Picnssr Sdon Beconrcs Priest Mi Ane The He. Leo J. Stupfel, ton of Mr. and Mr. U i. Stupcel, Sr, of McMinn vtlle, and grandeon el the Mount Anftt pioneer Joseph Stupftl family, wu ordataad to the priesthood by tha Meat Bar. Frauds P. Leipslfc DJ, LLO, Bishop of Bakar City, Sunday morninf. In tha Mount Angel Abbey church. Tha many relatives and frlanda of tha nearly ordained prlaat filled tha church to ca pacity. Tha Bar. itupM la a grand ' aon of tha Joseph and Lena Van Hattan Stupfel family who cama to Mount Angel la J8 and llvad on tha farm now known aa tha Kruee farm aait of town. In 111 tha Btupfcla moved to McMinnvllle, wbara thay engaged m fanning. Tha newly ordained priest la one of a family of eight children, with all preaent for tha ceremonle excepting a brother James who la studying for tha priesthood at Holy Croat, Wis. Two of hla aiften are Holy Name Sister at Marylhurst , AmM Mi - 4a4tintf swiaafta at ina arasnacsai were in aww. Daniel O'Connell, paator af tha St Jamaa pariah, afcMlnnvllle, and the Bar. Francis Vegan, rector of tha Jesuit novitiate at Sheridan. rather Stupftl celebrated hi flnt aolemn hifh maaa Monday morning at hla home pariah church, St Jamaa church in McMlnnrllle. The Rev. rather O'Connell. pastor of Jamaa. ana tha aariatln prlaat. Bar. Jamaa Koeaaler, OSB, Of Mt Angel Aooey, was matter of caramon let, and two classmates, tha Bar. Franota Stamkellner, Portland and the Rev. Gerald uenmca, ubj, Mount Angel Abbey ware dea con and eubdeaoon at tha mass. The Bight Bar. Damian jent gea, OSB, abbot of Mount An aal Ahbev. deliTared the occa sional sermon. Following the churcn aenr iu tir..W.it and raeentlon honoring the newly ordained prlaat wu given at McMlmv TlUe. MALIK IN LONDON London vn Buasiaa new ambassador to Britain, Jacob Malik, presented his letters of credence to Queen Elizabeth n at Buckingham Palace Thursday. Hubbard Class Gels Diplomas Hubbard Odell Mortensen, rhatrmfi of tha Hubbard hnni hoard af education. awarded V" to S4 eighth grade graduates Tuesday eve- Tha Hnhhard Woman's dub award was presented to Leona Riddle, daugmer ox aw. ana Mrs. Lester Biddle, outstand ing cirL br Mrs. Harry Schst president of the club. Tha FTA plaque for schol arship waa awarded to Jamaa Morrison, aon of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison, by P. H. Hoe tatler, president of the PTA. The grade achooi Dana piayea tha nroeaulonaL Bussell and Douolaa Colaan clayed a piano duet and class will was read by lileene Cousatte. Arjll BhrocK played a trombone solo and Gene Garrett a piano solo fol lowed with band selections under direction of Hal Beyers. Bob Bappa read the class prophecy and tha girl trio, consisting of Jo McNary, June Lucht and Donna Driver, ac companied by Patty Thomp- Rev. X. H. Hastings gave the address of the evening and was introduced by Tommy Smith. Bussell Colgan played tha re- Baceiving diplomas ware Jamaa Boston, Kathleen Burns, Jamaa CanneU. Bit hard Church, Douglas Colgan, El' lecne Cousatte, Donna Driver, Gene Garrett, Ronald Jacobs, Gordon Jonas, Lyle KUewer, Raymond Lambert, June Lucht Jo McNary, Jamaa Mor rison, Clifford Powers, Bob Bappa, Leona Biddle, Myra Biddle, Arlll Shrock. Tommy. Smith, Nancy Spurlock. Patty Thompson and Margie Warn. Charles Brers Is principal and eighth grade Instructor. Sfayfon Legion Elects New Officers. Stsyton New officers were elected at the May meeting of the stayton post of the Amer ican Legion, with Buck Hoag being elected to succeed Pat Amos aa poet commander. Tom Snodgraat was elected first vice-commander; Dr. Via tor Myers, second vice eom- nder; Bill Fair, adjutant; Gabe Dejardin, finance offl- Seoariens Will GrcdL'ute Ml Angel Mt Angel Semi nary-s IBM commencement ex ercises will be held Friday. May 29, when two groups of graduates, college and high school, will receive diplomas. The Rt Rev. Damian Jent- gaa, OSB, abbot of Mt Angel Abbey, will award the di plomas, satiated by the Very Rev. Bernard Sander, OSB, the seminary rector. Graduates, with their par ents, will attend a aolemn High Masa at 8:30 o'clock. May 29, in the Abbey church, and re ceive corporate communion. Diplomas will be awarded at tha breakfast to be given for the graduates and their par ents immediately following the Nine candidates will receive ear; A. D. Mitchell, aergaant-at-arms; and Carl Lyons, chaplain. G. W. Schachslck was named to head the committee in charge of arrangements for the summer schedule of Junior Le gion baseball. a BA m pholosophy from the seminary college.' Three of these graduates arc Benedic tine monks at Mt Angel ad bey; they are Craters Placldus Zack of Mt Angel; Ignatius Groeger and Blaise Turch of Portland. The six seminarian gradu ates of pholosophy are Fran Dopita, Bertram Griffin, Don ald MeHugh and Albert Ba ton all of Portland; Dvayne Adcock from Eugene; and John Malarky of Berkeley, Calif. All of these graduates are studying for the Archdiocese of Port land, except John Malarky, who is studying tor ina Boise diocese. The 10 high achooi graduates are: Gordon Harvey. Coos Bay; Peter DeMan, Seattle; Julian Nuxoll, Grangeville, Idaho; Gerald Schindler, Gervals; Ronald Wyfflea, McMlnnville; Philip DeNardis, Buhl, Idaho; Peter Hefner, Los Angelas, Cal ifornia; WOllam Park, Mt An gel; Robert Vandersander, Boy, Ore.; and Jamaa Brinkman, Idaho rails, Idaho. Gordon Harvey, Gerald Schindler, Bona Id Wyfflea, William Park and Robert Van dersander are studying for the Portland archdiocese. Hubbcrd Berry Fete To Be Held Jane 17 Hubbard The Mary Mar Ma r4l fcaa aat Juna IT SS the date for their second an nual strawberry festival. The aril! aarva (trawberry shortcake and coffee from 6:30 to 8:30 p m. that night at tne Hubbard Community church. Mlaa Ijmm hnll la chair- man of the food committee. Mrs. Jamaa Lamb will be in charge of arrangements of to- Jaa init riamrattana. Members of Mrs. Lamb's Knife and Pork A.rt riwfcbi rhiK have bean asked to serve the food. Guests from Alaska Woodburn Mrs. M. I Bos worth, granddaughter of Mrs. A. X. Austin, arrived In Wood burn Saturday by plane from Anchorage, Alaska, where her husband. Ma. Bosworth Is sta tioned in the air force. She met her parents, Lt CoL and Mrs. Leland Austin In Wood burn for tha week end at the A. E. Austin home and left with them Monday for Pitts burgh, Calif., where CoL Aus tin Is stationed. He expects to leave soon for Japan. Thtnday. Mar 28, IMS nthar euesta at the family dinner in Woodburn on Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. John m-ailav af Albany, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. Austin.! Concert Association J Albany Election of officers of the Linn County Community rmt aaaneiation waa held this week-end with the entire eiate oi tan yas- vumj ing retained. They are: Unthe Cmlth rvrUent: Mrs. Jamea W. Jenks and Mrs. Marshall M. Woodworth, vice presiaenu; Frances McKechnle, secretary, .r,A a w Trimble, treasurer. The membership drive win open Sept 14. LAicuie Bcnrein mm Nan, Vnrk- rcnraaentatlve of Cotnmunlty Concerts manage ment, was present for tha meeting. noMWoodb.n733l frMtagsbyAppoinJineat DR. G. W.KING OPTOMETRIST Hours 8:00 to 8 PJL Closed Wednesday ; 392PKlfltHwy.(99)'. Woodburn, Or. 1 Af f end Hie Gioanfic Slate-wide j Sole to Be Held Rain or Shine Under Cover at Mt. Angel Flax Plant OREGON 11:00 SATURDAY TERMS: CASH DONATIONS AND ARTICLES TO BE SOLD ON COMMISSION ACCEPTED UNTIL SALE TIME o FARM IMPLEMENTS NEW Jhn Deere Tractor, Plow and Disc; M. C. John Deere Crawler; 22 Massey Har- ris Tractor; Green Crop Loader; 814-ft. Field Cultivator; Ferguson Tractor; Far mall; 7 Shovel Horse-Drawn Walking Cultivator. PLUS A large assortment of Good Used Machinery Also on Hand! o APPLIANCES $10,000 WORTH OF BRAND NEW ' APPLIANCES o FURNITURE TRUCK LOADS OF NEW AND , USED FURNITURE Attention Antique Collectors: p ANTIQUES We already have large consignments of extra fine Antiques and Objects of Art. some from Mexico Don't Miss This Sale! o AUTOMOBILES ALL NEW . . . Chrysler New Yorker; Chrysler Imperial; 2 Fords; 1 Chevro let; 1 Nash; 1 Mercury; 1 Plymouth; 1 Buick; 1 Hudson. All Tht Care Carry a new Car Warranty Direct From the Various Dealers! :;Also..: USED CARS? mTim o LIVESTOCK Guernsey Cattle; Jersey Cows; Young Calves; Hogs; Sheep; Goats Some Purebred and Registered With Papers! Lots of Poultry And Rabbits o FOOD A number ei grocers here donated 100 baskets f food the wHI bo nM to Mm kioheet bidder. o MISCELLANEOUS hhwf orher Rems roe generous to mention it USTEO AS Of MAY 16 COME ONE, COME ALL! BENEDICTINE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ALL DAY ON THE PREMISES VILLAGE ----- - Beneficiary AUCnONUXSi Col. Ion fcidtalL Ore SerfHfl, Un Sadtell, Forres f, WMtMr, L J. MIL kri OiJUeoU, ImmeH DeekhM, Kon lenaeei, Peal lack. IkMit, Km Paatrnaa, Wlftw Mm and Sana, a ad Ray Iiwiik. All OraM AafataattMBBBBafaWal afatakMafataajf FOR FUXTHtt INFORMATION CAU JOE Le DOUX. Mt. Angel I t . ' ' , ,