Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 29, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    PBft II
Friday. Mior 29. 1154
k MM
i k 1
' Trade News: Marshall McKee, owner Valley TV Center,
Wood burn, now cm a new location in Salem at 2303 Fair-
trounda road. The tower for the Eugene Television sta
tion owned by Gordon Allen has arrived. Network nego
tiations are currently under war also for the Eugene
Channel 20 station. -
Hal Davis, general manager of KGAE in Salem is one
'' of the five speakers selected to speak at the annual Broad.
enters Clinic In Portland June 25-27. Motorola intro
duced a new portable-clock radio during the month of
Mar. New radio has both clock and radio features.
Rumors are flying around as bad as the raindrops.
Lef s take a look at a few : KPTV chiefs up all night Wed
nesday working on transmitter to eliminate the noise in
your sets. Channel 6 is rumored to be on air in both
; July and November. These are just a few as there are
too many to print.
KPTV will not televise the Indianapolis speed classic
Memorial day. KGAE reports on it will begin at 7:30
' a.m. in the morning. . '
Matinee Theater, 2. "Man from Headquarters," with
Frank Albertse nand Joan Woodbury.
Cisco Kid, 5. The first telephone in the west falls into
the hands of a group of bandits who use it to alert mem
bers of their gang.
Calvalcade of Sports, 6. Lulu Perez of Brooklyn, N.Y,
vs. Glen Flangan of St Paul, Minn, 10-round feather
weight bout from Madison Square Garden.
Hoffman Hayride, 7. Local live show starring Taylor
Morris and the Country Gentlemen.
You Asked for It, 7:30. The largest electric eel taken
from the Amazon will light up an electric bulb, run a
small motor, etc
Big Story, 8. Ted Prager of the New York Daily News
twice risked his life in encounters with gangsters.
Stake Horse Racing, 12. Suburban Handicap for 8-
year-oids and up, l mile, value goO.WO. Belmont track,
New York.
Date with Judy, 1. Mr. Foster sends Ms children to
work and "gets the works." "!
Lone Ranger, 2. Lone Ranger encounters post Civil
war friction after the war between the states has ended.
., Superman, 4:30. The secret identity of Superman is
almost exposed when a sneak-thief takes Kent's costume
to a notorious racketeer. - --.
Dangerous Assignment, 8. The Knitting Needle Story."
Steve Mitchell is assigned to bodyguard an Italian Jour
nalist who has Information on Mafia operatoins in Italy.
Death valley Bays, 9. Premiere showing. "How Death
Valley Got Its Name," tells the gripping and near-tragic
experiences which befell the Bennett-Arcane party trap
ped in Death Valley in 1849.
SchHts Playhouse, 9:80. The Girl I married."' Gene
Raymond in a story of a major who chooses between a
French girl who saves his life and a Red Cross worker.
Nash Premiere Theater, 10:80. "The Hideout" How
ard Keel and Vakrie Hobsom . . - , 4
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
lOalp aratraaa
I h rftjft at 1
1 nMla In, 1, ,
BillH-a aaa aa- El
4lr B turn. I m
CALL 4-2271
428coaiT inecarra
Leslie Will Graduate
Biggest Class Tuesday
It: II
pa. KkUsM TMatar
muu tor
pot Lot. at Ufa
p-m. Bid hum
P.BV Dent Sdvardf
b.bu Tlaa far liur
P.aa-C.ralaada of apart!
pjaHofaaa BaprMa .
.av T Aakad tm It
p-a-B etarr
p.av-4annla Dap
p.m. cuanaa at ufottao
p.m. Adolph Koala .
p.n Cloa BaaaAfp
p.aBoo Cooatdlna
p a. iadlaia Aaaara Oardaa
hWi Mart Otnalota
TalcTkraa Co tar
bom Day r NlfH
2-111 ef 2-4721
Motorola TV
imJiMM and Co.
boob Maria Baataa
p.m. Tiltnl ratrai Data with Jadr
I K. a-4 Vletarp
Uhoa abaaa
p.nt LUa Sanaa at M
m. aupOTmia
a.a. enow ai
M. Hll rarado
mm.- Jartto Olmaa
pa. rtapaaaao of Stan
pm. Mr. and lira. Bona
pa Wain Tbaatar
Keiier Mr." and Mr. John
Johnson. MSI can Dr
talned as dinner guests Sunday
Mr. end Mrs. Clarence Plank of
Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Dunnlgan of Clear Lake,
and Mrs. Emma Six of Keizer.
Mrs. Dunnlgan and Mrs. Six
art sifters of Mrs. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kara,
UM Cbemawa ltd., are the
parents el a daughter bora May
32 st the Salem General hospital.
Gueats at the Onai 8. Olson
home the pait week were,
Tuesday, Mr. Olson's sister.
Mrs. Harry Dlttcr of Ocean
Lake and en Sunday, Mr. and awards.
Mrs. wait Preston of Eugene,
Mrs. Preston ols a niece et the
The Keizer Orange will hold
Its regular meeting June S at
the hall. There will be no pot-
luck dinner this month.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Laa-
enby have purchased the
George Robinson home at 5040
Roblndale Dr., and moved in
the past week end. They for
merly uvea in Salem.
A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Smith of S04S
Roblndale Dr., Tuesday. May
18, at the Salem General ho-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herber
ere the parent ef a daughter
born at the Salem General hos
pital on May 29.
Miss Judy Mogster, 60S Che-
mawa Rd entertained with
slumber party Friday evening .
May 21, at her home. Guest
were the Misses Geraldlae
Lawrence, Mary Olson, Linda
Zehner, Leanna Alexander end
Sberrill Frieaen..
Ousel et the Hey Mogster
home, 105 Chemawa IUL, are
Mrs. Mogster' mother, Mr.
Fay Dismore ef Headrlck,
Okla., and San Francisco, Calif,
and Mr. and Mrs. David X.
Spindle xrara Phoenix. Arts.
aunt and uncle ef Mrs. Most-
Keizer Explorers Treop No.
41 will hold a court of honor
at the Keizer school Tuesday
evening, June S, starting st 7:30
pm. The public 1 welcome.
Merit badgee will be given at
this time.
The new Flora culture 4-H
project was organized Monday
nignt, may is, under the lead
ership ef Mr. Robert Copley.
hud ana nanus tuber were
given each girl a attendance
"yyA tar fiaa la . . . .t. j
K aaraaaalMpa m .T"-
U mmnmm 1095 snleL
rl lAflQ 1540
MB DMT S20 1. Met JL
laetsty Tislaai 1 stilus
UM atate Si.
Mr) X. SarU, Olaa Dana, Jr Linda
Dark). Jrulaa Dap, Haara Daaaap. aa
aM Dakai StaS Dalapp, Jim LM Oelaad.
WUUaa Daah Mrru Ihtlmut. ailir
HorBaa K. BlUunarih, Oaarrla o.
B1U. Oarald akttam. hrllu Krw
IdPU A. aarurt, Daaala SraiL Sruaa
. aaiaa, rtJH srana, aula Mnttr.
Omlht raatna. DasaaU rax. Lam
Staaka. Jaha lYadaitefc. Ik.ti. i.
WUUaa Dratlaa Oallawap. Lam w.a.
raa OoadMa. Otasa L. Onh.m u...
lon Oraat, aopald Otmt, Richard D.
Orla. La arm Laa Ortanttt, Bar Orlav
Mrt, Slaaart WUllaa OrlmaitU.
Allaa Kapvairtp. Braaa Hail jaha
Bapjaaratad. Ada Bartmaa, Laka Bart
ajaa, Ooa Han Mm. Harp SUaa Bandrlek
aa, Llatfa Barran. Richard Honaaa
BUI. Caa D. Ban hap, Carol Jaaa Bon
nan. Dlanna Hblaata. Anita Hmth
Oarald Boar, Bralpn Bmuh, Rlahard L
. , Battp amtahra-
Vaala n. JmHmm OUM Vm ... I
Boaarl Iflttoa Minion. Ronald ahnaan!
Baccalaureate Set
At Lebanon High
Lebanon Union high school
commencement activities will
begin Sunday, May II, at I
P-m. at the First Christian
church, when Rev. David M.
uowon, rector of St Martin'
Episcopal church deliver the
baccalaureate sermon.
The service will Include pro
cessional and recessional
marches, played by the school
orchestra under direction of
Ted Bolobonoff, and staging by
the school choir and audience,
Lynn SJolund, director.
Because of limited sea tins,
admission to the main floor will
l:JO p aj, wiiara
M.-ap uuaadp Oamlral pjl Taradoi. TIM .
lt.-a .Thla to Ufa
lt:M Kk Malaptr, m m .
UM .m4Uvt 1 Daalnaa
ll:a P.M. Sandap Star Tun
l:ia p.ra. stadia cataanuaa rnsraa
1:M p.BThraa Oaoaaaa
I: p.m. Art :ianklatut
l:M .m Baa n Ma
l: n-Bakla, Fran aad O0
l:M p.Bk frlrata aaeraUlT -
4:M p..i Ccmadp .Banr
l:M p.m.. PTad Warns
t:M PJO tr. raaaara , .
S:t Had Skaltaa
S:N wuafa Mp Ltaa
fMpja-SMdla Ona
S:M vrf riaThaua .
:N Tha Do, tar
:M p.a Tha Wak
MtS Sehetap
M:ll .HBaadUna Pvsda
w:w jktwm aa Flaah
11:11 p.a. Tuaa wiaatllns
Lain Idaa a v-nu.
Laaj Kanpaa, OoortUt Kaortat, Jamai
Alaart BJut, Joan LoUm Xlatnka, Ja
Aaa Klalnamllh. Rannla Karkaw, Thar,
tan Kratar, Sarartr XUnaar, Wllhart
Birth, Jr.
Kmi imv Roa Laa Liikia,
Mania Lanklna, Larrp Laar, awphan
Tranv T J (I U u.m
awwarv aianaaa. uatorna Kapai, La-
9 alavah&ll. atvM u...- n.
Maak. Harp Jaaa afaffard. Barbara Jop
r, CharM atUar, oanald W. aflllar.
Hub. aritiw .
aim htpkol. wuuaa X. MeSonald, Carol
Rrla Malte m.,i w.-,,.-
Bawlaad, Ohm Baaaka, Mazlno Hun.
BUaan Oako, Charlai Camus. Sharrla
Oil an. Dalana tVnwiM. Um niu. h.
J Jana own.
wiaotaaa Palmar, Trmon B. Vapatv
Wnutaa Parkar, Braaa Faitaraon, Roth
aa a ranaa, ramp urn rakar, Arlaa
fotarMB, Lamina Ft tamo. Doatlal Pa
tart, aallp Ana Want, amp Polau. Oar
ral Poaafard. Tronao Pool, Roaalo Rop
Portor, AJaart PahUaaa, Banloa Faiu
ntaa, Ooaala Pualip.
dobb Ln Marrp.
Said, lUwarat Raid, Bap Rhonda, Larrp
' Taehnlcuuia eei Daty
Tul t:JS pm. Dally
Hltg.ltth rh. 4551S
:N p.av-Whafa Caaklasl i
W:a a - PamUp Anna
1I:M BBL-Marnnw adltloa
ll:M n.BV Bat PapoH
11:1 a-BwWtlanma Traralari
11:00 nooa Rata amlth
1: p.ak-OaakIo ar RothtBS
1:M p-n.-attlk, it Riah
I'M p.m. Matlaaa That tar
S:lt p.. arch Toaorrov
be by ticket to parents of the
class members, high school fac
ulty and Khool administration
saay Isrissg isi jlimi. aay Usl aaay tpmmi saftrtif fmm ,
aVeedacs Service tasoBjical for edoaBMoti as scards aaai as fo
sesaad ngiliil tat BaaajS, T J. aod Tfl A ass an 1st is. Oat
Gutrnigy Jtrsty Holstein Htreford
Strvict Fet $8.00
Fee Serice en4 Informeris Phone Collect
Warren's Proved Sire Service
Albany 24S6 I Woodburn 4191
Jock Event, Tech.
Check Herter, Tech.
The largest class aver to go
out of Ladle Junior High
School will be graduated Tues
day in exercise starting at
1 10:10 am. The class num-
! Oct about 3B3.
. The class address will be
made by Stephen Little, son
of Mr. and Mr. Ben Little,
3490 South High street An
nouncement 1 yet to be made
of the names of claw members
winning scholarships and tro-
i phies sponsored by the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary.
Promotion certificates will
bep resented by Harry B.
Johnson, assistant city school
superintendent, and music
award by Raymond Carl, in
structor in music.
. Nancy Webb will play the
Processional and Recessional.
Yvonne Pool and Thurman
Krater wil sing a duet Rev.
Lloyd Anderson will give the
invocation and the benedic
tion. -
Charles D. Schmidt, prlnci
pal of Leslie, will preside.
A tentative list of graduates
Jla Allaa. Marlloa Alton. Enstth
Alhnar, Oana Andal John M. Andanan.
Jack LaRop Baktr. Larrp Rakar,
Mahaal Btuana Bailer, Maradra laid
lai, Richard RaU. Claraneo Barkar. Pa
trkin BarawaU, Oarald Baara. Larttu
Bataa, Banna Bala. apart cola aaatt.
Claada Board, Carol Board. Sharaa Bah-
rana, Bayaoad Baaaoa. Cnrolra Buhaa,
Barbara Blaka. Bdwla at. bl a&lrlap
D. Botocua, J aha Aaoa Boiaa. Raraara
BoaUaaa, Joanna B. Iiiaia Darathp
Bradlap, afarrla Braaalar. Baaartr Ana
Burfopaa, juaaard J.
Prank Caaoatlnd. Botor Caida. Oar
ald Carlalaa, BoaaBa CarUala, Ronald
Oarlar. La raa Walter CanoU, Rannla
ChapaL Lola Choral, Baaaath Caanap,
Barbara Joaa Clark. Clark Cahal. Oar-
ra oaaaat, ualap cnaa, Blalao Coopar,
Jaaaa X Coalaa, Boca Coltaa, Murrar
Oanklla, John Coopar. Rathaa Thomas
oop. BUI Cumalnaa, chariaaa-Aaa Caah-
jarral aakaaa, inaai Riaka, Mma
Jo Rilana, Btaahaal Rata. Ladwp
kiaaat Jaalao Rima, Lap Anon, otha
Tariaai Baraaa, Bdvard Bamrr Sanaa.
aa, Dawn aaaoaa, oraa aaata.
praaa K. aaaiar. oaro-
aalth. Carap Sail to.
aalia. Jaaot aaJth. atukul nana Salth.
Baaap BUaa SaMa. MarUa SoaUwlak.
Saaaa Joaa Starr, joha atalhaaiaa.
Small, atarr Lra auoaaa, Aadrap Ban
Tata, Darld Tapior. Baakp
Taaaataa. JadM TaapOataa, Oaaldlaa
Thaaaa. Karaa OUaa Thaaaa, Madlao
v. Thaaaa. wtutaa Jaa Tnaapaoa. caa.
Jauaa Taaraiaa, warn
faaaaa Kn Vaa Claara,
Harp Jaaa Walk Jam Waktaa. BU-
aahath W allaa, Rlahard walaraan, Ar
lano Waaw. Raaaat Wallaa. Taauap
WaadL caia waa. rairusa waaiaa,
Jarrp Lawla walla. Alaart Bdnard Walt-
ua, Jaaa LaTaraa WKaaroa. w
Bdvard Wdaaa, Raton O. WUap.
au WlOard. Harura WUllaaa. aaaanna
O. WUaaaaaa. Baaano A. WUaaa. Batar
WUaaa, Daanaa Raa WUaaa. RU1 O. Wla
daakar. Charlaa L Wine a, Karp Lamia
Wudtiaada. Jaana waira, aaaa wao
Woalarp. Jaaa Alloa waaarp. ,
Poppa Taaat.
Daaaa Bah, Sanaa Svaka.
Lincoln The rooms of the
Edward Schlegel home were
beautfiully decorated with a
wide variety of potted plants in
blossom when Mrs. Schlegel
and Mrs. H. W. Ashford enter
tained with a dessert luncheon
for the final meeting of the
season for the Lincoln Good
will dub.
Luncheon preceded a pro
ram comoosed of a group of
three vocal elections by Mrs.
Frank Groh.
Mrs. James S. Smart of Zena
was accompanist.
Mrs. Frank Groh, now of
Portland, but who was Grace
Ashford of Salem and Lincoln
before her marriage, majored
in voice at Willamette univer
sity and Mrs. James S. Smart,
formerly Margaret Hood . of
Salem, majored ln piano.
At election of officer Mrs.
H. W. Ashford. who retired as
president, presented each new
officer with corsages. .
Mrs. Sarah Feller also receiv
ed one as being the oldest
mother present
Mrs. Jeff Williams I the new
president; Mrs. Lloyd Hoxie.
vice president; 'Mrs. Edward
Tbo height af (aihioa ia eabuMt
tyling ... at Modem Bloada
Oak, Tradiiioatl Mahogup,
Aatrieta Caloaial Mapla . ,
aomplata orilh lifa-liko plants.
Lifc-Cloar pjctars Supor Pow
orod by Paokiro-Bella rmla.
aoatry J7-tSa ehnais
la 3JQ
Mahogany: ofi7
otha I la I k an aalia,
Prlaaa laarada aorta vaa.
raa It Bad Padaral Baaaa
"Eddie Lewis
Memorial Day
At Belle Passi
Woodburn Annual Memor
ial Day service by local earvlc
eraanisation will be held et
Belle Passi cemetery Saturday,
Mav 10. besinnina st 10:10 am
L. B. Eetweller Is chairman for
the American Legion poet and
Mr. Detweiler wUl be m
charge of the auxiliary serr
PractlcallT all Woodburn
store and biisines house will
be closed for th day. The post
office, banks, liquor store end
city hall will also be closed. .
The service will be conduct
ed at th soldier' monument et
the cemetery and taking part
will be the American Legion
and auxiliary, Cbampoeg post,
Veterans of Foreign War and
auxiliary, Spanish American
war veterans and the Wood'
burn National Guard company.
The address will be by Rev.
Ormal Trick of the Woodburn
Methodist church, the invoca
tion by Ray Shaner, followed
by To the Colors" by e bugler
and the advancing of th colors.
Group singing will be led by
Kenneth Thompson and flower
will be placed on the monu
ment by the several organisa
tions, a minute of silent prayer,
a salute by the National Guard
firing squad, "Taps" by a Na
tional Guard bugler and the
benediction, . t.
Members of the service or
ganizations are asked to as
semble st the cemetery south
gate end be prepared to move
at 10:25 ajn. The National
Guard company will form on
each side of the driveway in
side the gate.
Schlegel, treasurer; and Mrs.
Henry Budos, secretary.
Mrs. Jeff Williams was de
votional leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schle
gel were presented with a cash
gift from the LGC to buy some
thing for their home.
KaH pVwe irslen wins B rstst
. PBONX 1-71
North Howell
North Howell Th last
meeting of the year of She
PTA was held Friday night
Tha new- officers for the
coming year were installed by
th out-going presiaent, woe
Harold Bartsch is the new
president; Mrs. Vernal Pickens,
vice president; Mr. Harold
Dunn, secretary; and Mrs. Ma
rinus Shssp, treasurer for the
second term.
"California. Here I Come'
was sung by Georgia Schaap
and Mrs. Jean Westagard for
Mr. and Mr. Jo White, who
are lea vine soon for a trip to
Don Kjos of Silverton show
ed -his collection of slide pic
tures of Korea; and Kathleen
Howe, Georgia end G s r y
Sehlap sang a song. ,
New committee appointed
were: Ways and mean Mr.
Harold Gllbertson, Mrs. Lor-
ene Stevens, and Mrs. Camp
bell, th new upper grades
teacher and principal; budget
committee Harold Gilbert
son, Art Impecoven and, Ver
nal Pickens; membership com
mittee. Joe White, Harold
. f . T. laa. BJX Dp. A Chan BX
Opstasra, S41 Nerth Ukarty
orneo apna Sattrdap snip I aa.
la' I in, s to . am Caaaaltaltoa,
blood aroaaro sad ansa taita ara
fraa at aharaa. Piaallaid ataao till.
Wrlta ta attraairro stti Ba aoO-
Dunn and Conrad Ounderson;
heapitality Mr. Slat Seism,
Mrs. Opel Schaap, and the new
primary teacher, Mrs. Ander
son; 4-H representative, Mrs
Harold Bartsch. RefnshmepMs,
were served by the commjtte
for May Mr. Art impeco
ven, Mr. Elsie Seism and Mr.
Conrad Gunderson. - ,
, A larg number attended the
school picnic en Monday, May
Woodburn Five Cub Scouts
will receive Webelos awards st'
the regular pack meeting nv
dey night et the Washington
school which will be the final
Cub Scout meeting of the
spring season. The meeting'
starts st 7:30 pm. and all Cub."
OC0U18 Bilu invu pamrvuw ara-1
nrvarJ at attend bv Cubnxastart
Ralph Pickering. Theme for tbe
month is "Paul Bunyan." i .
-.VBBBWJBaaaBVBnnw . BISnw f
rAINT Mr Uvtmlr 4,IUtaVPa7 J ,
iBdat-orj rwr a r ATaaaf
Otjaaic Morcrof HoV. r
bailds ap lawas, K&J
aiiog Nscare's fQgy I .
awa plaat nxxla. jj' J
Hear the Indianapolis Race
Memorial Day on' KGAE
Sponsored by
Packard-Bell TV and
Yeater Appliance and Television Co.
375 Chemeketa Phone 3-4311
...witli Blitz Weinkard
What do y warn in a beerf FLAVOR! And (or flavor
k s Blia Weinhsrd! For almost s century, Blin hu been
flsvor-brcwed in Oregon cspcdaUr for ycur taste. Blia m
the fsvor ite of thoutsnds becsuK it satisfying mellow
teste is s delicious blend of finest ingredients, generations
of experience and ultn-modcm brewing methods. Next
time von buy beer, buy Blin... , .
"w,i.''N NCI ,.,4
Albany, Oregon
Woodburn, Or.