Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    H7 28, 1ISS
If. ' d l'r
..a "V "
W Ji M i
. Recently Installed circular power faclne table for use in
the work room of the Salem post office. Pictured with the
machine U Clayton Dickinion, auperintendent of mail.
New Device Should Curb
Speeders, Says Warren
By Vic
A slowdown of (peeden is
expected when the new police
department radar traffic speed
meter (oes into use In the
near future. Chief of Police
Clyde A. Warren said this
week. "In this way, we hope
to . cut . accidents and save
Although the one unit can
m viuy im.ii area ar,
one time, the constant possi
tbility of it being trained on
his car will tend to keep the
speeder within the legal speed
limits, he pointed out -
While it will not be used
for a month or more in issuing
tickets, it will be on the streets
feeing tested out and for train
tag of officers in its use.
"Motorists are welcome to
atop and see it in operation,"
Warren said. "In fact, we
would like them ,to. The offi
cers will be glad to answer any
The principle of the Zlectro
Matlc Speed Meter, the trade
name of the radar system pur
chased by the local police de
partment, is quite' simple to
anyone with any knowledge of
radio waves.
A cone-shaed stream of
radio waves is sent out from a
transmitter in the meter In
whichever direction it is point
ed, much like a wide angle
spotlight focuses its beams.
When the beams strike an ob
ject, some of them are reflect
ed back to the meter antenna
at a different frequency than
that which they started with.
The difference in this fre
quency varies directly with the
speed of the object that reflects
them. The meter transposes
this frequency difference -into
a miles-per-hour reading.
A recording device may be
used that will record the read
ing on a permanent graph for
court records or otner uses.
Soace is left to allow an offi
cer to record the car license,
time of day, weather and road
conditions, the amount 01 traf
fic or other Information.
Ike Greets Two
Top Jet Aces
Waihlneton OJJO The na
tlon's two top Jet aces yester
day received President Eisen
hower's congratulations, and
assurance that they will not
be sent back to Korea soon.
Capt. Emanuel J. Fernan
Hm Jr- Miami, and Joseph Me
Connell, Jr.. Apple Valley,
Calif., said their White House
visit was a "terrinc privilege.
McConnell said Mr. Eisen
hnwer referred jokingly to I
' recent news story quoting the
ace a saying in jest that he
would ask the President 101
ncrminlon to return to combat.
McConnell was accompanied
by his blonde wife, Pearle; Fer
nandez by his father, Air Force
CoL Emanuel J. reminder, or,
Alcoa Liquidates
Mining Company'
Pittsburgh "i Plan to
liquidate Alcoa Mining com
pany, a subsidiary of the
of the Aluminum Company
of America, were revealed in
an Alcoa announcement Wed
nesday. Alcoa said the liquidation is
designed to "simplify the par
ent company' corporate true
ture." In the new setup, the
.iibildlarv' operation will be
transferred to a new mining"
division without changing
function or responsibilities of
mining company personnel.
The mining company ha
been mining bauxite, a pri
mary source of aluminum. It
has mineral holdings in Ore
gon, Colorado and Alaska.
The meter, which Is so small
as to be inconspicuous to an
oncoming driver until a speed
reading ha been taken, will
be act on a bracket hanslnc
from a patrol car window with
the , antenna pointing in the
general direction of oncoming
traffic. It can also be set on a
fender, on the curb or else
where, if preferred.
It can check speed equally
well either for approaching
traffic or traffic going away
and at any angle within the
range of the radio beam. It Is
accurate to within minus or
plus two miles an hour, say the
manufacturers. ,
In actual traffic use, the ra
dar traffic control unit Is used
lr. conjunction with the regular
police radio, while one officer
has the unit of his car facing
toward oncoming traffic, an
other is parked a short distance
on down the highway to flag
down the speeder after he re
ceives the go-ahead by radio
from the officer with the speed
meter. "
Seldom, say reports from
other cities and states where
the traffic meter is used, does
a speeder argue in court against
a radar meter reading. It is a
common occurrence, however,
when stoped by a patrol car In
the conventional manner for a
speeder to argue that the offi
cer's speedometer was wrong
or the reading was made while
the patrol car was going faster
than the car of the accused. .
Not one case in 20 in Akron,
Ohio, goes to trial, police there
report, as nearly every speeder
checked by radar pleads guil
ty. Others are generally found
guilty when the testifying offi
cer is backed up by the record
ed evidence from the speed
meter. i
There are other uses for the
radar, too, besides catching
speeders. In some places it
has been used to defend law-
abiding drivers who are ac
cused of driving too fast
through a residential area. A
check with the speed meter of
ten shows that the Imagination
of the viewer is often running
faster than the car. -
It has also been used to es
tablish new speed limits. Fig
uring that most drivers drive
at a prudent speed, police set
up their radar on dangerous
sections of road In Massachus
setts to see what speed the mo
torists were driving. Picking
the speed at or below which 85
per cent of the drivers drove,
engineers used that as a basis
for setting new speed limits on
many of their roads.
Insurance companies have
also used the meter to check
the speed of trucks that they
have insured. They have found
out that 84 per cent of the
drivers drive carefully and
within reasonable limits. The
others are warned.
by Warren Goodrich
"Now lcBe yotjr mm tt
flat ttntf fcrtttf xh wirnktr
M ttiB wmf mm ft tto
pi" . . .When you dial pull
finger all the w to the ttop
return at itt own speed. o
I Facivic Teaeehoia.
Dam Bursting
Delays Crops
Grants Pats () The high
water that washed out the cof
ferdam at Savage Rapids Dam
Tuesday will leave this section
of the Rogue River Valley
without irrigation for three or
four weeks.
If heavy rain should resume.
the delay could be even longer,
for the rive flow must drop
before the cofferdam can be
Harry Clark, county agricul
tural agent, said crops could
get by for two weeks after
rains stop. He said dalr'les
might suffer the most, since
they may be forced to buy hay
from Eastern Oregon. Some
hop and bulb growers also may
suffer, he said.
The loss of the cofferdam
will be borne by the construc
tion company. Young t Smith,
Salt Lake City, which was re
habilitating fie dam when the
high water struck. The loss
was estimated at 130,000 by
Charlea 'Miller, manager of the
Grant Pass Irrigation District.
St. Paul Knights
Will Elect June 3
St' Paul The next regu
lar meeting of the Archbishop
Blanchette Council No. 2221
St Paul Oregon Knights of
Columbus will be held Wed
nesday, June S, In the St. Paul
City Hall for the purpose of
electing a new staff of offi
cers. A nominating committee
has selected a slate of officers
that will be presented to the
members before the meeting
by mail and additional nomin
ations may be made from the
floor on the evening of June S.
There are 110 members of
the local council.
Benson Mitchell is In charge
of the program and refresh
ment for this last regular
meeting of the 1953 fiscal
year. . Outgoing officers in
clude Bill Bowers, grand
knight; Ray Smith, deputy
grand knight; . Peter Kirk,
warden; Jack Ryan, chancel
lor; Ben Mitchell, advocate;
Steve Hiller, Joe Zorn and
Hub Drescher, trustees; S. J.
Smith, financial secretary; Al
Smith, treasurer: Peter Mc
Donald, secretary; William
Frith and Mike Hopfer,
Speed Given
Letter Sorting
Faster service In connection
with the sorting of letter and
cards la tbe local post office is
In effect with the installation
of what I known a a circular
facing table operated by elec
tric power. . ,
The device, installed by Dan
Skoog, traveling mechanic for
the postal service, consist of
round table with a metal
top, approximately seven feet
In diameter. Beneath the
outer portion of the table is
a revolving channel separated
Into two departments one for
regulation sized letters and the
other for longer enclosure.
The letters are dumped onto
the table top and as many as
nine men can work around
the edge. They sort the ma
terial and drop It Into the
proper channel from whence
it is picked up and segregated
into two piles. .From here It
Is sent through the cancelling
Heretofore a rectangular
sorting table was used with
the workers segregating ' the
letters and then walking to
the end where they were de
posited.' Postmaster Albert C. Gragg
said the new device will elim
inate congestion and speed up
the process of getting the let
ter to the primary cases.
(Br The sooan.od
AtttBlral Corporation
Allied Chemical
AUla Chalmers
American Air Haw
American Power Uck
AaMTteM Ttl Tal
.. n
.. UK
.. Ik
.. Tl
.. J7U
.. SI
.. to
.. 41H
... 7
... lltt
.. UH
American Tobacoo .........
anaconda Copper
Atefelaoai Kamxg
Mthlacwm a tool
Boetnt Airplane Co.
Berg Warner
Burrows Addlnt llachll . . . .
California acting ... .....
Canadian Faclfle
... tt
oatorpiuar Traotor ......
Colaaaao Corporation
Chmlor Corporation .
Citlai Borne
... M
... II
... U
... III.
... II
Crown BoHorbneb
Cirtloj Wrtsbt
... K
... 1
Dong la Aircraft
D Pont 4e Mtntoara .
... M
Eastman Kodak
... 41
m Madia .
... 11H
... U
Oenerel Boo trio ......
Oenerel oods
... BJ
OenereJ Motors
Oeertla free. Plywood '
... S0T4
... IT
... Mia
... ii
... (a
!" 5
rar Tiro . ,
Homestake Mining Co.
International Harvestei
International Paper .
John atanTlllo '
Kaleer Aluminum ,...
Kwnoeott Copper
Ubby UeMoil
.... H
.... ns
.... 13 H
Lockheed Aircraft ....
Loowos Incorporated
Long BoU t
If ootf ornery Ware ....
Huh KolTinator
Bow Tork Central .
Northern Pacific . .
Paeifio American Plan
PaclfM On Bioctrlo .
Pad f lo Tel Tel ....
Packard Motor Car .,
Penney, J. c
Pennsylvania R, R. ... '
Ppl Cola Co. '
.... Va
.... IIS
.... i
Fhiieo Radio
Radio Corporation . . . .
Royonlor Incorp
Rnyonior Ineorp, pld. ,
Republic ate '
Remold Moteli
Richfield 01)
Aaftway atom Inc. ..
Boom Pnpor Co
.. Slta
.. I7H
.. im
.. s
.. MS
.. 1714
.. 3SH
.. uv,
.. MS
.. 34 V
.. 45
-tears. Roebuck Co.
Soconr-Vacuna. OU ...
soutnern pacific
Standard oil Calif.
atandard OU HJ "
Btndebakor Corp.
aunahlno Mining .... '
Swift Company .,..'
Traneamertca Corp.
.. 11
. 70S
. Mta
". J7J
. II".
. lla
. It
. 17
. I
. IH
. MS
. US
. 41S
. S7V.
. 44 Mi
. 44
rwenUotb Century Pea"
Union OU Company ..'
Onion Pacing ....
United Airline
United Aircraft
United Corporation ..."
United State Plywood
United frtato Steel
Warner Picture
Weatern Union Tel. . .
Westlnghouoo Air Brak.
WoetlnghouM llectrt
Woolwerui ....
Stock Market
Now York (V-The atoek market wu
lower Tbnrodar without oereroptnc any
unaeaal aelilnc nrouurai.
Too Jejtine uumm in a row inetan-
eoe to between 1 and 2 polnta, but in
the bulk tl the llat It wai falrlr narrow.
TradiD came to an astlmatod i.on.-
0M ehareo. That eonaree with Wedoet
dar'a l.UO.OOO aharoa.
Mtium runn us
eaturla Taauun. mm t a.
Kiw aim, mmnm tt. mm-
.It .f m w mm MIU to
man Farau. avtu lk.i Itm ut
n (i-wci mm um. M-ti. m
Baiur WmmmM l-. MUS MM M
A iraM. M DM M a M MM. tr.
c. M am . um scIm. tottUf
wtol.Ml.ra, OiMoa MailM. 4!t-4Mi
Onra Ik. IMt UVtlWd
1. MM U1U Mil.
eoaltlatof m mm. cm bielitAM k,
rrUu4. A irur lint, Mtt-MHl A
rut Mdma UM-tii a in. ln.
pmihi Drjn lifM
aiiM fun u. numk oru aa
unit. II.i A mum. n a artau. It.:
Mrtu. net B MlnU. Sm.
Ban t. mliMi CuSmS I. a. a.
nnlial: Uwraoad km.. Ma 4M.;
nwi AA Una. Ma mm.i A una Ua om.
AA ma4ittM Ua AM-; A trU aiadlaBm.
Ma faa. A arUa walla .final
Em m amiiata uraaa aa. lana.
l-aa: A Una H-Ma: AA we M
Oei A Mlim. IT-Mc; A aauU, -M.
Cartona I aaaU MVUtUul.
um mom m fauuan. Mian
Onto. alrulM. -M: S-lk. U.VM.
tl-U1ae; IrlMala. IHa Um Ihu ara-
aiaa. rraauuM iruflj tlnaiar. wai
-la. Uana U null. U-4a U. ,
um ciiisiaa (Wa. I aaautr. I.. a.
pluu.i rtr.rt, IVI Km. 11-Mci 1-4
Ika. tl-ttei miUk 4 laa. ma am,
17-IMi tn k.Dj. all .tuhu. SS-Mai
1U.I kua. til tiakU, Sl-Mw aM rn-
an, ll-laa.
Srwri caiakMW Ha. 1 ertMa ta
nttWn. rrrara.. krallan. 40-I1. .:
roaitan, all wu.. 40'41ei lllhl,
SI-im; h.avr bana, Ucraul-up Irnra,
wu. H-n i.: n.ia ttmwm. u-ua
BakMU Avcraaa ta Irmri.- ua
vhlwa. 4-t tba, U-Uei 14 laa. tl-Me
ia.t colons Mita. 4c is. uaart aid
4ota, la-1401 taw kubtr. Praak atnaud
Inan to ntallan. mUlmi l a. U-47&
Cutr? KIlUS Mm la
VaatTo uutr U-4M tm,i Kmtm
kaatna M-Ma.
ktockan. M-Mai aawi.
Hint M-lla.
uaiki bml U-4M b.i rawuua.
M-lio Ik.
u-i4a ai.i m-iuiiiT.
aw millti mvs. M-IM aauv-
eutun t4-lM; ah.Ua oowa t. si.
nak Prima ataala
ta nuuafM DaDam sat
Ml Suara. aaaua MS-ns Sw.
II 00-41. M; aood. ri.M-M.Mi aoanwnui,
II.M-M.M: auillr. ll.M-M.Mt am
oammanlal. I7.M-I1.M! atUltr, M.M-
m.oo; aunar-uttan, n.M n o. ,
Cau (CtMla BUM
aaarUn. M.M-U.M: muida, 4I.M-U.M:
nu ulna, triiamad, a&. 00-71 M: trt-
anilaa, lo.oo-ll.oo: fan-auartara. 11 M-
n.Mi .hueka, I7.m-u.mi rlha, U.M-
m.m. .
Vaal ul CartM Ooo akaUa. B4a-M:
Mnaianul, 134-44.
um cnoiea-snaia. m-m n. iia-
41; mom S4I-4MO aprlas uata, tkafc.
PfuD,, aril.
MatUa Oood akoUa, lll.M-lt.IS.
raak CMa-tahu. Ka. t, 1-11 Ika, I
m; anooMara, ika. hm
rlba, IM4I; traah kllu, 14-11 Ik., all-
M. pora urraMM. U.-1T IM,
Snakad Uana aTllan.ll Ul-M
llnad lard la drama, 1 11-11 -M; uk kaa-
on. aoi-M.
OoUn - Cat. Oat anka, S-S ,
J.n-u. rav M-M. or.
Oalua M lk. ackj Waal Oraau pat.
lova. nad. Ma. U. I U-l M: I-la. ma.
I.M-4.MI wnm.Klal 10-1 M: Tuu
amtal wu. l.M-I.Mi Tuu iraaa. 1 11-
7i: cam. no oiana, an, .M-i al-
lawa. bm. i.oo-n.
HUM otmc aaaaal PM. l, 4.1-
Tli nam. knnda 41, u Ika. aln A,
l.l-Hi l lk. BMah. U-Ma: local Ku-
mu. Mo, U. I K-IK: cam. Un. whltaa.
Ma. 1A. l.M-I.Mi OalU. Ion . vhltaa.
Ma. 1. 1 '
ar O. a. aa. mnm allalla.1 da.
Brand car Ul t-a.a. Portland, aralatl
IP 114 M Ions auttu. IJt-14.
WmI oraua kala, WUUaMM fol
iar ai.dlum, M-l lk.i bikn Oram
Una and half-blood, M-llc. WlUaaiatw
vallap lamb wool, lei ll-aio
Makalr U-I7 Ik. ra 11-month srwv-
lb, i o 0. eountrp Ulppia polnu.
Hldaa Produean oarlnr prua l..k.
Portland, nil aklna. Jl-U. Ik. aoaard-
tna t aondltlon; inn klpa 17-lto lk.;
nan aov uaar, a.ii ib. aooanuu
w.libl ud aoalltri kaU hldaa.. 4-ao
lb.: lua hldaa, M par nl Mlav nrlaM
tor anon Clawca.
Pllaarta Wholaaala Mllln. arte a.
I medium Baralonaa, sl-14 tm.t i
od. 4-llo la.
WalaaU WbolaaaU aaillna prloa.
flrat aualltp Un rruquatUa, 11-IOc
lb.: ahcllM. Ilrbt amber halraa, Ta-T4c
:.: ueni nairaa. Tt-ue la.
, Cblraee Grain
Cbleaco tr-Oraln held within a
narrow price ranio an the board of
trade Thurtdar. The market did not
repeat Wedneadar Jitter, but at the
eamo time it ihowod no treat ttrenvth.
aorbeoec and oaU-led aa early rally,
beans advanelns to an extreme gain of
1 centi at one time. Wheat had a Ian
Ini tendency all day and towaTd the
clou started to olnk. It loot enouth to
put It Into now low iround ilnee 19M.
Wheat- cloaod lower, July It 07
H-I.07, com lower, July II.MV,-
, oeta 4 lower to Hither. July 70M
V. rye t to S cent lower, July 11.4444,
oybeana V to 1 eent htthor, July W
I.MV, and lard I cents lower to t cent
a hundred pounds hlsber, July II.M.
rartlaad Onla
Portland CP) N eana irala Md.'
Wbaat (kM) ta arm narkat, baiti
Ho. 1 talk. daUrarad aoaal: soft Whit.
Ill: Soft Whit (aultKUnt So) 111:
WblU Club 1 11.
Hard Had WlnUr: Ordinary S Pi.
Todafa car raealpU: Whaal 31: bar
lar 4i lloar Ii aorn 1: mu I: Mill laad a
CmZmm .Mil ail' aV CulMI
i aiim mj
. kMI.
MM-a.4, iita-a. kui.
n Haak U M-4 M.
aarr faaS W U-t J k kM).
MU-I N 1 wt-i.
r.aUi t SawkM Slranja-aUf Smaa,
rial U nMtan, Uai 14 SMi
wahan Ink Saai nMUca, Ma.
aria Mm ana, AA. Mai Una A,
M-U.i aMMaa aa. 4Mi w4bm A.
U-4M: aauU.
Manila a-7a klaaaf Ihu U
akm tan trtit A saaanlls awtaa
al no; ataSluv Ma.
aattorfkt B.TUa PrtMt fi lailaai. Ta
na: Mm. l. 1-Mai Ma. I. Ma,
ajlut WkaUaala araAa 4 WMlaH
Tla avt mail. tm.
SwtUa SW-Tha rntlaM UMavMk
anal vm aaaaraur auao
nulpu toda.
CaUla Tli aurkal sattn.
UU .lUltr-tauaanUI lUwhur sUan
IS-Mi aM hand taaal U H; uaaU Ut
aa M Ik. auaaktw Mian Ui law
M.a.r-MlMr mom U-1I.MI .
Um la.
CItm SS; lav mIm Uan 44 kM
wuiitr-taa. ma auaaaiai mnm
mm l-a.
an IM; atarkat aetlra. itMdr
MM tMdlrat kan woa4 M law.
oboua l-S kamwi aa uu IM-SM .
M.M-17; law Ddliua kutchon -M;
chsiM Ma-wM Ik. Mva M.M-M.
abM 1M: atarkat auaaVi lav ahataa-
prUw aprla. alaochur laaua M: auatlr
chow ahm Iambi with Ma. 14 palt
UMi lav mll-aUlM? akara wm 1-4;
Ml Ui aood wm a.
ChteMO nn Hon vara ilrvat to SI
tfnU a hnndnd poandi blihir Tttnra
tfar. topDlnc at 2t.M. Salaku ho n
MlaU wan 1.00 bM4. abaut S.M am
ibu MpaoUd.
Blauhtar auara, TaarUnu and taalfan
wm atMdr M M aula lavw. cova
aima wan luaor
It. raflaai SSJS
this tnsy ivussEtsy tzst r.iu. iizipvou tzazzi I
2 Jl ;
switch to
CAivwrr Ksttvi kinoio whisoy
t M awM hkthar. Taalan hvMr van
a mm ilina un
auajkur Uaua aw. atMdp la vaak.
wppta at SM.M. thm van 40. vlth
UMhUt VM mUm mt M.M mt MM
4Mhar aaUala noarpu taUUd 2.M
aauu, M wins aa. Mt law.
Tnok aalM M o. a. I waM
auwai Arlaau TaUov ainaiMl S to
t-lnah tu 1JS, wt I4tl OaUIamU
Onai St ft Mat D. a. 1. I-UU ud
In, hi 1.4.
atnat Mtoa (M SM.l Taw TaUav
BaraiadM t la l-lack, lair
Imuur Dm 1m. S-Mah ud Uraar
taw I4i Ormna s-Mah ud km 1.M
l.Ui orratal Wu I ta -laok I,n-IM:
ArUau TaUav aaiairlM S k -moh
1 10-1.71, aaanr Uv m IM; Omul
Wu S to l-moh I M-m; oru. t
mek ud bur fav 1M-1M: H-mt.
mcu Whtt ailn mm Un 1 -1.M:
Calllanj Oru a-Uak au Ura
ar LM-LTa. . , ,
rsrtUM i-A InarMMd pn-nafj-tmy
aaauMl rrra araakan mttUs mm
la tm ul aflMtad kr . atnka Mauut
FartUM an. laad mark.u IrM trad
lav atrona k wholoaaU fruit, and r
ukU tradau. Than wu aaan tadtMIU.
aoaM anal! pjarkala van kwtac awi
ihu Ihalr raaUr Nlrai hi uttalpal-
vraiaa Prtaaa hold
Ilni IM aoMI miimii pro-
Baneka uUni u radlihM van la
mtnaaad ananau M un
Parmara aauhai.
' London SUB Oil was r
ported discovered In Yuaosla
via today. A broadcast by the
official Yugoslav new agency,
Tanjug, said SO tons of crude
oil daily are flowing from a
well brought In near the vil
lage of Jermenovica, In Vojvo-
dina province. '
WHY GUESS about which whiskey ie your
best buy? Let your own good taste tell
you whether you should twitch brands. "
Just compare Calvert with your usual
whiskey this fair, easy way:
on a trial iomi
m. noor tt oram mutui
The prestige and convenience of
immediate Identlflsatlon
A means of bank safety for your,
A record and receipt of all yourj
The convonionco of paying bills by
Open 10 to 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK.
Moivday rhrowgh Sotwrday
mm Nvaral Si, mi laiaraM CarawMIM
Albany. Ore. (ABaIltMri
tracks six mile north of here
rre elogged by wrvekag
several boor Wednesday afta4
aa Spa freight locomoUvtJ
truck a truck and trailer at
Hie driver, Donald J. Wooot
Brownsville, emerged writhe
barm, although the truck wa
dragged BO feat and both the
truck and trailer were demoC
ished. The locomotive alaf
suffered damage as tt wa ds
railed. I
The truck wa hauling
bulldocer on the trailer. I
Hubbard The annual ple
nle and final meeting of tb
season for the Hubbard Wom
an's club will be held al
Champoeg park, Wednesday
June 3, with lunch at 11:J
p.m. Mrs. A C. Douglas, j
Woodbura will be speaker fo(
the afternoon and Mrs. Leste
Keller will give a histroy or
the Pioneer Mother cabin at
Champoeg. New officers -be
irtalled by Mrs , Georg
Grlmi), .. .
(on. vOTtrJiTi of "
Calvert and any otaer whiskey.
Compare tiieir arorflavwithout
knemint which as which.
Calvert and the
other brand to cuniper their
. amoothnesa, mellowrres free
dom from harshness.
the whiskey
that taste better to you. We
feel sure you'll pick finer-tatin( .
Calvert But you be the judge.
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