Pafa It TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salens, Orcf. Thursday, May 28, IMS fVTOREGON ?73 AFIELD -4M 11 Ccnpy Nits 2 llcn.0 Runs As Dums Dc3t Gi:nlsr 5-3 The fair w uti good anglers, given half a chance. Above, the writer'a wife, Phyllis, plays seventeen Inch Mtthroat on the Nestueca, Landed aim, too! It's a Woman's Game, Too . Oddly enough, most of tht millions of wordi written each year about fishing are alanted to the brawny male. Seemi that the women, like housecats, are considered too domes ticated for any worthwhile purpose in the out-of-doors, and so they are largely disregarded by writers and editors. How ever, a few magazines are beginning to zeature articles xor the anglerette, and experiencing a comforting boost m cir culation. Most fortunate even Is the fact that Hubby is begin ning to realize that The Little Woman can be a real angler, not merely a liability around camp.' Ne doubt a boat it, most wemea eajoy fishing If givea - half a chance. With proper training and equipment, the girls develop a degree of precision and skill that rivals -their male counterparts. The ladles wke fall te become adequate in the sport usually are net to blame; they've Inherited a east-otf tod, a Junky reel, and a line fit only te tie ap wet-wash. Their big he-man of a husband damps them en the pee stretches of water, then gees off up stream, leaving "good aid Nell" to sink or swim. U really, . she doesn't have the proper clothing for the eceasloa, and nothing destroys a gal's ego more than to know ahe leeks like last year's scarecrow. Hubby returns hears later: to . find Mamma seated a a rock, soaking wet, weary, weepy, fishless and forlorn. That's it, brother! Tips to the males: Outfit your wife as you would your self, with good equipment Get her some good looking out door clothes, and by all means, a pair of chest high waders. If you've got the patience, teach her to fish If not, get an other angler to do It As a rule, husbands are too impatient and critical. Ask the gal who owns one. Give wifey a chance, and she'll make a fine companion. The camp cooking will also Improve immenielyt Salmon Fishing Good Above Stayton Sptn-flshing enthusiasts have been having some lively sport on the North Santlam in recent days. The salmea are la a bit earlier than last year, and have been eagerly chasing wobble-spoons. On Sunday, Bill MeKlhlnny, Dave Putnam and Al Bellinger went out for a eonple of hoars In the morning. Al hooked and lest two fish, while Bill tatted one little twelve pounder that battled him from :5a to 1:4, proving that many times the smaller fish are the roagheat scrappers , . Most of the salmon reported , have been bright and la good condition, well worth the . effort It's hard to tell what the Santlam angling will be like thla week-end depends entirely on the weather. The river muddled considerably Wednesday, though Jack , fltsmaurlee did hook Into one early Wednesday morning. Good Fishing If You Like Snow ' You have to be a hardy and determined Individual to go east of the Cascades at present, but If you don't mind . ice and enow, you may take fish. The Deschutes has been good, and some whoppers have come out of Wikiup Reservoir. Be sure to take your snow shoes snd your heavy undrwear, as well as a couple of Eskimos and a team of Huskies, Just In cue. For our pert, we'll Just look out at the rain here in the valley, and postpone our flatting 'till the sun comes out It's bound to clear up sometime . . . lin't It? By CAKL LCNDQUMT New Terk out Dodger aaaaager Charley Dresses, toasting baseball's newest heme raw here, said today Roy Cam pencils might break Babe Bath's record If "he jast kseps ea swinging easy." But Campsnslls, smoking a cigar in the Dodger dressing room after his second homer of the game In the ninth inning beat the Giants 5-8 last night said, "nuts I'm not trying to break Ruth's record I just wanna win ball games.1 It's a Mystery "And I don't know what it Is I'm doin' right I Just know right now I'm not doin' much wrong," he added. Camp's homer with two men on bass after sn error by Alvin Dark kept the game alive, wss his 16th of the sesson and his four runs-bstted-in for the game gave him a total of 61 also tar ahead ox we au-ume Malor League record pace, Milwaukee I tayed in front by ltt games In the National by defeating the Cubs 9-4. while the Phils ended s live-fame los ing streak by drubbing Pitts burgh 14-2, then lost sgsin 8-e. The Cards detested Cincy 6-8. In the American League the Tigers snd White Sox battled to a 3-8, 18-lnnlng, curfew-halt ed tie as each teem made 12 hits. The Ysnkees topped Wash ington 3-1, the Athletics de feated Boston 4-8 snd St Louis ended a nine-game losing streak with a 8-1 win over Cleveland wnlch ended a four game win ning streak. Milwaukee Bounces Milwaukee showed its ususl bounce, picking up four runs in the fifth after the Cubs scor ed four In their half, three. on Hank Sauer's homer. Andy Psfko's three run home wss the big blow for the Braves snd in the following inning they clinched matters by scoring four mora runs three of them unearned. Reliever Johnny An tonelli gained his third win. Robin Roberts picked up his seventh victory with a six-hitter as Bill Nicholson drove in six runs with a triple, double. and single but Pittsburgh re bounded to win the second game with a six run rally in the eighth. St Louis scored four runs in the first Inning as Red Schoen dienst -hit his sixth homer, to give Mike Clark a good cush ion for his first big league win which he achieved with relief help from Al Brazle. Kellner Wins Sixth Gus Zernial's homer in the eighth gave Alex Kellner the margin for his sixth victory as the Athletics -edged Boston. Hoot Xvera homered for the losers. Rookie Bobo Hollomsn scor ed his first' victory since his no-hitter over the Athletics but needed relief help from Satchel Paige, who held ' Cleveland scoreless for the final 3 In nings with two hits. The Yankees picked ud three-hit pitching from Lefty Ed Lpat while Joe Collins, Yogi Bern and Billy Martin belted homers for all their runs. Harry Dorish pitched six-hit relief ball for 10 tt Innings and yielded only one run while striking out seven but his per- lormance went 10 waste in ine marathon at Chicago. Chicago had the bases losded in the ninth, 11th, and 13th innings without scoring. MATMMAL La AO US W L Pat. CSS KUwaakat Si II Ml SI UU ......II It Mt i Braakira 14 SI I FbUadalRkle ........IS II ja if Tart IS II Mi 4 ntuMraa u s jti it Cklcaoo M SI J44 IM ClncllntU S Si JM 11 Major Leagues rhiimimia 14. mioteiiti 1-4. SlMklTB A. Saw TOrt X at. unit a CMdmuH a, ' llUvaakM a CSIaMO 4. AJUBICAM LaAOCS W L Set. OS ill Tort M II Cklaaoa H U Clttalaad II II Baataa M M Waahlatloa It II Phlladalahle IT Si at. im 11 n Datralt M St WriMiliJ'i ImHii Kit Tart X Waaktattaa 1. FrUladalafcla 4. Baataa J. at. Louu a clavalaad 1. Chteato I. Dttnlt S (II . . tl. .Mt IS Jtt IV, Mt 4 Jit I .U I Jti ilia Jit IS Widmar end Gettel Lead PCL Pitchm Ssn Francisco V-Seattle's Al Widmar and Oakland's Al len OetteL each with nine Pa cific Coast League victories since the 1953 pennant chase started, topped PCL pitchers through last week. Bill Ivans ef the lesgue-leed- ing Seattle club retained strike out honors with 89. Avenges include games of May 34. The top 30: tTCaUHO ' o as sow l Sin. Soaraaiaato cudui, ou-eu. .. Uaraoa, SacnataM. AUla. Oakland , Vadjal, boa Anaalaa . Lama. Saatua Santee Hopes To Run Mile In Four Minutes Ames, la. Wes Santee, the slender 21-year-old Kansas university junior, expects to run the long talked of 4-mlnute mue before be is graduated next spring. There is good reason for his confidence. Santee raced to a new national collegiate mark of 4 minutes and 0.3 seconds last Saturday as Kansas won the Big Seven conference track title with 138 7-20 points. Santee said he thought he could hsve gone under 4:08 If he hsdn't hsd another race to run. The second race was the half-mile and Wes did that one in 1:80.8 to better the 1:81 Big Seven record he set In the pre liminaries. San tee's mark, one of the four fastest by an American, knocked out the 18-year-old record of 4:06.7 by Glenn Cun ningham, another Kansas great Restelli Leads Coast Hitters San Francisco Portlsnd's big ball-belting outfielder, Dtno Restelli, conunuea to psce Pacific Coast League reg ulars through last week with a batting average of .378 in 43 games. Walt Judnich of the loop leading Seattle Ralnlera had knocked in the most runs, 40 in 84 contests despite his weak plate percentage of .256. San Diego first seeker Tom Alston is the circuit's' home run leader with 14 in 88 games. Averages, by William J. Weiss, Include games of May 24. aurna o an r. Padaa. laa Anaalaa ... S 4 S Cprtaht, Urn AmiM .. I It T. Dart-. Laa Anaalaa 11 41 11 Raitalil. Portland .... at ltt SI m Dimutr, saaramaatt al 111 71 Robot. Portland 31 Tl ST Mltaa. Oakland ...... I IN tt Jit Tobln. Saattla ........ It 111 11 411 Beard, HoUrwood UT II JM Rleharda. Laa AnlllM at m Tl lit WUaon, Saattla at 111 at ait Franklin. Saa Dlaia .. St Tt St Sit MoUaa, baa annua ..M at 11 jit Ballard, Saeranrala ., at at 14 All Fadarhott. saa DUaa .Si II S M KaUahar, HoUrwood ..ST II II Jot PMUIM, HoUrwood ... 47 in tt 401 tadjoara, eaaiua aa lit at .jot OrtaU, Saattla 47 ltt at -tat Pooakar, Saa Dtwa .. at 111 at jtl AraracM af aUtar paruaae and Saattla aaturs: . Oladd. rarUana tl ST St Thomaa, eaatua 14 SN at 4t4 nadatana, raruaaa .. tt m at 471 Hoainioa. raruaae ... it as at 411 Ratab. rorUaaa ...... St Si 477 SekBaaa, SaatUt M US IT 417 Jtidalata. Saattla ...... S4 SM SI ChrlaUa, Saattla II N I Braaa. SaalUa ... Oaltak Oakland I. ran, BaUrvaad .... Fannla, Saa Olata ., Oamaart Loa Aaaalaa naar. saauia aataa CDaaaaU, aaUraaad ataiua .... Shapard. HaUrwood ... K M Bradford, Saa Fran. .. It M kfacau. Saa PranalaM 11 11 AraracM at auiar aaatua aaa Portland alloaara: 17 14 It It 11 I st n St 1! at ii tt ii at it w 17 at I It tt I 11 41 It M 14 11 II Si II It II II I 17 ,1 I I 7 I S 4 4 S I 1 S I aard. Portland Sanfard, Portland uada. Portland ... tint, Portland .... Adaau, Portland .. Wolaal. Portland .. J. Darla. Saattla .. Cotlln. SaalUa-SP Dal oiMa. Saatua . BUatfc Portland ,. Ward, PaeUand ... Mil II I I II 4 4 St 4 4 te I i t s i IS S I II 1 1 .17 I 4 11 t 4 nil Saxton Defeats Joe Miceli Detroit aw Johnny Sexton. unbeaten 22-year-old boxer from the Bronx, had his eye glued on a September meeting with welterweight champion Kid Gavilsn todsy after a un animous decision over Joe Mi celi. Saxton nodded his approval as his manager, Frank Paler mo, said "We're fighting Gil Turner at Philadelphia next month. We'd like to fight Chuck Davey here In Detroit In July and we're going to fight Gavilan for the title In Septem ber, you can quote me on that' Saxton termed his victory over Miceli before 4,881 fans at Olympia last night "one of the beet of my career.' He was In complete command after the second round and had Miceli on the ropes most of the way. Although the Western World is more familiar with the Vik ings who sailed the Atlantic, there were other Viking enter prises of the Norsemen which penetrated Russia and from there traded as far south as Constantinople. Minor League Scores fBr Tha Ajaoclalad - nroaKATioMAi. laagui neahtrtar ll-a, Buffalo 4-1. Ottawa t-4. Bprtnaflald S-14. -Toronto I. Srraaqaa S. afoatroal I. Balttmora 1. AMXBJCAN Mtocunox Xaaaaa Cltr S, St. Paul l. IioulartUa II. Mlnaaapoiu a Tolado 7, Charloaun 1. XadUaaaolu I, omovbai a TSXAS LSAODS Dallaa t, Oklahoma Cltr a Talaa S. fort Worth I. attraraaort 11, Baaumont a Booiton 1. Ban Antonio I. WSSTHK LXAOUB Coaaha i-i. Wlohlta t-1. Daa Molaat I. Psablo 1. Lhieola I, Slou Clip I. -Colorado Sprlnia 11. Danrar 4. PtONSn LAAGUB Otdaa 4, Salt Laka I. BoIm It. lSHla Vallar a Odaha Palla 47, Poealalla a Only taraaa achadalad. yWeJlDerBa. FAN FARE "" Tacoma Finds Itself With No Professional Sports The ruby-throated humming. bird summers In tha United States but winter in Yucatan. Yesterday's Stan rsr Tha aaioalatad Praaai BATTTXO ar Cam pan all. Bnoklra Bodawra. hoaMrod vita two as and twa oat la tha atnth inning to ttvo Brooklra a 14 dottaloa am Hav Vara. Bo alto hoonatad aaruar m tha taraa. prrcHINa Bddia Looat. Bra Tort Taaaaaa, Bald Waahjaftaa to a doakk) .tat and two otadao ta poatlna hit fourth 4Motrolcht Tlatorp wlthaat a loaa, S-l. Robertson Gets Eugene Job Xugene U. Bud Robert son ex-Unlverslty of Oregon football player, has been ap pointed aailstant football coach and head track coach at Eu gene high. Robertson, who coached football and track at Milwau kee and Bend, will assist Lloyd Amtck in football snd will take over Amlck's track Job. Amlck moved up to head football coach after the resig nation of Hank Nilsen. Delaware Park's stskes pro gram calls for a total of $305, 000 to be distributed for 14 feature events. This Is the high est in the track's history. The meeting opens for 32 deys on May 39. Vou Cao't Day Dot tar Freight Service- krwtan Saottlt Portland Sctem Albany Corvallii Eugen Cottoge Grove) Roteburg Mtdford GronhPau Crescent Cry Eureka fen Froneisto Oakland All Way Pointi. DAILY PAST DEPENOABLI n,' FIERCE FREIGHT UNES, INC. PHONE 3-4403 5 Years Old jL9 For genuine enjoyment, call for. OLD mm hT&i nlli Ii pmf ,..t( rich la flam New Lower Prices $J60 $00 ITTI MT Jforry drop madt, mtttoutd and bottled toltly by atHTML-Kllta WITH If Mi WeBstMNU tiVWMatlaea ItlTtf Ifj MW By FBANK WTTXXL Taeatna (XV Tacema, a etty ef alaaast !. people, took a laak at Ua rofessienal sports seeae here this week, Miaaea. and then looked agsla. .There was nothinf ea view aat wreat- liag and aa eccaalinal be stag card. Durlne the nest half dosen years, profeislonsl f ootbsll, bas ketball, baseDSJl sna nocasy have aiven ud the ghost here. The first two died all over and there was nothing unusual in their Tacoma demise. Perhaps the hardest blow fell lsst week when tha Rockets withdrew from the Western Hockey Lesgue at least for the 1853-84 sesson. Sports figures in Tacoma are giving these reasons for the de cline and fall of Tacoma's sports empire: , 1. Television. 3. Proximity to Seattle. 3. Strong trend towards sctlvs paxtleipatlea la sserts. Points 1 and 3 above are hardly unique to Tacoma. And they have hurt sports in other cities, Tacomans are quick to point out " , But Muzz Patrick, genera manager of the hockey team, said his sport wasn't hurt by the closeness of Seattle. "We gave fans the same thing here so it wasn't necessary to go the 32 miles to Seattle to see Hockey. But I believe it was a big factor in the loss of the baseball team 18 months ago." Robert AbeL Tacoma attor ney who was president of base ball's Western International i League from 1941 to 1852 and is now its secretary, agreed that Seattle baseball cut Into Taco ma gates. a There's only one pre base ball team left ia Western Washington. In asy opinion there's no donbt bat what the Ralnlera have overshad owed the ether pro ball slabs la this area," said AbeL - But he put the finger chief ly on television. , "Did you see what happened the night of the Mercian o-Wol- cott fight and three of the strongest minor leagues in base ballthe Southern and Ameri can Associations and Interna tional League either post poned games or delayed In the sfternoon so there wouldn't be a conflict in time." Both Abel and Patrick ex pressed confidence that pro sports would perk up sgsin, not only in Tacoma but across the nation. Abel thought the novelty of television would wear off, and laid that civic pride ana toe eje sire of fans to see homo teams in action would breathe Ufa back Into play-for-pay sports. -It's keel thy for the eeeaa try. It assy hart as, bat stUI Its a good thing," he sesa mes ted. Cartalnhr soli, bowling, fish ing and hunting have attracted mora and more people and turn ed them Into participants here. Aa estlmsted 10,000 people play golf regularly en Taco ma's two private and five pub lic courses. - i Taking a long look at tha situation, Danny Walton, sports editor of tha News Tribune, summed up the situation thusly: Television Is blamed for many of the Ills which have befallen prefassieoal sports; bat it la not the entire ans wer, ssera the last straw Excessive taxes, increased eompetlttea form the partici pant sports and several other factors eeeld be cited for tha decline m spectator sports. Sack at the tread of the times; such Is the changing sports show. There is little that can be doae ta change the course of progress al though there ia a feeling af neetslsla. . .". At least soma Tacoma fans feel something can bo done to change the course of progress. Members of hockey boosters or ganization here have started ta work out a plan whereby tha sport might be retained. Some observers think they may be able to do it, too. KX-BEAVEB DBS Oakland ous Funeral ar rangements were being made today for Stanley- D. Hansen, 84, one-time pitcher for the Pacific league's Portland Beav ers. Hansen, also prominent in local golfing circles, died Mon day here after a brief illness. kit. y. T. Um. UA Or. o. ebea. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINKS NATOTaOPATHB Caataira. Ml Nortk Liberty ne Satardai aalr It am to I S ta 7 am CoaaaKattaa. Mood wataaia aad ariao taatt ara froa at ohona PriiUaU ataao Wit. Wrtta ti f ''iff (junta mm f saoosi xrsSA 2T tatu THivis:o:i FREE 1 fcOME TRIAL J NeObUgatteate I bay A Nothing to pay If I yea return the set , I 309.95 Blaado Oak: Friaaa J ft taalodo aorta wamalr aad Sf radaral Kialaa Tax. . M ma rimy wm n t Yeater Appliance and Television Co. 175 ORMBtTa HOME 34311 WHY RISK YOUR HARD-EARNED CASH? MTyOU DON'T BUY PIG IN A POI(Ei ...wbtiypibiyaestdwthatls PERSONALLY INDORSED AJIO GUARANTEED ! Buywo a ueedev?Thea take this cue: Know whst jrou're getting when yoa lay your money on the Une. When you buy a late-model used car from us you do know what you're getting! .Any car with this seel on the windshield: "PERSONALLY INDORSED AND GUARANTEED" assures you of top LOOK FOB THIS SEAL SEE TOM IKS IEAU1 i a value ht a used car So, stop by today and inspect our wide election of cars, all popular makes and models. Take your time be sure before you buy. And with our guarantee, you can be sure oler you buy! Down pay Bent and monthly payments to fit your - - - a. lreeoa. best ssed est buy eerrita this Seel ot yuanty on tbe windahield. You'll nd it only at your Hudson Dealers) SIIROCIt ttOTOil CO. 316 N. Church St. Salem, Ore. - ju. ...... ..A 0 .. ... - . - -.-.. I -a, n.... w -v,-.- w J rf . - -:'a-