kent, J-37W after I. al30" BY OWNSB. 1 bedroom home la Wart Salem, attached aerate, natural wood utllltp room, wall to wall carpet. New paint tnalde and out. 1736 starlltt Brlrc, (off C cicada), phono -Stlt. nlJJ" WIDOW MUST Mil tmmaattlata 13 yaar old I bedroam ttema. Hardwood floori, fireplace, antomatlo oil furnace, laraa attached t araaa, beautifully land- capad, fenced back yard, InralaUd, torn window, weather atrlpplns and awnlnca. 910.9M includlni new wall-to-walt carpeting. Open aoon till dark. Utt Ptul U Xnflewood dlitrlet bin 9 HERE IT IS LEASE OF TAVERN Juit what yon bava been waiting for. Owner ef good paring tavern la tiling to leaaa building, aqulp. and upitairt living quartera with two bed room to rteponaiblt peraon. Thli tav- la ona ef tha cleaneat and moil vp-to -data operatlana In Oregon. No llcenae troobla u aeveral yaara af ep- graUoo. MOTOR COURT A tood paring motor eourt with rental nnlta, and largo living auartari for ownara la available for aale due ta 111 bealtb of preteot owner. Thla la an azceptlooallr clean eourt and In the beat or condition. $60,000.00 with teraa. It wUl par Hon to look at thu If yoa are Interested In acguirlng aa gicallent btulnaaa. FRANK LOCK MAN Realtor j ton rAmaROLmDt boao - PBOKIS 4-S9U oa 1-130 alls S Trek OLD booae, M.1S0. S bedrooms. berdwood floors, attached tarate, lot 701171, HM down. Pboal 44JM after I. alio ONS BSDHOOM modern kouee, aewlr decorated. Beer Ibopptnt aeotcr, etorta furalabad. Adulte. Mo pale. 4-Stss. tin FOR SALE LOTS IDtALLT LOCATID for ALL acnoota A ptartrouad. 10 It. froal with TltSU, On Jerne Are. luet Witt of Hlsb. Pk, -m. Wall Sooolobkr, Putt Katale aal ON CORNK of Bolton tad Priacll St. Lena lot. price IS.S00. Lot, SO a 110, tood homealtt aa weal tldt, Intldt dtp, Reatrktrd to IIOM homea. Prtca ISM. s. J. ZWASCHKA. REALTOR. P B O IS 1 lwss. aaill' LOTS, lit DOWN, 111 month with wetor, eleetrkltr. Cloae ta school and store. Pood aelthborhood, oealral Real latate, 1st Center, pboaa M:H aaw fOIULEHOUSrS 18th i ABU. Xanmara waabar Auto. Yearn era drrer Takletati water heator . Tanttlaa hUndt ' Camptatorp ante. Sandkirt ftialas : Attache da araaa Larta thada Iroot Allep back at propertp T. J. Foster BUILDER " Ph. S3800 FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE IINfiWOOD HEIGHTS VIEW LOT ON Kingwood Dn V SACRIFICE FOB $1,950 PHONE .1-4830 . FOR SALE FARMS TOWN FAPM . tl acrte ef the fin eel Willamette gilt, aU la wheat, suitable for almoet any kind of farming. Within one mile af aAnaitr, eait. A elg-room houae that la la Up-top condition. Three bedroom, eompoeltloa roof. Xagalatedi wired for electric range. City water, aehool bug by door, forty by alaty barn, fear ban dred-blrd chicken houee, workahop and garage. Klderly widow will aeli for lif.ow) with ealy $0M down and par menu will Mart fall af 1M4, ar wui take email booae la Balem aa part payment. Thla bargain farm la Ike ted with aa enJr. Severin Realty Co. IM X, Blgh gfi3t Brea. t-Mfl bill A FARM WITH A FUTURE m A crag om little Padding river. About half of aareage la vlrein aoil, tome beaverdam. About ectea of atrawbarrlea. Family orchard. Oood S-bdrm. home with baeement a oil furnace, plua nnf. upetalre. Poultry houae. Pronto en pavement. Owner , leaving atala. aaklag U&.W0. Tana. couRTiar to bhokeka. A. A. Larseii ' .' ' REALTORS ) lit a 81th St. Phone IMS an. a Sua.: A. M. Beckett I4II1, Aadp Btlrorttn nils, A. Wella Mill FOR SALE ACREAGE IH ACKM near Roberta. Lane plaater ed family home, nice yard and ahruba. Bara, fenoed. All kind ef fruit and nut keaa. Priced to MIL tll.eoo. Term. Oeneral Real ablate, ; IAS Oen iot, rnone jura. REAL ESTATE $8250 where can sou beet thief SUM bars S-bdrm. home In perfect condition for oolr I looo dowa. Prull Ai aul urea, tood tardea tptee, H kaeemeul, lent llrlot and dlnlat room. Thla la a wonderful homo ta live ta for mnt Imum aatt. sbawa hp appoiatmeal aalr. IH ACRES If roe waal elbow room and a well kept modera homo, roa ebould tot thla tuburben bup todap, complete with all tht attrte: Plah pond, patio. Prench doora, tpacMtte wreeble kitchen, llvlad and dlalnt room, fireplace. Pino loca tion fo rkoeplnt ridlai hortea. Priced to tell at lll.soo. v J-B.R. $11,500 See thu fin. rtrw home al s eacrl flea price, situated am one better hornet on s ahadr treo-aarerrd lot. Hardwood floora. flraplace, attraetlre lp decorated mint dlnlnt room with drtpat ta match. Pared ttrteb Oood but ttrrlcl and wt htrt tho record, ea thow owner Is actuallp loaiot saooe tor auick eale. Thu e-rr.-oM ban tin won't last, ea tall for soar appoint ment now. Phone e-ISPS, trt. I-M UK niar-oundj koa4 SIM lfalL-ffi 1 I