Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 29, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Friday, May tt, 1953
Silrcrton Churches Plan-
Varicd.Scrviccs for Sunday
s i 1 v er t o n suHi
churches are postponing eve
nine services Sundav. M it
in defercnet to the baccalaure
ate emoa xor the BUvcrton
hich achool araduatinw elm t
eh hllh aehotjl Uditnrinm ha
Rev. Joseph A. Luthro. pretl.
dent the Meal ministerial as
sociation to deliver the addicts.
The Trouble I Have" la the
theme for the Sunday morn
ing service of Rev. Douglas
Harrell, as one In series, fol
lowing 1:30 o'clock moraine
communion- and MS o'clock
Methodist church ' school
classes. Announced are the
meetings of the WSCS board,
Monday, June 1, and the senior
HYf council Tuesday evening.
June I, in the pastor's study.
Rev. Arvtd L. Hokonson Is to
speak on "Christian Baptism'
at Calvary Lutheran church.
Brotherhood meets , Monday
evening at 8 o clock, Mrs. B.
Churches Combine
Vacation Plans t
Beginning next Monday,
Juno 1st, and running through
Friday, July IS, the Calvary
Baptist church and theXeslle
Methodist church will sponsor
their annual co-operative Va
cation church school. This year
it will meet a the Calvary Bap
tist church and will include a
complete program of Bible
Study, Recreation and Creative
Activities for children from 4
years through 11 years of age.
The school will meet at 9
a.m. and dismiss at 11:30 aja.'
Monday through Friday during
tne two weeks It is. in opera
tion.. The theme for the entire
achool this year is "Jesus,'' and
J all departments will be study
ing different aspects of this
Leaders for the school are
. as follows: Mrs. Lewis McCrae,
Beginners; Mrs. William Wat
son, Primary; Mrs. Walter Gra
bow, Juniors. Mr. Henry Fox,
' director of education at Cal
vary Baptist church will act as
general superintendent for the
school. Special feature" of this
year's school will be the dally
( fUnnelaraph lessons on the
!W T ifm. flirts Kar Ura Wnheswl
X. Day, formerly Child Evan
gelism worker in Hawaii and
presently of Alhambra, Calif.
AU children of tfce city are
invited to participate in this
two-week school. Registration
will begin promptly at 9 a.m.
Monday, June 1.
Prayer Subject of
Series Studies v
f Beginning Wednesday, June
S, new series of studies will
K be given at the mid-week serv
d ice of the First Baptist church.
P "Basic Principles on Prayer"
S will be considered each Wed
nesday evening for seven con
secutive weeks. A study book
let by that title authored by
Keith L. Brooks, will be used
by those attending.
Pastor Anderson will . be
speaking at both services on
Sunday, In the morning using
the theme, "Jehovah-Nlssl, the
Lord Our Banner," and at the
7:30 hour the miracle, "Jonah
and the Whale," will be
Daily Vacation Bible school
will begin on Wednesday
morning, June 3, for all young
people ages 4 to 12. Mrs. Em
erson Teague and Mrs. Mar
lon Curry are co-directors of
the school.
Bethel Baptists
Plan Day School
The Vacation Bible school is
scheduled to begin at the Beth
el Baptist church, North Cot
tage at D street, Monday, June
1, at 9 a.m. Classes will be held
each day, except Saturday,
from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Children
between the ages of 3 and 13
are invited. .
The pastor. Rev. Rudolph
Woyke, is serving the school ss
superintendent. The school will
be taught by the following:
Mrs. Edith Sunderland, Mrs.
Margot Woyke, Mrs. Christine
Kuhn, Miss Ruth Rae, Mrs.
Doris Brown, Mrs. Lydia Schlr
man, Mrs. Norma Hedberg,
Mrs. Alyce Willecke, and Miss
Norma Kuper.
Vacation Church School
Calvary Baptist Church
1230 S. Liberty St.
June 1 thru June 12
9:00 AM. -1130 A.:M.
Monday - Friday Ages 4-13
Estenson entertains Ladies Aid
ireanesaay erternocn at I
o'clock. A. special congrega
tional meeting is to be held
Friday evening at g o'clock.
Confirmation elass meets Sat-
""7 IV O ClOCX.
''Actual construction on -the
innny Lutheran church
building began May 16, Tues
day. A new aertinn in-
two stories high, is chiefly fV
ounaay scnoo. rooms, with a
fireside room Included. Silas B.
Torvcnd is construction chair.
man. - V
Trinity pastor,' Rev.' Joseph
A. IsUinrtv la annnimrlna uni
Communion at tha KimH,.
May II, Trinity Sunday, wor-
snip now. The sermon
thought: 'God Gives New Life.'
Deacons, trustees and xl tui
tion board members meet on
Monday evening. Junior choir
picnic Thursday, 3:30 pjn. On
Wednesday. June 1. Ladies Aid
meets at a p.m. Friday eve
ning, Dorcas society meets.
Immanuel Lutheran . Sun
day. Mav SI. Paatnr A W
Nelson will administer holv
oapusm lor the infant daugh
ter of the Lloyd Naegelis,
Phyllis Ann Naecell. rivet
communion for the first and
adult conflrmanta win on
served. Luther league will be
deferred In respect to the bac
calaureate service at the senior
high school. ;
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates
of the First Christian church
is to speak on "Why the
Church?" at the Sunday, May
31, ' worship hour, dismissing
the evening service because of
the baccalaureate graduating
class event at the high school
auditorium. , '
Baptists Schedule
Vacation School
"Crusading With Christ" Is
the theme for the Vacation
Bible school this year, held at
the First Baptist church, Mar
lon and Liberty streets.
' Children, ages 4 to 11. of all
denominations are invited to at
tend during the two weeks,
June I through 17, 9 to 11:30
a.m. daily. -
This year's program Is under
the direction of Mrs. Emerson
Teague, assisted by Mrs. Mar
ion Curry. Handwork Is headed
by Mrs. Floyd McClelland, Mrs.
Theodore Lynd and Mrs. Mar
vin Roth. ' - i
Other department heads are
as follows: Mrs. Cal Brown, be
ginners, Mrs. Tom Means, pri
mary, Mrs. Henry Rascnael,
Mrs. J. A. Wiltsey and Mrs.
John Schmidt, Jr., will direct a
special music class for all chil
dren who attend.
The evening of June 17 there
will be a pageant presented by
the 'Children and also a com
plete display of hand work.
Special Speaker .
At Grace Lutheran
Miss Arna Njaa, national ex
ecutive secretary of the Luth
eran Daughters of the Refor
mation, will spesk at Grace
Lutheran church, . Sunnyview
and Lansing avenues, " Sunday
evening at 8. All members of
the Willamette' Circuit LJJL's
and the public have been ex
tended an invitation to attend.
During the summer of 1932
Miss Njaa traveled in Europe
and attended the international
youth conference in Hanover,
Germany, as an official repre
sentative of the L.D.R. Serving
as a leader of a study group,
she also attended a convoca
tion for leaders prior to the
Ordination Fete'
Woodburn Rev. T. M. Bax
ter, vicar of St Mary's Epis
copal church In Woodburn,
will observe the 40th anniver
sary of his ordination on Sun
day, May 31.. He was ordain
ed on Trinity Sunday in 1913
in the old Cathedral of S. S.
Peter and Paul, by the late
Rt. Rev. W. E. Toll, suffran
bishop of Chicsgo. He invites
his friends to share the ob
servance with him on Sunday.
Holy communion will be at
7:30 a.m., church school at
9:43 a.m. and Litany ante
communion and sermon at 11
. Kenneth O. Ssaltfc -
Poster Ordained .
At Turner Church ;
Ordination services for Ken
neth O. Smith were held lasf
Sunday at the Turner Christ
ian church, with Guy L. Arm
strong, minister, in charge.
The newly ordained minister
has completed four years of
work at- Northwest Christian
college, Eugene. He- and his
wife, Louise, and their two
children, Susan and Michel, re
side in Eugene. .
Mr. Smith is serving ss as
sistant pastor and youth work
er of the . Turner Christian
church. , .
'.' s
Nominate Officers
The report of the nominating
committee of the First Congre
gational church, includes the
following assignments:
Moderator, Howard W. Run
kel; clerk, Paul W. Harvey, Jr.;
financial s.e e r e t a r y, Mrs.
George B. Durham; treasurer,
Frederick H. Eley; treasurer of
benevolences, Mrs. Gertrude
Alfredson; auditor, Wo. J.
Braun; trustees, Homer T. Hea-
ton, '88; Jay Morris, '86; dea--(
cons, Robert Hansen, '86; Law
rence C. Men-lam, Jr., 58; J.
Charles - Nichol . '96;. George
Raymond, '39; deaconesses,
Mrs. Louis Lawrence, '96; Mrs.
Florence Parish '58;-Mrs. Jo
seph' Paulson, '36; board of re
ligious education, Mrs. J.
Charles Nichol, '98; Dr. Jo
seph Paulson, '96.
Committee chairmen:
Missionary action, Mrs. H. P.
Sentman; music, Fred R. Brad
ley; social action, Donald Row
land; ushers, Donald DeLlsle.
.' Cabinet members at large
John Ricketts, Mrs. Ralph Van
Horn. "
- Nominating committee mem
bers were H. P. Sentman, Clyde
Boehm, Eula McCully, Ralph
VanHorn and Mrs. - Kenneth
Waters. :...;
Wonderful Savior
Theme of School
"Our Wonderful Savior" will
be the theme for the two week
schedule of Vacation Bible
school at Christ Lutheran
church under the direction of
the Rev. T. M. Gebhard, pastor.
The school will open on June 1
at 9 a.m. and will be held every
morning Monday through Frl-
day for the two week series.
Assisting In the -school are
Mrs. Ruth Layton, Mrs. Esther
Battalion, Mrs. -Hilda Acree,
Mrs. Ted Ellinger, Mrs. Wilms
Collins, Miss Marlene Roller
Mrs. Dora Johnson and Miss
Evelyn Zistel. Mrs. Pat Zetter-
berg will head the committee
on refreshments.
The school is open to all chil
dren three years of age and!
through the Junior age group
and the daily hours will be
from 9 a.m. until noon.
Leslie Fellowship
Elects Officers
Following a no-host dinner
held recently In the youth room
of the church the youth fellow
ship of Leslie Methodist chureh
elected its officers for the com
ing yesr. Lois Hofstedt, retir
ing president is to be succeed
ed by Shirley Thompson.
Other newly elected officers
are as follows: Eleanor Strode,
vice president; , Arlene Dsrr,
secretary-tressurer; Kay Bald
win, chairman of the program
area In Christian faith; Bob
Smith, chairman In Christian
outreach; Sybil ' Campbell,
ehslrman In Christian citizen
ship; Delmsr Funk, chairman
in Christisn fellowship; snd
publicity, Lois Hofstedt.
Serving as hostesses for the
supper were Mesdames James
Bishop, John Wenger and Don
ald Hunter.
First Presbyterian
Chsrch ,
Cheeaeketa aaj Winter
Tw services, 9:4 k 11 a.m.
I0C0, 10 IK
WlaMr. Bee. Jeeee a. Viilirbuk. emo
tes. liKn mm eta. a :1k. M:Jt
ad 11 :. Cmiwmh statavrder S:t la
:M d 1-Jt te S.
at. Mai Letters OS. Sl
sttik s a (trata. u. ve, w
mm. Trlaier llu, Qm apaoUl serv-
m u u u. vuk inmiim .
Twiii -Cbwlb.'r,
iUr-LMk va-
k. a. an. BtiaMar. Swalur
! 4L SMralai MM 1L
r.ttoa s xav naMu aus-k
fnrtM S SJa.
til MTTlM t 11 U.
TM Dn Umbht." Ckvik !
l S:ts (.a.
thuri Mrana wbl Ch X 01" tor
Dr. BrMkj a. MMwa, pMtor. ,
Qmm lattma flrSjC) ammarrWv
us am iun l:w u. umm vanni
11 jm OuMt mtkv. utu Arna ma
i a.m. u W. Ball, ilr.
Waataru HHaaalal amta, lit u
Mill auatu. w. a. Kaatmaa, saatar.
aMav aehoal is a. la. Idarnla vanfeia,
11 ajk .wrn a:ii bj. avaaiBa ar
s a.m. Kh-in
pwar BtaUaS Wadaadr I
111 S Oawrt StraaU. W. BstaM
Lraaa ana o. rbUl Hara. aalUaUn.
B1M aeboal awbli. I:N a-ai. Mora-
warabj. lt:M a'atock. Sanaa bj
Mr. lorraaa. -U Thlua ... la oroat.
Tottth hour f:3S a-m. SraalaB varahla.
VJoaa'atoek. Saraao tr Mr. Burs, "Mor
al Draanla.-
naif cniBTUit cacaca-uana
aa Cattaia. MlnUWr, Dadlar. Strain.
UoUtar at ChrtaUaa adaaaUaa, DaaalS
VaTDa. Charah aehaaU 1:41 a .at. Mora
tni worahla aarrlca and aammaalaa. lS;la Sanaaa ar Dadlar atrala. Taath
laDanhlp Una, I M .m. aaaak Uaia,
1:11 p.m. Toata dlaeaaatoa ireupa, S:M
h. Btd1b wanrdp airrtaa. :m aoa.
Saraua ar Dadlcr atrala.-. ' V .
' ' i 1 I. v-r-
BDtOWOOa !. 'ija. aaaSar
kmcl u:w am, irariBla aaralc vltk
Rar. alai H. Saaarwar naaaaaai. Maa-
I kaar. "Oaeaw TIB I eaaa" la tha
amuatt at Mr. aaaalaata'a laat am.
laarth CMtan ao D atraat, Kaa. R-
aaipa woTTt, aaanr. aaaaaj arniti at
Cat warabla aarataa at llrM
tba aaator araachlne am tin) topic, 'Turn
1:M aoloot
Calrarr Baatlat pianh-South llbarta
aa aauwr aa. uaaar m. Sana, paatar. wr.
Richard B. Dar, biUiiat Baiter. S:4I,
Blbla achaai. Utt "RUaa with chrUt."
Bnwdeaat' arar BOA... ItM Ba. S:N,
an roatk tmiDa. T:M. "BU aM Tw Bit
Ckarak al Ckrlat chaaiakaU and cat
ta Btraata. Chok It- Brraat. arancal-
lak -Blbla Proaraaa." BOCO. S ta t:ll
a.m. Blbla acsaal. U:M aja. Warahl
aarrte, lt:M a.m. Braami nmhlai
ao varablB aarvlea, -M. an. . .
Ckrlat tVataaraa Ckarak SUta Straat
at uthi tha Bar, t. m. Oabharo, aaatar.
Trlnltr Soadar and Mamorlal Sundar
Wrahlp aamsai: S:ai and 11 with
tha ealabratton of Bolr Communion. Ban
dar school Blbla alaaaaa II a.m. Charah
Council, Taoadar. i .
ritat Charak at Ckrlat. Sakmttrt
Llbartr n4 Chamakat ata. Illltr
school at 11 a.m. mornin aarrwa aa ii.
Uaaan-Sarmoo aablaet: "AaaKnt and
Madam Hacraalanar, Alial MaaaMrtaai
and Hrpnotlam, Danottnead." . Brtnlaa
aarrka- at I. Laisoa-aarmoa aubjaet
'Anelaat and Madam Maeromajiev, allaj
Maamanam and Hrpnatttm, iTaaoaBCaa.'
Im Caatral Lataaraa Ckarak Horvh
Capitol and Oalnaa at O. B. Bundatram.
paator. cantral Latharan Hour BOCO.
1:30. Panllr Bandar achool (:a. Mam
ma vorahla aarrle lt:M. Lather IsMiae
rallowahlp and OUUna :.
Tke CkriaUaa aad Mmataaarr AMJaaa
Ckarak H. 1th and Oalnaa, Bar. Faul
W. Ounthtr, palter. Bundar aehoal, :
. Mornlnt wora&lp: aarmon ay paa
tor: "Unnatural Oroatn." 11:M a.m.
AUlane Tooth rallewabla, S:M p.m. Pas
tor's raport an tha annual council f
the C. a M. A, VM p.av.
Islam Trath Caatar Ml Chamiklta.
Sunday achool. 10 a.m. Bar las, 11 a.m.
Topic: "The Israelite! l Tc7.- Bar.
OUto Stevana.
Eahrkl Mamarlal CaaaraoMeaal
Ckarak IU South lath atraak Loala B.
White, mlnlatar. : a.m. Sunder
schooL 11:N la. mlmlni trorahlp. Ber-
kr the minuter. "Mere Then Ota-
era.- Beaenltlea aarrka far easier kick
and hrnlor hlfh mdntea. Chureh tlass
First Ceaeraratteaal Ckarak Jt
Marlon Street. Beth B. BuntlruTtan, min
uter. 41, ekoreb achool. 11 :M, mora
ine worship aervlce..
Ckarak of Jeeaa Cartel el Letter Be;
slats (Marmeal eta. end Mediae Its.,
John B. SaJlebaiT, bishop; sarlaatheed
meettni t:M a.m.. Sunder achool 11:10
a-m., sacrament earner VM pja.
PVst Baptist Ckareh Ubertr and
Marlea 8 tresis. Dr. Llerd T. Aaderaea,
paator. Bar. Thamloa Janama, assistant
pastor. Bunder school, t il a.m. Mera
Ina trorahlp. 11:00 a.m. "Jshsrsek-Hlsst,
tha Lord Oar Senaor," Pastor Uerd
Anderaoa. Taath mssttaes, 1:11 am.
Baeatnl eospst aarrke. T:M e'eleek,
-Jonah ind the Whak." MM-veak aen
ko, WedaeadH, 1:1 p.m.
Vear Ceraera BaatM Cbarab Iteta
and Blm Btreeta. Bar. Viator L. Leuckl.
paator. Btmdar achool, l:U a.m. Mara
Ini trorahlp, ll:M a.m., paator apaak
lnf. Team People'! martini, l:M p.m.
Beanln so, pal aarrlea, 1:M p.m. Mid
ajaad eralee. Thunder. 1:31 p. m. '
labbk Cammaallr Ckerak Labllh
Vlllaea. B. M. Brooke, IB. paator. Boa
dar achool II a.m. rreachlae. II am.
Juniors, 1 p ei. TPS, VM arraa
leuetle taeaaaee, S:W p. as.
Sk Vlaaeat da Peel CalbsBa Colom
bia and ktrrtk jtraeta. Meaaaa at a. I P,
;U. 10 end 11 11 a.m. coafaastoas Set
ardar. 4:M La l ie and 1 to M la
and belon aosnsa ,
A $01,tfto contract for oil
ing 9.81 miles of the Sprague
River county road In Klamath
County was awarded by the
Oregon Highway Commission
Thursday to Rogers Construc
tion Co, Portland.
The Job is on the Sprague
River Beatty Junction sec
tion of the road. -
First Methodist Church
!1:M A. M. st the s
Eklnore Theater
' WMT UN I W (twtwrsa)
Sevaeak-avar aiiiai low it
Im. Bebbelm same! : . TiMt:
"but aad Mis Tare Br" Ban am er
SMUT, a. O. Ml tl'l U fkB.
im aiiiiinMii m m. oxtMM at.
. Jim tm MmmcOI MISiSI! Qwr
X Mttnm ul HUM trrt. SnM
frlm QHr. rnlmMm. DMa var-
aw nklMt.
Groveof Lc
The annual pilgrimage to the
grave of Jason Late. Methodist
missionary in the cemetery that
Dears ms name, will be held
Sunday forenoon by members
of the enure ti school of Jason
Lee church.
The program la sponsored by
the two sixth grades of the
school taught by Mrs. Ted
Johnson and Mrs. Glenn Lar
Una. -
A caravan of automobiles
will pass the home of Jason Lee
on Broadway and then to the
historic statues on the state
capitol grounds. At this point a
wreath will be laid at the base
of the Circuit Rider by Jerry
Silke and a poem, "The Cir
cuit Rider," will e read by
Linda Emmerton.
. At the cemetery Gary Nopp
will play a trumpet solo and
Mrs. Le Hasklns will intro
duce Jason D. Lee, Salem at
torney, who will deliver a brief
eulogy. lack class will present
flowers In honor iif the missionary.-
:."- , ,
The program will close with
a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Goul
der, pastor of Jason Lee church.
At St.
Sublimity Baccalaureate
mass was offered on Sunday,
May 14, for the 24 graduating
seniors of St Boniface high
school by Rev. Edmund G. Van
Der Zanden of Portland, who
also delivered the sermon.
Graduating exercises will be
held in the St. Boniface parish
hall Sunday, May 31, at S p.m.,
with Rev. Martin Thlelen, dlo
e e s a n superintendent of
schools, bringing the address.
Miss Shirley Wieder will be
valedictorian and' Joanne Holt
Dwight v Bradley, , student
body president, was awarded
a "citizenship" plaque.
Members of the graduating
class are Dwight Bradley, Car
ole Jean Doerfler, Marlene
roltz, Dorothy Frank, Gerald
ine Hartman, Kathleen Hart-
man, Duane Heuberger, Jo
anne Holt, Sharon Meier, Louis
Heuberger, Roseann ' Minden,
Bernard - Mlnten. Thomas
Moore, Veronica Qulnter, Ron
ald Ruef. Shirley Schotthoefer.
James Silbernagel, Joseph
Stelnkamp, James Tate, Gladys
Van Handel. Shirley Weeder,
Clarence Welssenfels, Raymond
Woll and Robert Wolf.
final Sermons by
Rev. Sauerwem
Rev. Alex H. Sauerweln.
pastor of the Kingwood Bible
church in West Salem, will be
preaching at both services at
the church on Sunday. This
will be Mr. Sauerwein's last
Sunday with the church before
he lesves for Wheaton, HI., to
attend his son Dan's gradua
tion. In Illinois he wlU hold
a Bible conference at the First
Baptist church at Hoppeston
and from there he will go to
New York- for several sched
uled meetings.
He is entering the field of
Bible Evangelism and. Bible
conference teaching and will
continue to make his home in
'Sword in Flowers'
Woodburn Dr. David Fer
guson will have as his topic
"A Sword In Flowers," for
his Memorisl Sunday sermon
at the Woodburn and Bethel
Presbyterian churches, Sun
day, May SI. Services at the
Bethel church are at 10 a.m,
and at the Woodburn church
at 11 a.m.
Amity Churches
Baattae WUUem P. Brar. paator. Bun
der aehoal li am. at amine urerehlp, II
a J. Braalni service, s p.m.
Charah af Ckrlat Bobert V. Powell,
pastor. Bible achool ll a m. Momlm
worship. II a.m. Bedto proa rare, I p.m.
Christian and terse, 1:14 Brealai
sorrles, VM p.m.
Malhednrl Derld Polndortar, minister.
Bundar achool, II a.m. Mornlnl worship,
II e.m. Youth Pellewahlp, l:M I as. Bra
nlm prrrko, S
Oek Oraea Ckepet Deaid Polndeiter,
mlnlatar. Mernlnr warship, l;le a.m.
Sunder Khael, 11:41 la.
Mr al Oed Piank K. Mapea.
Pastor. Bandar Rhaal, t 41 a na. Morn
tor worship, ii a.m. Braalni eerrtee,
I B p m.
Bapawaal BUB Charah Ker. H. B. Va
mar, paster, 11 a.m. Sander eehool. 11
e.m4 meralni worship, II noon, pot
luck dinner and eenrrotettonel m ast
ral. 1 p.m., pouth fallewshlp, mission
err las, on. ( p.m., Alfred Brim It Wheel
on Oollsea. aad ptatara, "TM Bible ea
the Toon."
Vacation Bible School
OATI: June It 12
TIMI: 9:00 H 1 1 :30. Monday ThroueH Fridy
P1ACI: Tht letKel laptiit (kiirch
. North Csrttaie at "D" Street
POX WH0M1 Children between the ofes af 9 ta
Three Salem public school
Thursday night at the Senator hotel by the Salem Teachers
association. Lett to right, Lyle Murray of Highland; Jane
Philpott and Ellen Fisher of senior high. All htree have
served the Salem schools for many years and are retiring.
Over 500 to
High School
Over 800 seniors are on the
tentative graduation list at
Salem high .school. Gradua
tipn exercises will be held
next Monday at I p.m.. The
baccalaureate service will be
Sunday night at I.
- The list below is subject to
change in some cases if the
student falls to pick up need
ed credit this semester:
Patricia Aaa Adams, curtla bat eaultt,
Juan Aldaraea, Clanna MM AUmar,
la err An Alton! Berber Louise Asr
daraon, Sandra Joan Anderaoa, Brelra
Llulae Andrue, Jo Carol Arlaml, Wr
nen Atker. Danel Bettk AaaUa, Bokerl
Oeorie Arras.
Alia BUaworUi aaaeheller. lasetlk Le
an aa Baker, sdenaret Joe Beker, Jae
Leo Bala.. Careldlae Praaosa Besaa.
Mernrat Ana Ben. Cecil Aaro Bsrass,
Robert Cert aaraea, Barlaa Paul Br-
aett. Oaald Xronae Berahart. Oarrell
OdeB Bsutam. Caiasta LVuahB Bar-
trull, dttseroa Ida) Beta, nalerei Bile
Battles, Lorraine Bleu Battles, Bate
ijoeaa aacs. eseaen stay aaeeear. ssu.
Lara aVtekmaa. Marp neei Bealer,
Merman Leo Behraae. char lea Viator
Bennex. BUaaeeUt Aa law aaa, Baker!
Duen. Bare laud. Jack vajoa Beeaett,
Bidoa uaia Beuuer, Mantra, Mai Biaai
hetmer, Merlin Bkhard Blbalhalmer,
Carol Joe BkkllL Jack LeRor Bteboa.
Donald Bderin Biaaxamtntiv Braea owea
BUdtart. Delbert Lester Bait. Carl
Jerome BoUims. Jo Aaa Beyer, bf al
cotm Lslsh Bread, ahlrlar Jeea BcaaU
ar, Jaree An Bret. Barber Arte
Brewer, aherrtU Lav aaa Brtakler, Max
la Ruth Brenao. Claljre Lawla Brow.
rranose jesna mraw. same irrea
Browa, JoBll Cellee Brave, Bob sit
neerto Brownau, asever . Me manxat,
Kenneth Jemae streaee. Mere Lee
Brreat, Larry . Jemea Bnakaer. ' - Lois
Men Bent, jadita Caroline Buraette,
job Richard Burea. Donald Bart Burk.
Hsrry Edward Eurks, Lnaaa CarnsU
Burklend. arlrl Mea Burnhsra. Vint
la Ann Barrte, John Darld Burrouihe.
raui oene Burton, proa sirron Butler,
- Marvin Busses caee. Petri sla Csm
eron, aheron Blarns campeell. Darold
arwia oanoeu. Merr sviaeaes card.
Judith Carol Carlson, Delbert William
carter, Auiuet Adalbert cather. jvorma
Ruth Catron. Weld en Bator Chamber-
Isln, Jamas odell enrutsnsoti, joeaan
Palmer Clerk. Marveret Bthet Clerk,
Marjorl Bather Clar, John Miaea Clar
ion. Jack Alan Cobb. J so lea Men
Coffel, Don Devil Cola, Jtorm . Mae
Colllna. Moron Ann Collins, Mora Mae
cooiev. rnruia J sen coo. William
Hear? coop, Meneret Jene - Cooper,
Beta Cotloen CoraweU, Bhlrkr Aaa
Ootner, Valma Mae Cor, Donald Paul
Cooed, ahlrlar Ann Crothem, Barbers
June cuioertaoa, Julia Mae culbortooa,
Jaa Alden cummlnca, Jenet Muriel Cum
mlnie, Herold Llord Cummins, Ronald
Deen Cupp, WUllem Oereld CurUa, Lola
Mini cuioina. Mienard oereld Ohrlst.
Jams, Leo Davenport, Patricia Ann
DavidKP, John Irrlne Devla, Mm a Oeii
DeBow, Mark Oordon Decew, Patrlele
Ann ueener. Lore JOAnne Daoulre, Don
ne Pare DaLepp, Lawrence Deuilei Delk.
Lois Bobert Dodeen. Baalamla Jamas
Doerkten, Oall Koseraarr Dorr, Brnul
ssare srrapaia, I-eeir o UJtX.
Bernlee af. Seat. Mlrhelle Merr aM.
wartli, Bobert Alan Bdwarda. cllfload
Arthur culler, Andraw Albert Bum.
Meneret Jeaa Silk. Jemea Edward
Blllson, WlUlem Theodora Brnerv. Bob.
art Cbarlaa Snfle. Oordon Loraa Bnr
sort, Laora Darllt Bnlar, Patrlcl. Aen
Pari, - .
Prad Jar Pellar, Oarrp Ceaihir Per.
iujob, atarloa John Plowara. Judith
Ann Poramea. Oarr William Pontr.
Charlotte roster, rot S. Powler, Jr
Robert Harrar Prenklln. Barkera Ad
rlenne Pranawa, Laonore Ana Princb,
Alvin Benrr Prleaen, Banna Puah
Ana le Oelleapr, Dennll Kent air
land. Nole Ma Oalea, Harrr Eluane
Oabeuar, Kithrrn Louise Oattman, Mar
var Warne Olbbena, Ruth Blma Ola
bona, Neva Darlene Oilman, Traer Allan
oilman, Jemea Oordoa oilmon, Bthel
Mer Olrod. ChartOtU Merana alrrsrrf
Thomas Curtla Ookka, Clauds Warne
' , sieien aarrine oordoa, char
lotte JoAaoe Oreber, Blaine Ruth Oreh
am, Joe Alice Oramm, aallr Jo Orsla.
Merk Lee Oris bs now. oherletse LsVm..
O ruber, William Mowerd Owla.
"oner Beui Itliaui, Pansy T
"albert. (Meaa Arka Hall. Dnxaui
Wame Bamlln, Leonard Bdward Hem
mar, Jr. Lumk Clem Hammer. Veld
Louies Hampton, jaekaoa lias. u..
ran. Pstsr. Burnett Meaaaa. Arlea
Lewrenee Hanson, Darld Reed Bardie
Lra oubart hardy, Msryirase Jeen
Honor. Peter Bobert Harrla, Doan
Bllaabeth Hart, Richard Lao Haurr.
Carolyn Ann Hardahl, Darld Trumea
Hslna, Oarnsll Mark Halstrom, Merman
James Henderaon, LeursL Oraoa Hsrr,
Jsnla Irene Benhe, Lrada Mirllr
Hsrsba, June Inse Hath, Larrr Cor
as tt Hewitt, Derwra Oene BMeert, Mer.
oral Marr Hlttnsr. Merr Louisa Mel.
comb, Arlan Carlrk Holmetedt. Oerv
Richard Hell, Loir Jeenetta Boppe,
Richard Lee Horaadar. Cherka Una
Haul, aharow Lai Howe, Brlea Darothr
Hudson, Charles Briar Hulrlna, John
Robert Rurhea, Bar LaRor Huehas, Vlr
tela Lee Huktt, Coral Ster Haadkr,
las Mildred laaaa, tlarUra Jeaa
Bin Mea Jeeeke, Philip BsrI Jenlaa,
Olorla Mae Jarmla. Melvla Richard jar.
Tie. Joe Oordoa Jarae, Robert MershellBmmamm
jrMerta, Murrer Allen Jeaaea, Beverlr
Juno Johns, Charles Lee Johnson, Derld
Oeori Johnaon. Oeorsle Ann Johneon,
Ksltk Lorln Johnao, Jaeluellno BVoane
Jones, Merllrn Mee Jones, Jean Mark
Jeraensso, Beth Blalal Juatu, Joe Col
ken Eerbera Juul,
Wllma Jeaa Keretea, Barbara Jaia
Katuaa, Lorry Beadell Kepptneer. Peur
Jemea PenH. MerUraa Lao Blbbr, ln
' - -
Instructors who were honored d
Graduate in
ABae rhsrlame Klaa, BnasaeMa Arm
olla Kbuer. Martin Be Klasar. Oeoiwo
Thsmss Kirkwood, Carolra . 1st Kite,
Jaek Wilder X Isaiah. Barbara Leuroes
Klaer, Velms Mop Blaaaaa. Carol Diana
Bepp, Derald Lai Knlttal, Jaek Lards
Bretor, eUdnep Aaaa Promer, Marjork
Mai Breaerr, Berber Aaa Korrk. Ler
rr Keith Kyle, Jeaeo Plopd Beater.
Paralto B Ladd. Louise Lamb. Bkhard
Jama Landatv, Da Mm Lens, BUeea
Paullaa Lena, Lerrahu Joyce Lenee
ilad, Ronald Patrick Lineal, Bonnie
Leark Laraen. Mure Leo Larson, Bob
art John Larwaud. Kenaeth Oeaa Lew-
raw. Ferris William Law. Merle
Jane Lews on, Bsanle Mar Lap, Leon
ard Lrle UBlue, Br aire Mark LaBoid.
Carol Jaae Lea, Lollt Helen Leslie, Jue
tlne Leurk Lewis, Arde Carolra Lie.
Berber Jew Lssnhard, VUa Lktuvktk,
"ooese Area uaeioeker, Dalwla MarMa
blank. AU Bslth Utehaatkera. Vlr
atel Ja Uvelp, abb Mm boekeaour,
Pebsr Camera Lader, Laaral Manrl
Lou. Lrnstu Ismbal Larhvi JbrMa, Jaae
LeuMa. WUltam Walter Lottie, Key
LmIm boveu. Baaak Bale beererr.
asrams ssawaaa smrame. JaaaA AMroW
Laaaa, Darrol Orris Lead,
Janet Marie Msi rises la Dsweths kea
M sou res or, Paul Brlea kelson, Roy
Mm aatwr, er ramose suauso Math
ewe, Oeoree Alfred Metier. Josephine
An Mattkem. Wand tss saasM
ammiiwm. euae aaaMSUHiex, reaneib Karri
MaBath,' Dekrk Ireas MocleUaa, Jean
eeeneasa macuisav. oale aseaieMfitH
Berl Lee Molnteaii. S4b S ui.ta.
lln, Donne Lea McLauehlln, Barbara
isorwaa Mceaaeetak uarral arannsth aa.
Baa, Barbara -Anne Maeka, Oeone Bd
wasm aaerota. mere essveeesm asiahai.
seat. Alias jap Miller, Charles Bee ens
miner aaaap cnanel Millar, Deltoa La-
bp Miiier. Deter aa Muier. jau
.".V"' J.n
Linear Mlaltk. Derld Blwrn Mix, Lena
nawsi aaona. auir war Moor, psncy
BoeUOQ Meontleld. William Juolot U.r-
aseter, Oocdo Lealk aeecrla. Kenneth
Berl Monk, Richard Berl Monte, Bev
eaaamr mesa, eme AUM Matlla.
Bennp Allen Bool, Dotma Joen Msal.
ahtrkp Anno Bebrlle. Jama w. h.i.
. v-ua 1 BBiBnr.
R or aen Bthstynas Nsieon. Martha Amen
de Nawherth, Ruth oreh em Hawton.
asssaas siienoia. Richard
"- snoamuj. area ire aariai Mote-
LaDoa June oberw. t-hariw T..K
Oak, DeJeno Merlen Oherra. W.lnh
Lowtii wikSb? "eneii caroT tTrSi
Potk Otten. Jeraldlaa Loulae oamsi
Bath kite ranker. Daloree babel Per
il. Oarr Leo Porker. Donald True.
retch, rank Kathleen Patten, J am si
Bkhard Petlereoa, Lewie Welter Patter-
eon. Thomas Dean Patterson, Donald
Allen Pateer. Lowell Merman pmh.
Richard DouiIm Pedes, Dawn M arcane
rairoo, Darrell uerd Pepper. Dorothy
Res Pepper. Lome Lee Perklna Wilms
Ruth Peters, Bobby Ana Peterson, Har
rar aero reterson. aniriay alee ratarsaa.
areierae euni riena, Kenneth Berl nn
reL Mank Both Plummer. Btenlee s-.
Plummer, Jr, Roderick L. Porter, Thai
ma Laverae PowalL Bkhard Owan Pow
ers, aeth Ah rroebotoL Donalya Reeel
the Pattoa.
Deen Lowsn Ouemma.
Monk Meedakne Reaf. Rosa VJsvIa
Hear, Lerette Vlrilnla Kern or. osore
u. seeao, norma jean Reaila, Karl Mar-
ua isenm. uein A urn Raltaenstaln.
Oeone A. Remlnita. Oerald Dale Rem
pel, Jemaa Raymond Rare. Lee Bewrer
Richer, Beverly Rae Blnehert, WUllem
Predarkk Rlnrnalde, John Phillip Rlteh
ey, Roreo Donevaa Bobarteoa, William
Lts r Robins. Jr. Merkae 11. Raulsr.
Sarah Kalhlee Roper. Prod Leak Rose,
Jr. Mildred CoreUs Ross berry, WUllem
iisworui rtoaaow, uartd Buieno Roth,
Meneret Mm Both, William Welter
Row Mirk Ketherlno Rowlas. eLso.iao
Peri Roy, Sldsey Hsrold Ruaesll, Maocr
Ann Bust.
Howerd Alan Sailer. Loll Jeen Bern.
pit, jolorla Para Sanders, Ketbryn Mm
Bentee, Do Ramon Better, Thotnes u
Roy Beaerwola, Buieno Derld Berks,
Kethrrn Jean Seharrer, Richard Hsnrr
Schmidt, Paul Plord Sehmldt, Jock Ar
thur Schroder, Merr Jeen Scbrunk.
Jsmss Wllmer Schuok. Wllma si is
Bchwartaanbuner, Jean Paul ftchwrnoch.
wiH ss, srooss, eoen aoverir aeama
ter, Boberta Irene Seara, Blrjiar Berl
Sear, Barber Lm I saber. Meneret
Dorothy Seeaer, Merlty Claire SetUe-
mier, urry Dee Sharp, Patricia Col
lee Bhlelde, William Boyd BhowalUr,
Jr. Phyllis An Shraka, Dorothy Mee
Shrratk. J an toe Petrlcie Bid dell, cielr
mea aimmeas, urn Bleeaor Slllfe,
Ainei Loreno Smith, PrlMk Worthlni
ton Bmlta. Jr. Oarr Meerl Bmlth, Pauy
LuElka Balder. M Sxics Doris Snook.
Edwta Erkh Suhl. Dork Leake star-1
rati, Merllrn Mea Steele, Jenke Lavonni
Stenhlem. Prod Cloronco stepper, Diane i
eoea Buwert, Denn Jeea SUwert, Olor- !
la Madeira Stolk, Arlo Jeea stoD. Cerol
Ruth strobli. Derlena Derail Sumner.
Pstrkl Louise BunderllB, Alice Cerol -
Oliver Scott Taylor. Arnold Louis Tarn.
pie, Rarmoad Carer Terhuae, Mery Jeno
inomaa, raiuip Arthttr Them peon, Rich
ard Prank Tharmen, Boberta Jena
Thurmaa. Waltea York Turles. rjoris
Tom. .
Derm Porter Valentine. Carol xsaa
Vea Base, Patricia Lao Vaa Ottlniham,
Merr Allee Vssi. Bhliley Mat. tne Vincent.
Donald Bdward Waekerbaata. Bill Rae
Walker, Rile Arleno Wanner, WUllem
Meek Werrea. Dune Be'bare Weaaer-1
ss. Clark May water, Ckadla Key '
Weura, Roaer Km Wearer, Oerr Philip
I rt I li IT urn -1.
" 1 i y I
Af Albany High
Albany Albany Union
High school wlU present di
plomas Wednesday, June S, to
180 members of the class stf
19SS, In commencement ex
ercises at the high school au
ditorium. Mark Hatfield, dean of stu
dents at Willamette university
and state representative from
Marlon county, will give the
commencement address with
his subject being, "New Path
ways." , , ., ,x i , '.... .i
Valedictory will be dfdivared
by Charles William Reynolds,
and the salutatory by Nell Jef
ferson Csusbie.
Baccalsureate services will
be held Sunday, May 11 at S with the Rev, George H.
Huber, pastor of . tha First
Methodist church, TTiieg.
These exercises also will ba
held at the high achool audi
torium.' ' : , ,
Baccalcurc.3 for
St. Luke's Svir.w!w
' Woodburn Graduation ex
ercises for the 18S eighth .
grade graduates of St. Luka's
1 parocWal achool at Woodburn
wlU be held toUowlng the
a.m. mass In thechureh Sun
day, May 11. The baccalaure
ate address will be given by
Rev. V. L. Mottenbeler. '
Members ot the graduating
class are ' Joan Alcher, Joan
Deagen, Beverly DeOuire, tao '
Feldman, La Verne Ficek, Par
rel Glatt, Lorrayne Heide.
Jeanette Hemshorn, James
I Hopkins, Lillian Kolar, Darlene
Kraemer, Janet Mellner, Char
les - Nathman, Judy NiUer,
Kathleen Owings, Kenneth
Richter, John Sanders, Frances
Serres, David Smith, Gabriel
Sticks, Jeanette Stravens, John
Weigel and Marian Zauner.
West Salem Baptists,
Missionary Service
West Salem Baptist chureh
announces a special missionary
service Sundsy night, May SI.
at 7:30 with Rev. and Mrs. Ray
mond Johnson of French West
Africa. His missionary messsge
will be illustrated with pictures
from their field.
The Johnsons hsve spent four
years in French West Africa,
serving under the Conservative
Baptist Foreign Missionary so
ciety. ; ; . ,
Weber, coken perk Welch. Marrtie Beee
Weumen, WllrSer Stewart wwlla, Howerd
Daea Wcocer, Arleno Bmma Warner,
WUllem Albert Warner, Donald Bdmaad
White, Lorry Oilmen wlcklaer, Alaa Lm
Williams, Howard Merrill Williams, Vlr
ilnla Roae WUliemt, Loa Wand Wil
liamson, Malrla M. wiuiemaoa, Mormea
Jemea Wllmet, Moadrey Boo WUswa,
Richard Oeorti wusrm, Ban Allee wn
ton, Prenklln D. Woelk, Olorle Lo
Wood, W111U Allen Wood. Lloyd WUllam
Wooden. Cberlottt Lenoro Wood. Merr
B Warden, Oereld Charles Wrlebt, KSSV-.
notk Wemer Wolf.
Horry DouiIm Tatee, Bdwera arBoeS
Toruti, Rermond Bdwerd Team, Jr.
Betty Merle Eehere, Arlral Jeaa Beak,
Joaepblne Ana SIsllasfcL Bvllnl ,
Slalel, Mery Lea Zumwelt.
l:4t jn, Sunday Schawl :
11:00 a.m. -UNNATURAL
(Parable of Mustard Seed)
l:M y,m.. FoUawahls
7 :1S p.m-COUNCIL
(Pm tor's Report on the 1961
Annual Council ol CMMJO
11 AM. ,
Assembly of God
Park and Market Stt. t
Sermon! ' '
. . ,
Evanlng Service, 7:43
I WeSyece
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