Par II 'A ROSE BY ANY Th iiMld nmitatlon of th - : . '"- ; ", ' V ... ? , A ' .-, inc. II lit' a thuig to Rusty, an Irish setter owned by Mrs. Ava Bee man of BuckvlUe, Pa. Rusty has adopted three baby, skunks found on th Beman farm and Is playing th rol of foster mother to th hilt, acting as protective as if th tiny striped trio were her own. (AP Wlrephoto) Labor Unions To Streamline Washington, Both th AFL and CIO Tuesday an nounced plans for streamlining their organizing activities to make them more efficient and effective. Both organizations said they are keeping th same number of organizers and intend to spend as much money as in th past, but are re-vamping their organizing setups to get great er results. One step Inaugurated by the - AFL is to require regional di rectors to submit progress re ports every four months to na tional headquarters, lnclud'cg data on paid membership from ach region and each state. Th AFL divided th country into 14 organizing regions, with - one for Csnada. Th CIO con solidated its offices into. II re gions. The are among th AFL regions and director In charge: Dan Flanagan California, Oregon, Washington and Alas ka, headquarters at Ban rran- Cisco. CIO regional office and di rectors include: Washington, Oregon, Califor nia, Nevada and Arizona, head quarters San Francisco, Timo thy F. Flynn. FLEET OF FLOWERS Depo Bay H The eighth annual Fleet ef Flowers pro gram here In observance of Memorial Day Is being planned under th direction ef Stanley R. Allyn. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Wenzel Eder Gervals Wenzel Ider, ti died unexpectedly Wednesday evening at his home in Ger vals. Mr. Eder wae born April 1, 18B0 at Gervaia. Ha married Clara Brock at Gervals in 1917. Surviving are th widow; four children, Mr. Emma Ad elman, Hubbard; Norbert Eder, SUverton: Mrs. Gertrude Duda. Mi Angel; and Mrs. Irene Eb- ner, Mt Angel; three brothers, Henry and George Eder, Gcr- ' vals,. and John Eder, Wood- burn; and 11 grandchildren. The rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 17, at the Sacred Heart church Gervals and again at 8:30 p.m Thursdsy at th linger Funeral ' Home, ML Angel and for the third time at 8 p.m. Friday, May 39, at th linger Funeral Home. Funeral services will be at a.m. Saturday, May 30, at Sacred Heart church, Gervals with burial In th Catholic cemetery. Mary Agnes Kirk St Paul Mary Agnes Kirk, 1. died May 33 at St Paul. Sh was born June 6, 1873, at St PauL Th rosary will b recited at th Hollingsworth-Smlth chapel at Newberg at 7 p.m. Thurs day, May 38. Funeral services will be at St. Paul's Catholic church, St PauL at 9 a.m. Frl day, May 39. Burial will b In St Paul s cemetery. Surviving is a half brother, Joe Kirk, of St PauL DEATHS fs...ea Antrim Oram Aatrlm. 4T Uu miM at SM a. street, at a leaal aaratM tm Wer M. Surrlred T daaaktere, Mn Bade Theralaa. Satan, aa Mm. B. A. lit, Derton. O.I brother. Bar L. An u af Aloha: all ereaeahildrea, 1 trast-crarxkhlldrea. Ha m a Mater f the Braaaousal Dalit Bretarea inarch at Ualaorele. tmlin iu be bol at Beaew.ll 0. . abareh PrMar. afar w at II a-ai. under dlreellaa at II owell-Ed wards CUl Bee. P. S. pWhar aad Mr. lee Theraiea will affi liate. Oauladiaf tarrteet at Beweweii OTHER NAME' skunk family doesn't mean Hazel Green Haiel Green Hszel Green school held its eighth grade graduation on Wednesday night May 30. beginning at 8 p.m. Graduating Miss Lois Warboys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warboys, Jerry Darling, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Darling, and Sammy Rlckard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rlckard. Mr. Ester H. Franz, the prin cipal, was seated with Roy Aker, who presented diplomas and Carl Aschenbrenner, prin cipal of Parrlsh Junior High was the guest speaker for the evening. Following the graduation gifts were presented to the two teachers who are leaving Hazel Green and retire from teach ing. They are Mrs. Ester H. Franz, principal, and Mrs. Cora Clark, primary teacher. Mrs. Mary Harrison, who is returning to .teach next year, also received a gift Thursday, May 21, the grad uating class of Hazel Green spent a day visiting at Parrlsh Junior High, where they will begin next lalL They were; Lois Warboys, Jerry Darling, and Sammy Rlckard. Th Hazel Green school held its school picnic in the school du to bad weather, but a large group attended a buffet style lunch. Introduction of Darrci Brown who will be principal next year was made by Mrs. Franz. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. William son and family, visited, with relatives Sunday at the home of Mrs. Orpha Guy. Mrs. William son's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Howard are visiting her from Denver, Colo., and in lamlly get-together was in their honor. A piano recital was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Hornschuh with her punlls. Janet Pearsall, Patty Oglesby, eeity rvurtn, Mary Ann Loon ey, Loren KJampe, Karen and Chris Hornschuh. Mrs. Albert Francke left over the past week end for Winston, Ore., where she is helping her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Fox and her children, San dra, and twins. Douglas and Donald get ready to move to California, where Mr. Fox is establishing a new business. Mrs. Francke hopes to return sometime this week end. Lablsh Meadow Gardeners held their last meeting for this spring and will resume some time in August. The meeting was hem at the home of Mrs. Joe Henny on Thursday night. May 21. Election of officers was held with Mrs. Alvin Van Cleave elected president; Mrs. Joe Hen. ny, vice president, and Mrs. Rsy Petzel, secretary and treas. urer. Plans were made to hold i summer picnic at th home of Mrs. Hazel Bartlet July 9. Lillie Madsen was the guest speaker for the evening and spoke on her trip to Victoria, B. C. Also present was the state president of Garden Clubs, Mrs. Lou Franks of Redmond, Ore., who is here visiting. A pot luck picnic was held at th horn of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Van Cleave on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Van Cleave's birthday and of her son and wife's, Daryl and Audrey Van Cleave wedding anniversary, Entertaining th W.M.F. in SUvarton Thursday In th Fire side room of the Immanuel Lu theran church were Mrs. Jul Faar, Mrs. Nels Haugen and Mrs. Halver Omholt, aU of Haz el Green. - Mrs. H. Omholt spent Frl day afternoon at the Circle 6 In th horn of Mrs. Bernard Gatfey. Refreshments were served to th group by th host. Langlois Jersey Milk Champion Langlois, Or. UJD An Ore gon Jersey cow todiy was once (In the champion of the milk pall. Opal Crystal Lady, 11-year-old Jersey owned by Ralph E. Cope, Jr., of LangloU, has shat tered dairy cow production rec ords at the completion of an other year's stretch in a milk marathon started nine years ago. The cow finished a 185-day official register of merit pro duction record of 18,560 pounds of milk containing 1001 pounds of butterfat, on twice dally fO SALE HOUSES n too flab to but oa bell a Bolts, faiui or, mrannErr propirtt cam. SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS n' Iran i 1 I , I aatUfsctorr I I aerrlee THREE BEDROOMS ONE FLOOR u that flwr alia roa hara am lookint far. Lerelp Urine room wltklliitllai iiilaa room, a most eheerlul kitchen. Three bedreome. lalTri teDTlaaloraia air all heat, l-cai nrata, ana It u ar "aST JrTan arTklah tabaola, loutb. rot llt.MO It to as utanalD . aar. laueadiata aecuaaner. Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 iijiiiiiiiiiniiii"""""ffr FOR SALE HOUSES 1 aaoaooM, aimoit 1 utn. Ntwlr lo toriar oacarataa. S4W0. leoa down. IW par aaath. laaulra Silt Brara M. alll Close-in aa ISIulea. aeraai (roai Bulb rark. Bm 11 z S aamklaatlaa lltlni and alolnc room, aak llaera. (Irtplaea. ritekaa with anall aaUng apaea, laria kaUL 1 kadraom down, 1 up. Room for atbir laria bedroom up. Maadi ndaeoratut. Oil llrod not walar hjt. Baaaaunt. H I 111 1H WHO thruka as pan allar. rlea SI1.1U. E. J. ZWASCHKA im Ortvmt m. Itttltar That -40n BT OWNIB 3-bedroom noma, 110 Thompson, tmalewooa eustnet. lav mediate possession. Phone 3-731. am NIW S-BISBOOM home, hardwood lira. attached aaraaa. aillea aoutk on aun nrelde Road. 4-1471. alll LEGALS MOTICB Or FINAL aUARINQ As asecutrti at the win and estate at DONALD HXNRT OTJOHN, dec, seed, the undertlaned has lUad la the circuit Caurt a! Oreeoa (or Marian County, In Frobata, her final account In aetata af said decedent, and Tbureder, June 4, Mel. at a'cloca. a.m, ana court raaea af aetd court hara keen appointed hp aaM eeort as the time and the place far aaartna ar eajeellans (a aaM aoeeuat I aattlaaent thereof. LOU OAIflLLB UP JOHN, As Executrix Aforesaid Allan O. Carson and Wallace F. Caraaa, Attorneys for Executrix Apr. 10. SCar t, 14, 11, la, MSI NOTICE OF BEARINO ON FINAL ACCOUNT The underslgnad has filed his Final Account aa Administrator af the Batata af Elbert Boat, dec e seed. The Marlon County circuit Court has act the nth day af June, 1M1, at the hour of 0:11 A M., and Room 111 In the Merlon Oounty Caurt House, at aalem, Oreson. aa tna time and place for the bearlns oa said Final Accaunt and any objec tions tnoroie. Any persons bevlnt any abjections are required to appear at that lime. C. . Bmmona Administrator Sated and first published May 11. II: June 4. 11, 1M1 City Lots . FOR SALE Tha city f iltm. Ortton, own li ptrotli of vacant and unimproved prop trtr aeftuirtd la conntetloa with th optration or too wattr department, all in areaa ton for roatdentlal purport., which art now surplus and will bo told Th paretli or particularly dKrlbd ai KMiowt: Parcel 1. The east kalf af LoU S and I. Block II, Fairmont Park Addition; Parcel 2. Th Mt halt f UU I and , of DlOCl lit Parcel 3. The east half af Lota t and 3. of said Black 31i Parcel 4. The wm half of said Lot t ftnd , la said Block IT; Parcel 5. Lot 4. Black It, Fairmont Park Additloai Parcel 6. Lot It. Block 11. Mob Rill Ann, to Salem, Oregon, which win be oio id fleet to an oment for pump sit, such pump ttt to be 10 feet square gad situated la the seutnweti corner el th lot. .ftals 1, l, I. and front i Luther Btrt between Rssorrelr and John tire is, ach having a frontaee or ti teet and a depth of loo feet Parrel I fronts upon Jnhn Street, and Parcel ts at th rnr of Summer and Rural Streets, Bids for th a sots sli partels f land or any on thereof, will be eeited by th city administrator, at the eltr hail, up t t oo o'clock p m.. June s, itoi. at whlob time th bids will bo opened. Aatd parcels will be sold la salts, and bidder may bid for on or mors uaiu or parraiei it bttMtng for nor than on parcel, th bidder must bad on sack par! aeparatsly. Bach bid must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to tho olty of Salem, In a gum eaual to 9 of amount bid. as a guarante of god faith. All sales will bo for cash, par- menl to b mad In full within N days alter noeentano t Ih bid by the city. Th purchaser will be fumlshsd tltl Ininrane shewing ths title nn- eneuwtserPb escort a to tho oasemeat which will be rtwred by th olty la l said Peres, g. The city reserves tho right , to accept any bid or bids or to rjt il bkis la th lntenit of ta iiy. Additional Information, ooneornlng any t lives prcl of land may be ; oburned at the affrro of tho water ' departawat, 104 South Cemmercla. Stmt. ?. L. Prantea Olty admin istrataff Salsa-. Oregon Mar 14, IU M, 1HI THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Owfoa milking. Opal Crystal Lady's lifetime production in milk la nearly 87 tons and she is the first and only on of any breed to pproduce more than 1000 pounds of butterfat during each of five consecutive jactations. Not Guilty Pleas by Two Oregon Merchants Portland ) Two Oregon men pleaded Innocent Wed nesday to federal Income tax violation charges. Wllkle Bridges, Newport building supply merchant, was accused of not reporting a $24,600 Income for 1949 with in the filing time limit. Walter Leverette, Medford, was accused on four counts of false income tax returns. Trial dates will be set later. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNKB, modtrn i bedroom komr. Uirta lot. food location. Oak trtoa, llowera, abruki. lilt Cidui. Phont J-Uli. ?! SMALL nodtra bouM. t aorta, contldar houM trailer on down payment. Rt. I, Boa 48, alaeloar Road. al7 BT OWNIB AND BUILDEB Laria 1 kadroom plamnd noma, located 100 B. 13th. Price lia,700. Term avallaklt. For appointment, aoatat WILLIAM T. J. FOSTOl HOUX BUILDER 1940 Olive - Phono S-S800. al37" MOOSBN S bedroom home an Vauihn Art. Compltuly farnUhad or unlur aielwd. WIU take houee bailer oa. down Barmen t. Ph. -tl. al7 BT OWNIB Uu than FHA appraUal. llrlna room 1UM. fireplace, dlnint room, kitchen, nook, J kedroomi, den. Itk hatha. LUkt basemen t. all. tree, double aaraaa, Apprulniaulr H acre, aitra lota amiable. 1030 Olenrlew War CKUOTood). Fa. 1-4100, 14.aoo. alJ7 OB SALE or Xachania, 77 15th, 8ea- ilde. Orea. nice mod. house, looztiz lot. arfenhouse, db. larage. lath hotiae. lor rental or small acreage In ar near aalem. also tiooo -wumr 1 Will oietnt car or trailer bout for $100 equity in 1 bedroom suburban bom, abut. 4 years old. . CLAUDE KILOORt 1 Realtor and Auctioneer SM Xaancutcr Xr. Ph. 0fl am' BT OWNIBv-flalem HelthU school dU trlet. 1 bedrooms on one floor. Jars livtnc and dining room, firwacs, breakfait nook In Meal kitchen. Au tomatle beat. Double sarace. Beauti ful rard. 12ilf storac room at rear of lot. 3141 aHanler Lane. Out liberty Road to Browninc, wait on block. alJt WANT A VIEW? uburban s-kedroom bona, close, to srada school, an acre, clean Inside and aut. Lota af flowers, shrubs. Eur from owner and aare. Price 17000. Thte Is a glvo'swar, but wa want to tell. Phone 1-0004. also BEDROOM HOME, 1 reera old. 11500 down. Priced 110.000. Drlre by Jill Liberty Rd, , ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR tit N. Hlsh Ph. nut. Bra. 2SI4I $500 Down 20 YEARS TO PAY on new l-bedroom home. Dlnint room, oil heat, paved street, curb, sidewalks. sewer. Mm. am BT OWNER: S bedroom, lane living room. Pull basement. Trees and shrubs. Close to school-. 24M3. ai3B MODERN FARM home, IS miles north oi Salem on Wallace Road. Call ve nioss or week end. Joe Beaty. Rt. 1. Bos M. al3l BT OWNER i 3 bedroom now. k acre" close to schools, bus, stores, under 110.000. 331 Duncan Ave. al ONI BEDROOM modern house, newly dtcorated. near shopping center, stoves furnished. Adults. No pets. 4-l. alio FOR SALE FARMS TOWN FARM 13 acres of th flniil Wills met l silt, a'-l in wheat. Suitable for aimoit any kind of term int. Within one mile of Amity, east. A els-room house that Is In tip-top condition. Three bedrooms. composition roof. Insuisted. wired for e Ire trie rente. City water, school bus ar oor. rorty by siity barn, four bun dred-bird chicken house, workshop and gsrece. Slderlr Wrdow will sell for wtin only Soos down and pay menu wtil start fall of 144, or will taso small nous in Sslem as part payment. This ban sin farm Is listed wuo us only, Severin Realty Co. 3M R. Blah 4-M43, Pres. 3-IMI but" A FARM WITH A FUTURE 00 Acres on Uttl Pudding river. About hslf of acresce is vtriin soil some bavrdam. About acres of strawberries. Family orchard. Oood 1-bdrm. bom with basement a ell furnace, plus vnf. upstairs, poultry house. Fronts on pavement. Owner lesvtnt Mats, Baling . 000. Trm. CUvRTInT TO BnOKsTM. A. A. Larsen REALTORS 1S1 . ttlsh at. Phone Itl4 Bra. aua: A. a. BKtstt 34331. Aadr Halrarsea 37143. A. Wella 13 ns airs" CLASSIFIED ADtnaTISIN Par Ward 4 Usaea lie Far War ae Par Ward. S lletee las Par Ward. I ejaalb See Na aerwada atlalmam I Werwa aPAItEBa ta Laeal News Ceteasa Oalr, Pet Ward re , Us. ha am IS Piarde T rise Ai la Sara Dj Fappr. Pbon. t tt Refara 1 bjb. RIAL ESTATE Carhiyal! Carnival! LIBERTY ROAD AND BROWNING AVE. , May 29-30-31 Fun Rides - Games Proceeds go to the development of Joryville Park SPONSORED BY South Salem Suburban Chambers of Commerce REAL ESTATE 1 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED LUTIHOa: Homet, Farms, Acreaces, Businesses, Motor Courts, Taveros. What hare Tout INDEED A BARGAIN Roman brick tlreelsce an 1 flower boa. Automatic oil heat. Onlr I moa. old. Insulated. Sep. utllltr room. Pvd. St. In the best of condition. Oood locetlon. Onlr Siooa down. Fun price 10150. Furniture can be purchased far an eatremelr low price. STOP DREAMING and lira In the home pou hara alwara wanted. It's brick. 3 tlreplacea. Wall-to-well carpets on the entire down s sirs floor. I bedrooms. 1 baths. Pull basement with vartp room. OH hot watsr heat. 1 and 1-IOtb acres. Famllr orchard. Lorelr shaded rard. Will accept a 1 -bedroom home as part narmant. Full price IM.7M. LIKE A BASEMENT? Plus 3-bedreom bomeT 1-ear isr sseT 1 bathrooms. New Too!. As matter of fact, rou eouVdn't spend a nickel on this horn. Just think, the price is only WJ00. If you need room and don't want to mak too lars aa Investment, see this on. Delightful 4-Bedroom In Bnslewood district. Very clean, if tha rerr beet of ccndltKm. Hardwood floors throufhout. Mnco dinlna area plus separata utllltr room. Vsrp deep lot wtui sou of possibilities. Frd. drl.e. war. Brick front. Oil heat. Laria spa clous closets. Full price Sll,a00. SPORTING GOODS and Cycle Abop. Very clean and almost new stock. Fixtures, stock, abclTlng, shop tools. Vverrthlng goes for g0O0. Rent on bids, only $M per mo. INCOME PROPERTY Monthlr Income t3tT. Expenses onlr I7t tof ISO. De.lrsble locauon. Modern la arerr respect Ahowa br appt. only. Liberal terms. Fun price Do You Like Renting Rooms? If so, let us show rou this l-bedroom home. Full basement. Automatic saw dust tent. Insulated. S bias, to Bnsle wood achooL Excellent condition. Full price onlr tlS.aoo. Terms If desired. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-MJO, or DAN IfiAAK, EVE. PH. S.-JSJJ, or MR. K100IN8, EVE. PH. 4-MM. It no answer, can 4-XMS. ONE ACRE lth Tery good I-yr.-old S-bedroom house. Automatic U best. Oaras. Insulated. Out of town owner very anxious to sell. Has priced It where It Is really worth th money, only ssis. ONLY $1500 DOWN on this M-acre tract does to Salem Modern 4-bedroom houss. 30 br to barn. Chicken house. Tool abed. Oood well. Full price onlr 6a. 3 ACRES Will, slit soil. Modern houae built In 1941. Excsllsnt condition. Oarase. Brick wellhouse. Chlekenhousa. Fencad. Excellent rarietr of fruit Map consld er trade for 3-bedroom bouse In Sa lem. Full price Woo. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVP. PH. 3-1115. ir no answer, call t-31S. MORTOAOE LOANS 30-Year Maturltr AI Isaak & Co.; Realtor Office phones: 4-3311 or 3-713 J03I PORTLAND ROAD j ' Bv. phones 1-4733, 4-S434, t-333, 4-M30 ar 4MSM It no answer, pbona 4-3341 0137' 6oa DOWN, 4-rsar-ald 3-bedroom home. Suburban. 33334. ALLAN C. JONES. REALTOR 111 N. Hlsh at. Ph. PUIS. Era. 33343 FOR SALE ACREAGE $3,000 This 4 acres, located west. Oood black soil. Has comfortable I -room home. Furnished' with aood furniture. Well end utllltr house. Larse sarasa. School bus psst ths door. You don't find this kind rsrr often. Terms. CaU O. V. HUME. Co-op. Broker, ar STANLEY BROWN, with State Finance Co., Realtors lsl S. Hlsh at. Ph. 1-4131 Ermines 3-S541 3-4304 bbl37 74 ACRES near Roberts. Lars pi alter ed famllr home, nice yard and shrubs, Barn, fenced. All kinds of fruits and nut trees. Priced to sell, Tnn. Oeneral Real tstate, 35 Cen ter. Phone Mist bbl) FOR SALE FARMS NORTH Ton can make a llviity, en this farm and It's all ready to to, 1 A. peaches, 1 A. cherries, I A. Lotan and Boysen berries, I A. Filbert, some new ground, nlco plastered l-rm. bom only 7 yn. old. with ndwd. firs. Alio a full line of machinery Including tractor, etc., located north la good district. Price llr.sao. Se Burt Picha 37 N. Blab M. Bree: 4-3143 . Off: 1-4047 b!37 20 ACRES Som beaverdam land a It. All troni to with plats. Houss vacant Bow. price 110.100. F. H .Weir, Realtor I3IT a. Commercial . Fhaa, 33411 HIT" JOE PALOOKA !Sa"T?7f7P;i"" ..r.T!c7SSfTT?nn T00fJMtrSJwfLLIAT N I .BUT WO CAN Pr-rVMATf 1 rVfiiT"Tr vrsi siikm 1 MAV CCWSfMWCE... AfTW uxtS ANP Wfr TOO BAD ONLY TAM "Vl THO'T...WHY: I r5 J ' TaVufl'ap. TT urw, mif i that M TMM PariDfNTAiS 'g SUM TOC'GH 7,500 MXIARS - SUM I Tgr4 1 1 RIAL ISTATI REAL ESTATE Close In Acreage I Acre located Bast aa baa Iraa. Has toad, saodera. I II. heme. Basement with all furnace. S-eer aaraaa. Paul Ut house. Beautiful lava ana abrubs. oardea. Price litem. View Home with Trees Lacatad West inside af dtp. Lane lot This specious l-B lt nosaa with basement and ell heat Bas ls'sir L.R. with flraplaea. D R. Kitchen with lots af bullt-lna. An Ideal borne awer from tha noise and Uaffica, but ret aa aloes to Son tawn. Pries titaas. Washington School Dist TbU S-B K. name la in saa aass ai eondltloa. L.R. l'ail 1U fireplace. D.R. 13x14. BUtebaa finished bt nat ural flaUb. Attaehad laraae. This henw avaaa to sohoal and eltr bus. Laria lot with Hentr ahruba, aawers as trees. Aa Ideal lanUlr hems. Price $1I,IM. , Northeast Dist- Wonderful S-B.B. hams an eSrro. let. Hoosa la extra clean. Basement. Oil heat Oaraga. Ssrinillns arstam la lawn. FruU and aut trees. Better ask ta tea ihla horns aecsuse II Is a bur far M.IM. Swegle District Very tea 3-B.B. heme aa wan-kept Ox31S let Oood well. laaM tar. Thu boms Is located emeu good homes on blacktop road. Wa think that this Is the nicest email wa hare hara la a was Una for II.IM. $10,300 Rew. modern S-B.R. name, east Aula, oil beat Laraa oarate. Lai lOOxleu. Oood soil. Close ta school and bus. ai.eoo down. Balaaco P. HA. $8,950 Acre with new, atlracure 3-b.b. home. D.R , atll. rat Aata. ail forced air fura. Oood wan S" aaslag. Black top street claaa ta Salem. I1.3W down. $8,7S0 Terr neat, UU-built 3-BB. aome en Oardea Bd. Laraa 1st Qood well. Close ta eattoal. Terms. $2,300 Rm all 1-B.R. modera bama an B. Nab Hill. Home built aa back at lot Oood halldlaa location, soma furniture. Wal nut Usee, etc tl.ooe ctowa. Oall O. V. BtTMB. Co-op, Broker, ac BTANLET BROWN, with State Finance Co., Realtors 1ST . Blah at Ph. S-4131 Brenlnsa II3M. UM1 Cl37 PPfUt alllHIttst llllltmi asHtatlil BUY le.,seesass LIST IIIIIIISItSUMIUtM HUlssM SS lltllsMM Itautll 31 eaaateat 3 SULLIVAN KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Neat as a ptn, this ehsnnlng J-bdrm. Is well situated oa aa ovsrsls lot In ono of Salem's host residential die trlcts. Th covered patio Is a natural to mak into a third bdim. This bouss la plastered throughout, lnsulstod to sars fuel, hag hardwood floors, an auto, oil fu roses, a flreplacs, b 1100 so. ft. f floor spae. Th gently slop ing lawn 1 well landscaped with plenty of space for a lsra garden. Th price m 111.000. r they wUl trad for a mailer plae or lot la th Kelssr dis trlct. 3 BDRMS., $1000 DN. Juit I blocks from Leslie and 4 blocks from Baker school - this older typo S-bdrm. homo. This plae Is well kept, has tl boat, 1 plastorod, and a largo 10il4 utility room aa th ground floor. Th prtco 0500. DRIVE BY 1000 Saginaw oa Pslrmoust BUI b ths location. Notice th landscaplnt and th neighborhood and then phone us to go through thin plae. Here you hsvs a full basement, a flreplacs, bard' wood floors up and down, automatic furnace, doubl plumbing, tiled baths, and a well-landscaped and Ian let loaded with shrubory with a separate cutting carden la th rear. Being close to school and with bus ssrvtc prac tically at the front door, this 4-bdrm. homo Is perfect for th lart or grow ing famllr. Th first floor has 140 aq. ft. sh th hous was com pi tod In 1040 -W want yon to see this on. ENGLEWOOD DIST. A plesiant astchborbood g gulet street add to th desirability of this Bnilewood boms. There 1 a fireplace oil forced atr bat. Th largo floored attic Is perfect to be mad lata t estr bedrooms. If yoa need mor than th 1 oa th first floor. It Is located only I blocks tram Bng1wood school, eft almost on th bus Uns. Ther is so Indoor utility room b a separate din ing room. Th interior finish is piss tor. Ton will Ilk this Piece, The price IS 1 13,00. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR SM Portland stond Pb: 4-06 Jl Br. office. MI . Hlgb Pb: 4-041S V. Pbs: , 1-0704, 4-at. 4-1441 ei.f FOR SAU LOTS ON CO R.N KB ef Bolton aad Franela St. Lares lot. nrlee U.4M. Lot, 34 s na, aso beauatta aa weal slds, Inside eltr. KeslrMted ta 3300 homes. Fries MM. B. J SWAaCrlKA, BBALTOB. IIOII 3-4033. aa urrs, ,14 Down. 414 month nth water. electrlcttr. Close ta school and store rod nelahborhood. Oaaaral Real Estate, 3M Cental, Phono 3 -lis. eelts- LOTS 44X133, 34M. IH 04 down, , 413 a meath. Ifarth af Salem. Owner, Boom 44 Center St, 3-341L eel!!- IAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate; WE HAVE MOVED OUR OFFICE TO , 2319 STATE STREET CAPITOLA DISTRICT 1 - -M , aedraom. aloe kltcbsa. llrlas. bsth. Ua let Mr. Vanderrort, aalssmaa. ENGLEWOOD ' I adrma Nlca llrlaa. kttensn with eat apace, wtras W ranxe. OS. rase vX itain. PieTlswa. ahruba I walauu. I apple. 1 abarrp. irapea. Onlr saaaa. Call Mr. Buch, aalaamaa.' k . nnnnr a airv UArivr. A faaulp rweaa rou will enlor. A rerp coaranlen heme wltb fir. , FJaU altacbed aaraie. carerad pstle. aa Pared street alaea ta all . . aaaTsaleaaea. Oalr HI Mt. caU Mr. Todd. , BACK YARD FISHINO a aa. farm, fenced at croas-fsnced. sc. cuiuratad. aa. lraw m.trlearbal. Utraln. Cow barn, sheep barn, chick, bat.. turksr haea. I fub IMndsr I abundantlr stocked, fed br sprlnaa. Madera l-bdrrn. bama wnn iivias. drains, kitchen. au. irom uu wwa. w lacladlna arapaTalaj bade far motel. CaU Mr. Simpson, aalaamaa ' ' ROY TODD, Slit BUU Street Hi, phone: Vanderrort -a3al: ' Todd 3 - MR. FARMER! HERE IT IS! This SI-sere farm haa verr aood Improremeata, 3-bedroom moderrr boeae, tuU baaement dole, tsrsse. walk-la freeasr, DMt aa. ft. brooder space, t-auntnton barn with cement floor, 3 sood wella. For more Is formation ar appt. ta tea, call Dale Rarbura. ' SUBURBAN SPECIAL $2950 Bera't a dandr 1-bdrm. boms constructed af pumice block, locaed aa Brawn road with approx. H acre. Don't hesltsta aa this. Full price aalr 1330, Terms, call Chat now. 12-ACRE SPECIAL This S-bdrm. bom for (MaM needs an owner handy with th Mint -brush. Drtv by SOU srvtrgreen Ae, then call Dais Rsfburn for aa- tntsnnt to see. Terms li desired. TRADE 1480 SQUARE FT., 3 BEDROOMS Opportunity Is knocking open your door br trading your l-bedroom . boms for this new l-bedroom on one floor, flreplac. auto. oU heat, has 140 aq. ft. Owner very anxious to sell or trad, asking (I4.7M. ' Bum ud call Cbet. ' TREES! TREES!! TREES!!! Woodsy setting In th city, exceptionally nle grounds, wltb many shrubs, outside patio with fireplso and rock garden, basement, forced ' air heat, 11 ring room, dining room and larg nook. Two nlc bed rooms. Only 10,600. call Tlbbatt. SUBURBAN 2-BDRM. HOME, 1075 SQ. FT. , This bom Is located on paved st. 100 x 100 lot. I blocks to aheool, t blocks to city bus. Pull din. rm., big 11. rm., att. garag and xtra car port. Good terms. $8,500. Call Jim. OWNER SAYS TAKE OFFER ' Very neat 1-bdrm. Xnglewood bom. This Is on you san't afford t miss. Call Jim. b RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT; REALTOR) tow b. Capital Erenlni phonss Tlbbstti S-14H Jim i-mt Chet 3-13SS , Dsla Xarbura i-304 REAL ESTATE MSM113 4i!iiissu siututa Slllllltll 4MIIMII3 BUY eellSaillllltlllH LIST lltlllltlMUIUIIIU uttttiu 3 mmitti ItUIIII 33 wttttta as ssuii w 444 acre cattle raneb. 130 acres an-, der cultlration, 100 more baa been tilled In the past. II acres la per manent trass. ITwo rear round creeks. Flab and dear at tha door of this comfortable room homo. Laraa bep, approx. 404 at fat of fir and a aood stand af aak and alder. This ts an exceptional bartsln at 333.000. Just 410,404 will handle. Owner will trade for email acre ass with modsrn houae. Robert B. Sullivan l REALTOR Pbona 4-4331 Colbath BEST IN VALUES $650 LESS THA If FHA APPRAISAL, WAS M1S0. MOW MlM. This makes a sharp bur In brand new 3-bdrm. borne with larse Ut. nice kitchen wllb estlns. aree, lorelr both different than most. Larse lot with new lawn In. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. OOOD FHA TERMS TO MATCH. EXCELLENT LOCATION. SB DAVID. EVE. PH. 33033. BEST BUY IH TOWN FOR 343M. ANOTHER OOOD BUY In brand new 3-bdrm. home, excellent location, lie. lot, well constructed, larte Urine no- alemor- aua kit, dinette, 3 Inner than arerase bdrmr.. attached sar. ALL ROOM BSAUTIPULLT DECORATED. MA HOO. DOOR THROUGHOUT. Mors In for 33.000 DOWN. NO FINANCE FEES. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SEB MRS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. 39371. HILLSIDE HOME WITH B-bAOTlPUl. VTBW OF SALEIf. mount Sins b hills. NOT OFTEN DO WB HAVB BUCH A NICE BUT IN nesrly new tbdrm. bom with hdwd. firs., fireplace, lovely bsth, kitchen Is a dream, daylight basmt. Imnasdlate P43ssosslon. Bel Uns way below actual cost. lUM down, bataaco 5T per month tne. tales, fir Ins.. int. tt prln. OUT OP 6TATK OWNBft LET TTNO THU OO FOR 10090. BEE VAN HORN. rVl. PH. 41706. 5 ACRES - HOTEL HOWELL PRAIRIS DIST. On pared road. 4 oriole, acres with Fuddlnt riser frontase. Larse countrr home with 4 bdrms., clssn ai Asst. trsnr outbldss. fall In food condition). THIS IB A OOOD BUT FOR 33P54. TRADE FOR SALEM HOME. SIB T. T. AN. PERSON, EVE. PH. 43114. OFFICE DIAL 44494,24552 m tar i z Tburadajr. Mar 28, 1MJ REAL ESTATE t REALTOR . office pnons J-SISJ Slmpaoa l-IMl Buck -! i 1731 alTt . Office S-eaai ar 4-111 REAL ESTATE Outstanding BUY Only I yn. old. Two-bedroom pi as tered home locatod on paved atrost close to new Ifornlngslds school. 1 block to trans. Roomy kitchen with breakfast bar. Hardwood floors. Oil furnacs. Beparato utility. An extra room over attached garag. Fireplace. Larg 100x147 ft, lot. Nle lawn. Can rak Imagia all this for onlr OOTsor $750, DOWN buys your new l-bedroom homo. Only 8460 full prlc. Lovely dlalng room. Forced air oU heat. Larg pletor window in living room. AU hardwood floors. Lsnto atUched garag. Paved st., sidewalks and divewsy. Balaao F H A. terms. Tn1i'o.4 D e-i n Am AwtlS - Brand new. Fall basement with larg darlliht windows and a fireplace for a den. Also a beautiful flreplac In living room. A dream Itltebaa. 3 lovely bedroom wltb large closets. Attached garage, Inild eltr limits oa paved street, cloes to school. A lot at bom for onlr 111,00. "DT7TAT AXTXT REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Blfh atreel Fhana 3-4104 Phone erenlncs and aundar: 4-1371. 3-3SM, 4-1333. 4-4313, 3-3344 C133 VfflMM BEAUTIFUL D ST. HOME , Visualise, If 30a can, a noma villi bird's era maple Doors. This la a wonderful bur, Ideallr located, close to schools, Ineludlne 8L Josepb'e, churches, stores, and bus transa. at rour door, on a street af all Terr fine homes. Ton will realise the charm and besutr af thu home tha moment you enter tha specious una. ream aad den comblnatioon, wltb two fireplaces and built-in bookcases. There are I bedrooms and a full bath aa first floor, nlca laria, lliht kitchen, with manr bullt-lna. Also, a knattp area aun room an the back. A charmint open stslrwsr laadi ta three more bedrooms abstain, with buis cedai lined closets and buill-la chests, full bath and as extra laraa plar room. This bouse Is aa sewtp decorated, floors reflntsbed. and has "full baae ment, wltb laudrp facuitlea and lata af storaee space. The rard Is attractlrelp laadacanad. , with manr lorelr Cowera. roaa arte. and fruit trees. We are rerr Brood to show this lorelr borne and win be hapar ta make appointment with roa ta sea at anp time. FRANK LOCK MAN . Realtor : 037 FAmOROUHD BOAD i". . FHONEB 4-4333 OR 4434) aist" By Ham Fisher ill: t " JK. Br.a.S -'.wa'.asrsL.a..a... . . . I V V 4 I ' ' . . . ma. M ta