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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1953)
wfeto Daas Lsg geq C t LOCAL Couple of Champs j Brm pitcher Max Sarko 5 against the Claclnaatl Ri 6 in record fey strlklnr UNITED PRESS V . :... I --i if ' nunui uifau ai greeted ay Itrava mlti-har Ma Inknl mt arllanah'kah. aralnst the Cincinnati Beds. Ssrkaat tat a madcra lea foe retard fey striata eat alaa straight Bads. Becky was la Milwaakee to watch Essard UP Telepheto) tan Diego Noses towers in Ten Innings, 2 to 1 S Um Dicta eue A tenth-inline; triple fey Bad Ma this sad 1 Federatr angle rare Saa 3lege the edf a la a t to 1 Fa Ula Coast League wia ever fha Portland Bearers last Bight 5 Starter' Bill Thomason, re Saved in the ninth by Al Ben on, took the win. Rovce Lint, ftrho relieved Jehosie Heard la the ninth, wa nicked for bis fifth loss. 9 Earl Rapp of San Diego got the first score of the ball game in the seventh with a home run, Ills third this season. -a But the Beavers tied the iame in the ninth with Charley Brant's two-out homer. X In the bottom of the tenth. Mathis nailed his triple, and Frank Murray, in two run for Mathis, scored on Federoffs filling single down the third bete line. Bl SCOTT BAIL LIE . Saa Francisco tin Stan 'Hack't amaiing Lea Angeles AngeIs, who sheald have "been la fifth place long be for aow, ware a mere IVi jgsmes behind first place Se attle today as the Pacific "Coast Leagae whirled Ithroogh ana af Its moat dra matic weeks of the season. Bill Molaan, a pitcher who ajses his bat for something be tide a walking itick to stroll to the plate, was the hero in Wrigley Field last night as he crashed a pinch-hit homer with Gene Baker on base in the bot torn of the ninth to give the Angels a I-l triumph over Hol lywood. Befaeng Hurt ' A There were heart-throbs in Sacramento ai the Solons top Bed Seattle for the second straight time. S-2, but lost Hank Schens for 'a bout 12 feeks. Schenz, sparkplug see (nd baseman, suffered a frc tured collar bone in the sec and inning when he got into collision with the Rainier's Bay Orteig on the base paths, t The San Francisco Seals Swept to their fourth straight Sctory as they drubbed Oak nd 7-2. Elmer Singleton, who Often is stuck with one-run or Levers Elected taptain Track' Team t George Meyers was elected captain of the 1993 Salem high frack squad at an ice cream teed this week. Meyers wst (unner-up in the state shot put eompetitlon and holds all Sal am high shot put records. He ft a senior. fConrado Marrero, 38-year-Cd right handed pitcher for the Washington Senators, is nlck- Jamed "Guajiro." which in panlsh meant "hillbilly." Why Suffer Any Longer .rum othort loll uo oar CMmo rtnodlM. Ajnaaint aaoooH for SOH joaro In China. Ha mitur with anal aiiaioaio roa aro alfuctod, diiordort, tauUtB. Mart, laan. Irror, kkinoTa, aaa, ooniupotloa. ilm duootoa, -Ula. loaiaM complalnta. i CHARLIE CHAN CBWSSt BIBB Oa. OfHao Boan to rao. aad SaV oalp tat N Cuaiiial . Phoao SISSS i aLas. oas 1 ASSOCIATED PRESS Site. OrcfM, ThnrwUy, May 28, 1953 Heavyweight champion Rocky CharlM flfht Larry WiUoa. PCL STANDINGS w i m. oa Statu If 10 .01 la initio ......... a a J 1 Hourwooa .......... ii jh Portland H II .441 11 san rmta M ss . im Baa PranclaM -..... SI n AKt Jt Bocramont ......... M SI .411 1114 ss ) rnamvi Boomnat aa rraacUeo 1, Oakland I. Saoramoat I. Soatua 1. Loo AnialM i. Bollrwood J. . ea DUno i, Portland I 1 tanlnsi). thutdut losses, was presented with 12 solid hits by his mates and he had a 7-0 cushion before yielding a run to the Oaks In the' seventh.. . :,. , S) Saa Dlata Robbt.rf 1 OMatn.ef I Dbliiu a Orut.Sk 4 Autliua S O A O A 1 t MroH.l t S t IS I 4 PtriDi 4 4 Fbar,ef 4 t llirni.Sk 4 b,ri S 1 Lbtnclf 4 SMathU.4 4 Sb-Hirrr Ttunn.a S t Santa. t t-ftaUa 1 1 11 StiutU HMrd. a Uat, Totals' S4 SS 11 Tatall SS S M IS j-StrMk oat for Bar In tth. lu for Uil la IStn. . -Walkat tot Baton la 10th. Portland OM 400 141 0 1 Hits . . .......... 1 Baa Dlasa Hits Pltcbrr: IP AB Board S SS Unt m .. SIS 030 MS .. 009 too 100 1 s .. 101 111 144 a x n siso is 1 as is 1 1 1 1 tit t Tboaipoon . SH SS Boatoa .... 1H 4 Wlaaor Boatoa: t 4 t 4 S lotor Lint, a Or wit. Baa. Murray. -Hoard. Balk Saa Dloto 1. Mathli. Hit Hoard. Ult Portland S, IB ijtBiaB. SB Pobtr. Rapp, Orant. SB Bottom. REl Rapp, Oraat, Podorhoff. DP BUInakl and Arn. T J JO. u-atrattoa, Mntort and Aaoko. A J.SSS. RoatUo , 441 SOS 0011 14 4 Soeramoato SSI 40 48 a S 1 Lorrlch and Orlols; Jehaaon aad Xlt- CbOT. BoUrvood ooi ooo asa l Loo Aaioloi OM 100 SOS S T 4 Plihor and Brasaai Hattoa and Podoa. Oakland 404 004 Ml t 1 San Pranclieo .... los 044 44 T IS 1 Walon, alana (II and Moali atatlo toa aad Tbraar. The FoHewini Nomad Dealers of the Salem Automobile Dealers Assn. Will Se dose Saturday, May 30 in Observance of Memorial Day . MAI ION M0TN (I. VAlUTrlOTOICk v lilMOTOHOtaiC. 10OBRO1 W. L MOQBM CO, nriiwuMta. niaiijcamToi . . . . ..... . .. ...-. . . . - i. v ' ' ' -... 0 .-.. . . .A. i i VI 1 Ti i . t. ;lrl., .4, .t.4,4.u,),MrH- NEWS AND FIXTURES Pag-a 11 Softbollers To Elect at Meeting Tonight " A meeting of managers and sponsors of teams in both the City and Industrial Softball leagues will be conducted at o'clock tonight at the home of Salem Softball association secretary Jim Dimlt, 1310 Nor way street Officers for the association will be elected tonight Ed Handle is the current presi dent ' to Launch Selling, Attendance Drives By CHRIS KOWITZ, JB. The Salem Senators will be conducting campaigns en two different fronts during the month of Jane. One campaign will be con ducted by Hunt Clark and his committee of share-sellers, who hope to sell SSO.tOt ad ditional stock In Salem Sena tors, Inc., between June 1 and June ID dates of the Intensified -stack selling drive. The ether campslga will be to getostomers Into Wa ters park between now and the Fourth of July. -, The Senators have estab- Oregon Slight Underdog in . Playoff Series : Stanford 0JJ9 The Univer sity of Oregon, champion of Pacific Coast Conference north ern division baseball, was to arrive today for a playoff ser ies with Stanford, the south ern division champs.- . The Webfoots were consider ed slight underdogs in the ser ies to be played here tomorrow and Saturday. -. It will - be .! best two-out-of-three affair, Oregon was bringing an 18- man traveling squad. If necessary, a twin bill' will be played Saturday to decide the winner of the playoffs and the overall Pacific Coast base ball championship. Shirtcliff Wins Memorial Cup; Wellman Capt. Corvallis 0JJ9 . Bud Shirt- cliff, captain of the 19S3 Ore gon State baseball team, was winner of the Victor Brown, Jr. Memorial trophy last night Shirtcliff, a senior from Myr tle Creek, was chosen for the award by vote of the squad. The award goes annually to the most valuable player. The squad also selected Norb Wellman, Mt. Angel Junior, to captain the 19S4 team. Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder Frank Thomas studied four and one-half yean for the priesthood at Mt. Carmel Sem inary, Niagara Falls, Canada, dash at 3:30. stmon motm co. MMSTiaisjuisiiiDsam BJNQ MOTN (0, wum MOTN CO, muim mntuc PvtJaUJ McUT CMfYIOUT ninMOTotco. Bevens Homers But Takes Loss as Salem drubbed 20-4 (Br Oaltad Praat) The Tri-City Braves aaaiW eat It hits last Bight which eembtoed with six galeae ar rara gava ike Braves aa easy ts-4. baseball victory Im wild Western International leafae game. - The loss snapped a f oar-game Senator wiaalag streak. Salem took a S-2 lead by the top of the second with the help of a two-run homer by starter Bill Bevens but the Braves came back with six markers in their half of the frame with a three-run homer by Len Tran being the big blow. Dick Strombach, lee Nicholas and Jim Petersen, followed Beveas to the meand far Salem, and agae af them bad any task la calming down the fereeleas Trl-CUy bats. liahed as their attendance goal S,00l fans by Jaly 4. In 11 dates so far, the team has drawn 13,361 customers. There are IT dates between now and the Fourth,' and 37,73 fans bring the total ap to 8MM. la other words, the Sena tors are going to have to av erage 3,223 fans every time they play at Waters park be tween now and Jaly 4. Salem returns home Sat ay for a split Memorial day doableheader. Games will be played at S and t:H, with A. M array O'Flyaa, baseball cemedlaa, aehedaled to appear at bath the after noon aad evening gaaaea. The Salem Shrine band will play at the alght game. - A t e'cleek afternoon doa bleheader will be played Sunday. Billy DeSeasa's at ehestra will play at the Saa day games. NineWebfooots, Four Beavers In PCC Meet ISf Dnltad Braai) : Track teams from both Ore gon State and ' Oregon leave today for the Pacific Coast conference championships at Palo Alto, Calif., with Oregon having the edge, at least in number of men making the trip. '. " The Webfoot squad consists of nine men, while only four will represent Oregon State at the contest tomorrow and Sat urday. ' ... Oregon schools were ex pected to shine in the middle distance running events and in the Javelin toss, but South ern California was heavily fa vored to cop the team title. Vitt BSFO-BBBBjnOBpmm Violin has 4 strings . You'll find that no whiskey it more per fectly tuned to your taste than Sesgrsm's 7 Crown. Seagram's finest American whis ker bits the right note in any drink sure to be a source of tmooffc harmony whenever you and good friends get together. Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. S6.S Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirit! Seagram-Distillers Corp., N. Y. ,' Jack Warren smacked a cir cuit clout la the sixth for the Braves with nobody aboard. Veteran Jest Dobernlc went the route for Tri-City to chalk up hit fourth victory of the year against two defeats., In other games . Edmonton downed Spokane 3-2, Lewis ton winning, 7-1, and then losing 4-3, and Victoria took Wens tehee 2-1. 4 (Ml Trl-CM? O A SIOl TaaaaUU LaSfJa t SVoaal.rt 4 SSI IBaoota.l t I L.Tru.1 t tWarra-t 4 IPooat.o I tBeadp.M I 4 Carrol ct t SR.Traaj 4 4Doralo.p t t i . ' ' ' t t lias Poraaa 1 II wuarp.r Botron.a Staoca. MlcaoU, Potoraa, l-SUtraa Totala SS IS S4 II TUlll 44 IS ST S i ruad ant tar patortoa ka tth. aalom IM Ml so .4 It t Trt-cur MS ass to so 11 I LosIbs MtohOTetrafaoaoli. pitohor: n ab h a an ao bb Bantu .... I S I S t 4 S atromaaah . H t t ' 4 . 4 t 1 Nlchoiao ..4 a ll ll l ) Potonon .. S t S S t 4 S DoWntto .. t SS It 4 4 S t HBP warroa, Vannl. Biioio Tanatl- n. tanlth S. Clardr. aabatlal. Mloholaf, Warren. BB Bovoat, 1 Ttaa. Warrta. SBB Oobaralo, Vannl. Buooola, with oropooa. BBl ptraa, Warraa 4, Boroaa Doaorale S, Vannl S. L. Tran 4. B. Tran 2. pantt X. withfropoan. aae. i. Tron, - R. Tran. DP Motion to Smith; Polorooa to Holm to Clardr. Tlmo t.4L UBPtrooaumw and Saronoon. Taklma 14 too 44 1 t I Vanooanr SOS 144 4 4 S 1 Dal Sarta, Thpioa III aad Morlek; Bornaados and Laadbors. . Plrct taBw: Lowutoa ... SIS 134 41 t 101 40 t-1 S I Calsarp .... Euuor and Bap. Prancu (II and Brlrtor. toato: iMIotoa ... Ill 111 llt-t I ... tot IN 4 t : aohuuto and UUa. ' Caltmrp apokana ... lit loo OM ooo tot-s It Baraootoa .. tot s too ooo mi a a Pranks aad Bhattt: ateRBlts and Btat- Matthews Eyes Don Cockejl London, () Jack Hurley, manager ol Seattle - heavy weight Harry (Kid) Matthews, has offered $9,000 and ex penses for two- for a fight in the United States with Brit ish heavyweight champion Don Cockell, Cockell'a manager said Wednesday. John Simpson said he ' was considering the offer seriously but first wants "a little more Information about TV rights. ; Cockell recently won, the British heavyweight title from John Williams. Williams and Matthews were to have met in London, last November but Matthews was forced to with draw after he Injured a back muscle. TIDE TAIL! TMoo for Taft, OiMia Mir. IMS (CoaopOod hp V. S. Coaot and flittitto saw. PorMaad. OrfaoB) Map M Blsh Wttora Lo Watars . TIM Bolsht. Tlmo Btlsht MS p.a. 4 4 .. 1:17 a.Bl. -l.S ll i. I: M p.m. S.S S:4S p.m. t.4 t:ll a.m. .1.1 1:11 P.m. S.S ll:ts a.m. Tl M a.m. -l. S:tT p.m. 41 .. 1:11 p.m. S.4 I M am. S.S S I a.m. -It I Jl p.m. 4.4 l ot p.m. S.I SI as a V WIL Standing (Bp Tt tnillltod Brooal ...w.l. Pot. .Ill loaUlaa SS Voaooww ......... IS ! It t IS 11 . IS IS It 11 It II II .... II .... It VMtarta wiaonioi . ...u...a M Oalaarr . ........... It Ttt-CIIP IS WonatohM IS Taklma It ,4SS .410 LowUMB 1-t, Calaary t-4. - Vonoouvar 4. Vokhma I. BOauati I. SpoSona S. ft Victoria S. WoaatokM I. Trlitr So. aaioai 4. . tharodor'a lohooMoi ' pokano at Caloarp. . . Lowuton at BiawaMa. Wonatehao at Vaaoaaiot. Takitaa at Vlouna. aaioai at Trl-Cltr. Home Ward Remains in " British Event Hoylake, England tUoDe- fending champion ' Harvie Ward of Atlanta charged Into the sixth round of the British Amateur Golf Tournament to day, but every ether Ameri can was eliminated. - Ward beat Alan Turner of England easily, 7 and fl. . But six ' fellow-' Yanks tumbled, even though one of them shot a hole-Jn-one. One of the victims was veteran ' Bill Campbell of Huntington, W. Va, . : -1 v. - Campbell lost to Cecil Beamish of Ireland on the 19th hole. Sgt. Dale Buettner of Toledo, O., went all the way to the 23rd hole before losing to A. M. Bucher of England. And Robert Sweeny of Palm Beach, Fla., the 137 cham pion, lost to Ray C. McGregor of Scotland, 1 up, despite a hole In one on the 1 Til-yard 13th hole. ', '' ? Also eliminated were Mai. 3. F. Seals of Bradenton, Fla.; Ernest Arend, Jr, of Deal, N. J.; . and Harold Rldgley 1 of Philadelphia. Parkrose Names New Coach Staff Portland. tV Parkroaa High School named a new eoaehing staff Wednesday. Frank Sher man, 1930 graduate- of the University of Oregon, becomes football coach; Lawrence Pot ter, formerly at Boteman, Mont- basketball and track coach; and Douglas MacFar- lane, who will be a University of Washington graduate this spring, the baseball coach, - .The former coaches will de vote full time to teaching and administration. The school su perintendent said the shift was made to achieve a well-balanced teaching staff. . Ski Lift to Go Back X. Into Operation ' Timberllne 9M The Tira- berline lodge chair ski lift will go back Into use Satur day after being out of com mUalon for a week, C. R. Mc- Fadden, spokesman for. ' the lodge said today. He said three - feet of new snow had brought a ' large number of skiers to the lodge. A if ir :. JS "it"' First Tir.3 Dc-n Kssard dowa the first af savea ttdias la a fight which ended ta kaackaat ta the fifth vatutd ta MUwaakaa, Wis. Thai aetiea was ta tha tair roand. The OtBaka batUar was ' dowa twice ta tha festrih aad fear tlntes ta tha Bftk retmd bofara beiag eatmtatt aat (AP Wlrepheto) Walcctt Drops To No. 3 Spot In Ring Ratings 1 New Yor'i V-Kocky Mar elano is Ring Magazine's "Fighter pf tha Month" and Jersey Joe Walcott drops to No. 3 challenger - In the heavy weight division in the new rankings. - ,.'': Sttard Charles, the tx cUamp from Cincinnati, who It an a red hot win streak, gets the No. 1 place behind Mar- dano, followed by Roland La Stara, of New York. Walcott la being pressed for third place by Bob Baker of Pittsburgh and Danny Buccer onl of Philadelphia, who has outgrown the lightheavywelght The big change comes In tha 175-pound division where Har ry Matthews, consistently list ed at a top contender, hat en moved Into the heavy- light class. Aa a result of his draw with Freddie Bo- shore, Matthews was not listed among the 10 top heorvywalghts. With the mldUewelgbt divi sion snrrotKbtng a shots down. lUnndy Turptn. is listed aa the leading contender and Charles Humes of Franca, bis June London foe. la placed third. The two boys who fight tor toe American version of the crown. June 10 draw second and fourth spots. Carl (Bobo) Olson of Hawaii was mo. 3 and Faddy Young of New York No. "4. Pierre Langloia of France, un let by Joe Rlndona, fall a peg tO fifth. . , -r Johnny Bratton's ' winning streak won him the No. 1 spot behind welter champion Kid Gavilan with Billy Graham dropping to second. . , Fiahts Last Uigkt (Br Tha Aaaoelatod Pronl . Botioll Johnnr Saxtoa. 1014. Tark. aotpomtod JM MleoU, 147m, Tork, II. THE DOZEN Here's the aale you have been waiting far. Bay 'aaa by tha desea and SAVE, SAVE! We lost made a tremendeas ware house eloae-out purchase. The valaea are as terrific rati ean't pass it by. Be here early to get a eotnpleto selection af abas and colors. I COGU - LUXU I I DAYTON FLOATS I sttsB' aa flatfish, an estart, The btat wtsblar aa mot far traUlnc or tmailnf. SBarkot. $030 Beg.Wea , $100 Beg. rlee Dos. ISe aa. .. . Doa. He aa. I MULTI-WAG I I RUSSELURES T Rplnnlna- Into. One of tlx ton r,- mxm - iBTBsfor aaJsnea aad trotrt. vtMn. """ $4 SO steg.lrlee $40 atog.rrlaa Dot. $1.11 ea. tPea. tMOaa. COURAOO SINHOS DOO-OADS An lists and Ctttss twtXnS rMa $100 Reg. Priea $t0 Reg. Price i Dos. SSe ea. Dos. aa. I" MY FLIES II SHORT SLIDE I By Weber . a rattans J .S",,1 A $1S0 Rg. rrlea $050 Beg. Pries Dec. 15e ea. ? Dos. Sic ea. HAOE-R STRIKEI ivUNNOW gplnnlng tare. A real tare at Bvnni gfjs aal Calars Ol a e S Dot. Se aa. Pea. 11.10 as. TILLY LURE MANY 0TH ITEMS Injrted by MUch.IL Itt a kMk4 tB,n- $030 Reg. Price " 5 Dot. itt ea. rid leal eat pricosi SPINNING OUTFIT Year Money Back If thle Isn't th kast aaai oror afftrod ea a firtt eaality etnflt, Hera ss what rn rot , . . Olympic Dalaxa Reel, M-tt. l-pe. Olasg fin CA Rod. IM yds, line year choice Complete ITtWU CASCADE MERC. " -' ' HIS N. Chareh OPEN TTL TM. EVERT NIOR -l---ammlaa Cbjuiet, ftmsac kaasiwalakt etuuantaa, kaiaks Larry ..Waatam Connor ' President of ! 100-MPH Club Indianapolis.' Ind. till George Connor, 45, Los An geles, was elected president ox tha exclusive 1 OO-mile-an-hour club at the Indianapolis Speed, way. i . -J Connor, dean af the Memo rial Day race drivers) has com peted in 14 neat, but be failed . to Qualify this year and will- serve Saturday as an official observer. . ' The club Jast night also ini tiated nine new members at Its annual rotating, bringing, to 43 the total of living members ta the group. , , Qualification for the club re auires a racing driver to hav4 completed, the 800-mile course ai an. averaga apeea n iw miles an hour or better.: Subcommittcs Approves Cilt ; ; Washington, W A. three. . man snubcocornittae baa unanl- V inously approved a Senate bill to give organixad baatnall the , right to rogulata radio and ttl . eviGion broadcasts ec Its Bazoaa. This . action. asrMlla. tha aiaaaurt) n to tha full Seeote Commorii Coanmittaa,;waa taken Wcdnaaday by a snbeoav mlttee beaded by Ben. IVdwia Johnson (D Coie.). i Johnson, who tatrodnced tha bill, la president of the Class A Western League, The others who Joined with, him in ap proving tha- bUl ware . Sena. Brlcker (Ri, Ohio) and Schoep. pel (R., Kan.":.': ' : ' In ' testimony' ' before tha group, baseball people general ly were behind tha bill, while broadcasters generally opposed it The legislation la aimed at bocorttagtta-adanee at league gamer throughout. re stricting radio-TV broadcast, ing of major league games. " " 'jf -9"0fo'- i't . I ' ' , a. H f. i ' it 'tt M c it ! m ' f t ' . hi: SI -- -v.v. :rr.- -ii