1 "' ,rtifMjt.i .M- THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Balm. Oregoa Alumni Activities Will Honor Dr. Morton Peck Thuradajr, May 23. MSI ? Willamette unlver attar. alumni day activities Satur day will etntar around recog- nltlaa af tha mark af nr. afar. tea K. Pack, profor emeritus la ut sua as ooiany ana cur ator of Pack herbarium. CUmaz at tha 4av will am at o'clock Saturday sight at tha Marlon wbcra a banquet will ba hold la honor of Or. Pack. Appearing on tha ban- . Quel program wiu Da Herman Clark, alumni association preeldent; Dr. yarn Bain, rlca president; Dr. Cecil Monk, , bead ol tha unlveriity biology daDartment: President O. Her bert Smith, Dr. O. C. Bellin- gar, Howard Miller and tha gueat of honor. - Dr. Peck cama to Villain tta in 1901 and shortly there, alter began tha field work that ' has resulted In tha collection of soma IT.Oqo botanical pgfif iwimMi p Prior to Joining the faculty at Willamette, Dr. and Mrs. , Peck spent mora than two years in British Honduras, where they collected tropical plants for Kaw Gardens in London, tha Boyal Gardens in Berlin, . umveraij ox neoraau. Har vard university and Iowa State voueav. Dr. Peck is the author of "A Manual of tha Higher Plants In Oregon," a volume mat is usea as a textbook la many schools. Ho Is currently engaged In re vising this work. . , Registration for returning aiumm win do mm at Lau sanne Hall at 9 a.m. Saturday. lls will be followed at 10 ajn., 11 ajn. and I p.m. by a special course xor graduate, conduct In tha tirrt laetura will Ha rw Martha Springer, professor of oiotogy,. wno win aiscuss tne "CbaUeago of Biology In the 10th Centura.1 At 11 V1nV Dr. Gaorgo Martin, head of the aeparaneni 01 eaucauon, will speak on "Teacher Training at Willamette,'' and at I pjn. Prof. LesUa i. Sparks, phytical edu cation department, will discuss "Professional PrcDaration in Health and Physical Educa tion." . HONORED East Salem last Salem SwagU sixth traders presented their lait assembly program for Swegle school Friday afternoon. They had prepared a play, "Her bert's Chemistry Sat" Character parte were takes by Dannie Krueger, Nancy Bates, johnny Jones, Alan . Beaoh, Terry Oootell, DarreU Sample, Gary Hoffman and Nancy Nelson who ww tha teacher. The students were James Henry, Carolyn Martin, Id die Masters, Ann Yost, Rosalie Weit. AnnouneerB ware Charles juavrmea ana rran Henry; souna esrocts were by Bryan Hanson . and Monte Terry, wiw Mama Johnson and Tommy Wright taking care of em-tains, Beverly Gardner and Daryal Donaldaos tha scenery. Held trips takes by Swegle school pupllj the pest week ware: tha second grade to tha ejity library; tha third grade' with Middle Grove third grade to tha museum at Hub bard; and tha fifth grade to tha museum at Champoeg and the sixth to tha Oregon Pulp and Paper company; School 1 oftlcera elected at ' Swegle la tha fifth erada ware, ra-aairlant Bekaaaa Barnee; vice-president, Paal Schaberg and secretary, John Jarne. . ..' The last meeting for Hoover ecuooi cuo peca Baa been Ptannea as a picnle which the weather did not permit. No meeting was held and the peck wiu on Dana to meet in September. Mrs. Don Maus and Mrs. Al- en our an were eo-hotteuei In the aeriea af nalttw.naa aoffee hours Tuesday morning at tha Maus home on Piiher roaa. Their guests were: Mrs. J W. McCrea. Ura. nl Main. coat, Mrs. Virgil Miller, Mrs. Pred Small ty, Mrs. Jam Home, Mrs. Robert Brnw Dr. Morton . Peck, oro- fessor emeritus, who will be honored by Willamette Uni versity alumni. VA Expects Carter. Mrs. Warren Miller, Mrs. William Locke, Mn. hn ter Orton and Mrs. William ixaruey. week-end gueiU at the riaher road home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCrea were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Olson of raruana Loan Increase The state veterans affairs aanartmant Ttvrti a Ma- in. ereaea In 14a lean hrnlnMi ha. cause the interest rates on fed eral Ol laana has heen In- ereased from 4 to 414 percent Tne state's interest rate re mains at a per cant maklna the state loans mora attractive. Under the federal nrnmm tha loam are made bv uivata lending agencies. Under the state program, the state loans tha money directly. Beginning July 21, the avlmiim state loan will be Increased to 99,000 for pur chase of homes, and $10,000 for farms. - The present cell ing is $8,000 for homes and farms. Grcatalion Ssf At Prep School Mt Angel Tha 66th com mencement exercises or ait. Angel Preparatory School will Da Dcia enaay, auy a, at e Mm in 4ke hllltrm ntiHItnriirm The HL Rev. Abbot Damlan Jenteea. OSB. nresident of ML Angel Preparatory, will pre sent diplomat to 17 graduates. A anlemn hlah maaa In tha A K- bey church, followed by the oaccaiaureaia Dreasian, wiu bealn tbi aTaduation day cere- moniea. Delivering the graduation address will be the Rev. Alex- SaaajSJaafB W 1 I II BTM atlPlaIHIW chSDUla at St Vincent s Hos pital In Portland. Gerald Vanslow, preeldent of iha flaa. '.! will rlallvar the valedictory address, and the eiuiaiory aaareai wui do giv en by Ronald Lambert, treas urer of the student body. Diolomaa will be awarded to ramp xwrning, xrans sronec, Larrv Ehner. Jamaa Ehnar. Carl later, Loren Free, David Given, Ronald Beckett, James Heart. T.lMwIe Hit Rnh4 Hoffer. Leror Hoffman.' Peter Hoffman, Ralph Klrnllnger, Ronald Lambert, Wes Light- wot mo Meier. Richard Mlick. Alan Obersinner. Ronald Schmidt Norbert Schauta. Jo- aepo seuer, aaarvm susee, Jamaa Traetfer. Tranala Trea- ger, ueraia vansiow ana Rich- ara neumu. The Prep auartet directed by the Rev. David Nicholson, OSB, will provide musical se lections xor we program, aiem- hera af tha auartat an Mnfiw David Given and sophomores joaepn scnauberger, Jim Hauth and Jerry Wolf. Proces sional marcnes wiu tie played by Prank Lebold of Salem. Offlcara af tha araiinailna ciaai aunni ine nan vaar nava been Gerald Vanslow, presi dent; Jemes Traeger, vice prealdent; and Alan Obersin ner, secretary. f Hint of Radioactive Dust Found in Salem front Mnnrfjv test In Nevada were detected in nine Oregon cities, the state civilian defenaa nffte said Wednesday. But the amount of radia tion waa onlv ana hunriraifth as much as fromthe lumlnoui Una French, Mill City, watch. In Ore son. . radioactivity was strongest In La Grande. Next highest readings were In Hood River, Portland, Milwau kee, Salem, Albany, Bend, Xu- gene ana AJloria. Strong winds and rainy weather put Oregon in the path of the particles. , Tests were made under the supervision of Dr. Arthur T Scott of Reed college, chief of radiological monitoring for mm aune civu acitnae agency. Dorothy Dickenaon. Juiuti. Appleberry,' Barbara Note- Doom, Rum susmilch, Margie amtcnei, uaroi Whlttlngton, Marilyn Sergeant, Sharon Stuhr, Macyla McKlnney, Dale Martin, Ronnie Kuhn. Clifford Van Loh, Kenneth Noteboom, Ronnie Peters, Jim Brudos, Zt don Beutlor, Lyla Dickenaon and Jim Rowe. . Spring V alley Snrlnv Valla vr t i..i m ... . . wiv;u uicaenaoo ana Mrs. John S. Miechel of Sorlne Valla i Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sargeant ox sruin couege were chap crones at an overnight beach party recently for Spring Val ley Junior Farmer's Union at Jerry Neikowln and Delake. Mrs. Ham, P.... Mr. w.-. uon""" were Carter U m.LZ . ,," XVonne MuU. TUUe Fiaher ROTALTT DiYTTTD Athena, Greece () XJ. 8 Secretary of atat nun.. ... nounced Thursday that ha has Invited Xing Paul and Queen areoenaa ox Greece to make an official visit to the U.S. vuues naa spent 14 hours In reece as part of a faet-find- ua; lour ox ua Middle xait r.:usT REr.iDVE KCESSIVASTE ,Mfie aw, f an eaf m. SSfft?" a w-ia.n;Sr awhWlna m mrrew aaanka. nt g.j1.H VK aw (kit kartaa gJai aawakta, knew MU aH awwJyow Mr.w tt mm' nMa. M awohia anr away Meat tftm; . a mill iB.OaINaa3ait-1 Norwegian CALCIUr.l NITRATE Now Arillibla in Any Amount VALLEY FARM STORE JM5 Silrertea M. Sweef Home Hospital Reports Accidents. Sweet TTamAvMmta m. ported from Langmack Hospi tal this week follow: Edgar Fliher was treated for crushed left first finger that wai caught between a hook and log at tha Santlam Lumber Co. Frank Whelcher ran a pica roon through his boot into his left foot and was treated when orougnt in from Willamette Na tlonal Lumber Co. - Herman Brawn Ml mm Ninth Grader Promotion AtParrish Parrieh Junior HleVa nm. motion af ninth VraH . high school will be held Tues day, June 1. Tha speakers will be Carol Werner, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Werner, and Jim lurUmui son of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Back-strand. The program atarta at 10.-1S ajn. The Girl's Chorus will sing. Membera of tha araihiatina clase are: Balak llnnai, lUftWM Alkln, omh toam Our arliaua. Lm anan. Uurr VaUala, XBkk' Bukw, Donald m. Ckna BMUiiOT. Dlek autw, jib- nilt. Jack km, OMlla Banla, Imai - umrrwn motUMOa- w. a4ll j BUllau. cm) Boaca. dm BtiMa, abaiia Mount, Dan BatMa. Joratia Braaua, Our Braaw. coaal Wuna Bnwa, Dae Bnmk, fitrteli S ?" anurta. Bdait Bmat, Wwna anhholi. Uirit Buna, Jtrf n, itaj Ann. aakttt Our. Banar Can. Urn cutar, Utu Cutar, antrlar Caaall, Bbana chaaibarlaia, Jaaa Chrlaaua. Maaar oaraiataar. cauiaa Ouraa. VraS CUrk. Laauaa Cauiaa. Jiaa Caaaar. Jit Cm. . vaaiTana. nun rati. Cualra Craktraa, Ml oaaauaaa, BoraMi Dlaaa Dark. BUI Daraaoa. BuaTOaB. viaaa iMpaaaaaaar. Taal Daaart. BUI Daaklaa, Dlaaa Daa. Sate SaBuaaaa, Xairr DonUnucb. tMav aa Baa Oeuaa, Jaaalla Bawaar, Laaaam Oraaau. BUataUi Baaaa, at Bulralaa, Larry B waaiaa aula. Jaaa autaa Jk saalat, JoaaaaTrrirkut JUM V-lw VW-u rataah. Chulai Blald, Danaa nua. Maw SUhu. Jum ratta B01 rttatu. Ltttda raarakw. smr rrusca. Mart STtSJ aamanii rraa, Bab- w ara eaava WUI trUBMnmMm lafarvtw. aaSatraaa4a nl.- aa aa dm O-ttlr, Jotu 0tiu Orla oubsiri- alXfa glaWrUM - -a aaZTTTTT Oaalat, mm Orabw. BuDara'orahajB. ;,.,7A.r" maamJ BkuaUl aaTay4lara - " aa.M , 1. mMhartf Haaswa, Brtiet Haiuwa. John """I www SBaMCnSUI, Mm aurru I - - "wj amwiaaawar. aWUl mmaar Jaadra Kill ZUlaa aackau, Kaaaath rrrr . rT wir aaiaaan, fwaartak. baanl Karaaaak, Bath I .----w aMwaaaaaaaw aUVaVB, fgtUiW va Halta. cuhr Bwhaa, Next Tuesday Btaat MaKw, Skarrm aaa Baajar. Ha Radioactive dust particles PIaBk wbU wheeling a wbeel ont Monday's atomic cannon T?W.. Wurid his right i ..... . . . .. . Ilea at the Bauman mill Boyd Care feU at the logging ooeratlone of Vernnn Alia nl was treated for a bruised left cnest. Suraerr nui Mm n Tr Sandman, Sweet Home, and JlBB JaUMakai taaT. . . SlHf "". Mlehaal Uak. vniiBiinaj, mht Aaa Jaaaaaa. Barbara Moataa, Jam tOaMtouYtSSi Ua Jaaaa. Coaita Joaaa. AarV raakla. a.- I ii iBiiawaa aaerj aaaUtm KjUDaftP awaa Xauar Ma Kaoar. Jtrrr r55 T - . iv.wi aaanwia KUiara. -wa aoanpa, Marrla Xlaapa. Martha BUaoa. Dana Can. mm,iizZr. ihi iwT.,T"' avaiaar, uaaaraa laaw, Joan Laaktna. BUr lAvraaaa. SaaaM uM. Dick lrZ! ArlaTHa. Tatan a. . .. TT" ?' ajuald Lottla. Oarr Lam, iZci Artuat ar..ra.-i . . "laaaau. WaW5r amEftUrowS; OarraO Mai that Baa? WaMaa. Mlluaf Uaiamar. Lam UmJ m ...71 . Bab Millar, CUra MUar, Dlaaa Millar! Bold Miliar. Oaaadalra Millar. Kent Millu. uawla MiSr7 Wana Morri Jam Momt, aharaa ICallw. Larrr Iful Uaa. alaa Marabj, Cala Marrw. Now Many Waar ' FALSE TEETH With Mora Comfort Baaraaiw a --- . aaUl aaaa.. h-M- ..1 1 " araur. T aat aaa talk la awra aam. fan, nut aprlnkla a Uttla fAerxBTB aa reat autaa. Ma taauar, taaar, putr tuta ar taaim. eaaau -pitta atfar Maalara araaut). Oat TXMTXXTH at waa awra. . i i?sajs--a, "tSOatar. rhrtU. oalatkara. raaraaU. LaaaW raanaa. Juaa Baaja. aura Pairaa. Daaala Faauia. Xtarathr Okwa riaa. ahanaaa Pauwiak. Batta Ja . m. raw, aoaraa Daaal, -rar. Jalacal Fray. Battrjaa. a rnaa. SbMar rat. Taaa atalaaiara ttJLmm l-aa Wi.. aawaa ttaajBaad. Martlra Baaal Battr Bakkaa baraar. Jair Baailaataa. Dana BanaUa. naaa Maa aiasalb. Blchare "r'-lm Baa Baa. Ikf. - i-l .' J" MarUra Baaa, Twany Ba- f?."aaa. aaa aaaa, Aaa Baaa BavalL Baby Baaabalx, raal Baaa. aaUakur. Baaaaaa aabalaaa. Baaeattar- aa, Mary aaa eaai. Maaiaa aanly. Badrlek eaaaadw, Bakart eehatar. aUr. uy eahaUa, Jaaaa aaatk aauiaaa aaatt. Jaka enita. aaaram eautav MarOya Oala ataaaiay, Mary Laa atan. Miabaal emihaaiaa Jem ataatlar. Itanm atattlar. Drawl aUU, Banaty Tarry, caarlat Tkaaua, aairtw Thalia. Bab Toaa. Jaaa Tracy, Jaba Tralataa, Oaary Trlaant, Bar laa Tackar, Taraar. Waaaa Laa paanaa. Claa raal Vaa Slaal. Marlarla Taaall. Van aaa vaaaU. auaa Vaatal. Wlllart Till Bant. jMoar, rtayara. varoaat wan. CUtfant Waakaa. aaita Waaaar, ma rie WalaUa. Baaa Maria Walary. Batty Walkar. Martha Waltan. Haawaa Wal- lat Watkiaa, aims WaUaa, Jarry Wa. aaa. Let Waatw, Pat Waaaar. Caratra Waab. Law Wabater. Baaay Waaka, Baa tla waaaaraUt. Carat waraw, Jaty WaaL Carakt wiralaa, Sklrlw WUaez. Bab WO- FOX ATHLETE'S FOOT A KEXATOLYTIC IS A MUST, a taa -l-t.l atta. M taat aatlaa. Oat T-4-L. a awatatrtla, at any araa Mara, if aat ataaul Df OMB BOOB, raw aaa baak. (aaay at raarr Brat liaaiiit, rurntt eaak. Jaer Baaty. LB. ear. StarBal wBBaw. Jaaata wau. waa a-LZT Baa eaaaw. BUI OtwaK BUaa eaaaara. au1 mntM. Oaraal wntat. BUl Taaaa. Bab Taaaar. Jaa aaiaiar. BaBt eaaB. Bawrg aww- J JT. I Bar! Saaa. Taat Blalaaal ar. Daa aua. Bay euutaaa. Jaaaa Sla- Wyatt, Owe) WyaaL , sr mutt fj... ; a 1 m w -nfa-"--. la- m Zi WVifi i af ST An wawwiabl worth its salt-is wena MonTorro WHEM IT UftMS IT fOUES MR. BEAN GROWER: CHOOSE A FAST-ACTING NITROGEN FERTILIZER tFFKIENT NITRATE NITROGEN la NarwafUa CALCIUM NITRATE yea hara it S e war. -" a aw wita a aclared AmiCATION AT MCKING TIME CALCIUM, TOO! P"""." a Bleat natriant wade. u t.. aVaBSU-V VUaBB I wa FlITaUTI akaaawla aaVTW- BTAVarrnraaaT al . rS&e bT JR H - For Greater Tleld Greater Froflt Csa VIKING SHU BKAND . CALCIUM NOIUTE aa year Fertiliser dealer . . . TODAY! 1288 State St Phone 3-6489 Take a HOLIDAY From High Prices Fill Your Locker Now While Randall's Prices Arc Still Low! Aro time when we know yea will meet ppraclota H our pleasure it to briitf yosj this fine Eastern Oregon Hera ford Beef at the loweet Brkas in veara anal vaaraf WhaJaaala L-aa aa kiat 1. aU. L t at" i. , , , - V ' ' r . . , r- awa, hi ... im nwaiaaii rran tv ditv week's sapaly. Fill vaur locker. ' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford lb. Am Cuts Blads Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford lb. Round T-Bcns Bib Jlfisks lb. lb. lb. NEW YORK CUT . )' TENDER LOIN ' .. . roast or steak . u SaD" Hearts ,-.. .2 Half or Whole Pound Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter Pound Babv Beef LIVER OREGON SLICED IB. C LB. I an I , '