Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Wedneoday, May 17, 1953
Tuesday for
, MlM Jean Neal wii crowned
worthy adviser of Cbadwlck as
sembly No. I, Order of Rain
bow for Cirla, on Tuesday eve
ning, Larry Sharp, i matter
councilor for Chemeketa chap
ter, ueMoiay zor Boys, eon-
ducting -the ceremony. Mias
Neal la tne daughter of Mr
and Hn. Vincent Neal.
, Gueiti honored in the tut
were Mr. Paul Grlabenow,
and Paul Bramble,wr,rthy ma
trol and patron of Chadwlck
chapter and Mrs. Harry Chart.
ton and Harry L. Miller, wor
thy matron and patron of Trin
ity chapter, Order of Eastern
Star; Wayne Henry, state board
member of Rainbow: Jason
Frizzell, worshipful master of
Pacific lodge; J. Roberts Wil
liams, worshipful matter of Sa
lem lodge; Mist Barbara An
derson, honored queen of
bethel UD, Job's Daughters;
Miss rosy snider, retiring
honored queen of bethel No.
35, Job's Daughters; Miss
Charlen Woods, retiring honor
ed queen of bethel No. 43,
Job's Daughters; Miss Nan
cy Rust, ' past worthy adviser
of Chadwick assembly, Rain
bow; Larry Sharp, master
councilor, DeMolay. -
A whit lace cloth covered
the serving table at the re
ception which followed the in-
sllatlon, an arrangement of
snowballs and Cecil Brunner
rotes centering the table. Mrs.
Lawrence Carpenter , of Silver-
tion served the punch and
pouring waa Mrs. Clarence
Webber.', .
Airs. Lucht Guest ;
At Auxiliary Meet
fSUverton Mrs. Fred Lucht,
pst district No. t president of
the American Legion auxiliary,
tftended as guest at the Mon
day evening meeting of. Del
btrt Reeves unit No. 7. .
jMrs. Victor Howard, sewing
cnairman, in her year's report,
told of 910 work hours by
Members of the unit with fa
eiity credit at the Portland
hospital for $382.75 in mater
ials made for the comfort of
Hie patients including 'scuffs,
dftty bags and pillow tops the
main finished articles. . .
,The mother of Mrs. How
ard, Mrs. Crete Crennell, wat
present at the meeting of the
uait, and accorded honors for
donations to the sewing work
iri giving quilts and other fin
ished articles for community
agd child welfare as well as for
tije needs of the Portland fa
eflity. Mrs. Crennell is being
fijrnithed afghan yarn for
ktltting Individual robes for
wheel-chair patients at the
Portland hospital, she ex
plained. Mrs. L. P. Oehler, poppy
tales chairman, reported all
popples sold with demand for
more than had been ordered,
The poppy potters will be on
display at the armory on Sat
urday forenoon when the an
nual program of MenTorial day
will be observed at the 11
s'tlock hour..
Mrs. Ralph Francis reported
$112.00 hall rent for the Le
gion bad been cleared since
December. Mrs. Francis is a
member , of the housing com
mittee. .
Mrt. Francis is also chairman
for the breakfast the unit is
servlna the Sllverton Saddle
club members and guests pre
ceding their trail ride Sunday,
Lfune 14. .
.Mrt. Ralph Francis, chair
man of Americanism, reported
Ion presenting a flag to Troop
No. 77. Girl Scouts, during
the Ir meeting at the Washing
Ion Irvina building. This was a
lift to the troop members.
Bridal Shower Is
"vent at Butteville
Butteville Mist Barbara
lean Croco was honored with
i bridal ihower on Saturday at
hi Butteville tchool house.
James were played, Mrs. Phil
Hathaway gave a humorous
eadlng and Miss Connie Beard
wng. Refreshments were served
y! the hostesses, Misses Berna
line Harper, Bonnie Hathaway,
Bonnie Beard, "Evelyn Hostet
i. and Lois Welnert.
Guests present were Mist
taco, Mrs. Matilda Croco, Mrs.
ck McLeod, Mrs. Phil Hath
way, Mrt. Delorls Boge, Mrt.
V. O. Llndquist, Mrs. Francis
Iteyart, Mrs. Walter Smith,
rs. Ray Martin, Mrs. Glen
Mines, Mrt. Harold Hove, Mrs.
aa m a
I MTKT YOU Car f Hr II r f v; L .VV U
L.L..e - f ass-.- .J. a . II t ' 1 'UTL TVT 1
mm mm, mm m m w rum i m mmnmmwm mw.itw if -i k ' 1 v i. f . f i k v r
lUaADaa Dvwl flll.,ZA6 naSL ' IBiUM&W lili
Wm. ' I JSCI rrnf4nJU lnin Aiwut WRE HOOIS: Thar., , Frl.. Men, I I to I P.M. f . .
Zt0i Kv'TV ur r,hlp ou.eWyS'.W.i. COLORS GALORE!
fklkniAr&J " I All work dona hv atinlatita ' -
Today's Menu
vreamed Eggs on Toast ,
. Epicurean Spinach ? H
Raw Carrot Curls
Fruit Beverage V
Epu-areaa Bpiaaeh ,
Ingredients: One 10-ounce
package washed and cleaned
spinach, 1 tablespoon olive oil,
m. uDieipooa Koquerort cheese,
1 tablespoon cooking sherry,
Method: Rinse spinach in
cold water; drain. Heat olive
oU in large skillet or good
size saucepan over low heat;
add spinach; cover. Cook spin
ach in just the water clinging
to leaves, turning a few times
with a fork, until wilted.
Crumble In Roauefart: arid
sherry; cover; continue cooking
over low heat, turning a few
times, from S to S minutes.
Sprinkle lightly with salt to
taste. Makes 3 servings.
Party Is for
Sllverton Mrs. Dale Krua
of the Bethany district and
her sister, Mist Joyce RUey of
aaiem, entertained in a pre
nuptial linen shower at the
Krug home to honor Miss Bob
by Yates, formerly of Silver
ton, fiance of Wayne Gwynn
of Salem. Their weddlna la an-
nouncea as a June affair.
. Guests Included: from Sa
lem, Mrs. Dick Tobey, Mrs.
Kenneth Trimble, Mrs., Bill
ruuwiler, Mrs. Frank Blank,
and Mrs. Norman Bera: Mrs.
Earl Cooley, Springfield; Miss
Pat Rice, Sherwood; Miss Mar
gie Tuggle, Oregon City; Mrs.
Ralph Bailer of DeLake; and
from Sllverton, Mrs. Earl Hart
man, Jr., Mrs. Charles Leon
ard, Jr., Mrt. Gene Scott and
Miss Georgia Towe.
Missionary Group
Sllverton Immanuel Luth
eran Woman's Missionary fed
eration met last week, the main
feature being the presentation
of life membership pins, and
memorial ceremonial.
Two members, Mrt. A. L.
Ask and - Mrs. A. Torgerson,
were honored in the memorial
ceremonial. Mrs. R. B. Les
ter, daughter of 'Mrs. Torger
son, was narrator and Mrs. Ar
nold W. Nelson made the pre
sentation of the pins to Mrs.
John Overlund, Mrs. Minnie
Overlund, Mrs. Ida Winslow,
Mrs. Emil Loe, Mrt. L. Rogde-
berg, Mrt. Jonas Byberg, Mrt.
R. J. VanCleave, Mrs. Clar
ence Halvorton and Mrs. Ar
thur Dahl; -. -
Mrs. Osoar Loe directed de
votional 'on the topic: "A Na
tion I Born." A vocal duet wa
ung by Mrs. J. L. Dyrud and
Mrs. Tom Anderson with Mrs.
Arthur Dahl accompanying. -
Reports of the Willamette
Circuit federation were given
by Mrs. Tom Anderson.
Alternate to the WOT
convention at Parkland In
June are Mrs. Minnie Over
lund and Mrs. H. B. Jor gen
son. Delegates to Parkland
are Miss Hilda J. Olsen and
Mrs. H. K. Funrue.
Named to assume the secre
taryship of the local WMF, left
vacant by the resignation ot
Mrs. E. S. Faaborg, who is
moving to Salem, was Mrs.
Conrad Johnson.
Hostesses for the affair were
Mrs. Nels Haugen, Mrt. H.
Omholt, Mrs. Jul Faar and
Mrs. H. Este.
Announcement of the WMF
circle meetings includes:.
Circle 6, Monday, June 1, 8
p.m. at the Robert Rose home,
802 S. 3rd street, Mrs. Lloyd
Naegeli, co-hostess.
Circle 5, same time, at the A.
B. Anderson home, co-hostess,
Mrs. Daryl Johnson.
Circle 1, Tuesday, Mrs. Ar
thur Dahl, hostess at 2 p.m.,
Mrs. Oscar Strand, co-hostess.
Circle 2, Wednesday, June
3, 2 p.m., at Amelia Maler
home, 729 S. Water street, as
sistant. Mrs. John Overlund.
Circle 8, same time, Fireside
room, Mrs. E. S. Forborg and
Mrs. Nels Nelson hostesses.
Circle 4, same time at the
Matt Koleon home, assisting,
Mrs. Ed Zltzewiti.
Gene William, Mrt. Jay WU
liami, Mr. Dan Clark. Miss Lo
retta Gooding, Mrs. Fred Den
tel. Mrs. Paul Singer, Mist
Eleanor Westcott, Mrs. William
Russell, Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt,
Mrs. Le Hostetler, Miss Jack
le West, Mis Bonna Fritchie,
Mr. C. A. Westcott, Miss Dor
othy Miller, Mrs. Frank Wein-
ert, Mrs. Anna maimer, mra.
Pete Kruplcka, Miss Angela
Kruplcka, Miss Marlene Con
ner, Miss LaDonna Sather, and
Miss June Welnert.
Many Call '
To Greet
Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Ramsby received rela
tives and. friend at an open
bouse, Sunday, on the occasion
of their 50th wedding anniver
Guest were presented to the
couple by their daughter, Mrs.
Neil Verbeck. Another daugh
ter, Mrs. Henry Dick of Sweet
Home, directed the serving as
sisted by their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Roma
Ramsby of Silverton. -.
One guest, John Maulding,
was present at the original
wedding 80 years ago in Sa
lem. The guest list included: from
Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. August
iterr, Mr. and Mrs. Hanry
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Howard, Mrs. Mary Karbel,
Lloyd Moser, the Rev. and Mrs.
A. C. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Hu
man Lovlien, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe
Langley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Scott, Mr. and Mr. Arthur Nel
son Mrs. Lydla Dawes, Mrs.
Millie Warner, Mrs. Ida E. Mak.
ins ter, Mrs. Goldie Down, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Kern, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs. Bertha
E Morley, Mrs. Tony DeSantis
and Lena Mae DeSantis. Mr. I
and Mrs. Jack Tuggle, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Bascue, Mr. and
Mrs. F. B.Renwlck. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Verbeck, Mrs. J. N.
Amundson, Mrj and Mrs. Lynn
Neal, Mrs. Mary Riley, Mrs.
Perl Bye. Mrs. Daisy Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Egan, Mrs.
P. A. Cooper. Mrs. Gec?ce W.
Hubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Dunifer, Mrs. Helen Burrier,
Mrs. Golda SIdwelL Mia Ina
Harold, Mr. and Mr. Jim Blan
ey, Mrs. Ethel Harrington, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Cox, Mrs.
Josephine Hartman, Mrs. Nellie
Lorenaen, Mr. and Mrs. Roma
Hunter, Macyle, Harris and Bob
Lertz, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dahl,
Mrs. C. J. Cooley, Mrs. Hattle
Bentson, Harry Vetter, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mrs. Ben Glf
ford, Mrs. Merlin F. Conrad,
Mr. and Mrs. Reber Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Houck, Mrs.
Laura Gelser, Miss Barbara
Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Steve En
lo'e. Sr., Mrs. Ida Bowman, Ger
ald sawyer, Miss Opal Peter
son, Mrs. Conrad Schwartz. Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Edison. Mr. and
Mrs. Men Egan, Mrs. Ethel
King, Mrs. Josle Mires, Mrs.
Gertrude Moen, Mrs. John L.
Towle, Mr. and Mr. Syvert
Funrue, Mr. and Mm E. Z.
Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. George
Benson, Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Tay
lor, Mrs. Sadie Barkhurst, Mrs.
Verna Bailie, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Mann, Mrs. Helen M. Kull,
Mrs. Flora F. Hoblitt, Mrs. Mar
garet Terry, Mrs. I. L. Stewart,
Mrs. J. A. Monson and Miss
Karen Monson, C. J. Towe, Mr.
and Mrs. Norrls Ames, Mr. and
Mrs. George Weatherill, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil H. Veerbeck, Miss
Rhonda Lee Ramsby, Mr. and
Mrs. Roma Clyde Ramsby;
From Sweet Home, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Dick; from Beaver
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rams
by; from Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Ramsby; from Ocean
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Bar
ker; from Brooks, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Bump; from Scott Mills,
Mrs. Rhoda Barkhurst; from
Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Verbeck; from Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. Tycer; from Cutler
City, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Schumacker; and from Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes, Mrs.
Martha Sletter and Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis WlfeeV -
" I bad to eat out, so I teamed
how to dodge ealories in eat.
tariaa," writes Joaent Voorbess
ef Taesog. In the Jan Ladies'
Bom Journal she talk bar fas.
spiring story, templet with tips
and aampla maals. Read bow
she gained a tH' waist (and
a bnabandO altar ntaey laa-
i I peuad. datSNa rears. I jig irls 'P' T. K " yf
Recently Wed Lt. and Mrs. Louis Weston Cockerham
were wed recently in the Unionvale Evangelical United
Brethren church. The bride la the former Willa Jeanne
Slsco, daughter of Mr. and Mr., Marlon Slsco of Dayton
and Lt. Cockerham la the son of Mrs. Gladys Johnson,-of
Dayton. (Glllam's studio, McMinnviUe) ' " ,
Miss Helsel
Is Bride-Elect
' Woodbura Mrs. Marion E
Helsel of Woodburn announce
the engagement of her daugh
ter, Miss Carleene I). Helsel, to
mwm wmw
if HI I I
I s ... s s
s 2 "roa'nmooai ' I "s t.isj
t mm HI If : I 0SlAlDeC3Dml
immm wm mm puis
TlTtMf I Ml
fl' C-ajw- wr. g Y YTtl VBaA sT T
V" ':f.'.i.
Harry E. Maxwell, Jr, of
Reedsport. Miss Helsel la em
ployed in Salem. Mr. Maxwell,
the ton of Mr. and Mr. H. S.
Maxwell of North Bend is em
ployed by the Standard Oil
company at Reedsport
The wedding will be an
event of June 20. " .
In Your Home
On Tuesday
Gueata nmuni at th Vtnal.
neaa anil PrafMalanal Wnmni'i
dub on Tuesday to bear Dr.
nicnara sieiner ei roruand
tpeak were Mrs. Steiner, Mrs.
Marauerite A. Wheatlcv. Mm
M. X. Javena of Eugene, Miss
jane cnaney and Mrs. Thomas
C. Stacer. Dr. Steiner' talk
was entitled "Edliratlnn and
the Next Generation." .
It wa announced that Miss
Eleonor Roberta will be in
Santa Fe. New HhIm nvt
year, where aha will teach.
The group voted to contri
bute $50 to the blood bank,
and tlA wu AnnmtmA Immt Mak
for the Iva Turner memorial
music award. ' - :
Miss Gertrude 'Acheson and
Mrs. Harold A. Roaebraugh
were visitors ana spoke to the
club about the YWCA building
a,- '
Miss Rhoades and
Mr. Smith Married
- Lebanon The marriage of
Miss Ruhv V. Khnarfaa tn Bloh.
va iwaine smiut wa (oiemn
ized on May at a p.m. at the
Assembly of God church, the
Rev. H. D. Rhoadea nfflrUtln.
The bride is the daughter of
wr. ana air, virgu c Bnoade
of Crabtree. Her husband's par
ents are Mr. and Mrt XvaraM
Smith, Lebanon.
The bride wore a white satin
dress. Her veil was held in
- ciM.r...
at Record Day Savings for
Keg. 4.Vi 3x5-ft. loop rug
Reg. 1.69 linoleum cement
Reg. 1.15 complete tool kit
Installation Instructions
tile: Cherry
rugt Gray
place by orange blossom and
tnm carriea a Ian-shaped bou
quet of red nuaa
Mia Maxine Marken, wear
ing nue green ares over
matching taffeta, waa maid of
honor. In a almllavlw
dress of pink. Miss Euri Pratt,
aTu aa DTiaesmaio. - '
Clyde Rhoades waa beat man,
and ushers vara Cnmaat
Dick Chcter, David Brant and
mu aievens. . . .
ADOroximatalv S7a
tended the reception which fol-
tuwwa in ue enurcn parlor
Mr. Mildred Newton, aunt of
the bride, naurarf
bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Helen
ruraer, cui ua cake. , . i
For her waririlna t:
- a M.v-, an
Smith wore a nan ai .uu
check suit with red accessories
ana a wane orcma as a cor
sage. Mr. Smith and hi bride
attended Lehanun tilh
Ha Is employed in the lumber
inoustry, and they will make
their home at Ran u-.
street, Lebanon. i
IN ItTfiKNK im4.. il.
benefit breakfast given by the
ryiman surer mere were Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Judson and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Judson, Diane
and Don, Jr. Later they visited
with Dr. and Mrs. Virgil Brooks
ana Mr. and Mra. lki
A Full Room's Worth of
Beautiful "Color-Brushod"
inouoh x.incn mi foe yxn.rr. roomi
Yes, this complete comUnation is yown at iMt r
maricobb prkol h'l wte newest Mm In room beovty
and comfort. Coma m and choose both your two and
fluffy cotton loop pile rvg from a largo selection of
mart colon. Install the tit yaurtaHcpicVJy and
oath, h'l bright, new and modem!
Rod Mint Groan Dawn
Rom Green lurgimdy
Troth Told
Wood hum 111 u.' --a
Norman ar WMani. -
Und, formerly of Woodbura,
announce the eniagemant ei
their daughtor, Mist Sandra.
Karaen Mlrhaivla m- t-jJ
ko (Vic) Jubola, sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Erick Jubola of Se
attle. - . ,
. Mlas Hiehaaila a4aaJ w
Son Stata aaltaaa artm -u-. i
affiliated with Delta Delta Da '
ta sorority. Sergnant JuboU at.
tended the ViUvtralty est Waafa. .
totlon, and la now with the
sraed forcee in Korea. A win
ter wedding a planned. . -
Mill Hl-kaul la . .1
daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. W.
mcnaraa 01 wooOMirn. i -
Guild to Meet
Sllverton if a u.'.i..
Roth ia anilAtinaln
-..VW.HM.B W
meeting of the Junior Christian
fUlld Mondav avaalaa a ..
home of Mrs. Jerl Bye, with
m. reio Herr and Mrs. De-
lena Fitk as hostesses. "Secret
Da 1a" ara n k.
ttresantina a 4t -
The business meeting will be
featured by the ceremonial of
installation of officers.
: Linolsum . 1
tlTS. HIgh n. 41711
Gray Splca lalg ; ' '
ChaitrowM hwry-Whlta
1 1
WdtestfeUettoBwa-fca I I f
ptwira. acsdsaillgisanai ' ,