ftft t Some Notations . . A moment from "Corona tion Year" to bt prized in homes for yean to earn la tht lltUt book "Elisahtth Eaters, . The Story of a Queen, Just out from the publishers, Cbarlet Scribner'a Sons. It la writ ten by a forms Orafloa Wom an. La arte Jaaaat . now Mew York City newspaper woman . . . Copiee of the book were received laat week by newspaper frienda in Oregon. Wi.h all the world now agog, awaiting tbe big corona tion day next Tueeday, , the book la timely reading ... It la written in refreshing and delightful style, yet ia moit informative, and Uvlshly illus trated with picture of Eng land'a young queen from the firat photograph of her taken ahortly after her birth to lata photograph of her and her husband, the Duke of Ed- tabargh, in formal pose Throughout the little volume there ia a "buraaniilng" of the royal family in their struggle to be "Just people," to live normal Uvea Just like ether people despite their ban' dieap of royalty . . .. At book carries a complete account of "LillbetV life from the time she was a baby, on through her girlhood, the grad ual assuming of state reapon sibility and the later years as . Elizabeth becomes a wife, a mother and now the queen of a kingdom . . . The every day family life, the family gather ings, the vacations, the studies. the birthday parties, the visits to the sights oz London, the experiences as a Girl Guide, the many duties carried on during the war as a princess does her bit the same as any other young woman of her country, the routine of public appearances, the travels, ate. aU are highlighted through the years, interspersed with many little anecdotes and chit chat about members of the royai zamuy .. . Mucn at the nook la In a style appealing to girls and young women who delight in reading about princesses and their glamorous Ufa in fact in her autographed copy the autnor aaya: "tor you or some young princess you know, But the book is interesting reading for all ages. There are so many interesting facta about Elisabeth and her fam ily, that, aa said above, 4t is a book that ehould be on the family bookshelf. After all, Elizabeth will be a headllner for the rest of her Ufa, and here ia a little volume to give you reaey information about ner. To this scribbler the book holds a special interest. I know both Laurie and her husband, Bkkard W. Johnston. Laurie , grew up in Albany, was graduated from University of Oregon. She worked on both the Oregon Journal and the Oregonlan, and during World War n waa one of the few woman eorraspondents accredited to navy and army In the Pacific. She is now a reporter and feature writer for the New York Times, and xor this book especially 'knows her stuff because she waa one assigned to cover the Canadian tour of Princess cuzanctn two vraxi am Laurie's husband. Dlek. cm co-worker of mine back in the thirties on the Register-Guard in Eugene ... He was one of four former RQ suffers who won national and international fame as correspondents d urine the war, the "fabaleaa feur" we used to refer to them in Eugene ... He waa Pacific correspondent for United Press during the war and foreign correspondent for Time, and ia now an assistant editor for Life magazine . , . Dick wrote "Follow Mer a story of the MocDonalds Will Attend Yale Event Leaving next Tuesday for tha east art Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mat Donald and daughters, Janet and Mary Lou, tha family driving to Mew Haven, Conn., to be on hand for tha graduation of the MacDonalds' son, Bruce Mac- Donald, at Yale university. Hs Is receiving his bachelor of science degree. He U a arad uato of Salem high school with uie ciaaa of 1B49. Also going cast for the grad uation will be Mr. and Mrs. suas Gaiser, who are to fly. Mrs. Bruce MacDonald Is their daughter, being the for mer Janet Gaiser. Following the commencement event, the MacDonald family will go on to Ripley, Ontario, Canada, to O ' MSI IS & sv L 1. .BjM.Lf.i Second Marina division . . . In Laurie's current story of the queen, Dick selected the photographs that add their crowning bit to the book , . . A large group of friends thoroughly enjoyed the coffee parties for which Mra. A Khar Eriekson, Mrs. Steve Takaeeal and Mrs. Jamee L. Faroe were hostesses Tuesday at the Eriekson home, the three In viting a group during the morning hours and another group during the afternoon . . . What matter's the rale, when there are so eoany friends to greet and visit with? seemed to be the these . . , Guests were invited first to the basement recreation. room for punch and visiting, then to the dining room, foe their coffee ... the tea table waa set against the window and was especially attractive. It was covered with a band woven pink cloth, banded with silver, and at one end was an arrangement of pink blooms, featuring lupin in a pinkish pottery bowl. Among the guests during our call Mra. Wlllard Thompson, Mrs. James Walton, Mra. John J. Griffith, Mrs. Jerald 8. Back strand, Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, Mra. Carl M. Qulstad, Mra. Feery T. Boren, Mrs. James B. Humphrey, Mrs. Charles H. Heltsel, Mrs. Charles H. Hag- gins, Mrs. F. D. Qalsenberry, Mrs. Brace F. Pickett, Mrs. Beecoe Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth Fewer, Mrs. George Welter, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mra. A mold Krneger, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Harold Hank, Mra. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. A. D. Woodman see, Mrs. C. Les ter Newman, Mrs. Vera W. Mil. ler, Mrs. Merrill -D. Okliag, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. Ralph E Parr in e, Mra. Arthur Fisher, Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mra. Lisa C. Smith, Mra. James B. Young, Mrs. Wayne Leder, Mrs. Cart Steelhammer, Mrs. Glenn Ste vens, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Donald A. Young, Mrs. P. H. Brydea, Mrs. Robert F. Waif, Mrs. James C. Stone, Mrs. Beth F. Smith, Mra. Val Sloner. . . . Among those assisting at this time, Mra. T. Harold Totnltn son, Mrs. Vera 8hay, Mrs. Rich ard Upjohn, Mra. Charlea D. Wood, Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mrs. Urlln 8. Page, Mra. Law rence Brown, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. BJarne E rick sen, Mrs. Frank Shafer . . . Others assisting at the par ties included Mra. Merrltt Tra- ax, Mrs. Kenneth Carlson, Mrs. Herman Jochnnsen, Mra. Brace Williams, Mrs. Cobarn Gra benhorst, Mrs. Irvln B. Hill, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Otto Skopll, Jr., Mrs. V. D. MeMnl lea, Mra. Loring Schmidt, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Ralph Atwaoa. Mrs. H. T. Irving . . . One of the most exauUltelr decorated tea tobies seen la a long time was the one arranged at the tea on Friday for which Miss Elisabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver were hostesses st their home to honor Mrs. Melvln. S. Lord, who is here with Mr. Lord from Washing ton, o. c. ... A beautiful Vene tian cloth covered tha table. draping gracefully to the floor at the corners. . . . The center piece was an all-white one, tea turing irises and tulips. ... A Urge group of frienda called to greet the visitor, many of them having met her at the time she was living In Salem during the war while Mr. Lord was away , '. . The hostesses were very disappointed with the weather, being unable to Invite guests out to view the beautiful gardens, but the rain made It all the more pleasant for the guests who were en Joying themselves Just visiting nu we garaens made a beau iuui picture to look out on from the windows. visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mac Donald will be living In Houston, Texaa, he having ac cepted a position with Shell Oil company. EAST SALEM Miss Arlene Werner was the honored guest on the occasion of her 18th birthday Monday night at the nome or her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wer ner in Silverton. Other guests were her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Werner and sister. Miss uaroi werner, and Miss Lena Kuenzi. Miss Werner U a sen ior at 6alem High school. SPIRITUAL Sunflower club Is meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gordon Fred' rickson, 1270 North J4th, be tween l and 4 p.m. It Is believed that Dom Prig- non, cellar master of the Ab bey of Hautvlllers from 1870 to 1715, made the first champagne. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE 11$ N. Liberty Miss Newbry io cnTerrain Attendants Vliss Shlrlee Newbry. who Is to be married on June 14 to William E. EiseeD, is giving a luncheon this coming Satur day at the home of her parents, Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry. Guests will Include the fem inine members of the wedding party. e Delegates Elected By VFW Auxiliary Delegates elected Monday by atarteet auxiliary. Veterans of !rwrelt Ware, to attend the do partsaesit encampment at The DfcUoe. Juno 1 to ST, were Mrs, C. aL Brigga. Mra. Ivell tUley. Mrs. Mel Clemens. Mrs. At Aeecallataaa. Mra. Virgil Bolton. Mrs. Billy Kelso. Mrs. LuKoy Simpson. Mrs. Charles Hagasu Mrs. Joe Horneffer, Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy, Mrs. Georgo Mason. Mrs. Douglas Parke. Mra. Kenneth Smith, Mrs. Maa Wilder. Mrs. Sher man BealL Mrs. Mike Becker. Alternates, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. David Holweger, Mrs. Charley Hunt. Mrs. Frank Prince, Mrs. Clarence Forbls, Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Nosh Bennett, Mrs. Dale Mauk, Mrs. Ralph O'Brien, Mrs. Dave Fur lough. Miss Mary Gilhuly, Mrs. Gordon Brassier, Mrs. Mary Kusie, Mra. Helen Marshall, Mrs. J. K. Mucxriage. During committee reports, Mrs. Mel Clemens, community service chairman, announced that the auxiliary will assist with refreshment counters at the Soap Box Derby. Mrs. Gil bert Bannister reported on ar rangements for the beach trip with tna oiri Beout group which tha auxiliary is sponsor tag. - . First prize for tha esssy con test waa- recently awarded to Vance Cooney of Sacred Heart Academy. Mrs. George Mason. Americanism chairman, accom panied by Mrs. Clarence For bls, Mrs. Russell Mudd and Mrs. Leon Hansen, presented the second award to Miss Joy Schorenberg and third prize to Miss Martina Bucholz ia Mt Angel. Mra. Mai Clemens told about plans for the memorial parade which will form at the sunken gardens across from the Capitol building. Anyone wishing transportation may contact Roy Carter. Following tha meeting, the auxiliary Joined the post for rerresnments served by Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Mary Kua la, Mrs. Nellie Marshall. Mrs. Charles Hagan, Mrs. Mary Champ. Mrs. Mike Becker was named refreshments chairman for the year. .. i Visitors Due . Arriving in Salem this com ing Sunday from Weisbaden, Germany, Is Sam L. Purkett, who will spend the next week visiting at tha homo of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCain of the Canda- laria district, and his grand mother, Mra. Cordelia Herring- ton, air. Furxett is head of the post exchange in Weisba den and has made his homo In Germany for the past three years. Prior to that he went to Europe In the last World War and had been on the European continent for the past 10 years, living In both Itely and France prior to his move to Germany. This is his first visit back to the SUtes. From here he will so to California and then back to Germany. Accompanying him from WiUiston, N.D., are his parenU, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pre- uninger and sister, Linda. Other visitors arrivins at the McCain home Sunday are Mr. ana Mrs. Charles W, Hand- ley of Los Angeles, another sister of Mrs. McCain's. They wm oe here for tht next two weeks. OES Event Worthy matrons and patrons present for friendship night at Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star, on Saturday In- eluded Mra. Mildred Thurston and R. Irwin Wright of Euclid chapter: Mrs. Harry Charlton and Harry L. Miller of Trinity chapter; Mr. and Mrs. Ksrl Wipper of Victoria chapter. Mrs. Joe Brooks was in charge of the program. Mem bers with birthdays in May were Introduced. Mr. and Mra. Mel Propp were chairmen of refresh ments, Mr. and Mrs. Jssper Button, Mr. and Mra. Vera Reimann and Mrs. Elmo Me- Mullen assisting. Miss Mons Yoder, Mrs. John Swlgart snd Miss Edith Fanning arranged tne Decorations. FUR STORAGE Better Care Meaaa Longer Wear LACHELLE'S 1SII Ferry St Ph.t-4114 rflE CAPriAti wvtWAij, aiM, orvgoa Mrs. Potter Shower Feted Mrs. Donald Dawson and Mra. John Pollock, tha Utter of PortUnd, were hostesses Tuesdsy afternoon st a saUd luncheon, and party honoring Mrs. Ervin W. Potter. The group feted Mrs. Potter with a shower of gifu. The party was st the Dawson home on Battle Creek road, In the group were Mrs. Pot ter and her mother, Mrs. Wal- ter B. Minler; Mrs. Harry Jacobaon, Mrs. Peter M. Gun nar, Mrs. Ray Rhoten, Mrs. Harold Dunsmoor, Mrs. Gor don Carl, Mrs. Irwin Wedel, Mrs. Palmer Bue of Portland, Mrs. Charles Carey, Mrs. Rob ert F. Anderson, Mrs. Jsmes Smart, Mrs. Karl Olson, Mra Joseph B. Felton, Mrs. Loren Hicks, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlne Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs, L. C. Marshall, Mrs. E. Paul Wedel, Mrs. Melvln Goode of Albany, Mrs. Thomas W, Churchill snd the two host esses. Shower Given For Miss Beckman Honoring Miss Betty Lou Beckman, who is to be married on July S to Jack W. Grimes, Mrs. Frank McKennon snd Mrs. W. H. Zimmermen enter' Uined Friday evening at i party and miscellaneous show er at the home of Mrs. Mc Kennon. t , ' A Ute supper was served. Pink and white sweet pess were used in decorating and the gifts were arranged under a Japanese umbrella. - Feting , the bride-elect were her mother, Mrs. A. J. Beck man and her sister, Miss LeAl Beckman, Mrs. Monte Jones, Miss Carclyn Jones, Mrs. Carl Tbor, Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, Mrs. Carl Morrison, Mrs. Phillip Pe terson,' Mrs. Bernard Benson, Mrs. H. J. Clements, and tbe hostesses. . Reports on Grand Lodge Are Presented Reports of the grand lodge session were given Monday eve ning at Salem Rebekah lodge, Mrs Clyde Bancroft and Mrs. C. J. Kimble, junior noble grands, making the report. Mrs. Lloyd Wood was pre sented with a Bible, an award received at grand lodge, and at a candle light ceremony, she presented it to the Salem group. Visiting the lodge were mem. ben of the local Ladles auxil iary, Patriarchs MillUnt. Mrs. Erma Cooper of Independence, president, introduced Mrs. Clarence Townsend, president of the state organization, and her officers. It was announced that T. V. Ibbetson, of Port Arthur, On tario, Canada, sovereign grand master, will attend the corona tion In England at personal In vitation of the queen. Mr. Ibbet son has been a visitor at Salem Rebekah lodge. Theta Rho girls honored Mrs. E. C. Mennis last week for her work this year as counselor to the group. Piano and Violin Event Next Sunday Piano and violin students of Dalbert and Elizabeth Jepsen are to appear in reclUl next Sunday, at the Frederick Wil son studios. Parents and friends of the young musicians are invited. The advanced group of stu dents will play at S o'clock, the beginners and Intermedi ates at 7 o'clock. ' In the group presenting the program are Patricia Fagg, Betty Fagg, Mary Jean Schrunk, Slmrun Johnson, Pe ter Jepsen, Marllee WatU, Joan Wlckman, Susan and Charles McGee, Karen Turnidge, Ro bert and Patricia Stevenson, Julie Shifter, Judith Gallagher, Kenneth Clark, DeAnn May- berry. rout coMMmoN m p f 1 mom tovnr with . ia . MWm, ... roa rABL in wins at- BrUa'i Cm, Dras Stora. la 8. Cw frHU SI. HHm Um mi stm. 4M state St, Bain Msrtrt Prat aim. tus H. CMamU L. Salta Wlbs Drat Mm. 1st N. Kltk SI. Safes Pmn'i Drat alar. SSt UnnW St., aaiaia Oabaaaamt raarar, SI Caart SI., Salaal HanWmt tkarau.r, MM Oraat St. Safeai Saracy-a Arac Star. DaMaa, Oraraa I Mar Fharaaaar, Maaaaalb. Oravaa ' Tha Tartar Draa. taaraaasrara. Oraraa rtafear rnarma,, Ml. a.att, Orrcaa 5 A a.M-a.paa aWy-Valii, era, aa. h X '""'"toaaawlMi.Mliirsllootliit, C UL statagslfc CstfsMlt)BjOta rNfTCt) Ct)fR)fMJ(t -ef TQ wltte eeTtW tMf pwH, Si JTf f"!C0000000CO"' . Mill CIO Paaraia,-r, Mill nit, Oraaaa Capital Edited by MARIAN Schedule Of Reunions Announced Willamette university alum ni will gather at special lunch eons oa Saturday, celebrating class anniversaries from 1003 through 1043 as a part of the Alumni Day activities. Calen dar of luncheon groups In cludes classes of 1903 snd 1008, commemorating 50th and 49th commencements (with friends from '97 through '08 also attending). Golden Pheas ant at noon. Harry Swafford U In charge of reservations. Class of '13, under the chairmanship of Prof. Ray L. Smith, will meet at 12:30 p.m. at tha Pine Tree Inn. Miss Mary Eyre will give a luncheon for the class of 1918 at her MiU street home. Mrs. Albert A. Cohen is Uking reservations for the class of 1923 who will meet In the Camellia room of the Sen ator hotel. The class of 1928 will celebrate Its 29th anni versary since graduation at the Marlon hotel in the mirror room. Hugh McGilvra is in charge of the event. Members of 1933 will con vene in the Cherry room of the Senator hotel at noon, with graduates and ex-students of 1938 holding their reunion luncheon In the Marine room of the Marion hotel. Harold Rose is handling arrangements for the class of '33. Mrs. Ralph S. Nohlgren ii In charge of the 38 luncheon. Mrs. Ollle Williams is chair man of the 1943 class luncheon at the Golden Pheasant at noon. All alumni will join in the Alumni Day banquet at 8 pjn. Saturday in the mirror room of Reg. $2.98 American i Optical SUNGLASSES uamrwadoadErt forscrlaa. Toiletry Reg. 39c BATHING CAP Assorted fl(?Jl Colors ilSU TolletoT Regular $2.98 Gallon PICNIC JUG Kttpt Foods or Liquids Hot or Cold for Your Picnk L. Variety Regular 68c Uniced ANGEL FOOD (ME Serves SfolO EiSr Easy re Carry Idttl for Picnics Bakery We Will Be Closed Memorial Day Women LOWRX FISCHER Couple Wed In Alaska Miss' Helen. Hughet and Gene Katter wire married at Anchor Cove, Alaska on April 28. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rasmussea. friends of the bridegroom. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Hughet of Burns, Ore.,- snd the bride groom is the son of Mr. a a d Mrs. Elmer Katter of Independ ence. Mrs. Katter was employed by the sUte department of ag riculture at Salem before going to Anchorage vU Pacific North ern Airways to be wed. Mrs. Kstter Is employed aa a sur veyor with Yett & Conley Con struction company about 230 miles from Anchorage. Mr. and Mrs. Katter pUn on stay ing in Alaska this summer. turning to the SUtes some time in the fall. The new home ad dress of the Katters U: c-o Yett &. Conley, Pouch No. T, An chorage, Alaska. -a a a f Miss Hartzell Is . Elected by Group . Miss Beverly Hartzell was elected second vice president of district No. 10 of Credit women's Breakfast clubs at a convention, in Victoria, B. C, earlier this month. The an nouncement was made at tht Salem club meeting Tuesday morning when delegates gave their reports. . The Salem group received the first place bulletin award at the conference. Miss Char- lene Churchill edlU the local publication. , the Marion hotel. Reservations may be made with Miss Nancy Stuart, director of alumni af fairs at Willamette. Prices Good Through Friday' 49cVolut GOLF BALLS Toiletry $3.53 Swiffs Conned Swift's Premium All Meat; Me loot Ready Cooked Vi Lbi. Etch Toiletry fO THMIFJY tUTflS Si UlN.Lieetty Wt Besert tht Klghl te Limit Quantities Mrs. McKay Home Being welcomed back to Sa lem for a visit U Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of the Secretary of tha Interior. She arrived at her home here Monday night Secretary McKay, Oregon's for mer governor, will arrive Fri day. He is due for several ad dresses and public appearances la Oregon. During their stay bare they are visiting their sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wsyne Hadley and Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green. Spinsters Club Spinsters club met Monday evening st the home of Miss Sue Rawlinson. Miss Phyllis Johnsen and Mrs. Charles Flit ton as co-hostesses. Reports were given on the recent suc cessful silver tea and pUns for early summer were discussed. Next meeting U set for June 13. The Monday meeting was the first for the new officers head ed by Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr., as president. . a'a a- - Piano Recital ' Miss Alice Arnold will pre sent her piano studenU in a recital at the Stone Piano com pany Thursday, Msy 28, st 7:45 p.m. - ' Jsnie Baker will appear in two ballet numbers. Participating will be: Dale Nelson, Linda Trommlitz, Daphne Gehlar, Donna Scherf, Jeannlt Jacobs, Patty Karnes, Carolyn Mass, Carolyn Beaver, Linda Moore, Susan Holland, Helen Jacobsen, Sheryl Boese, Dora Jandera, Roll In Beaver, Judy Dick, Janice Long, Anne Boudreau, Janice Holland, Ja nit Baker, Rita Buckner, Bev erly Walls. laULTS MUTT CEHTB Do All Types ef Pemanents I Celt Wave Capitol Shoppim Can far For Dbcorw)f Variety 2c WAXED COLO MINK PAPER cups rkg.ofts 2.35c Variety - Reg. 95c a HILLS BROS., MANNING'S MJB or GOLDEN WEST COFFEE Toiletry 7 $) 991 Wednesday. May 27. 1951 OSC Group Entertained More than 125 parents and guests attended tht annual no host dinner meeting at tha Mayflower hall, Monday eve nlng. Thirty-four mothers and fathers whose children will be in Oregon SUtt next year war present. Guesto were intro duced by Douglas Chambers,' , msster of ceremonies and speaking were Miss Mary T Bash. OSC dean of women f C. F. Feike, representing tha Oregon SUte College .Dad's club; Miss Martha Morton, as ilstant dean of women; Dr. -Walter E. Snyder, superintend' ent of Salem schooU. i The main address was by Dr.' Dsn W. Poling, desn of men. He ssked parents to give any information about their chil dren which may be of help to the faculty and student. He' expUined the OSC Federation,' in which there are represenU' tions from the Dad's club,' Mother's club, Alumni and un3 dergraduate studenU to pool their projecU in counties for scholarships and other assist- ance. Such federation meetings are to be held in each county in Oregon. Last year the SUte Mother's club gave II scholar-'' ships at $169 each. i0 The Mothers club new of-' ficers installed by Mrs. O. I." Paulson, past state president, were: Mrs. Carl J. Wendt, pres-r ident; Mrs. Stan Baker, vice" , president; Mrs. Jsmes Keyes,'' secretary; Mrs. Karl Heinleln, treasurer, and Mrs. Edwin r Johnsen, corresponding secre- Ury. The no-host dinner com-'" mittee was hesded by Mrs.;' Wayne Gordon and Mrs. Wal ter Nelson. Cherry City Electric 331 Chemeketa PhtM 24762 Day, My 10 Res nccat Motel Vaoos 35' Cone Shape Flat Bottom $1.29 METAL PICNIC HAMPER ColorM SIS' Vsriety Pound '' Open Fri. Till 9 'as C, SUiartaa Oraraa ! . r.