Thursday, May 28, 1953 Age 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon STEVE tOPEE To Kiss, or Kill ly DAY KEENE 4Af atvAlMtttTM) CHAPTER I flown all th way Irom Bermuda Mandril flung himself forward to be with him. The floor wat wood and oiled. Tbere was a phone book on trie Then waa a familiar whin over (lie caae. He looked up the num- his head and a apunter pierced ber of his hotel and called it. hit cheek aa he tried to make "I beg your pardon." he aald, hlmeeU email. Another bullet alap- when the girl at the hotel switch- ped Into the desk. 8UU another board answered, 'but could you thudded Into flesh. Pour more tell me If a Mrs. Barney Mandell shots followed In quick succession, lis regisiereaT Brscketuu Mandell's head. I "Just a moment, sir.' He mashed his head into the As Mandell walUd, a drop of wood, helpless. sweat dripped from his forehead Then the man In the doorway onto the mouthpiece of the phone, was gone. There was sound of He wiped It off on his coat, grip running feet In the hall. The ping the phone so hard els hand heavy door into the lire well turn- acneo. med. v I Tiu ui t the hotel switch- Mandril ant tn his feet In board came back on the wire. throwing himself forward, he'd "Yes, she Is air. Do you wish me scraped his leg on the desk. He to ring Mrs. Manoeirs suiter 11m ped to the door and looked out. Mandell thought a moment. Where the man had stood there "No," he said, and hung up. t . hrtffht annt nf blond on the Let the Dollce find Mr. Curtis. freshly washed tile, and another He compromised. He would call spot farther down the hall. and report the shooting. Prom the "You hit him," he told Curtis, hotel. After he'd seen Oale. I thought I heard him grunt." His head turned to avoid seeing He switched on the celling light Curtis, he opened the ball door Thwi ha turned t its how It was with breathless urgency with Curtis. The federal man was He reached for the bell and sitting on the floor with his back drew back his arm as he saw his against the filing case. Both hands sleeve. It should be tan. It wasn't, were laced over his chest. His It was red. He brushed It with his aaonlzed eyes were fastened on other hand, got blood on his fin- Mandell's face. When he saw gers, and wiped them on the skirts Mandell looking at him, his lips of his topcoat, tmpector Carlton's moved with great deliberation, as I imagined voice luiea tne nan: if he were imparting something "How did you get the blood on very Important, but only a faint I your sleeve, Barney y hlnslng sound came out. As Man- "I tried to help Mr. Curtis. .fell vKb4iHl hla hanria rimnnMf I "How?1 away from his stomach and he fell I "I felt his heart to see If it on his side and lay still. was atlll beating.." Mandell knelt beside Curtis to "Don't give me that. You want see If he could do anything for ed to make cure he was dead, him. He couldn't. The federal nan Why? Why did you kill him, Bar was dead. Rising, Mandell stood neyf with his back to the wall, his "I dldnt kin him." palms pressed flat against the "No? Then why dldnt you re plaster, looking at the man on the port the shooting?" Mandell leanedgalnst the wall He was sorry Un ourtu was opposite me eivawn, panuns. dead. He wished he could tell him Well, why hadn't he? Because he how sorry. Mr. Curtis hsd bean was afraid. Because he wanted to decent to him. Mr. Curtis dldn t see Gale. think he had killed the blonde. Mandell walked back to the He should call -the police. He floor wiui no legina on me gira. "S-fCs law--TT OUTC TMf COCPS4V5 AOOftESS ON THi CA9f-lT. ) . w jT -T1 ToV. CQS.T POCKET j-i, TA A LOOK AT (fiUCS A FRIDAY P. M. - - 3 V xnimA-Jn J? HTV r , SijPWeTT- " , KGW KOIN KKX KSLM KGAE KOCO" W" rri Cn?vk r) T.J llg xxr :znxr ag -r sr "gu pZ ""nXI " . V V, fZSSS) J ? rgg gir, M1aja. ss . , a I N 1X1 aa y 'W --XA 1 I: pltT a-.." 7? oim ' - Hart. rUl " ' ' . , tfilSLto S-I a taMSaaltrai ca-la.wa, Maala Mart Waal aswaaar -I I 1 r I, - I ZS iH airkk.. Aaalnat Ca Cart "aaia Maala Mart Had, Tn HWSO CX5 AWl7"1 Aa PCIWTOfTtovrVOBjryw'Jt l"artudlCAofac3Cl' iMl r Man.. Maira c..a. !" hr.m. Uu I f:il. ... a.k mm. Blekak Waaaar Clak ri,k,u r is WMATfwVU, kWt.'OkL'n ADOMO OrNAMir,ftiri ACTUAL THI ekatwAVIi WUA'ATrV -81bUe0lMa) I MVrVMCwVVOtMSMANr'l Jr MI5 otLec IH WOOjj MaXXI-IWIUUl s in no Kieu krir i i ORPHAN ANNIE shoudl tell them what hsd hap pened. But would the police be lieve nimr He would say, "Mr. Curtis and I were tanung. xnen a man open ed the door, turned out the light, and shot nun. The police would say,' "Is that so? Who was the man? What did he look like? Why did he shoot Mr. Curtis?" He'd have to aay, 1 dont know. My back was to the door. I dldnt see the guy." Then they would look at him as though he were erasy. They would revoke his ball and hold him as a material witness, without even giving him time to see Oale. Mandell began to sweat again. The police might even think he had killed Curtis. Inspector Carl ton thought he was a killer. . His fingers Mill shaking, he picked Curtis' package of ciga rettes from the desk, lighted one. and laid the package back. The smoke tasted hot and raw. So Mr. Curtis was dead; he was sorry. But no matter who was dead, a man had a right to see his wife. Especially when he hadnt seen her In two years and she had Now h was uncertain again. This was what he got for running. The police knew he naa wit wiui Mr. Curtis. They would find his fin gerprints In the office. On the desk, the chslr. the file ease, the phone, the pack of cigarettes, the matches. On Mr. Curtis. He turned the knot) of the door. It was locked. When he had closed It. the spring lock had latched. Then how had the killer opened It? That was one of the first questions inspector canton would ask. Breathing through his mouth again, Mandell took off his top coat and tried to fold It so the blood wouldn't show. He was only partly successful. If he folded It so the sleeve was hidden, the stain where he'd wiped his hand show ed. He solved his problem by foldlnn the coat Inside out. Then he dldnt know what to do with his hand. There was still some blood on his fingers. And nothing on which to wipe them. . (To Be Continued! Carol Curtis Pattern a-tgn f0 VCXJ DONTTHMK WeU,WT-!N I THsmtVIStOH SET LIKE I SflV- WAS SUCH AQOOO IT 0B BWW JPEA EH? IN TH WOS- if BUT atVSS SMBRT-T REAUZeSTtCKDS I yog 6MMRT TO I CAME slUST FOR I f SH8 19 A (SMART ( OOHT ASK flfS I Lrrnje monkev-oub METwrr, vgpo now? J I RgSTf ..-i. LIL ABNER IS VO' CMORC K? THET DARK THN?rniNED DONT P4USM A FATHEXMOREW 1 MEfT-LEMHE VMA.'.'-JOH, 7 F1GGER . PtXASC MAHRV THIS OUT.' ME, CECIL B. (-HUM -HER Da MILDEW, T PBVSHUN PtCAS.r J4m& ISF A , DOt-LAHS. I )fi '(-BUT-mi. COSTY5r" I-aa Bataa Wltk Taalk WaaUwraua Oak. Baalar iSasaar Clak ICaaSMUtk !-M Maala Sa-rtUckl HaM KSIItoa NW Nawa Baaaar Clak CaaSMItik 'M IM, Caaa Ssarla B. Llaialai Saarta Nam Sassar Clak Nawa :45 JaSr Cum MaSIUIIaa B. aiackkara Saai Bayaa Saaaar Clak Nlm i-M Olaak Mm LTk.maa rtckla Jlai'r FMtaa Maala kaaar, lit WrSl la Nik Oa Saai FlakU ' CS DaSS Maila klai Slat :M Baal-ri,klai Batkf Flfku CUM SIS Ilia Off llaaSHaaS M BaaL-ruh. J,rSa flakla Claaa KM 1aUaS E M Maa'l raaUl! Mr. Kui ' S,h,a,U, laka Rlatkr Daiaal Dai 15 War 14 Ntw, Mr. la, Sraiakaaalla ASnmlarar BaHten ESSla riikar Ja SlallarS Paa far All Hanaaatoa BanbaU ;45 B. Claaaer Jr. MIm rua tar All Dla. Caaearl ' Bmbill "iTjiill BmI run Mr. J. C. dwia. OUa atari, Baikair i'-H Beit rian Baaarla Harrlalt Faltaa Lawk BaMball i'-MI Beat riara Capital Carllu Maala BaHball (:4! Bart Tiara Claakraaai Arrhar Mail, Banaall IS-SA Kaaartor S Star Fin. I Flaal ESII. Caka TlaM Baiaball Xt'.lX Saarti Fan Yaa r Warl Oaaia Tin Nawiraal Nlakl Nraa lA'SArOaaaaraaa Trcasarr Oaaea Tliaa Nawa Nlrkl Saaat 1(:45 Aaaaaaiat BaaSrtaaS Daaaa TlaM OHIelal Pal. ' Nlakt saat I Nawa Cllr Clak Oaaaa Tlaa Of tlelal Dal. Nlrhl Saaa MS I- MaCan AUrau Daaaa TlaM Maila Nlrhl Saaa 11 :M CH, Caaaclt Maila . Daaaa TlaM Nawa Nit kt Saat II :45 CH, CaaaeU Maala Daaaa Tlaia Maila Nlffct 8B II :AA BUra Off 'Slltal Daaaa Tlaia MalaS, Mm' Slta Oil HOPALONO CASSIDT if IT Hki MM6AIL F066 WHO HIRED YOU VWlf a If AMP THOSE 6UN MNPd TO BLWT OPEN gv, HJ JTi S THAT PAW ANP c'UT OFF THE OTTLE Jl- rstTr, )R (-shucks rr-wu. S. OH, N BE A SPORT ABOUT jt THANK I IT.-) AM'LL r-A vo: J 118 FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Our Television Theatre See Them in Action Before Tan Boy - Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Wtstinghoutt OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment . , YEATER APPLIANCE S TELEVISION CO. '375 Chemeketa Phono 3-4311 1 SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. J'.MhtaaarS Baaw. :45aaanl Baaai 'Wt ( TH-THATS EN0U6H,CA54IPY, 1 V T.t'LL TALK. 1 n HTJTT ft JEFF 527 Half . Biters! A breath of fresh air for the shorter fuller figure! A soft dress with applied bands of lace or embroidery. Unmounted sleeves In short and three-quarter lengths. Plain -neckline or round ed lapels, tied, tacked-on bow . . flattering four-gore skirt. No. 2997 Is cut in sires !4tt, !, IB1. 20 kuvb, size is: JK. yds. of 35 in. or 3 yd&. SS-in. with l yds, eyelet trim or lace. 8end 30c for PATfERN with Name, Address, style Number and site. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal, 661 Mis sion street, au rrancuoo a, uani Amusing Trantfm In Color. No embroidery necessary on these hilarious vegetaole motifs the musical vegetables ' are In erlm son ana lealy green the color rtgnt in me iranstcri Twelve mo- tils of 3 3tand inches to use on kitchen' towels, breakfast clotha. pot holders, curtains or on gay gift aprons. Not Illustrated are a green nra brass band auar wt, ear of com with a Dig horn a tat caooage iaay wiui a con certtna; pattern contains an amusing assortment. Send 31V for the MUSICAL VEGETABLES Transfers (Pattern No. 527) all transferring and laundering Instructions, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 63 Mission street. San Francisco S, Calif. ROOM Si BOARD By Ahren HERE'S M IDEA 10 PREVENT VBUT LOOK-WHERE THERE'S LOSING A GOLF BALL.' V SMOKE. THERE'S FIRE THE GOLFER CARRIES A SMALL BOTTLE Or LIQUID CHEMICAL.. I bUI llx Ur LlCfUlf LHtWLAL... S V BEFORE HITTING THE BALL, A f AND PAR ON EACH DAUB Of CHEMICAL IS PUT ON Hi HOLE WILL BE A ) I IT... AIR FRICTION HEATS THE j V 4 -ALARM y I STUFF, AND IF THE BALL LANDS y- - V IN TALL GRASS, IT IS EASILY A nou . FOUND BY THE fy, TAKE The! iSl (Zrt-A SMOKE COMIMS 1Jh. UCUW. I VeSSlglF111 VES'THB SAL. ) oh i V wet-uTMEN iwhv L' weut.. when HAOEN T I DO "OU WANT I DO 66 T ONE JflT GOTONt MAffR.AGE r DON'T WANT A REX MORGAN, M. D. la1 JJJ". SAELlSS Af j CONT BOTHESJ SEEINS YV, -! I ME TO Trie P0O-t...AN0 J5a! I NICE EVENIN3 I Tllr?m'rritrr 1 11 - a war. r DONALD DUCK r WHAT Pit) VOU T I THOUGHT JUST AS 41 T Pit AS 6, M. VAN T ME RUN OUT 0 J I THINK OF VAN, VOU DID, JUNE. ..THAT I ST FLEET.' LILLI'.S J ULLI t NEVER- - W ReX f wW HE'S STILL SICK I J 4 TERHIEW.V UPSET.' X5HES THE ONLV V V - lrV SHE THINKS VOU 1 ONE WHO UNDf Silffl ",g"g,'r"Aj; saoat Cah I (II J2..S AGENCY xTl HOW ABOUT I A DEMON- r fI V ! STSATlON? J 'sure purrs prettv.'J how's the v ii WOW.' HOW ASOUT THE . ISCAKS; SEEJ CAN T stoi it on CN Jt "', MART WORTH "TwtNTTOTHt fRIVATt HKMABLV V5ME CMNIN6 R0OM.UK1 THE WAITER ovSTULATED 5f.'D.N?u(?NL WtRt 7 n ItXno HI '""WUHIH- r unit jont.n-vppv; GOOOllETU GO THROUGH THE SCOTCH BIT BEfOtt THE NEXT FLOOR iHOWl. -THAT WATHE0NIV SKETCH WHICH DID NOT KILL PEOPLE aV . . a 1 g:M t-M l:M :4.1 iWaaL Slara OIN KM KOIN Klaak KOIN Klaak Tkaalaa a( TaSaa Stara Ovar HaUrwaaS Adaaatara Bk. Carnlral SiallTwaaS Braakfaat Mara Ua Tartar Farm aaS aaia Haail Farai Haar Parai Baav Paraa Kaar Fana Baar lit KSHIaa Aarawakv Vtla Nawa Bafc Baaaa ISaiUlaa K IC.rUr Skaw Pa far All Paa far All Cllr Baaallaq Glra aaS Taka Meat tka Willi Nawa ISatarwaa Salaia Marck TtaMUatanlar WW Nawa I Salaia Hcatrafwar Braakfaat Braakfaat Nawa . eCaaaatl Wkal'a Naw HaaH Ateat Maala Baraa wf iT.rlaaS Taaa Cltv Baialullsaaca Patral saaea ratrai Slara at Taaiarraw Stan af Tanarraw ,N-I Plarlaa4 USA IPlarlaal Llataraaa Salaia laataraap SalaU SalarSar Salaia HatarSaa . SalaU Nawa Marek Tlan Patur'a Call Bar tala Glrn BarSr cartar Skaw Maila ' Maiie Hlik Sckaal Maila Haar Paraa Praia tParai Praia Palk Caaalr riatlaa Part) Plattar Parti ffUttat Parti Plattar Part) Plattar Parti Vlatlar Part) Planar Part) Plattar PirtJ Malar Plattar Parlil Uataa DPUttar PartjlMiJar Tlalter Parts Laaaaa KOCO Klaa ' KOCO Klaa KOCO KIM tataa Sara PraaSIf la PraaSrr Ba Caaaart Caaeart Nawa PabUa Bas Clak TlaM KI4I Caraa Aaat BalU Aaat Batll MaraaaSa Sat. Banal IH Mar. 1 EOIN IS 1.1, S a.aa. ta IS p.aa. Ill ti t, I M I f .w. DIAL LISTING KOAC. SSI . Priiar P.M. M:SS, Nawai fcfflAl A.M. Newai lit EiaaclaUa far Waraaai Il:e Caaeart Ball! lt:M, Nawat t:tt, Maila Maateni l:at, Sicanliai fa Saraaaa. rwnV 1!:U. Naaa Parai Baar. Mar laa aaantr aaanti 1:M, Mailc; S:00, Eipa elallr far Waarem S:M, Oraaaa RaaarUri t:tt, Sparta Paneaiti S:at, CfclMrra'a Tkaatari S:H. Nawa. Wialker: 1:1a. Farw, Haari St:S, Caaaar Calaa Farmaaii S:ao, Maalal S:4S, MaSIUIIaai It:SS, Sin Off School Bonds Lose 2 to 1r McMinnville McMinnville (UR) McMinn ville school district voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly de feated a measure which pro posed a $890,000 bond issue to finance construction of a new high school. The vote against the meas ure was nearly two-to-one with a record-breaking 2,752 votes cast at the special election. The vote waa 1,787 against the bond issue to 96$ for the pro posal. The total vote was more than twice that of last year when a similar measure was defeated by 117 votes. ASPARAGUS HARVEST Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. George Asher expect the as paragus harvest at their farm to last ui.'i' the first of June because of the rain and cool weather. Soviet Newsman On Security Council United Nations. N. Y. OT The deputy director of the Sov iet news agency Tass has been named assistant secretary gen eral of the United Natiwis in charge of Security Council af fairs. The post traditionally goes to a Russian, under an inform al big power agreement, and is Ik. L.I.V. a a u . u occupied by any Soviet citizen. Secretary General Dag Hasn marksjold authorized an nouncement of the appoint ment of Ilya Semenovich Chernyshev, 41, In a telephone call from Geneva Tuesday. Hammarskjold is there attend ing U.N. meetings. Bicycle accidents take about 600 lives a year In the United States. ; SriSI ACROSS 1. Gentle blow . 4. Borders 9. Meadow 12. Poem 13. Competitor 14. Not well 15. Conquered 18. Proverb 17. Addition to a building 18. AucUon 20. Very slow. music 21 Slipped 24. Sun 28. Cozv home 27. Surfaces a street 29. Upland pisla 31. Wondering. (esr . 32. Turning device 34. Cry ot scat 37. Unit ot force 38. Kind of mest 40. Ship's officer 43. Ses bird 45. City in Penn sylvania 48. Key 48. On the ocean 50. Knock 51. Long narrow piece S3. Head covering 56. Top card 57. Sitter 58. Recline 59. Shelter iOJBlEnAIBIAI LIE N QhlAjR AIR UNI AlP bIeio bUbia grrjx p niei KtfBK I NGl&ANflSl B E Lll ggnAB L YT1 AMEN TOP I LEMMA g I G PA L I N EPO A R 0 RATI ON0AMU S E TT A L gtlA R TS T A ST I ROAM I S ST1 PRO NJA T E STtE V E N R UStllAkllR I L E ty Solution of Yesterday's Pussla 60. Relieved 61. Blunder DOWN 1. Draw after I Bother VOU LOOK, UNHAPPY, MR.DEXTEW PEIIX.MV BOV.-i AM 1 WASNT VOUd-UH- -INTILRVUW 'T "ft J SUCCESSFUL COSMETIC FACTORIES J . I I TOMORROW!.. tT5 UN- B XT I f FAIR TO MEM, THE WAY fej V 2"l T THEY CAN MAKE GARDEN kwl'l ' 1 k L - .1 V . I' i VA I VI I H p - "W. , -, SB. . , ' , , , . 7 : '. , , 14 :. '4;', T- ; n ?r "Tr-.r'T' s sr Srpr tttt rs ir? ,iil,,,l,.- v trn "j- M'yf'p" ' ' rr - -tttt uu er g 7 r-?r a- rrrsr lw ;3r ; 7 ft I. Thoughtful 4. Russian tea I. Waits 6. Pulpy fruit 7. Philippine nstiva (. Cossting device (. Loyal 10. bland In New York harbor II. Apportion 19. Soft drink 21. Also 22. Mineral spring 23. Statute 25. Possessor 28. Bsshful 30. Allow 33. Sluggishness 34. Marvel 35. Slender flnial 38. Tiny 37. Lair 39. Female ruft 40. Ethical 41. Speedily 42 Wirwara 44. Artless 47. Existence 40. Hurried 52. Legsl action 54. Atmosphere 53. By tnesns of - s a,.,... ... a a a t r.ra a a. . aa ..-... . . . . . , , , , .a-..f. -a-. ..,, ,,, -'i'w-, r-v----.--. - . v v sV-.CMr -a-c..faa t-atfctr.a.,..- -, . ; y -a i -S. re Tr-w --- -. - 1 ' ' ' a ........