THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sate. OreffM Taaraday, May 2S, 1951 Pan If lllglit Meetings For Farmers Three night anee ting have bto scheduled at different lo cations to provide Marion County fanners the opportunity to report IM14S-M wheat acreage history. The schedule of meetings, according to Xarl Johnson, sec retary of the Marion County . PMA committee is June 1. Fairfield Orange Ball; June , Central Howell School; June S, Stayton City Hall. The meet ings will be held from 7:10 to 10 pjn. . " rarmers who have not yet reported their three-year wheat history may come to which ever meeting is most convenient for them to attend.. The three-year wheat history en each farm will determine the extent of the 1954 acreage allotments which, barring an immediate change in the crop and export outlook, will be an nounced in early July. . It is Important that every acre of wheat grown during the last three years be reported, states Johnson. Any acreage not reported would penalise not only the individual farmer in terms of 1834 allotment tent, but also the county allot ment extent which wiu ee based en the total reported acreage. To date 1,180 produc ers have reported, mere are approximately 1,000 wheat producers la Marlon county. Zach wheat producer will need to devote only a few mia . utes of time at one of the wheat meetings to report his three year wheat history, ssys John son. - Two Will Graduate From Nursing School Frieda Carlson and Mary Thomas of Salem will receive diplomas in nursing from the University of Oregon Medical School department of nursing ' June S. The class will be press ntsd by Miss Winifred Wolfe, asso ciate professor of nursing. Or. Charles N. Holman, medical di rector and administrator of the UO Medical School Hospitals and Clinics, will present the di- ; plomas, and Miss Henrietta Doltz, department head, will present the school pins. Ed gar W. Smith, Portland, mem ber of the State Board of High er Education, will giro the commencement address. Both girls will receive Bache lor of Science degrees at Uni versity of Oregon commence ment ceremonies in Eugene on June 14. Lois Brinks, Salem, a grad uate mm studying In the de partment of nursing, will also receive a bachelor's degree at that time. Switching Station Site Work to Start With the award of the eon- tract by the Bonneville Power Administration to L. C. Daniel, Eugene, for the grading and excavating ot me site for tne Lookout Point switching sta tion, work will be getting un der way on those faculties that will eventually be required to ; bring power genera ting from Lookout Dam into BPA's main transmission network at Al vey. Daniel was awarded the eon tract en a low bid ef $5405. The contractor will be allowed . 45 days to complete the work outlined In the contract. . BPA Project Engineer D. K. Randall will be in charge of the work, maintaining his head' quarters at the J. p. Alvey sub station. OPERA AT NEWBEKO George Fox College. New- berg Taking the leading roles In a presentation of Moaart'S opera, The Magle Flute" to be presented Friday and Satur day nights, May H and SO, are Yvonne Hubbard, sophomore ot WUlamlna, Ore., and Robert Byrd, treehman at Mewberg. CONTINENTAL THAI IA7 AYS aaaaaalaaaaBaaaa-a UlrUNCBtf 1095 IP 1A l uan 13.411 NS890T 57tR.Nf.JL MeetlUtS WetrasM U i i , - i i8i aw mitt Pelareai nVaadsaasT wALLON PICNIC JPG tWIUas Bear Ihh fees' AQ r eM Mm Uaa ar j97 tyaet. WW mrik for Mty-Art. m awdtaKr UK1GO4T01 kae wira laa fSQK IN THE CAPITOL i OFFINO CENTER )) ' k. " Wore FaitU And Solid Color Satin vt $1,06 Now! i-Tler, Sfardy AN Metal ' UTILITy TA0LE wives yaa eatre eooLvia 89 m Multicolor Iflafabl9 PLAY DALL feAr one m m Hdn en. A booutyl oa. "pa, W BEACH CLOGS Weed solas wltt v sfreas, SMX. 79' EARDRUM PROTECTORS K25 SWIM GOGGLES Rsafeer fi-eate; jUssfaMe '. 1.19 20" Isffefeale CeUree1 SWIM RIUS r.. 90 PiailC CUTLERY teeare-l Swiss lief SAIL IOAT fiLW. , MatiH.. 4T toast 47 stoat a 1 g SURF SLED 4.95 . ISNOOZY. th Snall1.98 MMMbf.pH.., Lies Skew sad Oef May est Piettfc 12-aa.Sef. 59? i Caerfosf. Satf erbed Coffee Twill la Assarfed Colors Deslfss KOT-GLO CHARCOAL 2 1.49 ir CANVAS BAG W Jf axlper afeslsf 1.90 OOYS SVIM TRUNKS 98c wtflaMiWe Front chcM99 podktfti soft fcnHw far peaak Sites 4, 4, I, Leek at OwTi lew arleelTraaiare for year badgetl Wklrl-aael vear ftoaj fkls saaisteVI 0TOUNG MEN'S & MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Plain and patterned boier trunb rfAA ' or aUer beys and men. M I , . knit peuckei; cKanae pecseh. U . .. ASS Acting 0D TVI PO 49 I DMBls-MltcktN SHOPPING CART M.95Vflf! ; sty te Ma year 8" ZERO 4-Clad Electric tlMl Met 4M ferae. Sferally da. Rait SNK Seta Lc)i:s Far aaalar aakia. earl aaa le yaar kHcWal Far lar arMMaa. aaaHnr la yaar atoVaaml UHTT , aaril t Maw OHVT Tf. 4-Made Ste- in lai . ar . Z6". fo- ''a, TXStANSisteiUtienM uuutniitNt lor Miaihk Hollywood Extn SpSyuaT STBY Sratsn Lejica-.. 69c .1.00' 79? i Ceet year W STERNO FUrfMJ ptAr ftml 57' Wlealee STOVE SAND PAIL VYM tliaval, eaaarafed. 15 RAKE. HOE ft SHOVEL SET 19 Sttm lit SAND SIEVE SET It-hcb ttm wHh altitU Had ikaral a4 I fay, alarHc Md aMf I 4 A aalarW,'ta flUC IrtaaHy til t. MWiI.i' foal AtiAT!'-. XMID a.. tJ. S. Bewland ' KIDDIES' SWIM (APS s:-w: AvUUr8tyle. 89c iadies' qfrs "i&sx&r1"4. ssc 89c Seibsrling Caps Asstd. 8 lias . Jssfzen Swin Ctps Jaaler Site , 1.25 JANTZEN SWIM CAPS Asstd. Styles. 1.25 Far fear Samaiar Ssaasa-CralMl STEAMER CHAIR fee) 1 100110! Adfaaf eala fa S esJfleei Hrw4 fraaia J II D aaa aalara mi J SID . m a . i s.mj UltsfJ YACHT CHAIR Wm(W raiMiat aalaraj 4mk flmly aHaaM to karetraad fraata. Owl taaapl .89 Mea's asd Waiaaa's Plastic Raincoats l.W aaah kt aaaail . SaiaH, a4laM, larf. 93 1 Stack I r Icfara-TaHsf ANSCO 3-Roll Pack u Wall. Inalltlil tad feaecareate All-Weefaer Mm for Clear flcfares ee fvery Ssetl I ralli Na. 117 far Aa Fka UI t tl0 Nek af I. Ml Owl else aas ceaialefa ifeek af aeer fWsj la I, l aad 1 mm. trtofl Tear Mefa . FMsa'ag fa Owi far ixmr omioriNwi Jsaiaa friars af No fifra Cvtfl DIAL Shampoo Is aaady aaWaaW Tata If wMnvr yea aef F0LDIN6 CAMP STOOL J 1 M 1 t. f.. 90 llll HaaaV fer aUalai. aaaialM, kaaayarrf Utiiml aW rtraal atf.Ml Fala awasatt)y far ttarafa. 67e BEACH BACK REST latk twErfvort 4W rtiwaiinf trMrtldtfj t rVf) OMdjIil DM soaP11 ic a 22. tj a52r eft Sire I7 i. UawhSYS I i Til araww - - - i CAfAtliA i II taaay a I Mes - - aim , lea. W , I " . f eieraff laaerfed BRIAR PIPE Combination Imperfed ttaRen brier pip with Olive Drab Tobacco Pouch end say lie Pack ef Smelting Tobacco. ALL FOR ONLY a-yr. wlMIANTH! Cm. GARDEN HOSE flaaVl Waa't Crut vtmH uiu! ww wh miiHcw M .Weat Bet Rattsraaf, Utipr, rM rhmIh taaal. lfM. aaartraaf ! IMS Volwl Mraaf. hfi. y 1 tW FKEE CUSTQMER AT ML TIMES . $, tw. s t s f. . , m.m. m m tKmf-- - -3 a