Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 29, 1953, Page 1, Image 1

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PAamYCLOCDY tonight seat '
aUtarfey. Little change la In.
65Hi Year, No. 123 ZSfMSftSZ Scl. Ortjoa, Frkky, Mcy 29, 1?33
- J.-ai u
ttdsr cmh e lib:::
II i UwM
In Till:-::!.
01 (crcn:.icn
In Ccnlrovcrsy
. wjt, rairerson ug
geits Submission to
Attorney General
' SahsrissUe of Tillamook
km ttaeser riwiil contracts
iiifriwi to the
tmi by
eard wm
I y OererBer Faal L.
lag ef the mwc
. The governor mid hit sug
gestion m Um board mem ben
were endeavoring to determine
iU poller in regard to a, large
somber of cootracta entered
into with Tillamook' county
prion to IMS when the county
deeded the Tillamook barn
property to the state. .
The controveny, Itself, stems
from a question of county au
thority to extend the contracts
on land which is now in the
hands of the state. -Ce
Claims Rights
Tillamook county, with
many thousands' of dollars of
tax money involved, claims It
has this authority. But, in the
east of many of the contracts,
ma auuwmy si in uoum.
tOallael eat Page (, Cilina 0
McKay Arrives
.Portland (n-Interlor Sac
retary ' Douglas McKay,
route Friday by plana from
Wasbmcton, will be back Here
lain a second time in another
10 days and will be a guest
at a republican1 party rally
at that time.
That's what William C. Bob
Ison, Multnomah county GOP
chairman, said Friday.
McKay arrives Friday night
and will go directly to Salem
where Sunday he will give
the WlHametto university
ninani ninmt ilill.w . H.
wffi return to Washington
Wednesday.' - . "
agate -en Monday, June ,
Bobteoa said, he will be wel
comed at the political rally at
Grant High school.
Dies in Alaska
Anchorage. Alaska () An
thony J. Dlmond, 72, federal
Judge for Alaska's Third Divl
sion and former delegate to
Congress from the - territory,
died in a hospital here Thurs
day night of heart ailment He
had been hospitalized for a
Born in Palatine Bridge, N.
Y., Dlmond came to Alaska in
1804. He prospected at Valdes
and began law practice there
in 1913.
Dlmond served in four ter
ritorial legislative sessions
1923, 1925, 1929 and 1931. He
was delegate from Alaska for
12 years before he was sppolnt
ed a federal Judge in 1945.
Judge Dlmond is survived by
son, John, Anchorage attor
ney, and two daughters. Mrs.
Thomas E. Beilly of Ketchikan,
Alaska, and Marie There le, a
nun In a Washington, D. C.
For Memorial Day
Memorial Day week-end is
to see cloudy skies and possibly
light showers, although temper
atures are to be about normal,
said the weather forecast The
Bve-dsy forecast calls for the
same, Just a continuance of
what most of the month of Msy
has had in the way of weather,
Only a trace of rain was re
corded tor the 24-hour period
ending at 10:30 a.m. Friday.
Unless unexpected down-
nours come through the week
end. May apparently is not to
set any new precipitation rec
ttrm A e Jnhnann. Haute 2
Turner, stumbled on a hose that
workmen bad stretcnea across
the sidewalk today in front of
wrta nnne duudiui wii j tat a
Street, and suffered Injuries
that necessitated her being tak
en to a hospital She was at-
M trr first aid.
Weather Details
a MfM. nh. t e-a.
Friday light
For ElizGt:!!i
1200 Persons
Take Part in Rich
Pageantry at Abbey
Leaden The final fan-
drees rehearsal et the earei
Men went etf witheat hi)
Friday and Qaeen Elisabeth!
u knows bet part se well aha
left it aa te a stand-la to play
her role.
Crowds outside Westminster
Abbey got a good preview of
the rich pageantry surrounding
next Tuesday's - big show
though the trial run was be
hind closed doors.-. s
More than 1,100 persons took
part in the SH hour practice,
carried out with all the trap
pings under the watchful eye
of the Duke of Norfolk, who- as
earl marshall la directing the
Dike's Wife Hays Bale
The duke's wife played the
role of the queen end won her
husband's admiration for. a
'superb and supreme perform
ance.'' - .
Outfits which the six maids
of honor will wear coronation
day were seen by the crowd
for the first time full-length
white satin dresses with gold
and silver sequins and tiaras
ornamented with pearls.
Extra mounted police had to
be called to clear the way for
the procession into the abbey-
end to keep aa eye on St. id-
ward's crown, which was
brought to the church. '
(CssrttBsad aa Pace (, Calaeaa
Clouds HGT.32r
Seattle lV-Clouds and dris-
zle hampered search along the
urea on voasv r r i a a y xor a
Ciinadlan ' Lancaster bomber
missing since Tuesday with 10
men aboard.
The Coast Guard, reported
the bed weather prevented air
search Friday morning. There
at a possibility of a brief
break in the weather JaW Fri
day. .. ,..". ,.v '
The Coast Guard cutter Bal
sam was directed to search the
coastal area Friday from Cape
Sebastian to the Coquille river,
The. four-engine plane van
ished on a flight from Vancou
ver Island to San Diego, Calif.
Ground parties continued
checking . reports of persons
wbo said they Mara a plane
a few miles inland about the
time the Lancaster disap
peared. ' ; v,
Over Last Month
Washington, 0JJ9 Prices
farmers - received for their
croDS rose a little less than
per' cent during the month
ended May IS, the Agriculture
Department reported today.
It was the second time in
nine months that the down'
ward trend in farm prices was
reversed. Farm prices also
inched upward in March.
The department also said
that prices paid out by farmers
ss living ana production ex
penses held steady.
The shift in farm prices put
the "parity ratio" back at 94
the March level This was 1
per cent below the comparable
period last year.
Last month, the ratio wai at
93, the lowest in 10 years. The
aU time high of 122 was hit in
October, 1946.
Col. Crombez Speaker
For Memorial Program
, Colonel Marcel G. Crombez,
acting director of the Oregon
Military District, will be main
spesker at Memorial Day cer
emonies on the State House
steps Saturday at 11, Chair
man Bruce , Williams of the
Memorial Day committee of
iljft Federation of Patriotic
Orders announced Friday.
Accompanying Colonel
Crombez will be his assistant,
Colonel Louis D. Famsworth,
Jr., five other officers and 12
enlisted men, all veterans of
the Korean war and all now
on duty in Oregon.
- Memorial Day observances
will start with services at the
American Legion Circle and
the Grand Army of the Re
public Circle at City View
Cemetery at S ajn. , .
New York. l"V Condemned
atomic spies Julius and Xthel
Boeenberg were sentenced Fri
day to die in the Sing Sing
prison electric chair the week
of June 18.,-
This was the fourth time
that Federal Judge Ivan R.
Kaufman had set the execution
date amid a maze of legal de
fense maneuvers which are
still continuing. Defense coun
sel unsuccessfully sought to
have Judge Kaufman postpone
the setting of the date until
next Monday. . , . ; '.2.,
The Rosenbergs were ac
cused of conspiracy to -pass
atom bomb secrete to S o v i e t
Russia. They are In the Stag
Sing death house. -
Their' attorney, Eniinaif B
Bloch, also an 'attorney, rep
day. His father, Alexander
Block, also an attorney, rep
resented the condemned, cou
Federal attorneys firmly op
posed the defense move to de
lay setting of a date.
Bank Bandit
Gels $50,000
Seattle () An armed man
mMwii tho Ivrnwood branch
of the First National Bank of
Everett of ad estimated $50,
000 st 11:20 ajn. Friday. Lyn
wood is , 15 miles north of
Seattle. The loss was esti
mated by Ken Kllllen, bank
) JThe robber, armed with a
aa Mlihr nlitnL forced em
ployes and patrons into a back
room before he made his
escape. ,
KfUlan aald the robber took
the money from a teller's cage.
He apparently bad an auto
mobile parked behind the
The man was dressed in
white coveralls, wore eye
glasses and a white baseball
cap and was about 30 years
old, Kllllen said. He was
bout five feet, five inches tail.
All available state patrol
men in the area were ordered
to the scene.
At 9:30 services will be con
ducted by the Navy Mothers
Club and the Marine Corps
League and Auxiliary on the
Marion street bridge. The
services will include the drop
ping of flowers and wreaths
into the Willamette from a
helicopter piloted by Marine
Corps Reserve Captain Dean
Johnson. The 'copter will
hover between the two Wil
lamette bridges during its
pert in the ceremony.
- At 10:30 a parade will leave
the Capitol Mall and go west
on Chemeketa to High street
and back via 8 tats street, Cot
tage and Court street to the
Capitol steps for 11 o'clock
ceremonies, including Colonel
Crombeti s speech.
(Caallaasf ea Page i, Oataasa t)
rimi,i.tim of Dallas-Falls City railroad, initiated by
an excursion May 29, 1903, was attained March IS, 1913,
when the new railroad bridge across the Willamette be
tween Salem and West Salem was dedicated to form a
link that enabled west side trains to Join Southern Pacific's
east side mainline. Shown on the pilot of the engine is Mis
Helen West, daughter of Governor West, who. scattered
, carnations as she crossed the bridge. Governor. Oswald
West beside daughter, Peter D'Arcy and Mayor B. L,
Steeves. . (Photo from a negative in the Trover collection,
state archive). - . t-
Has 50th Anniversary
Dallas Falls City railroad,
original unit In the Salem
Falls City at Western railroad
and now a brancn of tne soutn-
ern Pacific system, is SO years
old today. - -
George H Coy, Dallas, one
ea the lew surelvefs
Liberal, Kas. () A tornado
tabbed at this southwestern
Kansas community last night
damaging several buildings and
mauling a new 30-unit motel,
but the twister caused no cas
ualties. :
Police reported a section of
the motel's roof was nppeo
off and door a and windows
were shattered. . They ' said
many guests were at the motel
but all escaped injury.
A lumber company ana a
partly constructed cafeteria
across the highway from the
tlSO.OOO motel were among
structures damaged.
Another small tornado dip
ped near Newcastle In North
eastern Wyoming, out again
no injuries or toss of life were
Paris () Pierre Mendes-
France, a middle of the road
financial and economic expert
agreed Friday to try to form a
new French cabinet . '
.The 48-year-old radical so
cialist is the fourth candidate
for the office chosen by. Pres
ident Vincent AurioL
Mendes-France told news-
mea he would not hold formal
consultations with other -poli
tical parties before going be
fore the National Assembly to
ask approval. This was the
same unorthodox approach
followed by former Premier
Paul Raynaud, when he made
his unsuccessful try earlier
this week.
Only Thursday, in a finance
committee session, the new
candidate ' commented "the
situation Is graver than we
have been told up to now" and
demanded that the nation be
told in full of the financial
crisis. He will hsve a chance
to do this In his address ask
ing aa assembly vote of con
Adwdls Ababa. Kthlopla ()
Six heavy earthquake shocks
rocked the Ithloplan eastern
province of -Harar Thursday
momina. Great destruction la
reported mainly in the towns
of Harrar and Bireoawa.
ed on the 10-mlle construction
between Dallas and Falls City,
recalls that an excursion over
the new route, a Gerlinger
nraieet was run out of Dallas
May SO, 1903. Then, says Coy
to the Dallas ItemUer-Obeerv-ac.
the read-bed lacked ballast
But that did not deter enthusk.
asm for the excursus and tne
coaches, drawn' by a chuffing
wood-burner, reached the
-Blue Veiled City," as Falls
City was then called, in 30 min
utes. Here the incoming tram
was met by the entire popula
FredHolman, former Polk
county assessor, also recalls the
excursion. Then he was a young
fellow who played in Dallas
band. On that occasion the band
went tootling down the street
(Cantoned ea Page , Cstaaaa 4)
Las Vegas, Nev. () There
may be another nuclear test
next month at the Nevada
Proving Ground, but it won't
Involve "Atomic Annie," tne
Army's history making 280mm
If there is another test the
Atomic Energy Commission
said yesterday, it will probab
ly be an air drop.
Annie" fired iter- nrst at
omic artillery shell in an ep
ochal shot last Monday. The
event was supposed to conclude
the spring test series.
But afterward the AIC Mid
it is considering one more test
before quitting here for the
One of the two huge rifles
brought here for the artillery
test has been brought to Nel
lie Air Force Base, here for
dismantling and shipment to
Fort SUL Okie. The other
remains at the Frenchman Flat
test site for further firing with
conventional ammunition. The
Army didn't say which of the
guns it "Annie" herself. .
Airliner Breaks
Record to Paris
Paris VnK four-en fined
Douglas DC8B commercial air
liner today completed the first
non-stop flight from California
to Paris, distance of 8,700
The' plane, bought from
Douglas by the French airline.
Transport Aeriens Intercoatl
ncntaux, thus broke the record
of 3,900 miles for non-stop
commercial airliner flight
Manned by a French , crew,
the liner had no passengers
The plane is the. second such
craft to be purchased by t n e
French line for service In Eu
rope and Africa.
Rtis Rejected
Major Point in
U.II. Truce PIg.i
Msmsan OH The ectasia-
nista rejected eetrighl at least
cm aaajer reported eeaeeaaiea
of new allied trace plan saa-
aUttod la secret sisslaas Mon
day at Paazaaajora, It was dbr
slssad Friday. . ..
The plan had been called a
"now or never" offer by many
sources and the Reds had been
expected to answer it at next
Monday's meeting, first after
week-long recess.
The communists turned
down-on the spot an allied
proposal that ultimate disposi
tion of any Red prisoners who
refuse to go home be left to
the United Nations.
row Preposal Bejeetoa '
The allies had Insisted- pre
viously that these prisoners be
freed it they still balk after
limited, posvarmisuce
period of Red "explanations.
However, excerpts of Mon
day's meeting quoted North
Korean Gen. Nam n as saying
the Reds won't' accept either
proposal. He made It dear
the communists dont like the
new plan or the old one.
Victoria Closes
Victoria. B. C. tV-The Unit
ed States consulate in Victoria.
estsftuaned in leu under Abra
ham IJncoln, closed its doors
Friday. ' i " . ..
Closure of the off lee here is
part of cut-costs program be-
mt wnmrw-ey" the new ne-
paMlcan administration.
From now on, people on wis
west coast island wishing U. B.
consul service will have to con
tact the consul-general in Van
Consul Philip Ernst) and his
second-in-command, ft u f u s
Herman Lane. Jr., ar to re
main here until June la. dean-
Im art aMm affalM lltkn,, h
no new business will be con
McCarran for
Los Angeles UD Sen. Pat
McCarran today urged use of
'atomic cannons or any other
weapons we may have" in the
Korean war and backed Sen.
Robert A. Taft'a proposal that
the United States "go It alone"
in the conflict'
"If we had gone into It alone
when the war first started, it
would be over by now," he de
The Nevada Democrat made
the statement yesterday before
opening a secret two dsy hear
ing as a one-man subcommittee
of the Senate Judiciary com
He refused to disclose the
nature of the hearing and
would not identify some eight
witnesses subpensed.
Famed Farm in a Bay
Holding Celebration
Moses Lake ) Central
Washington's famed Farm-in-a-Day
was one year old Friday
and an open house and square
dance were scheduled to cele
brate the anniversary.
It was May 29 last year that
130 acres of sagebrush near
here was transformed in 24
hours to a modern Irrigated
farm, complete with buildings
and freshly planted crops.
Donald D. Dunn and bis fam
ily took possession that day, af
ter his selection aa the "most
worthy veteran" In a contest by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Dunn announced the open
house at hla farm, where he
now has 100 acres under irriga
tion and a dairy herd producing
8,000 quarts of milk a month.
The farm Will be open to In
spection Friday afternoon and
from 1 to I pjn. Sunday.
Sabre Jets HH
6 Red Migs
In Sky Battles
Seoul (sV-UJS. Sabre Jets
shot down two communist
Migs, probably destroyed an
other and damaged three In
sky battles over North Korea.
The kills put Sabre pilots
within 11 planes of the one
month record for the Korean
; The two Mlgs were downed
by Lt Col. George U. Ruddell
of Xugene, .Ore., who now has
seven kills, and Lt Robert H.
Irdmann, Fair lawn, NJ his
first claim.
Marine tanks firing from
main line allied positions
poured hundreds of high veloc
ity shells, into the Red ranks,
while waves of fighter-bomb
er unloaded 164,000 pounds of
high explosives and napalm on
the Red side of the battlefront
!o Super Staff
Declares l!ie
Washington r) president
Elsenhower says his proposed
reorganisation of the Defense
Department would not result
la a "single military com
mander with a super starx.'
The reorganization would.
among other things, strengthen
the control of the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff over
military personnel assigned, to
the staff.
The Prealdeafl explanation
of the plan waa in a letter writ
ten last Monday to Rep. Arenas
(R.. IlL). a top member of the
House Armed services com
mittee. Arenas made the letter
public Friday after White
House clearance.
Arends had written Eisen
hower voteina? seuesrn
the possibility that the reor
ganisation plan might result in
"a single chief of staff over all
the armed forces" and estab
lishment of "an overall armed
forces general staff comparable
to the Prussian general ateff
Ask FBI Aid
To Locate Coe
Washington () Senate in
vestigators Friday decided to
ask FBI aid in trying to find
Frank 'Cos. former 820,000-a-
year government monetary ad
viser, after testimony linked
him with a Soviet-backed at
tempt to block re-evaluation of
Austrisn currency. .
Coe resigned a few months
sgo as secretary of the Interna
tional Monetary. Fund after he
had refused to ssy whether he
was a Communist or engaged
in Soviet espionsge.
Sen. Mundt (R.-SJJ.), acting
chairman of the Senate inves
tigations subcommittee, said
that Coe apparently has become
"a fugitive" and that efforts to
subpoena him have been un
successful. Roy Cohn, subcommittee
counsel, ssid Coe's wife had
told him that her husband left
his nesrby Arlington, Vs., home
about two months ago and that,
as far as she knew, nobody
knows where he is now.
The celebration will Include
opening of "Vista House," a
small building adjoining the
Dunn home. It's chamber of
commerce project designed to
inform visitors about the Farm-
in-a-Day. Equipment Includes
a record player that turns out
Information on how the farm
as built
The square dance will bo an
outdoor affair In Moees Lake
Friday night with folk dancing
clubs throughout Eastern Wash
ington invited.
The farm project has turned
out heppily tor Dunn. Most of
his fields sre in pasture and
be also is raising sugar beets
and Irrigated wheat And ha has
leased two adjoining farm unite
and aharecropt them with two
men he employes at Fsrm-ln-
Alliss In'iliS::
Soeal ( The hlg Chinese
spring drive forced V. 8. and
Turku treeps from two out
post hills Friday bat toe Bed
waves beat ia vain against the
Book, a major peeitiea aear
by guarding the ancient lava
siea read to Seoul It miles
The British War Oflce ia aa
unusual communique announ
ced In London that British
troops inflicted a ''smashing
defeat" on the Reds at the
Hook. It estimated the attack
tag force at a brigade, 8,000
to 7,000 men. Field dispatches
put the number at about 1.500.
A total of 18,000 Chinese
Beds were attacking in the
west and on the central front
in their greatest offensive effort
since last October, but they
made . little progress despite
heavy casualties.
Two Oatpeata Lost
U. S. and Turkish troops
pulled back from bitterly-con-
ustea outposts Vegas and Elko
Friday night
A front-line dispatch said
Allied artillery at once loosed
a furioua bombardment on the
two scarred heights. Chinese
guns replied and the artillery
duel raged beneath a full
a race s. Celnasa 8)
Berlin UB Ruaala was re
ported today by usually well
informed sources to be plea
ning to call f or revival of Four
Fewer Allied rule over Ger
It waa the Soviets who broke
off the postwar U. S.. British.
French and Soviet Joint rule
of defeated Germany by dra
matically walking out of the
Allied Control Council March
20, 1948, in what is generally
accepted as the Kremlin's dec
laration of its "cold war" on
the West
Sources close to the Soviet
Control Commission, which
was disbanded yesterday by
the Kremlin, aald the new Sov
iet "supreme commissar" or
high commissioner for Ger
many, Vladimir Semenov. will
call for the revival of quadri
partite rule as one of his first
sets of office. .
Red China Plan
For Southeast
Tspleh. Formosa 1ft A
Nationalist China government
news agency said Friday the
Chinese Communists have de
cided to establish a Southeast
Asia advance command to un
dertake the conquest of South
east Asia. -
The Interior Ministry's Ta
Tao Agency said Gen. Lin Plao,
commander of Red China's
Fourth Field Army, would head
the "Asian volunteer forces."
mere was no means ox con
firming the agency's report It
specializes in news from the
mainland, where it says it has
underground sources.
Nehru Arrives for
Queen's Coronation
London VP) Prime Minis
ter Nehru of India arrived by
plane Friday to attend the
coronation and a conference .
of British Commonwealth
prime ministers.
He reiterated to newsmen
his previous view thst "con
siderable progress has been
msde in Korea and I hope it
will lead to a settlement"
He had only brief com-'
ment on his talk in Cairo
Thursday night with Premier
monamea naguio, saying "it
was a pleasure to meet him."
The Capital Journal will
go to press at noon Satur
day, May 30, Memorial day.
Copy intended for publica
tion that day must reach the
newspaper office early. The
office will be closed in the