Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    pw 1
In f t Valley
, Edited by mu FOBBBS
Butteville At Country
tide Gardeners' regular Hay
meeting en Wednesday was
sack lunch field trip.
The business leuioa wat
held In Silverton city park ai
lunches were eaten. Later a
tour of the Cooley Iri gardens
was enjoyed. On the way home
the members paused to look
' at each others' home gardens.
New officers elected were:
Ruth Eilers, president; Connie
McClure, vice president; Dor
othy Schaifer. secretary, and
Hazel Yergen. treasurer.
Plana were discussed for par
ticipation in the garden club
' convention in McMinnville in
Members making the field
trip were Mesdames Dan
Clark, Vernon Eilers, Claude
Shaffer, John Smrlch, Robert
Colvin, George Eilers, Ward
Russell, Beryl Breithaupt John
Kraus, W liber Denny and Ger.
aid Hannells.
The next meeting of the
Countryside Gardeners, June
17, at the Union Hill commun
ity hall will be outstanding.
Rosea will be the main topic.
Mrs. ward Russell is pro
gram leader for taat day.
Mrs. Wanda Idlunds of
Scott Mills Garden dub will
demonstrate corsage making.
(very member is to bring
an arrangement of roses.
Mrs. Jack Bartlett of Brooks
will be another special guest.
Mrs. Lillie Cunningham Is
leaving Friday for lima, Wash.,
to attend her grandson's grad
uation and visit at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Davidson Sager - and
youngest daughter, Valiera
Jean, of Salem, were after
noon callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William BuseelL The
Sagers formerly lived in Butte-
Mrs. A. A. Price waa taken
to the PbyeMans and Surgeons
hospital in Portl-ad Wednes
day afternoon for observation
and diagnosis. The exact caita
of her trouble ia not yet
known. ., . " ,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon filers
spent two days lrit week vis
iting Oregon State college cam
pus and old friends in Corvd
lis. '
, Two of the Smith triplets
are home from the Incubator at
Doernbeeher hospital, where
they had been since their birth
on March 27. The third one
probably will be released to
come horn by Sunday,
Mrs. Phil Hathaway was
hostess Tuesday, May It, to
the Polly Tuna Quilting club
from Salem. A potluck lunch
eon, was enjoyed.
Two of the members, Mrs.
W Welch and Mrs. Rilla Cos tea.
were- honored with a surprise
Birthday cake.
Mrs. Charles Hageman was
a special guest at the club.
Other club members present
for the occasion were Mrs. B.
A. Dickson, Mrs. X, R, Rlerson,
Mrs. C. N. Hathaway. Mrs.
In Twaaililir
jua r boss-
Fr MaaMamy
Vara Balstra
Ia TraMter
rum mm
are gate Tisail
Homer Harrison, Mrs. Clara
Norton, Mrs. Alpha Michael,
Mrs. Elmer fobis, Mrs. Charles
Tiera, and the hostess, Mrs.
Phil Hathaway.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway
are grandparents again. Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Tremalne (De
loris Hathaway) of Eugene
have a second daughter, named
Gwendolyn Kay.
The Hathaways, Including
Bonnie and Junior, spent a
week-end there to get acquaint
ed with the new arrival.
Dinner guest at the John
Rstmussen home Thursday ev
ening were Mrs. P. Rssmusscn,
Minnie Rssmnssen and Helen
Rasmussen. Helen Rasmussen
is here from California visit
ing relatives. She is returning
soon, taking her mother, Mrs.
P. Rasmussen, with her for a
Word has been received from
Rockaway that Andy Johnson
is in the TUlamook hospital for
car and treatment
Fele Band Head
At Silverfon
SUverton In behalf of the
Silverton Band Parent Associ
ation, Dan Gillam. - student-
band president presented the
director. J..L. Dyrud, with a
wrist watch at the annual no-
host banquet fun-program at
the Eugene Field auditorium
Tuesday evening, when more
than 200 school patrons, stu
dents and teachers attended.
Ernest Xrickson, band-parent
president directed the busi
ness session, and introduced the
toastmaster. Dr. L. u Hankel,
who ia a member of the district
No. 4 school board. .
Award winners were Miss
Dolores De Peel, first; Carol
Calkins and Nancy Peckham,
Other program numbers In
cluded h charnd enigma acted
out by Miss Calkins and Miss
Talks ware by Bob Gehrke,
who also gave the award to
the two winning performers',
principal of the high school,
Howard George; the Rev. A. W.
Nelson wno also gave tn in
vocation: Norman ' Naegell,
chairman of the board ot di
rectors of district No. ; Band-
Parent President xrnest aurek-
son and Dr. HenkeL . .
The band director. J. L Dy
rud save a review of the five
years' work of his services as
head of them uaie department
ot the local schools.
Gervais Mrs. Henry Steger
entertained the Gervaia Garden
club at her homo last week'
with 11 members and two vis
itors nresent.
The visitors were Mrs. &.
Riding, who joined the club,
and her mother, Mrs. Mc-
B. B. Barner. who has been
ill for some time, is improved,
Henry Seguin died at Silver-
ton hospital Saturday,
Funeral services were held
In Sacred Heart Catholic
church Wednesday morning for
Peter Lelack. long time resi
dent ot Gervaia. Rev. Snlder-
hon offered the requiem high
mass with Allen Miller and
Gary Uppendahl serving, Phil
Mahony was cross bearer. The
Mt Angel choir sang.
Parochial school eighth grade
exercises were held at Sacred
Heart church Sunday morning
at o'clock mass. ,
Rev. Sniderhon presented
diplomas to Jim Lelack, Henry
Kuschnick, Phil Mahony and
Gary Uppendahl, Barbara De
bacon, Gloria Kuschnick. Pa
tricia Shomus, Darlene Weisx
and Carol Seguin.
Mr. and Mrs. William Uppen
dahl entertained at dinner Sun
day honoring their son, Gary,
who graduated. Guests were
Rev. Sniderhon, Mrs. Uppen
dahl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Manning, Jean and Jerry
Mrs. Esrl Courtney, two sons
and daughter,. June, alt of Ore
gon City, attended the recital
ot Lois Steger Sunday after
noon. Mrs. Courtney is a sister
ot Mrs. Steger.
A reception was held in the
church basement after the re
cital. " Gates Oim ?:SS
. Shew at Pose
All Color
Maaraea 0Han
Carriers ta Artie.
in amit tiro
Gatee Members of the Oatae
Woman's dub met Thursday
evening in the recreation room
at LaVista trailer court.
: Mrs. Glenn Gordon, Mrs.
W. F. Struckmoler and Mrs.
George Clue were hosts sees.
Mrs. W. S. Hudson presided
at the business session.
Mrs. W. B Hutcheeon, chair
man ot the hniMmg commit
tee. annrHmreq too neat meet
ing of the Santiam Chamber
ot Commerce will bo bald in
Gates, Wednesday- evening.
June I, at the Gates high
She requested that each
member of the dub bake and
donate two pie to be served.
with coffee, to all those attend
ing this meeting. An Invita
tion waa extended to all Inter
ested la the development of
the canyon to be present
It was decided by members
of the dub to resume the social
meetings which were formerly
held each month. These meet
ings will be held the first
Thursday afternoon of each
month with a potluck lunch
eon to be served at 1 o'clock.
The first social meeting will be
held at the noma of Mrs. Al
bert Millaap, Thursday, July 2.
Installation of the following
new officers was held: Presi
dent Mrs. Kenneth Martlg;
vice president Mrs. George
Bailey; secretary, Mrs. Phillip
Hess, and re-elected treasurer,
Mrs. Ltrwia Brown.
Outgoing officers wore:
President Mrs. W. S. Hudson;
vice president Mrs. Howard
Means; treasurer, Mrs. Margie
Mrs. W. R. Hutcheeon was In
stalling officer. A corsage was
presented each now outgoing
The names of all "secret
pals" were revealed at the close
of the business session by the
presentation of gifts -and re
vealing cards.
Refreshments werassrved by
the hostesses to the 31 mem
bers present and special guests.
Mrs. H. D. Miley of Long
Beach, Calif., Mrs. Jack Brown
and Mrs. John Watson.
California guests at the home
ot Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley are
Mr. Mlleys parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Miley from Long
Beach, who arrived last Tues
day morning, also Mr. Milay's
brother-in-law and sister and
family, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Weeks and three daughters.
Mr. Weeks has just complet
ed his studies at San Anselmo
Theological tern In a ry. Mr.
Weeks and family were en
route to Fairbanks, Alaska,
where he will be missionary
chaplain to the armed forces
stationed in the . vicinity of
Mr. and Mrs. Gears Bailey
had as their guests over the
week-end, Mrs. Bailey's son,
Richard Seblay from North
Bend, and Mr. Bailey's son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and
Clara Anderson and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. L. X. Xverton
from Hermiston spent three
days the last of the week at
the homo of Mr. Iverton's sis
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Burrel Col. Mrs. Col and
Mrs. Xverton spent on day ot
tneir visit to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bernhardt
ot Medford and their son and
wit, Mr. and Mrs, Dean Bam-
hardt ot Portland, visited this
week at tha home of Mr. and
Mrs, G. C. Bernhardt O. C.
Bernhardt and Ray Bernhardt
are brothers and had not seen
each other tor more than 20
The local Girl Scout troope
served a dinner Saturday eve
ning from S to p.m. In the
recreation rooms of the high
school under the direction ot
their leaders, Mrs. Walter
Thomas and Mrs. Edward
Darlene Cole of Redmond, a
former student of the Gates
school, wss a visitor last week
at school. She was accom
panied horn by Xllen Chance,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Chance, and Juanita
Thomas, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Waiter Thomas, two for
mer classmates who spent the
week-end at her home in Red
mond. ' Mrs. Edmund Klecker of
Madras spent three days the
last of the week in Gates at
the homo ot her parents, Mr.
and Mr. Albert Millaap. She
attended the graduation ot her
son, Rodney, from the Stayton
Union high school and visited
her daughter, Mrs. Dor land
Swan, In Salem during her
Wren Matheny, of Silverton,
was a Gate visitor Thursday
of last week. Matheny waa
born ia Gate and lived her
unnl 110 when h left with
his parents. He noted many
changes In the town, which he
bad not vudted tar many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Carey and
' son ot Stayton attended a fam
ily dinner Sunday at the horn
of Mr. Carey's mother, Mrs.
Velma Carey, complimenting
her son James on his birthday
J. P. Dibble, engineer, who
has bn employed at the De
troit dam, left Monday for!
Lookout dam, wber b has
been relocated. His wit has
been a member of the Gates
high school faculty the past
yar. I
Graduation Set
At Mt. Angel
Mt Angel Rev. Kevin
Coyle, OSB, professor at Mount
Angel Preparatory school, will
address the graduating clan of
St Mary's grade school at com
mencement exercises at 8 pun.
Thursday evening. May 23, in
the St Mary's auditorium.
Joseph Wavra, school board
chairman, will present diplomas
to the so graduates. -
Salutatorian will be Donna
Vola and tha valedictorian.
Ruth Wild.
Musical numbers will in
clude a piano solo by Axle an
"'"g. and an accordian num
ber by Ruth Wilde.
Mrs. Agnes Booth, Marion
county superintendent will
give th commencement ad
dress, and the opening and dos
ing prayr will be by the Rev.
Cyril It bold, OSB, pastor of
St Mary's parish.
Miss Patricia ConneU will be
piano accompanist
Tha American Legion award
given to the outstanding boy
and girl of the St Mary's
graduating class will be an
nounced and presented by Com
mander Xugen Hotter of the
Mount Angel Post No. 89.
The class roll includes Janice
Aman, - Marilyn Beyer, Mary
Ann Bidemeier, James Brun-
dridg, Grac Buchholz, Wil
liam Butsch, Patricia Duman,
Mary Beth Eberle, Mary Ann
Ebner. Robert Erwert Charles
Fsssslsr, Carol FarrelL Ken
neth Fessler, Leroy Fessler,
Laveta Fennhnore, Norman
Fisher, John Fitxsimmons, Elis
abeth Front Thomas Gamble,
Delma Backs tt, Vincent Ham
mer, Arisen Hsssing, . Leslie
Holt Bernard Huber, Mary Ilg.
Joseph Jausoro, Michael Kee
gsn, Bernard Kimlinger, Mary
Ann Klainschmidt
David Kraemer. Harold Pas-
sey. Michael Pranger, James
Predeek, John Schallberger,
John Scharbach, Jerome Schef-
era. - Leon Schiedlcr, Mary
Schmaltz, Alan Schmidt Clif
ford Schmidt, Donald Schmidt
Arlene Schmitz, Karen Simon,
Diane Skirvin, Delbert S prim
er, Daniel Susec, Paul Terhaar,
Gary Thomas, Joseph Traeger,
John Trierweiler, Joseph Trier
weiler, Joann Wellman, Ruth
Wilde, Jeanette Wolf. Joseph
Miller and Donna Vols. .-
Unionvale Mr. and Mrs.
Louis W. Magell of Unionvale
attended memorial services
Sunday for his relatives buried
at Scotts Mills and for her rel
atives buried at the Miller
Next Sunday they will attend
services for other relatives bur
ied at Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magell
Saturday attended the funeral
of a friend, Mrs. E. W. Coulsen,
at Silverton who died at Spo
kane, Wash., while visiting her
daughter there.
Royd Hibbs snd his cousin,
Mrs. Carrie Kidd of Unlonvde,
attended the funeral ot their
cousin, Roy Robertson of Dun
dee, at Newberg Monday, May
28. He was born in Unionvale
more than 70 years ago.
Unlonvde Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Altinus of near Mc
Minnville were recent dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Church. They are parents of
Mrs. Church.
Darlene Turner, Gerald Geig-
er, Billie Hedgecock. Susan
Roth and Barbara Steinlicht
were the eighth grade gradu
ates of this district at the Day
ton Union grade sehool Thurs
day evening Dr. J. A Jonasson
of Llnfield college was the
Stayton. Work has begun
on the new grade school build
ing snd if no shortages in ma
terial or other delays occur, it
is expected it will be complet
ed in 130 days.
-aW '
Donald After his return
from his recant vacation trip
to Colorado with John Pdto,
Les Grazier purchased a sew
Ford pickup to carry on his
Monday Mrs. Ralph Bah and
Mrs. Edwin Johnson attended
the Santiam district meeting of
the Oregon Federation of Gar
den Clubs in Corvdlia, .
Mrs. Raymond Peterson. Mrs.
Bert Solberg and Mrs. Horace
Cook attended a luncheon meet
ing at to First Christian
church in Silverton ot the ad
visory committee for public
health nursing for Marion
county. The luncheon was
ed by tha Silverton committee.
Mrs. Dean Blshaprick wsa
elected county chairman, suc
ceeding Mrs, Carl Smith who
bad been president for toe past
two years.
- Mrs. Hugh Adams was elect
ed vie chairman, and Mrs.
Harmon Yeary ot the county
hedth department was named
Mrs. Raymond Peterson of
Donsld is chairman for the
North Marlon district succeed
ing Mrs. Ed Shannon, who
served for two years. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Driever,
accompanied by their daughter.
Mariano, drove to Parkland,
near Tacoma, Wash., Saturday
and cam back Sunday eve
On her return horn, Mar
iano took part in a musicd re
cital In the Presbyterian church
in Newberg, playing a duet
with her former teacher, Mrs.
Jesse Britt Mrs. Jsck Bush and
Mrs. Robert Mdtland of Don
aid accompanied Mrs. Driever
to Newberg to hear Marlen
- George Spenc has purchased
the barber shop ot Gilbert
KoefQer in Donald.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ball-
man and two children were
guests in the horn of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Huffman Wednesday
eight They left for Seattle
Thursday from where they will
sail tor Japan. Mr. BaUman is
connected with the air fore.
He has been in th service for
12 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mavhew
have purchased the property
next door to them from Lin
Cromwell. They plan to rent
tft nous.
Mr. and Mrs. V. X. Sldaht
and new baby have left Donald
tor Wilder, Idaho, where his
touts are living. While here,
Mr. siaight worked tor S. P.
Matheny as a logger.
Friday night Mr. Gregory
and Lawrence Baker were com
ing home from work in Greg
ory's new pickup, when a car
with extremely bright lights ap
proached them, just outside of
uonald on th Aurora-Dondd
highway. Gregory feared the
oncoming car would bit him
and gave his steering wheel a
quick turn and th pickup turn
ed over on the wet pavement
Baker sustained four broken
ribs, and Gregory was shaken
up and bruised. Th car caus
ing th mishap did not itoo.
Th men are employed by
Reddaway Truck lines in Port.
Mrs. Sid Hendricks has been
enjoying the company of her
sister, Mrs. Myrtle Kimball of
Havre, Mont, for th past
week. While here, they took
short trips including Forest
Grove and Portland. On Sun
day. Mrs. Hendricks gave a
dinner for her sister, Invited
guests being Mr. and, Mrs, R.
Anderson of Forest Grov.
Silverton Mr. snd Mrs.
Wdter Leisy of 309 Smith
street arrived home Tuesday
from a tour of southern states
a few days ahead of schedule.
The Leisys said they encoun
tered much rain and some, high
il'HI 1111
waters In other parts of the na
tion an their trip horn.
Mr. and Mrs. Soy Gosso of
South Water street entertained
at their bom Monday evening,
in a dinner honoring Father
John J. Walsh, formerly of the
SUverton parish, and now of
Portland, his sister. Miss Alice
Walsh of Portland, cousins at
Father Walsh. Mr. and Mrs.
Herman H. Hunt of Los An
aelee. and Father Maxwell ot
St Paul Catholic panan.
Pleasantdale Mrs. C W.
Sloan has just returned from
Turner where she vudted in
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John
Schifferer. Mr. and Mrs. J.
a Russell. Mrs. Gay Chapman
and others, while there sne
waa ' called to do substitute
teachina In th first second
snd seventh grades in the Tur
ner school. She also attended
Victoria chapter of th Eastern
Star and the district meeting
ot th asm order at Mill City.
Sunday callers at th home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bus Haouey
were his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Hadley and grandchil
dren, Kenny and Sandra of Mc
Minnville; also Mr. and Mrs.
Georg Gahrid of Salem. Mrs.
Gabriel and Mrs. B. O. Hadley
are sisters.
Chipper Bench, who makes
his horn with Mr. and Mrs.
Bus Hadley, left for Texas on
Saturday morning. May 23,
with his mother, Joan Bench of
McMinnville. In Texas they
will visit Mrs. Batch's mother,
who is 1U.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutsch-
man and children spent Satur
day evening at Tualatin with
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols
went to Portland Sunday to
visit her sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson,
and their father, William
Moerk, who remains in good
condition at th General hospi
tal, following an auto accident
Carl Melaer spent th week
end of - May 24 ia Sherman
county, his former home,' on
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zupo and
children ot Dayton joined the
Adolnh ' Schutz family for a
potluck dinner at the Schutz
home Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. George Web
ster and sons went to Portland
Sunday to visit their eldest son,
David, who is a student at Cas
cade college.
Mrs. Fred Rdchstein had as
callers on Monday, May 29,
the relatives: Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Edwarda of Dayton and
Mrs. Louesa Hanville ot Carl
ton. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schutz
had as Saturday evening call
ers his sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Jenkins and
sons of Salem.
Jack Flock Is at home after
working at Vde for several
weeks constructing an auto
court tor his wife's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Knott.
Mrs. Flock and the children
also spent some time at Vale.
Mrs. Anna Teague of Dayton
spent a few days with her
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Clair Reichstein, while
her horn was -torn up follow
ing a chimney fir, Saturday
afternoon, May 23.
Wood burn Memorid Day
services will be held in th Pi
oneer Cemetery chapel be
tween Brooks and Gervais at
2:30 p.m., Saturday, May 30.
Rev. K. Fenton ot Woodburn
will be the speaker.
1 When th ruby-throated hum
mingbird migrates it flies 800
miles across the Gulf of Mex
ico non-stop.
for two weeks
And Hi "Opm Hi
Door Richard"
All Stan
, Louise Beatty
As Vocalist ,
Chef Don sa (feats yea
try hi Barbeeaed 8 Bare
Ribs with Baked
Portland ReW
N.Marion High
Hubbard Numerous awards
were made at th last stuoans
body assembly for the North
Marion spring term sionoay.
Specutl awards presented by
M. H. Baal, principal, included
a certificate of award to iea
nor Aho as valedictorian of th
1889 graduation class, by tha
Readers Digest association; a
certificate of award to Hois
Nelson from th American
Chemical society tor outstand
ing student In chemistry; cer
tificates of award from , tha
Oregon Scholastic press from
th University of Oregon
school ot Journalism to Robin
Berkey and Jack Basmuason
for yearbook work and to
Kathleen Morrison for news
paper worn.
Medal awards were given
th outgoing student body offi
cers, Ken Hooley. president;
Bill McNary, vie president;
Robin Berkey, secretary and
LaDonna Sather, treasurer.
Girls' Athletic association
awards were presented by Miss
Charlotte Brummer. : Third
awards of a large "O" to Carol
Baker, JoAnn Evans, Frances
Jackson, Marjorie Jeskey,
Frankie McLaren, Betty Jo
Rose, Mary Wettstdn, Connie
Beard, Eloia Nelson, Rita Sa
bin. Joann Williamson; sec
ond awards of "N.M." to Nancy-
Barendse, Barbara Col,
Janice Smith, Gerddine Zah
ner, Janice Ray and Sandry
Eppers and a first award ot a
56" emblem to Ndla Bar
Hal Beyers presented a mu
sic letter award to Donald Hill,
Initiations were held Mon
day by the Honor Society and
the Pep Club. ,. ;
The honor society Initiated
Rosemary Orvold, Marjorie
Jeskey, BUI McNary and Jo-
Ann Evans.
Th Pep dub took In Nancy
Barendse, Barbara Cole, Dar
lene Buprnham, Beverly Cop
land. Sandra Eppers, Myrna
Foltz, Dolors Hillner, Shirley
Moore, Janice Smith, Naomi
Westwood, Geraldlne Zehner,
Rosemarie Flare, Fay Paris,
Marjori , Jeskey and Nancy
Tha Future Farmers of Am
erica chapter at North Marion
selected Bill McNary as 1953
'54 president Charles Craae
as vice president Dal Calla
way as secretary, Larry Cde
as treasurer. Dean Spenc as
reporter and Rondd Jeskey as
The 1953-'54 officers of the
North Marlon Girls' Athletic
association are Frank! McLar
en, president; Nancy Barendse,
vie president; JoAnn Evans,
secretary treasurer; Barbara
Cole, sgt-at-arms; Frances
Jackson, senior representative;
Geraldlne Zehner, junior rep
resentative and Ndla Bar
endse, sophmor represents.
Amity - Mr. and Mrs. John
Lahley opened their home
Sunday, May 24, to the Amity
graduating class of 143 tor
its first reunion sine gradua
tion. The get-together was sched
uled for the Maud William
son state park, but due to
rainy weather, th Lahleys In
vited the class to their home
on Jelllson street
Mrs. Edna S trout was the
only one ot the class teach
ers attending.-
Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Tresham and two chil-
-. M-.,i.::..: - i
'Vni "inw;;nw's ' f 7!.
BtfA-isr rnfcWi itriiisa,,A:, J
n t : Y t.B ti
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lLTO,,.itiiiMtiiMltl,i, aA ''liliiiSSsssgg!! mr
fomomhm XX ff fl I
. coast to caosf II II
TkmUy, May 28, 1951
Jl..m OTA
Jill TIM
Woodburn Mrs. Ra!Dh
Pickering was installed as
president of tha woodburn
Parent ' Teacher association
Tuesday night. May ag, at th
meeting held at tha Washing,
ton school. She succeeds
Robert Hurst who was the in
stalling officer. Other officers
installed were Mrs. Walter
Taylor, ' vice-president: Mrs.
MfKlnlay' Henderson,
tary and Mrs. Delbert Reed,
MrM' Pickering appointed
the following standin. com.
mitt chairmen: Program.
Mrs. Edward C. Cornea; room
representative, Mrs. Lloyd
Fvoom; ways . and . means.
Philip Branson; hospltalitv
Mrs. Mildred Lively; Duhl,
city, Mrs. Layman Balrd-
magazine, Mrs. Elmer - with '
am; historian, Mrs. Uriel
Livingston; membership, Mrs.
Lester Rosburg.
A past priaident's nin w.
presented to Robert Hurst by
wuiujc vafflucu ana a serv
ice pin for outstanding serv,
lee waa presented to un
Clarence Ahrens.
Parent of next ,
first grad pupils wr wel
eomed and the first - trade
teachers. Miss Gertrude Wsm-
poie, Mrs. Mary Blevan and
Mrs. Aileen Begin, wer in
troduced by Mrs. . Eusen.
stoller. .
A motion, previously made
to install a sink ia tha "Wash.
ington school,, was rescinded,
and instead It was voted to
ouy -a ncniswscope projector
tor us In all the nubile
schools. It was voted to do
nate $200 to the Washington
scnooA oana tor new instru
Entertainment was furnish
d by the fifth and sixth
grad band members in three
sdctlons. Refreshments were
served by group of eighth
grad- mothers, Mrs. Lai
Perterson, Mrs. Frank Chap,
elle, Mrs. Eldon Hart and
Lewis Paulson. This was th
final meeting of the grow
until fall.
dren, Robert Schaeffer, Miss
Louise Lawson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray LasniewsU and two chil
dren, Mrs. Betty Fullermiethe
and three children, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Scoggin, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Shipman and six
children. Father Leo J. Stup-
xei, jar. ana Mrs. R. J. Chance,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Riehter,
Mrs. Edna S trout and daugh
ter Louisa, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lahley and two children.
Baccalaureat eservkes for
Amity high school seniors were
hdd at th First - Christian
church Sunday evennlg. May
24. if
Amity The Amity Womans
Study club held its May meet
ing at the horn of Mrs. Royd
Cochran May 22.
Mrs. William Sproal presid
ed. Musicd numbers by the
high school trio and solo by
Jsck Larson were enjoyed.
Plans were mad for th an
nual picnic June 19 at Maude
Williamson state park.
Mrs. Cochran served refresh
Several Amity women in
cluding Mrs. William Sproal,
Mrs. Isaac Bantsarl and Mr.
Earl Ettenberg attended a
luncheon - at Eagles hall In
Portland recently. - -
because it's