Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    aaemesv. ky M, 1M3
.AU Blfiii, ONfW
fieri .
Annual Out;
Dances Are
Oregon Stat Co licit, Cor
vellle (Special) There seems
to be nothing but rain in iter
for us as spring term ends In
damp style. Tba latest aplaih
on tha campus, however. is the
1931 "Beaver." Seniors re
ceived the first shipment of tha
yearbooks yesterday. The an
nual this year te a volume of
several hundred pages and the
studenta are spending all of
their free time looking over
pictures of the year's activities,
many of them bringing back
memories of a wonderful school
year. . . . t . .
.This coming week-end finds
many more house dances. The
largest dance will be the an
nual Miami Triad, when the
three fraternities. Beta Theta
Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma
Chi, all founded at Miami uni
versity, join forces to give their
spring dance. This year it will
be in the Memorial Union ball
room. Another dance on the
agenda is the Main Dorm dance.
Every year the men of Main
, Dorm hold the "Archway Ball,"
a formal dance in the archway
of the dorm. Stan Lyman of
Salem is committee chairman
for the affair.
b 7
! 1 Home economics seniors will
be honored at a luncheon and
convocation today. Introduc
tion of Home Economics dub
officers and announcement of
awards and scholarships will
highlight the event. Home eco
nomics seniors from Salem are
Laona Burgoyne, Diane Stoody
and Lorraine Welling.
J The Business and Technolo
br club is sponsoring a ban
quet tonight in honor of its
seniors. They, too, will give
$, atrards for outstanding stu
;; dents In their field. Seniors
from galem in this sc
Barney Rogers and Don Young.
Freshmen have now official
ly thrown away their rook
"lids" and green ribbons. Us
ually the "burning of ' the
' is a part of the senior
week-end activities, but it
couldn't be worked in this year
so the class planned their own
festivities this past week. Also
as a part of the affair is tha
women's football game between
the freshmen and the sopho
mores. The freshmen won the
gridiron battle this year. The
men of the two classes tussle
In a tug-o'-wsr.
Spring football practice has
come to .an end. Several awards
were made at the banauet fol
lowing the last practice. The
cup for the outstanding player
of spring practice was awarded
to Jim Rock of Salem.
e .
Activities Noted
For VFW Auxiliary
3ilverton The members of
the Veteran of Foreign Wars
auxiliary Ho. 1004 at their
last meeting sponsored
memorial poppy program to
precede the poppy sale of the
succeeding two days.
Initiated as a new member
was Mrs. Alfred Fredrlckson.
Named as leglslstlve chair
man was Mrs. Kieth Berg,
Reported was 40 hours of
community service during the
past fortnight. Mrs. Clarence
Quartier, poppy sales chair
man, told of the successful
sale during the two days
Program specials were
reading, "Honor the Poppy
and Help the Living" by Mrs
Harry Walker on "Operations
Beware" concerning the
Civilian Defense test of June
A weekly newspaper Is to be
sent the veterans from Silver-
ton at the Portland facility,
Mrs. Frank Roemer, Junior
activities committee chair
man, has planned a "grab
bag" as a benefit fund scheme
for the Juniors.
The VFW auxiliary is an
nouncing interest in the
Memorial Day 11 o'clock pro
gram Saturday at the Silver-
ton armory, the Rev; Joseph
A. Luthro, the speaker, and
Jory Packing Co.
' Hume 21001 No Answer, 21 532
985 N. Front St.
Wed May 24
Amity The First Method
ist church wss the scene of a
wedding on Sunday, May 14,
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
when Miss Joan Arden Kadell
was wed to Fred Albright
Vincent The bride Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles KsdeU of Sheridan
and the bridegroom's mother
Mrs. Fred Vincent
Candelabrum! and baskets of
pink eremuruses provided the
setting for the ceremony, we
Rev. Mr. Gardner, minister of
the First Methodist church of
Sheridan, officiating at tha
double ring ceremony. Sing
ing was Mrs. Joe M. Barr, and
she wss accompanied by if.
Edna S trout who also played
the weddlrff music.
Lighting the candles were
Misses Delores Bell and
Jeanne Robertson, both dress
ed in pale green frocks of
nylon over taffeta.
Wearing an ivory saun
gown, the bride was given in
marriage by her father. Lace
panels extended - from we
neckline down the full skirt
which ended In a train. The
bodice was of -lace and her
long sleeves came to points
over her wrists. A fingertip
veil of sUk illusion was held
in place with a bandeau of
seed pearls knd she - wore , a
necklace and bracelet of .brll-
iants, gift of tha bridegroom.
Along with her grandmother's
handkerchief, she carried
white Bible topped with or
chids and ribbon.
Miss Edna Mai Durhelm of
Brownsville, cousin of the
bride, was maid of honor. She
wore ballerina length dreus
of blue satin and net and car
ried a nosegay of pink flow
ers. Bridesmaids were Mines
Yvonne Kirkwood and Gillian
Carroll, both of Amity. Their
dresses were of pale green
nylon ever taffeta, ballerina
length, aad they earrted nose
gays of yellow blooms.
Flower girls were Misses
Susan Durhelm of Brewne-
vlUe and Betty Louise Kadell
Trio Event
On Friday
Willamette university faeul-
of Sheridan, cousins of the . comprised of Dr. Wil-
w i a . ... . . . i - . . . . . .
lis Gates, violinist; Ewei lou
Stanek, cellist
Best man for Mr. Vincent
J"..8 0"n!rm " '?T Dobbs, pianist will present thi
11 I fculTconcer, of the ess
a m waiter wwi snni
of Mrrtla Creek, brother of
the bridesroom. Charles Ka
rtell of Sheridan, brother of
the bride, Norman McKee and
Robert Polvi of Amity,
son on Fridsy afternoon at 1
o'clock in the music recital
halL Tha public la invited to
Dr. Gates, organiser and di
rector of the Willamatte-Sa-
Mra. KadalL mother of the .-.h...-. i. uvi.i. Bra.
bride, wore a navy sheer w ,i. wiil.m.tta.
dress with white ascassorles Into attended Pennsyl-
lor ner osuiBiera weuum... e..,. MnHI lnd re
am. iwai, , wm tnium-
.tTZrl dM tac. trim. The bride's
striped navy two-piece dress I flowtr, w(r orchids and
wun navy ana wmw -t-ohanotis.
sorles.Both wore corsages oil M Doyle Baushman was
pink rosebuds and carnations. matron of honor and wore
ror we recepuonr naw- an orchid shaded dress and
thorne, snowballs and mock carried a nosegay of yellow
orange blossoms decorated roses.
the church parlors. A lace I The bridesmaids were Miss
cloth covered the bride's Rita Frances Buller, Dallas. In
table which was centered with an orchid shaded dress; Miss
a wedding cake. Cutting the Clara Hoefner, Corvallls, In
cake was Mrs. Richard . vin- jftuow no aw um muu,
solved a BM tram tha Peabody
Conservatory of Music, Balti
more, an MA from Johns Hop
kins university and a Fh.D
from University of North Car-
cent of Mrytle Creek, the
bridegroom's sister - in - lsw.
assisted by Mrs. Harold Dur
helm of Brownsville. At the
in a pale green dress. Each
carried nosegsys of roses.
Misses Desna and Delia
Schmedtke. twins, were the
it ... iiuwcr KUU iiu J
coucw urns were rars. , -
of Portland, liiter I l.-wT
of the bridegroom, and the
bride's aunt, Mrs. Ralph Ka-
Tobev was rinl bearer,
Ward Kennedy, Jr., was nesi
mau, and acting as usners were
in the succeeding march to
the Silverton cemetery. Mrs.
Leland Morgan is serving as
phone and transportation
chairman from the VFWs
for the Gold Star Mothers to
attend the program and go
to the cemetery for the final
observances there.
On the social committee at
the meeting were Mrs. Tom
Lynch and Mrs. Keith Berg.
Mate ten Mnfcgi wna it taut
PHONB 1-7431
deU of Brownsville. Serving Muimd jnce .Ralph Scott and
punch was Mrs. Howard Dur- Robert Tobey.
neim ox Spokane, .wain., , Miss Judith Clausen, in a
another aunt . of the bride. Dmw dress, and Miss Darla Nor
Mrs. Aner Buczynski, Miu they, in blue, were the candle-
Gall Christensen, Miss Louise lighters. Each wore a corsage
S trout. Miss Evelyn Nanman, and headband ox cecu arunner
and Miss Jackie Haberly roses.
MiiUd. - Orln Hornback was we or-
n hrMa iimiMii iinpo4 sanlst and niayea we weaauu
. ...r. . -n. m. I marches and was accompanist
accessories for the wedding "r bum. wiw -,
"P to the coast. An orchid aanf. u . . . .
. - i . j i or ner uauiuiw si wiumh
WsTMglfZ" WU piUIlVU W UCf I mm - . . - .
lapel. Mrs. Vincent to a 7JrtX,7. J mTLT
. i , . I aaua ihaded orsanxa with em-
junwr mny wan scnooi r- . aommr.
were v allow roses.
The church was decorated
with Calla lilies. Easter lilies
and rhododendrons. Lighted
candles in csndelabnims were
also used.
More then 150 auests at
tended the receotlon in tha
church earlors. Baskets of
lilies and rhododendrons ana
white irises and soiree ware
Aloanv At 8 o clock In ut nvrl u th room decoration.
evening on Friday, May 22, at Mrs. Ralph Harmon was in
the First Baptist church. Misslcharse of the decorations. Mrs.
Mabel Ellen Kennedy, daugh-l John Buller, Dallas, Mrs. N al
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward E. lie Drvden. Sweet Homo. Mrs.
Kennedy, and Arthur O. Slagle Donald Haryne, Mrs. Mora
of near Albany, son of -Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. Paulina S preen.
Fannie Slaale of Willman. Miss Roberta Nay. Miss Mary
Iowa, exchanged their marri- Motley and Mrs. Virgil Graff
age vows. The Kev. James a. assisted in tha serving, vat.
Neely read the single ring serv- Marland Rice poured.
ice. ' 1 Later the bridal couple lert
The bride was given in mar- on a wedding trip to coastal
rlmam bv har father. She wore DointSr For going away. We
white satin wedding dress, pnae wore a navy oiuw
entraln. and made barocque tume wiw gray accessories ana
style with the bodice embel-
Miss Stanek, who received
her master's degree from East
man School of Music in Janu
ary, will study at tha Musk
Academy of tha Wast la Santa
Barbara. Calif., this summer.
She wss graduated cum laude
from Lawrence college in 1149
and is a former cellist with the
Milwaukee under tha Stars and
Waukesha Symphony orches
tras. ).-
Hesd of Willamette's piano
department, Ralph Dobbs; has
appeared In concert throughout
tha country. In 1828, after
graduating from tha American
Conservatory of Music, Dobbs
was selected by Percy Grain
ger as soloist in the Hollywood
Bowl "Symphonies under the
Stars." Grainger considered
Dobbs a genius in his ability
aa a pianist The artist ,also
performed aa soloist with' the
Los Angeles Philharmonic or
chestra under Rodzinski aud
the Chicago Symphony or
Tha trio will perform two
works for the Friday program,
Trio in E minor, Op. 47, Shos
takovich; and Trio in D minor,
Op. 48, MendeUsojn.
Albany Arraigned before
Judge Victor Olllver Wednes
day in circuit court on a habit
ual criminal charge. Jack Or-
vllle Mann pleaded innocent
and his trial was set for Wed
nesday, June IT. Following his
arraignment Mann wss return
ed to the Oregon state peniten
tiary, where he is serving a
prison term.
Graduation Sot
Woodburn The annual
commencement . program for
tha graduating class of 1891
of Woodburn high school will
be Tuesday, June 8, at I pjn.
in the high school gymnasium.
The theme la "Our Problems.
m processional wiu vm play
ed by the Woodbura high
school band, directed by X.
Donald Jessop, followed by
tba Invocation by Rev. T. M.
Tha pragrasa will teeters I
Salutatory, Mar C.,
wood; aratlon, U, ,a Cuav .
minis; music by the band;
oration, Joanna V-attaon; to
valedictory, - fhiclay , Kaeaq
music by tha high school
chorus, directed by Miss Har
riet Nlxlc, Dorothy Baxter,
accompanist; oration, Wlllard
Thompson; eo-valdlctory; Ella
Beaton; awards, frank P.
Doerfler; presentation of alaaa
principal Lester Kallart
presentation of diplemaa.
Dean Blshoprick ehalrman a ,
the school board; benediction.
Rev. Ormal B. Trick;
atonal. Mgh school band.
A elsss of 88 wUl
diplomas. - '
Wishes ra aaaouaca raa rKeyOOHAVt M wHH af
: . Sia Hhly SkWae Oawraravi -
and the bridegroom was grad
uated in 1952. They wUl be
at home in Amity after June
Duo Wed
At Albany
Ushed with embroidery. The
net veil wss held in place with
crown set with seed pearls
Both for the price o4-ot. Flower Mist alone. ..1.65
..aH Irtnaa fnr 1 tCfUlt of lishL linrcrinf
In summer, everj wuiu" uub- -
enchantment-Blue Grsss Rower Mist, of course! Blue Grass
Flower Mist i. so cool, so misty light you csn use it profusely.
And now, ninbeth Arden creates the new travelling
puff-puff container filled with delicately perfumed Blue
, Grass Dusting Powder . . . snd includes it in this specisl
offer! So convenient pretty snd a joy to possess.
4t. Blue Gran Flower Mist with
Blue Crass Dulling Powder... 1.6
Sot, Blue Crass Dower Mist with
Blue Crass Dusting Powder...8.8
mi 'i
e7l s -5 . '
tK. vgc-rf rt9ih
mi near luaaiW - iwvmewvttf
Consult "Gordon'4 for oil of your hair prob
lems. No appointment1 necessary.
Open Evenings By Appointment .-'
"Where Pretty Women Walk In ...ami
Beautiful Wesneu Walk Oat"
J4a(ey. 5 (Seauty. Center.
-111 Uii4oA e)lBt)tol' SlwOpMtif Cntw
It means som
to give. . .or get. . .a
an orchid corsage
After Juno 1 the couple will
be at home In Albany at 189
E. Sixth avenue. '
r Why Is it 10 many people hope some day to .
own a Hamilton? Some, because Hamilton
is a reliable timepiece famed ss "the
watch of railroad accuracy," and powered
by an unbreakable mainspring of precious
Dynavar. Others, because each Hamilton
is a beautiful piece of jewelry. Still others.
perhaps, because a Hamilton is so often the
mark of success the watch favored by
those who can afford the finest (Yet prices
tart at only $49.50.) ' ' t !. ? .
When you choose a gift for someone you
love, remember i it means so much mora
to give or get a Hamilton.
Ask your wlr-h tarwst your best buy b HAMILTON
ll Tnev!! ail lather 'round "5
sT sV fel I '
when your GRAD sliews off new Lgi 4 ! ' : ' ' V' ' ' ' ' - ?' oawe '
;imten jipl ;ri W" I
Athrmesrersobs SL Jlr ' IV
teraoCBl-the X$4J& U rW f
saomat rou tyn s ' SflSSSsg? ' If
Hndepeadabwiiew JPZ&y Jf J
HamUioet Select h ffitfy
aew etodels of kS&2&77 ' - "
iacompsnbls fs- -- 7
besorrsed j&s W ryv-" "X " '
a rDNAi4Ki.k ' "MAPW lltrHOAT MOTHIIU" Make her reatly happy with a Hamilton. Pictured left to right! The
Comniu . ' Shtron-natural or whits UK (old, silk cord, $87 JO; Tbs Brenda-natural or white ltK gold, silk cord,
T"i C?&i&??i;ln 171.50! Tbslnnatural 01 whi-se , ?
ft D. CYSCM lit nl mL I
iM....4o!e I
fJP 1
til (R)
Elgin Longines Wittnouer Gruen - Walrham
Benrus Wadsworth Girard Perregaux
yy Prices Start at 19.95 up
tete at Liberty ' DU141WI
Al AN AWARD for sales or seTTics, America's finest watch is nost oftm chosen. Shown, tha Hamiltoa
Cameron fleft) natural 14K gold with sllisstor strap, 1150.00; the Turner natural et white 101
gold with alligator strap, $100.00. Prices Include Fsderal tax.
i ii
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