t . t Fact THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJet. Oram Thuradgy. May IS, IMS Capita I Wo men Idlte4 kg MARIAN LOWSV F18CHEB Miss Bush, Mr. Hoff To Be Wed Tm engagement ana ap troachlng marriage of Mitt Donna Bulb to Clayton P. Hoff ire being innounoxL ' The wadding It planned for . ih aitarnoon of June SI at 4 'dock la the rint Congrega tional church. Both young people arc tm ployed la the state Us conv ttisalon office. . Mlu Buih hat beta active In ihe Junior Woman'i club. She a the daughter of If r. and Mrt. C P.' Crawford of Varnonia, Dre., and attended Ortion State allege. Mr. Hoff la the aoa of Mr. tad Mm. Conrad F. Hoff of Riverside, Calif. He 1 a gradu- ite of Waihlnftoa Itata col lege. a a a Mrs. Allgood Is Honored at Party Mrt. Robert Pattleoa and Mm. Phil Kerber were hoet Maea at a eurpriea party and hower Monday evening, hon oring Mrt. Bill AUgood (Ar tene Kuhn) of Paeedena, Calif. Solot were lung by Mrt. John Van Beaten. Game were played. Befrainnenta were erred lata la the evening. 3uetti were Mra. Allgood, Mra. Donald Kuhn, Mn. Leon Rle- wald and Marlya, Mra. Kou Kuhn, Mra. Joe Oriffin, Mra. Wallace Park, Mra. Onrllle Davenport, Mrt. John Van ganteo, Mra. Rex Brendle, Mra. John Wanger, Mra. Irnmet Dlckaon, Mra. Harry Phillip, Mr. Tneoaore. Hum, Mra. 31ana Davenport, aad Max in, Mra. Collette Xuat, Mra. Bob Covert, Mra. Maria PhlUlpa, Mra. Oaear PhilUpe, Mrt. Haael Aadaraon, Mra. Ouy Newgent, Mra. Robert Kuentli, Miee Don oa Hlndman, Mite- Shirley Davenport, Mra. I M. Marvin, Mra. Walter White, Mr. Phi', Hathaway, Mra. Elmer Cook, Mra. Fred Qlbaon, Mrt. Charlee Unruh.'Mrt. Bmer . lUereon, Mra. Dtrell Bradford. Aaslating with eervlng ware Meadamee Ilmer Cook, Charle (Jnruh , Harry PhUlipt tad Theodore Burn. - Some Notations.. Birthday Event Mr. and Mra. Stanley Pagg entertained wedneiday eva ding la honor of William aad Donald Harrlt who are cele brating their birthday thli, week, preteat ware the honor ed gueett, their parenta and brother, Mr. and Mra. O. C Harrla and Xugene, the hoeta aad their two daughter, Pa tricia and Betty. . LOW GftOII winner at Oak Knoll Woman'i Oolf club oa Wedaeaday were Mra. Le- land Plank, elate A; Mra. Paul Silk, elaae B; Mra, K, L. Bu chanan, data C Next Wedaea day, the group will meet tor IS-hole tournament play, prlae to go to the winaer. .. . v , lastoupits Hosts At Family Reunion Sllvertoa Mr. aad Mr. reap ZaatoupU entertained Buaday at their home at a re union of the member of the family of Mrt. Zattoupll with a dinner aerved la the early afternoon aad the remainder of the day aad evening apent socially, The group included the famillee of the children of Mr. Mary Haael of Woodbura. Preteat ware: from Idmoa-ton,- Alberta, Canada, Mr. and Mra. Edward J. Haael and Douglat and Edward, Jr.; from Independence, Mr. and Mr. Bill Hanel, Donald, Robert and Richard; from Woodburn, Mra. Mary Hanel, Mr. and Mra. Loul Hanel aad Dennla, Mary Ana, David aad Mlkky, and Mr. and Mr. Jca Plrkl and Raymond, Gary and Mary Linn; and of Silvarton, Mr. and Mra. Tony Zattoupll and Mia Linda ZaatoupU. Thl waa the lint reunion of the entire group In two year. ' e e e Parents Tell Troth Independence Mr. and Mr. M. J. Pippin are announcing j the engagement of their daugh. f ter, Ml Bhirley Ana Pippin, to Richard Dodie, ton of Mr. and Mr. Ptul Dodlt. The wed ding I planned for Auguit I at the Methodtrt church. Mite Pippin la employed by the atate Income tax commit don and Mr. Dodle It engaged , In farming. . lyM.LF. Many friend called Wed' neaday morning at an inform al coffee party to aay farewell to Mr. Harlan A. Judd. who, with her children will be leav ing next week for Jollet. Ill, to Join Major Judd who 1 ita tioned with the army, ordnance ammunition center near there. The coffee affair wa at the attractive country borne of Mr. and Mrt. Bert A. Walker on Sunnyitde road touth of Salem. Mr. Walker and Mrt. Theo dore Cllakko being hostesses for the affair. ... No formal invitation were issued for the event, an open Invitation go ing out to Mrt. Judd't friend to call by and there wa wonderful turnout to wiih Mrt. Judd well , , . And luch a beau tiful time of the year to be out In the country, regardlea of the rain, the walker home boaiting a beautiful view to the east ... Tne conee table wa ar ranged cornerwite In the din' lng room in front of the big window! ... It wa et with a pale green cloth, an arrange ment of pink columbine with pink taper on either side act In the center at the tide The refreshment were lerved buffet. Our call wa at noon time and among thoe greeted then were Mra. Carl W. Chamber, Mr. Edwin Keecb, Mm. Wai ter L. Spauldlng, Mr. Carl Staelhammer, Mm. Joseph B. Pelton, Mm. Maurice Heater of Btayton, Mm. O. E. Palma- teer, Mra. H. H. Henry, Mrs. Stanley Krneger of Indepen dence and Mm. Clarence Grand 01 Monmouth, Mm. Chester Frit. Mm. H, C. Saalfeld, Mm. Sidney Hoffman, Mra. Jack Simklnt, Mm. John Cattrell, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Joseph DlPlllppi, Mrt. Leslie Beard, Bin. uarrell Robinson, Mm. Jetvph Matnjec, Mm. Clyde E. Warren, Mra. A. D. Apperson. Mra, Jennie Bartlett, Mitt Margaret Magee, Mrt. Glenn Barrlght Hosts to Visitors Liberty Mai. and Mm. Newton William. Newton Jr.. Batty and Douglas are vliltlng at the home of Mr. and Mm. Ralph Dent on Boone Road. Mr. Dent It the mother of Ma jor Williams. Mat. William hat just grad uated from staff officers col lege at Port Levenworth, Kan., and It on leave until he will take up hit post at the Desert Chemical depot at Tooele, Utah. They will stay In Salem until June 1, and a family re union it planned for Sunday. May 31, at the Dent home. Alio an open house for all their friend will be that afternoon. CDA Court Mt. Angel Member of court Marlon, Catholic Daugh- tert of America, were enter tained Monday evening at St. Mary' ichool. Honor at card were awarded to Mr. Albert Uhing, Mn.tS. Jaeger, Mr. William Worley and Mrt. T. J. Schwab. Refreshment were aerved by the hostess committee, with Mm. Norbert Butsch as chair man. She wa assisted by Mn. Fnnk Fessler, Mrs. Alvin Saal feld, Mrt. Allie Schmltt, Mr. P. N. Smith, Mra. M. A. Wag ner, Mn. J. L. Wachter, Mis Elizabeth Unger, Miss Eustelle Bauman and Mis Margaret Traeger. Mrs. Fearing Honored At Coffee Honoring Mm. Charlee F. Fearing, who will be leeviag toon with her family to Join Capt Fearing at Castle Air Force base tt Merced. Calif., Mrt. Donald L. Ratmuteoa aad Mn. T. N. Monia entertained Wedneiday morning at a coffee party at the Ratmueeea home. A group of 25 friend of the honor were bidden. Mra. Millard Ramtdell poured. Mra. Philip J. Blake ateltted la terv- ing and Mm. Wallace Cowea wat at the door. Among the guetta waa Mra. Kenneth A. Gallagher of Oawego. Mra. Fearing and tons, Rich ard and Charlee, are leaving June 9. Mn. Fearing hat been active In a number of group here, particularly the YWCA and itt program. DG Seniors Are Feted at Party Delta Gamma alumnae of Salem entertained with their annual breakfast for aenioM of the Willamette university active chapter of the sorority on Sunday, the party being at the Fairmount Hill home of Mrt. Leon Perry. On the committee arrang ing the event were Mn. E. M. Ptge, Mn. Steve Andenon, Mrt. Albert A. Cohen, Mn. Lloyd Hammel, Mn. Leon Margotlan. Ml Olive M. Dahl. Mm. Arthur A. Rogers, Mm. Clayton Foreman, and Mm. Pernr. Mrt. Pearl namaker, chape rone at the sorority, wat a tpecial gueat and the een- lore honored were Misses Leah Cae, Sua McElhlnny, Harriet and wllma Alter, Ann KUndworth, Patty Fa bar, Shirley Hutchinson, A r d a t h Durbln, Janice Oladdea, Mar ilyn Quamme, ' Beverly Oa- born, Marlene Vincent, Edith Wheeler. In addition to the nine on the committee, other alumnae attending were Mm. A. Free man Holmer, Mn. Douglas Baker, Mlaa Lorena Jack, Mitt Lou Latimer, mm. George Wagner, Mm. Robert D. Gregg, Mn. Robert Hynd, Mn. 8. C. Stenerodden, Mm. Howard MlUer, Mra. J. William Stortx. 1 ' 'tb lit v i.f;- Chapter Is Entertained Wednesday, r-.itx chairmen for the aew yeer were announced for Alpha Eptllon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, wtownw u.xinv t Mn. Eldons una- horst, new chapter president, naming the appointmentt. The chairmen are: Mn. Ralph Atwood. par liamentarian; Miat Beverly Lebold, bittorlaa; Mm. Robert McLauchlan, contact; Mrt. Ted Morrison, program; Miat Dorothy McCall, pubUclty; Mist Be mice Ettner, member ship; Mm. Frank Ransom, so cial; waya and meant, Mm. Lawrence Fitzgerald; tervlce, Miat Marcla SommcM. The meeting latt evening waa at the home of Mm. Don ald Klinesmith with Mm. Duane Janlcek, Mra. Mar shall Jacob, Mn. Joha Black, Miat Marcia Sommer and Mn. Roy Holbrook u the co hottestea. The program waa on home building and planning and participating were Mn. Eldon Lindhorat, Mrt. Lawrence Fitagerald, Mra. William Letaard. -tee ABOUT attended the PLEAF club of the Pythian Bride-Elect o Party Feted v Honoring Miat Jean Hoppe, who it to be married to Rich- rd Bolender, a ahower aad party are planned for Thurt day evening. The bride-elect1 mother, Mra. Otto Hoppe, and Mr. Bolend er' mother,- Mra. George Rob erta, are to be hotteeeea for the party at Mayflower hall ' About SS friend of tba boa- ' oree have been bidden. A lata deuert will be aerved. - Named at School Mitt Barbara Jo Garner. - wa. elected "Girl of the Year" by the Girl League of ealem , Academy and waa presented the bracelet Miat Garner waa : also a May prlnceat for the : achool. f Sisters on Wedneaday, the group voting to give $10 tc: the blood bank during the meeting. A special prize waa won by Mn. Emma Solie and , taking honort at carde war ' Mm. Nora.Pearce, Mra. Axel Jacobten, Mm. Frank Carna thane Jr, Mm. Clara Norton. Wlnnert at games were Mra. ; A A Nlederberger, Mm. How; ard Smith and Mn. Leon Han- ten. Mn. Tom Romalne enter talned the club, Mra. O. W.t Thomu and Mra. Charlee C- Ir- ,. win attlttlng. , Today's Menu Benefit Luncheon About 150 attended thebene- FBIDAT FABE Creole Shrimp , Steamed Rice Summer Salad Bowl Crisp Roll . . Raisin Chew ' Beverage Raisin Chewe Ingredient: 1 cup lifted flour, 2 teaspoon baking pow der, 1 teaspoon talt, 1H cup seedless raisins, 1 cup walnut meat, S egg, 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoon vanilla, confection ers' sugar. Method: Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Rinse alln,- Hi-4n rhnn vntalnt atlft fit luncheon given by the to- walnu, coarsely with tharp knife. Beat eggt vigorously un til very foamy; gradually beet in sugar until mixture begins to get thick and a pale yellow color. Stir la raisins, walnuta and vanilla. Gradually ttir la flour, mixing thoroughly. Pour Head Auxiliary New officer! for the East Salem Llona . club auxiliary Include these three .ibove, left to right: Mn. Virgil Pade, president; Mrt. Ben Glfford and Mn. Robert Dyer. (Jesten-Mlller ttudio picture) Chapter Event XI Lambda chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on Wedneiday evening at the home of Mn. Gut Hewitt, thl being the last gathering for the group until September. The exemplar de gree wa given for Mm. Wilbur Pearson and four honorary member, Mm. Georgry Beane, Mrt. David Bennett Hill, Mm. Percy R. Kelly, Mr. Walter L. Spauldlng. Mist Martha Lierly took over at president for the first time and Installed Miat Hattle Bratzel at treasurer. LEAVING Friday on a trip are Mr. and Mrt. Lloyd Ham mel and children, Mart Ana and Sharon. They are driving to Lafayette, Ind. to visit rela tives. Alto, they will be in Ann Arbor, Mich., Mr. Hammel to take in year-end events at Uni versity of Michigan law achool of which he it a graduate. The family will be gone a month. 1 CHEAT LAKES CRUISE AIR AND SEA . . nj2 10 DAYS ALL EXPENSES PAID FOR TWO From Salem - Watch This Paper For Further Details del afternoon group of Chad- wick chapter, Order of East ern Star on Tuesday. Card fol lowed the luncheon and win ning honor at bridge and ca nasta ware Mra. F. D. Klbbee and Mra. Curtis A. Hale. JOLLY EIGHT Pinochle club met on Tuesday at the home of Mra. M, Willi for a luncheon. Coven were placed for Mr. Arlo McLaln, Mr. R. C. Oiborn, Mr. David Hoi weger, Mr. E. A- Jackion, Mra. Hei nr Knight. Mra. E. B. Tttsson, ttrt. Phillip Bouffleur, a guest substitute, and the host ess. . , Choir Event Choir- members of Knight Memorial Congregational church met for a no-host din ner Tuesday evening, the group electing officer at a meeting. J. J. Thompson it president; Bernard Shanka, secretary-treasurer; Mr. Roman Steffen, social chairman. Prize wen won by Mn. Richard Smart, Mn. Bernard Shanka and Mrt. Steffen when the group played games. into buttered pan (about 12 by 8 by 2 Inches). Bake in mod erate (350 F) oven about 30 minute or until cake tester in serted in "center comet out clean. Cool in pan; cut into 24 pieces and roll in confectlonen' tugar. - Betrothal Told Mr. and Mn. A N. Wllllch are announcing the engage ment cf their daughter, Mitt Wilma Wllllch, to Roy Schwab auer, ton of Mr. and Mrt. Rob ert Raney. No date It set for the wed ding. COMMITTEE for the social meeting of Cherry Court, Or der of Amaranth, on Wednes day included Mr. and Mr. Ar thur Davit, chairmen, Mr. and Mn. Willis Sullivan, Mrt. Frances Scroggen, Mis Evelyn Stark and Mn. Ota Binegar. ''''''' ' The Following (hsnyCitr Elsctric ttf Cheaeeketa Htea 1-4T4J ED'S MARKET DOES IT AGAIN! BEEF PRICES Are on the Up-Swing . . ED'S MARKET will hold at these prices a. Swift's Govt. Inspected Beef steaks trr ... . FROZEN FRYERS LiV PURE GROUND BEEF 31.00 BEEF ROAST 33c IB0ILIN6 BEEF 19c TREND SHORTENING ! 3 69c $1100 MARGARINE . .5 OPEN ALL DAY MEMORIAL DAY ED'S .ftftABK lbs. IT To Place Classified Ads I Phone 2-2406 I FREE DELIVERY On Order Over 4.00 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK . 7 A.M. to 1 A.M. 1120 Y 12th St. Ph. 2403 Merchants Will Remain Open Tonight and Tomorrow Night 'til 9 p.m. for the convenience of the Memorial Day Shoppers: Bergs Super Market Carlyn' s Jewelery Dana's Bootery Haley's Beauty Center Hughes Apparel Jary's Flowers And Fine Candies S. H. Kress & Company MargwenY Children's Shop ' The Music Center Salem Record Shop Owl Drug Company Shaw Furniture Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Shryock's Men's Store Remember, Shop With One Stop at the "friendliest Stores In Tom" Ciute Free Customer Parking Available at All Times r r i. V::. f I . i '1- i'-3t)C,."!rs'